legal advertisement
Sealed bids will be received by the
County Auditor to June 3. 1929. for
the purchase of a No. 60 Cater
pillar Tractor. Specifications for
same may be obtained from Com
missioner A. V. Logan. San Benito.
Bids will be opened at 10 a. m.
June 3. 1629. at the meeting of the
Cameron County Commissioners'
Court. Court House. Brownsville,
Texas. The Court reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
J. J. BISHOP. County Auditor
_ 5-6-14-20-27-3420
In The District Court. Cameron
County, Texas.
Geo. Theo. Smith et al vs Santa
Helena Improvement Co. et al.
The State of Texas to the Sheriff
or any Constable of Cameron Coun
You are hereby commanded, that
by making publication cf this Cita
tion in some newspaper published
in the County or Cameron once in
each week for four consecutive
weeks previous to the return day
hereof, you summcn Herbert L.
Ennis. Elizabeth Ennis, a feme sole.
Minnie Graver Ennis* and husband.
Guy Ennis. Anna Graver and hus
band William Graver. Paul Ker
shaw and wife. Margaret Kershaw,
each residents of Fresno County.
California, the Brr.k cf Italy, a
Corporation of the State of Cali
fornia. whose residences are un
known. who are alleged to be non
residents of the Stat* of Texas, to
be end appear at the next regular
term of the District Court of Cam
eron County, to be holden at the
Court House thereof, in the City of
Brownsville, on the third Monday in
July. A. D 1929. the same being the
15th day of July. A. D. 1929. then
and there to answer a petition filed
in said Court on th? 10th day of
May. A D 1929, in a suit, numbered
on the Docket of said Court. No.
8500 wherein Geo. Theo. Smith and
wife, Maggie E. Smith are plain
tiffs. and The Santa Helena Improve
ment Company. Herbert L. Ennis.
Elizabeth Enn’s. Minnie Graver
Ennis and husband. Guv Ennis.
Anna Graver and husband. William
Graver. Paul Kershaw and wife.
Margaret Kershaw, and th* Bank
of Italy, a .Corporation. are defend
ants: the nature of plaintiffs de
mand being substantially, as fol
lows. to-wit:
Suit In trespass to try title to a
certain tract of land situated in
Cameron Countv. Texas, and des
cribed as being Lot No 295 and the
North ten acres of Lot No. 296 of
the San Benito Irrigation Com
pany’s Subdivision out of Share No.
One of the Espirltu Santo Grant
according to the Man recorded in
Volume 3 at pages 16-18 of the Map
Records of Cameron Countv. T-xas
Plaintiffs specially plead Thre*
Five, and Ten years’ Statute of
Limitations and allege ownership of
the land under the following con
veyances. to-wit:
Deed from Santa Helena Improve
ment Company to Geo Theo Smith,
dated December 15. 1917. and re
corded in Volume 53 at pace 624 of
Deed Records of Cameron County.
Deed from Geo Th Fmith et ux
to Herbert L Enris. dated Anril 2
1918. recorded in Volume 61 at page
320 of Deed Records of Cameron
Countv. Texas
Deed from H L Ennis et ux to
Minnie Graver Ennis, dated October
6 1919 ard recorded in Volum* 80
at page 360 Deed Records of Cam
eron County. Texas.
Deed from Herbert L. Fnnls and
wife to Geo Theo. Sm’th. dated Oc
tober 6. 1919 and recorded in Volume
94 at page 99 of the Deed Records
of Cameron County. Texas.
Deed from Herbert L Ennis and
Elizabeth Ennis to Elizabeth Ennis,
dated October 6. 1919. recorded in
Volume po at pace 717 of Deed Rec
ords of Cameron County. Texas.
Deed from Elizabeth Ennis to
Mrs Maggie E Smith, dated Sep
tember 9. 1920 recorded in Volume
93 at pace 39?. Deed Records cf |
Cameron Countv Texes
Deed from Mrs. Graver j
Ennis and huOvind. Guy W Ennis
to Mrs. Mac*ie E. Smith dat"d Fer
f*mber a. 1929. and recorded in
Vclume 93 t* pace 391 cf the Deed j
Records of Ceme-nn Fount*' Texas |
Deed from Mrs Anna Graver and
William Grave’- to Mrs. Maggie F
Smith dated September 9. 1920 and
recorded in Volum* ?4 at nace 98
of th* Deed Records of Ccm*ron
County, Texes
Deere* of D;vorr® Elizabeth Ennis I
vs Herbert L. Ennis. riat*d Febru
ary 7. 1920. end re-^rded in Volume
B at nag* 25 of the Divorce Min-;
ut*s of Cameron Co-»ntv. T-xas.
Deed from Geo. Thro. Smith pt
ux to Pen! Kershaw et a!, dated
April 1. 1925 and recorded in Vol
ume 134 at nag* 381 of th* Deed
Records cf Came-on County. Texas
Deed of Trrjt from Paul Kershaw
et ux to A v Logan, trustee, dated
April 1. 1925. and recorded in Vol- i
urae 41 at page 343 of the Deed of
Trust Records of Cameron County.
Paul Kershaw *t ux to Bonk of
Italy. Mortgage, dated April 11. 1925
«r.d recorded in Volume 14 at pag*
If You Suffer
With Headache. Lonmpatton. Indiges
tion. Bad Breath. P;mp!es and that
tired feelin*. TAKE-—
Grandma’s Tea
Vwn tm* r°**f •*u ,at4 * 4
im niifttTt fintml mtntat•l.o*.
fora smooth,
ntment*eiSkln Soar
L - .— ■ -■.. —.-.
General Motors Opens Un
changed; Others Up
And Down
NEW YORK. May 2g—//P>—
Mixed price movements took place |
at the opening of today's market.]
General Motors opened with a
block of 25.000 shares at 70 1-4. un
changed from last night's close.;
St Louis Southwestern and Colum-I
bia Gas showed initial gains of 1 3-4 ■
points each, and Coty advanced a ,
point. Yellow truck dropped 1 1-4 j
and Ingersoll Rand 1.
Some distress selling came Into!
the market overnight as a result of
.the impairment cf weakened mar-'
ginal accounts, but strong buying
support was provided for many of
the industrial leaders and the gen
eral market moved irregularly high
er in the early trading.
United Aircraft rallied 5 1-4
points. General Electric 3 1-2, West Electric 3 and Radio. Na- {
ttonal Cash Register. American Can. j
New York Central and Johns Man
ville snapped back 2 points or more
cn the release of selling pressure. j
U S. Steel common. General Mo
tors. Bethlehem Steel, Pan Amer- '■
lean B. Sears Roebuck. Anaconda ]
and several other recent favorites;
advanced a point or more
Bohn Aluminum dropped 3 3-4!
points to 110 1-4. the lowest price)
sine*4 it was listed on the 'big:
board” a few weeks ago. and then I
rebounded across 115. Adams Ex
press dropped 11 points to 490.
which compares with the year's high
of 750 Auburn auto drooped 5 1-2,
points and Yellow Truck extended
its loss to 2 points
Foreien exchanges opened steady.
«-i»h cab!*s unchanged a* $4.85.
The market closed strone. with
the day's sales approximating 4.
Air Mail Schedules
Th* schedule for the mall between
Brownsville and Dallas Is announced
by the postoffice department as fol
Leave Dallas . 7:45 a. m
Leave Ft. Worth . 8:15 a m
Leave Waco . 9 20 a m
Leave Austin . 10 25 a. m
Leave San Antonio . 11 ?0 a. m
Arrive Brownsville . 2 05 p. m
Leave Brownsville ........ l-?5 p. m
Leave San Antonio . 4:15 p m
Leave Austin . 5 10 p m
Leave Waco . 8 15 p m
Leave Ft. Worth . 7 15 p. m
Arrtve Dallas . 7 35 p. m
The schedule for the American air
mall to Mexico City Is as follows:
Leave BvovsfVtttn . 8:10 a m
Arrive Tampico .11:00 a. m
I^ave Tsmo'co .11:30 a. m
Arrive Mexico City. 1:45 p m
Following Is the schedule for the
Mexican nlr mall:
Leave Mexico City . 7:45 a. m
Arrive Tampico .10-00 s m
Leave Tampico .10 25 a. m
Arrive Brownsville .12 55 p.m
Following is the schedule on the
Brownsville-Maratlan Route:
Leave Brownsville . 7 a. m
Arrive Monterrey . 9 30 a. m
Leave Monterrey . 9 50 a. m
Arrive Torreon . 12 53 p. m
Leave Torreon ... 1:50 p. ra
Arrive Durango . 3 50 p. m
Leave Durango . 4 10 p. m
Arrive Maratlan . 8 10 p. m
Return trip:
Leave Maratlan . 7 00 a m
Arrive Durango . 9 00 a. m
Leave Durango . 9:23 a. m
Arrive Torreon . 1153 p. rv
Leave Torreon . 12:10 p ta
Arrive Monterrey . 3TO p m
l eave Monterrey . 4:10 p m
Arrtve Brownsville . 8 10 p tn
The United States air mall postage
rate Is 5 cents for the first ounce and
to cent* fog each additional ounce or
fraction thereof Letters mailed in
the United States for the points tn
Mexico take this rate.
210 of the Deed of Trust Records of
Cameron County. Texas
Paul Kershaw et al to Geo. Smi<h.
Trustee’s Deed dated July 6. 1925
end recorded In Volume 150 at pagt
3RR of the Pe*>d Records of Cameron
County. Texas.
Plaintiffs pray for judgment for<
title and possession of said land, fori
a writ of restitution, and other re
lief. special and genera!, in Jaw and
in equity to which they may show
themselves to be justly entitled.
Herein fail not. but have you
before said Court on the said first
dav of next term thereof this wri1,
with vour return thereon, showing
how you have executed the same
Given under my hand and seal
r' said Court, at office in the City
r! Zrownsrille. this the 10th dav of
Mav. A D. 1929
Witness. JNO. P SCANLAN.
Clerk of District Court in and
for Cameron County. Texas.
Bv M J McTiernan. Deputy.
A true Copy I Certify
Jno. P Scanlan.
Clerk District Ccurt.
Cameron Co.. Tex
Bv M J McTiernan.
In the matter of R W. Ogden.
No 279. In Bankruptcy.
To the Creditors of said Bankrupt: j
Notice is hereby given that on the
2Rth day of May. 1929. the said R.
W Ogden of Alamo. Hidalgo Coun- j
ty. Texas, was duly adjudged a
bankrupt, and the first meeting of
his creditors wil be held at the of
fice of Ira Webster. Referee In
Bankruptcy, in the Stegman Build- j
ing. Brownsville. Texas, on the 8th
day of June 1929. at Eleven <11*
A. M. at which time and place the
creditors of the said R. W Ogden,
bankrupt, may appear, prove their:
claims, elect a trustee, examine the j
bankrupt and transact such other1
business as may properly come be
fore such meeting.
Ira Webster.
Referee In Bankruptcy.
Da*ed May 28th. 1929.
— J— . ■■ :. - —.- I
(By the Associated Press, May 28;
New York:
Stocks strong; Atchison up 10 to
record figure.
Bonds easy; U. S. government Is
sues up improve.
Curb irregular; Illinois Pipe Line
drops 16 points.
Foreign exchanges steady: Span
ish peseta touches new 1929 low.
Cotton higher; unfavorable crop
Sugar easy; disapointing spot
Coffee declined: lower Rio mar
Wheat weak: improved North
west crop reports.
Com easy: bearish Illinois re
Cattle steady.
Hogs lower.
Wheat Continues On
Wild Toboggan; Oats
And Corn Also Down
CHICAGO. May 28—With
offerings free and only moderate
buying, wheat, com. and oats all
outdid previous low record prices
today in the early dealings. July
wheat, in which the trading was
mast active, dropped to below 1.00 ■
a bushel, rh-aling yesterday's per- j
forma nee of the May delivery.
Further rains in Canada and bigger
downturns in Liverpool wheat quo
tations t^an hart been anticipated
were depressing factors.
Opening unchanged to 1 l-4o off !
Chicago wheat later underwent a
further setback Com started l-8r
to 7-8c lower, rallied, and then fell j
again. Oats were irregular. Pro
visions tended downward.
Wheat closed nervous. 1 1-4 to
1 7-8? net lower, corn unchanged
to 1 7-8c off. oats 3-8 to 1 3-8ct i
down, rye showing 2 5-8 to 3 l-4c
drop, and provision sunchanged to
a setback of 20c.
■■ ■■■■ ■ ■
Livestock Prices
Take Slight Drop
On Chicago Mart
CHICAGO May 23 —/p—Hogs:
28 000; 25®.3fv* lower; top $10 90 for
200 lb. weights: packing mws 9 00®
Cattle: 9.000: calves: 3.000; top
$14.50; slaughter steers, good and
choice 950-1500 lbs. 13.35® 15.00;
cows, good and choice 950® 12 00;
vealers 'milk fed* good and choice
1200® 15.50.
Sheep: 14 009; 2.5c lower: soring
lambs good and choice 15 00® 16.50;
lambr. 92 lbs. down 12.25® 13 25;
ewes medium to choice 150 lbs*
down 6 00® 7 75.
NEW YORK. May 28 —uP*—For
eign exchanges stedy. Great Bri
tain. demand 4 81 1-2: cables 4 85
and 60-day bills on banks 4.79 3-4.
France, demand 3 90 3-4; Italy 5 23
1-16; Belgium 13 88; Germany 23 80;
Tokyo 44 40; Montreal 99 21 7-8.
WACO, Tex.. May 28—iyPi—Mrs.
Mabel Walker Willebrandt. assist
ant attorney general in charge of
prohibition enforcement read with
interest Associated Press dispatches
from Washington saying that she
had resigned, but refused to make
any comment on her action or re
veal her plans for the future. She
is here to receive an honorarv de
cree from Eayior university. Wash
ington dispatches said that her
resignation already was in Presi
dent Hoover's hands.
NEW ORLEANS. Mav 28—</P'—
Cotton opened steady Jan 13 51:
March 18.59; July 1845: Oct 1837;
Dec. 18.47.
CHICAGO. May 28—'^—Butter
Eggs lower: extra firsts 29 1-2®
30c; firsts 29c; ordinary firsts 27®
28 I-2e; storage packed firsts 31
l-4c: storage packed extras 31 l-2c. I
Easy Cables and Weakness
At New York Reflected
At New Orleans
NEW ORLEANS, May 28—<;p—
Cotton opened easy at a decline of
2 to 5 points. Acr ve positions sold
5 to 11 points down in early trading.
Weakness in L. vcrpool and a decline
in New York accounted for the ear
ly easiness here which carried July
to 18.42. October 13.35 and Decem
ber 1846
Towards the end of the first hour
the market was steadier under sup
port induced by general rains and
prices recovered 4 to 6 points.
The market continued to improve
on a forecast for continued show
erv weather. July trading up to
18 54. October 18.45 and December
18 60. or 12 to 14 points above th*
early lows and 1 to 9 points over
vesterday’s close.
Reports of further declines in
wheat caused values to ease a few
points about the middle of the
morning but towards mid-session
the market steadied again and ral
lied plmost to the highs on covering (
in advance of tomorrow s weekly
weather and crop summary.
NEW ORLEANS. May 23.—<JP'—
Cotton futures closed steady at net
advances of 10 to 20 points:
High Low Close Close
Jan.18 69 18 49 18 69-B 18 54
March.18 82 18 56 18 80-82 18 60
Julv .13 64 18 42 18 63-65 13.53
Oct .18 60 18 35 18.57-59 18 42
Dec.18 70 18 46 18 67-69 18.51
Opening: Jan. 18.51: March 18.59;
July 1845: Oct 1837: Dec. 1847.
NEW YORK. May 28—'^‘—Cot
ton opened steady at a decline of
5 to 11 points under a renewal of
near month liquidation which sent
July off to 18 36. or 12 points net
lower. But there was buying of
new crop months on unfavorable
weather reports. Prices turned
steadier after the early offerings
had been absorbed and rallied to
about yesterday's closing quotat.ons
by the end of the first half hour.
The rally from the opening de
cline carried the market up to 18 52
for July and 18 70 for December, or
4 to 11 points net higher. The
advance was checked by realizing,
and reactions followed. At mid-day
July was about 5 points net lower
at 1343 while later months w?re
2 to 5 points net higher.
LIVERPOOL May 28—vPi—Cot
ton-spot quiet; lower; American
strict good middling $10.92: good
middling $10.52; strict middling
$10 32: middling $10.12: strict low
middling $9 87: low middling $9.57:
strict good ordinary $9 17; good or
dinary $3 77. Sales 5.000 bales. 3
500 American. Receipts 25.000.
American 9800 Futures closed
steady: May $9 90: July $9 83: Oc
tober $9 79: December $9.77; Janu
ary $9 78: March $9 82
CHICAGO. May 28 — /P>—Poultry
fowls easv; balance steady: fowls
29??31c; broilers 36?5 44c; roosters
20c: turkeys 22?»30c: ducks 23?»25c;
spring ducks 30c; geese 15c.
Physically deficient women—women
who suffer unnecessarily from the com
mon ailments caused by that condition
—find real help in the building-up
properties of
St. Joseph’s
Dhe UJomanx Dome
Hcm ami
Con6 to oct
an auto nde
■ton\(^Hb }1
man *J^o
Ons one.
<-SJ-^ -—-,
Mildred Mitchell, newest Broadway star, keeps on front pages be
cause two producers have been claiming her under contract. Getting
her first stage experience with a Brockton. Mass , stock company
after coming from Oklahoma, where she was a school teacher, and
studying voice expression in Boston. Miss Mitchell reached Broadway
via stocks in New Orleans and Montreal On her upward climb she
wed Kenneth Macomber. Brockton orchestra leader.
Associated Press Photo
Ruth Hitchcock of Waterloo.
Iowa, was chosen by Flo Zieg
feld as the most beautiful girl
on Cornell college campus at
Mount Vernon. Iowa.
ITT rift iUA
Associated Press Photo
Icna Mull. 19. of Great Bend.
Kas., is the first girl to win a
scholarship offered by Marion
Tallev. A season of musical
study in New York awaits the
young soprano.
King George and Queen Mary of England, snapped close-trp depart
ing from Boenor. where monarch regained health for Wtrdaor Ca#‘>.
from which he had been absent nearly a year.
Ralph De Palma left, ence are of speed*avs and now at 46 bag nra?*
22nd year as race driver, has a “hard luck" cabfest with Tony Ou
lcn St-year-old speedway star, at Indianapolis speedway. In 1*12
De Palma was ahead in the international 500-mile race classic with
cnlv two laps to bo when his car broke down Last year Gulotta was
leading 17 laps from the finish when a cracked gas tank ended tils
chances for the big prise
I am employed by The Herald to give service to the
Valley people who use the Want Ads only occasion
ally. TTie folks with whom I deal, use Herald Want
Ads maybe four or five times a year—to sell some
odd pieces of furniture—hire a maid—or transact
the many little businesses that arise in every-day life.
These people aren’t regular day after day advertisers
and. seldom become experienced in the real psycho
logy involved in the writing of a Want Ad to get the
most ’ pulling power”—we call it—out of every word
in their message.
So, as I said before, I am employed to help thorn
to help you, reader, for I know that down in your
basement—in your attic or garage, there are stored
away many household articles which you no longer
use and which could easily be turned into east*—it
means your vacation money.
Let me help you word your Herald Want Ad. Let
me advise you what to say in it, and what not to
say. Let me help to get you results • • • •
3je SammsriOf ilerali Phone No. 8 j
Want Ad Headquarters