OCR Interpretation

Brownsville herald. [volume] (Brownsville, Tex.) 1910-current, May 20, 1929, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063730/1929-05-20/ed-1/seq-1/

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: 4 ■ ■-/ ■- " ■ i
—■ < ———g i .....— ..
Lawn Mowers 5J1 "!z\£lr Tanks
Garden Hose — Sprinklers ■ 14 Any Dw1«b. si*» *» Tm
Grass Shears —> Trimmers ■ VI' 1
W. H. Putegnat Company AlamoIron Work.
L Browturille, Tex*. _I I_M
m our
Till III -.-■...—.- - |M|
DOCTORS, physicians, surgeons,
specialist*—welcome to Brownsville
ard the Lower Rio Grande Valley
of Texas and Mexico!
You are now in one of the heal
thiest spots to be found anywhere
in these United States.
Why. of course.
Major Todd, former medical
chief at Fort Brown. United States!
army post here, developed the fact.
He found that among the hun
dreds of men stationed at Fort
Brown the percentage of ineffect
ives, month in and month out.
ranged somewhere around two per
cent. „
That figure compares with more i
than nine per cent in the post
having the next best record, and
from that on up to forty per cent
in other United States army cen
That’s just another reason why
people generally are so happy down j
here. They are well.
• • •
Hundreds of the profession have
come to Brownsville for a session of j
several days.
It is a season for discussion of
important subjects, for the impart
Itng of knowledge.
There are those among you who
will bring new truths which you
will ponder.
There are those who will bring up
old ones that have puzzled. Their
continued discussion certainly will
aolve them, some day. And make
them so simple that you will won
der that the solutions were not dis
covered long ago.
It will be a busy session for you.
But there will also be time and
opportunity to play.
Brownsville and it* sister cities
and communities throughout the
Valley are happy that you have
And all wish for you a successful
• • •
find in the Valley a spirit that may
prove rather novel to them.
For example, they come here j
JLon the invitation of the Lower
TRio Grande Valley Medical Society.
The membership of this society
is made up of practitioners in)
Cameron county. Hidalgo county.
Willacy county, Starr county, and j
• Matamoros. Mexico. j
The membership resides in some j
twenty-five towns. A year ago.
when the invitation was extended
to the Texas Medical association,
many of the doctors may have
wanted to hold the convention,
proper in their own towns. But
they subordinated % their personal
wishes, and agreed to the plan to
make it a Valley-wide invitation,
with the business sessions in the
Valley’s oldest town. Brownsville.
The Cameron county society is
host but all the Valley is helping
and every visitor will be given
opportunity to see all the balance
of the Valley. _
And it’s worth seeing. That.
visitors, you’ll agree.
• • •
RALPH G. BRAY, publisher of
the Mission Times, and his staff
are happy. And properly so.
The Times of last week came out
In enlarged size. Has gone to seven
column size from the six that held
from the time the paper was estab
lished. 19 years ago. to lost week.
The change was made passible by
the installation of a fine, new $8
000 press, together with a new fold
ing machine.
In addition to all this. Mr. Bray
■hnounces that the building occu
pied by the Times is to be en
larged. And the front will be re
modeled to the Spanish style, a
type of architecture that is grow
ing in popularity tn the Valley, in
business as well as residential
’ structures
i Congratulations to the Times.
• • •
LAST YEAR The Herald pub
lished photographs of the graduat
ing classes of the high schools of
the Valley.
Every senior class !n everv Valley
town wts represented.
The feature was so popular that
The Herald undertook the task
again this year, at no small outlay
of trouble and expense.
The work was done in coopera
tion with A. Holm, photographer of
Brownsville, and with the further
cooperation of every superintend
ent and high school principal in the
• • •
More than 400 comprised the
graduating classes last year And;
there is approximately the same
number this year.
The Valley is very proud of its]
schools. And even more proud of i
» the very fine material coming forth
erations that will carry on
thex development of the Valley of
the future
KEEP OFF the grass.
That age-old and famlliat sign;
• really should be observed at newly i
developed Washington Park.
The city wants the grass to take
J, root, to grow and flourish
. But if citizens trample down the j
* earth, the little blades will find
life very uncertain.
s* The fountain. In the park center,
with its beautiful colorings observ
able only at night, is really the
(Continued on oage ten.)
Levee Break, to Flood 45,000 Acres
Red Cross Prepares to
Care For 50 Families
Made Homeless By
New Onrush
KENNETT, Mo., May 20.—
An army of workmen lost a terrific
fight with flood waters of the St.
Francis river when the levee crum
bled seven miles northwest of Ken
nett last midnight. The break was
expected to Inundate approximately
45,000 acres of farm land and cover
Highway 84 to a depth of several
feet. No towns were endangered.
Between 700 and 800 men had
been working desperately along a
stretch of levee 14 miles long to pre
vent a crevasse. While about 300
men were working at Millhouse
levee, considered the weakest point,
there was a rumbling sound and a
roar as flood water swept away the
dirt barrier and poured into fertile
farms, ruining all crops in its path.
The sound of the rushing waters was
heard for miles and farmers were
awakened in time to make prepara
tions to leave their homes. The cre
vasse had widened to 200 feet this
The break occurred at' a spot
considered the weakest in the*levee
stretch where several hundred men
had been working desperately for
several days to avert a crevasse. No
large town Is in the path of the flood
and It was believed all residents of
the area had moved to safety.
Hunrreds of other men were bol
stering two other threatend river
breaks inthe Mississipi valley.
Great apprehension was felt at
Mounds Landing. Miss , where 200
men were strengthening the Miss
issipi dyke that went out with dis
astrous results during the 1927 flood.
While no immediate danger of a
break was seen by engineers. Gov.
Theodore Bilbo, of Mississipi. re
quested the Adjutant General to
have state troops prepeared to move
into the area in case of emergency
Tire reel foot levee, ten miles south
of Hickman. Ky., was reported
crumbling for a distance of 300
yards and men were raising earth
Possibly 50 families will be home
less by night as a result of the break.
They will be cared for by the Red
Cross, which established an emer
gency office here Saturday.
ST. LOUIS. May 20.—<A*>—For the
first time this year government
flood warnings were Issued yester
day here and at other points along
the lower Mississippi river. It was
the fourth time this spring, however,
that the river had gone over flood
stage at St. Louis and a stage of 36
feet was forecast for Wednesday
six feet above the flood mark. The
river was more than 32 feet early
Slight danger was anticipated in
the lower valley, government fore
casters said, as streams below St.
Louis were not as high as two years
ago when the last disastrous flood
waters of the Mississippi swept over
the countryside.
NEW ORLEANS. May 20.—<A>>—
Pounding waters, whipped by high
winds, today had shaken the Mound
Landing levee, 18 miles north of
Greenville. Miss., on the Mlssissipni
river. Army engineers prepare^ to
bolster the wall against a possible
It appeared today that “free la
bor” would be utilized in working at
Mound Landing despite the fact
that Governor Theo. Bilbo early last
night ordered 300 convicts sent to
the scene to aid The convicts were
held at the prison farm when it was
learned government regulations
against prison labor would ore vent
their being used. They will go to
Mound Landing, however, in case of
necessity, while national guardsmen
ai'O were being held In readiness to
—At least 53 persons were killed and
39 In lured in Northern Anatolia last
ni«*ht bv a disastrous earthouake.
The latest reoort stated 39 per
sons were killed and 33 injured at
Soucherni. near Sivas. Asia Minor
whil* 14 were killed and six iniured
in the region of Chabin-Arahlssar.
WASHINGTON. Mav 20—1/Pk—An
attempt by the “power trust” to buv
the press of the nation was charged
in th esenate todav by 8erator Nor
ris. republican. Nebraska, in review
ing testimony in th* federal trade
commission Jnauirv into newsnaner
investments by the International
Paper and Power company.
Railroad Upsets
Valuation Placed
By Commission
WASHINGTON. May 20.—VP)—'The St. Louis and O'Fallon railroad
1 succeeded in the supreme court today in upsetting the valuation which
the government had placed upon it for rate making and other regulatory
j purposes.
Justice McReynolds. who read the opinion, asserted the law required
Pres. Hoover Communicates
With Young; Action Caus
es Excitement
PARIS. May 20.—<AV-News that
the American government had tak
en a hand in the reparations tangle
has changed the aspect of things at
the experts’ headquarters.
It is generally felt it may alter
the whole course of the negotiations
and make posible a settlement of
which nearly every one had begun
to despair.
The American delegation to the
conference was stated to have re
ceived “through the usual channels’’
a communication from Washington
but no member was willing to make
any statement concerning it.
The news that Pres. Hoover had
communicated with Owen D. Young
through the American embassy
caused the greatest flurry in the
lobbies of the Hotel George V. since
the presentation of the German re
ply to the allied memorandum that
almost broke up the conference
three weeks ago.
Speculation started at once and
spread throughout the building as
to just what Pres. Hoover had pro
posed to the chief American dele
gate. The general assumption was
that the message authorized a re
duction in the American share of
annuities and the question that was
on every one’s lips was: "How
First Refueling
Of ‘Fort Worth’
Completed Today
PORT WORTH. Texas. May 20.—
UP)—The first refueling of the mon
oplane Fort Worth, piloted by R. L.
Robins and James Kelley, in an at
tempt to break the refueling endur
ance record, was completed at 6:30
a. m.
One hundred and ten gallons of
gasoline, four and a half gallons of
oil and food for the pilots wev
transferred to the flight ship by the
refueling plane at an altitude of
1800 feet. W. W. Hoffman and H.
P. Jones were aboard the refueling
The Port Worth had been aloft
19 hours when it was refueled.
COLD SPRING8, Tex. May 20 —
UP)—Allen Tanner surrendered to
officers here today and was charged
with murder in the death of O. E.
Price, who was shot to death at
Hill’s store. 16 miles west of here,
Tanner told officers he shot Price
after Price had threatened to kill
him and Mrs. Tanner.
Carey V. Hodgson, noted scientist
and assistant chief of the division of
Geodesy of the coast and Geodetic
survey, and his ten-year-old son
were missing today after being
caught in a storm yesterday while
. alone in a canoe more than a mile
! off Bay Ridge. Maryland, in Chesa
peake Bay.
CORSICANA. May 20.—UP\—Les
lie Wilkes, manager of a theater
here, and four other employees, were
at libert yunder bond again today
pending trial on violation of a law
which prohibits Sunday theater
shows in Texas. They were arrested
The arrests marked the fourth
consecutive week in which either
city or county oficers decided to try
to enforce the old law.
Wilkes and his assistant manager.
Terry McCarty, were acquitted a
week ago on one of the charges.
‘the commission to give considera
tion to reproduction values and that
this mandate of congress must be
The methods used by the Inter
state Commerce commission in val
uing the nine-mile-long St. Louis
and O’Fallon were condemned by
the court, which reversed the de
cision of the lower court.
The bitter controversy, waged for
years over the valuations placed by
the Interstate Commerce commis
sion on railroad property for rate
making purposes, was ended in the
highest court in a substantial defeat
for the commerce commission.
In ending the controversy the
court overturned ' the valuations
used by the commission for rate
making and other purposes w hich
are approximately eleven billion dol
lars less than claimed by the rail
roads. Under it the commission
must scrap its valuations of years,
conducted at great expense to the
government, and prepare new val
uations gijring consideration to .re
production values.
The opinion will, according to
government, result in a rapid up
ward revision of rates, although
counsel for the railroads during ar
gument of the case emphatically de
nied it necessarily would result in
higher tariffs. They asserted the
tz l-oads would be controlled by
what the tariff could bear. ——»
Justices Holmes. Brandeis and
Stone dissented.
Prospect of Storms Cause
Delay in Trans-Oceanic
Hop of French Plane
NEW YORK, May 20.—The
prospect of storms over the Atlan
tic for the next three days has
forced postponement of the start
of the French plane Bernard-191 on
a proposed flight to Paris.
Armend Lotti, Jr., sponsor of the
flight, said it was unlikely an at
tempt to start would be made for
three or four days. Rene Lefevre
and Jean Assolant are the pilots
of the plane.
Roger W. Williams with Lewis
Yancey and Kenneth Boedeckcr
were preparing to take off from
Teterboro airport. N. J., today for
Old Orchard. Me., from where they
plan to start a flight to Rome.
Ben Garza Elected
Leader At Corpus
By Latin Americans
(Special to The Herald)
Ben Garza was unanimously re
elected president for the year in
the closing sessions Sunday after
noon of the United La tin-American
Citizens’ association in its first an
nual convention at Allede hall here.
Mr. Garza had been appointed tem
porary president of the consolida
tion of the various Latin American
bodies on February 17, this year.
M. C. Gonzales was elected first
vice president; A. de Luna, general
secretary, and Louis Wilmot. gen
eral treasurer. The two delegates
from each of the local councils rep
resented automatically became
members of the supreme councir
under the constitution and by-laws.
Laredo was chosen as the con
vention city in 1930. The date was
set for May 1.
The Sunday morning session of
the convention here opened by
singing America. Addresses were
delivered by R. R. Gonzalez of
Corpus Christ!, and E. Idar of La
redo. The program was Intersper
sed with t vocal selection entitled
“In the Heart cf a Fool” by R. R.
Lozano A message was read from
C. E. Castena upon the survey of
Dr. Davis of Austin, on the Latin
Americans of Texas.
Upon the convening of the Sun
day afternoon session by President
Garza, five musical selections were
rendered by Prof. Revuetas with F.
Ramirez at the piano. Then fol
lowed the reports of the commit
tees. selection of officers and choice
of the convention place.
* * *
* * *
CHICAGO. May 20.—</P>—The
practice of Riverside (111.) cats of
having robins lor appetizers, blue
Jays for entrees and sparrows for
dessert has been brought to an
abrupt end by due process of law.
Alarmed by the growing death
list among birds, the suburb has
determined that henceforth all
cats must wear bells around their
necks, thus preventing their slip
ping up on unsuspected feathered
songsters and dining upon them.
Cats that are not so accoutred
will be executed nine times to
make sure.
Rumored That Colonel May
Take Off For Unannoun
ced Destination
NORTH HAVEN. Me.. May 20 —
(A*)—While newspapermen watched
today for confirmation of a rumor
that Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh
I might take off from the small land
ing field in front of the summer
home here of Ambassador Dwight
W. Morrow, prospect that the se
clusion of the Morrow family might
become even more firmly establish
ed appeared imminent.
The rumor was persistent that
the flying colonel, who arrived heft
Saturday in an amphibian plane
with Miss Anne Morrow, his fian
cee. and immediate members of the
family, might take off today cn an
unannounced destination. The
plane was near the house where
Lindbergh had taxied it after his
It was learned four plainclothes
men who acted as guards about the
Morrow estate, had discussed with
village officials the possibility of an
augmented special police force for
dutv around the grounds.
Lindbergh and Anne took a brief
ride around the island roads in the
Morrow beach wagon last night.
East Texas Tomato
Deal to Open About
June 1; Crop Good
'Special to The Herald)
TYLER, Texas. May 20—High
winds and rains visited most of the
East Texas districts towards the
close of last week and fear was ex
pressed that the tomato vines had
suffered greatly. Investigation this
week revealed that they had been
hurt but little. Most of the vines
were found in a flourishing condi
tion, were putting on bloom and
some were showing young tomatoes
as large as hickory nuts. With no
further happenings, the deal is ex
pected to open on schedule time,
around June 1, with probably some
very much advanced tomatoes out
by May 27.
As usual the green wrapped deal
will prevail. Shippers were getting
their packing sheds in readiness this
week. The indications were that the
deal will be drawn out longer than
usual. This was due to late plant
ings following a sequence of freezes,
the first of which killed most of the
tomato plants in the cold frames.
Some growers were delaved in get
ting plants to replace those which
had been killed and in this wav
plantings were drawn out much
longer than usual.
Wheat Averages Are
Higher Today After
Drastic Downturns
t -
CHICAGO. May 20—G7V-Wheat
average higher today, with con
siderable demand coming from
houses that asserted rallies were to
be expected after recent drastic
Opening at l-8c off to 1-8 a 1-4c
up. wheat latter sagged somewhat
but afterward scored gains all a
round. Corn, oats and provisions
well likewise firmer, with corn start
ing l-8c to l-2c higher, and subse
quently continuing to climb.
NEW YORK. May 20. (&>—'The
more car less friendly tussle between
New York and London for the up
per hand in world finance has cen
tered thus far around the stocks
of these concerns:
The International Nickel com
pany, Ford of England, N’Changa
Copper Mines, Limited. General
Electric. Limited and the Famous
Players Canadian corporation.
~ ’ Pictured above are the men who win be lb charge of the aemtopi of
the Texas State Medical Association convention here during the next
three days. They are. upper left. Dr. F. P. Miller. El Paso, president;
upper right. Dr. Holman Taylor, Fort Worth, secretary; lower left. Dr.
- D. H .Hudgins. Forney; lower right. Dr. S. D. Naylor, Stephenville,
vice presidents.
Statewide Drive on
Epidemics Urged in
Public Health Meet
A statewide campaign t# wipe out such communicable diseases as
diphtheria, smallpox, typhoid, etc., and forever prevent epidemics of such
diseases is considered an absolute necessity in the opinion of public health
doctors from every part of Texas, assembled in session at the State Med
ical association of Texas convention here this morning.
At the meeting, attended by about)
fifty health physicians, the exist
ence of conditions which permit
epidemics of these diseases was de
scribed as a "ciime.*1 in view of the
ease with which epidemics can be
The session was presided over by j
Dr. J. C. Anderson of Austin, execu
tive officer of the state board of
health. No definite program was
carried out. the meeting being
thrown open from the beginning to
Lack of sufficient funds for pub
lic health officials to carry on their
work efficiently also came In for
discussion at the session.
Dr. Anderson Presides
The meeting this morning was
opened by Dr. Anderson, who. aft
er a preliminary statement of its
purpose, called on Dr. W. A. King,
city health officer of San Antonio,
to tell what has been accomplished
there in the way of health work.
Dr. King, who is also a member
of the state board of health, first
deplored the lack of funds for pub
lic health work, mentioning the fact
that the budget of the state health
department. 6155.000. is only slight
ly larger than the budget of the
city of San Antonio. Such a bud
get. he declared, is entirely inade
quate to carry on the work that
must be done to achieve better
health conditions in the state as
a whole.
In discussing health work in
San Antonio he brought out that a
combined camoaign of the health
department, physicians, and news
papers resulted in immunization of
16.000 school children against diph
theria. with the result that an
epidemic now is impossible, and Iso
lated cases are few and far be
tween. Immunization against
smallpox has been carried on to
such an extent, he declared, that
cases are very rare, and an epi
demic is not possible.
Fumigation U •Bumromb*
In dealing with typhoid Dr. King
said that campaigns of immuniza
tion in San Antonio are not urged
to any great extent, because of
satisfactory sewer disposal systems,
and general health, which makes
it very rare for a person to con
1 tract a case of typhoid. Enforce
ment of health conditions in dairies
tContiaocd on page five.)
*« — j,. ^ ii-nH, "
• • •
Here's to your health, folks—sug
gested slogan for the slxt;-third an
nual convention of the Texas medi
cos. for not only are the scientific
sessions replete with health prob
lems. but the abundance of enter
tainment Is making everybody
The Junior College early Monday
looked more like a carpenters’ con
vention as booth after booth went
up for the varied displays of doctors
Easy to get around the convention
headquarters—placards in abun
dance. Who said physicians aren’t
Doctor Works. B. O.. B. L., B. M.
all working at their assignments.
Not only were the Boy Scouts run
v.ins errands but were getting in
structions in salesmanship, peddling
tickets for the prize fight at Fort
Brown Tuesday night.
And the Girl Reserves, under the
guidance of Mrs. Del Perkins, pag
i ing doctors who have congregated In
■ the secluded comers of the corri
Dr. W. G. McDeed of Houston
vice president of the Texas Radio
logical society, walks into the pres*
room, discussing blood count and
The school bell rings every 4i
minutes during the morning. Col
lege students are taking their final
examinations. Some may need first
aid. their teachers say.
Some groups look like nurseries
Mothers bringing babies to the der
matological clinic.
Mrs. Monger, president of thi
Cameron county auxiliary, and Mrs
W. J. Vinsant. both of San Benito
(Continued From Page Five).
Brownsville Radiates
Health As Record Is
Established In Early
Arrival of Medicos
Complete program for
Tuesday on Page Two.
Brownsville rad i a t e d
health Monday as the sixty
third annual session of the
State Medical Association of
Texas opened its four-day
meeting with more than 300
members and 100 visitors
registered at noon. While
the convention proper be
gins Tuesday morning with
a general meeting in the
auditorium of the Junior Col
lege. the first day’s sessions
of four associated groups
brought what officers de
clared was a record attend
ance of out-of-town members
for the first day.
Registration was to continue all
day Monday and Tuesday. with in
dications that the attendance artU
be even greater than estimated by
the Valley Medical society official
hosts of the convention Far two
hours Monday morning the regis
tration room was crowded with doc
tors and visitors obtaining their ref
ist ration badges, tickets for airplane
rides and passes to the large num
ber ot entertainment functions in
cluded on the convention program
“I am more than pleased with
what the local committees hare pre
pared for us.” Dr. Fell* P. Miller. D
Paso, president of the association,
told The Herald Monday We hare
had am vent ions in all parts of the
state, but I cannot recall a more
pleasant welcome nor a more whole
hearted co-operation of the host
group than we find here In
The first day of the convention
was purely social. With the excep
tion of the morning sessions of the
Texas RadlologicaLsociety, the Tex
as Railway Burgeons association,
the Texas Neurological society, the
Texas Dermatological society, and
a conference of the state health de
partment New officers of the four /
groups are to be elected this after
Discussions of insanity featured
the Nerologtca? society meeting, over
which Dr. John S. Turner of Dallas
presided. Forty-two clinical cases
presented by physicians of the Low
er Rio Grande Valley featured the
meeting of the Dermatological so
ciety. of which Dr. Sidney J Wilson
of Fort Worth Is president. Techni
cal discussions of surgery, with the
necessity of thoroughness "tressed,
featured the Railway Burgeons
meeting. The Rad to logical society,
of which Dr Davis Spangler Is pres
ident. revealed at its meetings the
newest developments In the use of
X-ray equipment for diagnosis and
treatment. Immunization In com
munities was the outstanding tope
at the public health conference.
While many members of the as
sociated groups remained
afternoon for the election of offerer?
and business sessions, most of them
Joined members of the Auxiliary far
a drive to Mercedes, erhere the
chamber of commerce, aided by the
Hidalgo County Medical society, waa
to act as official host to th- visitors
A barbecue supper Is to be served on
the Li&no Grande lake, near Mer
cedes at 8:30 p. m. Monday, with
the return trip scheduled to start
at 10 p. m. At 3:30 p. m.. those who
stayed for the business seawtiwM....
(Continued On Page Five )
■—"""' i ~
For Brownsville and the Valley
Fair or partly cloudy tonight and
Tuesday: warmer tonight
For East Texas: Increasing cloud
iness tonight; somewhat warmer in
south and west portions; Tuesday
cloudy; warmer in west and north
Light to moderate northerly to
easterly winds on the coast.
There win be a slight rise In the
river from Rio Grande City doom
during the next 24 to 48 hours
Flood PrcMtu *»-Br
Stag* Star* Chan Itaia
Eagle Pass .. 18 SO -0 4 JW
Laredo . 27 -04 *0 4 JM
Rio Grande . 21 4 6 -41 .88
Mission. 22 44 -44 .80
San Benito . 23 10 2 -48 A©
Brownsville . 18 53 05 .88
High and low tide at Point Isa
. bel tomorrow, under normal met- A
, eorological condition; §
High . 3:50 a. m; 1 82 p. m
Low.10:03 a. m . S 30 p. m.
I -
, Sunset today ... 7.12
Sunrise tomorrow .5:41

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