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■ -I - .- - - - 11 ""' - - 156 GRADUATE AT SAN BENITO I ^ Ceremonies Begin Today! With Baccalaureate Ceremonies _ (Special to The Herald) SAN BENITO. May 18.-A week Of graduation exercises for the 56 seniors of the San Benito high , school will start Sunday. Including the baccalaureate services at that time, and other exercises later In I the week. Graduation exercises for the high 9 school classes will be held Friday evening, with the Junior high school exercises Thursday night. Baccalaureate services will be held at the high school building, opening with the processional, fol | lowed by a hymn, "Onward Chris tian Soldiers.” Invocation will be asked by the Rev. C. E. Marshall, pastor of the First Methodist church. Mrs. James | D. Ward will sing a solo, followed 1 by another hymn, and the sermon I will be delivered by Rev. C. S. Mc | Kinney, pastor of the First Baptist church. Benediction will be by the Rev. W. B. Oliver. Christian minls I ter of San Benito. Miss Ruth Gilbert will receive i valedictory honors at the com , mencernent exercises Friday evening, with Alonzo Perez reeciving second high honors. The commencement address will ; he delivered by Col. C. R. Carter, a well known attorney of Marlin, B Texas. I - STOP! 'SPECIAL CHICKEN DINNER ' SUNDAY ONE WAY TO PLEA9E HER Be she wife or sweetheart you will make no mistake In bring ing her to our reataurant for a good dinner or any other meal. Our menu offers a choice of the most tempting dishes. Everything is splen didly prepared and courteous ly served. Our dining room is attractive, our clientele of the best and withal, our prices are most modest. —MM^MMMMM PHONE 688 I. I Clean, Pure Ice • • • • delivered to your icebox in CAN VAS BAGS in order that your floors may remain spotless. Our delivery men take special care in placing ice in the icebox in order that foodstuffs will be undisturbed. Your fine foods will stay fresh and taste better if kept in cool MOIST air. That is why you should use ice . . . it gives damp, not “dry” refrigeration. THEY PROBE POWER FIRM’S NEWSPAPER PURCHASES These are the men Investigating purchase by International Paper and Power company of stocks in various newspapers. Photo shows federal trade commission as now constituted. Left to right: William E. Humphrey, Garland 8. Ferguson, Jr.. Edgar A. McCulloch (chairman). C. W. Hunt, Charles H. March. HARLINGEN CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK Tuesday—Social meeting of the Missionary society of the First Methodist church. Wednesday—M. M. club members will entertain their husbands in the evening at the home of Mrs. Hugh Ramsey in Windsor Place. Mesdames R. M LovUig. H. J. oGetzke and Mrs. M. E. Sherwood are entertaining with bridge at the home of Mrs. R. M. Loving on East Polk street. Thursday—Study club meets at the Woman's building for the last meeting of the year. Friday—Mrs. H. L. Kelly is enter taining the Friday club at her home on Filmore street. P.-T. A. council entertaining with luncheon at the North Ward school with Mrs. W. M. Ellison as hostess. • • • OUTING PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whittle enter tained a number of their friends with a swimming party and picnic, supper at the Arroyo park Wednes day evening. Dancing, games and contests were enjoyed by 15 guests. • • • WEDNESDAY NIGHT BRIDGE The Wednesday Night bridge club was entertained Wednesday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. George W. Diehl in Brooks Lawn. Spring flowers were vised to adorn the rooms where three tables were arranged for the afternoon game. High score prizes were awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chaudoin and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hinman made second high. A salad and sweet course was served to 15 guests. * • • MISS STEPHENS HOSTESS Miss Willie Stephens was hostess to her bridge club Wednesday at her home on East Taylor. Pink radiance roses mingled with fern were used In abundance throughout the living rooms lend ing floral charm to the home. Pink and green was the color theme car ried out in the table accessories and refreshment courses. Mrs. D. J. Evans was awarded the high score prize and Mrj Henry Galloway was awarded high cut prize. A delicious salad course was served to 16 guests. • • • HONOR DR. MAFFETT Dr. Minnie Lee Maffett of Dal las will fill the pulpit at the First Methodist church at the 11 o’clock serviec after which the profes sional and Business Women's clubs will entertain with a luncheon at the Reese-Wil-Mond hotel in her honor. Plates will be laid for 50 guests. • • • CLUB HOSTESS ! Mrs. A. R. Connell was hostess to the Twin Cities bridge club at her home Wednesday afternoon. Varied spring flowers in attract ive baskets and vases were used in decorating the living and dining rooms for the occasion. Mrs. Clifford Carey of Harlingen won high score and Mrs. T. R. Le Wald of San Benito won second high. A salad course was served to 12 guests. • • • HOSTESS TO CLUB Mrs. Jack McFarland was hostess to her club and a number of guests at her home on Pierce street Wednesday afternoon. Spring flowers in bright colored i baskets and vases adorned the j ■ --——-* I rooms where the players gathered for the afternoons diversion. A color theme of white, pink and green was featured In the tallies, score pads and other table acces sories. » At the conclusion of the games attractive prises were awarded to Mrs. O. A. Miller for high club, Mrs. A. Fisher consolation and Mrs. Ben Epstine far high guest. A delicious plate of brick ice cream in shades of white, pink and gjetn and angel food cake was served to club members and the following guests: Mesdames Floyd Smith. J. L. Head. W. E. Smith. V. R. Brady, Ben Epstine. W. W. Gal loway, D. J. Evans, and Dock Jef frie*. ^ . «u***». • • • 1 JOINT HOSTESSES Mrs. J. J. Willingham and Mrs. J. T. Atchison were joint hostesses Wednesday afternoon for a seven table bridge party at the home of Mrs. Willingham on North First street. The spring idea was featured in the home adornment with the use of pink and red radiance roses ar tistically arranged in gay vases and baskets. After the games a dainty salad course was served. High score tro phies were awarded at each table to Mesdames Hosfeldt. H. H. Bur chard. Anson Alderdice. Crown, W. R. Heard. J. T. Thompson, and Hugo Letzerlch. • • » D. A. R. CHAPTER The Lieut. Thomas E. Barlow chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution held their monthly meeting Wednesday in the form of luncheon at the Woman's building, with Mesdames J. B. Cocke, C. A. Griffith, Ira E. Ells, J. C. Myrick and A, J. Pollard as hostesses. Table decorations were vases of cut flowers, with the floral theme being used in the place cards. Bright colored balloons were tied to the backs of each chair giving a gay atmosphere to the occa sion. Mrs. Lloyd Thompson presided as regent and Mrs. J. B. Cocke read a paper cn tableware of the Colonies. • • • CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Mrs. H. D. Bush entertained with a children’s party Tuesday after noon honoring her little daughter, Billie Madeline’s birthday. Spring flowers were used throughout the rooms. lending their floral charm to the home. Games and contests were enjoy ed by 14 guests. Strawberry ice cream and cake was served to the children late in the afternoon. • • • PERSONALS Mrs. Harry Wallace of Kellevill. Okla., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Sommers. Mr. and Mrs. Myron F. Ward left Friday morning for San An tonio for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Chamberlain left Tuesday for Oklahoma on a two weeks’ vacation trip. R. D. George of San Antonio, traveling car inspector for the Mis souri Pacific lines was in Harlin gen Wednesday on business. Dr. and Mrs. Jno. Crockett are entertaining Dr. and Mrs. Culver M. Griswold from Houston, during the doctors’ convention. Dr. and Mrs. Scott McNeil of Beeville arc the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Hollingsworth for the week. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Myers have Dr. and Mrs. Frank Lancaster of Houston for their guests. Dr. and Mrs. C. Letzerlch are entertaining Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Torbett, Marlin, and Dr. and Mrs. W. Schropshire of Yoakum during the doctors’ convention. Mr. and Mrs. Finley Ewing have as their guesst for the week Dr. and Mrs. Tom McClendon of Corsi cana. Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barrett are entertaining Dr. and Mrs. Fred Hudson of Stamford. Texas. Mrs. Hudson is Mr. Barrett’s sis ter. Mrs. Martha Brindley has as her miests during the doctor’s conven tion Dr. and Mrs. G. V. Brindley of Temple, Texas, and Dr. Paul Brindley of Galveston, Texas. Mrs. Homer Jennings and Mra. D. A Bryiar let Friday*for an ex tended trip to Detroit. Mich. Mrs. M. V. Martin returned home Friday after a few days visit in Houston and Galveston. Mrs. C F Stewart of 8tuttgart Ark., formerly of San Benito, is visiting her sons, W. R. Raymond. Sidney R. and Cullen J. Smith and daughter. Mrs. P. T. Norris, al of San Benito, on her return trip. She will visit another daughter. Mrs. G. 8. Lauraine of Houston. John Victor, geologist from Tulsa. Okla.. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Reed. Sam Foster left yesterday for an extended trip to Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Berley are visit ing in San Antonio for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Powell left Thursday for Arizona on a two weeks’ vacation. J. McFarland Is in San Antonio on business. $35.00 Will be paid if you are not relieved to your own satisfaction of Pellagra and hookworm. Write for our 50 page book explaining detail*. Dr. W. J. McCrary. Inc, Dept. B-2S Carbon Hill. Alabama f - .-...-_ •Opening Tomorrow— • MONDAY ! • • [ © • J Supplying Brownsville with the • Finest Quality of: • Ice Cream Cottage Cheese J Buttermilk Milk and Cream | ALL PASTEURIZED 8 Snow Queen S Ice Cream ~ Pure sweet cream, fresh Eggs, cane sugar, juicy fruits, nuts and the W best extracts that money can pur A chase are the ingredients that will comprise Snow Queen Ice Cream the King of all hot weather palate • ticklers. Snow Queen Ice Cream 0 will be made in bulk and brick form, and special orders will be featured. Other ices and sherbets - will be available, too. I THE Snow Queen A Creamery Co., Inc., will open in its new building 9 Monday, with the Q very newest of ma- ^ chinery used in the manufacture of ice 9 cream and pasteur- 9 izing milk. a It is our intention to purchase all our milk from Valley farmers whose herds have been tuberculin test ed. insuring the pur ity of our products. 8 2 2 Our formal Opening will be next 2 Saturday, May 25th | S nw Q ee Creamery I 2 ON WEST ELIZABETH STREET • •j Phone 1383 S