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♦ ' ■!■■■■■ I ■■ III———— ^mmmmmm———mmp———mmmmmmmmmmm——»——■—mn m ■! ■ ■ > <—i^^rnimmmtm^mmmmmm^^^^mmmmmmmmmmm | j| ;‘^^**^*^*^********^>****»rr#*#»*r»»S<S^SS*!!iSnSS5SS»r«»rTrSSIp?S?r5S?!5iMM?r?n5?!»5??S?rMS?»5555?5B55B5555?!S555»##»»5S55555S5wBir?5?555 rMMM^p555fe55S3?M5555B55BBSBBBSB55!1 If SI Brownsville Club jj^JI Phone Number n pv p t t-» np tr phone Number * |U<J Valley Society N ews 'll and Socta//4c/u;i7/es j!**ii Seven V*/ 1 XZl X X s<ven |j**|j and Events *__ j May Day, Japanese ; [Motif Featured x*r8 J- H. Oreeno was hostess at fk *nique affairs on Wednesday '^£St we*k' namin8 her sister. ***•• JL & Porter, Jr., of Greenville. «* hdkike. At 9:30 a. m. a number of guests assembled at her home In Los Ebanos for bridge. May day bas kets were the theme of the party, spring colors of yellow’ and green being featured. Large wicker bas kets filled with flowers, daisies, snapdragons and other varieties, were scattered about on the floor and hearth. Large and small bas ket*, flower-filled, in glass, silver and china, were placed on the ta bles and other vantage points. Mrs. Robert Schwartz, who held high I score, was presented with a dainty Dresden China basket, and Mrs. Porter, as honor guest, received a like remembrance. Consolation, a black patent leather pillow orna mented with a basket of flowers, was given to Mrs. John R Harris. Tallies were baskets, with the flowers for score cards A three course luncheon was served at the close of the games, the chosen colors appearing throughout the menu. Table covers, napkins, and other ac ceasories carried the basket motif in Madeira embroidery. The entertainment of the after noon took the form of a Japanese bridge-tea. The Oriental idea ap peared in the dainty tallies and score cards, with a color contrast of pink and green appearing every where After the games the guests enjoyed a two-course tea service. Linens and accessories were in the Japanese style. Mrs. Howell McCampbell. who was most successful in the games, re ceived a Japanese table-runner. Mrs Porter receiving a like gift. Mrs H D Seago held low score, and was presented with a Japanese brass bowl for consolation. • • • Bridge Breakfast In Spanish Setting Adding another to the list of de lightful social affairs which have held the attention of Brownsville society during the week. Mrs. J. L. Boggus was hostess to nine ta bles of bridge at the Country club on Thursday morning A three-course breakfast preceded the games, the guests being seated at Upe large table in the dining r Candles and bouquets of red r®\i graced the board I The club had been transformed WL Into a replica of a Spanish patio. H| around which the tables were ar ranged. Large Snanish fans, shawls r and blankets made rainbows of bril liant color, a profusion of red roses 1 lending the garden atmosphere 1 characteristic of the patio. Mrs. R L. Potter of Greenville. Mrs. Nell Allen of this city, and Mrs. C. H Goodson of Dallas, who I Is the guest of Mrs Robert Schwartz. W’ere the honor guests at this charming function Prizes In the games went to Mrs l Billy Withers, high. Miss Annie A Starck. second and Mrs Archie Car ter, consolation. Each guest also r received a gift. ) __: v •_ tee June Bride and Aer Attendants i Select Smart— Bridal Attire— at Libby's This June the bride can choose between the prin cesse silhouette and the bouffant silhouette . . for < both are very much fav ored In the eyes of fash ion. Models of Parisian inspiration in the classic I satin, georgette, chiffon, tulle and net. with attrac tive attendants costumes the same feeling. p * • ll Exclusive Ladies’ Apparel 1244 Elizabeth .—.*1»—mu*mJ ft Calendar For The Week Monday Woman’s Guild of the Church of the Advent. Epis copal, meets at the parish house, 3:00 p. m. to make final plans for a “Sunshine” tea. Baptist missionary society meets at the church, 10:00 a. m., for and alf-day industrial meeting. Presbyterian auxiliary will hold the monthly study meeting at the church, 3:30 p. m., on the subject of for eign missions, with Mrs. Nelle T. Kee leading. Methodist missionary society meets in circles, as follows: number one with Mrs. Dan Keller; number two with Mrs. F. E. Morris, number three with Mrs. Willie A. George; young matrons’ circle with Mrs. D. S. Wright. Altar society of the Sacred Heart church has so cial meeting with Mrs. Ford Lockett, Fifteenth and Hays, in Victoria Heights, 3:30 p. m. Hope Chapter, number 124, Order of the Eastern Star, will hold a memorial service and the annual elec tion of officers, at the Masonic Temple, 8:00 p. m. Tuesday Merry Matrons bridge club with Mrs. Kenneth Crowe • Tuesdav bridge with Mrs. Milton Wentz. Hi-Lo with Mrs. W. L. Pendergraft. Rebekahs meet at the I. O. O. F. hall, 8:00 p. m. Wednesday Wednesday bridge with Miss Annie Starck. Business and Professional Woman’s club luncheon. , Thursday City federation meets at the Baptist, church. 3:30 p. m.. for annual reports and installation of officers. Friday Church federation meets at the Baptist church, 3:30 p. m. Saturday El Jardin bridge club picnic at Boca Chica. ,_ Civic League Closes Year 1 The Civic League held its final meeting for the year Thursday at the chamber of commerce building, with 35 members and visitors. Retiring officers made their re ports. New officers were installed! by Miss Nannie Bourne, the new ad ministration including Mrs J. K Bull, president; Mrs. J. J. Kemmy vice president; Mrs. J. M Abel, re-, cording secretary; Mrs. Willie A George, corresponding secretary;! Mrs C. W. Watson, treasurer. Mrs. W. J Vertress, auditor, and Mrs. H. L. Yates, parliamentarian. Mrs. Hugo Milde. program chair man. outlined the work for the com ing vear. The league will observe federation day. and Americanization ; dav. and will have one special health program. They will also study city government, and the needs of the community n this di- i rection Hospitality to newcomers and tourists will be stressed. It was decided to invite Mrs. Paul 1 Cottrell of San Benito, to read for j the league the paper on Valley. I trees which she gave at the Valley. ' federation meeting in McAllen Two new members. Mrs. A W Neck and Mrs. L. C Fitch were in stalled. and Mrs. W. E McDavttt J who was formerly a member, was reinstated At the close of the business ses i sion Mrs. O. E. Taylor, on behalf of the club, presented Mrs. J. K. Bull with a bouquet of rcses in token of their appreciation of her services as president dunng the past year Mrs Bull gave a report of the convention of the fifth district fed eration. held in Harlingen, and Mrs Hugo Milde, speaking delegate to the Valley federation, reported the McAllen meeting. Mrs. Albert Smith, chariman of the beautification committee, gave a report of the activities of that committee, and announced the win ners in the yard beautification con test sponsored by the league. At the close of the business ses sion Mesdames F E Morris, W. J. Vertrees. J. M Abel, Albert Smith and O. R Easterly served cake and pimeh in the patio and rose garden. • * * Legion Auxiliary Plans Poppy Sale The American Legion auxiliary will meet at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday in the legion hall for a very important business session, according to Mrs George T. Hamilton, president, who urges that all members be present. Final plans for the poppy sale, which is to be held May 25. will be made at this time. Mrs. Ben C. Clark is to have charge of the win dow exhibit, which will be located at the J. C. Penney store, and will include a number of German war trophies A film and slides showing the dis abled soldiers making the poppies is to be shown at the Capitol. Texas and Queen theaters throughout the week, according to Mrs Harbert Davenport, who made these ar rangements. . • • • Seniors Enjoy Tamale Supper John Bums was host to about thirty of his friends among the seniors on Friday evening, following the commencement exercises, at his farm near the city. The party en joyed a tamale roast and music. S A Caldwell. Miss Anna Kendrick and Roma Wilson chaperoned the party. • • • Miss Stringfellow Hostess For Outing Miss Nancy Stringfelow enter tained a number of members of the senior class on Thursday evening with an outing at Olmito. A party of about 25 met at he rhome here, driving out to the chosen site, where they enjoyed a swim, followed by a picnic supper. • • • Farewell Party For Elizabeth Campbell Miss Arnold Boyd and Miss Una Scanlan entertained on Thursday afternoon with a pretty bridge partv honoring Miss Elizabeth Campbell, who is leaving to make her home in McAllen. The party was given at the home of Miss Boyd. Guests for the afternoon were Misses Frances Blanton. Katherine Martin. Mar-1 garet Hughston. Nannie Dean Har ris. Minnie Maude Stobaugh. Nancy Stringfellow. Margaret Watnwright. Pauline Singer, and Belva Jean McCullough In the games Miss Watnwright held high score, and j Miss Campbell received a dainty! memento. • • • Mrs. Johnston Gives Hawaiian Bridge Featuring the Hawaiian motif. Mrs. Wm. T. Johnson entertained with eleven tables of bridge at an Aloha”, or goodby party at her quarters in Fort Brown Saturday afternoon Typical Hawaian nlants. 'uch as the banana, papava. hibiscus and oleander were used to give a rharminglv tropical setting. Follow ing the bridge games a "Luau.” csupper) was served on the "Lanai." <norch). Hawaiian music was play *d throughout the supper, and hula lance very efectively caried out the chosen idea, in one of the most unique affairs of the season. Birthday Dinner For Mrs. Cole Mr. and Mrs A. B Cole were hosts at an informal dinner party on Friday evening. The affair was arranged in celebration of Mrs. Cole's birthday. . • • Abneys Entertain Evening Bridge Mr and Mrs J. L. Abney were i hosts to the Friday evening bridge club this week, with two tables of players participating. The partv was quite informal High prizes ^ero awarded to Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Black. • • * Magruder-Ford Chapter Meets The Magruder-Ford chapter of the United Daughters of the Con federacy convened Thusrday morn ing in the last meteing of the season Mrs. J. K. Well*, program chair man, stressed Texas heroes during the confederacy. Among those dis cussed were the late ex-Governor Sayers, Gen. Hood. Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson Nicholson. Albert Sidney Johnson and M. B Mon serat. Several of these had been local heroes at early dates. Mrs. Henrietta Signor in a paper pave sketches of women prominent during the Confederacy mentioning Mesdaijies, Jefferson Davis and daughters. Robert E. Lee. Andrew Jackson. Capt. Sally Thompson and Miss Emma Samson. Mrs. Marshall White outlined the life and deeds of Gen Leonadus Pope Mrs E. G. Holliday read a tribute to Jefferson Davis and Mrs. C. W Colgin gave excerpts from the paper winning the prize at the Na tional Convention at Houston, en titled. "Texas’ Contribution of Men and Material to the Confederacy,”! written by Mrs. E. C. Yancey. The organization is to observe Jefferson's birthday with special ceremonies. Luncheon guests were Mesdames R C Moms. C. N. Hill, and Miss Florence Beil • • • Comings, Goings, Of Local People Mr. and Mrs. W B. Sellers re turned Friday from Galveston where they have been attending the bank ers' convention. Mrs. Craig Adams of San Antonio, was the guest of Mrs Sellers during the convention Mrs Dan F. Calahan is in San Antonio, attending the commence ment exercises at Our Lady of the Lake college, from which her daugh ter. Katherine, is graduating. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Allen left on Friday afternoon for a visit to vari ous points in West Texas. They are making the trip by motor, and ex pect to be away for about two weeks, during which time they will visit Mr. Allen s parents and other relatives and friends. Miss Margaret Zachrv. who has been here during the past winter as the guest of her aunt. Mrs. D. P Gay. Jr., left Saturday evening for her home in Jefferson. She plans to take a summer course in the University of Arkansas, and will re turn here in the fall to resume her work as a teacher in the Browns ville schools. Mrs. J. I. George returned home Friday. Mrs. Charles Turner of McAl I len has been visiting Mrs. John , Closner during the past week Miss Margaret Monroe and Miss 1 Aline Stephens, who have been teaching in the local schools for , the past year, left Saturday evening for their respective homes in Dal las. Miss Myrtle expects to leave early i in the week for San Antonio, where she will spend a large part of the vacation Miss Anna Mary Small is leaving j soon for San Antonio, where she will ■ spend her vacation at home MISSION BRIDGE BREAKFAST Miss Geraldine Thies was host ess at a bridge breakfast Saturday morning at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. W Thies on Daugh erty avenue. Eight tables of play ers partook of the pleasure, with Miss Cora Whitt ley as high scorer. Mrs. H. B Hargrove second and Miss Arah Gray consolation. Those present were Misses Lucille Miller. Helen Melch. Mildred Bur goon. Es ther Clark. Lou Saucier. Cora Whit tley. Margaret Cannon. Margaret May. Aileen Gideon. Arah Gray, Dorothy Shaver. Flossie and Sun shine Garrison. Ruth and Leosr I Walling. Stella Hargrove. Mabel Nicholson. Evelyn Marshall of this city: Misses Gertrude Schaleben and Lottie Evins of Edinburg, Mrs. Nel son Wimberly of Weslaco. Mesdames W. R. Parrish. H B Hargrove. Flint Sorrell, Clelland Harris. W. O. Brown and Joe CarvejaL • • • P. E. O. HOSTESS Mrs. T. B. Sammons was hostess to the P. E. O. Sisterhood, chapter f J. on Friday afternoon last at her home on East Twelfth street, with Mrs. E P. Congdon as leader for the study course. Mrs Congdon. who is the newly elected presiding ; officer, was in charge of the busi ness session, this mostly routine matter, at the close of which the work for the day was taken up. • Bambi.” one of the recent books, was reviewed by the leader and proved to be of great interest, Mrs E. Owen Scott of Rio Grande City was present at the session. • • • PERSONALS Mrs. L. W. Kemp and son. Chas D., are here from Houston visiting at the home of I|ilrs. Kemp's par ents. Mr. and Mr*. J. C. Volz, and her sister. Mrs. Herbert Melch. and family. Mr and Mrs. B. H. Hooks were here from Edinburg Sunday, spend ing the day with Mr and Mrs. A! Volz of this city and enjoying a family re-union. Mrs E. H. Marceil was hostess on Saturday at a dinner to which she invited the George Mitchell family, her two sons. Leo and He ber. and their families. It was in the nature of birthday anniversaries and Mothers* day combined. Mrs. Wilbur Close and son Creigh ton left Saturday morning for the old home in Kansas, to visit Mrs Close’s parents. They stopped In Austin to visit Mrs. George Speer, going from there to Temple to con sult medical authorities. • • • COMPLIMENTS VISITOR Honoring her sister, Mrs L W. Kemp of Houston. Mrs. Herbert Melch entertained at a six-table bridge Tuesday afternoon, at the Lone Palm tearoom The large rooms were beautifully deco- | rated, the color scheme being lav- \ ender and yeUow. the delicate shades being carried out in the tal lies. place cards and refreshments. The latter consisted of lavender co lored ice cream served in canta loupes <a al mode). Mrs. E B. Snydor was high score holder. Mrs Leary cutting for con solation. whUe the guest of honor received the gift reserved for her. Those present were Mesdames H C. Jeffries. T. R. Burnett. Al Volz, C. P. Wright. 8 M Hargrove. R. A. Rome. William Massey. Conan Wood. T. W. Tihes. E. B Snvdor. Logan Duncan, D. G. Wood. T. H Armstrong. R W Parrish. O. W Brown. Abe Boyd. H H. Rankin. R. N Smith. Agnes Stebbins and Mrs F L. Leary and Mrs Bersett of McAllen and Mrs. B. H. Hooks of Edinbugrh. • • • EASTERN STAR Last Tuesday evening was “red letter ' day in the Eastern Star chapter: being the last meeting in j the year previous to the election I of officers for the coming year. Mrs Mary’ Peterson, worthy matron, re quested the past matrons of the lo cal chapter to act as a degree team for the conferring of the degrees on the two candidates who were to be initiated, including Mesdames T. H Armstrong. T. Doughty. J. Bix ler. H H. Ewing, J. Millett. O S Ferkins. W Ferguson and Miss Inez Wood acting in that capacity, with Mrs 8 L. Hardin at the piano Mrs Dewald. past worthy matron of the Cuero chapter, and J G Decker as worthy patron, assisted. tit BRIDGE LUNCHEON Mrs Thomas Doughty entertained at bridge Tuesday with a noon luncheon, her guests being Mrs Wil lard Ferguson. Mrs Chester Nichols Mrs Alton Bentsen. Mrs Will Doug lass. Mrs H. A Clark. Mrs Paul Rosette and Miss Mvrtle Hatch, these ladies, with the hostess, mak ing up a two-table bridge party dur ing the afternoon • • • CHOIR PROGRAM The choir program of the First Methodist church put on a program at the Wednesday evening meeting of the church, with Mrs. Earl Stewart leader. Mrs Stewart gave a syn opsis of a talk on church music by Walter Damrosch. the great con ductor. in which some very novel ( thoughts were brought out. E. E. Adams sang a solo very j beautifully, as did Mrs S. L. Hard- ! in. with Mrs. H. E. Smith at the piano. A hymn music contest was ~ Step out in a pair of these sturdy, yet com- t fortable Oxfords—and forget the torrid summer days. Presented in two-tone ef fects at a moderate price. International Shoe Store 1 Mrs. Elsie C. Barreda, Manager 609 Twelfth St. — Brownsville | .-.. .'. CT~ .. . . " * ~."" Home-Making Helps By GRACE THORNCLIFFE She Rave* About an Evening Goum. 1 MENTIONED la my last diary that Helene was planning to rush home for a few days. The occasion to her mother's wedding anniversary—a really Important one ' —and the family to planning a big celebration. Ordinarily Madame wouldn't let either one of us off for anything like this, but since busi ness has been rather slow, she was very sweet about letting Helene go. Helene was all excited about going tt first and hardly able to wait until the time came to actually start forth. But then along comes a new boy friend—introduced by the girls across the street—and now her enthusiasm has waned. She certainly Is a panic. The expression "New face, new rancy" certainly hits the nail on the head aa applied to her. I wonder when she'll settle down and be ae rioua. Although I suppose one has i lot more fun out of life when eon itituted this way. She and Peggy were supposed to leava on Saturday, but the new boy friend has Invited Helene t» a dance, •nd Peggy has an invitation to tlr* same affair, so they’re going to stay •ver until Sunday. And. of course, as soon as Helene rets a new crush she thinks she must have an entire new wardrobe. ( don't think that’s a logical conclu sion at ail, for a new boy friend hasn’t seen the old clothes, so *l»v •other? However, nothing would de but that Helen must have a new evening gown for the dance. Heiene figured out—she can always figure things out when she wants anything hard enough—that it would be practical anyway, because she'd need It a* home, and that as far as the expense went, her dad would probably give her some money when she gets home. . « ,y thB dr<?M sh« did—and one ®r, Ma laxe s most beautiful models. , u > aa evening town of orange chif* one of the entertaining plans of j the evening. • * • HI-LO PARTY The "HI-LO party of the Tues day Afternoon Bridge club was a huge success Wednesday evening, the affair including the husbands of the players. At the appointed hour the company made for the popular Crystal Waters swimming pool, with well laden baskets containing food and drink. First on the program was a swum, then a picnic supper, followed by dancing, some of the guests however, preferring to re main quietly looking on while others "tripped the light fantasticWhen all had enough adjournment was made to the W. O. Brown home, where the remainder of the eve ning was spent in bridge, with Mrs. Herbert Melch and A! Volz as high scorers. Out-of-club guests included Mrs. L. W. Kemp of Houston. Mrs. Ag nes Stebbins. Billy Burnett of Brownsville and Mr. Hughes of San Antonio. Mesdames T. R. Burnett. Mrs. W. O Brown. Mrs. H. C. Jef fries and Mrs. AJ Volz were the pen alized “lows'' • • • WEDNESDAY BRIDGE Mrs. Homer Smith was hostess to the Wednesday Bridge club this week, with a four-table personnel. Mesdames E. P. Congdon. William Drummond. Legg. J. D. Moore. M. P. I r The Sunburst Treatment Enhances this Orange Chiffon Frock. fon with sunburst shirring at front which gives soft fullness to the bodice. The draped panels on the skirt are of uneven lengths, the ore it the left almost touching the floor, Armstrong and James Gillett were out-of-club guests. • • • # Mrs. Harry tSewart and Miss El za da Clover were hostesses at a very’ happy afternoon of bridge last Sat urday. with nine tables of women enjoying the game of chance. The attractive Stewart home was handsomely decorated in the chosen colors, pink, yellow and green, these colors being carried out in the floral and table decorations, also in the | coloring of the salad course of re freshments. Miss Ella Hansen of Pharr was high scorer. Mrs Walter Roberts second. Miss Leona Walling third. The following were present: Mes dames 8. M. Duffie. 8. L. Hardin. Walter Roberts, B. M Strong. T H Caldwell, T. W. Thies. W R. Parrish and A. C.. McHenry, H B. Hargrove. Dade Hiester, W A Wol verton. Flint Sorrell. A. C. Potter. C. D Eppright, L. G. Plyler, W A Braden. L Duncan. T P. Card. Vaw ter. Butler, D. C. Decker Clelland Harris. G. F. Dohm and Dunne meier. The Misses Joe Thies. Leone Wall ing. Mildred BurgocJ, Helen Melch. Lou Saucier, Cora Whittley. Lucille Mason. Vivien Card. Esther Clark of this city, and the Misses Jean Prather and Ella Hansen of Pharr were also of the party. • • • PERSONALS Mrs Esther Ferguson and son. Billy, are visiting in Robstown at the home of her slater. Mrs KM* Mo* ery. Mrs, Helen Pike and ton. Jimmie, 1 are here from Lubbock stating at i the home of her mot bet. Mrs. Wwd Guerin. Mrs, J. W. Jeffrie* returned Tues day from s vtat In Belton, betag called there because of • brother 1 Illness Mrs. Harris Masteraea cf Hous ton was in Mission Friday, the fdaat of Mrs Florence M Hayes. She delivered a splendid address during the afternoon at, the Methoduft church. HARGILL PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Saunders of Harglll left Tuesday over land fur a visit to their old home tn Sha-nee Okla. they expect to be gone ahmH a month during their stay they Will also visit friends and relatives *a Oklahoma City and OatMaviDe. Texas. Mr and Mrs Georgt Bis,hop liavt moved to Houston where Mr Bishop has accepted a position »:th the Oklahoma Cotton Growers as sociation for this season Major C. Sammons of Harglll vis ited friends at Laredo. Texas, over last week end Mis Lena, Dunn of Austin armed In Hargil Thursday for an indefinite visit with her sister. Mrs. A. M, Al brecht of Hargil! Mr and Mrs, & W McCutchea and little son. Billie, and Mrs, Me Cutchen s mother, spent, last Bon dar et Point Isabel Sydney C Lackland was a btaataeia visitor in Edinburg Thursday Mr and Mrs Bukin Harris routed their daughter. Mrs George Hag ers at Raymondvtlle. who is now un der treatment there. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tandy and Son of Point Isabel *p»nt Wedaa* day night with Mr and Mrs. K W. Bonhaam at Hargil!.. _ Mr. and Mrs B C. Peebles were shopping in McAllen Monday While there Mr. Peebles had some dental work done Mr Renfro of Edinburg nailed with his sons. Grover and Duapery north of Harglll Monday Miss Piarl Thomas spent Wednes day night with. Miss Oletha Black bum in Edinburg i Lee Burton of McAllen was a visit or in the home of Mr and Mn, Chas, L, Vtneaster north of Mar gin Sunday. Mrs Kate Martin principal of the Hargil! schools and a number of her mtpils attended the May fiesta at Edinburg Saturday the pupils go ing were Bennie Kay. Paul Hender son. Andrew Balakowaky. ESwoad McClaughertr. Mable Belle Niftier, Martha., Alice and Mary Blackburn. Arthur Harris, and Walter Reader son Miss Evelyn Devolt of Edinburg, spent Wednesday night with Mies. Juanita Painter at her home at Hollo. Texas. Miss Alice Lancaster waa a vtrtiar in the Bonham home Monday night Miss Mable Belle Wittier spent 8unday with Miss Alice1 Lancaster Charlie Lancaster was a business visitor in Weslaco. Monday, • • • LEAGUE PROGRAM The Junior Epworth league gave vii 17 mwnmmg propw mi iw Methodist church Sunday. Mlsa . Alice Lancaster leading A aergp (Conti need en e**v ftve.1 Remarkable Values The most unusual we have ever offered are included in this smart collection—Hats for ev ery occasion • and missec Every Important New Straw • BANGKOK .... ballibuntl . . . perle visca . . . horsehair . . . these are the big four mediums in which these charming summer hats are develop ed. Many lovely shades to match or complement sunvner costumes. All head sizes. < GIMBLE’S Phone 3551155 Elizabeth Street * V