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STOCK MARKET PRICES MIXED Radio and Anaconda Open With Motors and Rails Showing Advance NEW YORK. May 7.—Mixed price movements ushered in today's stock market. Radio quickly sold off 2 points in reflection of a dis appointing quarterly earnings state ment, Anaconda. Briggs. Interna tional Nickel and Southern Rail way yielded fractionally. Marmon Motors opened 1 3-4 points higher. International Telephone 1 1-2 and Northern Pacific 1. Sparks With ington was pushed up to a new high record. The market was unsettled soon sfter the opening by a further break In Advance Rumelv issues and heavy liquidation of radio. Radio extended its loss to 4 noints before the end of the first half hour. Case Threshing broke 9 points. United Aircraft 4. General Electric 4 1-4. and Wright Aeronautical 3 1-2 Adams Express, which broke 50 points yesterday, rallied 5 and by products coke Jumped more than 6 points to a new high record at 137. Foreign exchanges opened steady with cables unchanged at $4 85 1-4 NEW ORLEANS OPENING NEW ORLEANS. May 7.— Cotton opened steady. Jan. 1853 bid; March 18 71 bid: Mav 18 56; July 18.49: Oct. 18 44: Dec. 18 54. BUTTER AND EGGS CHICAGO. May 7.—(^—Butter lower: creamery extras 42 1-2: standards 42 1-2: extra firsts 4! 1-2 4? 42; firsts 401? 40 1-2; seconds 39 *t 39 1-2. Eggs unchanged. POULTRY CHICAGO. May 7.—(1*— Poultry easy; fowls 29«33: broilers 35*?43; roosters 21: turkeys 201130; ducks 244?30; geese 17. Chicago Sheep, Hogs . Are Steady to Down ; As Cattle Are Weak CHICAGO. May T—'T —Hog* 19.000; Steady to 10c lower; top til.45 for 300 lb. averages; pack ing sows 9.50® 10.25. Cattle: 8,000: calves 5.000; weak on yearlings, weighty steers weak to 25c lower; slaughter steers, i good and choice 950-1500 lbs. 13.25 915.00; fed yearlings, good and ; Choice 750-950 lbs. 13.75© 15.00: | cows, good and choice 975© 12.25: j vealers (milk fed< good and choice 12.00© 18.00. Sheep 11.000; steaedy to weak; spring lambs, good and choice 92 lbs down 13 35914 40; ewes, medium to choice. 150 lbs. down ! 6 0097.50. FORT WORTH. May 7.—<JP— ! Hogs: 1,100; 10c lower: top 910.40; j medium to good 180-240 lb. rail j rogs 81015910 40; packing sows 8.5099.00 Cattle and calves: 2.200. includ ing 700 calves; quotably steady; | choice beeves 1384 pounds 13.75; j others 10.00 and 11.00; butcher cows 7.00# 7.75; fairly good fat yearlings 12.50; good heavy calves 11.00911.50. Sheep: 1.700; steady to 25c low- | sr; shorn fat yearlings 11.75; good shorn fat wethers 8 15. KAN8AS CITY, ay 7.—<T>—Hogs, i 7,000; 10®20c lower; top $10 80 on 100-220 lbs. packing sows $850fi 165 CatOe: 7.000; calves 1.000; fed tteers steady to weak: other classes fully steady; slaughter steers, good tnd choice 950-1500 lbs. $12.75® 14.75; fed yearlings, good and choice 750-950 lbs. $13,009 14.75; cows, good tnd choice $8.50912.00; stocker and feeder steers, good and choice $12.25 ©14.25; vealers <mUk-fed> medium to choice $9.50914 50. Sheep: 12.000; fed lambs steady to 25c lower; sheep 35®50c lower; spring lambs good and choice 815.50 916.75: lambs, good and choice <92 lbs. down) 812.75914.00; ewes, me dium to choice (150 lbs. down' $5 25 ©7.00. CHICAGO CASH GRAIN CHICAGO. May 7.-—<A*>—Wheat: No. 2 hard 106 1-491-2; No. 4 hard 1.00 1-4. Corn: No. 3 mixed 87; No. 2 white 90. Oeta: No. S white 4691-2; sam ple grade 42. R MARKETS AT II » A GL’ANCE i New Yerk Stock® Irregular; aviation shares reach ne wheight, ITSents soft. - Curb irregular: United Corpora tion's advance checked by realizing Foreign exchanges steady; Span ish pestata rally. Cotton higher; unfavorable crop advices. Sugar easy; poor spot demand Coffee lower; easier Brazilian ad ▼mI© ohm Wheat weak; slump at Winnipeg and large stock. Com steady; decreased contract Stocks Cattle weak. Hogs steady to lower. - -— ..—— GOVERNMENT BONDS NEW YORK May 7.—Gov rmment boMs: Libert: 2 1-2; 32-47, $07.V.. Fi*t I 1-4, $99 2; fruith 4 1-3 $29 2!; treasury 4 1-4, 57 62. $108.15. 4s. 44 54, $i:4 :J; 3 3-4* 46-56. $:C. 25 N. O. COTTONSEED OIL NEW ORLEAM* May L—IT — CotL.nsied cil dosed firmer; prime summer yellow 6.75; prime c;u^e 7.k7 1-29812 1**. May 8.4'f June 1 8.!W: July it!, A-s 9.00; oeji 9 r. < OcL * 07, ■— —*" '— . 1 F. O. B shiping point tnforma i tion reported Monday, May 6th: Lower Rio Grande Valley points: Warm, partly cloudy. Carrots: Haulings moderate. Moderate wire inquiry, demand moderate, mar ket slightly weaker. Carloads and in mixed cars FOB usual terms, bushel baskets 90c-$1.15; crates best around $1.50. poorer lower; i sacked per 10 lbs. tops removed ; around $1 35 Carloads and in mix ed cars FOB cash track, bushel baskets 85-90c: crates $1.25-1.40. ; Green corn: Haulings moderate. . Light wire inquiry, demand slow, l market about steady. Carloads and i in mixed cars FOB usual terms, bushel baskets around $125 In I mixed cars FOB cash track, bushel baskets $1.10-1.15. Top ice extra. Tomatoes. Haulings moderate. Moderate wire inquiry, demand I moderate, market slightly weaker. Carloads FOB usual terms, lugs green wrapped fanev and choice I m°stly $3 00. few $3 25: fours, pink unwraped and unsized $1.90-2.00 Carloads and in mixed cars FOB cash track. lugs green wranned fancy and choice mostly $2.75: fours pinks unwraped around $1.75. Primary destinations of Lower Valley movement reported Monday. May 6ih- Green corn: 6 each St Louis. New York: Philadelphia 2; 1 each Houston. Dallas. New Or leans. Memphis. Washington. Car rots: St. Louis 3: New York 2: l Shreveport. Cucumbers: Chicago ;■ Peets: St. Louis 1. Tomatoes- ! 1 each Fr. Worth. Pittsburgh Cisco. New York. Portland Winni- 1 peg, Knoxville. Shreveport. Mixed vegetables: Houston 4: St. Louis 3; 1 each Nashville. Pittsburgh. Carlot shipments of entire Unit ed States reported Monday. May I 6th: Potatoes: Alabama 43; Colo-; rado 7: Florida 25: Idaho 70; Main 106: Michigan 53; Minnesota 85; ! New York 22; Washington 42; Wls- ! rensin 84; total U. S. 610 cars. Mixed vegetables: Alabama 3: Cali fornia 19; Florida 10; South Caro lina 1: total U. S. 71 cars. String beans: Alabama 1; Florida 24; Georgia 6; Louisiana 10; Mississippi 1: South Carolina 5: total U. S. 49 cars. Cabbage: Alabama 6; I California 10; Mississippi 41; South Carolina 19; Virginia 28; total U. S. 112 cars. Carrots; California 27; Texas 9; total U. S. 46 cars. Cu cumbers; Alabama 11; Florida 26. Indiana 1; Ohio 3; Texas 1 freight. 12 express, total U. S. 64 cars. To matoes: Florida East Coast 4; oth er Florida 22; Texas 8 freight. 1 express; total U. 8. 35 cars. Mex ico 55. Onions: California 8; Tex as 154: total U. S. 152 cars. Additional F. O. B. information reported Monday. May 6th: Canal Point, Fla.: Cool, partly cloudy. Sunday, several showers during day. Tomatoes: Haulings light. Moderate wire inquiry, demand good. market steady. Carloads FOB cash track, sixes green wrap ped fancy $275. choice $1.75. String beans: Haulings light. Prac tically no wire inquiry, demand slow market weak, very few sales Carloads FOB cash track, 7-8 bushel hampers Stringless 1 car $1 10. Crystal City. Texas. Hot. clear. Onions: Haulings light. Light wire inquiry, demand moderate, market slightly weaker. Carloads FOB cash track, crates and 50-lb sacks Yellow Bermudas U .8 No Is mostly $1.15-125. few fancy higher: Crystal Wax very few sales $1.15-1.25. Laredo, Texas. Hot. clear. Onions: Practically no haulings. shipments verv light. Practically no wire inquiry', demand poorer, market dull. Carloads FOB usual terms, rollers few sales Yellow Bermudas mixed No. Is and 2s and U. S. No. Is crates $1.00; few present shipments higher. No cash track sales reported. Practically all shipments rolled unsold. Lower Rio Grande Valley move ment reported Tuesday morning. May 7th: Mixed vegetables 17; tomatoes 22 ventilated. 2 pink; green corn 30; carrots 7: beets and carrots 3; potatoes 1: cucumbers 1: parsley 1; green beans 1; cabbage 1; total 86 cars. Freight move ment to date this season, fruit 1735. vegetables 19.983. total 21.718 cars; to same day last season fruit 1146. vegetables 16.113, total 17.259 cars. OFFICERS FAIL TO GET KILLER 24-Hour Man Hunt Does Not Reveal Slayer of Man And Woman HOUSTON. May 7—T^-After a -4-hour man hunt officers here to day were without a tangible clue to the Identity of the slaver of Olena Wuenche. 20. of Spring, and Edward Stone. 21. of Westfield. Both bodies were found yesterday, the cirl's a mile from Aldine and the boys about four miles nearer Houston. The theory of jealousy of another suitor was abandoned after police had quizzed a youth said to have called frequently at the home of the girl. He had a perfect alibi, offi cers said. He was in Conroe at the time of the slaying. That the crime was not the work of a professional roadside bandit, however, is conceded by police, since the slayer used a shot gun to kill the couple. For this reason offi cers were inclined to the idea that a prowler, probably Inflamed with iiquor or narcotics, was responsible for the killings. GARNER ASKS • Continued from page one.) republican members of the house ways and means committee. These members met in executive session for weeks and democrats were not permitted to be present. The bill now must be referred back the committe for formal ap proval. At that time democrats will ba present, but as republicans have a majority on the committee pro tests the minority members might make are expected to be voted down. A one-half cent increase per pound woula be provided for grape fruit. The duty on brown rice was step ped up from 11-4 cents a pound to 11-2 cents a pound, with a quarter of a cent a pound added to the duty on rough rice, fixing the rate at 11-4 cents a pound. Hides and leather would be left on the fre list and no duty would be placed on boots and shoes which now are also on the free list. Turpentine and rosin would re main on the free list. Increase Duty on Hogs The duty on hogs would be in creased from one-half a cent a pound to two cents a pound; while that on fresh pork would be 2 1-2 cents a pound against the present three quarters of a cent a pound. Duties on cattle would remain as in the Fordney-McCumber law. but the rate on fresh beef and veal would be advanced from three cents a pound to six cents a pound. Sheep, lambs and goats would bear an Im post duty of three dollars a head against the present two dollars with the rate on fresh lambs proposed at seven cents a pound, an increase of three cents. A reduction of one-half cent a pound in the present rate of 7 1-2 cents is proposed, but in no case would this rate be less than 35 per cent advalorem. Negroes Nominated For West Point And Navy Appointments j WASHINGTON. Mav 7.-For the first time in many years, two ne- ' froee haw been nominated to take •ntrance examinations at the An- * is polls naval academy and one at the West Point military academy. Named by Representative Oscar De Priest, republican. Illinois, the only negro in congress, they are Laurence Alexander Whitfield, Claude Henson Bums and A.cnzo Souleigh. all of Chicago. Whitfield. | described as a Phi Beta Kappa member at the University of Chica- j go. and Burns are his candidates for j the naval academy, and Souleigh for the army school. There have been several negro ca dets and midshipmen at West Point and Annapolis in the past, amons them Col. Charles P. Young, who graduated at West Point and later became military attache to Liberia 1 HUNDREDS — 'Continued from page one.) j sleep in one long room, army stvle. j As they emerged from the super intendent's office, a jail official an nounced the 53-year-old prisoner had nothing to say to the press. Sinclair then followed the captain of the guard into the center of the hall which is to be his home for ] three months. His brother and his attorney walked out without further words either to the oil man or to those who thronged the entrance. Inside the 70-year-old structure, the wealthy prisoner found a warmth that belies the appearance of its gloomy exterior. Flower gar dens dot the lawns wherever room can be found for them and curtains from the windows. Find Simple Life The oil man w^Il find life simple. Daily, upon arising, he will straight en the covers on his iron cot and then present himself for breakfast A long day of work will follow and then supper, after which he will have a short period for recreation. But the recreations afforded will offer a wide contrast to the outside diversions of operatmg a racing stable and engaging in the mvriad other pleasures of the wealthy. Checkers, dominoes and a few books, most of them mystery stories and outdoor adventure tales In addition to the Bible, are the principal equip ment of the community recreation room. Edelstein Employees Hear G. W. Dennett At i Meeting Last Night Speaking at different times in both English and Spanish languages W. Dennett, postmaster, addressed 35 employes of Edelstein s Furniture company, at their regular Monday night's meeting last night. Dennett compared selling meth ods of Latin American countries with that of the United States bor der section. He also told of his experiences during his eight-year stay in South America. The post master touched a bn on airmail ros s’oli'ties. All 35 of the employes bciong to the Brownsville house and a meet ing is held each Monday night for th» m. The meetings are held on the first floor of the Edelstein building No speaker has been chosen for next Monday's gat.iiring. TWO BURN TO DEATH IN APARTMENT FIRE TORONTO. Ont., Mav Two members of a local theatrical stock company. Miss Margaret Bird, 35. and Forrest Cummings, 52, were burned to death in an apartment here today. They were with the Victoria Stock company of the Vic toria theater, which opened a new play last night. Cause of the lire wu not determined. _ 4 COTTON TAKES 8-POINT DROP _r — Operators Show Tendency To Sell Short On Bear ish Outlook NEW ORLEANS. May 7.—'*5— Relatively easier cables were re flected in an opening decline of 8 to 10 points in the cotton market here. Sentiment continued bearish with operators showing a disposition to j sell short. j July traded down to 18.42. October 18.37. and December 18.50. or 15 to 16 points from yesterday's close. To ward the en dof the first hour, prices were steadier owing to reports of too much rain and cold weather. Attempt to Murder Lithuania Premier Is Fatal to Aide KOVNO. Lithuania. May 7.—(/D— One persqp was dead and two seri ously wounded today as a conse quence of an assassination attempt ! last night against Premier Augus | tinas Yaldemaras. Neither the pre ; mier nor his wife was injured. The , assailant escaped in the confusion. The attack was made as the party : entered the garden of a theater where they were to attend a con I cert. Three bullets from the assail - | ant's gun struck Lieutenant Gudinas, 'an aide of the premier, and he died instantly. Another bullet passed | through the right lung of Captaiit , Verbickas. another aide, while a filth 1 inflicted a serious abdominal wound on a grand-nephew of the premier. Several arests have been made. CALL MONEY NEW YORK. May 7.—. P-Call money siren*: all loans 1*. clos ing bid !*: time loans firm, mixed collateral 60-90 days 8 1-2: 4-6 ! months 8 14; prime mercan**’* pa per 5 3-4ti6. Hnnirrs' acceptances: 30. 60 and 90 davs 5 5-8*?5 1-2; 4 n.or.tfcs 5 |'<-4<25 1-2: 5-6 months 5 7-'v i 5 8 MM YORK COTTONSEED Cl I. NEW 'VORK May 7.—A*. ;?•.! tonseed oil closed firm; prime sum mer yellow 9.80 10.10; prime crude 7.87 l-2*» 8.12 1-2. May 9 85; June 9 85: Julv 10 07; Aue. 10 nSep* 1025; Oct. 1023; Nov. 10.00: Dec 10 05. Sales 6.700. CAMERON. Texas. May 7 —iVP — Jesse Roper. 24. was shot to death when he went into the woods near Cause for a diee game, and a grand jury was Investigating today. Roper, six other men who were with him in the woods said, was shot from ambush. None of them would admit further knowledge of the killing. GETS MILLION Dismissing her divorce settle ment from Philip Plant. New York multi-millionaire, as “in neighborhood of a million dol lars" end some thine to be for gotten. Constance Bennett, film actress, has returned to the United States to fulfill a talkie contract Her divorce, which will be final in October, was granted in Nice. ROfiOgEl (V\ T*’ I P*\D , Fot. ir — •311? — ®oT I IrJaOtOHT* MUCH 13 uilr IT fiofbk. VOOfT HOO^e -55 35-000 s£ UiOUTH' NOuJ —----- -. MEXICO OPENS ANTI-DRINK DRIVE f*- •*»'if *»*''%*.• *V V "^"’'sfll I: -Jbegsm —1 '• 1". *■ | Launching a campaign against drinking by allowing no more liquor stores to be opened, the Mexican government has begun a campaign to make the southern republic dry. Above view is a scene which may soon disappear from Mexican streets a pulque salesman disposing of potent native drink from i "saloon" on wheels. WOMAN HELD IN AGED MAN’S DEATH IIBMiMMgnipWBPBBMMMMMMMMr, 1 —111 ■ him— I Hi1 a11 iliiTkiMiTi ii T 5 . ■> * • JPw ii-fianwii^HTlfcVr intin !| WHERE 1. BODY WAS y FOUND * V „ — —.. •— —i ■■ — - • --- ,i Mrs. Anna Merrill Welch. 26. inset, mother of two children, has been held in connection with the mysterious death of Elihu Warren Tur ner. 75' Hartford. Me., farmer, in the ruins of one of his farm build ings, followiny a night fire. His head was missing from his body. Mrs. Welch says the dead man. for whom she formerly kept house, was the father of her youngest child, five months old. Photo shows where body was found. ANAHUAC. Texas. May 7.— Preudice against the defendant and the probability that a jury could not be selected in Chambers county prompted the transfer of the mur der trial of Amos Lawrence, wealthy cattleman charged with slaying Em ory Fisher, to Montgomery county. Judge Thomas B. Coe said last night in granting a defense venue change motion. WICHITA PALLS. Texas. May 7. —i.P)—Private funeral services are to be held here tomorrow for D. G. Whitney, 56. prominent farmer and landowner, whose body with a bul let hole through its head was found in his automobile near here yes terday. One shot had been fired from a 44 caliber pistol which was beside the body. Several sealed notes ad dressed to relatives and friends were found in the automobile. 1 Used Cart You Can Trust at Prices I You Can Pay. J This month we are offering a wide selection of un- I usual values in l sed Cars. We have made Real Re- I ductions on the following automobiles, and every en- I gine approved. Ask for a demonstration. I Down Comes the For Rent Sign! 27 Chrysler 80 Sedan * 27 Dodge Touring 27 Chevrolet Landau Sedan 26 Oldsmobile Sedan 26 Dodge Coupe 25 Ford Coupe 26 Dodge Touring 24 Dodge Touring 26 Dodge Touring 28 Dodge Coupe 28 Dodge Stand Sedan 29 Dodge Stand Sedan 25 Dodge Coupe 27 Dodge Sedan 28 Ford Cab. Coupe 28 Chevrolet Cab. Coupe 28 Chrysler 72 Sedan 26 Pontiac Coach 26 Dodge Touring 24 Dodge 4-Pass. Coupe 27 Chevrolet Coupe 28 Dodge Standard Six 26 Chevrolet Sedan 26 Dodge Coupe 20 Cadillac Roadster 26 Dodge Sedan 25 Buick Standard Touring 20 Ranger Truck Was Now $1500.00_$1200.00 $ 350.00-$ 250.00 $ 525.00_$ 450.00 $ 425.00 $ 300.00 $ 600.00 .. .$ 500.00 $ 175.00_$ 150.00 $ 350.00-$ 250.00 $ 250.00_$ 209.OO $ 400.00-$ 300.00 $ 700.00_$ 600.00 $ 900.00 $ 850.00 $ 975.00 . .t$ 850.00 $ 400.00. ..*.$335.00 $ 650.00-$ 550.00 $ 550.00. .. .$ 450.00 $ 650.00 ...$ 550.00 $1100.00_$1050.00 $ 450.00. .. .$ 375.00 $ 375.00 ...$ 310.00 $ 425.00_$ 350.00 $ 450.00. .. .$ 350.00 $ 850.00. .. .$ 750.00 $ 400.00_$ 350.00 $ 600.00-$ 500.00 $ 500.00_$ 400.00 $ 550.00_$ 490.00 $ 450.00-$ 300.00 $ 650.00_$ 450.00 We must reduce our Used Car stock this month. Buy now. Dont wait. Jesse Dennett, Inc ~ Phone 904 Used Car Maket 1219 liresM' Used Car Lot No. 1, across from Herald 0cfice r. Used Car Lot No. 2, Summit Place and 14ti St. W. A. ROSS, Mgr. f ry a Herald Classified Ad 9 —because a little Herald Rent Ad did the job. If you have an apartment, house, room, garage, sum mer cottage, or housekeeping suite don’t carry it empty thru the summer—rent it now. May is the renting month. Phone your ad today to The Herald and it will appear nightly before thousands leeking a new place to live and who “shop” up and down the Rent Ads before they go hunting. Ip ISnmmsufllr Herald 4 $ Phone No. 8 Just Say Charge It . .. ....... — ■ ■ '■ " ' ' ■■ ■" »"■'" «' ■ »' '■"■■■ '■ ■ ' ' ——— " * < *^****MlMlllllllll,l,IIIIIMII*l,l,IIIIIIIIIMIB,MMM,llllliaill,lll,l"lll,l"l"lll>1*^ -.-.-•..—. -.-..* " TtirftAn——iimra