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FLY FOUND NEW ORLEANS Mediterranean Pest Located In Fruit Shipped Bulk From Florida , NEW ORLEANS. May 7—The topic of conversation along the Streets this week was the mediter ranean fruit fly following the dis covery Tuesday of a car of Florida bulk oranges and grapefruit affected by the fly. The car was inspected by the State Department of Agricul ture Tuesday morning and ordered sealed until disposition was made. Harry D. Wilson, state commissioner of Agriculture, was on his way to Washington when the discovery was made, but was reached Tuesday eve ning and he immediately ordered W. E. Anderson, state entomologist, to New Orleans to take charge of the situation and to see that the fruit was burned. It was at first thought the car would be sent back to Flor ida. although the local receiver said the shipper was endeavoring to di vert the car north. The state com missioner indicated, however, that the car would be destroyed here. The thing that has set local inter ests worrying is the fact that the carload was partly unloaded, sold and already gone Into consuming channels before the discovery was made. Efforts were being made to get as much of the fruit back as possible The shipment originated at Clare mont. Fla., was shipped on April 17 and arrived here April 24. consigned to the Mallard Distributing Com pany. The state quarantine went Into effect April 23 and it was point ed out that the carriers neglected to report the arrival of this car to the department of Agriculture with the result that It was only Tuesday the state Inspector accidentally came across the car. at which time it was partly unloaded and sold. The department of agriculture contends the carriers should have notified them April 23. when the embargo was placed, of all cars of Florida products destined to points in Louisiana An uni^ual effort is being made to keep all Florida fruits from the j citrus belt in Louisiana just below New Orleans, and it is believed the roads will be watched closely with a view of keeping out all peddlers. It' was said Tuesday along the streets; that Florida watermelons and green tomatoes would be permitted to en- ! ter Louisiana, one firm declaring they had a car of melons due the j latter part of the week. However. Mr. Wilson. State Commissioner of Agriculture, said that no modifies- t tion has been made to the embargo \ and that Monday the state refused to permit a car of melons to come Into Louisiana. The Louisiana quar antine covers all fruits and vege tables from the entire state of Flor ida CUBA WATCHING FLORIDA PEST WAR HAVANA. Cuba. May 3.—Cuban fruit and vegetable growers and shippers are anxiously watching the fight being carried on against the Mediterranean £uit fly in Florida, and customs inspectors have been instructed to confiscate all fruit brought here by passengers arriving from Florida ports. All fruit brought over by the passengers on the Steamship Cuba which arrived here Monday from Florida ports was con fiscated on arrival of the boat at the P. Sz O. docks here, and the same procedure will continue as long as there is danger of the fly being brought into Cuba. Should the fly become more dangerous in Florida It is thought that the Cuban author ities will place an absolute quaran tine against all fruits and vegetables moving from Florida into this coun try until such time as there will be no danger of the fly being brought here. Harlingen Officers Seek Cigaret Thief For Robbery There • i — -.-I- —. / t Special to The Herald ‘ HARLINGEN. May 7—Harlingen Officers Tuesday were seeking a thief or thieves who seem to spe cialize in cigarets for loot. Officers said cigarets recently had been stolen from other places The Schuhmacker Wholesale Gro cery Co. was entered early Monday ind a number of cases of cigarets were the only things taken The American Railway Express offices here were entered the same sight, but nothing was taken so far | is can be found. MOTHERS now learn value of MAGNESIA Because it is so oelpful in keeping \ oabics and children j dealt hy and happy. I every mother should know about Phillips Milk of Magnesia. This harmless, al __moat tasteless pre paration is'most effective in reliev ing those symtoms of babies and children generally caused by souring food in th: little digestive tract, such as sour-belching, frequent vomiting, feverishness, colic. As a mild laxa tive. it act& gently but certainly, to open the little bowels in constipa tion. colds, children ' diseases A teaspoonful of Phillips Milk of Magnesia does the work of half a nint of V ? water in neutralizing cows milk for infa:. feeding, and preventing hard curds. Its nianv bses for mother and child are fully «xplainei' * the interesting book “Useful Information." It will be sent vmi FREE. Write The Phillips Co.. 117 Hudson 8t„ New York N Y. In buying, be sure to get genuine Phillips ML' of Magnesia Doctors **ave prescribed it for over 50 years ‘ Milk of Magnesia" has been the n S Registered Trad* Mark of The Chas. H. Phillips Chemical Co ; and its predecessor. Clias. H. Phillips, since 1878-—Adv. I —..-. ‘CARNATION KID’ AT ARCADIA _ _ Douglas Mac Li an and Frances Lee in a scene from the “Camatidh Kid.” a crook comedy, coming to the Arcadia. Harlingen. flmnt SIDELIGHTS I AT TEXAS Ever since Edmund Low’e gave his notable interpretation of the tough, but lovable Sergeant Quirt in “What Price Glory.” he has been in great demand as a crook, near villain and husky, he-man "heavy.” but now Edmund Lowe has re formed. cinematically speaking, of course. His latest role is that of an upright, respectable young man opposite Corinne Griffith in “Out cast.” * a First National picture, which will be the chief attraction at the Texas theater today and to morrow. “It is quite refreshing," Mr. Lowe declares, “to be cast in a sympa thetic part for a chans.’. However. I’m not sure I would want straight leading men roles as a .teady thing. I'll admit there Is a thrill In play ing a crook or any kind of bad man. even if you have no such inhibitions in real life " “Outcast." directed by William A. Setter, is a story of San Francisco in which Miss Griffith plays an un usually dramatic role. This is the I ftrst time Edmund Lowe has played her leading man and the combina tion should be a particularly‘happy one. The cast also includes Lou ise Fazenda. Huntley Gordon. Kath ryn Carver and James Ford. AT THE QUEEN It is not often that childhood ambitions of two persons material ize. and still less often that they are experienced by two young film folks. James Ford and Thelma Todd, leading man and leading woman in “The House of Horror." which is playing tomorrow’ at the queen, were schoolmates and boy-and-girl sweet hearts in Lawrence, Mass. They both declared that they were going some day, to become film palyers. And they promised that they would play opposite each otlur in roman tic roles. Ford is now’ on contract to First National-Vitaphone pictures, pro ducers of “The House of Horror.” Miss Todd has done many leading roles with the same organization. In the mystery special, for the first time, the two were given lovers' roles opposite each other. Louise Fazenda and Chester Conklin head the cast of the eerie thriller. William V. Mong. Emile Chautard. William Orlamond. Dale Fuller and half-a-dozen other em inent character artists enact other “creepy" or comic roles. Benjamin Christensen directed the picture. AT THE CAPITOL No more ideal play for the animat ed talents of Miss Clara Bow has ever been chosen than her latest ve hicle. “The Wild Party.” which is now playing at the Capitol. “The Wild Party” is a vivacious, fast-moving, all-talking production based on the story by Warner Fa bian. famous author of popular nov els of the jazz age. There are several real wild parties in the play, and their watchword seems to be. When better whoopee is made. Clara will make it." Girls who are known throughout filmdom for their “IV qualitioa take part in the production. Dorothy Arzner. director of the picture, spent considerable time selecting the de sired types of whoopee-making pep sisters to fill the roles of members of Clar’s "gang” in the play. PALACE. Mo ALLEN "Wolf Song." a new Paramount sound presentation which is now playing at the Palae® theater, might truthfully be called a fascinating mu sical love drama. For. in a certain sense, the manner in which this pic ture has been handled, brings to mind the well-known musical shows. "The Dessert Song” and "The Vag abond King ” Like these stage suc cesses. "Wolf Sone". tells of a ro mance. gav. colorful, tempestuous: interpreted throughout by the sing ing of manv delightful love sangs. These tuneful melodies are sung bv th® beautiful Mexican actress. Luo® Velez, who with Oarv Cooper and Louis Wnlheim. plav the leading roles. The exotic Senorita. aceom oanying herself on the guitar, sines "Yo te Amo means I Love You." “Mi \ Amado.” “To Tola." and several oth ers. Senorita Velez has a delightful, crooning voice, and the manner 1" which she sings these songs should, win the approval of audiences every where Garv Cooper and a group of i mountain men al«o sine several rol- : Mckine songs of danger and adven ture including the romantic melodv which Inspired th* tHl* of this, the screen's first musical film romance.! The setting for "Wolf Song.” is th® unexplored southwest of th® earh* forties Tt is in a small, front ie town that the rangy mountain man Sam Lash, portrayed hv Gan* Copp er. meets and fab* in love with Loi* Solazar. olaved by Lime Velez, the beautiful daughter f)f an aristocrati* Don. The storv of tHeir great love, their da-big and their sacrifice, brines to the screen a picture of un usual merit and e**at be*utv. Th* performances of Lune Ve’ez and Gan* Cooo®r e*e mr*ieutaer»* no*® worthv: both nlavine the'r roles with -ectraint and understanding. Loui« Wolheim also does good work in the rnle of th® hardened mountain®®* who t*ies tp **<o Cooy®r j»a*av fro— his young bride, a strong support - ♦ng rest includes Constantin® F®-{ manoff. Michael Vavitch. Ann Brody | and Russell Columbo. ‘ Wolf Song,*’ was directed by Victor Fleming. RIVOLI. SAN BENITO The circle of persons privileged to hear and enjoy Ramon Novarro's j tenor voice will be increased a thou sandfold with “The Pagan,” new j Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer film, now I showing at the Rivoli theater. San Benito, in which Novarro sings for | the general public for the fhst tune. One of the chief spare-time in terests of Novarro is his “teatro tn time” or little playhouse, built as a part of his home in Beverly Hills. Close friends of the young Mexi can actor, who is one of the most reticent of the players on the west i coast, know that he spends a large [share of his evenings either at the opera or in his home theater. The laiVr, while its extremely intimate auditorium seats only 65 persons, is as completely equipped in propor tion to its size as a big amusement house. Resembling the other parts of his home in its Spanish type of architecture, the theater was con structed about two years ago under the personal supervision of the film star. It is a wcll-know'n fact that No varro has a rich tenor voice of great promise. He has pursued his vocal studies during recent years under some of the foremost teachers in the country, and now has plans for a concert tour in addition to grand opera. In his private theater, how ever. he confines himself to a ren dition of ballads and songs for a small, select circle of friends, and to occasional co-operative dramatic performances or film previews Battles under water with sharks sensational fights in a jungle wil h?™*8®: ®nd otl\er tropic thrills, blend with an island love romance Ramon Novarro's new screen arama. I Flashes of Life (Py The Associated Prase) (By The Associated Press) NEW YORK.—John M. Sitton of Greenville, S. C., who has helped pay his way through Yale art school by working as a waiter, is to re ceive $8 000 for three years' study of painting in Rome. He has won the Prix de Rome. WASHINGTON—Taps are to sound for the champion army trans port Thomas. In 30 years, starting with the Spanish war and ending with the San Prancisco-Manila route she has carried more than 40.- I 000 officers and 200.000 men. Soon she is to be sold to the highest bidder. NEW YORK—Sundry suits are being made for Colonel Lindbergh. "His taste is inclined toward con servative materials and style.” said a Fifth avenue tailor. Anne Mor row's aunt insists he is “Charles" to all the family and not “Augus tus.” STAMBOUL. Turkey.—The mod ern Turkish woman unwinds red tape by "squeezing out a faint.” j Such is the idiom for a mock swoon which is becoming a popular meth od of getting attention from gov ernment officials to matters of tax es and the like. At the first possible moment the government official gives orders that matters of busi ness pressed by the fainting person be attended to fort with. NEW YORK-There’s to be a $50 000,000 residential city of skyscraper homes in the Wall street district. A syndicate Is to erect apartments facing the Hudson. The idea is to enable men of affairs to live within a stone's throw from business in stead of travelling miles through congestion SAN FRANCISCO—Old soak probably will raise reduction in Washington. A message from the steamship President Wilson says that Secretary 3tiinson's parrot, now en route from Manila, has chewed three buttons off the cap tain’s coat. “I am sure the man ; who instituted be kind to animals week’ never met old soak," the mes sage adds. I kills Flies — Quicker! ■1 <4 VALLEY SHIPS 20.521 CARS Green Corn And Tjpmato Loadings Only Veg etables to Gain Shipments of Valley fruit and vegetables for the week ending May 4 totalled 565 cars by freight in car lots. according to reoorfs of ibe Missouri Pacific and Southern Pa cific railroads, bringing the season total to 20.521 cars. These figures include 1735 cars of citrus fruit. A feature of the week was in creased loadings of green corn and tomatoes. At the same time the green .bean, cabbage and potato deals came almost to a close, only a I few cars of each of these commodi ties moving daily. Leaders this week are Weslaco with 242 cars shipped during the season. Mercedes with 1955. Donna 1658. San Benito 1361 and Pharr 1210. Shipments of fruit and vegetables ] by stations for the season are: Porfirio . 3 1 San Perlita . 1 S7 i Willamar .. .. II Pless . l Raymondville . 1 342 Lyford . 20 Sebastain . 37 Combes . 73 Harlingen . 36 909 San Benito . 237 1124 Barreda ..... .. 2 Olmito . 74 Brownsville . 46 667 Stuart Place. 70 114 La Peria . 95 603 Mercedes . 294 1661 Weslaco . 7 2485 Gonna . 36 1622 Val Verde . 53 147 Alamo . 134 ai2 San Juan . 6 346 Pharr . 65 1145 McAllen . 140 394 Sharyland . 235 61 Mission ... 107 351 Ratcliff . 64 Edinburg . 5 153! Edcouch. 1162 Kansas City. 185 Rollo . 71 Holder . 8 Hareill . 3 Fernando . 35 Rio Hondo . 3 259 Graybill . 3 Kreston . 1311 Lauraies . 129 Lellan . 1 29 Junior . 76 Guillermo . 4 La Paloma . 165 Landrum . .. 330 Carricitos . 46 | Los Indios . 53 Ohio .'. 40 Mitchell . 47 Raneerville . 129 Longoria . 16 Santa Maria . .. 60 Ravnaul . 42 Willich . afi Shultz . 14 H.dalgo . 70 Oblate . 11 Nebraska . 1 I Southmost . 2! Pipers . 53 Gays . 9 Other SBRGV Stations .. 45 i Tejon . 451 Rosita . v Cuates . 53 Los Fresnos . 292 Laconia . Lcamo . 163 Lantana . 117 Snavely . 164 Primera ... 327 i Santa Rosa. 564 ! La Villa . 91 j Elsa . 335 La Blanca. 343 San Carlos . 7 , Merito . 15 ; BRYAN, Texas. May 7.—UP,—A move for a new deal in the highway tangle was launched here today when presidents and managers of the Eist-Wcit Texas dinters of Commerce decided to invite the South Taras chamber to join them in appointing a committee to make a thorough investigation and rec ommcnrtat ons. 01 LS™^» Pint touch ot Carbon (tops pain. Special ingredient* quickly draw out core of boil or car buncle. Lancing uauacaaaury. Car boil prevents spreading. Gat today from dragnet. Or a—d SOP to Spurlock-rteal Co., Waabefllo, Tana, I C LA R A 'BOW INVITES YOU TO TheWiM Party. Clara’s best picture, and it s ALL TALKING, too! — Also — Lloyd Hamilton Talking Comedy “HIS BIG MOMENT" And Paramount News NOW SHOWING Ei ■“ ■ n I OWNSVILLE ..... SMITH MEETS NEW TAMMANY CHIEF i ' !'.1 : T! •* ..'r\ Meeting in New York for first time since John F. Curry was elected leader of Tammany Hall, democratic organization. Curry and former - Governor Alfred E. Smith are shov*j shaking hands. Appoint Committee To Formulate Plant To Select Slogan Upon the suggestion of J. E. Bell. J San Benito, a committee was ap pointed from a group of Chamber | of Commerce secretaries at a meet-] ing of the Valley Secretaries’ Asso-; elation last Friday at San Juan toj work out a fea^ble method of pro cedure for conducting a contest for a Valley-wide slogan. Mr. Bell called the attention of the group that there should be some slogan which would be suitable fo all cities in the Lower Valley and! could be used in advertising it. It also was suggested at the meet ing that the organization consider the advisability of having a Valley wide letter head prepared for Val-j ley Chr -ibers of Commerce to be; used especially for handling Valley wide traffic and advertising. The meeting unanimously accept-, cd the invitation of H. D. Backer., Donna to hold the next meeting of, secretaries in his city. 11 Men Forwarded To Huntsville Pen From Cameron Jail I — Ten men. sentenced from one toj five years in the state penitentiary, were taken from the Cameron coun ty jail Monday by R. C. Cloud, transfer agent of the penitentiary. Cloud has a specially built car with j which he transfers the prisoners to Huntsville. The men turned over to him by Sheriff Frank Brown were as fol lows: Manuel Martinez, two years for assault to murder; Encarnacio Garcia,, three years for violation of Dean act; Ralph D. Richardson, two years for burglary; Jose Jaramillo. one year for violation of Dean act; Felipe Ramirez, one year, failure to render aid; Wenceslao Garza, two years, violation of Dean act; Allen G. Randolph, two years, theft; An-' tonio Lopez, one year, violation of Dean act: fkidie Taylor, receiving stolen property, five years; Eddie Taylor, forgery, two years; and Con nie Hall, four years for manslaugh ter. OUTCAST Allot BoHomI Actor* A vivid romance of a girl of the tenderloin 0 — Also — COMEDY — WESTERN Admission 10c — 25c ##»####»################»##»###< Last Time Today “One Stolen Night” Coming Tomorrow— The HOME" HORROR Mystery — Comedy Thrills »#»##»###########»##»##»######»# 666 is a prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria. It is the most speedy remedy known | Mtrnaiw BROWNSVILLE — Now — ‘THEIR HOUR” With June Marlow FOX NEWS Admission 25c, 20c, 10c Hear Bewitching Lupe Sing H“ Yo Te Amo^H (“I Love You') mm and other haunting love melodies. A sensational romance you will never for- Jj get. Wonderful with Sound! The most marvel ous score and accompani ment ever lavished on a t. picture! WO UP i SOX© i ARY COOPER * LOPE VELEZ . LOUIS WOLHEIM | , Lupe. the tempestuous, the p ’ unconventional, the fire- V;fe brand! Cooper. the wild- 1/ riding romantic mountain- p* man who traps wolves |p and women! A glorious. tv dashing love drama told n in Sound and pictures. A 1/ •tew event in pictures! M CL paramount Qicture ~L ■v — Also — x AN ALL TALKING COMEDY / x And / X MOVIETONE / s PAUcE' McALLEN NOW Board of Trustees Authorize Summer School Term Here _ At its meeting Monday evening ) the Brownsville independent school district board of trustees authorised the summer session of scuool. Dean S. A. Caldwell of tne Junior college will head the system as di rector and teacher of education The summer school, which will embrace work for Junior college, high school and junior high school pupils, will get under way soon after the dose of the junior college. All classes will be held in the new junior college high school building. The following teachers have been selected: R. J. Bingham, assistant! director and mathematics instruc- ! tod; Mrs. D. Fessenden, history; ; Douglas Fessenden, English; Mrs Elizabeth Webster, typewriting and commercial arithmetic: Mrs. Juana Portillo. Spanish; Matty Gentry i Mathematics; Mrs. Russell, mathe matics; Mrs. Russell, mathematics: and Mrs. A. S. Putegnat. education. BLAZE IS PUT OUT AT LANIER RADIO PARLOR A alight blaze on the roof of the Lanier Radio Parlor. 1108 Eliza beth street, was extinguished with chemicals by fire engines Nos. 1 and 3 Monday at 3:40 p. m. The blaze is believed to have re sulted from a cigarette tossed on the roof, or from flying sparks. BANKER’S LIFE IS THREATEN! Note Written By Collet* . Student, Alabama Po fe lice Believe TUSCALOOSA. Ala . May 7 -IMP Diction of a note threatening It H identity of^luTauthcJ l“”1 **** Although police have been retie* ent cone* ruing progress of their in* vest:gallon, they intimated a cel* siuarnt. pmiimmmy ft un uni* versity of Alabama, may have sent the note, and supported their theorv by the fact that its spelling word* mg and punctuation were perfect A special guard has been placed around Cochran s home. The money demanded was wanted for a lopn which would be paid bark with interest, the missive, signed Richard the bold. ’ explained, and cautioned the banker not to make a false move There Is • certain man who needs 1600. ’ the note said, “and that man knows you have 1600. The man in question is a criminal and 5600 will save him now " Stomach Troubles Stopped Right Now Here is a remedy that lias brought thousands of sufferers from stom ach trouble back to health. That remedy is GORDON S, an internal antiseptic that goes right to the seat of the trouble by stopping fer mentation (souring of Jood*. Fer mentation is the greatest obstacle to overcoming indigestion and kin dred ills. i One dose of GORDON 8 aill con vince you of its efficiency in case* of indigestion, dypepsta. excess add gas, bloating. heartburn. sour stomach, that “tired feeling.* sick headache, and nervousness, alien caused by faulty digestion Get • bottle of this famous rem edy from your druggist today -Ad» SOUTH SEA LOVE/ vw m | B 1 A Sensation in Song and Story The Star of “Ben Hur” in a New Triumph I -- The great star of •'Ben Hue' ■ IPad adds new trimphs of song ! romantic film vupremarv. m . NOVARRO ! His voice, hailed as remarkable. Is J ! Sing heard puMirl.v for the first time now } | in the haunting melodv of "The Fa- J “The Pagan «*" s”"« I r»VA >* comes us the rlimas of a gee- $ ! UUYC geous picture of South Seu life, love * ! .-. ■ ! and laughter. ’ 2 Today and Tomorrow 2 ! . Added Attract ions Ill /\ I 1 Fox Movietone Newt i nl VULI All-Talking romedv “KISSES” 2 San Benito __ 2 | Coming Thursday for 4 Days ! [TffiBBBBBBKT^BWBBTrriilMt i <fs»d»ds»ur4» ♦ r rr frrr-urr rrg# e#er t • I * k Hear the Humor!! See the Fun!! ; - !| ! ! | I; * <> i [ it 1 * it it it u i > I! it || it : u l> it j LI, I! HARLINGEN %, Opening Tomorrow — Last Time Today