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I ^ jjj «f>r/m«nrfffff»fn>fp**»»**»**»»»,***t,*t************##*< —> Ifvalley Society j Fbone 7 p V FRIDAY CALENDAR Mrs. Morris t'Hnl is entertain ing her bridge club. Eiu«Han class at the home of Mrs. II. E. Turker. with Mrs. Bert Neil as joint hostess, 3:30 p. m. • • • 1 ’rogram Announced For Federation Arrangments are practically complete for the 28th annual con vention ot the fifth district of the Texas federation of women's clubs, which meets in Harlingen May 7 8. and 9. Host*" : chib;; are the Study club. Music Lovers club. Business and Professional Woman's club, the Woman;. Chamber of Commerce. Detptli&ns. Primera Home Demon stration club. Pahnetal Home Dem onstration club, and the Harlingen Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. Polk Hornaday is chairman of the gen eral committee on entertainment. About 150 officers and delegates, and a number of visitors are ex acted to attend the convention. Reports of committees and other routine business will be taken up during the first two days of the convention. Officers for the coming THE EASIEST WAY— fs sometimes the better way. Your soiled garments, for instance, can be marvelously renewed without work or worry, and at but slight cost. A telephone call will bring our driver to your home. Apparel that you want dry-leaned will be collected and returned to you in a short time—im laculate! Just ’phoE" it*'. t y^ar are to be elected on the final day. Several prominent club wom en are on the program as speakers. The following program has been given out by Mrs. Sam J. Smith of Austin, district president: Tuesday Morning. May Seventh 9:30-10.30 a. m — Board meeting. 9:30-11:00 a. m —Registration of delegates and visitors. 10:30 a. m —Call to order by the president. Mrs. Sam Smith. Invocation .... Rev. F. L. Batchelor [ Music_"America the Beautiful'' i Led by Mrs. F. L. Carson Address of welcome: - The club women . Mrs. J. C. Myrick The city . Mayor Sam Bott* Response . Mrs. A. C. Jones. Beeville Presentation of flag-Boy Scouts Introduction of state officers, report of committees: Rules and procedure . Mrs. Harbcrt Davenport. Browns ville. Program ... Mrs J S Mo* . Austin Madges .Mrs. L. B. Caruthers. Rio Grande City. [Transportation . |._Mrs. J. S. Peters, San Antonio Nominations . ..Mrs. John D. Finnigan. Kingsville. Resolutions .... Mrs. Wm. Gerhardt Corpus Christi, 12:10 p. m—Adjournment. Luncheon at churches to be paid for by delegates, guests and visitors. Tuesday Afternoon. May Seventh 2 00 p. m.—Call to order. Reading of minutes. Credentials .. Mrs. W H. Wcndlandt. Manor Retxirt of officers: President . . Mrs Sam J. Smith. Austin First Vice President .! Mrs. Vohiev W. Taylor. Brownsville Second Vice President .. M s. J A. Mclnnb. Georgetown Secrcta:-’-Tre i urer .•• ..Mrs. W. E. McCaleb. Austin Finance . .Mrs. ’.Valter Murray. Austin 2 30 p. m.—Recording Secretary . Mrs. C. C. Burr, Laredo Parliamentarian —.. • • • • • ■ ■ • .Mrs. W. E. Duff. Elgin Report of delegates A through E. Music: 3:30 p. m—Address—Mrs. V. R. Potter. Bowie. . , 4:00 p. m.—Report of delegates; C through K Rfiiort ol district chairman. Fifth district—Florence loan fund j_Mrs. Frank A. Tompkins. Corpus Christi Scholarships and loans—Mrs. L>. B. Randall. San Antonio. 4 30 p. m.—Department of Ameri can Citizenship. Mrs. J. T. Vance, Refugio. Co-ojieration with war veterans— Mrs. Homer Elkins. Sinton. 5 00 p. m—Adjournment. 5:00 p. m. to 7:00 p. m.-Tea at the home of Mrs. L. R. Hollinsuorth for delegates and guests. Officers and executive board and special guests entertained for stipper at Gui Reserve camp at Rio Honda as guests of executive board of Val le- federation. Fine arts evening. Tuesday, May 7, 8:00 p. m. Presiding: Mrs. Sam J. Smith. President Invocation .... Rev. W. E. Johnson Texas Poems .. .Miss Bobbie Irene Gathright Aria. "Thou Love!'- Bird,” from "La du Bezit.” by David. Homing" . Bv Delriego Mrs. Jack Cary. accompanied by Mrs. S. P-. Jennings. Piano solo .*. . Hark! Hark! the Lark!" by Shubert-Lizst. Mrs. B. Frank Hardin. Address . “What I $aw. Felt and Heard in New York.". Mrs. Percy V. Penny backer. Autsin. Wednesday Morning. May Eighth 8:30 a. nv—Call to order. Invocation. Rev. M. O. Ewing Music .... Ora 'Witte, San Antonio Reading of minutes. Report of delegates: L through Y. 9:30 a. m.—Parliamentary law.... t Mrs. R. F. Lindsay. Mr. Pleasant. 10 00 a. m.—Report of district chairman. Department of American Home Chairman—Mrs. S. J. Coleman, Bee ville. Talk—"Key Homes’. • ‘ _Mrs. J. L. Young. Mineral Wells. ! Papers by members. Home Demonstration . .Mrs. W. H. Yeager. Laredo 10:20 a. m — State Convention _Mrs. G. R. Scott. Corpus Christi Department of fine arts: Chairman—Mrs. William King. San j Antonio. Art—Mrs. J. C. Matthews San An- j tonio. 11:00 a. m. Solo .j Miss Katherine Redmond. Corpus Christi: accompanist, Mrs. Otto Mollering. 12:30 p m— Luncheon, compli mentary- of the clubs of Harlingen. J Wednesday Afternoon. May Eighth 2 p. m.—Call to order. Reading of minutes. Report of county federation chair- j man. Bastrop—Mrs. Emma S. Webb. El gin. Bee—Mrs. S. J. Coleman. Bcevillc. Bexar—Mrs. J. S. Peters. San An tonio. Caldwell—Miss Margaret Ann El liott. Lockhart. Gonzales—Mrs. W. M. Magee. I Nixon. La Salic. Wre*>b and Jim Hogg— Mrs. C. C. Burr. Laredo. Nueces— Mrs. Vincent Bluntzer . Corpus Christi. Refugio—Mrs. Harry Cummins. ■Woodsboro. San Patricio—Mrs. G. C. Conn. ' Sinton. Lee—Mrs. W A. Darter. G hidings.. Live Oak—Mrs. E. L. Riser. George j West De Witt—Mrs. J. H. Pridgen. ’ Cuero. Medina—Mrs. E. L. Reason.". De vine. .inn Wells—Mrs. J. S. Strickland. Alice. Song ...•’•••. _"Texas Land. My Texas Land. 2:30 p. m—Address.. . Mrs. Cecil Smith. Sherman 3:90 p. m.—Report of district chairman. Department of applied education: 3:30 p. m.—Deans of Women in High Schools. Miss Lila Baugh., ! Kingsville. „ . Juvenile Literature—Miss Ruby Cole. Sail Antonio. Department of conservation of I Natural Resources. Chairma n— Mrs. Karl Reed. San Benito A visit to a French chateau ar El I ?traw and type* for ced to $13.73 ! A Fashion Model’s Diary By GRACE TH0RNCL1FFE She Discusses a thnner Dress. IT ^sn't often that we have as* much excitement In the shop ms we had today. The days gener ally run along very smoothly, with customers coming in and out and orders being ouietly filled. This morning, however, something very interesting happened. It was Just before the luncheon hour, and the shop was pretty well filled. Helene and 1 were waiting on two of Madame's best customers. i noticed a slip of a girl come In an ! sit down quietly In a corner, as >1 she were citing readv to wait patiently for attention from one of us. It wasn't unusual for someone to do Just that and. had she been one of our familiar custoincrs. T probably wouldn’t have locked her way again, after greeting her. How ever. 1 had never seen her before, and ■ h* w-.>» *v*-M<*ni»rlv wet) ; dre.oset: I K-'pt glanemg m hci direction oc casionally and wishing that some body would get through soon to wait on her because 1 don’t think It is good business to keep a n»w cus tomer waiting. I noticed that she didn’t seem to mind, and thought that perhaps she was waiting to meet someone. I had Just about forgotten her. w-hen Helene nudged me in passing and said. * Sav. Grace, look wbat that girl’s doing’’* I took another good look. She had some slips of paper In her hand and seemed to be sketching. In a flash I thought she must be a designer from aome oilier shop getting id<as from our models. Of course, we can’t copyright our clothes, but we do like to keep them original and exclusive. But It turned out that she was merely a student In designing, anxi ous to get something new Into a test drawing. All this we found out later, after Madame had asked the young lady if she couldn’t serve her. The poor girl was so flabbergasted at Madame’* personal attention, that <*ho ha«tlly stammered*an explana tion and dashed out. As «he rose, she dropped a peach lllm-k Chiffon Uinnrr Frock. of a sketch of one of <Hir gowns. It was one of the smartest and most exclusive dinner gowns we've shown this season. Created In black chif fon It has long-sleeves and a deep rieeollette bark. Four rows of tucks form a moulded hip line. And the fktrt consists of twe circular tiers which dip down longer at the back. ranged by department of conserva tion of natural resources. Wesdnesday. May Eighth. 3 p. m. Presiding—Mrs. Volney Taylor. Brownsville, first vice president. Invocation _ Rev. J. S. Pearce Greetings from past presidents. .Mrs. W. H. Wentland. Manor Violin solo. "Der Sohn tier Harde" .. Kclar Bela "Souvenir"... Drdla Accompanied by Mrs. S. R. Jennings State President's Message. .Mrs. W. R. Potter, Eowue President’s message. .Mrs. Sam J. Smith. Austin Trombone solo, selected ... .Mr. Charlie Huntley Accompanied by Mr Floyd Smith Address—"World Amitv '.. .Mrs. Joseph. Austin Tuesday Morning. >l:iv Ninth 8 30 a. m.—Call o order. Invocation . Mrs. Weimer Music— Reading of minute:'. Parliamentary drill .. ..Mrs. W. E. Duif. Elgin 8 40 a. m.—-Restarts of district chairmen; depart men' of public welfare; chairman. Mrs. R. M. Waugh. Bastrop. Health . ... Mrs. J. Davie Jones. Smithville 8:45 a. m —Talk . ...Mrs. John D. Clay brook, Austin 9:20 a. m—Talk . "Community Museums, * . Mrs. Volnev Taylorc. Brownsville. Department of Legislation Chairman—Mrs. L. C. Bank . Austin Civil Service ... _Mrs. H. O. Sehalebcn. Edinburg Department of press publicity chairman. Mrs. Mollie Conner Cook Austin Department of International Rcla tions chairman. Mir-s Ora Johnson, San Antonio. Peace .. Mrs. W H. Carter. Elgin Special committee. Ciub houses . _Mrs. J. A. Pollard. Harlingen Hospitality . .Mrs. W. C. Bouidin. Luting Speaker's Bureau . Mrs. C J Martin. Rio Grande City Junior Membership . Miss Katherine Redmond, Corpus Christ i. 10:4a a. nv—Election of officers. Invitation for place of meeting for 1930. F esolut Ions <cont intied *. Introducing new officers Reading of minutes. Announcements. -God Be With You Till We Meet Again.” Benediction. Adjournment. Luncheon in Brownsville, spon : errd by Brownsville club women. • • * Informal I Top At Fort Brown About 30 couples, including a number of townspeople, participated in the informal hop at Fort Brown Officers' club Wednesday evening. Duf' to delay in completing wiring icr the tennis courts, where such hops ere usually held in summer, the guests danced inside. The hall •vas charmingly decorated with cut flowers. Mesdames Perry E. Tay lor. Clyde Massey and John P Wil ley acted as hostesses. Punch was rerved thorughout the evening, with refreshments of ice cream and cake at a lat hour. Music was furnished by the 12th cavalry orchestra. 't^Vleadowbrook tops the smartest Sports Ensembles with Hats $1 A75 Georgette over chiffon• * I If— felt*— iSZpn-cruihable^f Of exquisite suppleness, warmth of color and dressy sports manner, these arc quite the most flattering of hats that have ever moulded the heads of modern women. 16 shades'-10 mellow pastels. ■iMBLE’S 1155 Elizabeth Next to Texas Bank & Trust Co. Four Guests at Hi-Lo Meeting Mrs. Jacques was hostess to the Hi-Lo Bridge club at their regular meeting on Tuesday afternoon, with four guests, Mesdames John Hun ter. B. O. Hanna, Reed Williams, and Cuban Monsees present. Mrs. Hunter took guest trophy, and Mrs. N. E. Randall. Jr., the club award. The hostess served a salad course. Mrs. Lindsley Cleckfer is to have the club next week. • * • Comings. Goings, Of Local People Mrs. L. P. Layton left recently to to spent the summer in San An tonio. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Milde. Mrs. Pearl Nuckols. and Mrs. McLaughlin returned Tuesday from a visit to Natchez and New Orleans. Mrs. Wilbur Dennett and small daughter have just returned home after a visit to San Antonio. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Edelsteln have returned home after a visit of several days in Houston and San Antonio. P M. Lambert on. formerly of Brownsville, but now of New Or leans. who has been visiting at the heme of his son-in-law and daugh ter. Mr and Mrs. Morris Clint has returned to New Orleans. SAX PERLITA HOST TO FRIENDS Ezra Branhill delightfully enter tained a number of his schoolmates and friends Friday evening at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. Barnhill, in South San Perlita. Numerous games were enjoyed, aft er which a bonfire was made on< the spacious lawn, where the youngsters roasted welners and marshmallows. Those enjoying this pleasant occasion were: Fern Brown. Joy Clark. Viola Knox. Jean Rains, Marian Rains. Myrtle Mae Knox. Allie Alexander Gerald Bris toe. Randle Bristoe. Warren Archi bald. Almuth Gilbert. G. C. Barn hill and the young host. • • • PERSONALS | Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Penny and ! family and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Blythe enjoyed a picnic on the Ar royo near Pasa Real Sunday. • • • ORGANIZE SUNDAY SCHOOL | A Sunday school was organized ! here Sunday with a membership of ' 28 J. R. Sprouse was elected super intendent and Miss Alice Barnhill secretary treasurer. Each class ap jjointed their teacher as follows: Class No. 1. Mrs. J. H. Davis. No. 2 Mr. Audrey Fox: No. 2. Miss Hazel i Archibald; No. 4. Miss Nelle Sprouse. • • • PERSONALS Rev. and Mrs. John H. Davis ar rived here last from Miami, Fla., to make their home Reverend Davis will be pastor of the M. E. church at this place. Mrs. Lois King Parker and baby of Livingstone are here visiting Mrs. Mrs. Parker’s sister. Mrs. C. R. ’Johnson and family. R-'v. and Mrs. O. C. Crow and children of Brownsville attended church services here Sunday, at ! which time Reverend Crow address ed the newly organized Sunday S school. Mr. Dave Heath and family ar | IJ ~~~ Menus* “j ■ oM’Day _j By MRS. ALEXANDER GEORGE Menus Breakfast Orange Juicv Wheat cereal and Cream Poached Eggs on Buttered Toast Coffee Luncheon Peanut Bread Sandwiches Creamed Carrots Baked Apples Sugar Cookies Tea Dinner Asparagus and Cheere Sauce Buttered Potatoes Bread Grape Jam Head Lettuce and Olive Salad Dressing Rhubarb Pie Coffee Peanut Bread. One Loaf 3 1-2 cups flour; 3 1-2 teaspoons baking powder; 1 teaspoon salt; 2-3 cup light brown sugar; 1 egg; ----- rived here last week from Oklahoma I to make their home. Misses Mildred and Myrtle Rudd of Sarita. spent the week-end here I as guests of Miss Nelle Sprouse. D. D. Parker was a visitor in Edinbnurg Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Murphrey and son. Gilly. and family of Kingsville, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Barnhill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Belden spent Sunday afternon in Harlingen. , County fruit inspector. J. R. Smith of Raymondville was a busi ness visitor here Monday. Mrs. Koch and children were vis itors in Raymondville Sunday aft ; ernoon. j A number of young people mo tored out to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Butler Saturday, where they I spent a delightful evening. Mr. and Mrs. Obed Pyle were in Raymondville Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Iborn Knox moved to Raymondville Monday, where Mr. Knox has employment with the road construction company. Arthur Sprouse and sister. Nelle. accompanied by their house guests. Misses Mildred and Myrtle Rudd, attended an entertainment in Se bastian Saturday evening, i Clarence Bristoe spent Sunday with his parents in Weslaco. McALLEN CUB ENTERTAINS Members of the Ma Kocha club and their husbands entertained with a delightful social affair Fri day evening at the home of Dr. and Mrs. M. P. Wilson, compli menting Mr. and Mrs. Alfred , Myers, who are leaving soon to ; make their home in Kansas Mrs. Myers was the recipient of many dainty handkerchiefs, when the ladies pleasantly surprised her with a shower. Several games of bunco were en joyed during the evening Those present vere Messrs, and Mesdames T. W. Doster. Bob Mc Kay. Mertrin Hale, Homer Isen • (Continued on page ntne.i 2-3 cup chopped peanuts; 1 2-3 cups milk: ^ 2 tablespoons fat. melted. # Mix the ingredients and pour into " a greased loaf pan. Let rise for 31 minutes. Bake in a slow oven fog 1 hour. Asparagus and Cheese Saar*, Serving Four 20 stalks cooked asparagus; 4 pieces hot buttered toast; 3 tablespoons butler. 4 tablespoons flour; 2 cups milk; 1-4 cup cheese, cut tine; 1 -4 teaspoon paprika; 1-4 teaspoon celery salt; 1 teaspoon finely chopped onion*. Melt the butter and add the flour. Blend and add the milk and cook until a creamy sauce forms. Add the rest of the ingredients and cook slowly and stir constantly un til the cheese has melted. Pour over the asparagus which has been arranged on the toast. Serve at once. Olive Salad Drmint Serving Fang 1-4 cup salad dressing; 1-4 cup chopped pimento stuffed olives; 2 tablespoons chopped sweet pickles; 1-4 teaspoon salt; 1 tablespoon salad on. Chill all the ingredients. Com bine and beat for 1 minute. Serve on head lettuce or tomato salads. tut c. s r»v u*. No dirty ring around the bathtub Bathing in soft water is very pleas ant. And less work. Not only while you bathe, but afterwards too. Foe when you bathe in soft water no dirty ring forms around the bathtub. Soften hard water with Mela. It makes water a wonderful cleaner, wilh or without soap. It prevents the dirty ring trom torming. It makes soap more effective. It makes > oar lath more pleasant. Get a can el i Melo at vour grocer's today. W A1ER son ENID WITH MIC IS A REMARKABLE OJANKI nlO cents the hygienic products ca Canton. Ohio Jlsnufacturerj #/ Sans-1 lush t SALE-! If fc Of Smart New Summer fi3 r Millinery 3 ^ All patter 1 Hats including Hair* *• braids, Pare* Mcme, Bakou, Si* zol, Ballibuntl and Milans. A ~"Z3 very complete variety of large /^* and small shapes for sport and C ► dress wear. All of these hats are ^ nationally known makes, includ- ) 1 * *” ing: Gage — Ace High — Gold v ”1 k irfl Medal — Elzee — and others. L | /