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COBOUNI ^Continued from paeei one.) price of the No. 2 hangar and all other Improvements planed on the site by the company daring this period, these improvements to cost not less than $30,000. He hangar was to be paid for in cash. The contract also would hawe granted an option for a second, 12 years and six months, the reretal to be $ percent on the total in'festment on the leased ground. Th'is would In clude the cost of the Nfo. 2 hangar, plus all money spent on the tract I . by the Pan-American. It was agreed that the Pan ! * American should pay one and one cents per gallon profit to the t<®\on all gasoline used per month until more than 10,000 -gallons were used In a month. When the con sumption of gasoline Increased to i more than 10.000 gallons per month the city would receive one cent per gallon profit. See Poor Trade It is in this portion of the con tract applying to the rental to be paid that Cobollni and Starek say the depreciation now is being ask ed. That is. the ermpany during the second twelve years and six months would pay a rental of 8 per cent on the investment only after a depredation of 5 per cent each year had been changed off of the sum invested. For the second 12 years the gasoline profit would be subject to arbitration. U They contend thrjt as long as a ! contract Is not mac*e with the Pan * American addition *1 requirements I will be made by that company and j that the city is losing money each day it delays. } The contract discussed by these I two commissioners-' follows in de tail: I Know all men by these presents: That this contract made and en Itered into on this to—day of April, r A. D. 1929.* by arid between the |i city of Brownsville, in Cameron I jj county. Texas, acting herein by and Is through its city commission, here |f lnafter called Lessor, and Pan rf American Airways. Inc., a corpora I - tion. acting hereto by and through I George L. Rihl. its vice president. 1“ thereunto duly author led. hereinaft er called Lessee, witnesseth: First: Lessor has this day and does hereby demise, lease and let unto the follow to* described tract, piece or parcel of land, being a part to the extent of the metes and bounds thereof, or the municipal airport of the city of Brownsville, located on El Jardin boulevard about four miles east of the city and in Cameron county water control and improvement district No. five, the tract herein and hereby leased be ing more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the northeast cor ner of hangar No. 2. now being con structed at saHd airport. Thence continuing the east boun dary line of said hangar No. 2. north **00 feet; > Thence west at an angle of 90 de #f-wT.*s a distance of 220 feet to the boundary line of the highway, t". hence soutii 300 feet with the r* xmndary line of said highway; , •Tf'ence east to the northeast cor pWof said hangar No. 2 being the point of beginning, containing 1.515 acres of land. Second: Lessee agrees, binds and obligates itseRf to construct or cause , to be constructed on said space above descrifcrd a shop, a test stand a wash rack, and an underground gasoline tank and pump, and such other buildings as may be found to be necessarf to Lessee's business, all of a kind £nd character desirable and necessary to be used in con nection with aviation end the op eration of airships, all of which , shall be of a substantial character, I and In the nature of permanent im provements, and shall cost not ass than thirty thousand dollars (SJ9, 000.00) dollars and construction shall be commenced within 90 days from this date, and shall be completed as expeditiously as compatible with good business methods and results, and shall be similar in quality to, and as good as or better, than sim ilar improvements now constructed by the city and located at said air port. Lessee is also to have the ex clusive use and control of the han gar now being constructed at raid municipal airport, being hangar No. 2. for the term of this lease, and shall pay in advance for such ex clusive use the cost of construction and material of such hangar, which is now hereby declared to be and fixed at the sum of thirty-one thou sand eight hundred ($31.800> dollars. This lease is for a term of twelve (12) years and six (6) months, and all buildings and permanent im provements herein provided for and placed on said municipal airport by Lessee shall become the property of and belong to the city of Browns ville In fee simple title from the time same shall be placed thereon, except the pump and other neces saries for.the gasoline installation, which shall be installed by some responsible oil company, add Lessee shall pay tothe city one and one ha’f cents (l l-3c> per gallon on each gallon of gasoline used up to the amount of ten thousand (10.000) gallons' per month, and when the amount of gasoline used shall ex ceed the amount *of ten thousand (10,)))) gallons per month, then Lessee shall pay one cent (lc) per gallon therefor. Lesee shall have the exclusive use of said buildings and said Hangar No. 2, with access thereto from all sides for all purposes necessary or incidental to lessee’s business, and shall bear all expenses of upkeep on same and maintain said buildings and property in good usable condi tion, and shall deliver over same to the city at the expiration of the term of this lease in good condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted! but lessee shall not be held account able to the city in the event of the destruction of said buildings and property or injury thereto through an act of God. inevitable accident or natural causes, for which lessee, its agent*, servants and employee* are not responsible, but lessee agrees to keep such Improvements fully in sured up to the limit of their insur able value with responsible insur ance companies, doing business in Texas, payable to lessor, and lessor agrees in the event of the destruc tion of said properties or any part thereof, to invest the proceeds of such policy or policies in similar im provements at the same location and of the kind. and character re quired by lessee, and lessee shall pay whatever balance of costs is necessary for the completion of such improvements, provided that the elapsed time from the date of such injury to the date of completion of such improvements shall be deduct ed from the term of this lease, a reasonable time being given In which to reconstruct such buildinss and improvements. Lessee shall have the right to transfer and as sign this lease, or sub-let the nron ertie shereln described to individ uals or corporations legally and fi nancially responsible, engaged In the same buslriess, an ’. for the same Ove? four years ago I informed Mr. J. M. Stein, of The Brownsville Herald, that I would install at Brownsville the most modern Coca-Cola and Soda Water plant south of Houston and San Antonio, and today, after many changes in other plants, we offer $1,000.00 to the first person to find in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, (Coca-Cola excepted) a soda w’ater plant that even uses the same method of I bottling we do. _ * VISITORS HAVE ALWAYS I BEEN WELCOME I Br aure to call for Sweeney's bottled soda water or S Coca-Cola. jl| fff make Soda Water in several flavors. Orange, Grape. Lemon. Strawberry, Cream. Etc. 4 Yon and your children when drinking soda wat er. call for Sweeney’s. We are satisfied we have done more, and can prove that we have, to give you a better prod uct than any other plant in this territory. We also give you more food value and in a better sterilised bottle. I Brownsville Coca-Cola Bottling Company ' ■ .. . * PLANS TRANSATLANTIC VOYAGE IN TINY MOTORBOAT A dream of 20 years,ago is being realized as Joe Leppich of Bronson, Mich., prepares to embark for Ger many from Toledo, O., in a 26-foot steel home-made motor boat, the Karf, named in honor of Leppich's home town to which he hopes to return. His route takes him tlirough Lakes Erie and Ontario to the 8t. Lawrence river and then out into the ocean. He hop:s to reach Hamburg without stopping in Ireland to refuel. Leppich is the central figure above. 9 uses and p urposes as provided for in this lease. Fifth: Lessee shall also have free use o fthe airport landing field for landing aeroplanes and "taking on ’ with all the usual and customary rights and privileges of all other commercial airships using said mu nicipal airport, and on the same terms; and shall have the right to use water from lessor's water sys tem at said airport for all purposes connected with or incident to its business at cost; and shall have the right to connect with the city s pow er lines or power lines used by the city furnishing electric current to said municipal airport by paying the customary charges for electricity under similar conditions, lessee to pay the cost for installation, and lessor shall not be liable for inter ruptions in the current, but lessee i shall have current at all times when same is being furnished to t that part of the municipal airport owned and operated by the city. Lessor agrees and obligates itself to maintain said airport, and landing field in accordance with and up to {the present standard cf require ments made by the United States for A-1A airports. Sixth: Lesee agrees, binds and , obligates itself that it will not. in |or upon the space allotted to it. or hereinabove described, compete with lessor in the sale of gasoline, oil, accessories or other commodities, but will sell only to its own ships or those connected with or engaged in its own business, and will not use said Hangar No. 2 in competi tion with lessor for storage of aero planes other than its own. or those used in the conduct of or in’connec , Con with its own business. Seventh: Lessee shall have the right to construct or to have con structed a spur track or switch for railroad transportation into and upon some convenient location ap proved by lessor, on lessor s mu nicipal airport tract, and shall have the use of space in the administra tion building on the same terms as other companies or persons using same, or on reasonable terms, if no others use same. Eighth: Lessee shall have the option of renewing this lease at the expiration of the term hereof for and additional period of twelve (12) years and six (6) months for p.n annual rental of eight per cent on the cost of all the improvements constructed or placed on the prem ises above described by lessee. In cluding said Hangar No. 2; provid ed, however, that charges to be paid ^lessor to Paso line and oil as pro n vin ParaeraPh third above. 25J to Adjustment for v lti0n,flI period of twelve '12) > ears and six (6) months, and charges shall be made in the UlSSilPi18 and under the terms and conditions generally prescribed bv of similar char SS? busmess undtr «*» fanTnlJ" l^e eVent lesse* shall K and prrform anv of the covenants herein provided, then and this lease may be forfeited by lessor, and shall be come null and void and of no fur ther force and effect, and all per manent improvements hereinabove described. Including said hangar No. 2. shall be and remain the property of the lessor, provided however, les see shall have a reasonable time in which to remove said premises j and all its movable property located ! thereon. Tenth: In consideration of the construction of said buildings and the placing of said properties at the Municipal Airport by lessee, it is mutually contracted and agreed that should lessor desire to sell said Mu nicipal Airport at any t»me during the term of this lease, lessee shall have the option of making the pur- ' chase at the price and under the i terms and conditions offered bv the j best prospective purchaser, and les- l sor shall procure anv such offer or i offers to be made in writing, and | submit same to lessee, and lessee i shall have a reasonable time, and j enter into contract to complete said purchase; and. In the event lessor shall decide to lease said Municipal Airport, then at any time during the term thereof, lessee shall have a prior option to make such lease upon the same terms and conditions as the best offer which shall be made by any prospective lessee, and lessor shall procure any such offer to be made in writing, and submit same to lessee, and lessee shall have sixty days in which to accept such lease according to the terms and condi tions of the offer so made, and to enter into contract therefor. It Is contemplated that all such —mm v LOANS On Residence and Busi ness Property Easy Terms Reasonable Rates Prompt Service Todd& Underwood 1057 Levee Street Brownsville, Texas offers shall be made by responsible individuals, persons or corporations financially and legally able to carry out the terms of such offer or of I fcrs, and lessor shall have the right 1 to reject any and all bids. Lessee agrees to take over fhe i radio station and equipment belong ing to the city of Brownsville, and t operate the same in connection with j lessee’s business, and agrees that no advertising adverse to the city will be permitted to go out over | said radio and will allow' lessor to I use said radio and equipment for Its own purposes whenever the necessi ■ ties of lessee’s business will permit. No charges will be made to lessor j for such use as lessor may see fit I to make. This offer however, is conditioned upon said radio station and equipment being suitable for use in lessee's business and a satls j factory arrangement being made I with the El Jardin hotel company j to allow same to remain in its pres • ent location. Executed in duolicate, this - day of April .A. D. 1929. (Continued from page one 1 ins roof as she ran for shelter. An other person, unidentified, also was hurt by a flying board. Two buildings in far west Texas at McCamey. a hotel and a depart ment store, were unroofed by the wind. None was injured. Heavy rains were reported throughout the state. Only four of the 71 points from which the weath er bureau here received messages had not had rain in the last 24 hours. Galveston, with 5.38 inches, felt the heaviest downpour. Victo ria, Waxahachie. Greenville and Keufman reported more than two inches. North Texas feared an overflow i of the Red river. A watchman had 'been posted at a railroad bridge north of Wichita Falls to report a threatening rise. An electrical storm and a high wind accompanied the rain at Vic toria. A two story barn was blown down, trees were uprooted, and corn was blown flat. 1 At Mesquite. Dallas county. • small twister struck two farms, tear ! ing away a porch and uprooting i trees on one and then jumping six , miles to the Scab Stewart farm. | where it did considerable damage to the home. In the northeastern part of the state the Red river had flooded some 10.000 acres of land an 2 was ' expected to approach flood stage at the lower portions some time during thn night. Index. Fulton and White | Cliffs and Arthur expected over flows early next week. Should the water top the new levee at Index between 40.000 and 50.000 acres of land would be inundated. Heavy I rains up the river promised higher j water. I NEW FOUNTAIN (Continued from Page 1) Gould pump. The Gould machine pumps 300 gallons of water per min ute with a 90 foot head. The concrete bowl which houses the sprays is surrounded by a tank that holds 156.000 gallons of water. The basin Is 100 feet In diameter. The water is used pver and over and there Is no waste. This fountain will not affect the city supply or pressure. It is planned to keep the founttain in operation from 8 until 10 p. m. each evening. City officials feel that they ob ttained the fountain at an absolute minimum of cost as they bought it direct from the General Electric company and paid only for labor of its construction. Compard to oth er fountains in Texas, many thou sands of dollars was saved here, it is said. Two Frigidaire drinking fountains are to be operated in the park, fur nishing ice water at all times to oc cupants of the park. The foun tains are being built in honeycomb stands. Further beautification of the Dark will be done immediately. Shrubs and trees are to be planted I and benches installed on each end cf the park. City officers urge that those using the park take care with the grass and flowers until thev have reach ed a good growth. They also noint out that the fountain is more beau 1 iful from a distance than at close range. T. S. Riggs of the Riggs nursery will supervise the planting of new shrubs and plants. CREAGER FLIES FROM EL PASO TO FT. WORTH FORT WORTH. Mav 18.——R. B. Creagcr. Brownsville, republican ; national committeeman from Tex as. arrived here today by plane from El Paso, completing the first half of a two week trip about Tex as. Creagcr spent a few hours In Port Worth conferring with Henry Zweifel. member of the republican state executive committee, and Leonard Withington. republican di rector of organization. McKINNEY HI SCHOOL CLAIMS CHAMPIONSHIP McKINNEY. Texas. May 18.—<*) —McKinney tonight claimed the high school baseball championship of Oklahoma and Texas after win ning one of a scheduled series of three games from Austin high school. The series was interrupted by rain and it was impossible to play a double-header planned today. Mc Kinney \ on the first game. 3 to 0. The claim to the Oklahoma title is based on a victory over Classen high school of Oklahoma. Classen claims the Oklahoma title. To make your Gardening Easier! W ' Your lawn and garden / cultivating efforts will * // be less exhaustive and Y productive of better re ^ suits if you use these fine • accessories. Just a few . items! xjA Garden Hose jf Sprinkling Can 1 Hoes — Rakes fm Wheelbarrows *1 GARZA HARDWARE CO. Brownsville 1"_. • • , -.*■ . . GEO. CHAMPION . (Continued from page one.) in the capacity of county tax assessor for more than 30 years. He became w id ley known through his politicial activities and was one of the best liked officials in this section. He had not been active a long these lines during his last years, but spent his time in at tendingto private interests. Cham pion was a prominent member of the Knight of Columbus. The decendent Is survived by eight daughters, three sons, four sisters and numerous grandchildren. The daughters are Mrs. H. O. Williams, Mrs. A. A. Benavtdens. Mdh. E. L. Brice. Mrs. D. Allala and Misses Lula. Sophia. Lyria and Mattie Champion. All reside in Brownsville. The sons are George. Jr., and Aleck of Brownsville, and Raymond of Houston. The sisters are Mrs. F. Fernandez and Misses Rose and Anita Champion of Brownsville Champion was married to Amelia Werbiski of Brownsville in 1880. His wife died about 17 months ago. While definite funeral arrange ments had not been made late Saturday night, it was planned to hold high mass at the Immaculate Conception church Monday morn ing. Interment was to be afterward in the family vault in the City eementery. Paul bearers had not; been selected Saturday night. Funeral -arrangements were be ing made by Morris Montuary. Law Prepares For C. of C. Goodwill Hop to Mazatlan Preliminary preparations for the good-will flight sponsored by the chamber of commerce over the Brownsvllle-Mazatlan air line were made by Maj. Bernard Law during > the past week. Maj. Law spent a day in each of the mai ncities on the line. He reports that reception commit tees are being formed at each of the cities. The chamber of com merce group will leave over the line Wednesday and will spend a night in the larger centers. Maj. Law reports that the C. A. T. line is doing a huge business be tween Durango and Mazatlan. It is an hour and 40 minutes between these two cities by air and about 1000 miles by rail. Consequently all - classes of passengers are turning to the air line between thee3 two points due to the saving in time and money, Major Law says. Finds a Way To Stop Attacks of Fits Reports are received of an amus ing treatment that epileptics state has proved successful in stopping their attacks. R. Lepso, Apt. 109,1 895 Island Ave., Milwaukee. Wis , has been supplying sufferers with' this treatment. He now wishes to' reach all those who have not been helped and to do so is making the 1 startling offer of a generous treat- I “SP**®® *° a11 sufferers. Anyone ! afflicted should write for this free! treatment at once, giving age—Adv. i I . " -- ■ __ ... . - , -.....'*-"15! BEEVILLE MAN FREED OF SLAYING CHARGE BEEVILLE. Tex.. May 18.—(**>— John 8. McCrabb. ranchman charged with the murder of Annie Johnson. 16. at a dance in Refugio November 11, 1927, was acquitted by a jury here late today. McCrabb was charged with shoot ing the girl as she sat in his auto mobile parked near the dance. The defense was that the girl commit ted suicide and shot herself after a lover's quarrel. Mr*. Clinton, Wife Of Penney Manager At Harlingen, Die* HARLINGEN. May 18 —Mrs. Lyda Clinton. 51, wife of W. O. Clinton, manager of the J. C. Penney store — - "' ~~ ' -'!..1 T7'13,"!jI here, died at Kaiwa Ciiy, lie* « Saturday, according to word, inaalV*!' 1 ed here today by frlenda of Clbtacaa I Mrs. Clinton is to be barlad «a Kansas City a t S p. m. Monday. She had been In m health fat more than a year and had bean ta Kansas City under treatment far the past several month* Mr* Cttn ton went to Kansas City a weaH a*o and was wtth her at the tftma she died. _ Mr. Clinton has been In Harlingen for two year* since the Pannaf store was opened here. d —.. ~ ..-.-.. OK, ; What a Drink Fagged out? Hot? Tired? Don’t let this torrid weather get the better of ! I you. Stop in reg ularly at our pleas ant cool fountains let our man fix you up a zippy zestful drink in a jiffy. Ah, that was good! Feel better? Goods for our lc Sale are arriving daily. Watch for announcement! i 11 * * 1 4 • ‘ I ■ . - - Telephone 303-1250 I ' —. . ... ..T*""!". SF % n Reserves ! Save the Day I 'I s LIKE the reserves of an army that lie in wait while the vanguard of a battalion ad vances, the dollars you save now may be of | inestimable value if your “regulars’* should be swept away .... A well-tended Savings Ac count affords a splendid reserve force—pre pared at any minute to meet an emergency. Have you started that reserve account here? I A splendid silk umbrella (for that rainy day) will be |1 I |-a given those who start that JLV/V' savings account here. Ask about it. s m CAPITAL; $200,000.00 I * -WE C VALLEV - ___________i ■ • «* m 0