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f ownsville B1Tnd 13 Valley B Theaters | |®arts In Dixie’ vie tone Novelty f v\\ Playing At Rivoli ■ hundred entertainers sing, knd play musical inst rumen to mil-dialogue feature in .plrituals are first heard screen. lls which ere among the j most authentic of America's folk songs, arc heard for the first time 1 from the speaking screen in the new Pox Movietone full-length all talking feature, "Hearts of Dixie,” which will begin a 4-day engage ment at the Rivoli theater, San Be nito. today. Well-known up and down the California coast, then gaining na tional prominence through Its work i over the rado. the Billbrew Chorus j of sixty singers presents the spir- * ituals in ‘ Hearts in Dixie." The1 chorus, headed by A. . H. Billbrew i who. many will be surprised to! learn, Is a woman, interprets spir- j ituals in as effective a way as any other singing ensemble In America "Hearts in Dixie," which tells a , story of life in the Southland, Is delightfully heightened with musi cal and dancing numbers. Besides the Billbrew Chorus, which Lssolm- j portant a factor In the develop- j ment of the theme that Its’ mem- I bers are virtually of the cast, the! company appearing in the all-dia-1 logue picture includes the famous Panchon Steppers, forty dancers who i are among the most original ex-] ponents of the art now to be teen on the American stage. Specialties arc offered, in addi tion. by the Emperors of Harmonv. a big-time quartet which just had' returned from an Australian tour! before beginning work In the Pox Movietone production and Is best I remembered for its success in the I original presentation of "Shuffle j H. M. WOOD 1! REALTOR REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS I:! Specializing in jjj Vi Large Improved jj and Unimproved Tracts Member Brownsville Real Estate Board !j j Ezrlnsive listing aolicited jj \ First National Rank Bldg. Phone 287 j > u Brownsville Along." The Four Covans, sensa tional dancers who have taken part in many musical comedies, also give unusual performances in the picture, as do Evans and Weaver, eccentric steppers. ‘The Flying Fleet’ Charming Romance Amid Air Thrills Giant seaplanes thundering in the skies; hawklike lighting planes whirling in gyroscopic maneuvers; the wreck of a huge flying monster at sea and a sensational parachute Jump from a blazing plane—these are some of the thrills that Ra mon Novarro gives his audience in “The Flying Fleet," Mctro-Goldwyn Meyer's sensational drama of the airmen of the navy, now playing at the Texas theater. Here is a new Novarro—in a new type of story. Although a charming romance, it is set amid such breath taking thrills that it creates an ab solutely different effect on its au diences from anything the screen has ever seen before. There have been air pictures be fore. and great ones, but in "The Flying Fleet” more of the thrills of flying have been caught than per haps were ever before placed on the screen. There are several reasons. One w as that the most daring avia tors of the navy, including the fa mous “suicide squad." staged them. Another was that the photography from the camera planes Involved many new discoveries In getting the ultimate thrill from such spectacles. Although two-thirds of the picture were filmed in the air. the story has a rich vein of human interest and a delicate love romance Anita Page makes a very beautiful heroine and the young naval aviators are well cast. Ralph Graves. Carroll Nye, Gardner James. Summer Getchell and Eddie Nugent. Many actual naval officers also appear. Alfred Alien plays the admiral. E! DIE IN ACCIDENTS DURING WEEK’S TIME AUSTIN. May 18—A total of 51 persons lost their lives by accident In Texas during the week of May 1-7. according to information re ceived from the Texas Council of Safety. The total of injuries was 220. The largest number of deaths resulted from automobile accidents, and 127 were injured in that man ner. From January 1, 1929 to date the injured total has reached 4231 and 746 killed In accidents of all kinds. For the corresponding period 1928. 2117 were injured and 589 killed. 'mmmmmm As BIG as life itself! 1 First Run Pictures A Rupert Hughes-Cosmopoll _ tan Magazine story with all tbs added dramatic value Brownsville that the screen can bring to Today - Tomorrow - Tuesday » story already crowded with •■"■■■■■■■■Mwwcaw excitement, color and the — Also — thrill of life on an Erie Canal News —Topics Bar*c whrre povtrty and _ * H , death mingle with love and Fables — Comedy laughter. Starring Out cf storm-tossed wat JEAN HERSHOLT crs hand over hand she with Sally O’Neil and . .. Malcolm MnrOrr,»r climbed the swirling rope in An Edward Airman t0 the armS °f the man She ’ Production loved i n \ ^^~sTaLr:i-:-:-:L_’i„-i==r~ ■—* Fathers Attempt To Determine When Is A 1930 Bathing Suit i WE MKJH'f' A$K^ LADIES WHAT" ! THINK ABOUT; — -THEY HAVE • ) WEAR.'EM/ By ROY J. GIBBONS CHICAGO, Kay 18.—When is a bathing suit? Fifty solemn aldermen of Chi cago’s city council, solicit ious of the public morals in the matter of fern nine apparel on the bathing beaches have pledged themselves to get to the bottom of this delicate question. If it takes all summer, they have announced, the answer must and will be found. And. really, the matter has Its complexities. It must be arrived at by careful, round about and up and town research. The straight line of reasoning, naturally gives way. in the case of bathing suits on beach beauties, to the curved approach, geometrically speaking. Chicago Behind Time The truth is that Chicago, which leads the world as a railroad cen ter, onion source and murder capi tal, is somewhat behind time from the standpoint of art in bathing suits. Alderman Dorsey R. Crowe, j if the near-north side, an advanced thinker In the matter of beach ap iarel, brought this to the attention if the alderman in a stirring ad ress. in which he pointed out that public sentiment was against the antiquated ordinance governing the proportions of bathli# suits. "Something should be done.” Mr. Crowe opined, "to remove the Vic torian onus from the fair name of Chicago. Nearly every person who goes in awlmming at our beaches is violating the law as things stand. | “Clothes may make the man, but thev don't make the swimmer.” At this point Alderman Crowe called attention to article 2027 of the city ordinances, passed by the council in the remote year of 1917. "Just listen to this.” said he. "I quote verbatum from the ordinance: “ Blouse and bloomer suits must be worn by women, either with or without stockings, the blouse to be’ provided with one-quarter arm sleeves or close-fitting armholes. Bloomers must not be worn higher than two inches above the knees and the skirt not higher than four inches above the knees.' "You wouldn't see that kind of relic In a day's walk along the shore of Lake Michigan. What Chicago needs is a new law decreeing shorter and better-looking bathing suits. It's impossible to enforce the present regulations.’’ San Benito 4 4 Days Starting Hear the South Tnn.v Talk and Sing on • TODAY the motion picture First Showing in Screen! the Valley 1 I ‘Hearts in Dixie* I i THE SCREEN S FIRST SINGING, DANCING AND TALKING COMEDY OF THE OLD SOUTH JJ ALL ABOARD FOR DIXIE f Sunny blue skies ebove fields of downy white cotton .. • melody that will linger in your memory like the sun set haxe over the Blue Ridge Mountains .... drama that will make your heart stand still . . . rhythm and pathos and romance from the land of the soul haunting blues. I 1- 2 Hear 200 Entertainers FAMOUS BILLBREW FROM THE LEVEES AND \ COTTON FIELDS! folk songs— Enjoy 2 FANCHON STEPPERS, A EMPERORS OF 2 Added Attractions HARMONY AND FOX MOVIETONE NEWS OTHER NOTED STARS ALL-TALKING COMEDY OF THE STAGE MOVIETONE VAUDEVILLE ACTS - ^ > ^ I HHH ■ I: HI.. • HI Nancy Carroll And Buddy Rogers Star In ‘Close Harmony’ If you like tuneful melodies well sung; clever, scintillating dialogue; pep, speed and delightful romance, you’ll find ’Close Harmony,” a Paramount all-talking and singing comedy, with Nancy Carroll and Charles “Buddy” Rogers, a rare treat. In this thoroughly enjoy able .picture, Miss Carroll cast as Marjorie Merwin, a vaudeville headliner, sings a tuneful melody called ‘I Wanna Oo Places and Do Things.” Rogers, as A1 West, a hopeful jazz band leader, in love with Marjorie, also sings a new song entitled, 'I’m All A-Twitter,” besides performing on five instru ments in convincing fashion. Al though it is not generally known, Rogers has been a band leader for some time, having performed as a headliner at the Paramount The ater in Los Angeles. Supporting Miss Carroll and Rog ers in excellent fashion are Jack Oakie, Skeets Oalalgher and Harry Green. Oakie and Gallagher, cast as the Harmony Boys, Barney and Bay, vaudeville songsters, sing, and In general, raise a perfect riot. Their happy-go-lucky antics are sure to win the praise of audiences everywhere. Green, too. does his bit to make "Close Harmony” a gay and ingratiating picture. Cast as the manager of the theater where Nancy Carroll is the head liner and where Rogers. Oakie and Gallagher vie for first honors, Green is the ]>erfect type, provok ing many laughs as he battles with temperamental stars. The particularly clever dialogue was written by John V. A. Weaver, the American poet, who has writ ten vividly about the man in the streets, and Percy Heath. Edward Sutherland and John Cromwell di rected “Close Harmony” which is now playing at the Arcadia, Har lingen. SCOUTCOUNCIL MEETS SUNDAY Charles F. Perry, Donor of Camp, To Be One of Principal Speakers (8pecial to The Herald) • HARLINGEN, May 18.—Almost a thousand Valley boys and grown people are expected to assemble on the banks of the Arroyo Colorado for a Boy 8cout council gathering Sunday afternoon, final plans here indicated late Saturday. The gathering ik the annual council meeting, and both the Scouts and council members, as well as other persons who are In terested in the scout movement, will be at the meeting. All those attending the meeting are urged to bring a basket lunch. Group and general discussions of the work of scouts and the scout council will take up part of the time, and a number of the troops will give demonstrations of their work. Scout Executive Tom Murray has issued an invitation for all mem bers of the council, and of the honorary council to attend the meeting. The gathering is to be held at the scout camp, known as Camp Perry, on the banks of the Arroyo. The future of this camp is to come up for discussion, and Charles F. Perry, donor of the site, and after whom the camp was named, will be one of the principal speakers. The camp Is equipped at the pres ent tine with a general camp build ing. and each city of the Valley is to have a local lodge eventually, with Harlingen having made plans to start work on her lodge in a short time. Bids On Harlingen High School Will Be Opened Tuesday (Special to The Herald) HARLINGEN, May 18—Bids for the construction of Harlingen’s new $260,000 high school building will be opened by the architects, and mem bers of the school board Tuesday May 21. and contract will be let at that time if the bids are satisfactory Announcement of the date was made by members of the board, aft er a postponement from May 7, the date originally set for openmg of bids. The school building is to be one of the most complete and efficient in the section, having been planned with a view to accommodating the largest number of pupils possible. Some of it! features will be audi torium. library, cafeteria, locker roc ms, athletic rooms, etc. 'CITY CITRUS BUILT WINS SLOGAN PRIZE (Special to The Herald.) HARLINGEN. May 18—To a San Benito man. J. D. Wren, goes the honor of suggesting a slogan for the city of Harlingen, the honor being accompanied by a cash award of $100, offered by the Harlingen Lions club. The slogan is “The City Citrus Built” Judges In the contest were D. W. Da^. representing the chamber of commerce; Mrs. Blanche Fulgham Womens Business A Professional club; Mrs. Blanche Jones. Woman's chamber of commerce; Harold Bar rett. newspipers; and Mrs. Mary Moses. Retail Merchants' Asociation. LARGEST THONE EXCHANGE BERLIN. May 18.—(A*i—The Ger man capital boasts It now has the largest long distance telephone ex change in the world. More than 2.000 long distance lines have their termini in the building which is equipped with special devices to give satisfactory transoceanic service. • lii, - 1 ; • ’ ■ t • • i.* . t’i SiL . CHAPLIN BOYS IN FIRST PHOTO 1ms is me nrst pnotocraph of Charles, Jr., and Sydney Earl Chaplin, children of Charles Chaplin and Lita Grey, his divorced wife. No pictures other than baby pictures have been secured previously of the youngsters who are being cared for by their grandmother. Mrs. Lillian Spicer. The occasion of the picture was the children's visit to pro bate court with their grandmother in connection with the probating of her father's (the late William Curry) will. VALLEY FISHERMEN MAKE LARGEST CATCH PHARR. May 18.-What is be lieved to be one of the biggest fish ever to be caught by fishermen from this part of the Rio Grande Valley was landed by Henry Derr and Otis Pelt of Pharr, when they managed to capture a 256 pound jewfleh. They were fishing near the mouth of the river when their hook was carried away by the monster. The large posts which their line was tied to was pulled up and It was not until sometime ‘ after that they were able to get ropes tied to the posts and secure 1 the monster by wearing him down. The fish was brought to Pharr end weighed with the scales show ing a total of 265 pounds, and many venture the opinion that it is one j of the biggest ever to be caught j by fishermen of the Rio Grande Valley. AUSTIN, Tex.. May 18 —Plans have been completed for an out- j of-state tour to California for next year by the University of Texas Men s Glee club, acocrding to Man ager John A. Guinn of New Braunfels. The tour will probably I I - _*_ — be made just before and during the Christmas holidays. The sup port of Tcxa.t ex-students in New Mexico. Arizona, and California has been promised the Olee club, and negotiations are now being carried on with towns in each of those states for program contracts. RITZ ;= Weslaco Richard Barthelmess In “The Noose" 1 Also Comedy — News EMPIRE | : Mercedes Milton Sills I In “LOVE AND THE DEVIL” Also * Comedy — News | New Jannings Film, ‘Betrayal' Coming To Queen May 22 Jannings—the great Jannings—Is greater than ever in his newest dra matic masterpiece. “Betrayal," which opened at the Queen today for a three days* run. Those who have seen " The Pa triot." “The Way of Ail Flesh” and “The Last Command.” will find it difficult to imagine this surpassing his own never-to-be-for. gotten performances. But surpass himself he does this gripping story of the Swiss Alps, of an old man’s effort to win the love of a young girl who has already pledged her heart and of his final awakening to the futility of trying to over come love Strong drama and tender mo ments of real human love; thrilling scenes of danger that bring one to the edge of the seat; clever touches of appealing humor that set the heart smiling, these are the things that make- "Betrayal" a picture that will live as one of the greatest ever made by any star on the stage or screen. Beautiful Esther Ralston, who showed such a surprising power foe dramatic such a surprising power for dramatic interpretation in her recent picture. “"The Case of Lena Smith ” supnerts Jannings and Gary Cooper of “Legion of the Condemn ed" fame Is also featured in the cast. Two little boys, ceaft as Jan- -* nines’ sons, have an appeal at! their own and an excellent group of play ers assist In rounding out the pic ture “Bertyal" is a picture that must not be missed. It is surety one of the biggest things that has come to ♦he Queen screen this yewr and it will take Its place with those other immortal dramas that Jannings has gis-en to the world. a ■ k * 1 I “Won’t You Harmonize With Us?’^* I | In this thrilling jazz revue, with its dramatic love story. Girls, youth, beauty, and gaiety! Hear lovely Nancy Carroll sing, and see her dance — and how. Hear “Bud dy” sing and play with the merry jazz musicians. In .. . “Close Harmony” Starring Nancy Carroll and Buddy Rogers It’s Hotter than Hot! Newer than Nev! a , l Laugh with Jack Oakie and Skeets Gallagher Uproarious song and dance team Split your sides with the hilarious HARRY GREEN Big time Vaudeville Headliner ... • j Feast your eyes on the most beautiful chorus girls in Hollywood! *■ ___ Movietone Rews 2 ACTS! ' ..—----.- —. t