Newspaper Page Text
FIRST GROUPS (Continued from page one.) van, president. Retail Merchants Association of Texas. —Annual report of John E. Phillips, president Associated Retail Credit Men of Texas. 10:50—Annual report of * C. E pinkie, president Texas Retail Credit Bureaus. 11:00—Annual report of H. L. Levy, secretary-treasurer. Retail Merchants Association of Texas. 11:10—Appointment or commit tees by President L. W. Bevan: 1— (a) Rules and order of business; <b) Auditing; (c) Credentials: «d> Res olutions; (e) Nominations. Appoint ment of committees by President John E. Phillips: 2— <a> Rules and order of business; ib) Auditing; <c> Credentials; (d) Resolutions; (e> nominations. Appointment of com mittees by President C. E. Dlnkle: 3—(a) Rules and order of business; (b) Auditing: (c) Credentials; (d) resolutions: <e) nominations. 11:25—Address, E. I>. Womack, cashier 8tate Bank and Trust Co., McAllen. Texas, “Trend of Business and Financial Outlook at the Pres ent Time.” Announcements. 12:00—Noon. Adjournment. Afternoon Session—Joint Convention hall, Baptist church. L. W. Bevan, president Retail Merchants Association of Texas, presiding. 1:30—Report of committee on rules and order of business. 1:35—Report of legislative com mittee, Carl H. Mueller, chairman. 1:45—Report of Robert Stem, chairman committee on amalgama tion. 2:30—Address by Geo. Mondell, Jr., general counsel. Retail Mer chants Association of Texas. "Regu lar Session of the Forty-first Legis lature." 2:45—Address by Dr. Kenneth Dameron. professor of economics. Rice Institute, "Progressive Retail ing." 3:15—Address by Adolf Grasso, secretary Retail Merchants associa tion. San Antonio. “Activities of My Local Association." 3:30—Ad joumment. Notice: Cars will leave the Stone wall Jackson hotel at 3:45 p. m. sharp, to take the delegates and vis itors for a drive to Brownsville and Point Isabel, returning to Matamo ros, Mexico, for banquet which will be held at the "Drive Inn" at 8 p. nj. TUESDAY 6:00 a m —Golf tournament. Morning Session—Joint Convention hall. Baptist church. John E. Phillips, president Asso ciated Retail Credit Men of Texas, presiding. 9:00—Annual report secretary treasurer, J. E. Chilton, Jr., of Dal las, Texas. 9:15—Report of standing commit tees—Legislative: E. D. Junkin. credit manager, T. H. Williams Co., Austin, Texas. Credit Statistics: J. O. Yeargan. secretary Fakes & Co., Dallas. Texas. Membership: J. E. Zeigelmeyer, credit manager, Huey & Philip Tardware Co., Dallas, Texas. Mercantile Agencies: N. J. Nelder mann. credit manager, Eiband’s, Inc., Galveston, Texas. Credit Department Methods: W. H. Bailey, credit manager, P. B. M Co.. Wichita Falls. Texas. Credit Co-operation: John M Walsh, credit manager, Goldstein Migel Co.. Waco. Texas. 9:30—Discussion of reports. 9:40—Address, Guy H. Hulse. St. Louis. Mo., secretary and educa tional director. National Retail Credit association. 10:io—"Using Your Bank s Credit Department." by E. G. Parker, credit manager, First National bank. Fort Worth, assisted by Owen M. Jones, credit manager. Poindexter Furni ture Co., Fort Worth. Texas. 10:40—Open forum discussion. 10:50—“The Relation Between the Rural Bureau and the City Credit Manager." by Miss Alice D. True, secretary. Retail Merchants associa tion. Ranger, Texas. 11:05—Open forum discussion. 11:15—“The Law. the Merchant and the Credit Manager." by Sena tor Julian C. Hyer, Fort Worth, Texas. 11:45—"Collecting Department Store Accounts," by E. D. Junkin. credit manager, T. H. Williams Co., Austin, Texas. 12:00—Announcements. Adjourn ment. Notice: The president's council will hold a luncheon meeting in the Stonewall Jackson hotel at 12:15 p. m. sharp. The Texas Retail Credit Bureaus will hold a luncheon meeting in the Stonewall Jackson hotel at 12:15 p. m. Afternoon Session—Separate Convention hall. Baptist church. L. W. Bevan. president Retail Merchants association of Texas, Texas, presiding. 2:00—Discussions. “The Chain Store Problems and Competition." by Earl Looney, director Retail Mer chants association of Texas, and Ira L. Rupley, president Retail Mer chants association of San Antonio. 2:30—Address. Geo. Mendell. Jr.. general counsel. Retail Merchants Association of Texas. "State Law Regulating Employment of Women and Children." 2:45—Open discussion of local as sociation problems. 3:15—Address by Bailey Jones, secretary, chamber of commerce. New Braunfels. “Selling Your Town." 3:30—Adjournment. Cars will be waiting at the Stone wall Jackson hotel to take the del egates for a drive up the Valley over' the 75-mile Main street as far westj as Mission, returning to San Benito for banquet and dance at the Stone wall Jackson hotel at 8 p. m. sharp. Afternoon Session—Separate Banquet room, Baptist church. John E. Phillips, president Asso ciated Retail Credit Men of Texas, presiding. 1:00—"Why a Credit Manager Should Make an Analysis of Ac counts Receivable," by W. H. Bailey, credit manager. P. B. M. Co., Wich ita Falls. Texas. 1:20—Open forum discussion. 1:30—Credits — Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow." by J. O. Yeargan,; secretary, Fakes Furniture Co., Dal las. Texas. 1:45—“Promoting New Business Through the Credit Department,”! “A Furniture Store.” Chas. M Browne, credit manager. Karotkin. Furniture Co., San Antonio. 2:00—“A Department Store," John M. Walsh, credit manager. Gold-1 stein-Migel Co.. Waco. Texas. 2:15—Open forum discussion. 2:25—“Credit Department Stan dards." by L. M. Jahn. credit mana ger, Sakowitz Bros., Houston. Texas 2:45—Open foru mdiscussion. 2:55—“Educational Pay Promptly Campaigns.” <A quiz*, conducted by Z. M. Hawks, credit manager, ■ Sanger Bros.. Dallas. Texas. 3:05—Reports of special commit tees. 3:30—Adjournment. Afternoon Session—Separate Sunday school room. Baptist church. C. E. Dinkle. president Texas Re tail Credit Bureaus, presiding. 2:00—Meeting called to order by C. E. Dinkle. president. 2:05—Report of secretary, Mrs. Ethel B. Finks. San Benito. 2:15—Report of various commit tees. 2:25—Election of officers. 2:40—Discussion by G. O. Wrcndt. • secretary. Retail Merchants associa tion, Temple, Texas, “Service Rates." 2:55—Address. “Conducting Col lection Department.” 3:15—Address, by Gordon Leonard Lewis, secretary Retail Merchants association, Corpus Christ!. “Auto mobile Finance Reporting.” 3:30—Adjournment. WEDNESDAY Morning Session—Joint Convention Hall—Baptist church. C. E. Dinkle. president. Texas Re tail Credit Bureaus, presiding. 9:00—Songfest. 9:15—Address. J. E. Bell, secre tary’, chamber of commerce, San Be nito. “Cooperation Between the Chamber of Commerce and Retail Merchants Association.” 9:45—Address by Carl Fast, mer chandising counseller. New Rochelle. N. Y.. “Stock Control." 10:30—Address by B. M. Holland vice president Valley State bankM Harlingen. "The RelatkV of the Bank to the Retail Merchants As sociation.” 11:00—Address. J. E. Nelson, pres ident Citizens Industrial bank. San Antonio. “Benefits of the Industrial Bank to the Merchants." 11:30—Address. Edw. D. Hodge, secretary Retail Merchants associa-! tion, El Faso. “What a Credit Bu-! reau Experts of the Member.” (Questions and discussions>. An nouncements. 12:00—Noon. Adjournment. Afternoon Session—Joint Convention hall. Bant 1st church L. W. Bevan, president Retail Merchants Association of Texas, presiding. 2:00—Report of committee on cre dentials. 2:10—Report of auditing commit- j tee. 2:20—Report of committee on res olutions. 2:45—Considering the report of committee on amalgamation. Re port of nominating committee. Nominations froom the floor. Elec tion of officers. Selection of next convention city. 5:00—Adjournment. After ad journment, drive up the Valley to Raymondville and Edinburg. Notice: Immediately following the afternoon session, the board of directors will hold a meeting and it is expected this will be a lenethv session and it should be the duty of all directors to attend this ses sion. STUDENTS | (Continued from page one> included Miss Ester Weller of Brownsville. James Huffendick of McAllen, and Steve Wray of Donna. These three popular university students from the Valley, together with Fred Wagner of Brownsville, member of Delta Sigme Phi fra ternity. were also named in the guest list of Pi Kappa Alpha fra ternity, which entertained with a i sport dance the same night. • • • Arthur Klein of Harlingen, stu dent in the school of law. has been placed on the student Y. M. C. A. council. Klein is taking his first year of law work. TEX-MEX ACCIDENT RECORD UNMARRIED z LAREDO. May 11—(^—Hav ing the lowest casualty rate, the Texas Mexican railroad has again ; annexed the award of the Railroad Employees’ National Safety contest. The railway has filed a clear ac cident record with the Interstate Commerce Commission. The Texas-Mexican railroad, styled the “infant prodigy in class 1 com petition.” was designated winner over a group of 37 contestants for the second time in as many years Its accident record was unmarred1 for 1727 and 1928 Advanced Engineerin in the New 612 You will find the same principles of modern design and advanced engineer ing in the new Model 612 that distin guish the larger Graham-Paige sixes and eights. We invite you to examine the 612 for surplus value, and to make your own comparisons. Car illustrated is Model 612, six cylin- /t sy jf. der. five passenger, two door Sedan VitdfJzJL O. at factory, special equipment extra. ^_I Webster-Edgar Motor Co., Inc. . • ••••••••>••. t« •• /••••••»• • &AAAAM-AAI&E s Announcing ? • AH Makraa g : OUR NEW JL. i I Battery Service * • DEPARTMENT • • • • The Valley motorist can now enjoy complete battery service at ® J the Alexander Tire Co. We have installed one of the most mod- ® ^ ern battery recharging plants obtainable. Competent storage bat- a tery men are in charge of this department and will give you 0 prompt satisfactory service. # A feature of this department will be the reconstruction cf broken down batter:, s. Most batteries have many hours of unused voltage—all th«v ... . 1 u r< u •: a ~ a W the hands of experts, the kind employed by us. Perhaps only one cell is not functioning. Our battery men can re-build individual w cells into any battery, restoring the original capacity of the entire lottery. And 0 the cost is much less than the price of a new batten'. Q • ■ i I i i SLIGHTLY USED TIRES We have several hundred balloon tires which still have hundreds of unused mileage in them. These tires are In good condition and were traded in for the new J Cooper ‘*8’' This is your opportunity to buy a ^ set of tires for almost any price. In • fact we have a number we can sell as low as $2 00. ^ No need to run about without a £ spare tire when you cgn pick up 9 these tires for almost nothing. But they won't last long at the low price we are asking for this unused mileage. For years Cooper Long Service Batteries have been known as high quality batteries .... the finest it is possible to build. Cooper batteries are stronger, with far greater capacity and lcnger life than or dinary batteries . . . built to outlast any other make. Every part is made right in Cooper's own factories, insuring uniform quality throughout. Cooper Long Servic Batteries Sell for $8.50 for small cars and $16.20 for larger cars Guaranteed for One Entire Year Cooper Dri-Power Battery $17.50 to $22.90 GUARANTEED TWO YEARS A ■ • Cooper Tires Guaranteed 2_ I I UERE is greater tire mileage lkJi» ^ than was ever thought ***** possible. Eight heavy plies of rp i special strength cord — each % 1 FUCK individually armored and pro 0f) tected with rubber • • • so H Own^r powerful as to defy carcass breaks . . . so brutally tough that it is virtually, immune to You're interested in cut- even punctures, w t‘ng your operating costs, aren’t you? Arm- ,, «... nr* . j or«t Cord Construction Unconditionally Guaranteed has built brute strength. against cuts, bruises, blowouts, ■—u ft extraordinarily long life. rim cut, chafe, tread wear, m real truck economy under inflation, wheel mis- « • Bus Tires. We d like to alignment, rut wear and faulty % q show them to you. brakes • • in fact almost every g thing excepting theft. • ♦ 'Trade in your • K v old worn tins : Tse^sf°r cooper % ARMORED CORD ^ aZJZ ® —♦— rvi w ipm wa ?> - than ordinary liras.' Lat ■■■■■■■■■■ us buy your* old* liras. : “ ~ □ ■a 1121 Levee Street BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS Rhone 990 W • H.Alexander Opposite^ Jardin S. E. (Johnny) .Vautrt 0 g fl 0 Just Phone Johnny 990 for Snappy Service •