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FRENCH GUARD GRAF ZEPPELIN Once Enemies, Officials of Two Nations Laud Each Other EXPLOSION VICTIMS GIVEN FIRST AID FEDERAL COURT IS ADJ( I Gonzalea-Hinojoaa Smug gling Case To Be Con tinued Monday The federal district court ad journed Friday afternoon for the week-end after disposing of a huge portion of the docket that was be fore it at the opening of the term of court Monday. The case of Carlos Gonzales and Felipe Hinojosa. Rio Grande City merchants, charged with conspiring to violate Section 37 P. C. and re ceiving and concealing merchandise smuggled into the United States was before the court at the time of adjournment. The goods alleged to have been smuggled was wool. This case took up by far the most time of any yet to come before the court at this term. Approximately 20 witnesses were put on the stand including U. S. and Mexican of leers. Customs men have been brought here from Galveston for the trial. The case will be continued Mon day. Following are cases set for Mon day: Miles A. Ratcliff vs. Freeman R. Ratcliff, et al. Thomas B. Sammons, et al, vs. A. M. Longoria, et al. U. S. vs. C. H. Jones, et al. Floyd Brummett, et al. vs. D. E. Kirgan, et aJ. U. S. vs. one Ford touring car. etc. R. 8. Chambers, et al. vs. E. A. Bovce. et al. (On exception.) U. S. vs. Ford coupe, etc. J. R. Osborne vs. Firemen's Fund Insurance Co. War West, Inc. vs. Clell Solether, et alu. Ramond Duerr vs. Council Land' and Development Co. John D. Townsend vs. Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Co. Set for Tuesday: Mrs. S. W. Pearce, et al. vs. C. P. & L. Co. ' Set for Wednesday: Constantine Berlangnolll vs. C. W. Stallworth. Eustaquto Vallejo, et al. vs. F. P. Caffarelll. Fred H. Wlllich vs. C. P. & L. Co. Susano Vllareal, et al. vs. Adam I Marks, et al. Cases handled Friday includle: .Tacobo Solis, Francisco Garcia. Ramon Montalvo and Horacio P. | Guerra, smuggling: Guerra dis missed: Montalvo and Garcia year and day in penitentiary, suspended; i continued as to Solis. Carlos Gonzales and Felipe Hino josa. conspiring to violate Section 37 ! P. C. and receiving and concealing, etc., merchandise smuggled into the i U. S.: motion to continue over ruled: motion to quash indictment t overruled; case on trial, continuing Monday morning. Morris Theodore Kaplan, unlaw fully concealing property from trus tee in bankruptcy; set for trial Fri da v. May 17: postponed to Monday. George Bullijian. unlawfully using the mails in furtherance of a scheme to defraud: set for Monday. Guillermo Martel and Felipe Da vila. liquor charges: continued. Esteven Oarcia. liquor charges; 90 davs in Jail. Tommy Hentf and Lonzo Cope land. liquor rharfes: Henry 90 davs in tail; U. S. dismisses as to Cope land. Guadalupe Olivera. liquor charges; I year and a day in Atlanta peniten tiary. Eliseo Elizondo, immigration; 30 days in tail and deportation. Rosa Para, immigration: 30 days in Jail and deportation. Jake Coontz, alias Jake Koontz, liquor charges ;continued. Miguel Garcia, immigration; ca pias to December term. Basllo Olivares and Juan Garza; liquor charges; Garza dismissed; Olivares 30 davs In Jail. Jose Benavides and Jose Angel Hernandez, liquor charges; Bena vides 30 davs in Jail; Hernandez 60 davs in jail. Oscur S. Ramirez alias Oscur Casanova, liquor and marihuana charges: 60 days in jail. Inez Raffern. alias BlattJ, using the mails to defraud: Imposition of sentence suspended to December term. Vicente Zuncga and Romaldo San chez. liquor charges; continued. Bensebio Yzagucrre. Ruperto Lon goria and Fidel Garcia, liquor charges: 90 days each In Jail. Mrs. M. Z. Myers, liquor charges; pleads gulltv; passed for sentence until May 23. # Gregorio Huerta, immigration, 60 days In jail. Romundo Flores, liquor charges; two vears in Atlanta penitentiary. Jose Ramon, liquor charges; $25 fine. Emilio Lopez and Justo Garcia liquor charges; 30 days in Jail. Candido Martinez, liquor charges 30 dayes in Jail. Florencia Mercado and CecilU Mercado, liquor charges; 60 days ti jail. Antonio Lugo. Arthur Serna. Mar garito Moreno and Emilio Barbosa liquor charges; generally continued Jill Brothers. Inc., interstate com merce act: continued generally. J«»eph F. Byrnes. Interstate com merce act; capias to December term bail $1,000. SAO PAULO. Brazil. May 4.—f/P —Portuguese immigration, with 13. 611 persons arriving, led all othei nationalities in the state of Sat Paulo in 1928, but Japanese, witt 11.176, were a close second. Th« third place went to rtaly witt 2.768. TARIFF HOLDING SOLONS’ EYES Expect Debenture to be Eli minated From Farm Relief Bill WASHINGTON. May 18.—(4*)— Tariff suggestions had right of way at the capitol today, with both branches of congress in adjourn ment and only the house ways and means committee republicans meet ing for a final hearing on appeals from members of their party for changes in the schedules they have recommended. Disagreements over farm relief were sidetracked temporarily, but will be revived Monday by the in itial meeting of the senate and house committees charged with ar bitrating differences between the two chambers on the export deben ture section and other points of difference in the bills they passed. Of the 10 members of the confer ence group, only two senators are on record as favoring the debenture proposal as part of the farm bill, and administration leaders are con fident this bitterly contested part of the senate measure will be eliminat ed With other sections also In dis pute. however. It Is expected to make the negotiations somewhat lengthy. Although the house ways and means committeemen announced to day's meeting would the last to hear complaints against their de cislons in the tariff bill, they ex m. m. m. m.m.AA.^^m.^.Ak.m.Ak.Ak. M. A 1 pect to meet again Monday ant Tuesday to decide who* chatgn they wUl Introduce ae cocpmmee amendment. Their work- ttma far along this tine has given promise of smoothing out dlfficumes to the re publicans' ranks which have stood in the way of agreement on a spe cial rule to limit the offering of amendments cm the floor by string privileged status to those emanat ing from the committee. An early agreement on such a rule la now expected and the bill la likely to be taken up for amendment after Tues day. Meanwhile, the general debate be fore the week-end adjournment cen tered chiefly on the shandy con tested proposal for an Increase In sugar duties, described as “unjusti fiable and indefensible * In a k from William Oreen. prestdr#"~V " the American Federation of J**j*jf to Representative Frear. Ttpuw*.Soj * Wisconsin, which was read Into Cr* record by Rep. Ruth Baker Pratt, republican. New York- They were defended by Representative Eaton, republican. Colorado. MOSCOW. May 11.—<**>—A con vention establishing customs control cones la the Finnish Gulf has been signed in Moscow between the So viet union and Finland The tones are outside the teritortal waters of the two countries. CUERS. France, May 18.—<AV* French bluejacket* stood guard to day kbout the German dirigible Graf Zeppelin, housed In the han gar from which their own ill-fated Dlkmude went forth five years ago to disaster. Inside the hangar French mechanics assisted the Grafs crew, former enemies, but now friends in distress, to repair the damage which had incapacitat ed, four of the dirigible s five motors. Ths entire atmosphere was one of friendltness and good fellowship with a dash of bitter disappointment among the Germans that they had failed to take their ship another time across the Atlantic. The first man to call on Dr. Hugo Eckener, the dirigible s master, after he arose late this morning, was Rear Admiral Bintry, commanding the French naval base at Toulon. , "I have a duty of gratitude to ful fill.'’ the German commander told the French rear admiral. “I tfish to express my sincerest thanle> to the French navy for the efficacious assistance rendered U3 in our land ing ** In the short conversation which followed Dr. Eskener insisted espe cially on the word “efficacious." re peating it three or four ttmes. It was no secret here that the German commander did everything possible to avert a forced landing in France. When turning back when off the coast of Spain it was Dr. Eckener’s deep-rooted intention to make Friedrlchshafen under the dirigible’s own power, even though two of its motors were already out of commission. The third motor pasyd out near Mines, and the fourth motor was si lenced when passing over Monteli mar. In the hours that followed, the violence of the cold northwest wind forced a change in his plans, necessitating even his eventual call for help to the French authorities. "We have failed to cross the At lantic as we had done before and as we shall do again before long,’’ Dr. Eckener said. French naval authorities were loud in their praise of the manner in which Dr. Eckener had handled his ship in an extremely difficult situation. Passengers, except those who left for Cherbourg and Paris, rested to day at Toulon after the fatigue and worry for the past two cjp.ya. Departure of the ZepDelin. either for Friedrlchshafen or elsewhere re mained problematical. ZEP DISASTER fContlnued from Page One > plicate tragedies. No. there has been dirty work somewhere." . Pour new engines to replace those which failed were en route today from Friedrichshafen with other supplies which Dr. Eckener asked be sent him. Pending investigation of the failure of the motors and their replacement, removal of the Graf from its hangar here seemed out of the question. Possibly 15 days was reckoned as necessary before it would fly again. Two hours before the landing at Cuers. Dr. Eckener wirlessed Friedrichshafen. by way of Dijon: “Last two motors showing signs of giving out: must turn back and go before the wind.” One of the re maining two motors had failed when finally a landing was accomplished. A little later the Dijon operator received a message: “Dijon please relay fastest.” followed by a request to the French air minister for per mission to land. It was also sup plied: "Please get us In touch with Paris at once." The French air minister. M Lau rent-Evnac. however, had not waited to be asked, and had already in structed all the air fields In the ! Rhone Valley to render all possible assistance He had suggested in a message which apparently had not reached Dr. Eckener that his best course was to land at either Orlv fteld near Paris or at Oners which was equipped for dirigibles. Before attempting the landing Dr. I Eckener dropped Instructions, writ ten In German, to those below as to how It might best be accomplished. Later he remarked thev had shosrn the utmost precision In the work even though It was their first expe r rlence. Disappointment seemed to have been the principal emotion of the passengers. Whatever the officers' anxiety, they kent it to themselves, and it was said little or no fear was displayed on the ship. SABOTAGE 'ABSURD*, ECKENER DECLARES CUERS. France. May 18.—(AV Dr. Hugo Eckener today character ibed as "absurd" reports that the engine trouble of the Graf Zeppelin came from sabotage. "Where would the sabotage hare taken place?” he asked TRINITY RIVER OUT OF BANKS AFTER RAIN ■ ■ - PORT WORTH May 18 — West fork of Trinity river was out of banks at places this morning, and the river was at the highest point this year after an all-night rain. Residents of lowlands In the vi einity of West fork were warned to move out Saturday. DON’T TOLERATE ITCHING ECZEMA ANOTHER DAYT There i» no need of enduring the ter rible. itching torment of eczema and other akin infections. Don't suffer the annoyance and embarrassment it brings you another day. Go to your druggist, ask for Black and White Ointment, use it according to directions and your skin troubles will S'eld quickly to its remarkable effects. is pleasant to use. highly beneficial and scientifically safe. Few best results use Black and White Skin Soap with Black and White Oint- , meat. All dealers sell theta at smalkcost. Victims of the Cleveland, Ohio, clinic-hospital explosion and fire received treatment for Injuries at the scene of rescue. (Picture by telephoto from Cleveland). OFFICIAL HELD IN BANK LOOT! Pine Bluff City Attorney Charged With Being An Accessory PINE BLUFF. Ark.. May 18.— A city official was at liberty un der 825.000 bond and nine other persons were in Jail- here today charged with complicity in the hold up of the Peoples’ Bank and Trust company April 28. The bank was robbed of 820.000 by five unmasked men. Ralph R. Reed, city attorney of Pine Bluff, charged with being an accessory and receiving stolen prop erty. was the tenth person arrested in connection with the robbery. Reed’s arrest followed that of three negroes, on accessory charges yesterday and the recovery of 81.000 in Travelers’ chocks, in their poss session. Others In custody were three men recently arrested in New Orleans with 87.000 in cash in money belts they wore, they are alleged to have been among the five who actually staged the robbery. Two men and a woman were arrested in Little Rock the day after the holdup on accessory charges. | AIRPORT^ ^ - I i 8 'y 3 CONDEMNED I (Continued from page one.) jail cell as he was about to turn over saws to a prisoner. When the sheriff's office learned of the attempted break, deputies j stormed the Jail tn droves. Milling about the corridors they increased the din. One of them, excited, start ed to shoot a trusty elevator boy. but another deputy grabbed the shotgun before it could be fired. One of the first among the non officials to arrive was Ralph Sis son, taxicab driver, whom Pruett had shot through the abdomen Carrying a jack handle. Sisson dashed into the jail, calling for Pruett. Meyers, officials said, was the first of the three men to give up the fight. He ran back to his cell, tore off a bloody shirt and fell on his cot, feigning unconsciousness. Fed eral prisoners on the floor above hurled soda pop and milk bottles at the fighting prisoners. Officers were hunting two girls who visited Pruett and Meyers last visitors' day. The girls brought bunches of roses, and Sheriff Hal Hood believed saws with which the prisoners hewed bars had been se creted in the roses. The C. A. T. Ryan 3746 left for Mazatlan with Pilot Carmichael and one passenger and the mail at 7 a. m. The Mexican Aviation company’s Ford plane No. 5 left for Mexico City at 8:30 a. m. with Pilot Snyder and one passenger. The Mexican Aviation company's Ford No. 3 arrived here from Mex ico City with Pilot Gray and eight passengers and one steward. The T. A. T. mail plane left for Fort Worth with the mail at 12:35 p. m. with Pilot Andrews. A new Ford plane was ferried from the factory to Brownsville and arrived here at 1:40 p. m. for the Mexican Aviation company; pilot. O’Neil. The Ryan 9684 left for San An tonio at 2 p. m. John Frost is the owner and pilot. There were three passengers. A Travel Air. NC5235. owned by Bell and Wood of McAllen, arrived here at 3150 p. m. with Pilot W. L. Hansen. The T. A. T. passenger plane ar rived here from San Antonio at 4:25 p. m. with Pilot Youngblood and took off at 5:15 p. m. with two pas sengers for San Antonio. The T. A. T. mall plane. No. 21. arrived here from Fort Worth at 4:45 p. m. Pilot. Mangum. The C. A. T. company plane No. 7729 arrived here from Mazatlan at 5:50 p. m. Pilot Holms and passen ger. B. A. Law. i i Skin Specialists To Make Study of Suck Diseases Wkile Here A number of persons In the Val ley suffering with various skin dis eases are to receive valuable service as a result of the meeting here Mon day of the Texas Dermatological so ciety. These persons will be ex amined by specialists from all parts of the state and they will agree on a treatment for each case studied. In this way the person attending the clinic, which is to be held from 10 a. m. to 12 noon, will receive free of charge advice of the best skin specialists In the state. Persons who are to appear at the clinic are required first to call on their home physician and secure from him a blank on which will ap pear a history of the case. City Briefs Felt Hats have arrived from three different states at Amaya’s Mil linery. Attains St —Adv. 19. Restaurant. Harlingen, for sale. Fully equipped, attractive proposi tion. Also grocery store and meat market, Weslaco: good opportunity, See Walker Craig Co.—Adv. tf. You can get the best sandwiches, sodas, sundaes and service at the Star Pharmacy, opposite Hospital. McAllen. Texas — adv. tf. Clinic—The regular city clinic was held Saturday at the city hall by the city nurses, school nurse and Dr. M. B. Primer of the county health unit. Only a few cases reported to f'e clinic. Tin Cans for canning: Calcium arsenate. Paris Green, cultivators, wagons: on easy terms. Phillips Store. San Benito—Adv. 20. Antiques—A large selection just received from the east of diamond set pieces of antique jewelry, Dorf man’s.—Adv. 20. Prepare Exhibit*—Booths for the commercial and scientific exhibits at the State Medical society con vention to open Tuesday were being constructed at the Junior college-se nior high building Saturday. In Monterrey.—Mr. and Mrs Ralph Stone returned Wednesday from a two days’ visit to Monterrey. They made the trip in the C. A. T. Ryan, leaving Monday morning. Fifty Feet of new fresh live rub ber garden hose for $4.50; house paint $195 gallon. Hardware Sales. Second and Fronton.—Adv 20. Rummage Sale — Ladles of the Episcopal church held a rummage sale on the Market plaza Saturday. Move.—The Majestic Radio parlor is moving from 1108 Elizabeth to a new location in the Sc a bury. George and Taylor building, and will open there on Saturday. Branch shops have also been opened in Harlingen and 8an Benito. To Speak—Rev. Francisco Olaza bal will speak to the American people at the District Court room Sunday. 4 p. m Wishes to tell them of his work here. Court Adjourns—The county court of Cameron county at law has been adjourned, after working its wav through a fairly heavy docket. Judge John I. Kleiber presides over this court Just Received—A large selection of beautiful antiques in pieces of diamond set jewelry, Dorfman's.— Adv, 20. STOP THAT ITCHING Ise Blue Star Soap, then apply Blue Star Remedy for Eczema, itch, tetter, ringworm, poison oak, dan aruff. children's aorea, cracked sands, sore feet and most forms of teking skin diseases. It kills terras, •tops itching, usually restoring the dnn to health. Soap 2Se; Blue Star ’ Remedy, fl.00. Ask you? druggist. , Day In Congress i By The Associated Press) Saturday Senate and house are In adjourn ment. House ways and means committee republicans concludes hearing of suggestions for tariff bill amend ments. Friday House voted to receive senate farm relief bill and send it to con ference. Senate confirmed nomination of former Sen. Lenroot of WLscot to court of customs and patent ap peals after seven-hour debate. House continued general debate on tariff bill with prospect of reaching amendment stage of con sideration by middle of next week. House ways and means committee republicans received suggestions for changes In tariff bill. Senate manufactures committee decided to hear mill owners on pro posal to investigate textile industry. Letter from President Green of American Federation of Labor op posing sugar tariff proposal was read in house. INVESTIGATE DEATH OF DALLAS CITIZEN DALLAS, Texas. May 18.—(JPV— An investigation, started last night after Frank Boss, 47, was found shot to death at his home, continued today by physicians and police. Boss was shot by a mystery assail ant in what police believe to have been a feud. The man was of Ital ian birth. They point to the fact that eight bullets were fired Into the body, and that he was not rob bed of $97.45 he carried in his pock ets. SENTENCES GIVEN TO NOUNES AND MUSEY HOUSTON. Texas. May 18.—(JP)— J. L. (Johnny Jack) Nounes and George Musey. alleged leaders in the rum running ring .at Galveston and adjacent territories, were sentenced here today to two years in the fed eral penitentiary at Atlanta and were given a five-year suspended scntenci each, suspended for a pe riod of five years on good behavior. In addition Musey was fined $5,000 and Nounes $500. SUFFERED WITH SIGKJEADACHE No Pleasure, Says Ohio Lady, to Go Places, Till She Took Thedford’s Black-Draught. Langsville, Ohio.—“For years and years, I suffered with severe head ache,” says Mrs. Jane Campbell, of this place. “It wasn't any pleasure for me to go places, for I came home with sick i headache. If I went to church or i to any social gathering or to town to shop, when I got back I would have these headaches and have to go to bed for a day or more, till I would just get out of heart and would not try to go. I “About 15 years ago I discovered that Black-Draught was good for these headaches. I began using it I would take it two or three nights In succession if I felt the least bad. and It sure did wonders for ma It Is about 14 years since I had sick headaches, and I can go places and 1 really enjoy life.” Headache very often Is due to con stipation. The waste products that are not properly carried away cause sick headaches and other disagree able symptoms. Take Thedford’s Black-Draught to cleanse the system and help the di gestive system to return to a nor mal state of activity. - PETTY ILLS ROB WOMEN . OF LIFE'S PLEASURES XV omen who are ron*down physical* iy—-victims of petty ilia that rob them o. life t happiness and pleasures—wel* »me the invigorating and strengthening tffects of St. Joseph's G.F.R VkQcUJomGLn,A Uortic Down Comes the For Rent Sign! Ill 666 la • Praacrtptfoa for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dec^fu*1* Bilious Fever and Malaria. I* fa tka mmmt apaoAr r»aaa4w la«r% » II ' ' < > II II When You Believe ii 11 in People ;» I! with whom you have deal ! I ing$, your business runs more ! I 11 smoothly — you get ahead J | ; • faster. <i ii •* ii ; | The record of the Merchants* National Bank ia one of uninterrupted progress, and growing «» ii ii PRESTIGE <» ii «» o •! over a period of 25 years. \ <i ii 11 It is a record that J [ ii ii < • of Invites YOUR Complete Confidence II O Capital and Surplus $300,000.00 11 II MERCHANT^ NATIONAL BANK j| B R. O W N S V I LLE ••TEXAS. —because a little Herald Rent Ad did the job. If you have an apartment, house, room, garage, sum mer cottage, or housekeeping suite (Joii’t carry it empty thru the summer—rent it now. May is the renting month. Phone your ad today to The Herald and it will appear nightly before thousands seeking a new place to live and who “shop’ up and down the Rent Ads before they go hunting. i Shf Snmmsu t Hcralfl I * JM Phone No. 8 I