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LATE MARKET REPORT TUUM. MOVCMILM—el^flU-CcriOA-^fcAlA—U%>EITOat~fUlLTKT~i>GGl COTTON GAINS DESPITE CABLES C«t«i of 2 lo 8 Points Is Rec orded Due to Contin ued Rein* NEW ORLEANS May 29 — /P, Catton opened steady despite die appointing cable* first trades show ing gain* of 2 Ur 9 (mints After reading a lew (joim* the mark*' firmed up under support influenced by continued reins July sold up to It and December 18 78 m it to 9 point* starve ycaterdag s close A*, the end of thur first hour the market wa* quiet and 9 to 3 (wliit* under the high* NEW * OR K May 20 \T Cot ton ripened steady at a declint of 9 point* to an advance of Z point* Relatively easy cable* weie offset by nimtIi of heavy ram* In the Aouthwaet and eyrieclattom of bull ish features in the weekly report of lt*e weathei buieaii Offerings were eomparefivelv light and the mark*' soon turned tinner with July selling up to 18 84 and De . r- itei to 18 8*. or to 8 pr-lnt.- nrf his h*r The advance met some realizing however and reactions of 1 or 4 point* ant reared by the end of the first half hour Realising he. am* a little more a< five aflai nublit ation of the wceklv report of the w-eather bureau I tils was considered bullish However (he market sold off to 18 48 for July and 19 89 for December dutlng the middle of the morning or about 0 to 19 points net low*! Pricey at mtddav showed rallies of some 4 or A points from the lowest 1.14 felt Pool. M*(1T UVWPOOI Mav 39 P CO ton spot gtwal hu*lne*s done high •r American all let good middling 11 88 good middling ttr» «M», strict middling Ift 48 middling to 30 strict low middling 9 98 strict good ordinal v 9 34 good ordinary 9 94 Rales 8 000 bales 7 400 Ameri can Receipts 14 000 American S.* 980 Futures quiet Mae 9 93 Julv 9 84 October 9 84 IV camber 9 83, January 9 84 March • 99 FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK Mav 39 f- Fvm •tgn eschangea fttm Cheat Hr item demand 484 9 18 cables 484 ! 20 •8 dav Kills on banks 4’9 13- 1R France demand Jit' W-4 Hah 4 33 flelgium 13 98 Oermanv .*4 33 u Tokyo 44 44 Montreal 99 34 Hog* Steady To Strong, Sheep Lower on Mart CHICAGO. May W Hegt 20400; steady to atranf top lor 165-220 lb weight*; packing csvt 9 0(1# 9 66 Cattle h.000 cahet; 3.0U9 •daughter *te*r* good and «hev * 960# 1600 lb* 13 VI# 16 26, COW! *OOd and choir* 940$ 12-08 aaalart' < milk-fad t g**jd and choice 12,00# 16 00 Sharp' 13 000 2%f. lower; .spring lambs 16.25# 16 35 Iambi 12 0t<# 15,00 KANIAH CITY May 23 - Mugs 19400, shunt to 15< higher, ' top HOW on 190-230 lb* Cattle ft 000; culver 1,000: i steady; siaugh’er steers good and choi*e 960 1800 lbs 1249# 14 7ft coae good and choir* 9 5091290; vaaien < milk-fed > medium to choice ft 60913 50 hheep 5 000 sprint* !»mbi 14 00 9 15 50; lambs <92 lb* down) 1100 * j 12 26. ewe* 4 25*/6 00 GOVMtNMIlNT HONDA r-rw YORK Mav 59.—dw. rrnment bonds Liberty 3 1-2 32 4? 6'*t 10 lit 4 1 4. $91 1ft 4!h 4 1-4 1999 27 Treason 4 1-4 47-v? *100 22 4s, 44 54 6103 19> 3 3-4. 49 69. 6IMI29 CHICAGO CftNtl GRAIN CHICAGO Mmv 2» <T\ Wheat No 3 hard 101 1-2, No 2 mixed 99 Corn No 4 mixed fll 1-2; No 21 yellow ftftbftd On’* No 2 while 43 3-49 44 fam pie grade 39 1 2 HI TIKH AND KGGS CHICAGO. May 29—<75 Butter unchanged Kg** lower; extra first*. 29*29 I 2. ftr-ts 3ft 1 -2; orditinrv firsts 3« 1-3457 1-2 storaee parked ftnt.s so 3 4. storage packed extras 3t 1-4 I’OtT.TR Y CHICAGO May 20 V’ Poultry Meads; fowl* 2ft 1-59*39 1-2. broil-1 t*i*. 44 roosters 50 turkevs 2_* 39 I duck* 20 tt 2ft; spring ducks 39. geese lft R11 1 Mil.I * R«i HI I T OAl-VrrrON Mav 30 f Two executive sessions «**er on the pro gram cl the Rice Millets' a.- **• a tlon In convention here todav Th" first oi*en sessions are scheduled for tmorrnw a* which tune P R B**r taml president of Crow ie* V % make hi* annual ad •»>*- re port* will be adopted and officers elected NIW YORK OrrNTNG NKW YORK May 20 V -Cot ton opened 'Viit. Juh ’ft SJ Oct 1*71 Pee 1990; Jan 13 78. March 18 ft > STOCKS SHOW NEW STRENGTH Several I*tu*a Gaining In Recovery F rom Recent Money Scare VET YORK Ms-V 29 — F —The recovery irs nock prices which wrt in \f:.*.eroay was resumed at the open ing of today** stock market. Proapects of a huge decrease in brokers’ loan' this week, coupled with indications that the month end * money squeeze1" may not be an bad as predicted, helped to re vive confidence in the market. Public utilities in several of which important developments are reported to be {tending ’ rre again In the forefront of the advance. Commonwealth Poacr quickly ran up more than 7 points to a new peak at 181 7-8 and American Wa ter Work* raised it* high to 193 1-4. up 4 9-8 United Corp, Co lumbia Ga.\ public service of New Jer**r. American Telephone and American and Foreign Power were ruahed up a point or more before th** end of the first half hour. Atchison ran‘into some profit tekinc after it* spirited advance to a new hiah record yesterday, but other rills were In good demand. Case Threshing, which dropped to a new 1929 low at 393 1-2 vester dav. ran im nearly 13 noints above !a*t night’s closing price to 327 Commercial Solvents extended its gain to S points and Warren Bros . United Airrraf' and Rtromberg C«<d><jr***nr sold 3 or more points hie her. Forclcn exchanges oneneri steady, with cables unchanged at 8185. Liverpool Quotes Hc!r> Wheat Prices To Gain Some Today CHICAGO. Mav 29 V— Wheat scored substantial gains in price here cwriv today heloeri hv an un-I rxnccted unturn m wheat quotations it Liverpool Opening at a shade decline to l-8c jam. Chicago wheat later rose all around Corn oats and provision* develoned strength too, with corn !-»••* ♦ 1-** off to 5-3c up and utb 'r>qufntly showing a general ad vance NEW ORLEANS OPENING NEW ORLEANS Mav 29 — ,T* - Cotton ooenc"* need** Jan 19 72 h-d: Merirh ’9 82: Jn’v 19 53: Oct 18 59. Dec 18 72 TOSSES JAVELIN FOR NEW RECORD j 1- - A new intercollegiate record in the javelin throw has been set by Em ery Curtice of the University of California He recently tossed the spear 2-S feet 9 '*» inches, more than four feet better than old record. CHAMP FENCER Associated Press Photo F S Risheimer, Jr. of Chicago, is captain of the Yale university fenctnc team which won the in tercollegiate champion ship. v LET ME HELP YOU WORD YOUR WANT AD I am ompivyed by Tbe Herald tv gty* service tv the \ alley people who vim* A is estly ecvaoMMt ally. The folks e*th %bvm l tie*', um» Herald W*a£ Ads maybe tear vr Hee :*mem a rear-—«v ted tome odd xece* o# ntreifcure—hire a ma d*_or traituact tile many bfctie busmewtea that *na* it svery-dky life. THeM* people areo t regular day after ^ay advertisers and seldom become taper emcee n the real psyche logy *t%v»ved *lt the er^fcmg or m W mitt Ad too gy*t the mvsc “puihitg oowe* '—we eali ib—out o£ saery word (ft the*!* message. * So, as l utid intnm, l tm •mptoyed to halo them— to help you. r-inder, for £ know that down in your :Aa«rm*nr—*n your attic xr garaito, there *ee Oor<«d •way uunv inucahoid article* which you no ion«or xm» &ud which could antrilv bo turned in*o canh—it ! Tieaiia «our ’-tear;on nonwv Last ne help you word your Herald Wamf Ad Lot me admae you what m <av in it, and what not to say. Let me help on fat you naautts , ill , i .1 [1 5kt finroiHiuk ilrrald Fhwltj Want Ad Headquarters B _____ ALL READY .IH>I uM This very unsophisticated-ap pearing young person Is none other than Dolores Costello, or as her studio chair says, "Mrs John Barrymore.” all dressed up for her role in ‘‘Madonna of Avenue A.” Sunkift Seeks BHt Way to Spend Large Advertising Fund Spec a! tc* The Herald' LOS ANGELES May * —Ho* to most wisely expend the funds ap propriated for the purpose of bring ing back to the grower the greatest possible return for his fruit is the chief concern of the advertising department of the California Ftuit Growers Exchange This in sub stance. is the declaration of W. B Geissinger. adverting manager of the Exchange :n the annual Sun kist Advertising and Merchandising Plan Book distributed throughout the Exchange organization and to the trade to acquaint them with what co-opera non the Exchange is giving in the effort to increase the sale and consumption of citrus fruits. This year's appropriation, based on crop estimates and barring crop disaster represents an investment of SI .682.000 It is explained that the total appropriation gained from the assessement of 5c a box on or anges and grapefruit and 10c a box on lemons, is 'expended in these proportions: 77 5 per cent for con sumer advertising. 18 IS per cent for trade work and 4 37 per cent for administration purposes Classified as to fruits, the appropriation is expected to be about as follows Oranges *1544,265. lemons *549.124 and grapefruit *28 549 5 Floridans Held In Violations of Immature Fruit Law (Special to The Herald* BARTOW. Fla. May 3ft — Five men accused of violating the laws of Florida in regard to the move ment of immature fruit were before the Polk county criminal coure. in this city. Monday of this week and the trials for four of them were set for the present term of court and one wTas continued. George Williams, manager of the Winter Haven Growers Association charged with shipping immature fruit was called to tral May 8 L Maxcy. Frostproof and C. A. Ste wart. foreman of the Maxcy plant at Frostproof, will be called May 30. J. A Hendry. Arcadia, a state inspector will be tried May 24 for alleged acceptance of a bribe The trial of W L Fox. an other inspector also accused of ac cepting a bribe was continued CALL MONTI NEW YORK. Mav 29 —Call money steady; all loans 6: closing bid 6; time l^ans easier: mixed tri lateral 60-90 davs 8 3-h*i9c; 4-6 months 8 1-2® 8 3-4c: prime mer cantile paper 6 Bankers acceptances unchanged BAG OF GOLD Virginia Hogan. IS. return* to Omaha. Neb, uith a ft nco bug of gold, first prlw* in firth an nual National Spelling Bee. held at Washington. D C. A NEWCOMER Voa po*o of Walter HuMon » ho ram* to tho nnorn to play ro!r of a no-vananorma n MEASURE NOW GOES OVER TO UPPER HOUSE WAMXKQTOIt. Mr S* .•'#' Ttw Hou*» Mil **•*« **»* MS and arm «t to \t» aonaia T> H’t> 354 1? ' » * Imncg til ~ jh ft riii t %■ wit i|® ini ttartac on fatal ra*aa«a •*' M* MU aa%g| I111 ill 14$ !► f»r 1M* idhmcnt of til# taftfl «na*»:ii»».K» an*» :«x* 1 of ?ho ** pro wan of ilia tariff law had Nat dafaatad H> The A—i*ciate4 fraaa Wedneaiay Senate meet* at noon to ctHtUttu* «mk on cen*u» reappnmnnim n» bill House meet* at I p m to take an mteceitanetmt bate- on calendar Taewla* House passed ta: iff Ml Senate reported alien es. amendment to eMMhdNnpftetfMMb1* met * bill Senate reached * freemen* to list oft debate on renew* Ml af*et .* m tortav Congressional leader* induatet promreaa toward rndm« det*an»*»»» deadlock between senate amt ho**** farm bill conferee* THE STATE or Tf X AS t COUNTY or fAMIBON I To all petnwma indebted m ot hold ms claim* again** the e«ta*» of S C. Tucket, de, ea*ed The undersigned, ha*tng been duly appointed admteilatratm nf the community ea-tat# nf hermit and her husband.. N C Thcber de ceased. late nf Cameron count*. Tea at, *>% Oe»r C leaner Judge of the countv cow * of *atd *»»**, on the Slat day of Mar. MSI tier* ■ bv not lfie., all pet ton* Indebted to said rotate to come forward aod and make aettlemen* and th-«» having ctetim again** the e**at* •« present them to her wit fin* *b» time prefer theft bv law a* her resi dence m Hrwwdib cemetnn coim*r. Team* where the rec#* wa her mall Wtfneaa my hand the jT*h dwr nf \f m * I ANNIE TtU Admtntetrt trls of the Communde foes of S r Tucker Dacewaad _.. . ,. | g| m m . . ... |.■ MMRW...-.... why If “reader preference” • I LEAVING? ; *’••**» » ""‘'It whit rite entire Viliev trHIe tMVt fone on rttaf csration itv Hawing Ir -•* •««» e ■»* .fast i»lvee Vtmther 19— Ctrmlation rVepartment, Brmmarffle—or cal! tit# local dealer hi roar town. TV trend of reader preference in indicated hr the om tinually mounting net paid circulation of The Brown*, nil* Herald—and now it more than double* that of an? yther publication in the entire Valley! In The Herald you get. a complete chronicle of both local and world-wide new*—feature *torie*—ro»»e r.r.p*—together with representative *d*erti%#m»n»* ’roin various firm* of th* Villev and national ad»»r. ,ts«r». keeping you in touch with the product* and prkau of the time*. FEATURES FOUND EXCLUSIVELY IN “THE HERALD” INCLUDE: 'BELIEVE IT OR NOT cartoon* l*y Ripirt. A fea ture found only in the more metropolitan new*. H. L PHILLIPS—Daily column. 4 The One* O**?. DR. ROYAL 3. COPELAND—On * Health «nd R fbt Lining * WINIFRED BLACK—An entertaining writer an teptm of intermit, tu everyone. HVE DAILY COMIC STRIPS—The Gump*, Prmmure Pet*. Etta Suit. Gudty Morn*. Muggn McG'nm*. MORE ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS STORIES—TV Herald pMMPs mure than SAA mnr* 4 wtra steam titan iir? other Valiev puhiirannn m own week. COVERAGE OF VALLEY NEWS—JR >’orr**pnud*u+* j % in ^arnus part* of the Valley. MORE SPORTING NEWS AND ILLUSTRATED V FEATURES. I JA TO m PAGES MORE EVERY WEEK. I 3 SUNDAY COMICS. A