Newspaper Page Text
___ __ ■ • Classified Business Directory ARCHITECTS BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. Architects—Engineers 208 Merchants Bank Bldg. Phone 617 Brownsville, Texas mmmmrn - ——mmmmmm* G. HOLLIDAY * * # itect and Builder 409 >tate Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 R, NEWELL WATERS Architect B-12 Security State Bank Building Weslaco, Texas E. B. GORE Civil and Consulting Engineer Room 408. State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville, Texas. Pbone 1077. BUILDERS—CONTRACTORS G. E. Miller TILE DRAINAGE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEER P. O. Address R. F. D. No. 1 San Benito Telephone 6005 F 12 PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractors 528 Washington St. Brownsville, Texas Phone 627 CASH REGISTERS NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. Registers bought, sold and exchanged W. E. Sanders. Representative Phone 29. Harlingen. Tex. Box 905 DRAY—TRANSFER Mason Transfer & Grain Co. BONDED WAREHOUSE SEEDS OF ALL KINDS Light and Heavy Hauling WE MOVE ANYTHING 1105 Adams. Phone 139 STIN TRANSFER COMPANY Crating, Shipping. Hauling Phones 421 and 519 Jones Transfer & Storage Co. Storing, moving, crating and shipping. Local and long dis tance hauling. Daily motor freight service between all Valley points, Harlingen, Brownsville, Edinburg. Office 1259 Levee Phone 787 Truck leaves Brownsville 11:30 Daily _ “ FLORISTS % THE FLOWER SHOP Cut flowers, pot plants, funerai designs and bouquets 1254 Elizabeth St. Phone 1388 BCWYER THE FLORIST, flowers and funeral designs. St. Charles I and Pita streets. Phone 771. i HOTELS—CAFES Sensible Satisfactory Service Almost Immediate Always Immaculate You’ll catch him at the WHITE KITCHEN The Popular Place for Business Lunches. 12th between Elizabeth and Washington. Hat Renovating First Class Hat Renovating & Shoe Repairing Delta Shoe & Hat Shop We Call for and Deliver Phone 535 ' INSURANCE W. B.'CLINT INSURANCE SURETY BONDS 208-9 Merchants National Bank PHONE 6 / _ Try a herald Classified Ad INSURANCE LOANS Build, Buy or Refinance. Insurance Surety Bonds D. L. WELCH No. 19 Arcade Bldg. Phone 1410 FINANCIAL LOANS On Improved residence and business property. Todd and Underwood 1057 Levee St. Brownsville, Texas. MATTRESS RENOVATING Let Us Renovate ,Your Mattress We make mattresses to order. All * repair work guaranteed SOMMERS 12th and Adams Phone 674 MILL WORK HOMER L. FITCH Planing Mill and Cabinet Work Bank, store and office fixtures. End of West 7th St. Our estimates mean your orders t OFFICE EQUIPMENT ART METAL FILING Equipment Maverick-Clarke Litho Co. 208 Merchants National Bank Phone 617—Brownsville Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVE’S STATIONERY & BOOK STORE Brownsville, Texas FUNERAL DIRECTORS ROOFING THE TURNER BROWNSVILLE ROOFING CO., Inc. We respectfully solicit your re-roofing as well as new. Eighth and Railroad Brownsville. Tex. Phone 1163 TYPEWRITERS DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange (Brownsville’s Typewriter House) Distributors. New L. C. Smith “Si lent” 8 and Late Corona 4 type writers. Also sell Royal Portables and “Factory” Rebuilts—all makes. We repair all makes typewriter and adding machines. 1112 Elizabeth St. Phone 1105. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER SALES CO. Typewriters—Adding Machines Supplies—Repairs Phone 506—Harlingen PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEYS Davenport, West and Ransome Attorneys at Law 307-308 Merchants National Bank Brownsville. Texas H. B. GALBRAITH Attorney* at Law Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville, Texas J. T. Canales C. S. Eldman, Jr. CANALES AND EIDMAN Attorneys at Law Real Estate a Specialty 303 Merchants National Bank Brownsville, Texas H. L. Yates Attorney at Law State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville RALPH A. DUNKELBERG Attorney at Law Commercial Collections a Specialty 106 Seabury, George ahd Taylor Building Brownsville, Texas CHIROPRACTOR M. Cook, D. C. CHIROPRACTOR Nerv-O-Meter Service State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville. Texas Room 405 Phone 703 EL VIBRA SYSTEM USED _REAL ESTATE LOS EBANOS Brownsville’s Supreme Residential District, carefully restricted, com pletely improved. Home sites from $1200.00, easy terms. James-Dickin son Co., Realtors, corner Travelers Hotel Bldg, Brownsville, AUTOMOTIVE /R&Un-QKthat ™>" 10th & Adams THREE DAYS FREE TRIAL. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE. Chevrolet Coupe—1928 .$465 Chevrolet Coupe—1927 . 345 Ford Roadster—1925 . 125 Chevrolet Coach—1927 . 365 Chevrolet Sedan—1927 . 435 Ford Delivery—1926 . 200 Chevrolet Landau Sedan—1927 . 465 Chevrolet Sedan—1926 . 300 Chevrolet Touring—1927 . 285 Ford Coupe—1926 . 200 STEVENSON MOTOR CO, INC. TWO BARGAINS # 1925 Nash 2-door; new paint, top and teat covers; good rub ber; mechanically right..$500 1925 Dodge Sedan .$400 CASH TRADE TERMS BROWNSILLE NASH CO. 1327 Levee Phone 1366 0-332 AUTO REPAIRING NASH OWNERS Have your repair work done by ex perienced Nash mechanics. We carry a complete line of parts. BROWNSVILLE NASH CO. 1327 Levee. Phone 1366. PERSONAL RESPONSIBLE gentleman desires to go to Chicago by auto ladter part of June. Pay part of operating expenses. Can drive, except Model T Ford. Ad dress P-187, care Herald. P-187 BUT OR EXCHANGE IE AGS WANTED Will pay 5c per pound for CLEAN COTTON RAGS HERALD ‘ PRESSROOM LOST AND FOUND NO DISSATISFACTION with rooms, apartments or Jobs would exist if ev eryone made use of the classified ads. HfcLP WANTED WANTED — Experienced stenographer and bookkeeper. Girl preferred. Must understand Spanish. Apply Garcia Gomez <fc Co., warehouse office. Phone 616. __ P-219 WANTED—Man who knows farm life to travel in country. Steady work. Good profits. McConnon <Ss Co., Dept. B 297. Memphis, Tenn. P-97 PILOT WANTED I want to employ the services of a pilot acquainted with the Gulf Coast along the east shore of Mexico from the Rio Grande south 600 or 700 miles during the month of June. Expect to make a trip down the coast in 70-foot yacht on fishing and hunting expe dition. Pilot must know openings. My boat is new with Diesel power and ! seaworthy, draws 5 feet water, fuel ca pacity about 1.500 miles. Reply by letter giving age, experience, knowl edge and salary expected for month of June. No ladles on trip. A. F. Parker, La Ferla,, Texas. P-225 v m TODAY yesterday's advertisers in the Classified section are convinced of the quick results brought by these ads. THE HERALD has two tickets to the Capitol Theater for Jose Ceiava. Jr., 614 Washington. Must be called for be fore 6 p. m. May 1st, 1929. WANTED — American housekeeper; would consider couple: good home to right party. Apply Madam Dore, Cam eron hotel. MAN WANTED between 25 and 35. with clerking or retail store experience. About $26.50 to start. Answer to Box 626. Harlingen. Texas. P-229 COMPETENT, EFFICIENT, intelligent stenographer, capable of taking re sponsibilities. Must be energetic and have pleasing personality. Moderate salfiry to start with: promotion as rap idly as knowledge of work permits. Address P-233, care Herald. P-233 SITUATICNS WANTED YOUNG MAN wants position as time keeper with construction company or other light outside work in the Valley. References. Address P-211, care Her ald. P-211 LADY OF EDUCATION and refine ment, with experience as practical nurse, desii%s position in doctor’s or dentist’s office or as attendant to lady or small children. Address P-21S, care Herald. P-218 HOUSEWORK WANTED by American woman of good character. Telephone 436-J. P-226 BUSINESS NOTICES ON APRIL 22. 1929. Oeorge A. Cova cevich purchased the business known as the Gateway Hotel in the city of Brownsville and from said date Oeorge A. Covacevlch will operate said Gate way Hotel at the same address, but will not be responsible for any debts Incurred before April 22. 1929.— (Signed) George A. Covacevich. _ P-186 TRf.ES — SEEDS — PLANTS WASHINGTONIA and ornamental Date Palms for sale at very low price. Inquire H. F. Farnsworth, Olmito. __ . P-189 live stock—poultry BABY CHICKS—Now booking orders for early delivery. Reds, Rocks. Leg horns. Hatch every Wednesday. Bring your custom hatching eggs every Mon day. Roy E. Clark Seed Co, San Be nito. Texas. M-137 i * \ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE—Bill’s Cafe at 7th and Jackson, opposite S. P. freight depot. Good reason for Belling. P-95 HAMBURGER STAND doing good bus iness. Only one of its kind in Brownsville. Good chance for some one. 1126 Washington. P-232 _MISCELLANEOUS LADIES' HOSE mended: runs, pulls and snags. Valley Hose Mending Co., 745 Elizabeth. 1-198 SEVERAL GOOD JOBS will be filled today by those who have carefully watched the “Help Wanted” column in Classified Section. ARTICLES FOR SALE R. C. A. RADIO No. 25 for sale. Good condition. 1309 W. Elizabeth street. Phone 785. P-85 FOR SALE New stock of plumbing and plumbing supplies of all kinds; also soil pipe and fittings, whole sale and retail. Sampson Machinery & Supply Co. Houston, Texas FOR SALE—Utilator garden tractor; fine condition; 300-gallon wagon tank. Phone 847-W. P-185 NEW EMERSON PIANO—Big discount. Easy terms. Phone 868-M. or P. O. Box 562, Bronsvllle, F. D. Hambly. P-234 FOR SALE — Corona standard-four black portable typewriter. Not yet year old, in excellent condition. Phone 157, San Benito, or call at 627 N. Sam Houston Blvd., San Benito. P-236 WANTED TO BUY MERCHANTS PRODUCE CO., Parsons, Kans. Wants beans, tomatoes, okra, bell peppers. English pease, black-eye peas. Quote best prices on what you have. P-132 REAL ESTATE ' For Sub-Division 160 Acres Located 4 blocks trom the high school and closer to Brownsville than the exclusive Los Ebanos Subdivision. Winding resaca run ning through property offering natural lake front sites for sub division. This property Is for sale by owners and can be bought at a very attractive price. Henson-Lo max & Houston and Brownsville ! Development Co, REAL ESTATE INVESTIGATE SUMMIT PLACE THEN INVEST In Brownsville’s new business and res idential 6ub-dlvlslon. located on 13th and 14th streets, one mile from Gate way Bridge! on the main thoroughfare leading to the proposed ship channel, municipal airport, rich farming dis trict of El Jaradln. and Boca Chtca Bach. Easy terms. Office 14th and Hays streets. J. J. Dalles, sales mana ger, phone 336, Brownsville, Texas. * P-25 OWNER MUST SELL at once beautiful “Los Ebanos’’ lot at sacrifice. Terms can be arranged. Call Phone 1393-W. WANTED—Home builder or developer to take full charge or Join in develop ment of one of the best located sub divisions In the Valley. Small amount of capital required. Address “Owner," P-197, Herald, Brownsville, Texas. P-197 20 acres good Irrigated land In El Jardln, well drained; price $100.00 per acre, good terms. Phone 450; write P. O. Box 703, Brownsville. Texas. _ 0-13 FARMS FOR SALE 16 acres near Brownsville, all In cuitvtatlon, good house; about three acres bearing grove, good citrus land. Price $12,500.00, good terms. Phone 1234-W. P. O. Box 133, Brownsville, Texas. 0-14 . ———————— 300 Acres Cleared Situated within six blocks of the El Jarain Hotel. This property offers a wonde r f u 1 opportunity for an in dustrial sub-division or for small acreage sub division for grapefruit. Considered the highest spot in Brownsville. For sale by OWNER at $600.00 per acre. Price and terms to suit. Re lease clauses on either lots or acreage. Henson Lomax-Hous ton and Brownsville Develop ment Co., Brownsville, Texas. FOR 8ALE BY OWNER—Sixteen acre farm with eight-room house, five and a fraction miles from Brownsville, near good school, about 200 yards from con crete highway. Reasonable price and terms. Address P. O. Box 831, Browns ville. Texas. N-64 TWO CHOICE pieces of 'citrus land under irrigation, with bearing grove on each place; will sell for $275 per acre; also 400 acres of unimproved citrus land at a bargain. One ten acre tract of orchard in El Jardln dis trict can be bought cheap. Address owner. Box P-140, Herald. P-140 POTATO LAND—For sale, 30 acres of potato land fronting on Rio O'.a.ide River; none better for beans or pota toes. Hays Mitchell. Room 5, Battles B]|dg., San Benito, Texas. P-217 i . 1 FARMS FOR SALE 10-ACRE MATURE ORCHARD at half value; 1-4 mile from main highway; Ideal location; splendid crop fruit on trees; terms on one-half. Updegraff, La Ferla, Texas. P-231 FOR 8ALE—One-half acre on highway between Harlingen and San Benito with 5-room modern house, double garage, and other exceptional features. A bargain. Ira T. Baize, 235 Baker Bldg., Harlingen. P-227 LOTS FOR SALE ELIZABETH STREET LOT. West Brownsville, for sale at sacrifice for cash. Call 1398-W. P-82 AUCTION SALE * Wednesday, May 1st, 1:30 P. M. Ten choice lota In the Alt&mlra Addi tion In West McAllen. Theae lots all have three-year-old citrus trees grow ing and have all modern conveniences. Coble St Ralston. Real Estate Auction eers, Osborn Bldg., McAllen, Texas. P-209 t LLOYD EDWARDS. Headquarters Troop, Fort Brown, If you will call at The Herald office before 6 p. m. May 1st, 1929, we will give you two tickets to the Capitol Theater. BARGAIN—Lot, house and other Im provements; all $650. Phone 1185-W. P-178 FOR SALE—22 lots seven blocks from main business center. Price $7,500 cash. This best buy in Harlingen* Ira T. Baize, 235 Baker Bldg., Harlingen. P-227 $350 BUYS 1-2 interest In Point Isabel business lot. Cash or terms; balance two years. Box P-235, Herald. P-235 HOUSES FOR SALE SACRIFICE—2 modern new homes. 5 rooms, bath, hot water. Beautiful light fixtures. Including extra plug for radio. See Mrs. Florence Stafford, owner. Hayes and 17th Sts., Victoria Heights. Phone 1075-M. 0-203 FOR SALE OR RENT CHEAP—Four room house. Phone 1020-W. P-125 FOR SALE—My new 5-room home on 50 by 120 foot lot, located at 1330 W. Washington St. Automatic gas water heater, breakfast room, Inlaid linoleum In bathroom and kitchen, built-in tub, light fixtures, gas wall heaters, window shades furnished, fenced-ln back yard with bearing citrus trees. Terms like rent. Phone 955-J or see W. A. Rasco. P-165 OWNER LEAVING TOWN will Bell at bargain one 5-room and one 6-room modern home. On paved street in cool, lovely residential section. Box 654, Brownsville. P-127 FOR SALE—Modern new home, 6 rooms, bath, hot water, garage; cor ner Leeve and 19th street, West Brownsville. Small down payment, balance like rent. T. Aziz, phone 502 or 694. P-138 1354 W. WASHINGTON—Will take light car as part payment. Phone 820-J. P-222 LESS THAN COST—Must be sold; Best material and workmanship, 6-room brick veneer, select oak floors, textone finish, tile bath, double garage. Also 5-room and 3-room tile stuccos, best location, Harlingen. Will trade. Own er. 401 E. Lincoln, P. O. Box 591, Harlingen. P-221 BUV OR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE—Small farm less than six miles from Brownsville near good school and concrete road. Will exchange for vacant lota or improved residence property. Address, Owner, P. O. Box 831. Brownsville, Texas. K34 FOR SALE OR TRADE—Six-apartment bldg., furnished. $14,500; 2‘i-acre bear ing orchard with seven-room modern house adjoining McAllen, $67,500. Im proved Valley farm, very choice, 120 acres, $24,000. Write F. G. Collins, owner, McAllen, Texas. P-230 WANTED—REAL ESTATE WANTED TO BUY or lease for term of years, a farm close to Brownsville suitable for dairy herd of one hundred | cows. Must be on or near pavement. Address P-228, care Herald. P-228 RENTALS FOR RENT—Store rooms In Stegman building. Bert Cromack. M-56 APARTMENTS COLONIAL APARTMENTS—Apartment vacancy. 1523 West Elizabeth street. Call 1173-W. P-142 MAY-DAY APARTMENT—CooL con^ venlent. modern, ideal location. Com pletely furnished, electric refrigerator, gas, hot water, garage. 139 Wash ington. Phone 714. P-158 ALONSO APARTMENTS—Nicely fur nished. Corner Sixth and Levee. Phone 839. P-203 FURNISHED or unfu. v *d upstairs apartment, modern, r- ' v -. bath. 1517 Madison. 0-64 APARTMENT for rent on pav'c- street. Lights, water and gas furnished. All conveniences. Phone 429 0-279 NICE. COOL 3-room apartment; suit able for couple; private home. Phone 865-W. P-199 4-ROOM APARTMENT, private bath, hot water. Corner Adams and. Boule vard. Phone 764. * P-156 MORRIS APTS.—Furnished and unfur nished. Modern, with garage. Summer rates. D. L. Welch. Phone 1410-848W. N-17 SWEENY APARTMENTS—Extra cool apartment vacant; modern; well fur nished; electric refrigeration; garage; maid service; everything for house keeping. First and Adams. Phone 1038-W. * P-170 FOR RENT—Furnished apartments. Telephone 1148-W. P-62 FOR RENT — Comfortable furnished apartment, kitchen with breakfast nook, tub and shower bath, large bed room and private hall, very desirable for couple. Reasonable. Call 1173-W. P-172 Tunkin Apartments Two blocks east of High School on Palm Blvd; 4-room apartments, strict ly modern, beautifully furnished; electrical refrigeration, overstuffed living room suites, walnut bedroom suites, walnut bedroom suites, fire places and garages. Open for inspec tion. PHONE 1254-W P-55 VERY COOL 3-room south apartment. Everything furnished, $30. Telephone 946-W. * P-171 « APARTMENTS FURNI'TED APARTMENTS—1007 St. Charles St. Phone 351. P-3 2-ROOM completely furnished apart ment; vacant Wednesday. 132 W. Levee. Mrs. Mary E. Collins. P-223 FURNISHED ROOMS ROOMS, one block from postoffice, one block from El Jardln hotel; large, southern exposure; reasonable. Phone 1226-W or 1317. M-215 NICELY FURNISHED com rooms, close In. 1023 St. Charles St. P-58 TWO NICE southeast bedrooms and ?&arTtment- 1022 St. Charles. Phone 928-J • LARGE COOL BED ROOM—Also two room apartment. 912 Levee street. Phone 1226-J. P-65 I ROOMS AND APTS—Reasonable rates Glenwood Hotel. Phone 619. BEDROOM In private family. 904 Adams 8t. $2.50 per week. P-1S3 _ROOM ANlTBOARD HOME COOKING—First-class room and board; $10 week; near postoffice. 924 Elizabeth. Phone 1014-R. p-83 _HOUSES ^nPLEX town vacant “aLi' ?3' 50 per month- Phone 846-J or 708;_p-8i NEW FIVE-ROOM unfurnished duplex Paved street, garage. 1132 W. Washington. Phone 24. P-109 FOR RENT—New 5-room house, bath, fLc Ps water heater, shades vVtriv!s4iedL hnoleum in bathroom and kitchen, built-in cabinets in kitchen large cool bedroom, fenced-in back -'ard- C°?.cr.ete waIk and drive; $40 Phone 9o5-J or call at 1330 W. Wash lngton street. P-JMS Dath’ Iar*e sleeping West Second8 Mrm. St' CharIes p_an0d __ P-203 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The City of Brownsville will re ceive sealed bids up until 10 a. m. May 3, 1929, addressed to the Hon. A. B. Cole for the construction of un-,oPnex t0 the Administration building including electrical and plumbing work located at the Mu nicipal airport. Also, bids will be received for the electrical and plumbing work separate. A certified check to the amount of two per cent of the bid addressed and made payable to the mayor will be required with the bid. The city reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. Plans and specifications are on file with the city architect, Ben V. Procter, and can be had upon ap plication. A. E. MUNDAY, City Secretary. 4-20 to 29-3405. THE STATE OF TEXAS To the Sheriff or any Constable of Cameron County, Greeting: You are hereby commanded to cause the following notice to be pub- j lished in a newspaper of general i circulation which has been con tinuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one year preceding the date of the no tice in the County of Cameron, State of Texas, and you shall cause said notice to be printed at least once each week for a period of ten days exclusive of the first day of publication before the return day hereof: NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PROBATE OF WILL THE STATE OF TEXAS. To all persons interested in the estate of C. S. Jones, Deceased. Minerva M. Jones has filed in the County Court of Cameron County, an application for the Probate of the last Will and Testament of said C. S. Jones, Deceased, filed with said application, and for Letters Testa mentary which will be heard at the next term of said Court, commenc ing on the first Monday in June A. D. 1929, the same being the Third day of June A. D. 1929, at the Court House thereof, in Brownsville, Tex as, at which time all persons inter ested in said Estate may appear and coptest said application, should they desire to do so. Herein Fail not, but have you be fore said Court on the said first day of the next term thereof this Writ, with your return thereon, showing how you have executed the same. Given under my hand and the seal of said Court, at office in Brownsville, Texas, this the 27th day of April, A. D. 1929. (SEAL) H. D. SEAGO, Clerk, County Court, Cameron County, Texas. ty O. F. Brenner, Deputy. 0. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE OF SALE The undersigned, assignee of the Eastern Seed and Paint Company operating a paint and wall paper store at McAllen will offer for cash on written and sealed bids to the highest bidder on May 6. 1929; bids will be received till 11 a. m. May 6, 1929, for the following assets: Mer chandise from 50 of Sherwin-Wil liams paint, wall paper, brushes, picture mouldings, spray parts, seeds, $4348.85. Ford delivery truck, furniture and fixtures, $1510,88. Ac counts receivable, $1731.55. Reserv ing the right to reject any and all bids. Bids will be received covering the merchandise, furniture, fixtures, and also our acounts receivable sep arately or all together. All mer chandise in good, clean, salable con dition. Certified check for $250 will be required of each bidder. Copy of inventory may seen at 2501 North 10th, McAllen, Texas, care of E. E. Renfro ,or stock inspected at place of business, McAllen, on May 3 and 4, 1929. (Signed) P. E. Dietz, Assignee, 2501 N. 10th St., McAllen, Texas. Cameron Courts ———————————— Suits filed in the district courts None. 28TH DISTRICT COURT Hon. A. W. Cunningham, Judge No orders. 103RD DISTRICT COURT Hon. A. M. Kent, Judge No orders. .. COUNTY COURT Hon. Oscar Dancy, Judge Suits filed None. — - ■ ■ COUNTY COURT AT LAW Hon- John Kleiber, Judge No orders. — MARRIAGE LICENSES None. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS (Furnished by Valley Abstrict Co.) Cameron County Buena Vista Burial Park associa tion to C. L. Hunter, lot 378, Grace land section, containing 165 square feet, Buena Vista Burial Park, $99. Louis A. Ro v.’rd to Valley Devel opment, Inc., all block 5, Howasd’s Dixieland Heights adaiuon 2, sur vey 44, $10. Valley Development, Inc., to BcnJ. L. Goff, block 5, Howards Dixie land Heights addition 2, survey 44, $5,430. Louis A. Howard lo Valley De velopment, Inc., all block 4. How ard’s Dixieland Heights addition 2. out cf survey 44, $10. Valley Development. Inc., to H. S. Harper et ux, block 4. Howard’s Dixieland Heights addition 2, $5,490. Samuel Kellum et ux to Ernest Barth, block 1, Orange Heights ad dition, Harlingen, $10. John B. Restau et ux to Albin Swanson, lots 1 and 2, block 207, San Benito Land and Water Co, Con. de Carricitos grant, $2,500. W. E. Collins to Charles J. Miles et ux, east half lot 11 and all lots 12, 13, 14, block 14, Townsite La Paloma $260 . W. M. Stoner et ux to W. G. Luckenge. west part block 19, El Jardin subdivision, share 27, Esp. Santo grant. $1. E. J. Tucker et ux to J. G. Fer nandez lots 5 and 6, block 108-A, Brownsville. $4,500. Cuates Development Co. to Ed Iward Schuetz et ux. north half lots 27 of block 3, plat 3, Citrus Gar dens subdivision, share 27, Esp. Santo grant, plat 8-19, $4000. H. C. Harding, trustee, to Cuates Development Co. north half lot 27, block 3, plat 3, Citrus Gardens sub division, share 27, Esp. Santo grant $10. Cuates Development Co. to Frank J. Feldt, lot 18. block 1, plat 4, Cit rus Gardens subdivision, share 43 of share 19, Esp. Santo grant, 8-27, $3,224.04. H. C. Harding, trustee, to Cuates Development Co., lot 18, block 1. plat 4, Citrus Gardens subuivision, share 43 of share 19 sp. Santo grant. $10. Valley Development, Inc., to J. T. Morrissett, south 10.445 acres block 51, Kempner Citrus Grove suod;-^ vision, share 12, $7,207. / S ^ E. J. Williams et ux to P Prickett et al south 14.12 block 76, Hooks and Hodges sub division 1, La Feria grant, $10. P. R. Prickett et al to L. J. Lyon, lot 11, block 2, Austin Acres, Har lingen. J. F. Ratliff et ux to J. W. Price, lot 7, eleventh addition, San Be nito, $1,233.50. A. E. Stephenson et ux to Joseph H. Kavalkowski west 20 acres block 222, San Benito Irrigation Co., Esp. Santo grant, share 1. $10. Port Isabel Irrigation Co. to Emma A. Simpson, south 6.83 acres block 4. Port Isabel Irrigation Co., share 32, unit 2. Bayview Citrus Groves subdivision, Esp. Santo grant, $8,537.50. A. F. Parker to Samuel Robb et al, farm tract 175. Coast Land Farm subdivision 3. Buena Vista grant, plat 8-53, $8,300.05. Hidalgo County Mestenas Water Co. to J. C. En gelman, Jr., south 5 acres of north 5 acres of lot 13, block 88, Mo-Tex, $10. D. F. Strickland to Lee Minner, lots 7, 10, block 8, Wes taddition, $10. C. A. Patrick to Harry B. Cruick shank lots 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, block 80. Willis addition, Edinburg, $10. J. L. Gray et ux to Amy Hahn, lot 2, block 2. Alta Mira, $10. Mestenas Water Co. to J. C. En gelman 5 acres of lot 13, block 53, Mo-Tex, $10. J. A. Myers to Eva I. Neese, north 17.24, acres of FT. 160 West tract, $10. J. C. Engelman, Jr., to W. C. Bo land 5 acres of lot 13, block 88. Mo-Tex, $2,750. Progreso Development Co. to Paul K. Cramblet, lot 39, Llar.o Grande subdivision, $10. Mrs. L. 8. Baker et vir to Mrs. A. F. Hatfield, lot 11. 12, block 882, Edinburg, $10. J. C. Engelman. Jr., to John Fa ber, 5 acres of lot 9 block 87, Mo Tex, $10. Mrs. A. F. Hatfield to T. C. John son, lot 11, 12, block 382 Edinburg, $10. j Prdgreso Development Co. to StellaY Kelsey, north 2.54 acres of south ,754 acre of lot 57, Llano Grande subdivision, $10. Bert Moore to Eha Lott Moore, part of lot 188, por. 69-70, $10. W. R. Hansen t oFred Widamier, 16.88 acres out of northeast come* of lot 2. block 278. Edinburg, $10. •PERSONALS _ E Charles Celaya has returned from 3 Spain, where he went to secure de- a positions in the San Roman heirship < erse. Mr. and Mrs. H. E.Cornell of New Orleans arrived this morning and are guests at El Jardin. C. R. King is here from Oklahoma . City. 5 John A. Steele, of the Pan-Ameri- 1 can airways, is here from New York, i Horace Boyett, of McAllen, Sallle , Boyett, of Bryan. Anna Mae Evans , and L. H. Vandiver of Pharr, were . in towns Sunday. * Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Collins are n here from Houston, and are at El j Jardin. j H. E. Gray is here from Houston. W. A. Mears of Dallas is in town. / J. C. Downey, of Fort Worth is i here. Ray Leeman, is here from Corpus < Christi. ( H. Goodman, of San Antonio is in j, the city. » E. W. Alexander of San Antonio, came in Sunday . Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Russi, of 6aa Antonio, are guests at El Jardin. Tho. H. Hall is here from Heu^ ton. H. H. Burrell arrived from Mexico City Sunday, and is at El Jardin. Mrs. H. E. Brown. Mrs. G. B. Hol lom. Mrs. Chas. McMahon, and V. H. Maxie, all of Tusla, Okla., are in the city for a visit, and are at El Jardin. Miss Dicie Collins is here from Dallas. Ashley Wilson is here from Wel lesley, Mass. Roland Simms, of San Antonio ar rived Sunday. M. Tully, and John Cameron are here from Nogales, Ariz. C. A. Morgan and Antonio Rassa of McAllen, spent Sunday here. W. Sanders, of San ^ntonio, Js town. . - Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Blood, of Mis sion, were guests at the Travelers Sunday. Geo. Baldus is here from San An- ; tonio. Leo M. Gadden is here from - Houston. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Magill of , Houston, are at the Travelers. F. H. Braun, of San Antonio is In ; the city. J. E. Thomas, of Oklahoma City, ■ is visiting here. | S. L. Patteson, of Miami, Fla., . is a guest at the Travelers. Luis Carrillo, of Matamoros, is in : the city for a day or two, and is ! stopping in the Travelers. F. A. Harden is here from San ; Antonio. Ranchers Ask Money For Extermination Of Predatory Game AUSTIN. April 30. —(A*) —The ! "money’’ committees of the two houses of the legislature today had ; the habits of the bobcat and golden eagle to consider along with the financial ailments of state institu- ; tions. A group of sheep and goat raisers appeared last night before the sen ate finance committee and the house apropriations committee and asked for $100,000 each year during the next biennium to make life mis erable for predatory animals and rodents. Ranges infested with loboes. bob cats, coyotes, prairie dogs, golden eagles, mountain lions and wildcats were a most unhealthy environment for sheep, goats, turkeys and chick ens, they agreed. Storms Again Hit Texas Taking One Life Near Marlin DALLAS. April 30.—(/Pi—Storms struck Texas again late yesterday but administered relatively light blows. One life, however, was lost, Frank Kanieske, 22, lineman, being elec trocuted in attempting to repair a. 'iroTto’Tvn down at Marlin.. *£9 i?$■ nest damage was around > * where many telephone poles 1 ^tre broken and a largrf area ot growing crops wre slashed by haiL A section of a residence was car ried away and a garage was blown down. A number of outbuildings were unroofed. Crops in the Bremond section al most were destroyed, and some damage also was done to buildings by the wind and hail. No serious impedient to wire ser vice was noted. Goolsby Resignation May Be Reconsidered By S. B. Commission (Special to The Herald.) SAN BENITO, April 30.—Possi bility that acceptance of the resig nation of Chief of Police J. A. Goolsby of San Benito, who has held the post here for nine years, will be reconsidered was indicated in rumors here early this week, al though members of the city com mission would make no official statement concerning it. The resignation is scheduled to take effect May 1. and was accepted by the city commission at an execu tive session by a vote of 3 to 2. Considerable agitation has been created in San Benito concerning the resignation of the veteran police officer, a petition said to bear the signatures of 1200 residents of the city having been presented to the city commission, asking that the resignation be not accepted. MALLORY LINES WATCH PORT LETTER SHOWS — SAN BENITO. April 30.—Such steamship lines as the Mallory Lines are evidencing interest in the new port of Point Isabel—San Be nito navigation district, a letter from the executive vice president of that line to J. E. Bell, chamber A of commerce secretary here, shows. M The letter, from Johnn E. Craig, M states that the Mallory lines ar^B. watching port developments in thij^n section, and asks that the concergf||| be advised as to developments Mpjj port facilities of the Valley, M ■_