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Valley Society j Phone I 1 RIO GRANDE CITY WOMAN'S ait With Mrs. C. J. Martin as hostess the Woman s club met in regular session Thursday afternoon at the club rooms. Mrs. J. P. Bass was named dele gate of the Fifth District Federa tion of Woman's clubs at Harlin gen May 7-9. Mesdames Juan Hinojo..' ~nd W. W Shuford vrere named delegates to the Rio Grande Valley Federation at McAllen May 14. At that time. Mrs. E. Owen 8cott will be Installed as president of the Valley organization. Following the business session Mrs. L. R. Brooks took charge of the program on illustrated lecture or dietetics. Among those present were: Mes dames C. J Martin. Harold Smith. J. P. Bass. L. B. Caruthers. Jr.. L. R Brooks. W. Venerable. Juan Hinojosa. Amado Gutierrez. Jr., and Donna Garza of Austin. TUESDAY BRIDGE* Mrs. George B. Marsh entertain ed the member of the Tuesday bridge club at the Woman's club rooms. Mrs. Harold Smith was the win ner of high score club prize and Mrs. Fred D. Guerra winner of second high Mrs. F. B Mason drew the cut favor. The personnel was composed of four tables of players who were: Mesdames Virgil N. Lott. H. E. Kid well. Carl A. Raguse. F. B. Mason. W. Venerable. Lawrence R. Brooks. Harold Smith, F D. Guerra. J. J. Guerra. H. E. Taylor. George B Marsh. J. Wallis. B. C. King. Misses Alicia Solis and Camile Block. • • a DINNER PARTY A number of officers and ladies of Fort' Ringgold, together with other friends enjoyed a dinner party at San Pedro Saturday night. Among those who enjoyed this pleasant diversion were: Maj. and Mrs. Herbert E. Taylor. Capt. and Mrs. Rossiter Garity. Mr. and Mrs L. B Caruthers. Jr.. Capt. and Mrs. C. W. Richmond, Capt. and Mrs Vivian Brown. Capt and Mrs H. E. Kidwell. Capt. Olsen and Capt. Shoemaker • • • BROWNS ENTERTAIN Capt. and Mrs. Vivian Z. Brown entertained with a dinner party at the Post Exchange restaurant Sun day at noon, having as their guests Major and Mrs. H. E. Taylor, Capt. and Mrs. Walter Hamilton. Capt. and Mrs. Mott Ramsey. Capt. and Mrs. Edward M. Pickett. Capt. and Mrs. H. E. Kidwell. Capt. and Mrs. C. W. Robertson. C. W Richmond. Lieut, and Mrs. Carl A. Raguse. Captains Olsen and Shoemaker. Mr. and Mrs. L. B Caruthers. Jr. • • • PERSONALS Mrs L. B Caruthers. Jr., chair man of badges: Mrs. C. J. Martin, chairman of the Speakers' Bureau: Mrs. E. Owen Scott, chairman of general education, attended the Fifth District Federation of Wom en's clubs at Harlingen this week. Colonel Stanley Kosh of Fort Brown arrived here Thursday and Is the guest of Major and Mrs. H. E. Taylor. Lieut. Finnegan, recently sta tioned at Fort Clark, has arrived In Fort Ringgold tshere he will serve with the 12th cavalry. Captain and Mrs. Walter Hamil ton had as their dinner guests Thursday evening. Capt. and Mrs. Vivian Brown. Miss Mabel Nicholson has as her guest, Miss Margaret May of Mis sion. Both young ladies are the house guests of Capt. and Mrs. Walter Hamilton. Lieut, and Mrs. Edmonds and Lieut, and Mrs. Massle of Fort Brown are in Fort Ringgold. The officers are attached to Headquar ters troop now shooting on the range. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Pope. Jr., and little daughter returned Sun day from Laredo where they spent several days with Mr. Popes par ents. Captain and Mrs. Mott Ramsey motored to McAllen and Reynosa Saturday. Miss Mabel Nicholson of Mission accompanied them home for the week-end. Mrs. Roy Conway of Mission was the guest of Mrs. E. Owen Scott, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. N. O. O'Brien of San Benito were the guests Sun day of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. King. SAN JUAN The Busy Bee circle of the Methodist church met with Mrs O C. Racke. Tuesday afternoon, May 7, for their Vanity Tea. The afternoon was spent In cut ting and making quilt blocks. Refreshments of sandwiches, nut salad, chooclate rolls, and ice tea were served. All left with expres sions of happiness for the after noon. • • • LADIES AID v The women of the Methodist Aid met at the church for regular business meeting, plans being made for the remainder of the year. A very interesting talk was made by Mrs. Henry Cummins, also one by Mrs. O. C. Raeke. All of the women left full of enthusiasm and plans for the re maining part of the year's work. • • • FAREWELL PARTY Miss Mildred Garke gave a fare well party for her school, at the home of her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Belke, north of Alamo. All of the girls attending were her schoolmates, from* Alamo school. Plenty of ice cream and cake and candy were available. Those present were Louise Baslt. Emogene Lee. Betty Burkhart. Es ther Natting. Wilma Jennings. Ar neen Bemarke. Hattie Norwood. El len Underland. Alice Underland. Julia Underland. Leona Jasseman. • • • PERSONALS Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor of Taylorville. HI., came in the lat ter part of last week to spend sev eral days with Dr. and Mrs. B. A. Lensgraf. Both Dr. and Mrs. Tay lor are chiropractors, and are on their way to California for a sum mer vaaction. Mrs. J. W. Smith. Mrs. J. W Parker and Miss Eva Parker of Woodstock. Ontario. Canada, are spending a few days with their brother. B. Blair at the San Juan apartments. Prof. D. U. Buckner and family of the high school, was in Point Isabel Sunday with a party of friends. E. E. Lipscomb of Donna was in town Monday. L. F. Kruse and family made an automobile trip to Muir. Mex ico. Sunday. Muir is inland about twenty miles from Roma and San Pedroi J. Lee Stambaugh left Saturday night for Houston and Austin. He took his little son as far as Hous ton with him and left him with Mrs. Stambaugh, who is spending some time there. Harry Bergman of Muskegan, Michigan, was in San Juan Tues day on business. W. N. McCawn of Alvin. Texas, was in town Tuesday of this week. Joe Eldridge of Guthrie. *Okla., is here this week on business. Ed F. Renner of Earlsboor, Okla.. who has been here for a couple of weeks and who is planning to move to San Juan, was a visitor to the Lions club at their Wednesday luncheon at the Reilly hotel. O. M Starlm and family of Donna, visited with Mr. Starlln's A Finer Powder in a Smarter Container SEVENTY-FIVE year* ago French and English royalty enjoyed the exclusive use of a face powder ex quisitely soft and delicate. The formula for this powder, recently disclosed to me, has been utilized anew in compounding Lucretia Vanderbilt Face Powder. This powder, laden with the lux urious, seductive Lucretia Vander bilt Perfume, is now available to you. The container — as adorable as the powder" —is of metal, in rich blue and silver—with a gen erous puff of downy ve lour just inside the cover. Evolved by a gifted French de signer, you will accord to this charming receptacle a permanent place upon your dressing table. The coupon and ij cents pre sented at the toilet goods counter displaying the Lucretu Vanderbilt announcement will entitle you to one of toy miniature presentations containing Perfume and Powder Compact (in your favorite shade\ If perchance you do not obtain one, mail your BB^ coupon and ajf to Lu M cretia Vanderbilt, Fa:r held. Conn . giving your dealer 's name. ARISTOCRATS OI TO 1LITRIES '. -a brother. Chas. Starlln and family, Tuesday evening. E. H. Russell, vice president of the water board for this district, left Wednesday night for Austin, where he will be in attendance at a meeting with the Joint associa tion board and engineers. The meeting is called to protest against the application of the Franklin tract of 88.000 acres lying west of Mission, being brought under irri gation with water from the Rio Grande river. F. T. Leary of McAllen was a business visitor in town Wednes day. Kenneth Hazle of Alamo was a dinner guest of Don Linn Sunday at the home of Don's sister, Mrs. F. E. Snowden. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Starlin were Sunday afternoon callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O'Neal at McAllen. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Deckard and baby Billy Jean. Mrs. W. P Wheaton and Leon Thompson were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ewing at Brownsville. Saturday and Sunday. From there i a party was formed and they all motored to Boca Chlca, where they enjoyed a picnic. Mr. and Mrs. L. 8 Spencer, who have recently come from Seminole, Okla, have moved into the E. A. Ewing house. Carl Conrado of Bremont, Texas was a Monday afternoon caller and guest of Mr. and Mrs. Drcnnan. C. M. Lentz motored to Harlin gen Tuesday on business. Mrs Roy Faught of Fort Worth is at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. M. N. Carter, who is quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Mills and Mrs. Lindenmeyer of La Feria. called on the J. F. Hetrick family Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Starkey and daughter Xiss Dorothy of Browns ville were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Rid dle. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson of Cor pus Christ! were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bart lett Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. o. J. Hubbard of Alamo were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Drehnan Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Myers and children mo tored to McAllen Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Bell were callers at the F. A. Williams home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Benedict and daughter of Harlingen were week end guests of their daughter and sister, Mrs. Ar thur Richert. Louis Johnson of Edinburg spent the week end at the J. M. Vingar home. Misses Ethel and Stella War mock of Pharr spent Sunday at the J. F. Hetrick home. Little Rosemary Drcnnan attend ed a birthday party Tuesday, given in honor of Martha Morgan’s sev enth birthdav, at the home of her aunt, Mrs. C. C, Gum of Weslaco. Dr. and Mr?. Wm. T. Verhocks left Friday for Detroit, Mich., their old home. Miss Cleo Masev was one of those who sang in a mass meeting of the Girls’ glee clubs of the Valley Monday night at Harlingen. Mrs. George Brown.’who lives on Momingside road was given a sur prise party Tuesday night bv friends and relatives. NORTH MISSION Miss Bertha Hughes of San An tonio is a guest at the home of her Brothers, Ward and Rhoads Hughes. Mr and Mrs. Arthur Phelps left Monoa.v for their home in Iowa where they wil] spend the summer. Mr Phelps owns a 10-acre citrus orchard on Olmito boulevard and expects to return to the Valley this fall. Mrs. J. C. Baker returned to San Antonio Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal and fam ily of Pharr were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Baker Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Alsmever and son. Henry, jr„ of San Benito and Miss Grace Alsmeyer of Raymond ville were week-end guests at the home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Alsmeyer. Mr. and Mrs. Llovd Gallin and family of Brownsville and Mr and Mrs. E. V. Thorpe and family were Sunday guests at the home of Mr anti Mrs. O. A Parks Mesdames Elmer Betilsen and George Mitchell motored to McAl len to call on Mrs. Weems, who is one of the patients at McAllen hos pital. Ward Hughes and sister Miss Bertha, were guests at the home o' their brother. Mr. Walter Hushes and family of Edinburg Monday. Mesdames Sheldon Smith. A1 Vols Harry Stef fins and J F Tanner left for Corpus Christi Sunday They will attend the thr^-dav convention of the Catholic Daugh ters of America. Mrs. Georg- Mitchell accnmonn icd her son. Rosemond. to McAllen Thursday. Rasemond is playing with the McAllen band this season Ernest Thorn- came from Falfur nas to spend the week-end with his family. Mr. and Mrs John Lawrence of Falfurrias were week-end guest*; of their narents. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs Frank W Townsend nf Mercedes and Rev. Bueisen of Mission were griefs at the home of Mr. and Mrs Jack Grev Thursday. Miss Ina Holmes returned from her trip to Altus. Okla.. Monday. Miss Marion Reeves left for San Antonio Saturday. Mrs. P M Mortensen was a Sun day guest at the home of Mr and Mrs. J. C. Nelson of Smith Sharv land. W H Ferguson who *>»s beep the guest of his son. Mr Williard Fer guson. and familv. Mrs. Charles Rigler and daugh ters called on Mrs. Ernest Allen of M-AHen Saturday. Miss Estella Gray left for Har lingen Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Adams of Mission spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. c. M. Burk. Mr. Herbert Grover of Wink. Texas arrived at the Wilson home Saturday evening Mr and Mrs. William Pollins and family were Sunday guests at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Grav. Guests at the home of Mrs. L. L. Frv on Tuesday were Mrs. Dr. Jas. Miller of McAllen. Mrs. A. Hen ninger of South Sharyland. Mrs B-n Ochner and daughter. Mrs Walter Ochner of North Sharyland. and Mrs. O. A. Parks of North Mis t sion. • JUST AMONG US GIRLS m ".—- ■—■ ■' ■■ »" T’ — ■■ —— ■ ■ ' ~ ~ in Hhc viodd * I d'd you *sav v/hcn you cauqhfc her Sitbn<5 on your fiance* lap?#< x I told her to mcNc ^hc was s»ttnd on a . RESERVED S*ab ' - ^ 1 1 Bjl HARGILL' , PERSONALS Major Sammons was a visitors in Harlingen. Saturday, taking In the talkies before returning. Miss Corine Bonham was a Sun day visitor with Miss Geraldine Lobe at her home in Lasara. Mrs. Rubin Harris of Hargill was shopping In Edinburg Monday. Miss Heald of Santa Rosa was the week-end visitor with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heald of Har gill. she returned to school at Santa Rosa Monday. Charlie Lancaster was a business visitor in the lower Valley Monday. Victor Holt and friend Buck Ca zort of Donna, spent 8unday with Mr. Holt's home folks at Hargill. Mr„ and Mrs. Rutland of Edin burg were visiting friends north of Hargill Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fewell and Miss Gene Fewell have moved to Redftsh bay where they will reside in the future. Mr. Fewell being en gaged in fishing for market there. E. N. Saunders and family have moved Into the Fewell home which they purchased last week. They are from Dierks. Ark. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gambrell and children of Pharr, Tex., were visit ing in the home of Mrs. Oambrells parents. Mr and Mrs. Rubin Harris of Hargill last Sunday. Sydney C. Lackland was a busi ness visitor in Edinburg Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Moore all of Raymond ville. were social visitors of Sydney C. Lackland Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. George Rogers were visitors with Mr and Mrs. Jack Holt Sunday. Mrs. Holt served delicious ice cream and cake to her guests. The Junior League of the First Methodist church of Hargill will render a program at the church aft er Sunday school on Mothers dav Sunday, May 12. the program will be led by Miss Alice Lancaster. Dempsey Renfro spent Sunday night at the home of his parents at Edinburg. Miss Corine Banham had as her guest Monday night. Miss Alice Lan caster. Mr. and Mrs. J L Brisro of La sara. Texas, were in Hargill Sunday saying pood-bve to Hargill friends. Having sold their home in Lasara thev are moving to Electra. Messrs. Wren and Wilson of Wes laco were visitors in Hargill Monday. Sydney C Lackland and Mr. and Mrs. M. P Lackland of Edcouch. Texas, attended the Passion play at Harlingen Friday night. • • • BAPTIST SOCIETY The ladies of the W M U. of the First Baptist church held their regular meeting Tuesday at the home of Mrs. F T. Linder at which time It was decided to hold an ice cream supper on the lawn of the First Baptist church Saturday night. May 18. a .WESLACO ELKS’ BRIDGE Mrs. M. M. McAsklll of Weslaco. Mrs. H. E. Sugg of Mercedes and Mrs. H. L. Oler of Harlingen were hostesses Wednesday night with twelve tables of bridge at the regular monthly ladies night of the Elk’s club. The young women who at tended the Battle of Flowers in San Antonio representing the Elk’s club were guests of honor. Miss Alma Reeves was the honor guest from Weslaco. Punch was served through out the evening. At the games of bridge Mrs. Rob ert Robertson of Mercedes and Mr. Phail who is visiting here from California were winners of the high score prizes. After the games the guests were taken to the roof where they were served delicious ice cream and cake in the club colors of purple and white. Upon returning to the club room the guests were surprised with an orchestra and dancing was enjoyed until a late hour. • • • MOTHERS CLl’B The Mothers’ olub met for the last regular meeting of the school vear Wednesday afternoon at the Steph en F. Austin school with a large at tendance. An excellent program was given by the children under the di rection of Miss Gertie Whitehurst. The new officers were installed for the coming year and era as follows: *w i -- p jp Beautiful Hair and healthy scalp I’M Valley Flowers Hair Oil and Brilliantine. Well kept, beautiful hair is a personal attraction and a personal satisfaction. If ycu need a goci scalp food trv VALLEY FLOWERS HAIR OIL. It not only is a food but keeps the hair in place. Valley Flowers BrUUnnti* in paste and liquid form and is excellent to keep the hair ' looking well dressed. Both product* delightfully perfumed. All leading druggist*. Barber Shops and Beauty Parlors. Valley Flower* Brilliantine, 50c Valley Flower* Hair Oil, 25c and 50c Mrs. T. W. Glass, president; Mrs. Earl Clark, first vice president: Mrs. O. B, King, second vice president: Mrs Seth Duncan, secretary; Mrs. W. F. Powell, treasurer; Mrs. A. Hendrickson, reporter. • • • RECITAL Mrs. Ida Love of Alamo will pre sent her dancing pupils from the entire Valley in Dreamland Vaude ville and Miss Thelma Smith will present her pupils in expression at the local high school auditorium Monday evening. May 13. Fifty and twenty-five cents will be charged and half the proceeds will go to benefit the local Girl Reserves. This will be one of the outstanding enter tainments of the month with special scenery, music and costumes. Pupils of Miss Smith on the program are: Marv Ann Wall who will read, "Half Fare’’ and “The New Baby"; Dor othy Bell King who will read. “Sonny meets the Smiths : Golde Frances La Duke who will read, "Think before Speaking” and "Ma and her Check Book’’; Blinda Carl son who will read. "A Hurried call Laddies". Children from Weslaco taking part in the dancing are; Martha Joe Daney, Neomi La Duke. Marylyn McAskill. Peggy Grimes, Mariorie Warren, Nova Smith and Gladys Clark. • • t - * — P. -T. A. ELECTS Oficers were elected at the recent meeting of the P.-T. A. with the following result: Mrs. A. C. La Duke. president: Mrs. C. E Thomp son. vice president: Mrs W. T. Bar bee. secretary; Mrs. Carl Moeller, treasurer. The committee chairmen were also elected and the president appointed the other members of the commit tees. they are as follows: Program. Mrs. C. E. Thompson, chairman. Miss Eu Jean 8mith. Mrs. Carl Moeller. Mrs. V. R. Myers: member ship, Mrs. L. M. Brasher, chairman. Mrs. J. T. Hudson and Mrs. L. W. Yates; finance, Mrs. B. J. Scott, chairman. Mrs. R. E. Clark. Mrs. Walter Andrews. Mrs. A. 8. Pike and Mrs. J. 8. Phillies; magazine. Mrs. H. Raymond Mills, chairman, Mrs. C. Lester Skaggs; publicity. Mrs. Monte Walker, chairman. Mrs. W. E. Anderson. Mrs. E. E. Chamness; health. Mrs. R. A. Rowland, chair man. Mrs. Thomas F. Rives; hos pitality. Mrs. J. E. Montgomery, chairman. Mrs. George Morrison, Mrs. W. L. Forbes. Mrs. H. J. Buddv meyer. Mrs. Harry Stebbbins. Miss Gertrude 8treuer: scrapbook. Mrs. W. B. Benton, chairman. Mrs F. C. McConnell. Mrs. J. E. Montgomerv Is the re tiring president. Mrs. LaDuke was vice president for the past year The next meeting of the association will be held the first Wednesday in June which will be June 5 at the community hall. ADVENT SCHOOL TO BE HELD AT 9 A. M. _ Sunday school at the Church of the Advent. Episcopal, has been change Is made to allow members the morning service from 11 to 10 * m. for Sunday. May 12. The change is made to alio members ► to attend the baccalaureate sendee at the high school auditorium at 11 a. m. Services will be held at the regular hour thereafter. MOTORIST CHASED 92 MILES NORWICH. Eng.—Pursued for 92 miles. Robert Colton was arrested ! for failing to stop after his automo i bile struck a woman. By MRS. ALEXANDER GEORGE Dinner Menu Lamb Chops. Park Ave. • New Potatoes in Cream Asparagus and Tartar Sauce Fruit Rolls Butter Head Lettuce and Russian Dressing Lemon Pie Coffee Lamb Chops. Park Avenue. Serving Eight 8 lamb chops; 1-2 teaspoon salt: 1-4 teaspoon paprika; 8 slices pineapple. Pan broil the chops until well Valley Boys Invited On Annual Rotarians Lake Olmito Picnic (Special to The Herald) SAN BENITO. May 11.—Boys from San Benito, Highland, Los Indios. Rio Hondo. Los Fresnos and the Browne tract are Invited to as semble at the San Benito city park at 3 o'clock Thursday after- | noon of next week, from which point they will be taken by San Benito Rotarians to Lake Olmito. j for the annual Rotary club boys picnic. : Arrangements will be made for the boys to be excused from school classes in time to attend the party. Frank C. Ludden is general chair- | man of the day, and is in charge of transportation. Asa Agar Is in charge of the food, and has as his task the assembling of 2.000 ice cream bars, 3.500 buns. 275 pound*; of weinies, and ten gallons of pickles. Bruce Gentry Is in charge of sports, assisted by Ed Brady. Ralph Agar, A. L. Montgomery and Charles Pugs ley are other members of the committee. browned on both shies. flprtnfeS* with the salt. Place the pine apple slices under the browned I chops and broil foe lb mtouua. Serve on a platter •antlatMd with, parsley. Baste the chops several time* during the broiling. Xew Peis tees In (M 1« cooked new potatoa# «"filed* I teaspoon salt: 1-4 twipoifl| rtka; 1-4 teaspoo-. eatery ^pPbav cup cream. Mis the ingredients and bake fee 20 minutes in a baking dish in a moderate men The potatoes am very well flavored. Tartar Saare far the ksparagwe 1-2 cup stiff mayonnaise, 3 tablespoons, lemon juice; 1-4 cop cHbpped pickle relish; 1 teaspoon finely chopped onion: 1-i let spoon salt. Mix. and chill the ingredient* and serve with the asparagus Fruit Ro'ls. Herring Eight 3 cups flour: 4 teaspoons baking I' powder; 1-4 teaspoon, salt; 1 table- * spoon sugar; 3 tablespoons fat; ! I egg: 1-2 cup milk; 1*3 cup chop ped figs: 1-2 cup chopped candied! 1 pineapple; S tablespoons nut.*. Mix the flour, baking powder salt and sugar Cut in the fat a it n a knife and add the egg and milk When a soft dough forms, pat out, on floured paper until the drmri is 1-2 inch thick. Spread with tr uest of the ingredients and mil, up Pinch the edge? together to pre vent the filling 'from falling otr Cut off 1-3 inch slice* and place if them, flat side up. tn a greased i baking pan Bake tn a moderate oven for IS minutes. Serve warm' with butter. 1 REGISTERED s PHARMACISTS E in charge o of our efficient F prescription department T H-| t We carry a foil line of Parke Dart* a*4 ■ n Company's pharmaceutical and Motogtral B .-** au* r S T V FREE DELIVERY f ll || . Willman’s Pharmacy I 1119 Elizabeth Street Ph«*i* 40 I "OsPljlwwwiPPPIEJjPlI’JMyiJlUMBUM'MiWMBBIiMBJIliMMBWBMjftJilli MPJliMWUBPl W*'"Jl Iff1 ,i JJ 1WJMBWI 1 Change of P< ilicy Sale Commencing Tuesday, May 14th * After four years in the Valley I have decided to change the policy of my store. My announcement following my change of Policy Sale will be of utmost importance to the women throughout the Valley. Something new and dif ferent will be offered to you. Now I am offering my pre sent stock at— Tremendous Reduction The most complete stock of high grade ladies ready to wear in the en tire Rio Grande Valley. My friends and customers are well meq«alDt#<f with the Annette Ramming merchandise and this same merchandise in being offered to you at prices within reach of all. Every Garment A Bargain Dresses of Chiffon, Georgette, Linens, Printed Crepes, Wash Silks, ill all the new modes in Dresses and Ensembles. Georgeous evening Gowns in the height of fashion — A few spring coats — Summer Mil linery', Lingerie and Costume Jewelry All Must Co And They Are Certainly Priced to Sell v Of Courae No Exchanges or Refunds — — # ANNETTE RAMMING I Opposite Rialto Theatre Harlingen I