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PRISONERS FAIL AT JAIL BREAK | * Bouquet of Roses Used To Smuggle Saws In To Condemned Men \ DALLAS. May 1*.— UP) —Two Viquets of white roses contributed f \ "“in outbreak in the county Jail 1 \ Am*1 row" here today when three . iMi' ers attacked and injured two jaS^.* before they were subdued, officials said tonight. The three prisoners, one under a* death penalty, attacked the Jailer after they had cut out bars in their cell* Officers said they believed the sams used had been smuggled in in bouquets. Last visitor's day. the sweethearts of two of the men brought bunches of white roses to the Jail. William < Dagger» Pruett, under death sentence for murder; John Wesley Meyers, under 99-year sen tence for robbery of a department store here Christmas eve. and H. R. Anderson, sentenced to 25 years for robbery, were the prisoners who participated. They attacked Ben Caldwell. 40. night Jailer, when Caldwell walked down a corridor to investigate noises he had heard. Caldwell fought fiercely until B. H. Kuyken dall. 63. another Jailer, dashed to ils aid. Caldwell had knocked Mey ers unconscious, and when Kuyken dall appeared Anderson and Pruett •etumed to their cells. Federated Clubs Of Valley To Entertain Noted Woman Doctor Dr Minnie L. Maffett of Dallas. • prominent surgeon and child spe cialist. will be claimed by the Busi ness and Professional Woman's clubs of the Valley as their own special guest during her visit to Browns ville for the state medical conven tion. Dr Maffett will give a health talk at 11 a. m. Sunday In the Method ist church In Harlingen. A.num ber of the busines women are plan ning to attend the talk, and the luncheon which will be given in her honor at the Reese-Wil-Mond im mediately following With Daisy Leake of Temple, pres, tdent of the state federation of Busi ness and Professional Woman's clubs n 1928-29. she will be guest of hon at the quatrerly banquet of the alley federation to be held In eslaco on Thursday evening. > "his banquet will close the year y k»he Valley federation, and the \ ftal election of officers will take AA at this time. Maffett was first president of •wE^fexas Federation of Business t A'and Professional Woman’s clubs and I 1* one of its most distinguished I i members She has visited the Valiev clubs 1,7 several times. Miss Leake is to ac I company her here for the conven tion. MEXICAN SCOUT TROOP AT McALLEN INCREASED McALLEN. May 18.—The roster of Troop 4 of McAllen Boy Scouts, composed entirely of Mexican boys, was considerably increased last week when 15 boys were present at the meeting to be taken into the troop. The troop has passed the number set for the average troop, according to Scoutmaster Bowen, and troop officials are considering the advisa bility of dividing into two troops. The troop s drill team is in full training for the drill contests held here during the American Legion s July Fourth celebration, and. with . —.-... _.... ‘ Jula Peterkin's novel. ‘ Scarlet Sister Mary/ was awarded the Pulitzer prize. - I ■ .—.- " . ’ ' the drum and bugle corps recently organized in the troop, are expect ed to make an excellent showing among McAllen troops. Judge Upholds Work In Handling Funds Of Jackson Barnett WASHINGTON. May 18.—— The interior department today re ceived a decision rendered by Fed eral Judge John C. Pollock at Ok lahoma City which upholds the ac tion of former Secretary Work and the commissioner of Indian affairs in handling the funds of Jackson Bennett, an incompetent Indian. After his marriage to Anna Laura Lowe. white, Barnetts wealth, amounting to more than a million dollars in oil royalties, was divided equally between his wife and the American Baptist Home Missionary’ society on the grounds that he was incompetent. The division took place with the approval of the In dian bureau and has been the cause of investigations and four court cases. HOPE OF PASSING BILL SEEMS REMOTE AUSTIN. May 18 —<JP>—Hope of finally passing the Beck-Cunning ham senate bill establishing a new state sanitary code seemed remote when the house refused today to l suspend its rules and bring the measure to the final vote. TO HELP HOOVER ' _ - George W. Wickersham, New York lawyer, who was attorney general under President Taft, is reported as the possible choice of President Hoover for chair man of the law enforcement commission. , I . . # % ' * , • * tNf ppose your rooms were painted as pictures r7 you tried to make a portrait of your own dining-room, you’d quickly see how a pattern floor of modern linoleum _ completes the color scheme. It is astonishing what the right Armstrong Floor will do for a room. If you’ll visit our spring showing of Armstrong’s Linoleum, you'll see exactly what we mean. For the new line offers you a complete choice— dignified floors, gay floors, modern* is tic floors, conservative floors, i Our special service enables you to complete any room picture in your home, quickly and inexpensively. If you like, our representative will measure your floors and give you estimates. Really, you'll be sur prised when you learn how little a permanent new floor of modern Armstrong's Linoleum costs. ELEVEN STORES SELLING BETTER FURNITURE FOR VALLEY HOMES * ■ ■ 1 - —--- ■■ .— —.. . -.. -.— ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ | —WHEN THE DAY IS HOT, AND THE AIR IS STILL | ■ get one of these CAMP BEDS and spend the night at the Coast where the cool, re- ■ ■ freshing breezes blow. ■ ■ ■ • _ ■ ,: '■ f > [ ,'} THIS “OUTING BED” USUALLY SELLS FOR $12.50 — WE OFFER THEM, AT ALL k I ’ * OF OUR STORES, FOR THE SPECIAL PRICE OF $4.95. ■ * , ■ into a small bundle and is ■ ■ ■*. ■ * a easily and quickly fasten- BIm Pmj%ia! llviAA The fl'ame is a light, ■ " f* ?d to the running board of lip \|ipP|Q| MHPP strong steel with folding ■ ** an automobile. Less than U| likiLfljEU! I I lulj le*8 or supports; , the ■ * five minutes’ time is re- 1 heavy weight Khaki duck g ■ quired to “unpack” the cloth is stretched tight ■ bundle and set up a full- % when the bed is uqfold ■ size, full-length, comfort- ed. and is supported at able bed. the ends by strong helical ■ 1 l Thisisthemostcom- coi!sprin*! : : foriabie ‘Outing Bed’ jj ^ ^ ^ ^ * * * .B.M 9 M U ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ I 5 DINING ROOM SUITES: I ® j At Reasonable Prices — And on Easy Terms — At Our Stores ® I -I . |_ JL I - I H Eight-Piece Walnut Veneered Dining Suite, $109.50 ® I ■j This Dining Room Suite, in the design illustrated above, consists of extension dining Table; Buffet with two large end compartments, divided silver drawer. m and large linen drawer; Arm Chair; and five family Chairs. The Chairs have $ | f l(j50 ® upholstered seats. | % f /g; ■ China Cabinet to match this suite .. $32.50 Qn T>rmi | ■ - _ Six-Piece • ■ Dinette Suite |f An excellent suite for the Breakfast room or small h dining room. This walnut ™ finished suite consists of Buffet with long linen drawer and two large end' compartments;, extension HI Dinette Table with en closed leaf; and four ■| Chairs with upholstered ™ seats. ; *69^ On Easy Terms ■ - g Eight-Piece Dining Suite * ™ A very neat appearing eight-piece walnut veneer 1H pd Dining Room 8uite con sisting of Buffet with two af! Unen drawers and two end compartments; extension . Dining Table; Arm Chair; and five Family Chairs. Decorated with birdseye f§§ maple overlays. Chairs have upholstered scat cov ■j erlng. ■ *97*2 On Easy Terms China Cabinet to _ match thi* Suite— ■ $27.50 ■ - Compare Values Visit any of our stores and see the quality that is built m into the Furniture which we sell—learn by compari son, how reasonable our prices are—learn how easy Hi it is. at our stores, to buy BETTER FURNITURE for ■■ every room of your home ■I on weekly, semi-monthly. ar monthly payments ar ■■ ranged to suit your in Hi come. a We deliver from any store ^i to any home in the Valley Specials For ■ Thrifty Shoppers 1 - -. Pedestal Type Dinette Suite The beautifully designed pedestal type walnut veneered six-piece Dinette Suite illustrated above, consists of Buffet with two drawers and two end compartments; pedestal Table with equalizing slides and enclosed ex tension leaf; and four Chairs with upholstered seat covers. Six-Piece $0^750 On Easy Suite // = Terms China Cabinet to match this suite, as illustrated. . $32.50 ] Eight-Piece Dining Room Suite_$129.50 { _ i < This eight-piece walnut veneered Dining Room Suite consists of Buf fet with one long drawer containing silver tray. One deep linen draw er. and t,wo large end compartments; extension Dining Table with beautifully matched top; Arm Chau-; and five Family Chairs Chairs nave upholstered seat covering. China Cabinet is not included. \ Eight-Piece ^Q50 On Easy j Suite X^^x — Terms I Walnut Veneered Dining Room Suite, $139.50 An attractive Dining Room Suite nicely dpsgned and beautifully fin- j ished This Eight-piece Suite consists of Buffet with two deep drawers ) and two large end compartments; extension Dining Table; Arm Chair; j I and five family Chairs. The Ch?irs have upholstered seat covers The ' Buffet has dust-proof top and bottom with oak interior. — A Buffet Mirror m FREE b | With Each Suita | With each Dinette Butte ™ !; or Dining Room Suite purchased this week at Jj any ol our storm we ™ will give FREE, a But- ; let Mirror of excellent » j! quality hand decorated French plate glass, to ! natch the Suite select- H 2d. -' ■ Make Your Se lection at Our ™ Nearest Store ■ Tea Wagons J ^ i I i ■ - I ■ ■ ■ Duco finished Walnut Tea Wagons, with drop leaf. « * silver drawer, and remov- * able glass bottom servtnc tray; two 11-tnch wheels insure easy movement Your Choice of Two Patterns $31-95 :j ill For Your Dining Room Floor— and the floors of all the other rooms of your home FLOORS WAX POLISHED I WHILE you WATCH am m I Eight-Piece $ 1 ^5 Q5C On Easy HH Suite X S -- Terms J China Cabinet to match this Suite.$32.50 --r. - - .....r.,___ — Guara nteed six- Our Guarantee — And Our Terms ■ pound electric Iron complete with exten- ABSOLUTE satisfaction to ewy customer. H ' _rj . au- »_ Our TERMS are arranged to suit your income. Visit our ■ ®Ion cora• ini® store and mak* your selections of BETTER FURNITURE for ev 18 a regular $.->.00 ery room of your home. ■■ value— !: S Formerly $42.30 SOW ■ 7ln i29~ ' " I sss Including I f .50 uff lying mug and $2.40 V* gutum of wux THAT’S all there is to floor waxing with the Johnson ■ I Electric Polisher, h does all the •fllfc work, skimming over floorsbf ■ f|Q itself, you only guide it, lightly; ■ V5C BETTER FURNITURE |—SrCSLS j ■ .Each j Crowing with the Valley for 18 Year* beautifully glowing. j