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‘Gin Mating' Will be Cut Short Under New Think-it-over Law 7 By RAYMOND BROOKS AUSTirty May 2*. j—'Gin mating" marriages will show a startling de- j . f!ine in Te tas. if the state has the tame extxrience as California when its ?w law rt quiring three days notice of intention to marry goes into effect ^er midnight June 12. ^liforry.a's hot-shot matrimony dwindled away overnight when they nru to i it it • time iu uuiiK it c^Blefore saying “yes." Com part^Mfe Texas of before and aft er maro.ftge rates is expected to dis close Aether charges are true that many marriages are thought up un der the promptings of hooch and » consummated on the spur of the moment. This *4as one of the claims made by sponsors who put the revolu tionary law over in Terra1;. The house members oJ the law makine body tacked on an amend ment Cat a man who proposes to marry must present a certificate from & physician that he is free from social disease. Governor Moody promri/y approved the law. Now county clerks arc armed with * new blank books, and are required to kergi on docket for at least three days, and not over 30 days, signed and rri.orn declaration cf intention to mclrrv. before license can be is sued. I Goo tors likely will charge pros pect vjc bridegrooms the nominal fee of ti or $3 for the examination, it was;said here. County clerks were authorized to increase the charge for i/he license from $1.50 to $2. TM? law is brief and pointed. It barred the ‘emergency clause." but was Sot enacted by a sufficient vote fo msike it effective back in March rvhcki it was enacted. This law de clares; itself with much less legal verbiage than many statutes, as fol It enacted by the legislature of tfce state of Texas: •'flee. 1. That Art. 4604 of the revised civil statutes of the state of Trias, adopted at the regular ses sion of the 38th legislature. 1925. be and the same is hereby amended 80 «s to read as follows: Hlrt. 4804. License. Persons who desire to marry shall procure from the’county clerk a license directed to all persons authorized by law to celebrate the rites of matrimony. (“Art. 4604-A. For the purpose of ascertaining all the facts required tnidrr the statutes, the county clerk, i at the time the license is applied [ for^ shall examine the applicant or applicants for the license under oath as to age and residence, which shall be reduced to writing by the county clerk and subscribed to by the applicant or applicants. In case of either party is absent when the application is made, an affidavit shall be made by a person other i than the contracting party as to and residence of the absent Said affidavit to be filed hPVc ounty clerks office. i 4604-B. Application for li cense shall be made, at least three i and not more than 30 days before : the license shall be issued. Imme diately upon receipt of an applica tion for a license the county clerk ahall have recorded in a book kept . for that purpose and marked ‘No tice of intentions to marry.’ and after the expiration of three and not more than 30 days after the sign i ing the notice of intention to marry, I the county clerk may issue said li cense. “Art. 4604-C. Before the county clerk shall issue any marriage li cense the man shall produce a cer tificate from a reputable licensed physician to show that he is free L from all venereal diseases. B “Section 2. The fact that this iflact creates an emergency and an m San Antonio Man r Gained 15 Pounds •'For fifteen years I had serious trouble with my stomach. It sim ply revolted at food and after eat ing I would have sharp pams, fol lowed by terrible headaches and I dizziness. My kidneys also both i ered me and caused severe back aches. I also suffered with consti pation. I became very anxious and nervous when every kind of treat ment failed to help me. I lost (• weight and strength until I was ut terly discouraged. MACK M HANIGAN. •The results from Sargon ifi my case were remarkable. My stomach is soothed and I can enjoy my meals arlthou* a sign of Indigestiin. head aches or dizziness afterwards. I have no more trouble with my kid neys and the backaches are gone. My es are steady. I sleep better and^fcake feeling refreshed and fit for my daily work. My old time strength and energy returned and I feel better in every way. “Sargon Soft Mass Pills is the only medicine that ever gave me permanent relief from constipation. T will be glad to tell anyone who asks me more about the wonderful i Breceived from this wonderful ' int.” ibove statement was made by if. Hanigan. 106 Toole Place. >. 1, San Antonio, in may be obtained in ville from Cisneros Drug In La Feria from Malone icy; in Sar. Benito from Pal irmacv; in Los Fresnos from Drug Co. and in Rio Hondo io Hondo Drug Store.—Adv. ft impressive public necessity, demand ing that the const.tutional rule that all bills be read on three several days in each house, be suspended, and that said rule is hereby sus pended, and that this act shall take effect and be in force from and aft er date of its passage, and it is so enacted.” The notice of intention forms in dicate that though the wording of the law apparently requires at least i one of the contracting parties to be present when the notice of inten tion to marry is given, that the no tice may be filed by a third party on behalf of the contracting couple, or by one of the contracting pair and another person, or by both the contracting parties appearing to ■ gether. When a youth without parent or guardian seeks a marriage license, he is required to secure‘a certificate , from his county judge authorizing him to receive the license. ________ r Flashes of Life I (Ey The Associated Press.) j iBy the Associated Press) EDINBURGH. — The original I Gretna Green is threatened. The | general assembly of the Church ot j Scotland nas lormally asked the government that a commission in | vestigate irregular marriages. The j Duke ci Montrose told the assembly i there were 9.000 irregular marriages j in Scotland last year. For hundreds I of years the village of Gretna ; Green, just this side of the Scottish border, has been the mecca of elopers. All that is necessary is for I a couple to declare In tne presence I of witnesses their intention to j marry. NEW YORK—For taking a pig | for a taxi ride Stephan Dunstan is out one fish. He did it to oblige his butcher friend. Leon Weil, who owns the porker and wanted him to I have an iring. Such a crowd gath j ered around Steve's taxi and his I passenger on Riverside Drive that I a policeman took action. Steve was 1 fined $1 for disorderly conduct. BUCHAREST. — Three hundred Rumanian-Americans visiting here have decided to undertake to erect a hospital bearing Woodrow Wil son’s name in acknowledgment of his share in uniting Rumanians into cnc kingdom. LONDON—In the opinion of the Rev. C. H. Blois Bisshop, vicar of a church in Hertfordshire, it is just as bad for a woman to enter church with her head uncovered as it would be for a man to enter with his hat on. Therefore he has ruled that wreaths of flow’ers worn by bridesmaids are insufficient; they must have veils or hats. Day In Congress (By the Associated Press) Tuesday: House concludes consideration of tariff bill. Senate continues ccnsus-reappor tionmcnt debate. Negotiations for adjustment of farm relief conference deadlock continue. Senate rules committee considers amendments to open sessions for discussion of presidential nomina tions. Counsel for William S. Vare pre sents final arguments in contest for senate seat by William B. Wil son. Senate Interstate Commerce Commission committee continues hearing on federal communications commission proposal. House ways and means committee select final list of amendments to tariff bill provisions. Monday: House adopted tariff bill antend ments. Senate continued cefcus-reappor tionment debate. Paul Mallon. United Press cor respondent refused to divulge source of Lenroot roll call "leak" to senate rules committee. Congressional leaders attempted to negotiate adjustment of differ ence over debentures between sen ate and house farm bill conferees. Senate confirmed appointments of Charles Evans Hughes. Jr., as solicitor general, and Dwight F. Davis as Philippine governor gen eral. Senate Interstate Commerce Committee heard charges "radio trust” was engaged in “patent rack eteering” to create monopoly. Senate manufacturers committee, reversing position, voted to conduct textile labor investigation Itself In stead of trade commission Sen. Heflin, democrat. Alabama, read a letter saying assassins were enroute to Washington to kill him. Masonic Services Held For Bullock Monday Afternoon Masonic funeral services were conducted here Monday afternoon for C. H Bullock who died sud denly Sunday after an illness of a week. Bullock was well known al though he had resided in this SPC* I 'ion only a ye?-. The decedent came here from Pittsburgh. Pa. He is survived by his wife, a small daughter. Margaret, his mother. Mrs. Suzan M Bullock, and a bro ther. Alfred, all of whom reside in Brownsville. The services were entirely Ma sonic. The last rites were held from the W. A. Darling undertaking estab lishment and interment was In the Buena Vista cemetery. VALLEY SHOULD ] RECORD BIRTHS Census Bureau Man Says Mortality Rate Would Be Reduced (Special to The Herald.) SAN BENITO. May 28 —The Low er Rio Grande Valley is going to show a much higher mortality rate than it deserves in the coming fed eral census as a result of failure to register births, according to Jesse T. Nicholas, special agent cf the United States census bureau. Nicholas was in San Eenito to day. after spending several days in Hidalgo county, and will be in the Valley a few days yet. working in the interest of better registration. He is working in cooperation with the state health department, and is being assisted in his campaign in this section by the county and city health officers. ‘This section has even poorer birth registration than other sec-! I tlons of the state, and Texas is be hind most other states of the union in this respect, Nicholas said. ‘ Since most of the deaths are recorded, the fact that a large number of births are not recorded will give the Val ley an undeser ed morttality rate, and particularly a high infant mor tality rate. “It is of importance ,in view of this, that the Valley become inter ested in tills matter, and see that ail births are registered.” Nicholas said birth registration also is of importance to the child, giving it opportunities that could never be secured otherwise, TYPHOON KILLS TEN IN PHILIPPINE ISLANDS MANILA, May 28——A mes sage to the executive bureau here to day frem the governor of Leyte province said ten persons were killed and 33 missing in a typhoon which struck the southern part of the province last Friday. The message said continuous rain had inundated six villages washed 15 houses away and damaged crops. Loes of life occurred at Socod and Antigua % CHINESE REDS TAKE MISSION — Americans Flee As Soldiers Take Dcctors-Missicn ary Prisoner AMOY. FUKIEN. China. May 28. —r.F—American missionary refu gees, attired in Chinese clothing as disguises, arrived here today from Luneyenchow where one of their | number. Dr. C. H. Holleman. was , made captive by communists May 23. The refugees said 2 000 commun ist soldiers attacked the missionary compound of the American reform ed Presbvtorian mission, shouting: *’Th? Russians are furnishing us with money and we are giving our lives. You foreigners are imperial ists.’ Provincial soldiers numbering 200 offered a futile defense, being final ly overpowered by the communists who razed the mission, and forced Dr. Holleman to come with them with the excuse they needed him to 'treat their wounded. The refugees said the attack was purely antl-foreign since no Chin ese houses were molested at alL SAN BENITO WOMEN TO VISIT AT HARLINGEN (Special to The Herald) HARLINGEN, May 27 —Scores of San Benito women are expected to be here Wednesday of this week for a joint meeting with women of Harlingen, the banquet having been arranged by the Harlingen Woman’s chamber of commerce. Problems of joint progress will be discussed. FORMER RESIDENTS OF BELL COUNTY IN MEET fSpeclal to The Herald) SAN BENITO. May 28— Former! residents of Bell county assembled: on the resaca near the San Benito pumping plant Sunday from all pa’ts of the Valley, for the annual c. *' cf the Bell county club. 1 First Services In New McAllen Church Planned For Sunday (Special to The Herald) I M’ALLEN, May 28 —First services in McAllen’s new $80,000 Methodist church building will be held Sun day morning, according to the Rev. W. N. Rader, pastor. Arrangements have been made for the Rev. Grady Timmons of San Angelo to preach the opening services in the new edi fice. The Rev. Timmons was pas tor of the church when construction on the new building was begun. Flemish oak pews that will give the main auditorium a seating ca pacity of 768 on the lower floor and 1£0 in the balcony are now being installed. Forty individual seats will be installed in the spacious choir loft. There are five similar auditoriums in the large building which will be used in various acti vities of the chureh members. An Installation crew will arrive about June 10 to Install the $7,000 3’lcher organ, the Rev. R?der stat ed, and special services will be held when that work is completed. RAIN IS AID TO EDINBURG CROPS especial to The Herald* EDINBURG. May H-Ore«lBf crops and other vegetation near Ed inburg and throughout Hidalgo county were greatly benefited by the heavy rainfall Sunday morning, according to reports hrnwjhf to gg. inburgh by farmers and others dur ing Sunday Rain started falling at Eclnhurs apd in this vicinity at ahorjt 1 11 a. m Sunday and continued *»«*«** without intermission until amass i a. m. The downpour was extremely heavy and the streets end gutters of Edinburg Elsa. Bdoourh. Pharr McAllen. Hidalgo. San Juan. Alamo, Hargtll and other Hktalra county cities and tillages were gutcfcjy flooded. The rain was accompanied by a strong brecse. which, however, did no damage to crops, so far as could be learned. NEW YORK OPENING NEW YORK May M.—-Cot ton opened steady. July 1*10: Ott. 18 37: Dec. 18 51: JtB. 1*33. March 18.83 The TOUGH EST TIRE in the WORLD - ♦ ..jP"* Hun(lr71 Eighty-Seven Million extra milea Firestone Gnm-Dipped Tiree are the without cost Firestone Gum-D.pped Tires hold toughest, strongest, most durable tires in the the greatest economy records ever made on motor world—tires that hold all world records for safety, vehicles. Actual records kept on over five thou- mileage, economy and endurance. TW.'tTf*f‘,u,ppef :ilbR^o-eCum-Dipped W? shall welcome .he opportunity to show you ronntrv L C aSSCT ° S"fV^e’5n every part of the how these savings can be vours through the bene more ^ miieaal sav,l,gs wl“ch mean at icast 33‘/a% fits of our service and Firestoue Gum-Dipped Tire*. er? SAVE YOU MONEY AND SERVE YOU BETTER .Lm.:s*»y ,.4-a,a.,si. s,& as: • c* is.ikaMUSil l&fHP-. SJH