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* . . —™ 1 1 1 mi ' . Phone Number T T"» rT"1 “tT Phone Number IIj^J Valley Society N CWS ^/ X -Li X X Seven ||* *j! and Events i 4 ± W l! ; rrrrrrrrr rrrr— rrr - j Brownsville Entertains Convention Visitors Activities of Brownsville and valley club women for' the past week have centered around the twenty-eighth annual convention of the fifth district of the Texas federation of women’s clubs, which was in session May 7, 8, and 9. Many social functions were ar ranged in Harlingen for the dele gates and distinguished visitors at the convention during the meet'ng there, while following the adjourn ment of the convention the vtsit tng women were the guests ot Brownsville club women Thursday afternoon and Friday. At 1 p. m. Thursdya, nearly one hundred and fifty of the officers, delegates and guests were enter Uined by the city federation and Brownsville at a luncheon given at the country club. At this delight ful affair present officers and those elected at the recent convention were presented, and a number of prominent clubwomen were intro duced. After the luncheon the visi tors were taken for drives about the cttjr, and to points of interest nearby. On Thursday evening Mrs. Vol ney w. Taylor, newly elected presi dent. was hostess to a group of in timate friends, including.the offi cers and visitors at her home on Levee street. The affair took the form of a supper served in buffet style, and the evening was delightfully spent in renewing old acquaintances. The double living room was beau tifully decorated in a pink color motif, the walls banked with bou gainvillea, interspersed with pink gladioli. Low bowls of pink ra diance roses were scattered about the room. In the dining room the hostess had used artistic arrange ments of shasta daisies and snap dragons. Guests few the supper were Mes dames W. r. Potter, Bowie, presi dent of the state federation: Sam J. 8mlth, Austin, district president; W. E. McCaleb, acting secretary-1 treasurer; Lee Joseph, Austin; F. I A. Tompkins and Henry Redmond, I Corpus Christi; G. R. Scott. Cor- | pus Christi; J. L Young. Mineral Wells; George Cox. Del Rio; Cecil Smith. Sherman; Alex Adams. San Antonio: J. E. King. San Antonio; \ Wm. Gerhart, Corpus Christi; W. E Duff, Elgin; Lackey, Cuero; H. 8ignor. Brownsville, newlv elected secretary-treasurer; W. E. Spell, Robert Browning. El Paso; John D. Cochran. Sinton; L. B Randall, first vice president-elert. 8an An tonio, and Miss Katherine Red mond. Corpus Christi. A number of other guests and clubwomen of Brownsville called during the evening. Mrs. Taylor also entertained with a breakfast Friday morning for her house guests and several other women. Manv of the visitors remained in the city Thursday night as guests of local women. Mrs. D. P. Gay had as her guests Mrs. Earl B. Mayfield and Mrs. John D. Clay brook, of Austin. Mrs. V. L. Con rad entertained Mrs. F. A. Tomp kins: Mrs. H. L. Fitch was hostess to Mrs. Henry Redmond, and daughter. Miss Katherine, Mrs. Spell and Mrs. Lee Joseph at the Fitch apartments: Mrs Barnes had Mrs. Sam J. 8mith, 1'ra. F. M. Braley and Mrs. W. E. Duff at the Nebraska apartments. Mrs. W R. Jones had Mrs. Wm. Gerhart, while Mrs. J. L. Young has been a guest j of Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Harbert Davenport. Mrs. W. E. McCaleb j was a guest of Mrs. J. L. Rent fro. Mrs. Geo. M. Smith entertained Mesdames Moss. Loring and • Bod - rie, all of San Antonio. Mrs. Rob ert Browning was a guest of Mts. R. B. Creager and Mrs. Willie A. George. • • • Y. \Y. Membership Meeting Mav 16 An address by Mrs. Harris Mas terson of Houston, is one of the most interesting features of the pro gram for the Valley .Y W. C. A. membership day, to be held at Cam po Del Arroyo, near Rio Hondo. May 16. Mrs. Masterson Is a mem ber of the national committee for the world service, and well known In Texas Y. W. C. A. work. This is the most important meet ing of the year, at which time work I of the past year will be closed up. I new officers elected, and plans for the coming year discussed. In an nouncing the meeting, members of the executive board urged that at least five representatives from each chapter attend. The program will open with a luncheon at 12 o'clock, followed by the business session. The meeting is open to eevryonc interested in the work of the or ganisation. Reservations for the luncheon may be made through the local chairman. Mrs. Volney W. Tay lor. The price of the luncheon Is 50 cents. • • • Beeville Visitors Party Honorces Mrs. Howell McCampbell enter tained Friday with a delightful af fair at the Yacht club, honoring her house guest. Mrs. A. C. Jones, of Beeville. The guests enjoyed a sea food luncheon, followed by four games of bridge, in which Mrs. Louis Brulay won first prize, and Mrs. Robert Hollingsworth of Har lingen, the cut. Mrs. Jones received a remembrance. Before returning to Brownsville the party had a drive around the point. The personnel of the party includ ed Mesdamcs Brulay, Hollingsworth, .T. L. Rentfro, Lawrence Brady. W. j C. Craig. Jr., Lute r. Stover, Mc Crunpbell and Jones. Mrs. Otis Singer and Mrs. Iouis Brulay entertained on Saturday aft ernoon with a neighborhood party at Boca Chica, honoring Mrs. Jones i daughter. Luella. who is also a guest of Mrs. McCampbell. The party cn- j Joyed a swim and picnic supper on the beach. Miss Luella and Miss Lucie Brulay were friends at Camp Waldemar last summer. • • • Bunco Party For Senior (iirls Miss Marjorie Roil and Miss Sarah Shapiro were joint hostesses to a group of senior girls at the home of the latter on Friday eve- j ning. Tables for bunco, which fur- J nished the diversion, were arranged on the spacious porch. The prize for success in the games went to i Miss Bejmlce Manry. who received a dainty chiffon handkerchief.! Miss Pauline Lane was presented with an ornamental doll for con- j solation. Delicious refreshments were serv ed to Misses Elodia Pacheco, Fran ces Sethman. Annie Rusterburg.! Frances Kaufman. Evelyn Dover, I Lois Dever. Bernice Manry. Annie Lee Berryhill. Jo Marie Wigington.1 Pauline l ane. Ruth Helbig. Hilda L.obin. jS%uri Russell. Jeanie Me- 1 Clughan. aid the hostesses. El Jardin Club Has Party Members of *El Jardin bridge club entertained their husbands at the home of Mrs. A. E. Harper on Tuesday evening. Four tables of \ players participated in the games, j Mrs. Harper and R. A. Caldwell’ holding high scores, and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Greer low. Refresh- j ments were served during the eve ning. Tust-Sew With Mrs. Graham The regular meeting of the fust Sew club was held at the home of Mrs. S. C. Graham Wednesday afternoon, which was spent in sew ing and chatting. • • • Comings, Goings. Of Local People Lieut, and Mrs. Clyde Massey and Lieut, and Mrs. J. B Edmunds are at Fort Ringgold, where the offi cers are at the shooting range. Col. Stanley Koch is also at Fort Ringgold. Dr. Warren Wilson, of Northfield. Minn., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Closner the past week. Dr. Wilson has extensive interests in Hidalgo county. Mrs. M. I. Voorhes plans to go to Fort Ringgold on Monday for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cox. of Del Rio, are guests at El Jardin for a few days. Mrs. Cox was a delegate to the fifth district conventiqn at Harlingen during the past week. She Is a niece of Frank Rabb, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hipp are In Beaumont for a few days. They expect to return Monday. Mrs. J. T. Vance, of Refugio, and two children. Grace and Jesse, have been spending a few days with Mrs. Vance s niece. Mrs Bascom Cox. They returned home Saturday. Mrs. Vance attended the fifth district convention at Harlingen. Mrs. Taylor had as her house guests Mesdamcs W. R. Potter. G. R. Scott, John D. Cochran. Alex Adams and J. E. King. HARLINGEN TEA The large tea given by the city clubs at the spacious new home of Mrs. L. R. Hollingsworth added a delightful event to the list of social functions being given in honor of the delegates and visitors attending the federation convention. The home was garden like In the lavish use of gladioli, carnations, roses and snapdragons in tall green and gold enameled floor baskets gracing the rooms. The colors f conforming to the pastel hues. The lovely gardened lawn surrounding the home was most inviting with the addition of tall urns of bou gainvillaea and the seats and swings placed for the guests The high school band furnished music throughout the hours of the tea. Miss Helen Flynn gave a paino number and Jane Lee Joy ner gave several solo dances ac companied by Mrs. Floyd Smith. Receiving with Mrs. Hollings worth in the reception hall were Mesdames A. H. Weller. T. S. Her ren. A. L. Brooks. S. O. Stringer. F. L. Flynn, and Mrs. B. M. Holland. Mesdames A. Brunneman. Sam B. Willis. L. B. Mayer of San Benito and H. H. Burchard received in the living room. rMs. E. P. Homaday and Mrs. L. W. Hoekins assisted by Miss Paul Hill. Mrs. M. A. Chil ders. Mrs. J. L. Teas. Mrs. J. L. Head. Mrs. Dick Eubanks. Miss Campbell, served a delicious salad and sweet course to the guests in the sun parlor. The guests were then directed to the lawn for the afternoon's entertainment. Assisting with hostess duties on the lawn were Mesdames David Wink. Floyd Smith, Charles Wood. Sid Berley. Dudley South. Lloyd Mellor. John Morris. Jr., and Misses Josephine Willis and Emily Trax ler. About 200 called during the aft ernoon. Plate favors were attract ive corsages in the pastel shades. gifts of the Jo-An Flower Shoppe • • • CLUB ENTERTAINED Mrs. W. R. Heard entertained (he Friday club and her house guest Miss Chowning Moore of Van Al styne, at her home on East Tavlor street. The players gathered In room, made attractive :>y the use of spring flowers in ciTstal bowls and gay baskets. Flower designed scor<- pads and tallies were used in the games. Mrs. O. W. Springer won high score for the club members and Mi s. John Crockette second hlgn. Mrs. j Harry D. Forrest won high guest prize and a special souvenir went, to the honoree. A delicious salad and ice course was served to 20 club members and special guests. • • • BANQUET The Tri-County Medical Asso ciation and their wives were enter tained by the Harlingen doctors with a banquet at the Reee^-TVji mond hotel Thursday eveuing. Radiance roses arranged with fern in a beautiful silver basket adorned the center of the table. A three course dinner was served after which the association completed their plans for the Medical Con vention to be held here the latter part of this month. Thirty-three members were pres ent. • • • CLUB HOSTS Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ray were hosts to their bridge club at their home on East Madison. Thursday evening. Spring flowers were used in at tractive baskets and vases through out the living rooms. Prizes were presented to Mrs.! Scott Macy and Clyde Hollon. An ice course was served to 121 guests. • • • SWIMMING PARTY Members of Eight A grade of the Juniod High school were entertained with a swimming narty at the Mid way Park Friday morning with breakfast at the Women's Building. Harrv Buck was toastmaster at the breakfast. A toast to the fac ulty was gjyen by Jimmie Lawrence, president of the class, a toast to the sponsor by Eugene Barton. Mi«s Bessie Pearce presented L. H. Hollingsworth, principal, with a white gold watch in behalf of the class. Bob Turby, Felix Fisher and Harry Buck sang several popular selections accompanied by Misr Evelyn Estes at the piano. Baskets of zinnias adorned the table. • • • SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC Mrs. 8. L. Batchelors class and several Invited guests enjoyed a swimming party Tuesday evening given at the Rotarv pool in San Benito. After a delightful swim a picnic spread was enjoyed, and popular songs, with ukulele accom paniment was the evening's musical entertainment. • • • DANCE The Los Amigos club of Harlin gen entertained with a dance in the Spanish Garden of the El Jar din hotel. Brownsville. Tuesday eve ning. About 50 couples from Har lingen enjoyed this entertainment which is a monthly affair. Eddie Werne and his orchestra furnished the music for the evening. SOCIAL AFFAIRS FOR CLUB WOMEN Many delightful soical functions honoring the visiting club women have featured the convention of the fifth district of the Texas federa tion of women’s clubs, held here Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day. A beautiful luncheon was given at noon Wednesday at the First Methodist church was in their honor. The tables were centered with beautiful crystal bowls of roses mingled with fern. Tall floor bas kets in pastel tints containing a variety of spring flowers added to the floral beauty of the banquet room. Mrs T. 8. Herrcn. president of the Woman’s Chamber of Com merce acted as hostess for the local clubwomen and presided at the luncheon. Having been asked sev eral times as to what the chamber of commerce work consisted of. Mrs Herren gave a brief outline of the history of this organisation, and Its works. The Music Lover’s Octette, com posed of Mesdames A. V. Brown. Jack Carey, 8. O. Strthger. Frank Chastain. B. F. Hardin, F. L. Crown. L. W. Van Pelt, and Miss Jennie Case, sang "Volga Boat Song." "Russian Folk Song” and “A Hun dred Years From Now** by Carrie Jacobs Bond, accompanied by Mrs. A. B. Waldron. Margaret Ann Smith. little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Smith, pave two readings. ‘ lazy's Vcdding,” and ‘'Romance.” Mrs. Frank Chastain sang "Bong of the Soul'’ by Breil and “In May Time” by Oiey Speaks, accompan ied by Mrs. Floyd Smith. Miss Helen Flynn gave “Valse Brilliantc” and Miss Josephine Wil lis sang “Roces” by Lynes accom panied tfc# her mother, Mrs. Sam B. Willis. Another pleasing affair was the informal tea in the late hours of Wednesday afternoon given at the beautiful new country home of Mrs. L. E. Snavely. The tropical shrubs, trees and blooming flowers surrounding the home formed a beautiful back ground for this occasion. Mrs. Earl B. Reed, chairman of the department of conservation of natural resources, with Mrs. I. c. Webb and Mrs. J. C. Myrick. both cf Harlingen, were hostesses for the afternoon. Grapefruit punch was served un der a rustic pergola, by several girls of San Benito, from a large block of Ice into which a silver basket of vari colored flowers had been frozen. More than 250 guests called dur ing the afternoon. Mrs. Gerald W. McKenna enter tained with a typical southern breakfast Thursday morning at her home on Polk street honoring Mrs. Sam J. Cmith* of Austin, president of the federation and Mrs. W. E. Duff of Elgin. A beautiful silver basket of red radiance roses graced the break fast table. PERSONALS Sarah Briar, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Briar, was oper ated upon at the Valley Baptist hospital Tuesday morning. Reports are that she is doing nicely. Mr. E. F. Telford left Wednes day night for his home in Little Rock, Ark. Mr. W. O. Clinton, manager of J. C. Penney store. Harlingen, was called to Kansas City Wednesday on account of the serious illness of his wife. Mrs. G. R. Scott of Corpus Christi has been a visitor in Har lingen this reek attending the federation convention. Mr. Lynn D. Lasswell of Waxa hachie was in Harlingen a few days this week on business. Mcsdamcs E. F. Fulgham, E. H. Otto. W. M. Driskell and Mira Vera Turner left Wednesday for Temple to represent the Harlingen Business and Professional Wom en's club In the state convention of this organization. Mr. C. C. Krueger, president of the San Antonio Machine Supply Co., accompanied by Mr. H. J. Hershman. treasurer of the Na tional Tube company of Pittsburgh, Pa., and Mr. Hugo Weidman of New Orleans have returned to their homes after a weeks tour of the Valley. Fred Johnson of San Antonio is in the Valley on business. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. L. Beale ot Dallas arived in Harlingen Thurs day to make their home. Mr. Beale Is with Yorkshire Insurance com pany._, ! I } IMPORTED \ \ < SANDALS i \ $5 1 { IN A SMART t VARIETY OF \ COLORS \ \ I Exclusive Indies' Apparel 4 1344 Eltiabeth For the jjf I Graduate \ ■ So many beau tiful thi n g 9 that every girl would appre ciate. Underwear . Hosiery Handkerchiefs Perfumes Flowers Slippers Robes __ Exclusive Ladles* Apparel 1144 Elisabeth I < Monday The Woman’s auxiliary of the Presbyterian church will meet in circles, as follows: Circle number one, with Mrs. Geo. Wilson; number two with Mrs. J. H. Batsell; -number three, Mrs. H. H. Banker, and the eve ning circle with Mrs. C. C. Lamberth. Circles of the Baptist missionary society will have a joint meeting at the church for mission study. Methodist missionary society meets in circles at 3:30 p. m., as follows: number one at the church, with Mrs. Sam Hughston as hostess; number two in Olmito, with Mrs. Hugh Willbanks; number three, at the church, Mrs. A. S. Gimble hostess, and the Young Matrons cir cle with Mrs. J. M. Abel in Victoria Heights. Altar society of the Sacred Heart church is to have a social meeting with Mrs. William Dcllinghauser, 203 St. Charles, at 3:30 p. m. Woman’s Guild, of the Church of the Advent, Epis copal, will meet at the parish house, 3 p. m. Tuesday Rebekahs at the T. O. O. F. hall, 8 p. m. Tuesday bridge club with Mrs. Dick Harris. Mardi with Mrs. Fred Latham. Hi-Lo with Mrs. N. E. Rendall, Jr. Wednesday Wednesday bridge club with Mrs. Robert Schwartz. Thursday Civic league at the Chamber of Commerce, 3:00 y. W. C. A. membership luncheon at Rio Hondo. A Fashion Model’s Diary By GRACE THORNCLIFFE She Rave a About an Evening Gown. THE sweetest little girl was In the shop his morning. I've never seen anybody who seemed to get more Joy out of living. It's her first visit to tbo big city and she certainly to thrilled about It. She is certainly the most naive and least blase young lady we’ve bed In our I establishment for many a day. I Her visit to the city was made pos sible through her home town. They ran a beauty contest for some sort of publicity stunt, and she was named the winner. Tbo prise was a visit to the city and an entire new wardrobe. We were rather surprised that she came to Madame’s for some of her clothes, because not many people know about ourptoce. How ever. she said one of ^ wealthiest women In her «wn had w^d her about us and made her promise to stop In end see what we bad to I delegation ot n«r home people came with her and they're giving her a glorioue time, entertaining her and introducing her to everyone. She was absolutely ecstatic o%er the clotbes we had to show her. and aim ply bad a terrible time choosing. There's a dance being given for her at one of the largest hotels next week and she wanted a new eve ning gown. She looks •t'tnnlng In clothes, and Is unusually about her good looks for a girl who is the winner of a beauty contest. Most of our customers never will listen to our advice about clothes in fact, we hardly ever offer any. because they generally have such set Ideas about what they want. But this girl asked even-one insight for en opinion, and It was hard to give it—because they're wasn t anything j that didn't become her. However, she finally decided on a evening dress of flowered chiffon Tne bodice to very simple. M ... \r ,, , , j Smart Frock of Flowered Georgette with two eery narrow straps, and the skirt has the every smart moulded hip line and two adorable sets of fan shaped set-In pleats. Of course, the hemline Is fashionably uneven. Thej exquisite, warm-* panels of a sunny garden-* Crepe Georgette Hats by rJVleadvwbrook^ The sun has lent a hazy warmth to the colors of these gracefully brimmed, subtly moulded hats —to flatter the smart women who will wear sun-tan or creamy complexions this season. I j Small and Large Pol^gs Junior Matron Styles Off-the-Forehead Shapes \ * {They tuck-away without creasing) ; GIMBLE’S 115b Elizabeth—Next to Texas Bank 9t Trust Co. PHONE 355 EDINBURG P.-T. A. INSTALLS The officers for the coming year were installed at a business meeting of the Parent-Teachers' association, which was held on Monday after noon in .the college* auditorium These officers are: President. Mrs. E. M. Evcrltt; vice president, Mrs E. S. Hearne; secretary, Mrs. C. 8. Collier: treasurer. Mrs J. O. Dun can. The new president also named several committee chairmen for the next session. Several items of routine business wr-e taken care of Of especial in terests to the members present were the reports given by the delegates •vho attended the convention of the Fifth District of the State Parent - Teachers’ association, which was held in Sinton. These were espe cially good and Interesting. At the close of the business ses sions. a lovely gift was presented to Mrs. W. E. Wright, who has served as president during the past year and is leaving Edinburg to make her home in San Antonio At the close of the afternoon, light refreshments were served to the parents and teachers in the cafeteria. • • • j TUESDAY LUNCHEON CLUB Mrs. Watt Tinkler charmingly en tertained the members of the Tues | day Luncheon club and several | guests on Tuesday evening. A de ! licious barbecue supper was served on the lawn, after which five table;, of bridge were formed. The tallies were gay and attractive little fans An abundance of spring flowers brightly decorated the rooms. The i honor scores were made bv Mrs J I W. Savage and Mr. L. E. Tinkler. • * • • | SENIOR BRIDGE CLUB The members of the Senior Bridge cluo enjoyed a delightful morning of bridge at the home of Mrs. J. C Epperson on Wednesday. A refresh ingly cool drink eras served dwnu the bridge games. Mrs. W L. Lip scomb was the holder of the hones seme and received a dainty prtaa • + • CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR About 20 members of the Chr" turn Endeavor of the ChrirJ church enjoyed a Jolly sarw party on Tuesday evening R Cascade pool in McAllen. I .*.*» members o! the McAllen Christian Endeavor .Joined the Edinburg croup at the pool, and later in the eve* ning the entire crowd was enter* Uined by the McAllen society to tha basement of the church in McAllen. A delicious picnic supper wag spread, after which the evening wa* spent in playing games and having a Jolly time. Mr T C Mrlntvr* and Mrs. A. O. Hatch chaperon**! the Edinburg members • * • WEDNESDAY AUCTION The Wednesday Auction Brute* j club was charmingly entertained eg Wednesdsr afternoon by Mrs J t>. Denson Bowls of vari -colored nu*s were placed artist,Rally about the rooms. .In the games of brtDee. t*»a \ lwnor score was made by Mn IX 1 C. Prtnty. At the close of the game the hostess served a refreshing ice court. • • • MISSIONARY SOCIETY The Missionary society of the Christian church met an Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mn Jofer. McKinney. A short business a*M*r: was held, during which the offterrt for the coming year were elected. They are: Mrs Victor Cleaner, per' - ident; Mrs. A R Baker, vice presi dent: Mrs. F. L Terry, secretary and treasurer. Mrs. A. R. Baker conducted tha devotions! hour r.nd led the pro* (Continued on Pago Three \ r-•-21 m International Shoe Store MRS ELSIE C. BARREDA. Manager 609 Twelfth St.—Brownsville Vacation Days There'll be plcntv of ronptnt when school days are over— and those youngsters of yours will want our Sturdy Footwear. A complete range is presented ;n black or browns, with value an out standing feature. 1 . 1 Creamy Coolness It's Wonderful Mistletoe Ice Cream Rich, smooth Xco Delicious rre*m’ l8d*n w1th luscious fruits .... n * j chilled to an A stare Koseland tic frigidty that cools you off, presto! like . , that! ... And oh, the way it tickles your U» .1 . taste with its deli mistletoe cious blend* of fas cinating flavors! BUTTER On Sale at All sold ta iwa form * or in tasty brick Leading rartetlsa, at all ber fountain* Grocers Mistletoe Creameries > Weslaco —