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m r - - , ; > ;; ;L-_„_ _ (Continued From Page Three) lure reading was given by Quintin Peacock. The subject for the les son was "Mother ” • • • i ICE CREAM SUPPER The women of the Baptist Wom an*! Missionary Society gave a very c* Jjvtble and profitable fee cream sVavr on the church lawn Saturday nlgm. quite a neat sum bglng real ised from the sale of cake and cream. RAYMONDVILLE BRIDGE HOSTESSES Saturday afternoon' Mesdames B. 8. Suffield, 8* Claire Thompson, and D. E Decker entertained with bridge at the home of Mrs. B 8 Duffield on Kimball avenue. This was one of the prettiest and most enjoyable occasions this season In Raymondville. The rooms were decorated with a profusion of pink and white cut flowers and ferns. There were ten tables of plavers. High score was won by Mrs. F. L. Rheam of Oklahoma, a niece of Mrs. B 8. Duffield. who is visiting her. She received a set of silk lingerie. Table high scores were won bv Mes dames Joe Keener*. Hays Scisson. Gorman Fox. H. A. White. H. E Tomme. W. W. Grayson. J. P. Bren ner. C. M. Kepedy. and E. H. Jam ison. and each was awarded a deck of cards. Punch was served through out the afternoon, and at th® close of the games refreshments of brick Ice cream and cak® were served. • • ft JOINT HOSTS Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Shubert entertained with bridge at the Campbell home northeast of the city Wednesday night A delicious country sunoer was served. After supper, bridge was en toyed, with five tables of players. Mr. and Mrs. Bond E. Carroll were awarded bou doir dolls and a basket with minted base, as high score winner, while Mr. and Mrs Audrey Fox received sec ond hieh score honors. Mr. and Mrs. Miller Walton received low score crises. Those nresent were Mr. and Mrs Miller Walton. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Bull. Mr and Mrs Wil liam G. Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Buck Evans. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Fackle man, Mr. and Mrs. Audrev Fox. Mr. and Mrs Charles Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Shubert. Mr. and Mrs. ,V>nd E. Carroll, and Miss Dorothy McCray of Denton. • • • f|T»S. BULL FNTERTAINS LI Mrs. E L. Bull entertained with J Jyidge at her home on Tenth street ^^ lursdav afternoon. The spacious » beautifully decorated with ' fbripp flowers, heautifullv set off bv a background of greenery. Mrs. W. W. Grayson won high score, and ^ Mrs. 8t, Claire Thompson received low score prize*. G"*sta of the aft ernoon were Mrs. W W Grayson and Mrs. Holy Bostick. Club mem hert present were Mesdames S. L Gill. M H Drever. Ed Starr. Abe Wise. H A White. St. Claire Thompson. H A. Bull. E B. Burton. C J. Scott, and Miss Louemma Reb er. A delicious ice course of cream, strawberries, cake, and punch was served. • • • C? ASS PICNIC The pupils of the sixth grade of the Raymondville public schools en joyed a picnic Friday afternoon at Sal Viejo, the old salt lake north west of Ravmondville. The chil dren roamed over the glittering salt lake bed to the island, and climbed the low hills surounding it. thus en joying themselves until supper time, when lunch boxes were opened and • generous feast was spread. The pupils were aenmnanted by their teachers. Mrs. J. M Cheek and Miss Kathmue Bader, am* tftetr claw sponsors. Mrs C. j. ©coii and Mrs A. A Lindahl The trip to the lake is made over paved highways and well graded roads for most of the distance, and the remaining stretch is a winding tra^l through the brush country, which affords one of%thei most picturesque sights in Willacy county. • * * PrRKHVAI s Mrs. W. H. Giles and daughter. Ellen, and Misses Cola B. Ramsey. Maxine La Rue. Jimmie La Rue. Mary Blackwell, and Virginia Man tor spent Saturday at Point Isabel. B. V. Crowell left Monday for Dallas and other North Te:;as points. Mrs. Russell Eaton and daugh ter. Marv Lee. returned to their home In Point Isabel Saturday, aft er a visit with Mrs. Eaton's parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. D McCann. Joe Loehrie and P. D. Lissner left for Dallas Monday, making the trip by auto. Richard Lee Bull, of Los Angeles. Calif.. Is the' guest of his parents. Mr. and Mrs H. A. Bull Burges Ballard has returned to his home here, after a three months visit with relatives in Illinois Miss Jessye Mae Lewis returned to her home in Dallas Saturday, aft er a plearant visit with her sister. Miss Allece Lewis, at the heme of J. M. Tomme. Miss Grace Alsmeyer spent the week-end the guests of Misses Bon nie and Willma George at La Villa. Mr. and Mrs. Gorman Fo* and daughter. Barbara Jo. have left for a five weeks visit with relatives in Memphis, Tenn. RIO GRANDE CITY MISS BLOCK HOSTESS Miss Camile Block was hostess to the Tuesday Bridge club and a num ber of additional guests at he^ home Wednesday evening. The patio of the Block home was well lighted with vari-colored lights and the bridge tables were placed there for twenty-eight. At the con clusion of the third game, a tamale supper was served after which two additional games were played. Award for high score club prize was won bv Mrs E. Owen Scott; second high by Mrs. Rossiter Garity: third high by Mrs. Virgil N. Lott. Mrs. Frank Laborde was presented with the guest prize and Mrs. W. Venerable with consolation. Among those present were: Mes dames Carl A. Raguse. L. R Brooks, George B. Marsh. Herbert E. K*d well, Jj. B. Caruthers. Jr.. Mona Rit£ Virgil N. Lott. Rossiter Gar itv. Herbert E. Taylor. J. J. Guerra. John A. PoDe. Jr.. Fred D. Guerra. W. Venerable. B. C. King. Julian Wallace. Harold Smith. Harrv Hall. F. B Mason. E. Owen Scott. Edward M. Fickett. Marv H. Edgerton. Frank Laborde: Misses Felicia Gutierrez. Eulalia Yeager of Terrell. Virginia and Carmela Ota!, Alicia Solis. Er nest ina Laborde; Mrs. George Boyle of Maracaibo. Venezuela. Mrs. John A. Poue. Sr. of Laredo. Mrs. L. Moriss of Ran Benito. This delightful party marked the last meeting of the bridge club un til fall. Mrs. J. J. Guerra, president, stated that announcement of the next hostes would appear In the press. r • • • JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB The Junior Woman's Club met Saturday with Miss Crisanta Garza as hostess. Those present were: Misses Corina and Consuelo San chez. Cleotilde Falcon. Celestir.a Gonzales. Isabel Garza. Alicia Solis, and Lorenza Montalvo of Hebbron ville. • • • MRS. BOYLE VISITS Mrs George Bovle of Maricaibo. Venezuela, who is spending the summer in Mission with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. William Drum mond. has been the house gue*t this week of Captain and Mrs E. M. Fickett. Mrs Boyle will be remem Hv many ir tivt Valley as the fbmer Mtutf Ar Oreimiiumi <rtt at torney of Mission bne and her husband have been living in South America for eighteen months, hav ing gone there from Oklahoma City. Mr. Bovle will arrive later to Join Mrs. Boyle and their little daughter n July and after a two months va Ofec> Qnoft ’wonderfuTparf^ about.being cC JUNE BRIDE 6he can have a service of solid silver at its most magnificent — simply by letting It be whispered about: “She's :hosen the Pantheon Design In solid Silver." Then, more experienced hostesses will strive for the same enviable table effect* she secures—but to no avail without Pantheon. To see this service is to experi ence some of the satisfaction it gives throughout the years. And you can see it in open stock at - ’- ■ 9 n — ■— . ■ .m.Iu »|. 1- — P P— — ■ mmm+mmmmm« • ■ .»■ ■■■■■■■■ „ ■ n — ■ .. __ _ • CHIC LOUNGING COSTUMES HEL' P COLLEGE GIRLS TO RELAXATION r ■* * ■ t * 4 ■ § • * *^^**"^"1* mm* mm ■ — - —— ■ - i-jr>~ii~iii~irM~nn n -nrtr i - - — ■ — m n n n -nn-- —-— By >IME. LISBETH The life of the modem college girl ■ is not usually one of quiet and se ! elusion. She studies hard at all | times, if she wants to make the ; grade, and then there are those feverish times of cramming for i exams. Aside from all this, there is more or less social activity, so that j by the end of the semester, and in j the shorter vacations, there is need for relaxation. ; cation in the Valley, Oklahoma and 1 Coloradi will returned to Venezuela. • m • FAMILY DINNER Mr. and Mrs. John Pope Jr., en j tertalned with a family dinner party honoring Mrs. Calixto Valle. Sun day. Their guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Calixto Valle. Mrs. Mona Ritz, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Guerra, Messrs. Rudolfo and Raul Valle. • • • Captain M. F. Vorhees and Lieu tenant John P. Willy of Fort Fort Brown are in Fort Ringgold for the target shooting. Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Cope, who have resided in Roma for the past two years, left last week for the nQrth where thev will viist relatives until Dr Cope has regained his health. Mr. and Mrs. George B Marsh have had as their guests. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Moser of Waco, and Mr and Mrs Edward Marsh of San Antonio. * Mesdames E. Owen Scott and L B Caruthers were in McAllen Mon day and Tuehdayp for the Valiey fereration meeting. They were the house guests of Mrs. Percy Herman, who entertained at dinner at the Casa de Palmas Monday evening for them and Mrs Mrs. Volney Tay lor of Brownsville. Mrs Mary H. Edgerton attended a committee meeting of the Medical Auxiliary in Harlingen, last week. Mr and Mrs John A. Pope, Sr., of Laredo are the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Pope. Jr. Mr. and Mrs. B C. King has as their guests for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs L C Morriss of San Be nito and Miss Eulalio Yeager of Terreff. Mrs. Donna Garza, who has been the guest of her brother and sister, Mr and Mrs. Alberto Gutierrez, re turned to her home In Austin. Tuesday. On June 1. Mrs. Garza will go to Boston to visit her sister. Mr end Mrs. Frank B. Scott of San Antonio were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Owen Scott. Monday. Captain and Mrs. Rossiter Garity and Lieut. W. E. Finnegan, motored to Brownsville, Thursday. Mesdames J. U. Bass and W. Ven erable attended the meeting of the Rio Grande Valley Federation in McAllen Tuesday, having represent ed the Woman's Club as delegates. Mr. Bass acompanled them to Mc \llen. SAN BENITO ENTERTAIN BOARD Last week members of the excu tive board of the Valley Federation of Women's clubs were hostesses to members of the executive obard of the fifth district of Texas and dis tinguished guests attending the con vention at Harlingen when they en tertained with a picnic supper at the Y. W. C. A. camp at Rio Hondo. Mrs. Fred H. Wright, Mercedes, persistent of the Valley Federated clubs, presided. As the guests en tered the grounds they were greet ed by Mrs. Paul Cotrell who pre sented them to the hostess for thg evening. Mrs. M. Weimer. A coterie of young girls presided over the punch bowl. In the dining room Mrs. Wright took the role of toast master and asked each woman to introduce herself and give her of fice. Mrs. Volney Taylor, Browns ville. introduced Mrs. W. R. Potter, Bowie, state president, and Mrs. Owen T. Scott, incoming president of the fifth district. Mrs. E. M. Card. Mission, gave a brief history of the Valley federation. Mrs. R. F. Lindsey. Mount Pleasant, gave her aims for the fifth district, and Mrs. J. L. Young, Mineral Wells, and Mrs. R. E. Buchanan. Fort Worth, made Interesting talks. Mrs. Cecil 8mith, Sherman, closed the program with an expression of appreciation in be half of the guests to the Valley women for their hosptality. A total of 53 women were present. • • • THURSDAY LUNCHEON Mrs. W. B. Hinkly entertained pleasantly at her home last week for the Thursday Luncheon club A festive note was given to the wide living room by the early summer garden flowers. A handsome trophy was received by Mrs. Bruce Gentry for success during the games. A de But the college girl, like her sis-, ter. the debutante, wants to look chic as she takes her ease, so many are the charming lounging costumes designed by the leading couturiers. Rose colored pajamas, in crepe backed satin, are displayed by Mary Astor at the left of the picture. Tas sels. which are anathema to stout people, may be worn by the slender.; so Mary uses two long tassels to I licious luncheon of Mexican foods was enjoyed at noon at the Sobre las ; Olas where the guests assembled. At the next meeting of the club Mrs. J. T. Lomax will be hostess. • • • THURSDAY BRIDGE When Mrs. W. J. Vinsant enter tained members of the Thursday Bridge club ami a few guests at her home was bcautifuly decorated in many shades and hues, the colors i being supplied by sweet spring bios-1 soms. Mrs. Floyd S. Worth made high score and received an attrac tive gift during the games of the morning. Guests other tha nthe members were Mrs. O. H. Polly, Mrs. M. W. Morris. Mrs. Worth and Mrs. C. M. Cash. Mrs. P. B. Jones came In for the luncheon which was served at 1 o'clock. • • • HONOR BRIDE-ELECT At an affair Monday guests who were present at the announcing of the approachmg marriage of Miss Letitia Wells were again entertained the occasion being a shower given at the Yacht club at Point Isabel. Mrs. Stanley Dodds. Mrs. Frank C. Ludden. Mrs J. T. Lomax and Mrs Frost Bohner were joint hostesses at this prettily appointed luncheon. Each guest found a colonial corsage at her place and the bride-to-be had a large shower bouquet to which some of the gifts were attached. The guest list Included the following: Mrs, E. E. Ogden. Mrs. Z. E. Butts.: Mrs. E. B. Wells. Mrs. W. D. Hinkly. I Mrs. J. H. Koontz, Miss Amy Vivian Mrs. C. M. Wells. Mrs. W. E. John son. Mrs. F. S. Sublet!. Miss Dorothy BK*n46n< Miss Maxine Bruce. Mrs. Harry Hlnklv. Mrs. Edward Hinkly. Mrs. John Betts. Mrs. Tom March banks. Mrs. R E Holcomb. Mrs W E. Thomas and Mrs. Bob Wells of Brownsville. • • • FAXTAS CLUB Mrs. Wilson Calaway. president of the Lantana Home Demonstra tion club, told of her trip over Tex as at the last meeting of the organ ization held at the home of Mrs. Victor M. HInig on the San Benito Rio Hondo road. She said she was particularly impressed with 7 varie ties of oleanders she saw in Galves ton which is known ah the ‘ Olean der City.” The study topic for the club was Edgar Guest. In answer to roll call his poems were given and Mrs. L E. Ralls read a paper on his home life. The next meeting of the club will be in the Calaway home Monday. May 27, at 2 p. m. Miss Kate Adele Hill, home demon stration agent, will give a demon stration on club refreshments at that time. • • • PERSOXALS Miss Frances Marie Gay. one of the honor guests at a banquet given at the Menger hotel in San Antonio Monday night by the junior class of Our Lady of the Lake college to the seniors. Miss Gay is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Gay of this city. Mrs. Eula B. Jones left for Dallas Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Stephenson of Chicago, parents of Mrs. Davis Wade, returned to their home' Tues day night after spending the winter in San Benito. Garnett Reeves, who visited his uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. W. O. Brown, while attending the state convention of the Retail Merchants association in San Benito, left Wed nesday for his home in Lubbock. He is secretary of the Lubbock credit finishe the silken frogs which fasten her long jacket. Black mules com plete her suit. Lots Moran, above in circle, shows the intriguing qualities of lace and white satin In a unique suit that buttons the trousers close to the leg —below the knee—leglets. they are called. Ostrich trimmed mules arc worn with this costume. Below, for lounging or beach wear. Miss Moran exhibits a pair of royal association and assistant secretary of the chamber of commerce. Mrs. M. C. Reese went to Kings ville Thursday and on her return in a few days she will be accompanied by her mother. Mrs. M. D. Driscoll, who also is visiting in Kingsville. Charles D. Kennedy, traffic man ager for the Corpus Christi Hard ware company, a wholesale firm, left Wednesday night after a business trip to the Valley. Mrs. J. L. Nommensen of San Be nito and Mrs. Sadie Carter of De troit have departed on an automo bile trip to the east. They will drive first to Detroit and then go to New York City. Frank Ramsey of Port Worth, who has been visiting in the home of Mrs. Sorata Boone and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boone, left Thursday morning for North Texas. Mrs S. M. Udden. vice president of the Central Power and Light company, left for the San Antonio offlr • Wednesday night. He was in the Valley for the public relation meeting held at McAllen Tuesday night. • • • SHOWER MISS DAMMON At the home of Mrs. J. E. Mc Anaily, who had three tables of bridge on this occasion. Miss Pearl Hammond, bride-elect, was honored i with a miscellaneous shower. In both the decorations and refresh ments. the hostess employed a pink color scheme, pink roses being used in this connection. The gifts came by "air mail.” They were brought to the home by a messenger boy. The “air mail package” was opened in the presence of the guests and the gifts presented to the bride-to be At bridge Miss F»oy Root won high score prie while the ccnsclo tion prize went to Miss Lois Frank lin. Bridge guests weer Miss Floy Roots, Mrs. Henry Alsmeyed. Mrs Albin Polztn. Mrs. Horace St John. Miss Lois Franklin, Mrs. E. M. Aik en, Miss Otelia Graham. Miss Ma mie Liles. Mrs. P. F. Dominy, Mrs. M. A. Thompson. Miss tSell Briscoe, and Miss Hammond Later in the afternoon Miss Emaline Baker. Mrs. J. P. Ellis and Mrs. Fred Hartman came. .....■-■—■■■■ ..■■■■.. SANTA MARIA ENTERTAINS SCHOOL Miss Daisy Gray gave a party for the teachers and pupils of the high school Thursday evening. A good time was reported. • • • Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Davis spent Friday night at Point Isabel in com pany with Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Kluck of Santa Rosa. Orlando Soule, a Bible worker from Rio Grande City spent Satur day night at J F. Mocks. He preach ed at the school house Sunday morning on the subject, “The Home of the Saved.” Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Davis enjoyed Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Harpster. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Benge are home now after several weeks ab sence at McAllen. Mrs. Benge was caring for Mrs. Hauser who recently passed away. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Louk of Mc Allen were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Kaiser. Twenty persons from Santa Maria went to Booa Chica Saturday aft ernoon and returned Sunday after noon. Those who enjoyed this out ing were: Mr. and Mrs. Genge, Mr. and Mrs. Sansom and family. Mr. and Mrs. Matthews and family, Mr. — f •• " • + w ' .. v <:-* *, $ m 7 '• j . * * ’ - • . ' . ; • . - ■ s ■■.Il; 1" ’ . UK 'i .. ■ • . .• > ■ ... I blue and gray crepe pajamas. Stripes of gray decorate the sleeve less blouse, while royal blue bands trim the gray jacket. The trousers are plain blue. White silk pajamas with a printed coat are.worn by the same screen player at the right. The trousers have a deep hem. but no cuff. The coat, of printed satin, is full length, and is faced with white satin. and Mrs. Washington and family. Misses Daisy Gray. Annie Smith. Pauline Hanks and Mr. Donges. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Daugherty and Marylyn of San Benito were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Davis Tuesday evening. Miss Pearle Fowler and Pauline Moore returned to their home in Kansas City after a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fowler. Melvin Fowler accompanied them to Houston and will go from‘there to Illinois P. P. Smith transacted business in Brownsville Tuesday. Mrs. P. M. Shipley entertained the women of the Missionary Society Monday afternoon. Mrs. 8. H. Mc Lain and Mrs. T. D. Shipley and son of La Feria were welcome visit ors. • • • GRADUATION EXERCISES A large crowd enjoyed the pro gram given at the school house Tuesday evening which was the graduation exercises for the seventh grade Those who received diplomas were Edna Mae Vincenz, Stoyl Arm strong. Lewis Brandt and Duane Mock. The salutatory and roll call was given by Ruane Mock: class will. Lewis Brandt: prophecy.. Etoyl I NAVY< CIGETTES I ■_H Make 3 Smart j f. Frocks j ||| For Summer 3 Iff Charming dresses that have just 9 :|n arrived from the style centers of the East — Two-piece tailored frocks are also included in this >9 il fashionable collection. Lace trim- 9 mings play an important part in carrying out Dame Fashion’s latest 1 decree. These dresses will win ^ your instant approval — see them ^9 on “The Floor of Fashion** tomor- ^9 row! 9 We also urge you to ^ make an early selection from a new group of 3 | HATS — just in! 2^ f TROUBLES? BAH! HE SMILES THROUGH 'EM By WNIFRED BLACK The Little Man with the Light-Hearted Laugh It home again From the hospital. For weeks and weeks he was in the hospital, most daaparately sack—m fact, for a time he was so near the edge of the dark river that runa » silently beside us all the time that It teemed unbe lievable he could win the race But so far the courage that has made him Laugh In the face of all odds has kept his spirit alive, and now that he’s home again the fight keeps up. Little by little he’s gaining strength. What are you thinking of. Little Man with the Light-Hearted Laugh, lying there so still on the white bed? Of the time when you decided to make apple butter—and gathered in all the tiVw old Lad Ms m the neighborhood, used up all your pin money to pay them, and had enough apple butter to supply the entire neighborhood for the whole winter? Or the time when you were IT and fen in lew with the blonde lady in the chorus? Of course It __ ^ didn t make any difference to you that she wm WINIFRED BLACK least twice your age—you thought the was about the prettiest thing you ever saw. didn t you? ur pernaps n 5 me aear momer 9 who’s been gone so many, many years—and of the time when she took your hand in hers and helped you face the disgrace of a boyish escapade in high school—even boys with light-hearted laughs can get into “scrapes' in school—cant they? Maybe you're again getting up at the call of the first spring bird and slipping down the stairs with your shoes in your hand to Join your first sweetheart for an early morning hike down by the river—only they didn't call it “hike” in those days, did they? It might be the “Wild West Pa rade” that was staged for Patti in! Cheyenne, when all the Indians and cowboys in the country rode up the main street shooting off their guns and putting spurs to their horses, to make them “act up”—and you at the head of the parade. Is it of the little daughter that UNDELIVERED MESSAGES AT LOCAL OFFICE The Western Union Telegraph Company holds undelivered mes sages at their office for the following people. A. V. Brown. Dick Bartlett. Stanley S. Crom. A. King Davis. Economy Store. N. W. Eubanks. Jno. M. Gholson Hall Wedge and Carter Co. Norman Hammer. G. T. Humbert. E. R. Hury. Everitt Layering. Chas. Mansure. W. S. Miller. M. E. Moodie. Frank Judson Reynolds Rio Grande Valley Truck Co. Wyatt Price. Isaias Valera. Rebecca Vail. Armstrong; valedictory. Edna Mae Cincenz. E. G. Vllers. of McAllen, new su perintendent and his wife attended the closing exercises. Mr. and Mrs. i Lawrence Wise of Mercedes also at i tended. She was a former teacher in our school. • • • 1 PERSONALS s D. C. Simms of Weslaco spent I Tuesday night at J. F. Mock's home r— is so much like you. who brought so much happiness into your already c* erflewing cup? No. I don t believe you're thmkmf of any of these things At least I hope not. I hope you're concentrating all your will and your courage and your faith toward getting well We vr. x your laueh—wv mt** the clink of the key in the lock at night —and the cheery call in the morn ing—we miss the happy, Joyous spir it that pervades the house—we nttaa you. Here's to you. Little Man with the Light-Hearted Laugh—you've made life brighter and happier for all of us—to have never missed an oppor tunity to be happy and get a laugh out of life—is, there anything more you could have asked, of the Greet Giver of all Good* out* minds u/« t -fke tialwc i