OCR Interpretation

Brownsville herald. [volume] (Brownsville, Tex.) 1910-current, May 02, 1929, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063730/1929-05-02/ed-1/seq-7/

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Thumbnail for SEVEN

Not With Trumpets Loudly Sounding, But With Cheap Prices
Lowly Waving.
Yes, Madam! Yes, My honorable Sir! We admit it. We know
it. Everybody knows it. Friends know it. The “gang”
knows it. “Cuty” knows it. All the world knows that “Sole
Owner” is “gayly marching.”
“Sole Owner” pays his way for victory with the cheapest
prices of the entire world.
If you are a sore-head, you will not like anything that “Sole I
Owner” says to you today. I
If you are a dunce-head, you will meander up to the counter of I
your favorite clerk and pay several nickels and dimes just to I
let him smile at you and say: “What next, please?” 1
Don’t fuss because the crowds are large, but be happy that I
“Sole Owner” is putting his ne w business across in such grand 1
style. I could not do it without the big crowds. I
Now I Am Counting on all of You Coming to Save Your Money I
and Help Break Another Record in Sales |
Angel Food FLOUR
24-Pound Sack.95c
12-Pound Sack.48c
6-Pound Sack.26c
1\g^\ Merry War,
hYU j Cans..
IB SOAP x,r-ph** 32c | SALMON '* 24c |
nnnmiiiTirrwimMMMMMMMMMBMWMMiMmmi—ir innr TBiiiBmi rmf■ ■■—■■■■ i■■ ■ ■ mii n i m mumw -...mm ■■ ■ ..———m Qj
Peas & Pork ar~ 25c PEACHES s2;» 21c CELERY sr„5c I
BANANAS a- 6hc | ORANGES & 20c JAM Pa. o. 9c I
I APPLES ar 48c | COFFEE 35c I
IFolger’s Coffee ^ Meat Department I malt 49c a
POST BRAN ku 11c ig Bolognan 20c 1 SALT — ,:£l I
Tomato Loaf 28c | Minced Ham sl, 25c I Luncheon Loaf ?r„r 28c I
I| I __ _ _,__ _
BACON ::s s J 32c| BACON S b |
m ___

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