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See Opportunity To Expand West Texas League To 8 Clubs BROWNWOOD, Texas. May 30.—UP)—Baseball fans of Brown wood and Bweetwater see in the disbandment of the Lone Star league an excellent opportunity lor expansion of the West Texas league into an eight-club circuit with these two cities the added members. While neither citj is strongly inclined to place a team in the field on wn initiative, noth would wei their incorporation as ' farms" exas league clubs that lost out when the Lone Star went under. Disbandment of the East Texas Icop left many capable class D players without Job*, sufficient to ma^e up two strong teams here and at Sweet water. That the "firm" plan is t paying proposition has been well proved this season by Jie Wichita Falls Spudders, who own the AbOene franchise in the West Texas league. While the aces generally are be lieved to have cost President Alvin Oardner of the Spudders some money for maintenance, thev have more than paid him back In play ers produced. Andrews and Sullivan. Spudders regulars at present, are products of the Abilene farm San Antonio, which ramrods the Coleman club, has the Bobcats to thank for Harold Carson, one of their leading pitchers this year, and Karl Kott. their rookie utility man. CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS TO HAVE CONVENTION Galveston. May 30—The 1929 supreme biennial International convention of the Catholic Daugh ters of America will open here July 2, with solemn pontiflcial high mass, according to Mrs. Louis Poth of Yoakum, state regent and general chairman of the arrangements com mittee, and Mrs. George Sawyer of Galveston, local committee head. A brilliant reception and banquet function Monday night. July 1. will be the first of a series of elabor ate social functions during conven tion week. Outstanding members of the Catholic helrarchy and Inter national leaders of Catholic women will head the list of speakers on the banquet programs Addresses and music will be broadcast over an extensive hook-up. RACE LINEUP INDIANAPOLIS. Ind. May 30.— CF)—The official lineup for the an nual 500-mlle race follows: Position Car Driver 1 8 Cliff Woodbury —x Boyle Valve Special. \ ' 3 31 Leon Duray. —x Packard Cable Special. 3 18 Ralph Hepburn 4 32 Babe Stapp —Spindle-Miller Speoial. 8 37 Pete Depaolo —x Boyle Valve Special 8 2 Ray Keeeh —Simplex P R Special. 7 9 Blllv Arnold —Boyle Valve Special. 8 1 Louis Meyer —Miller Special. 9 26 Deacon Lltz —Rusco-Durac Special. 10 12 Russell Snowberger —x Cooper Special. 11 23 Tony Oplotta —Packard Cable Special. 13 10 Bill Spence —Duesenberg Special. 13 3 Lou Moore —Miller Majestic Special. 14 6 Louis Chiron —Delate Special. 15 35 Jules Morlceau —xx Thompson Product* Special 16 38 Johnnv Seymour —x Cooper 8pedal. 17 4 Pete Krels —Detroit Special 18 17 Phil Shafer —x Miller Special. 19 8 Bob McDonogh —x Miller Special. 30 47 Ernie Triplette —Duesenberg Special. 31 42 Freddie Wlnnal * —Duesenberg Special. 22 34 Fred Frame —x Cooper Special. 23 83 Jimmy Gleason —Duesenberg Special. 24 49 Wesley Crawford —Miller Special 25 43 Carl Merchese —Marches Special. 26 36 Frank Farmer —Miller Special. 27 31 Herman 8church —Miller-Armacost Special 26 46 Sued Oardner —Chromollte 8pedal. 29 28 Frank Brisko —Burbach Special H )9 Rlehcliffe Decker —Miller Special. 21 27 Bert Kematz —x Richards Bros Special. 22 36 Cliff IBergere —x Armacost-Miller Special 33 48 Bill Lindau —Pittsburgh-Miller C.^ecUl x—Front drive motor*, xx—Six cylinder motors (Note: All Other entries straight eights). Major League Leaders (By The Associated Frees' Including games of May 29: \ National \ ,Ratttn*—O’Doul. Philltea. .422. S / ms—CTDoul. Phillies; Douthit. 1 High. Frisch. Cards. 55. i Runa batted In—Hafey. Cardinals. M Doubles—Frisch, Cards. 17. •jYtpjes—L. Waner. Pirates, 6. Homers—Ott, Giants. 11. Stolen bases—Cuyler. Cubs. 11. pitching—Grimes. Pirates, won 8. lost 0. American Batting—Foxx. Athletics, .424. )Runs—Gehrlnger, Tigers. 38. Hite—Oehringer. Alexander. Ti ffCrfS SB* Runs batted In—Simmons. Athle tics. 43. Doubles—Alexander. Tigers. 17. Triples—Blue. Browns. 5. Homers—Gehrig, Yanks. 11. Stolen bases—West. Washington. * Pitching—Uhle. Tiger*, won 3. *** V * * Courts. 1 (Furnished by Valley Abstract Co.) j Cameron County J. M. Wroten et ux to C. 8. Wro ten. 50 acres of section 24, George- . town R. R. survey; also 50 acres in I section 24. Georgetown R. R. sur-! vey. deeded to Martin, $7000. J. M. Wroten et ux to C. 8. Wro ten. 10 acres section 24. Georgetown R. R Co. survey; also 5 8 acres out of S. \>. portion section 24. George town R. R. survey. 810. G. A. Mason et ux to Frank P. j Hynds. east half lot 4, block 17. con taining 5 acres San Benito Land and Water Co. Concepcion de Carri citos grant. 810. The Al Parker Securities Co. to Mrs Effegene Hillock, north 7 acres block 132. Hooks and Hodges sub division 2. La Peril grant, plat 5-13, $2975 The Al Parker Securities Co. to Charles O. Backey et ux. north 5 acres, block 2. El Toron)al subdi vision. La Feria grant. $2125. A. J. Chew to Timothy Joseph Di neen. lot 5. block 4. Nicholson How ell addit*cn. Harlingen. $10. H. C. Harding trustee, to Cuates Development Co., lot 3. containing 17.87 acres, block 7. Citrus Gardens Subdivision, share 27, Esp. Santo grant, $10. Cuates Development Co. to Fred erick Scheiden et ux. lot 3, contain ing 17.87 acres, block 7. Citrus Gar dens subdivision, share 27. Esp. San to grant, plat 8-5. $5361 Port Isabel Co to Mrs. Nellie Skelton, lot 15. block 118. Port Isa bel. $3300. A F Parker to C. 8. Thomson, al! farm tract 76. Coast Land Farms subdivision 2. Buena Vista Grant. 43.68 acres. $10. A. F. Parker to C. S. Thomson, east 20 acres farm tr*ct 123. Coast Land Farms subdivision 2, Buena Vista grant. 810. Mrs. Ethel M Nowlin et vir to E. L. Ray. lots 4 and 5. Starbuck acre age. survey 26. $10. Lydia Mitsch et vir to E. L. Ray. lots 17 and 18. block 67. O. T. Santa Rosa. $10. A. T. Potts to Frances Opal Potts, farm block 102. and north 1-2 park lot D. Rio Hondo park. $10. F. G. Collins et ux to Henry H. • Parks, lots 1. 2. 3. 5. block 1. Collins Patty subdivision of lot 3 and part lots 1 and 2 of J. F Ratliff subdi vision of block 20. San Benito Land ai%’ Water Co.. $10. Forrest W Runnels et al to O. H. Mack, lot 5, block 2, third addition, San Benito. $10. Arroyo St. Bank to M Q. Peigler et ux. block 60. Espiritu Santo Irri gation Land Co.'s subdivision, share 1. Espt. Santo grant. 10 acres, 810 Marcelino Vasquei et ux to Leon ides Lopei. lot 22. block 33. on south •"J* of Mesqu avenue. In Rio Hondo. WvO. Wm. L. Tedford et ux to George Stavely. south 10 acre of north 20 04 acres, block 36. Collins subdivision. (La Feria grant, plat 3-19: south 4.10 acres of north 8.41 acres, block 41. La Feria Land and Irrigation La Feria grant, plat 1-35. $10. Wm L. Tedford et ux to David Bremner. north 10 acres of south 20 acres, block 36, Collins subdivision La Feria grant, plat 3-19. $10: north 4.13 acres of south 8 09 acres of block 41, La Feria Land and Irrin* tifn Co., plat 1-35 .810. Hidalgo County 10 Pedro Reyes, lot 13. block 65. Mercedes. $135. Laura E Summers to Lenora V Hudson, lot 4, block 44. Weslaco. $10. Clyde Tennis Land Co. to Frank Blrchmeler et al. east 7 85 acres of block 215, La Blanca. $10. American Land Co. to Reece P. Clark, lot 20. Caldonian Estates, containing 10 acres, $9000 L. L. Darkes to C. Roy Morris, F. T. 1017, Adams tract, $10. Progreso Development Co. to Hor ace P. Fenton, lots 35. 36. 37. block 3. Progreso. $1900. Wm. Kllcher et al to O. O. Kll cher. lot 15, block 56. Alamo tract, $10. John H. Shary to Ernest C. Leh man, part of lot 49-9. West addition, $2250. W. A. Harding to Delta Orchards Co., blocks 45 to 66 and 77 to 91, Rollo, $34,320. i S Losano to Yreneo Loaao. lot 6. block 40. McAllen. $6000. , Henson to V. H. Sutphen, lot 4. block 57. Mo-Tex. $10. Hidalgo County j H L. and Jane Gunn to Mamie C. Elliott. $10. l acre out of blk. 128. portion 69 and 70. P. F. B Barlow to Fred W. and C. A. Marrls. *2200, lot 20, blk. 48. | Weslaco. F F. Barlow to Fred W. and C. , A. Marrls. $2200. lot 18. blk. 48, Weslaco. Alamo Donna Farms Co. to Southland Dev. Co.. $10. E. 1-2 bit 24. Hill Halbert. E. E. Bagby et ux to If. H. Bar num. $1,000. W. 10 acres lot 10, sec 239. Tex -Mex. Fred W Turner to A. C. Hen rich*®. HO. lot 8. blk. 31, Weslaco. Alamo Donna Farms Co. to Southland Dev. Co., $10. E. 1-2 of w 1-2 blk. 25 and E. 1-2 blk. 41. Hill Halbert tract. C. H. Swallow, trustee to South land Dev. Co., $10. W. 1-2 of E. 1-2 blk. 25. HU1 Halbert. M H. Barnum et ux to E E Bagby. *2.000. S. 1-2 lot 11. bit 1. Hammond subd. Alamo Donna Farms Co. to Southland Dev. Co.. 62 feet lot 5. Hill Halbert tract. $10 etc. Progresso Dev. Co. to John and Mary A. Meehoer. $5.04*. N. 6.52 acres lot 56. Llano Grande subd. E. T. Murphy to Steve Pfeifer. $10. N. 5 acres of E. 14.14 acres lot 6. blk 28. Alamo tract. J. E. and M. E. Farr to Paul Wrav, $10. lot 15. blk. 23. Donna. John H Shary to Edgar W. Moss. , $7500, N. 10 acres lot 294. John H. Shary aibd. Pharr Townsite Co. to Mrs. A. S. Casas. $250. lots 20 and 21. blk. 13. Pharr. Alamo Donna Farms to South-1 • land Dev. Co., $10. E. 1-2 blk. 33. Hill Halbert. P. E. Montgomery to G. O. New man. $10. SW 1-4 sec. 6. league 2. G. O. Newman subd. American R. G. L. and I. Co. to A. A. Highbarger. $1600. lot 5. bi\ 31. Caplsallo district. Pharr Town site Co. to Trinidad Salinas. $300. lots 18 and 19. blk. 13. Pharr. C. B. Brown et ux to W. F. and Helen C. Lane. $7,000. E. 10 acres of W. 20 acres, farm tract 523, West Tract. J. R. Tobleman to Pharr Town site Co.. $500. part lots 1. 2. 3. 7. 8. blk. 67. Pharr. John H. Shary to August Kahle. $6,000. N. 10 acres lot 388. John H. Shary subd. Frank Carter to W. R. Hansen. E. 10 acres of lot 128. Holt tract, $3,000. W. R. Hansen to J. P. Quinn, lot 44. Bell Woods subd. C. $2430 Granger W. Smith to M A. Rich. E. 90 feet of lot 6. blk. 20. Mc Allen. $10 etc. V. B. Champion to Eliza Arthur. 8 9.43 acres of lot 63. Sharyiand. $10 etc. Clyde Tennis Land Co. to Fran cis C. Bouford. W. 7.76 acres of blk. 2. Hill Halbert. $10 etc. C. M. Fllnn to W. K. King, lot 8. blk. 22. Ewing Addn.. McAUen. $100. D. S. Smithhlslar to G. H. Eler brock. lot 50. Santa Ana subd.. $1500. H. E. Smith to Barrera Drug Store, lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 and 6, blk. 6. East Side addn, Mission. $10 etc. J. A. Frtsby to Anna B. Gurlnian. lot 7. Mk. 13. College heights addn.. McAllen. $10 etc. J. L. Gunn to Lula Mae Pollard, lot 4. blk 62. Pharr. $10 etc. W. H. Collins to Mrs. Grace Tus sey. N. 12.60 acres Of lot 394. Sharyiand. $10 etc. J. C. Engelman. Jr. to Geo. B. Batty. S. 20.25 acres of lot 2. sec. 256. Tex.-Mex.. $1620. P. C. Burford to McAllen Dev. Co.. 8. 14.8 acres of lot 1. blk. S, Hidalgo Canl. $10 etc. Progreso Dev. Co. to Geo. Kar pus. part of lot 23. Llano Grande subd.. $7499. Fourth Court of Civil Appeals Affirmed: Anna Bechert et al vs. A. B. Cowen, Nueces; Henry J. Lamm vs. C. M. Chambers et al. Bexar. Reversed and remanded: First National bank in Brownsville vs. James A. Browne et al Cameron. Motion to be allowed 20 days in which to file statement of facts, dis missed: J. M. .Haley vs. Turner E. Hubby et al. Appellant’s motion for rehearing overruled: William Mulholland vs. W. J. Jolly et al. Nueces: American Indemnity company et al vs. Done es no Cenegas et al. Bexar; Fannie M. Brown vs. A. O. Morriss. Real; the 8tate of Texas ex rel. Ernest Wilke , et al vs. Joe Stein et ml. Gillespie; A. T. Stewart et ux vs San Antonio Suburban Irrigated Farms et al. Bexar. Motion for rehearing overruled: W. A. Hardin* et al vs. Jesse Den nett et al. Wtllacv. Appellee Jesse Dennett’s motion for rehearing overruled: W. A. Hardin* et al vs. Jesse Dennett et al. Willacy. Submitted: In the matter of the estate of Eueenia T. Fxnon. de ceased. vs. in the matter of the estate of Eugenio T. Ramon, deceased. Webb: Alice Peeler et al vs. A. C. Smith. Bexar: E. B. Simmonds et al vs. 8t. Louis. Brownsville & Mex^o Rallwav comoanv. Nueces: the St. Louia Brownsville Ac Mexico RaH | way company vs. Tomas Tijerina. Cameron; J. M. Taylor vs. J. P. Haynes. Bexar. CRIMINAL APPEALS COURT AUSTIN. May 29—(A*)—The fol lowing proceedings were had in the court of criminal appeals today: Affirmed. Booker Kyle. Tyler; Baldomar Taguila. Dewitt; Frank Powers. Matagorda: Herman Man ning, Harrison; H. L. Willmott. Ed dtrds; fed Crips. Colin; Cecil Turn er. Stephens; Perrin Cotter. Morris; Robert Patterson. Marion: Myrtle Hunter, Falls; R. H. Nicholson. Pot ter; Luciano Moreno and Herbert Guzman. Nueces; R C. Ball. Hill; E. G. Adams. Montague. Reversed and remanded: Henry Riley. Kaufman; Frank Dove. Falls; Clarence Buford. Castro. Appeal dismissed at appelant's re quest: Henry Royal, Parmer (two rases); Sam J. Dawson, alias J. H. Lewis. Lubbock; Nettle Radford. Kaufman. Appelant’s motion for rehearing overruled: John Lawrence. Dallas • Morrow. P. J.. dtssents); Tom Spears. Hill; C. J. Phipps. Potter: T. B. Satterwhlte. Taylor; T. E. Kelley. Wood; Allen Crain. San Saba; Jeff McDaniel. Floyd Appellant’s motion for rehearing and application for certiorari over ruled: Appeal reinstated, reversed and remanded: Jim Owsley. Lamar Judgment reversed and appellant ordered discharged; Ex parte E. T. Baird. Harris. Apppellant’s motion for rehearing granted, reversed and remanded: Joe Justice. Cottle. Appeal reinstated. J Judgment af firmed: Frank Williams, Mills. PASTOR MAY CONDUCT REVIVAL IN CHICAGO (Special to The Herald) EDINBURG. May 30—The Rev. Virgil B. Starnes. Southern evan gelist and who held a series of re vival meetings at Edinburg in Feb ruary of this year, has been invit ed to conduct a five weeks’ series at Chicago, beginning August 11. It was announced here today by Chss. H. Miller, advance man and cam paign manager for the evangelist, who is visiting the Valley on busi ness. The Rev. Starnes i« now con ducting revival meetings at Hous ton. 1 AS U. S. TOOK LEAD IN DA VIS CUP ZONE MATCHES With John Vail Ryn of East Orange. N. J.. conquering Willard Crocker, and John Hennessey of Indianap olis. defeating Dr. Jack Wright, the United States Da vis Cup team took an early lead In the American cone play for the famous trophy at Montreal. Can. Photo shows a bit of action in the match between Van Ryn and Crocker. * Travis County Not to Put Ban on Cupid, June 13-14 _ AU8TIN, May 30.-Dan Cupid will be allowed to keep open house In Travis county June 13 and 14, while technicality sharks In other counties threaten to make those days weddingless. County Clerk Fred Malone will Issue marriage licenses on each of the first two days after the new "three-day notice" law goes into effect, he announced. He will ac cept filing of notices earlier. Not only that. Mr. Malone will chip in about $500 a year to fur ther the matrimonial business of his county, to aid and abet the lovelorn swain He will refuse to take advantage of the Increase in license fees authorized by the new law. The license will cost $1 50 as heretofore, while the law authorizes his collection of $2. Even Austin doctors will lend their assistance to keep marriage out of the luxury list. They have not agreed to fix or regulate the fees to be charged of prospective bridegrooms for the physical exam inations which must be made for marriages after midnight of June 12. Their fees will run the same :t | other required physical examina tions, $2 or $3, some of the doctors here said. In some counties, the county clerks have ruled that since the new law does not go into effect j until midnight of June 12. no no tice legally can be given until the 13th, and therefore no license can be issued until the ISth. That would make two weddingless days In those counties. But here. Travis county will have none of this pro hibition of matrimony. Mr. Malone announces he considers the law now a law, although not operative. He has plenty oi notice blanks and Is ready to begin filing the public banne whenever the brides-to-be and bridegroms are ready to give notice of impending marriage. Laws now require barbers, wait resses. cooks and other workers to submit to periodical physical exam ination. Physicians’ fees in some examinations are )2 and in others $3. Doctors and officers of the Travis County Medical association said, in the absence of any other scale of fees, phvslclans likely will charge the same fees for the exam ination requisite to marriage. Bill Tilden Rallies To Take 3 Straight Sets From Jr, Coen PARIS. May 80 —</Pb-After trad ing in the first two seta, Big Bill Tilden rallied to win three straight sets from Junior Coen. Kansas City youngster, and gain the quarter final round of the French tennis championships today. The scores were 3-6, 5-7, 8-1. 6-0. HUNTER WINS PARIS. May 30.—iJP}—Francis T. Hunter. United States, reached the quarter-finals of the French tennis championships today by defeating Franz Matejka. Austria. 6-0, 2-6, 6-1. 6-4. HYER SERVICES TO BE HELD TOMORROW DALLAS. May 30—Funeral services for Dr. Robert S. Hyer. 68. first president of Southern Method ist 'university, and president emer itus of the institution, at the time of his death here yesterday, will be held here tomorrow. Dr. Charles C. 8elecman, presi dent of S. M. U., Bishop J. T. Moore and Dr. J. R. Moore trill conduct the services. Dr. Hyer became ill Monday eve ning and died as he slept. FORMER OFFICER GETS 8-YEAR PRISON TERM _________ WICHITA FALLS. May 30—'/Pi— Ed Pryor, former constable of Elec tra. today faced an eight-year term in the penitentiary with men he had aided in. sending there when an of ficer. A jury in district court here last night convicted Pryor on charges of robbing an Electra hotel last July and fixed the punishment at eight years. Testimony was given that Pryor and Tom Shook, former police chief at Electra. planned the robbery. WEATHER SUMMARY First figure lowest temperature last night; second, highest tempera ture yesterday; third, wind velocity at 8 a. m.; fourth, rainfall past 24 hours. Abilene . 64 80 — .50 Amarillo . 62 84 — .00 Atlanta. 70 86 10 .00 Austin . 68 72 — .54 Boston . 72 94 — .00 BROWNSVILLE 70 71 — 3 43 Chicago . 74 90 — .00 Corpus Christi .. 70 74 — 1.46 Dallas . 68 78 20 .64 Del Rio . 64 82 — .00 Denver . 44 68 — .00 Detroit . 74 92 — .00 Dodge City .... 60 82 — .00 El Paso. 66 88 10 .00 Fort Smith .... 68 86 — 22 Galveston . 76 80 16 .24 Helena . 40 64 — .00 Huron . 48 76 — .00 Jacksonville ... **0 82 — .00 Kansas City ... 72 84 — .00 Louisville . 72 90 — .00 Memphis ....... 72 88 — .00 Miami . 74 82 — .06 Montgomery ... 68 90 — .00 New Orleans ... 72 86 — .00 New York. 66 82 — .02 North Platte ... 50 76 — .00 Oklahoma City . 68 84 — .02 Palestine . 68 80 10 .48 Pensacola . 72 80 — .00 Phoenix . 58 94 — .00 Pittsburgh . 64 84 — .01 8t. Louis.. 72 88 — .00 St. Paul . 58 78 — .12 Salt Lake City . 54 70 — .00 San Antonio .... 66 74 — .06 Santa Fe . 52 66 — .00 Sheridan . 38 64 — .00 Shreveport .... 70 86 — .32 Tampa . 68 88 — .00 Vicksburg . 70 88 — .00 Washington .... 66 82 — .00 Will 1st on . 40 50 — 1.30 a AIMS TO LOSE TODAY London Bettors Believe So ci&list end Liberals Will Gain LONDON. May 30.—</h—Great Britain voted today on members of its next house of commons, the sev enth In the reign of King George V. of England, Scotland, Wales and northern Ireland. The pre-election campaign was marked with unusual apathy and pending ret urns from todays vot ing the outcome was in doubt. Even money was obtainable in London that the incumbent conservative party would return 268 members to the commons against 400 hold ing office now, that labor would re turn 253 members against a present membership of 160. and that the liberals would Jump to 101 from 46 The outstanding uncertainty in, the polling was the voting of more than 5.000,000 women, many be- j tween the ages of 21 and 25. who i have not voted before. The single important issue which j appeared in the campaign was the ! unemployment advanced by David Lloyd George who promised an in crease of public works and road building It was ridiculed bv lead ers of opposite political faiths. THREE INITIATED Three new members weer initiated in Rio Grande chapter 317 R. A. M . on Tuesday evening atthe Masonic temple. Past Grand Visitor Charles Huple assisted in the work. After the meeting refreshments were served to about 30. " ~ ~~ j Bird of Paradise Tea Service J I I COMMUNITY PLATE I "Complete Table Services ' II WE invite your inspection of this new complete »emce, of which we illustrate one graceful article. What a gor geous wedding gift for the modem girl or an anniversary gift for an experienced hostess it suggests! Spoons, fork*, knives I match perfectly the tea service, platters and useful dishes. Also a complete stock of ADAMS — GROSVENOR PATRICIAN — MODERNS PAUL REVERE I UIIAMTH IT, 1 wmuJK. — rT-—-j-===,1 CENTRAL CASH I GROCERY 633 Eleventh Street Brownsville, Texas I Specials (or Friday, Saturday and Monday I SUGAR 52c 1 Ginger Ale 1 int bottle . *^^16c| i SALMON {gig£-.. 25c I ■ SHRIMP dry 13c I Tomato Sauce ?c”»0t;.25c j Flour K"d:!!:lk“k..48c 11 ' T • Quart bottle.56c (jr3p0 JU1C6 Pint bottle.2Sc A T^C Mother'*, China, O A 1 O Per package .iZC oats" :r package . 8c 1 1 Skinners ITS” ^ 23c i Macaroni Matches 15c Com Meal ’er package ... :.lOcl I Apples 46c Baking Powder carAurnn tvt i.ib.can.,22c I anu nr UlUff a 3-Lb.Can.....63c I HAMS ^^dtoS|,°,,,,J- 23c BACON NUGGETS, per pound 22c 1 BACON SQUARES, per pound.19c ||