111| Valley Society j
Phone 7
1.1 I las M
(Continued From Page Two.)
iit gram. The afternoon was devoted
I to the study of the work of the mis
I ;Llonar*es of the church in China and
I Tibet. Assisting Mrs. Baker in the
1 p'esentatlon of the program were
f Mrs J. O Duncan. Mrs. John Mc
* Kinney and Mrs. J. A Braden. At
\ ‘he conclusion of the afternoon, the
served a delicious salad
;/ • • •
1 With Mrs. A M Baker and Mrs
I U. E. Baker as hostesses, the Win
I One class of the Methodist church
enjoyed a delightful meeting on Frl
| day afternoon at the Methodist
U church Mrs. W. L. Sterling con
^ ducted the devotionais A short bus
iness session and social hour com
| pleted the afternoon. It was de
| cided that the class meet regularly
| on the first Friday afternoon of ev
1 ery month. The hostesses will'be
I selected alphabetically, and the
place of meeting, either in the social
rooms of the church or at home, is
I to be optional with the hostesses A
devotional sendee will be held at
each meeting and a study of the
Bible will be made during the year.
' The next meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. Craney on June 7.
• • •
L The Rebekah Lodge of Edinburg
held a regular meeting on Monday
I night in the Odd Fellows- hall. A
short business session was held, and
the regular routine business was dis
posed of. The degree team, which
expects to go to Mercedes on June
4. held a very good practice. A
short social hour closed the meeting.
Approximately 30 members were in
• • •
i About 60 persons were present at
the prayer sendee and social hour
which was held in the Sunday
school annex of the Presbyterian
church on Wednesday evening. Mr.
and Mrs H. Y. Barnett. Mrs Asa
Judy and Miss Helen Fairbanks had
charge of the supper and social hour
preceding the prayer service. These
affairs are held every week and all
members of the congregation and
their friends are cordially invited to
attend and bring a covered dish for
the supper at 7 o'clock
• • •
Mrs. E W Shumann entertained
I the Friday Night Bridge club wdth a
<Jli‘ahtful party carrying out a
hchostn color theme of pink and
^yeen. Graceful baskets of corona.!
Ink geraniums and lace fern struck
/ne floral note, and the dainty color
jCheme was repeated in the attrac
tive tallies and table accessories.
"Tie honor score's were made by Mrs
k, E Tutt and Mrs W. A Schultze.
• • •
| fttfrs. Y Baker. Mrs A R Ba
Mrs J. K Miller were host
JUj-' the Study club on Thursday
•TMTCoon at the home.of Mrs. A Y.
Baker This was thevlast regular,
meet’ne of the year and oue to the!
proximity of Mother s Day. the sub- j
Ject. of the program was "Mother " j
Mrs. W. T. Rowley led the pro-j
gram and r^ve a very lovely te.lk on *
the subject, using a copv of Whist
ler's famous painting. "Mother.” as!
an illustration. A very charming
duet. "Love's Old Sweet Song.” was
sun'* by Miss Emma Gene Baker
and Mr. Frank Wrirht. with Missj
Murrel Dunn accompanying Mrs i
O. W. Curry read a paper entitled.
-Glimpsing the Beautiful.” and Mrs.
N E Tuel read “A Healp O' Livin'”
by Edgar A Guest
After the delightful program, a
short busines ssession was held The
president appointed dfleeates to at
tend the Valley Federation in Mc
Allen on Tuesday. May 14. Thev are:
Mesdames J J Closner. L E West.
O. W. Curry: alternate-;. Mesdames
A L Janszen. G S Kennard and
W. T. Rowley. A called meeting will
be held on May 30 for the purpose
of hearing the reports from the Val
ley Federation meeting.
• • •
The grounds and entrance to the
high school were gayly lighted with
Japanese lanterns on Saturday eve
ning when the Junior class of the
high school entertained the Senior
class with a banquet which is an an
nual affair.
The delicious four-course banquet
was served in the cafeteria which
had been transformed into a beau
tiful Japenes garden. The ceiling
was festooned with garlands of wis
teria and gray moss, which artificial
cherry trees and arbors covered with
wisteria concealed the walls and
completed the beautiful setting
The 164 guests were seated at nine
large tables, which were very artis
tically decorated. In the center of
each tables was a miniature Japa
nese garden containing a quiet pool
filled with wax-like lilies. A grace
ful bridge spanned each pool and
miniature cherry* trees completed
the garden scene A color of shades
of wisteria was beautifully carried
out in all the table accessories. Lav
ender candles in lotus flower hold
ers graced each table, and bright
menu cards, printed in Japanese
characters and place cards decorat
ed with Japanese lanterns further
carried out the chosen motif. Ivory
letter openers decorated with Japan
ese flowers were given to all the
guests as table favors. Dainty little
geisha maids served the delicious
Japanese food.
. The junior class president. Fran
! cis Sinnette. acted as toastmaster
and welcomed the guests to the gar
den Billy Dyer cleverly responded
cn behalf of the seniors. A formal
program was given for the enter
tainment of the guests. Little Miss
Dorothy Mae Smith, in Japanese
costume, gave a very pretty lnntero
dance: Petra Trevino sang a vocal
solo, and Mrs H. Walter Peters gave
a very clever mystical performance
Several entertaining toasts were
given, among them being a peep
into the future, by Tom Handley: a
clever talk on the faculty, entitled
"The Hard Road." by Stella Ballm
i ger; a discussion of Senior ambi
tions by Frances Seaver; and the
presentation of the key to the gar
den of knowledge to the juniors
from the senior class bv Theodore
Several impromntu talks bv mem
bers of the faculty and guests in the
garden we*-e also enjoved. Music
was furnished during the evening
by the Joy Bringers. The guests of,
the juniors included the senior class
and the members of the senior high
srhool faculty.
Mrs Charles R Johnson and Mrs.
W. A Fox entertained with a de
lightful bridge party Saturday aft
ernoon at the formers home in
Southeast San Perlita. The charm
ing living rooms were decorated
with lovelv pink and white spring j
flowers A dainty salad course was j
served to the guests, among whom
were women from Ravmondville and
other towns.
Nine tables of bridge were made
up. resulting in Mrs. C. J. Scott, of j
Ravmondville receiving the high
trophv. a French novelty powder
box: Mrs, b. L Jenkins, also of Rav
mondville. second hieh. a lovely coat
hancer. Mrs Buck Evans also won
a prlye a box of bath salts and
The guests included Mesdames
Roger Robinson. Bond Carroll. Joe:
Keeners. Hcllv Bostick. Abe Wise.
Joe Loehrie. C B Burton. R. L GiU.I
George Calder. E. L Bull. J E
Johnson. Willie Woods. Charles
Kennedy. M H Dreyer. Howard
t# ... so he called another shop!
No matter what line of business you are in, how
many customers have you lost this way? Men
are in a rush. They will not wait until your line
is clear. They call some other number.
.... and women, calling the laundry, the butcher
er the grocery, are much the same way. The era
of speed has engulfed us. People WILL NOT
You can remedy the “busy line” condition by in*
Stalling another telephone. The cost is nominal
and the increased service will stimulate your
| j
p E. E. MOCKBEE, Manager |j
Feminine Foibles By Marie Marot
"“TSS * “Z ’
RITA: I must say, Jo, that that wrap of Chinese Red printed velvet with
its deep fringe is most Spanish in type.
JO: Righto! I’ve been thinking the same thing about that veil on your
darling hat. Sort of reminds me of a mantilla. And it certainly makes you look
most demure.
Campbell. A J Shubert, Miller Wal
ton, William Gerron, P K Gebhart.1
W. W. Grayson. Brenner. R H I
Fackeiman. C J. Scott. Claude Hol
loway. Gorman Fox. Bill McCharen.
F G. Fawkes. Buck Evans. Lois Par
ker and Miss Dorothy McCroy.
• • •
F, W Emerson and family spent
Saturday and Sunday camping and
fishing at Pasa Peal.
Mr. and Mrs. W A Fox motored
to Brownsville Saturday.
Mr and Mrs. Ray Chaney return
ed Wednesday from Alpine, where
they had been for several weeks. Mr. I
Chaney's health is much improved.]
Mrs. C. L. Lambert and little son I
accompanied Misses Hazel and Mary!
Archibald to Ravmondville Monday;
morning, where they are attending
Mrs J R Sprouse and daughters.!
Nclle and Mrs. M. B. Bourne, and'
son Arthur, spent Monday in Har
Mrs. Lois King Parker and little
son returned to their home in Liv-!
ingstone. after a pleasant visit here
with her sister, Mrs. Charles R
T. J. Dawson and family and Mr.;
and Mrs. T. C. Coleman spent Sun- j
dav at Pasa Real.
Mr and Mrs. Garrett Barnhill
had as their drnner guests Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Heath and Mr
and Mrs. Dave Heath and children !
Mr. and Mrs. C E. Belden were
visitors in the lower Valley Sunday !
Mr and Mrs Don Parker spent
Sunday in Edinburg with relatives j
Mr and Mrs. J R. Sprouse and
children. Arthur and Nelle. motored
to Pasa Real Sundav* afternoon
Lov Ramsour of Edinburg was
here Friday afternoon.
Musses Alice. Ava and Ollie Barn
hill were visitors in Ravmondville
Miss Mabel Nicholson was hostess
at an evening of bridge last Thurs
day when she entertained at the |
home of Mrs. Walter Ferguson, with
five tables of guests. Miss Irma
Frances Gideon was high score ;
holder. Miss Beatrice Curtiss cut !
for consolation.
Those present were Misses Vir
ginia Gillespie. Vivien Card. Marga- '
ret Cannon. Arah and Laura Mav
Gray. Margaret Mav. Irma Gideon, j
Katherine Kohler, Florclla Salter.
Geraldine Thiess. Joe Thiess. June
Mayberry, Evelyn Marshall. Mary
Ferguson. Beatrice Curtiss. Alene
Gideon Nell Rexroad. Mrs. Ted Lem
burg and Mrs. Flynt Sorrell.
• * n
The T. A. Humson was hostess to I
the Country Bridge club at her
heme just north of town Tuesday
afternoon, with a two-table person
nel Mrs. R N. .Smith. Mrs. I. J.!
Wright and Mrs Fred Guerin were
out of club guests, with Mrs. Shinn
not playing.
• t •
The Tuesday afternoon Bridge
club met at the home of Mrs. Will
Brown this week, with a happy aft
ernoon spent in the usual way. Mrs
Albert McHenry and Miss Lavina
Bourgeois wcer out-of-club guests.
and but two tables were playing.
• * •
Mr: and Mrs E V. Sprowl left
Wednesday for their annual outing
at Kerrville and surrounding terri
tory. where these busy people spend
some weeks each summer away from
the rush. They left earlier than
usual this year on account of health
conditions, and mav be back and
forth once in a while. /
Mrs J. A. Card is in Harlingen
this week attending a meeting of
j the district Federation of Women's
clubs, an accredited delegate from
l the Woman's Tuesday club of this
| city.
Ty Cobb is attending the Lions
! convention this week in San An
! gelo. Mr. Cobb is deputy district
[governor of the Central Texas dis
trict. but went from here as a dele
utte from the local club.
• • •
| Mr. and Mrs Clifton Potter were
hosts on Sunday evening with a 7 \
o’clock dinner at the Lone Palm.
tearoom, honoring Mrs. Mary Alice;
Sm.th. who is visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Haciin in McAl
len at present Mrs. Smith, whose i
home is in Quanah, this state, is a
college mate of Mrs. Potter the two
having attended Sullins college, in
Bristol. Va.. together.
The guests at this happy affair
were Mr and Mrs. A C. Potter,
M’ss Margaret Potter. Mr. and Mrs
Abe Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Col
lier of Donna. Mr. and Mrs. C. F
Hampe of McAllen..Mr. and Mrs. D.
T Haden of McAllen Miss Cynthia
Lee Ford and George Ferguson of
McAllen. Mr Love of Tampico,
Mexico, the host and hostess. At
the conclusion of the dinner the
guests and hosts adjourned to Crys
tal Waters, where the evening was
spent in dancing.
• • •
Mrs. D A Wood entertained at
Iter beautiful home on Dougherty
avenue Saturday with a luncheon
and bridge affair, honoring Miss
Margaret Cannon, one of the popu
lar seniors of this year’s class Seven
tables were f iled with players, who
enjoyed the game to the utmost,
with Mrs. Henry Hargrove as win- I
ner of high score Miss Helen Melch
second, with a beautiful tolen of
appreciation ar, a special gift to
the honoree.
• t •
The Gradne inn tearoom was the
scene of hospitality when on Satur
day afternoon Mrs. Cielland Harris
and the Misses Birdie Kelley and
Esther Clark entertained wi*h nine1
tables of bridge. Mrs E B Syd-1
nor was the high score holder, Miss i
Cora Whittley second and Mrs.
Harry Stewart consolation.
• • •
The Girl Reserves held the regu
lar cabinet meeting last Wednesday
at the home of Miss Melrose Stoops
with a goodly number present, the
meeting being called to order by
Miss Florclla Salter, the president.
Plans were laid for the figure, and
refreshments served by the hostess.
• • •
In recognition of "music week"
a program was given at. a joint
meeting of the Mission Music cluo
and the Parent-Teacher association
on Monday afternoon at the audi
torium in the Woodrow Wilson
It was of a social nature and no
business was conducted. Mrs. Dlm
micii. the president of the Music
club was in charge of the musical
part of the program, with Miss Ma
bel Nicholson and her class of ex
pression pupils as the attraction for
the first half hour, these little folk
putting on several dances, with
readings, etc., interspersed, making
a very entertaining period for these
so fortunate as to be present .
The latter part of the meeting
was given over to the members of
the local Music club, with several
numbers by the ladies' choral soci
ety. composed of about 15 people,
with Mrs S. L Hardin and Mrs E
L. Stewart each performing with
several solos, with Mrs. Dimmick
and Mrs H E Smith at the piano.
The program was very pleasing, so
much so as to cause a request bv
"The soft, natural uare
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Possible through Frederics
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Any woman can now easily obtain a
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Write for the booklet, “The Glorious
Gift of Lovely Hair” which tells how to
care for your permanent wave. A generous
free introductory tube of the new Fredet ics
Hair Trane Cream, for keeping straight
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will also be sent you
with a neighborhood
list of Beauty Salons
specializing in Frederics
Vita -Tonic Method of
Permanent Waving.
FrtJJieimsrl Address, E. Frederics,
•fq»sUe\. It n Inc.,Dept.000,235East
45th Street, New York.
the school superintendent of these
ladies to repeat the same for next
• • •
Jim Baskin and Bob Doyle were
In Brownsville on Monday after
Miss Swanson, superintendent of
the Methodist Mexican school for
► girls, her assistant. Miss Harring
ton. music teacher at the same in
stitution. and Miss Florence Chris
topher and her small niece, were
Sunday dinner guests at the hoftie
cf Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Dimmtck.
Mrs. Dimmick and Miss Christopher
are friends of long standing, nam
ing first met in Kentucky.
• • •
Mrs B. M. Strong was hostess to
the Wednesday Bridge club mem
bership. at her home on East Tenth
street this week There were four
tables of players with Mrs William
Drummond. Mrs. M. F Armstrong.
Mrs James Gillett and Mrs. George
Boyle, the latter from South Ameri
ca, as out-of-club guests.
• • •
The Oroinkis had their usual out- !
mg on Wednesday, with bridge as
the chief attraction Mrs O F.
Dohm was hostess, with three ta
bles of plavers enjoying he tame
Mrs. W. R Parrish. Mrs A. C.
Potter, Mrs. Abney and Mrs. George
Brooks. Jr., were out-of-club guests
• • •
Mesdemes F P Conway, T J
Caldwell and Edward O^penheimer
were in Harlmgcn at the district
Federation meet last Tuesday, also
attendants at. the dinner given at
Rio Hondo for the distinguished vis
itors. Mr. and Mrs. T B. Sammons.
Mr and Mrs S M. Duffie. Mrs.
Florence M Hayes. Mrs. E I Stew
art and Mrs H E. Smith w-re
among those going for the evening’s
Snapdragons and pink roses made
pretty decorations on Wednesday
afternoon when Miss Mildred
Bridges entertained the Wednesday
Bridge club. Three tables of plavers '
were present. Mrs. T H. Holme
made high score in the club and
Mrs A W Shance scored low. The
guest trophy was awarded Mrs.
John C. Shaw.
• • •
Mrs C. P. Owen was hostess to
the Needlecraft club at her home
on Missouri avenue. Pretty spring
flowers were used in the living room
where the following guests spent a
couple of hours at needle wor-r.
Mesdames N. H Bowman. N. L
Harrington. M L Findley. J. H.
Christcner. J. E. Haynes. Margaret
King. H. T. Statler. Walter Swar
mer. J. L. Vining. E. B Witmer. Joe
Council and T. H Pollard.
• • •
Sixteen players formed the per
sonnel of the games on Wednes
day afternoon when Mrs. R. E.
Kirkpatrick entertained the Coterie
Bridge club Mrs. Fred Brooks scored
high. Mrs. B M. Sansom second low.
and Mrs. George Markham scored
high among the guests.
• • •
Miss Gertrflde Steger and Harry
Razell, both of Progresso. and well
known in Mercedes, were married !
at the El Jardin hotel at Browns- !
ville Saturday afternoon at 5:30
The Rev H Weideranders of the
San Benito Lutheran church offi
ciated at the double ring ceremony.
The attendants at the wedding were
Miss Emma Roisterer of Mercedes,
maid of honor, and Ernest Hiner of
Weslaco, best man. Following the
ceremony a seven-course dinner was
enjoyed by the wedding partv at
the hotel.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
—— ii ....— :: ■iiM.i.n a
and Mrs. J. L Stiger of Austin,
and has been with the Progress©
Development company since Octo
ber. for the past year Mr. Razell
is also connected with the same
After a two months* visit in Mil
waukee. Wis. Mr Resells former
home, they will return to the Val
ley and make their home in Pro
• • ft
Mrs. C. C. Heraldson and Mrs J.
D. Kenedy were joint hostesses at
the alternate Wednesday club at the
home of the latter. Mrs. J. E.
Shankle, president of the dub. pre
Mrs. O. W Eliff read an interest
ing paper on "Good Books " Twen
ty-two ladies were in attendance.
• • •
Mrs F L. Avant was hostess to
the members of the Embroidery
club Her guests were Mrs N. M.
Ragland. Mrs Roy Harrel, Mrs R.
R. Talbert and Mrs. R L. Harrison
• • •
Mrs. Fred weight of Mercedes.!
president of the Rio Grande Valley
Federation of Womens clubs, pre
sided at Rio Hondo on Tuesday eve
ning in honor of the officers and
visitors in attendance at the fifth
district at Harlingen May 7. 8 and
9. Mrs. M. Weimer of Rio Hondo
was camp hostess.
A number of prominent out-of
town club women were present i
among whom were Mrs. W. R Pot- |
ter of Bowie. Texas, state president;
Mrs Sam J. Smith of Austin, fifth
district president; Mrs. Buchanan of
Fbrt Worth, former state parlia
mentarian: Mrs. Lindsay, candidate
for state president: Mrs. Jerrald of
Mineral Wells, candidate for first
vice president, and Mrs. Cochran of
Sintow. There weer a number of
other club women from Corpus
Christi and Austin.
Mrs Owen E Scott of Rio Grande
City, incoming president of the Rio
Grande Valley Federation, was pres
At the beginning of the supper
each one present arose and gave her
name, home and club position
Talks were made by Mrs. Potter, j
Mrs Smith. Mrs Lindsay and Mrs j
Jerrald. Mrs. J. A Card of Mission '
gave a "talk in which she gave a
history of the Valley. federation,
which meets in McAllen Tuesday.
May 14.
• • •
Mrs H E Bennett was hostess to
the Mercedes-Weslaco Bridge club
A two-table club composed of wom
en from these two towns. Nastur
tiums were used for floral decora
In the games of bridge. Mrs V
H. Holme received the club trophy
and Mrs. G. C. Fitt the club trophy
During the hours of three and five
o'clock, the guests were delightful
ly entertained with radio programs
broadcasted from Brownsville and
The players included Mrsdames
W W. DeCell. V. H Holme. Leeland
Matthews. G. C Fittz. John Ashton.
John Rouce, Mason and Mrs. Ben
• • •
Miss Lois Bel! spent the week-end
in Harlingen with Miss Annie Con
ner Verscr.
Mr. and Mrs. J E. Bell have re
turned to their home in Eldorado.
I Ark., after a visit of two weeks here
with Mr. Bell's father. O R. Bell,
and sister. Mrs. Osie McNeil.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Wattson and
daughter. Irma, have returned from
a six weeks' visit in little Rock.
Ark . with friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs G. Cholt of Enid.
Okla. were visitors here in the R
Barry home, during the past week
Mr. and Mrs. H H. Kidder of
San Juan, were visitors here at the
week-end in the home of Mrs E. B.
Troop four met Friday mnini at
the First Baptist church After tha
roll was called the ton discussed the
field meet which was to to held at
Mercedes on the eleventh Mr Ah
nev visited the troop and explained
how- the toys could Ret peases, to the
theaters. Justin McCarty brought
the board which la to to used to the
contest between the patrols of troop
Justm McCarty. Mark Markets,
and William Miller have patted tt»
Bookb.ndme Merit Bad*r
There were nine bovs present.
They were William MUter. Mark
Macklcs. Just in McCarty Edom
Clark. Buford Beeson. Gordon Me
Innl'. Bob Dixon. Oerakf Wigctnf
ton. and Clarence Johnston Vtrftl
Your., and Bob Miles came tit Into,
but soon left.
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