Newspaper Page Text
Rent Receipts Grow in ^——— Classified Busi ’ ARCHITECTS BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. Architects—Engineers 208 Merchants Bank Bldg. Phone 817 Brownsville, Texas E. G. HbLLlDAY Architect and Builder 409 State Nat. Bank Bid;. Phone 906 » A R. NEWELL WATERS Architect 2-12 Security State Bank Building Weslaco. Texas E. B. GORE Civil and Consulting [Engineer Room 408, State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville, Texas. Phont 1077. BUILDERS—CONTRACTORS PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractors 528 Washington St. Brownsville, Texas Phone 627 E. M. RIDLEY General Contractor Roads Land Leveling plowing, Zxcavattons Embankments 408 Merchants Nafl. Bank. Brownsville. CASH REGISTERS_ NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO Registers bought, sold and exchanged W. E. Bandera, Representative Phone 29. Harlingen. Tex. Box 905 DRAT—TRANSFER i --- 1m I Jones Transfer & Storage Co., Inc. | ^Bonded Warehouse | on M. P. Tracks 1 TRUCKS DAILY FROM ®®OWNS VTTT tr TO ALL VALLEY TOWNS. Local and Long Distance Hauling. Estimates Gladly Olven. L L2.19 LEVEE ST. PHONE 787 H _ Mason Transfer & Grain Co. BONDED WAREHOUSE $EEDS OF ALL KINDS Light and Heavy Hauling WE MOVE ANYTHING 1105 Adams. Phone AUSTIN TRANSFER COMPANY ) Orating. Shipping. Hauling ' Phones 421 ami 519 FLORISTS THE FLOWER SHOP Cut flowers, pot plants, funeral designs and bouquets 1254 Elizabeth St* Phone 1388 ScWYER THE FLORIST, flowers and funeral designs. St. Charles and Pita streets. Phone 771._ I HOTELS—CAFES WHITE KITCHEN Famous for Its Cooking—Immaculacy and Service The popular place for bustness lunches 12th between Elisabeth and Washington Hat Renovating ——.-—# First ('lass Hat Renovating & Shoe Repairing Delta Shoe & Hat Shop We Call for and Deliver U Phone 535 ” INSURANCE \V. B. CLINT INSURANCE Surety bonds 208-9 Merchants National Bank PHONE 6 *" " PAINTING PAINTING. Paperhangln*. Decorating ■ ndTeitcnlng P W. Rieka. 14* Un coin St. Phono VM-J. fry a Herald Classified Ad iness Directory | FINANCIAL LOANS On Improved residence and buslnese property. Tbdd and Underwood 10S7 Levee 8t. Brownsville. Texes. ^_ LOANS To buy, to build, to re-ftnance or im prove your home or business property. Any Town in the Valley. Gunn & Holdridge Over First National Bank Pharr, Texas. MATTRESS RENOVATING Let Us Renovate tYour Mattress Wt make mattresses to order. All repair work guaranteed SOMMERS 12th and Adams Phone 674 MILL WORK a HOMER L. FITCH Planing Mill and Cabinet .Work Bank, store and office fixtures. End of West 7th St. Our estimates mean your orders OFFICE EQUIPMENT sART METAL! . FILING Equipment Maverlck-CRrke Litho Co. 208 Merchants National Bank Phone 617—Brownsville ^mteeC Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVE'8 STATIONERY <Sc BOOK STORE Brownsville, Texas FUNERAL DIRECTORS ROOFING | THE TURNER BROWNSVILLE , ROOFING CO., Inc. We respectfully solicit your re-roofing as well as new. Eighth and Railroad Brownsville. Tex. Phone 1168 TYPEWRITERS DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange (Brownsville's Typewriter House) Distributors. New L. C. Smith "Si lent" 8 and Late Corona 4 type writers, Also sell Royal Portables and “Factory" Rebuilt*—all makes. We repair all makes typewriter and adding machines. 1112 Elizabeth 8t Phone 1105. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER SALES CO. Typewriters—Adding Machines Supplies—Repairs Phone 506—Harlingen i ----i PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEYS 1 - -- I RALPH A. DUNKELBERQ Attorney at Law Commercial Collections a Specialty j 106 Seabury. George and Taylor i Building • Brownsville. Texas 1 Davenport. West and Ransome Attorneys at Law 307-308 Merchants National Bank , Brownsville. Texas H. B. GALBRAITH Attorney at Law J Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville. Texas ■ J. T. Canales C. S. Eidman, Jr. j CANALES AND EIDMAN , Attorneys at Law , Real Estate a Specialty 303 Merchants National Bank Brownsville. Texas H. L. Yates 1 Attorney at Law State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville 1 . . i CHIROPRACTOR j M. Cook, D. C. CHIROPRACTOR i Nerv-O-Meter Service State National Bank Bldf. Brownsville, Texas Room 405 Phone 703 EL YTBRA SYSTEM USED REAL ESTATE ~ LOS EBANOS * • * Brownsville's Supreme Residential District, carefully restricted, com pletely improved. Home sites Irons $1200.00. easy terms. James-Dtoklu son Co, Realtors, corner travelers Hotel Bldg, Brownsville AtlUMUIlYB STEVENSON MOTOR CO . Inc. 10th & Adams PRICED TO SELL Dodge Secmn ..$400.00 192$ Nash light 6 sedan.$475 00 1925 Nash 2-door: In first-class condition In every respect...$500.00 CASH TRADE TERMS , BROWNSVILLE NASH CO. 1327 Levee. Phone 13«S. Q-332 AUTO REPAIRING LOOK! Nash Owners We have the parts, we give the sen-tee. and we know the Nash. Come in and get acquainted. BROWNSVILLE NASH CO. 1327 Levee. Phone 1366. HELP WANTED BOYS WANTED at The Herald office to sell The Brownsville Herald each afternoon. Easy work. Qood pay. The Herald office. WANTED Truck Drivers to haul gravel. Apply F. P. McEhvrath Raymondvilie «r WANTED—American woman as com panion to et erly lady and keep house for herself * 1 son. P. O. Bpx 796. San Benito. _Q-147 MANUEL MARTINEZ. 1011 Jackson, will receive two free tickets to the Capitol Theater by calling for them at The Herald office before 6 p. m. May 20. 1929. SALESMEN—AGENTS * SALES MANAGER and salesmen want ed for Valley territory; commission basis. This position will pay now and build a future Income of $1,000 to $10. 000 per vear for the BALANCE OF YOUR LIFE. You must be able to fur nish references and give bond. Apply 405 8tate National Bank Bldg.. Browns ville. Q-115 _LOST AND FOUND LOST—Black pocketbook with green handle at air port or on route one. con taining a railroad pass and about $9 00 In money. Finder may keep money for reward. If they return purse and other contents to The Herald office. Q-132 LIVE STOCK—POULTRY FOR SALE FRESH JERSEY MILCH COW8 Good Milkers. Located 1-4 mile east of Elsa. life miles west Edcouch on highway. Noel Janvier. . _.Q-30 FOR 8ALE OR TRADE—One 7-year-old mare. Will work anywhere you put her. Call 1090 or 9013 F IS. Q-109 HEN-HATCHED baby chicks. Reds. 12c Billy Gilson, phone 842. Q-127 FOR SALE—German police puppies, registration papers furnished; males 115. females $10. Dr. J. B. Seay, Ken sry. Texas. Q-139 FOR SALE—8 horses In first-class con litlon. real bargains. Call J. W. Mayes. Dements Hotel, Harlingen. Texas. Q-138 FINANCIAL SMALL INVESTMENT will handle es tablished business that will bring In big returns. Address P. O. Box 282. Brownsville. Q-142 WILL SELL INTEREST In big paying established business. Smell amount money will handle. P. O. Box 282. Brownsville. Q-142 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ROOMINO HOUSE—14 rooms, close In: ill modern conveniences: good Income: tood furniture; reasonable. Apply at *laza Hotel or phone 486. Q-9! >NE OP THE best paying restaurants n Brownsville can be bought at a very ittractlve price. Owner leaving cl tv. 3ox Q-135. Herald. Q-133 FOR SALE—Cafe, confectionery, soda buntaln. peanut and popcorn machine. | ull assortment of stock, on account of >ld age and poor health. Box 401. La 'erla, Texas. Q-131 rHE HERALD OFFICE has two tickets o the Capitol Theater for the White Kitchen. Twelfth street. Must be call 'd for before 6 p. m. May 20. 1929. 5WIMMINO POOL with picnic grounds, mats: also tourist camp in connection. ror rent near near Harlingen on high way. Phillips Store. San Benito. Q-149 iERX'S A splendid business oportunltv | or a bright, good-apearing business voman. with ability to take over the nacagement and advertising of a well atabllshed Radio Station. There is no lmit to financial possibilities and If rou believe you can qualify for the ilace. write your qualifications and ex igence# to Box Q-140, Brownsville Q-140 TREES — SEEDS — PLANTS >OUR ORANGE seedling# and aspara gus crowns; price reasonable. Phone 008F4, or Box 1064. Mrs. Brown, Edtn >ur«-_ Q-128 WANTED TO BUY * ANTED TO BUY —Second-hand tnlm neograph. Address Box Q-10, Herald __ Q-10 KAGS WAMTED Will pay 5c per pound for CLEAN COTTON RAGS HERALD PRESSROOM PERSONAL | Brownsville Hot Springs and Turkish Baths The greatest surprise In the butory of your city. Will be open Saturday morning. We work on rheumatism and .neuritis. Guarantee cure. We work on ‘you for any complaints with which you ■ are bothered. Pleaae come and give ua 1 a chance. We guarantee all of our i work. The same treatment you can get anywhere else you can get here, or bet jter. All men trained. 414 Twelftn St.. ! Brownsville Health Resort. Sleeping quarters prepared. Q-44 MISCELLANEOUS LADIES' HOSE mended; runs, pulls aud snags Valley Hose Mending Co. 745 Elizabeth. 1-198 ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE New stock of plumbing and plumbing supplies of all kinds; also soil pipe and fittings, whole sale and retail. Sampson Machinery & Supply Co. Houston, Texas NEW EMERSON PIANO—Big discount. Easy terms. Phone 663-M. or P. O. Box 562. Bronsville. P. D. Hambly. P-234 FOR SALE—Leonard refrigerator. 100 lbs. capacity, porcelain lined; used six months. Phone 586. Q-63 FOR SALE—At a bargair. Coifs car bide gas plant, nine lights, now in op eration. Domingo Allala, Route 2. on Military Road. Q*»0 FOR SALE—Farm wagon, two mules, disc plough, disc harrow and the usual line of cultivators and planters. Also 900 lbs. of nitrate of soda. Will sell cheap. Address Q-152. care Brownsville Herald. Q-152 I FOR SALE Boat motor and trailer Square stern canoe with cork sponsions. Johnson Outboard Motor. Two-wheel er trailer for carrying canoe. E. W. Taylor. Taylor Lumber Co.. Brownsville. Q-100 rOR SALE—ruralture for eight-room rooming house. Also furniture for din ing room, living room and kitchen. Must be sold at once. Southern Realty Co. Phone 914. Q-130 FOR SALE—Plano, living room suite, dining room suit*, bedroom suite, ice box. electric stove, and several rugs. Mrs T. Aziz. 243 Elizabeth street. Brownsville. Q-134 FOR SALE—Mackey's History of Free Masonry In 7 volumes, 1921 edition. These books are clean and In good con dition. Write Box 64. Rio Hondo. Texas. * 0-156 BOATS Por Sale: New 16 ft. high-class boat. Also used boats. Will build boats to order. Call TOURIST HOME CAMP Or write Box 455. San Benito. Q-144 rtTRNTTTTRE FOR SALE—Tables, chairs, bed. radio, phonograph, etc. See A L. Peterson. Belvedere Addition, northwest 3f S. P. depot, opposite white house. Q-143 BUY OR EXCHANGE WANTED—Green beans and ripe to matoes for canning. Los Freanos Pack ing Co. Q-47 WANTED TO BUY some showcase*, small or medium size Iron safe, and 9th er store equipment. Box 11. Brownsville. Q-118 REAL ESTATE ~ For Sub-Division 160 Acres Located 4 blocks from the high school and closer to Brownsville | then the exclusive Los Ebanos Subdivision. Winding reaaca run ning through property offering natural take front a! tea tor sub division This nroperty ts tor aala by owners a-d can be bought at a very attractive price Henson-Lo max A Houston and Brownsville Development C FOR SALE Oood 45-acre tract 3 miles frc%i Brownsville, highway on two aides. Oood drainage ditch on 3 aides, all in cultivation. Price $125.0u per acre. 7-acre tract fronting on Resaca. planted to S-ye&r-old trees in bear ing; 4-room house and other build ings. half mile from city limits. Price $1300.00 per acre. One duplex for rent or sale in West Brownsville. Inquire from X. A. Uonaees. _REAL ESTATE_ WANTED—Home builder or developer to take full charge or join In develop ment of one of the best located sub divisions m the Valley. Small amount of capital required. Address "Owner. P-197, Herald. Brownsville. Texas. _ P-197 INVESTIGATE SUMMIT PLACE - THEN INVEST In Brownsville's new business and res idential sub-dlvlalon. located on 13th and 14th streets, one mile from Gate way Bridge, on the main thoroughfare leading to the proposed ship channel, municipal airport, rich farming dis trict of El Jaradin. and Boca Cblea Bach. Easy terms. Office 14th and Ha>§ streets. J. J. Dalles, sales mana ger. phone 336. Brownsville. Texas. P-J5 OWNER MU3T SELL at once beautiful “Los Ebancs" lot at sacrifice. Terms can be arranged. Call Phone 1338-W FARMS FOR SALE 300 Acres Cleared Situated within six blocks of the El Jardin Hotel. This property offers a wonde r f u 1 opportunity for an in dustrial sub-division or for small acreage sub division for grapefruit. Considered the highest spot in Brownsville. For sale by OWNER at $600.00 per acre. Price and terms to suit. Re lease clauses on either lots or acreage. Henson Lomax-Hous ton and Brownsville Develop ment Co., Brownsville, I’exas. TWO CHOICE pieces of citrus land under Irrigation, with bearing grove on each place; will sell for $275 per acre; also 400 acres of unimproved citrus land at a bargain. One ten- 1 acre tract of orchard In El Jardin dis trict can be bought cheap. Address owner. Box P-140, Herald. P-140 j OWNER OFFERS FOR 6ALE-16-acre farm only five miles from Brownsville, and Just 200 yards off concrete high way. Has 8-room bouse, and near graded school. Can be bought at at tractive price and terms. Box Q-79. Herald. Q-79 1 POULTRY FARM Five acres three miles from town on pavement, one acre young trees, five room house, bath, light* and water. Oarage, poultry houses and pens for seven hundred hens. Im provements all new and In good condition. 140 hens. 800 babv chicks and one good milk cow go with the place. This is offered for the price of a house and lot in town. See A. V. Brown with Will ingham-Green Co. Telephone 550. Harlingen, Texas. Q-145 GOOD FARM In El Jardtn tract, for trad# for good Brownsville property. Phone 450, or write P. O. Box 705. Brownsville. Texa. Q-7 LOTS FOB SALE ELIZABETH STREET LOT. West Brownsville, for sale at sacrifice for cash. Call 1398-W. P-82 HOUSES **OR SALE SACRIFICE—2 modern new homes. 3 rooms, bath, hot water. Beautiful light fixtures, including extra plug for radio. 1 See Mrs. Florence Stafford, owner. Hayes and 17th 8ta.. Victoria Heights. Phone 1075-M. 0-203 houses Tor sale FOR SALE—Modern new home. 6 rooms, bath, hot water, garage; cor nap Tavaa an«4 1 ft* W tlfae* - Brownsville. Small down pavment, balance like rent. T. Aziz, phone 502 or 894-_ P-138 BUY OR EXCHANGE WANTED TO TRADE—My $2,000 equity In Loe Ebanos brick veneer residence for acreage near Brownsville. P. W. Howard. Arcade Bldg. Phone 1090. _ Q-78 TO TRADE for vacant lots or Improved residence property, small farm less than six miles from Brownsville, near con crete road and good school. Address Owner. Box Q-78. Herald. Q-78 FOR TRADE—280-acre farm In S. E. Oklahoma to trade for Valley property; 275-acre farm In the Ozark mountains to trade for Valley property. C. C. Brulngton, Reese - WU-Mon <1 Bldg., Har lingen. Box 175. Q-99 FOR SALE—Best paying delicatessen In the Valley. Also will exchange proper ty In Florida. Farms In South Dakota and Oklahoma, all clear, for Valley property. Cooper & Allen. Box 1065. San Benito. Texas. Q-112 ' FOR SALE OR TRADE—Modern tourist amp on main highway. Small cash payment, balance terms. Owner has other business. M. B. Bourne. Sebas tian, Texas. Q-157 Orchard Wanted If you have 10 to 20 acre*. Describe fully with best price for CASH. Address Sox 1118. Robstown, Texas _®*lM RENTALS •OR RENT—Store rooms to Stegman building. Bert Croraack. M-50 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, bedroom, ga rage; close in. Cool house. Victoria Heights. Call at 809 Elizabeth. Q-39 WLL SHARE part of ray office with right party. Everything furnished. Phone 1090. Q-1S0 NICE furnished house In San Benito for rent, also furnished apartment, all modern: also office rooms, our build ing. Phillips Store. Q-149 APARTMENTS ALONSO APARTMENTS—Nlcaly fur nished. Comer Sixth and Lews. Phone 839. P-208 CLASSIFIED I! RATES and RULES Advertisement* will b# accepted over the telephone from telephone subscriber*, or from those hiving regular charge accounts. Other classified advertising must b* ac companied .by cash. No advertising accepted on an “until forbid" order. A specified number of insertions must be given. The Herald reserves the right to place all advertisement* under the proper classification, and reject unclean or objectionable copy. Obituaries, resolutions, and cards of thanks will be taken at the reg ular classified rate. The publishers are not responsi ble for copy, omission*, typograph ical error or any unintentional er ror that may occur, farther than to correct In the next Issue after It is brought to their attention. All ad vertising orders are accepted on this basis only. Telephone No 8 and dictate your advertisement to an experienced classified writer. To insure uubtlcation asms day copy should ba presented not later than 10:30 a. m. Copy for Sunday issues should be In not later l :30 p. m. Saturdays to insure proper classification. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 words or less, one In sertton.30v Over 20 words, one Insertion per word . j«tt Subsequent insertions run con secutively. per word. ]C By month, per word.'.Y.ISo Minimum for monthly rate. 10 word*. No classified advertisement ac cepted for less than.30c LOCAL READER RATES Readers, per count line. 20c— Per Inch . gl.20 Second and third days. 17c per tine; fourth, fifth and sixth days, 15c per line; 7 consecutive day*. 15c per tine. _ APARTMENTS VERY COOL 2-room south apartment ****** tTtt- *25- Telephone Q-21 APARTMENT for rent on paved street. Lights, water and gas furnished. Ail conveniences. Phone 423 0-279 FURNISHED APARTMENTS-W iter 1 Lights and gas furnished. Phone 53. i _P162 * J-ROOM APARTMENT, private bath. lot water. Comer Adams and Boule vard. Phone 764. P-1S6 MORRIS APTS.—burnished and unfur ilehed. Modem, with garage. Summer ates. D. L. Welch. Phone 1410-848W - rOR RENT—3-room apartment with jath. gas, lights, garage. 825 00. Call 247. otn and St. Charles Sts., or phone 90. __Q-13 tHOUSES COOLEST DUPLEX in town now va cant; $37.50 per month. Phone 646-J. or 70$. p.$i TOR RENT—5-room house; hot water, gas. garage; $25. 1410 Elizabeth, Weat Brownsville. Q-107 FOR RENT—7-room house, modern conveniences. between Third and Fourth. Washington street. Q-137 TWO new houses for rent on Tent* street, between Madison and Monro* modern conveniences. Q-144 FOR RENT—6-room furnished or un furnished house in Los Ebanos. C*r 1090-_ Q-101 ROOMS AND BOARD Room and Board Good Home Cooking $10 a Week Single Meals, 50c Phone 1014-W. 924 Elizabeth * BOARD AND ROOM by the meal oi week. 1008 8t. Charles. Phone 629-w Q-14 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT ~ NOTICE The commissioners' court of Cam eron County Texas, will convene j and sit as a Board of Equalisation ! on Monday the 27th day of May. A. D. 1929. at 9 o'clock a. m.. to receive all the assessment lists and books of G. A. Cowden. Tax Asses sor of Cameron County, Texas, for the year 1929. for Inspection cor i rection or equalization and ap proval. Witness my hand and the Seal of the Commissioners* Court of Cameron County; Texas, this 13th day of May. A. D. 1929. H. D. SEAGO. County Clerk, and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Commissioners’ Court of Cam eron County, Texas. 6—14 to 23—3429 .-=— —saeggai —trm— i ■. > ,1 ; ! Flashes of Life j I (By The Associated mai NEW YORK—Edward W. Brown- || ing, husband of Peaches,* an nounces he will sell 15.000,000 —Ml S i of real estate at auction .in Madtaon S Square Garden. July 11. As n> S plained by a friend, lie proposed to fl establish a founds non to build play- f« grounds and supply children’s hos* 11 pttals with toys so that tots will te- S member a hospital as a place ef fi pleasure rather than pain. ROME — Benito .Mussolini has been bitten by the golf bog to UM h extent of watching some expert* if from the USA. with Irish a no 1 Italian blood in them, play ttw a game. He attended a match In a which Johnny Farrell and Gene « Sararen took pan. The Due* shea 1 some at Gene and waggled, a ctufe. 8 NEW YORK—After a survey of S girls tn business. Miss i-it*i»p Locke 9 of Columbia university has ceetdhsd- 9 ed that good clothes, especially 8 stockings, are necessary In order I® p fret a good job. * Personality,- aays i iter report, "is counting mote *»*i ■ more in business, and clothes, in- 8 eluding stockings that give a simp** 9 lv appearance to the legs. are mb- 8 portent because of the way they ef- 1 feet the wearer and her business a*- 1 sociates.'* 9 NEW YORK—The American says 1 that Colonel Lindbergh has lux wed- 9 dmg outfit and that, ft cm* liana.. Tt includes evening clothes and tux- 9 edo. cutaway, four street suits and 9 a black overcoat. § U. T. PROFESSOR TO WORK WITH SPLAWN AUSTIN, Msv It—Dr. imn | Stewart, associate professor of gov- 1 emmen* at the University of Texas. 1 ha* tendered his resignation to the 1 president s ofice. Dr Stewart will 1 ro to the American Collet* at Wash- 9 mgton. where he will work wtth Dr. 1 W. M. W. Splawn. former president 1 of the Universltv and for yean a 9 member of the political arte— far- 1 ulty of the Universltv. Dr. Splawn a is now president of the American | College. I CITY GETS 1 CENT ON EACH POUND AIRMAIL NEW'ARK. N. J., May 18.—Lester D. Seymour, general manager of the National Air Transport, informed Mayor Jerome Congleton today t nat' the corporation was ready to trans fer the eastern terminus of its trans continental mail service from Had ley Field to Newark Airport in ac cordance with a ruling made by the Postoffice Department last February. The transfer will be made within a week, it is believed. Copies of the contract with the ctiy of Newark have been mailed to the mayor. The corporation gets $1.24 a pound for the first 1.500 pounds of mail on each trip and eighty cents a pound for any additional mail. It is to pay the city one cent a pound on the first 1500 pounds and smaller turn on additional mail. ADD TO RADIO NETWORK LENINGRAD. May 18.—iTPv—The Academy of Sciences has recently decided to add to Its network of radio and meteorological stations in the polar regions and also to construct in government yards sev eral vessels for explorations in the far north. Train Schedules MISSOURI PACIFIC LINES No. 12—To Houston. San Antonio. 8.10 a. m. No. 14—To Houston. 7:00 p. m. No. 18—To Houston. San Antonio. 9:00 p. m. No. 15—From St Louis. San Antonio. Houston. 7 3o a. na. No. 13—From Houston. 8:10 a. m. No. 11—From San Antonio and Hous ton. 9:55 p. m. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES No. 319—From Houston. San Anto nio. 8:15 a. m. No. 320—To Houston. San Antonio. 8:15 p. m. NATIONAL LINES OP MEXICO i Matamoros Stall on) No. 132—To Monterrey. Mexico City. 9:50 a. m. No. 131—From Mexico City, Monter rey, 3:30 p. m. RIO GRANDE RAILWAY ,,, To Point Isabel. 9:30 a. m. Prom Point Isabel. 4 p. at. Air Moil Schedules J Th* schedule for th* mail ninnn Browns*!!!* and Dallas la by th* postofftc* department aa rot towat Southbound— Leare Dallas..tdS a. m. Lear* rt. Worth . I D a. m_ Leare Waco ... 9 30 a. ta Lear* Austin . jp jp ^ Leave San Antonio . 11SS a. m. Arrlr* Brownsnil* . 3 OS a. m Northbound— ^ Lear* Rrosmsrtll* . 14S a. m. Lear* San Antonio .. 413 » — '«■«• . 3 10 9. m. Lear* Waco . Ill 3 a Lear* Pt. Worth . f :U a m Arrlr# Da.ias ... yjg « Tha schedule for th* American air mall to Mexico C!ty is as follow*: Leave Brownsville .. sjs* m Arrlr* Tampico ..UJSa.a Leare Tampico .11 30 a a Arrlr* Mexico Ctty. 1 43 . > Following la tha schedule for th* Mexican air mall: Lear* Mexico City .. y.43 . . Arrlr* Tampico ...IS 00 a ra Lear* Tampico . I0 3Sa.a* Airlr# BrownarUla . U l)y& Following is tha achedtal* am ta# Brownsri!I e-Mazatian (tout*: Lear# BrownarUla .. t a. ol Arrlre Monterrey . SJS a. aa. Lear* Monterrey . p-jp k m. Amr* Torreon . 12 M n. m Lear * Torreon . 140 p, m' Amr* Durango . 3-34 a ml Lear* Durango .. 4 14 » Amr* Maxatlaa .. g IS « m Return trip; Lear* Maxatlaa ............ y 00 a. m Amr* Durango ............ t SO a. m '-***• CKn»ngo . SJS a. m. Amr* Torreon ........... 11 90 p. m. Leer* Torreon . 13 if p m Am** Monterrey . 3 10 p. m Lear* Monterrey . 4 IS p. ta Am re Brownsville . S:IS p. aa. POSTAL RATES The United States alt mall rate is 3 cents foe th* fim 10 cents for each additional fraction thereof. Letter* ; _ th* United State* foe th* potat* tn Mexico take this rat#. m Junkin Apartments Two blocks east of High School on Palm Blvd: 4-room apartments, strict ly modern, beautifully furnished; electrical refrigeration. overstuffed living room suites, walnut bedroom suites, walnut bedroom suites, fire places and garages. Open for inspec tion • PHONE 12S4-W P-53 ™OOL APARTMENT—All conveniences; ilso unfurnished house. 1248 W. Washi ngton. Phone 820-J. Q-74 3-ROOM completely furnished apart ment with private bath. Also 2-room ipartment. 132 W. Levee. Phone 184 llrs. Mary D. Collins. Q-63 FOR THE COOLEST, mast desirable ipartment In town, phone 558. Q-95 S’ICE. COOL, 3-room apartment In pri vate home; reasonable rent. Phone S65-W. Q-123 FURNISHED ROOMS ROOMS, one oiocg from postoffice, one block from El Jardln hotel: large, southern exposure: reasonable. Phone 1226-W or 1317. M-215 ROOMS AND APTS.—Reasonabls rate*. Olenwood Hotel. Phone 619. 4ICE cool bedroom In private home for sentleman. Phone 552. Q-108 ^LEAN south bedrooms, close In, 83 per week. Also two adjoining rooms, partly furnished, for light housekeep ng. Telephone 263-W, 1022 Adams St Q-129 FtTRNISHED ROOM In private family or rent. Thone 578. Q-125! THE OLD HOME TOWN ' _SUnley I--- 1 ME SARAH ^ /dad wastelun^me 1 Did NT mean IT. HE WOULDNT A MAD - Un.,P,T . ALL IMIS TROUBLE /AND AUNT HONE T-l DIDNT VJITH HIS WHISKERS/ SARAH JL ^ M^AN A WORD |f= AUNT SARAH MAD NT OVERHEARD 1 I SAID ‘ * * NOW BE BUTTED IN AND IRONED HIM - OH BOY X^EASON ABLE^ OUT AND BURNT J | HE2S IN FOR ^ A HOLE IN EM1' >C ( >T I VyunA > T^T—N /here* WMEtE ) )Ll play ^AND KEEPO —?OF THIS FUSSV STATION AGENT DAD KEYES/. WMO IS HAVING| A DICKENS OF A TIME TRYING TDGET HIS* | WHISKERS STRAIGHTENED OUT TALKED <| TOO LOUD "TODAY AND HAS A LOT OF EXPLAINING TO DO-(to BB CQNTiNOgp^ 1