Newspaper Page Text
Motor Camping Days are Here--Buy a Good Used Car Offered Below Classified Business Directory | ARCHITECTS \ BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. Architects—Engineers 308 Merchants Bank Bldg. Phone 617 Brownsville, Texas la E. G. HOLLIDAY Architect and Guilder 409 State Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 R. NEWELL WATERS Architect 9-12 Security State Bank Building Weslaco, Texas E. §. GORE Civil and Consulting Engineer Room 408, State National Bank Bid*. Brownsville. Texas. Phone 10T7. BUILDERS—CONTRACTORS a . _.. G. E. Miller TILE DRAINAGE _ CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEEF/ ‘ P. O. Address R. F. D. No. I San Benito Telephone 6005 F 12 PROCTER & DUDLEY , * ' General Contractors 528 Washington St. Brownsville, Texas Phone 627 CASH REGISTERS NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. . » Registers bought, sold and ^ exchanged 1 * W. E. Sanders. Representative ♦tone 29. Harlingen. Tex. Box 905 " DRAY—TRANSFER | -— ti Soanes Transfer & Se‘wrage Co,, Inc. ceseorlt ^A'lTilcd Warehouse M. P. Tracks • TRUCKS DAILY FROM BROWNS VILLE TO ALL VALLEY TOWNS. • Local and Long Distance Hauling. • Estimates Oladly Qlven. |239 LEVEE ST. PHONE 787 » Mason Transfer & Grain Co. BONDED WAREHOUSE SEEDS OF ALL KINDS Light and Heavy Haultng WE MOVE ANYTHING 1105 Adams. Phone IN AUSTIN TRANSFER COMPANY Crating. Shipping. Hauling Phones 421 and 519_ " FLORISTS_ the flower shop Cut flowers, pot plants, funeral designs and bouquets 1254 Elizabeth SL Phone 1388 i. J8CWYER THE FLORIST, flowers and funeral designs. St. Charles and Pita streets. Phone 77 L_ i hotels—cafes Sensible i . Satisfactory Service Almost Immediate A.wavs Immaculate You’ll catch him at the WHITE KITCHEN The Popular Place for Business Lunches. 12th between Elizabeth and, Washington Hat Renovating / --- First Class Hat Renovating & Shoe Repairing Delta Shoe & Hat Shop We Call for and Deliver Phone 535 ' INSURANCE 9 mum W. B. CLINT INSURANCE SURETY BONDS 1)8-9 Merchants National ' Bank , PHONE 6 r FAINTING PAINTINO. Paperhangtng. Decorating and Textonlng P W. Ricks. 1448 Lin coln St. Phone 1338-J. INSURANCE LOANS Build. Buy or Refinance. Insurance Surety Bonds D L WELCH No. 19 Arcade Bldg. '“••me 14IQ FINA’ CIAL LOANS • On Improved residence and business property. Todd and Underwood 1057 Levee St. Brownsville. Texas. LOANS To buy. to build, to re-finance or Im prove your home or business property. Any Town in the Valley. Gunn & Holdridgc Over First Nations! Bank Pharr. Texas. MATTRESS RENOVATING Let Us Renovate .Your Mattress We make mattresses to order. All repair work guaranteed SOMMERS l2th and Adams Phone 674 miliT work ' HOMER L. FITCH Planing Mill and Cabinet Work Bank, store and office fixtures. End of West 7th St. Our estimates mean your orders OFFICE EQUIPMENT ART METAL . FILING Equipment Maverlck-Clarke Litho Co. 2% Merchants National Bank Phone 617—Brownsville Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVES STATIONERY & BOOK STORE Brownsville, Texas FUNERAL DIRECTORS ROOFING THE TURNER BROWNSVILLE ROOFING CO., Inc. We respectfully solicit your re-roofing as well as new. Eighth and Railroad Brownsville. Tex. Phone 1168 TYPEWRITERS DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange (Brownsville’s Typewriter House) Distributors. New L. C. Smith “Si lent" 8 and Late Corona 4 type writers. Also sell Royal Portables and “Factory" Rebuilts—all makes. We repair all makes typewriter and adding machines. 1112 Elizabeth St. Phone 1105. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER BALES CO. Typewriters—Adding Machines Supplies—Repairs Phone 506—Harlingen PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEYS RALPH A. DUNKELBERG Attorney at Law Commercial Collections a Specialty 106 Seabury. George and Taylor Building Brownsville. Texas Davenport. West and Ransome Attorneys at Law 307-308 Merchants National Bank Brownsville, Texas H. B. GALBRAITH Attorney at Law Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville, Texas J. T. Canales C. S. Eidman. Jr. CANALES AND EIDMAN Attorneys at Law Real Estate a Specialty 303 Merchants National Bank Brownsville. Texas H. L. Yates Attorney at Law State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville CHIROPRACTOR M. Cook, D. C. CHIROPRACTOR Nerv-O-Meter Service State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville. Tex is Room 405 Phone 703 EL VIBRA SYSTEM USED - - —rr REAL ESTATE LOS EBANOS Brownsville’s Supreme Residential District, carefully restricted, com pletely improved. Home sites from 11200.00. easy terms. James-Dtckhi ion Co.. Realtors, corner Traveler? j Hotel Bldg., Brownsville, AUTOMOTIVE 10th & Adams • THREE DAYS FREE TRIAL. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE '27 Chevrolet Coupe...8345 ■27 Chevrolet Coach. 365 *27 Chevrolet Sedan.435 ’27 Chevrolet Landau Sedan.... 450 ’28 Chevrolet landau Sedan.... 565 •28 Chevrolet Touring.400 *26 Ford Touring#.... 185 •26 Ford Delivery. 185 *26 Ford Coupe . 200 *28 Ford Coupe . 435 STEVENSON MOTOR CO. Inc. NASH SPECIALS 1926 Nash light 6 sedan.$475.00 1925 Nash 2-door; In first-class dltlon in every respect..$500.00 CASH TRADE TERMS BROWNSVILLE NASH CO 1327 Levee. Phone 1366. Q-332 FOR SALE—1928 Master Bulck sedan at a bargain Would consider small car In trade. Write Box 1177. Q-41 OWNER MUST SELL STUDEBAKER Standard Six. In excellent condition. Motor Just overhauled, tires first class. Sacrifice at $250. terms, consider Ford I trade-in. See this car In front of Her !ald office and phone 1288-W after 3:30 p. m. for demonstration. AUTO REPAIRING NASH OWNERS Have your repair work done by ex perienced Nash mechanics. We carry a complete line of parts. BROWNSVILLE NASH CO. 1327 Levee. Phone 1366. LOST AND FOUND NO DISSATISFACTION with rooms, apartments or Jobs would exist If ev eryone made use of the classified ads HELP WANTED COLLEGE STUDENT or teacher for va cation Publishers' Educational Serv ice. Salary *300 for 90 days. Write Box Q-42. care Herald. Q-42 BOY WANTED—The Herald office. WANTED—Man with full knowledge of citrus planting, etc.; also must know landscape gardening: steady work, ''all at Foster-Moothart Co. office. SITUATICNS WANTED ACCOUNTANT - BOOKKEEPER, thor oughly experienced, 32 years old. wants employment anywhere In Valley. Can handle small amount dictation. Not a floater: here to stay. Nine years on last Job. Oladly do other work In con nection. Your consideration appre ciated. Box Q-30 Herald. Q-30 MIDDLE AGED LADY of refinement and education would like position In doctor’s office or dentist office, or will taie for children In moth tilths home. Address Q-24. Herald. Q-24 LIVE STOCK—POULTRY BABY CHICKS—Now booking orders for early delivery. Reds. Rocks. Leg horns. Hatch every Wednesday. Bring your custom hafehing eggs every Mon day. Roy E. Clark Seed Co.. San Be nito. Texas. M-137 FOR SALK FRESH JERSEY MILCH COWS Good Milkers. Located 1-4 mile east of Elsa, l’i miles west Edeoych on highway. Noel Janvier. Q-30 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ■■ ' i ..—■'I. mrn h. ■ .. I ■ ■' ■■■ ONLY MODERN equipped rug cleaning plant serving the Valley. Everything from the ground up Bargain. Leav ing city. Harlingen Rug Cleaners, Har lingen. Texas. Q-18 A-l MEAT MARKET, full equipped. Including mechanical refrigeration, lo cated In good grocery, doing nice bus iness. Owner selling account unable to handle both. Handy Andy. Beeville. Texas. Q-27 SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY for man with accounting and executive expe rience Is open with large Valley Insti tution operating branches In several leading Valley cities. Investment of from *2.000 00 to *5.000 00 required. I fully secured. Business Is on good pay- ! tng basts with unlimited field for . growth. For Interview address Box 155.1 Weslaco. Texas. Q-31 MISCELLANEOUS LADIES' HOSE mended: runs, pulls and snags. Valley Hoae Mending Co. I 745 Elizabeth 1-196 RENT A ROOM the quick and easy tray by telephoning a classified id. PERSONAL Brownsville Hot Springs and Turkish Baths The greatest surprise in the history of your city. Will be open Saturday morning. We work on rheumatism and neuritis Guarantee cure. We work on you for any complaints wtth which you are bothered. Please come and give m a chance. We guarantee all of our work. The same treatment you can get anywhere else you can get here, or bet ter. All men trained. 414 TWelftn St.. Brownsville Health Resort. Sleepluc quarters prepared. Q-44 ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE New stock of plumbing and plumbing supplies of all kinds; also soil pipe and fittings, whole sale and retail. # Sampson Machinery & Supply Co. Houston, Texas NEW EMERSON PIANO—Big discount. Easy terms. Phone 868-M. or P. O. Box 562. Bronsvllie, F. D. Eambly. P-234 FOR SALE—Niagara cotton duster in perfect condition. Fred Rusteberg. Brownsville. Texas. Q-1I BUY OB EXCHANGE WANTED Will pay 5c per pound for CLEAN COTTON RAGS HERALD PRESSROOM BEANS WANTED Schmidt Canning Factory 6AN BENITO. TEXAS Phone 289 Q-49 WANTED TO BUY MERCHANTS PRODUCE CO Parsons. Ksns. Wants beans, tomatoes, okra, bell peppers. English pease, black-eye peas. Quote best prices on what you have. P-132 WANTED TO BUY—Second-hand mlm meograph. Address Box Q-10, Herald. Q-10 WANTED—Green beans and ripe to matoes for canning. Los Presnos Pack ing Co. Q«47 REAL ESTATE For Sub-Division 160 Acres Located 4 blocks from the high school and closer to Brownsville than the exclusive Los Ebanoe Subdivision. Winding resaca run ning through property offering natural lake front sites tor sub division. This property is for sale by owners and can be bought at a very attractive price. Henson-Lo max & Houston and Brownsville Development Co. NEED HELP? Look first under the "Situations Wanted" heading in the Claaalfled Section. WANTED—Home builder or developer to take full charge or Join In develop ment of one of the beat located sub divisions In the Valley. Small amount of capital required. Address “Owner." P-197, Herald. Brownsville. Teaaa. __P-197 WHEN YOU READ classified ads you find these in which details are given are the most Interesting- Bear this In mind when you use an ad yourself. IT'S SO EAST to pick up your tele phone and talk to a classified ad-taker. INVESTIGATE SUMMIT PLACE THEN INVEST In BrosmsvlUe’s new business and res idential sub-dlvtslon. located on 13th and 14th streets, one mile from Oate way Bridge, on the main thoroughfare trading to the proposed ship channel, municipal airport, rich farming dis trict of El Jaradln. and Boca Chiea Bach. Easy terms. Office 14th and Hays streets. J. J. Dalles, sales mana ger. phone 336. Brownsville. Texas. P-25 OWNER MUST SELL at once beautiful "Lot Ebanoe" lot at sacrifice. Terms can ha arranged. Cali Phone I396-W. BEAL ESTATE Good 45-acre tract 3 miles from Brownsville, highway on two aides. Good drainage ditch on 3 sides, all in cultivation. Price $125.00 per acre. 7-acre tract fronting on Reaaca. planted to 5-year-old trees In bear ing. 4-room house and other build ing. half mile from city limits. Price $1,500.00 per acre. 1300-acre tract, river front, own pumping plant, one mansion. 2 good tenant house. Price $80.00 per acre. nqulre from E A. Monseet Brownsville. FARMS FOR SALE FOR 8ALE BY OWNER—Sixteen acre farm with eight-room bouse, five and a fraction miles from Brownsville, near good school, about 200 yards from con crete highway. Reasonable price and terms. Address P. O. Box 831. Browns ville. Texas. MS* 300 Acres Cleared Situated within six blocks of the El Jardin Hotel. This property offers a wonde r f u 1 opportunity for an in dustrial sub-division or for small acreage sub division for grapefruit. Considered the highest spot in Brownsville. For sale by OWNER at $600.00 per acre. Price and terms to suit. Re lease clauses on either lots or acreage. Henson Lomax-Hous ton and Brownsville Develop ment Co., Brownsville, Texas. GOOD FARM In El Jardin tract for trade for good Brownsville propeny. Phone 450. or write P. O Box 705, Brownsville. Texas. Q-7 FOR SALE—One-half acre on highway between Harlingen and San Benito with 5-room modern house, double garage, and other exceptional features. A Bargain Ira T. Baize, 235 Baker Bldg., Harlingen. Q-25 TWO CHOICE pieces of citrus land under irrigation, with bearing grove on each place; will sell for $275 per acre; also 400 acres of unimproved citrus land at a bargain. One ten acre tract of orchard In El Jardln dis trict can be bought cheap. Address owner. Box P-140, Herald. P-140 TO CLOSE A PARTNERSHIP—Offer for sale, at a bargain. 24 acres resaca land, all In cultivation, part In orchard, fronts fourteen hundred feet on cement highway, beautiful sbade trees, cement canal, all good land. Fifteen minutes drive from business section. J. A. Browne, phone 157. Q-48 LOTS FOR SALE ELIZABETH 8TREET LOT. West Brownsville, for sale at sacrifice for cash. Call 1398-W. P-82 FOR SALE—22 lots seven blocks from main business center. Price $7,500 cash This best buy In Harlingen. Ira T. Baize. 235 Baker Bldg., Harlingen Q-25 HOUSES FOR SALE FOR 8ALE OR RENT CHEAP—Four room house. Phone I020-W. P-125 OWNER LEAVINO TOWN will sell at bargain one 5-room and one 6-room modern home. On paved street In rjol, lovely residential section. Box 654, Brownsville. P-127 FOR SALE—Modern new home. 6 rooms, bath, hot water, garage; cor ner Leeve and 10th street. West Brownsville. Small down payment, balance like rent. T. Aziz, phone 502 or 694.P-138 1354 w! WASHINGTON—Will ^ take light car as part payment. Phone 820-J P-222 FOR SALE—House and lot 75x120 feet. A bargain. Call at Levee and W. 13th street. Phone 1216-J. Q-40 LESS THAN COST—Must be sold: Best material and workmanship. 6-room brick veneer, select oak floors, textone finish, tile bath, double garage. Also 5-room and 3-room tile stuccos, best location. Harlingen. Will trade. Own er, 401 E. Lincoln. P. O. Box 591. Har lingen. P-221 BUV OR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE—Small farm laaa than alx miles from Brownsville near good school and concrete road. Will exchange for vacant lota or Unproved residence property. Address. Owner. P. O. Box 831. Brownsville. Texas. N34 SEVERAL OOOD JOBS will be filled today by those who have carefully watched the "Help Wanted" column In Classified Section. KANSAS PROPERTY wanted in ex change for free and clear tract of about 20 acres in irrigated district near Edinburg. Texas. Clear of meaqulte. Will trade on dollar to dollar basis. Write owner. P. O. Box 233, Wichita. Kansas. Q-6 RENTALS FOR RENT—Store rooms In Stegman building. Bert Cromack. M-56 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, bedroom, ga rage; dose In. Cool house Victoria Heights. Call at 809 Elizabeth. Q-39 APARTMENTS COLONIAL APARTMENTS—Apartment vacant. 1523 West Elizabeth street. Call 1173-W. P-142 MAY-DAY APARTMENT—Cool. COlT venieet. modern. Ideal location. Com pletely furnished, electric refrigerator, gas. hot water, garage. 139 Wash ington. Phone 714. P-158 ALONSO APARTMENTS—Nicely fur nished. Corner Sixth and Levee. Phone 839 P-208 APARTMENT for rent on paved street. Lights, water and gas furnished. All conveniences. Phone 429 0-279 4-ROOM APARTMENT, private bath, hot water. Corner Adams and Boule vard. Phone 764. P-156 MORRIS APTS.—Furnished and unfur nished. Modern, with garage. Summer rates. D. L. Welch. Phone 1410-848W. N-11 SWEENY APARTMENTS — R e n t s re duced, summer rates. Cool, comfort able. ultra modern, well furnished, electric refrigeration, garage, maid service; everything for housekeeping. First and Adams, phone 1038-W. Q-32 FOR RENT—Furnished apartments. Telephone 1148-W. P-62 APARTMENTS _ Junkin Apartments Two blocks east at High School on Palm Bird; 4-room apartment*, strict ly modem, beautifully fumlahed; electrical refrigeration. overstuffed living room suites, walnut bedroom suites, walnut bedroom suites, fire places and garages. Open for Inspec tion. PHONE 1254-W P-55 COMPLETELY FURNISHED apartment. Neat and comfortable, ideal for cou ple; reasonable. Phone 1173-W. Q-l VERY COOL 2-room south apartment with gas. garage free. 825. Telephone 948-W. q.21 fSr RENT—Desirable southeast apart ment; living room, bedroom, dining room, kitchen and breakfast nook. Hot and cold water, garage. Completely fumlahed. Call 1173-W. Q-14 3-ROOM completely furnished apart ment with private bath. 132 W. Levee. Phone 184. Mrs. Mary D. Collins. _ P-M3 FOR RENT—3-room apartment with bath. gas. lights, garage. $25 00 Call 247. 10th and St. Charles Sts , or phone 90. _ Q-« FURNISHED ROOMS ROOMS, one tnoc* from postoffice, one block from El Jardln hotel; large, southern exposure; reasonable. Phone 1228-W or 1317. M-215 NICELY FURNISHED com rooms, close In. 1023 St. Charles St. P-58 TWO NICE southeast bedrooms and apartment. 1022 St. Charles. Phone 928-J. ROOMS AND APTS.—Reasonable rates. Glen wood Hotel. Phone 819. BEDROOM In private family. 904 Adams St. 82.50 per week. Q-45 COOL. CLEAN BEDROOM, close In, pr! vate entrance, convenient to bath, hot water; suitable for one or two men; reasonable. Apply Black Diamond Cafe or phone 999-J. Q.jl HOUSES COOLEST DUPLEX In town vacant May 1. 837.50 per month. Phone 848-J or 708. p-8i NEW FIVE-ROOM unfurnished duplex apartment, paved street, garage. 1132 W. Washington. Phone 24. P-189 THE BEST WAY to see the right home for you Is to stop looking at houses and read the Classified Section ads. ROOMS AND BOARD Room and Board Good Home Cooking $10 a Week Single Meals, 50e Phone 1014-W. 924 Elizabeth. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Sealed bids will be received by the County Auditor to June 3. 1929. for the purchase of a No. 60 Cater pillar Tractor. Specifications for same may be obtained from Com missioner A. V. Logan. San Benito. Bids will be opened at 10 A. M.. June 3. 1929. at the meeting of the Cameron County Commissioners Court. Court House. Brownsville, Texas. The Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. J. J. BISHOP. County Auditor. THE STATE OF TEXAS To the Sheriff or any Constable of Cameron County. Greeting: You are hereby commanded to cause the following notice to be pub lished in a newspaper of general circulation which has been con tinuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one year preceding the date of the no lice in the County of Cameron. State of Texas, and you shall cause said notice to be printed at least once each week for a period of ten days exclusive of the first day of publication before the return day hereof: NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PROBATE OF WILL THE STATE OF TEXAS. To all persons Interested in the LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT estate of C. S. Jones, Deceased. Minerva M. Jones has filed in the County Court of Cameron County, an application for the Probate of the last Will and Testament of said C. S. Jones. Deceased, filed with said application, and for Letters Testa mentary which will be heard at the next term of said Court, commenc ing on the first Monday in June A. D. 1929, the same being the Third day of June A. D. 1929. at the Court House thereof. In Brownsville, Tex as, at which time all persons inter ested in said Estate may appear and contest said application, should they desire to do so. Herein Pail not. but have you be fore said Court on the said first day of the next term thereof this Writ, with your return thereon, showing how you have executed the same. Given under my hand and the seal of said Court, at office in Brownsville. Texas, this the 27th day of April. A. D. 1929. (SEAL) H. D. SEAGO. Clerk, County Court. Cameron County. Texas. By O. P. Brenner. Deputv. 14-30-7-3410. —— __ NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Whereas, by virtue of authority vested in me, as trustee, named and appointed in a certain deed of trust, dated June 13. 1918. and recorded in Volume 73. at pages 11-15. of the Deed of Trust Records of Cameron County. Texas, executed and deliv ered to me on June 13.1918. by John M. Stoltman to better secure the payment of the following described twenty-one (21> Vendor Lien Notes: Class "A” notes, payable to A. Wayne Wood. Trustee or order. Note No. 1 payable May 11. * 1919. for .$86.67 Note No. 2 payable May 11. 1920. for . 86.67 No. No. 3 payable May II. 1921. for . 86.67 Note No. 4 payable May 11. 1922. for . 88 69 Class “B" notes payable to Santa Helena Improvement company or order: Note No. 9 payable May 11. 1923. for .$33.30 Note No. 10 payable May 11. 1323, for .50.00 Note No. 12 payable May 11, 1924. for . 65.00 Note No. 14 payable May 11. 1925. for . 65 00 Note No. 16 payable May 11. 1928. for . 65.00 Note No. 18 payable May 11, 1927, for . 65.00 Note No. 20 payable May 11. 1928. for. 60 00 Class “C" notes payable to South Texas Land company or order: Note No. 2 payable May 11. 1919. for . 50 83 Note No. 4 payable May 11, 1920. for . 50 83 Note No. 6 payable May 11. 1921. for . 50.83 Note No. 8 payable May 11, 1922. for . 50.81 Note No. 11 payable May 11. 1923. for . 54.20 Note No. 13 payable May 11. 1924. for . 72.50 Note No. 15 payable May 11. 1925. for . 72.50 Note No. 17 payable May 11. 1926. for . 72.50 Note No. 19 payable May 11. 1927. for . 72.50 Note No. 21 payable May 11. 1928. for . 77.50 All of said notes are dated May 11, 1918. bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from dRte thereof until their respective maturities, and after their respec tive maturities at the rate of 10 per cent per annum until paid, pro vide that all past due Interest shall bear Interest at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, provide that the failure to pay any of said notes at maturity shall at the election of the holder thereof mature any or all of said notes, provide for 10 percentum of the principal and interest thereon if collected In or through the probate or bankruptcy courts or by legal proceedings as attorneys fees, and fully described in said deed of trust, and given in part payment for the following described tract of land, lying and being situated in Camer on county, Texas, containing 10 acres of land more or less, and more particularly described as the north one-half of the south half of block No. 221. of the San Benito Irriga tion company’s subdivision, as shown on the map or plat of said subdi vision. and the record thereof, in LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT volume 3. at pages 18-18 of the Map Records of Cameron County. Texas, and. Whereas. A. E. Whitney Is now tlje legal and equitable owner and holder of said hereinabove described note No. twenty (20>. all the re mainder of said notes ha ving been heretofore fully paid off and dis charged. and said John M 8t alt man has made default In the payment of said note No. twenty <J0>, due on the 11th day of May. 1838. and the same is now past due and un paid, principal. Interest and attor neys' fees, by reason thereof and as provided for in said deed of trust. I. the undersigner. G C. Wag - ner, trustee, have been requeued by the said owner and holder of mid note upon which therein now past due and unpaid, principal. Interest and attorneys fees the sum of 97840. to enforce said trust. I will offer for sale between the hours of 10 o'clock s. m. and 4 o’clock p. m at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, on the first Tuesday in June A. D.. 1929. same being the 4th day of June A. D. 1929. at ths courthouse door in* the city at Brownsville. Cameron county. Tex as. the hereinabove described lands and premises Witness my hand the 4th day of May. 1929 O C. WAGNER. Trustee. 5-7-14-21-3421._ Train Schedules missoi r: pacific tom No. 12—To Houston. San Antonia, 6:10 s. m. No. 14—To Houston. T;» p. at No 16—To Houston, flan Antonia. 9:00 p. m. No. IS—Prom St. Louts. San Anton** Houston. 7 3u a. m. No. 13—Prom Houston. §16 a. as. No. 11—Prom San Antonio anS Hous ton. 9:56 p. m SOtTHERN PACIFIC UNIS No. 3l»—Prom Houston, flan Anto nio. 8:15 a. m. No. 320—To Houston. Ban Antoni* 6:16 p. m. NATIONAL LINES OP MEXICO iMatamoros Station) No. 132—To Monterrey, Mexico City. 9:60 a. m. No. 131—Prom Mexico City. Montar rey. 3:30 p. m. RIO GRANDE RAILWAY .... • To Point Isabel. 9:20 a. m. Prom Point Isabel. 4 p. at. M. P. TRANSPORTATION CO. Cars to Scission on tba hour every hour. 6 u rn. to 6 p. m_ and at tJt a m.. 3:30 p m . 7 30 p. tn and t p. at. To Point Isabel, la. a and 13 noen. 4 p. m. Air Mail Schedules The schedule for the mall between Brownsville and Dallas Is announced by the poetofflce department as fel lows: Southbound Leave Dallas . 7'45 a. os. Leave Ft. Worth . I 15 a. a. Leave Waco ... 2:30 a. a Leave Austin .. !0 25 a. a Leave Ban Antonio . 1140 a. a. Arrive Broemsvtlle . 3 05 p. a. Northbound— Leave Brownsville . 143 p a Leave San Antonio ...... 4:13 p a Leave Austin . 3:10 p. a Leave Waco . 0 IS p. a Leave Ft. Worth . 7 IS p. a. Arrive Dallas . 7 35 p. a. The schedule for the American air mall to Mexico City Is aa follows; Leave Brownsville . 8 30 a m. Arrive Tampico ....11 00 a.m. Leave Tampico .1130 a. a Arrive Mexico City. 1:45 p a. Following is the echeduie for tbo Mexican air mall: Leave Mexico City . 7:45 a. a Arrive Tampico .10 00 a. a. Leave Tampico .10 23 a. a Arrive Brownsville .1345 p a Following is the schedule on thn Brownsville-Mazatlan Route: Leave Brownsvtue ... 7 a. a Arrive Monterrey . 040 a. a Leave Monterrey . 0 50 a. a Arrive Torreon . 13:50 p. a Leave Torreon ... 1:50 p. a Arrive Durango ............ 3.30 p. a Leave Durango . 4:10 p. a Arrive Mazatlan...0:10 p. a Return trip: Leave Mazatlan . 7 00 a- a Arrive Durango . 2 00 a. a Leave Durango ............ 240 a. a Arrive Torreon .......... 11:50 p. a Leave Torreon ... 12 10 p. a Arrive Monterrey . 3:10 p. a Leave Monterrey . 4:10 p. a Arrive Brownsville . 0:10 p. a POSTAL RATES The United States air mall postage rate Is 5 cents for the first ounce and 10 cents for each additional ounce or fraction thereof. Letup mailed us the United 8tates for the palate a Mexico take this rate rHE OLD HOME TOWN I-Vjfmm'A'yy. * . - STATION AGENT DAD KEYES MADE A GOOD BUSINESS PROPOSITION To THE CHEERFUL EDITOR CP *THE WEEKLY CLARION*"TODAY (see tomorrows paper)