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1 *****#>*>*****#*********,*##****>********»»»»»«»*»»*«l*»»»»*»»**< ^ I I Valley Society | Phone 7 McALLEN INFORMAL bridge Mra. George Gaddy entertained Friday afternoon with an informal bridge party at her home, honoring Mrs. J. C. Dykes. Those present were Mesdames J. C. Dykes. Whit Rogers William V?ne. E. D. Mathis. N. V. Sidner R E. Leslie. O. K. OlMn. Sam Baazell. Gall Hart. Paul D. Miller, and Dick Henderson. Mrs. Henderson was awarded high score prize and the honoree was presented with a dainty favor. • • • BRIDGE TEA Mrs. Stephen Jones entertained Friday afternoon with a beautifully appointed bridge tea at her her lome. in compliment to Mrs W F. Pride of Fort Clark, who is the guest of her mother. Mrs W. H. Kriedler. The rooms were attractively iecorated in gladioli in various ihades. The tea table had as Its decora tions a huge bowl of cut flowers. Hanked by tall pink candles The rilver service was presided over by Mrs R. M. Bounds, while assisting ut the table were Mrs. W. O. Stew art and Mrs. M. L. Kreidler. Mrs. Paul Jones also assisted the hos tess during the afternoon. Mrs. Henry Griffin received high score prize and Mrs. C. C. McDan iel the consolation. The honoree j was presided with a dainty favor. The personnel included friends of the honoree. They were Mesdames T. J. Powell C. D. Martin. Jack Howell. M. L. Kreidler. R. L. Lewis, i Frank Crow. Henry Griffin, George Thomas. Joe Allen. W. N. McGee. R. M. Bounds. Alec Woolridge. John Cardwell. O. P. Archer. D. W. Glasscock of Mercedes. Harry May. j ■ W. H. Kreidler. Percy Herman. W. i G. Stewart. Snyder. E. E. Phelos, F. E. Osborn. R. M. Minter. H. M Fristoe, Paul Jones, .T. P. Storey of Austin, and C. C. McDaniel. » • m THURSDAY BRIDGE Mrs. Oeo. Kunz entertained the members of the Thursday Bridge Luncheon club this week at her home In a delightful manner. • • • VISITOR HONORED Mrs. M L. Kreidler entertained the members of the Fortnightly bridge club Thursday afternoon, and as a special compliment to Mrs. W. F. Pride of Fort Clark, who '* the guest of her mother. Mrs. W. H. Kreidler. a number of additional guests were Included for the hospi tality. Prises in the games were awarded Mrs. George Gaddy for success, and Mrs. T. W. Mahone for low score. Mrs H. B. Kelly receiv ed the guest prise, and the honoree was also remembered with a beau tiful gift. The hostess was assisted during the afternoon by Mrs. Paul Jones. Those present were Mesdames John Ewing. R. M. Gregory. J. A. Frisby. Whit Rogers. Gail Hart, George Palmer, Stephen Jones. Lee Green of 8an Juan. H. B. Kelley. E. A. McDaniel. Paul D. Miller, William Pavne. George Gady. T. W. Mahone. W. H. Kreidler. N .V. Sid ner. E. E. Renfro. 8nyder. Miss Rubj* De Long, and the guest of honor. • • • PERSONALS Mrs. Allen Kearby returned Thursday from Dallas, where she has been visiting for several weeks with relatives. During Mrs. Kearbv’s visit "The Pagan." a moving pic ture which was made in the South Sea Islands was shown in which her niece. Miss Dorothy Jan Is. sev enteen years old, who was bom In Dallas and reared in Fort Worth, took part. The £ame picture has been booked to be shown in Mc Allen at a later date. Dr. and Mrs. Felix P. Miller and daughters of El Paso were guests last week of Dr. and Mrs. T. H. Harrell. Dr. Miller Is the retiring president of the Texas State Medi cal association, the annual conven tion of which met the past week at Brownsville. Dr. and Mrs. Harrell and their guests visited in Reynoea Sunday before leaving for their home. Mr. and Mrs. H. Cook and Her man Taylor of Natchitoches. La are guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Ccok. Miss Mattie Lou Yelverton. of Riverside, who has been the guest of Mrs. Val Folsom, left Wednes day for her home. She was ac companied by Mrs. Folsom, who will visit in Riverside, and San An tonio. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Vannoy and children left Friday for San An tonio. Waco. Crowell and Dallas. Mr. Vannoy will attend the Inter national Rotary convention at Dal- I las while away. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Paxton left Saturday evening for Dallas, where Mr. Paxton will attend the Inter national Rotary convention. Mrs. Paxton will also visit her parents ' in Teague. Miss Ne!a Norman left Sunday for a visit in Dallas and will visit relatives later in Iowa. Miss N»e* man has been a member of the McAllen faculty for five years. She will not return to McAllen. Alec Woolridge left Monday for Dallas where he will attend the International Rotary convention. Wilhelm KbDperich spent the pa*t week In Galveston where he attended the K C. state convention Rev. and Mrs. Judd B. Holt moved Friday tb their future home in Edinburg. Mr. and Mrs. Ccoper Robbins ar rived Sunday to be guests of Mr and Mrs. A. W. Owens. Mrs. Rob- j bins is a cousin of Mrs. Owens. Mrs J. M. Andrews and baby left Thursday night for a visit in ! Hope. Arkansas They were ao comnanied by Mrs. Andrews’ moth er. Mrs. Jeagergeit. who spent the winter in the home of her daugh- ! ter. Mr. and Mrs. H. M Fristoe left Saturdav for a visit in Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Skinner will leave Saturdav for a visit in Chicago, HI., and Muncle, Ind. They i will be accompanied by Mrs. Rob ert Henderson and Miss Elsie Edwards, who will go to Chicago. The rest of the narty will return after a month’s stay. Mrs. Sam Bazzell left Monday night for Kerrville to be present at the commencement exercises of Schreiner Institute, where Mrs. Bareli’s son. Percy Northcott. will graduate from the high school de partment. Dr. Warren Wilson of Northfieid. Minn., who has been here for the past two months as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Griffin, left Sunday for his home. Mr. and Mas. Mills P. Walker and three daughters. Shlrllretd, Margaret, and Jane of Bryan, Tex.. are week-end visitors of Dr. and Mrs. J. N. Oodowln Misses Marcella and Rosemary Fink attended the bridge party given Thursday evening by the Amusement club at the home of Miss Mona Rome in Mission. ii a - i ii i Modes of the Moment (Pctka. dot* OJflptax •&&& cftk*' -&vh \iStoL Uuf do tiuj (tot aft to bt fiigtaJfit MJkt tfou Mta Ajx&> wt OL dojJk $*€ eMft dt eSdnts ~7mUJt &j M tofadl and (fa/inasuL -j*i ajtvweoy<s~ KIMBALL NAMED HEAD OF BAYLOR IN DALLAS DALLAS, May 30.—</P»—Dr. J. F. Kimball, professor at Southern Methodist university here, has been selected as executive head of units of Baylor university in Dallas with the title of vice president, accord ing to announcements made here yesterday. For 10 years Dr. Kim ball was superintendent of schools in Dallas. Last Rites For Wife Of Prominent Valley Man Are Held Today (Special to The Herald) MERCEDES. May 30.—Funeral services for Mrs. W. D Bristoe, wife of a prominent farmer, were sched uled to be held at the Baptist church here at 3 p. m. today. Services will be conducted by the Rev. Ernest Baldwin and interment will be in the local cemetery. Mrs. Bristoe. who was 64 years old. died at the family home four miles southwest of here, at 8 a. m. Wed-! nesday. following an illness of two | years' duration. The family has lived here 11 years. Mrs. Bristoe is survived by her j husband, two sons. John, of Mer- ] cedes, and Ralph of Kerrville. and one daughter, Mrs. W. P. Newton, of Gonzales. Pallbearers are J. C. Potts. George Morrison. A. A. Wade, G. K. Reiss. Wm. Tillery and Dr. C. W. Carter. Mercedes Women Entertain Noted Foreign Hikers MERCEDES. May 30—On a hitch- j , hiking tour which is expected to j (lake them around the world, two; women, Tasmas Raye«io, a Hindu i psvchoanalyist. and Mary Lillian | | Gleboff. Russian free lance writer, were guests here Wednesday night I of the local Business and Profes- j sional Women's club. Members of the club provided a! cottage at a local tourist camp i for the two travelers and met them j when they arrived here from Har lingen. They had been in the Val- | j ley several days and found much to interest them, they said. Miss Rayano gave a number of ! readings at an informal reception ! held at the cottage. GANGSTER SHOOTS IT OUT AND IS KILLED CHICAGO. May 30.—ifr)—Thomas ’ McElligott. gangster, shot it out j ! with another nan in a cafe today I and was killed. The body of McElligott. known as a labor racketeer, bomber and gun man. was found in the basement by i I sl w&itcr. , Police said McElligott was a lead- j er of the "bomb trust.” having | headquarters in a saloon and taking ’ orders for bombing at prices ranging I * from $25 to $1,000. w. C. T. U. Seeks To Halt Putting Women In ‘Ads’ (Special to The Herald) AUSTIN. May 30.—City councils of Austin and all other Texas cities will be asked by the Women's Christian Temperance Union to forbid the display of posters “ex ploiting" women smokers. Mrs. Claude de Van Hatts. state presi dent of the W. C. T. U announced. Mrs. Van Watts said reminders of the state law forbidding the sale of cigarettes to minors is being sent to local W. C. T. U. chapters for a campaign upon law-enforce ment officers to require its ob servance. The state body is making an edu cational campaign against en couragement of girls’ learning to smoke, which she predicted will ul timately lead to a law forbidding billboard advertising of cigarettes altogether. The W. C. T. U. objects strenu ously to the display of pictured showing girls or women emoilm» or scenes tending to encourage their smoking. Mrs. Van Watts said. “This is an insult to wom anhood. in exploiting women to the use of tobacco.** aim declared. This-is part of a national cam paign now under way. she taut Mrs. Van Watts pointed to the re cent action of western statee w prohibiting billboard advertising of cigarettes. Mrs. Van Watts asserted the ef fect of pictorial displays of gtria smoking or breathing In the amoka of cigarettes is to encourage thaw forming the tobacco habit, "-through appealing to physical beauty* and otherwise (By The Associated Frm.» Thursday Congress is in adjournment for memorial day. Wednesday Senate passed ce ns us-reapportion ment bill and sent it to house. Senate took up Borah bill to reg ulate marketing of perishable farm products. Senate finance committee agreed to begin hearings on tariff bill June 11. Senate agriculture committee re ported favorably Norris resolution for government operation of Muscle Shoals. Florida and California house dele gations urged legislation to compen sate growers for fruit fly quarantine losses. Senate manufacturers committee voted to refer textile labor inquiry to trade and tariff commissions. House members of farm confer ence committe agreed to resume ne gotiations Friday. Sharp differences of opinion over methods pf proceeding with tariff bill developed among senate repub licans. MONEY LACKING IN BEAUMONT PROJECT BEAUMONT. May JO — „T- - Though Beaumont hat juat wM a j bond issue of 14.890.000 for poMUe Improvements, the eitjr finds ttaetf in a position of brine tomporaitlf unable to obtain money to cany out contemplated projects Bids were called for on 11 000.000 worth of the securities with the re sult that but two firms made a bid and the lowest of these asked a bonus of 170.000 to purchase the issue at par and accrued interest. The bids were declined CROCKETT COUNTY VOTES ROAD BONDS ORAPELAND. May JO-iPt-An all-paved route from Houston to Dallas has been assured by the vot ing of 130.000 worth of hoods by Crockett county for the paving of a 10-mile stretch of state highway 19 near here. This was the last gap in tfco 385 miles which had not been paved or financed. Two hundred and twenty-five miles of the route hava been paved. The hard-surfaced read will go north from Houston through Hunts ville. Crockett and Palestine, con necting at Athena with highway 4ft to Dallas. - The Smartest ^ftJj new Styles for |nffi Ladies and B||P Misses now refb" aBaanHunanRi -, Patricia on Display Here j * IW* SELBY v Arch Preserver Shoes AT COST! We’re Clearing Them Out Guarantee Shoe Store 1231 Elizabeth Street * —— — —- , . ;r' i'ZmmSSS^^ INTRODUCING OUR ENLARGED HOSIERY SECTION With the most complete hosiery stock in the Valley Thursday - Friday - Saturday May 30-31 — June 1 WE HAVE BUILT AN ADDITION TO OUR STORE ESPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR A COMPLETE HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. WE WANT YOU TO VISIT OUR NEW DEPARTMENT AND TO BE OUR GUEST ON THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SAT URDAY. _ Novelty Heel Hose $3.00 pair _ Kayser Hose... $1.50 to $2.50 Gotham Hose.. $1.65 to $1.95 Westcott Hose.. $1.00 to $1.50 j Sport Socks......... 50c to $1.25 Pointed heels — Suare heels — Dou ble pointed heels — French heels EVERY STYLE — EVERY SIZE r .fc Sli«™ EVERY SHADE r i_ALWAYS_ £r1,d. 9 TV # % ( ' HARLINGEN On Arcadia Theatre Block - Bavlor University Confers Decree On Mrs. Willebrandt WACO. Mav 30.—0P>—Mrs. Mabel Walker Willebrandt. resigned assis tant attorney general of the United States today bore an added honor ary degree, that of doctor of laws, conferred on her he*e yesterda*’ bv Baylor university. President P. P. Brooks of the school euloglaed Mrs. W'llebrandt. Officially, she came to Waco to deliver the first commencement ad dress ever given at Bavlor bv a woman. Her talk avoided mention of politics and her own status and plans. Mrs. Willebrandt planned to go to Port Worth today and Dallas to morrow where she will make brief addresses. • 666 Is a Prescription for Colds, Grippe, Fin, Dengue, Bilious Fewer and Malaria. It la the sou speedy remedy known. I - ^ . ir-.f 1 r«n tt^ 4 v I S* lUUA 1 iML/B gH jB m *g IIhA Store ?^||n9fe HSBR BStw fjjj^ 8SB ffla^mk fc2» & ^R^B Close* BkgZfljf ^RL JnK|^||j) Jnjgk imk iwjb JSIfirtgjt %i0* Every Evening _ at 6 o’Clock ~/2/T'£fo32>&Jl I $6.95 Ladies' new style bathing suits, only .... $5.15 $1.50 Heavy white linen 36-inch suiting. 93c $1.00 Ladies' embroidered batiste gowns. 76c $1.69 Ladies' embroidered batiste gowns.$1.31 $1.75 Ladies’ embroidered Philippine gowns. . . $1.45 $1.98 Ladies’ embroidered Philippine gowns. . . $1.63 $2.25 Ladies’ embroidered Philippine gowns . . $1.83 $1.50 to $1.98 Odds ladies’ rayon bloomers . . . $1.01 $2.75 to $2.98 Odds ladies’ rayon bloomers . . . $1.94 $1.00 “Kickernick” silk bloomers, sizes 2 to 14. 69c $2.98 Ladies’ odds stock bathing suits.$1.54 $3.75 to $6.50 Odds stock ladies' bathing suits $2.44 50c Children's dimity check underwaists. 22c 69c Dimity check misses union suits. 42c 35c Fancy figured and solid colors oil cloth ... 23c $1.25 New Everfast print eponges, only. 88c 59c New Everfast print basket weave. 38c 35c Truth bleached 7-4 sheeting, only. 28c $1.39 Marblehead 81x99 sheets, only.$1.18 $1.25 Fruit of Loom sheets, 63x90 .$1.09 $1.59 Fruit of Loom sheets, 81x90.$1.34 $1.59 Fruit of Loom hemstitched sheets, 63x90. $1.28 $1.95 Fruit of Loom hemstitched sheets, 81x90. $1.58 8 Yards 36-inch Truth domestic..$1.00 25c Fast colors print percales. . 20c 25c Hemstitched linen napkins, size 12x12 .... 20c 50c Hemstitched linen napkins, size 18x18 . . . . 40c 10c Ladies' all linen hemstitched handkerchiefs 7c 15c Ladies' all linen hemstitched handkerchiefs 10c 25c Ladies* linen initial handkerchiefs . 18c 50c Ladies novelty georgette handkerchiefs ... 24c 59c Ladies* colored linen embroidered handkerchiefs.(. 35c 50c Ladies’ print georgette handkerchiefs .... 29c 98c to $1.50 Ladies’ colored embroidery linen handkerchiefs... 59c 15c Midget hems ladies* sheer linen handkerchiefs. 10c $2.50 Ladies* honiton lace edge handkerchiefs. $1.69 98c Box fancy colors handkerchiefs .. .^. 69c 75c Ladies' small hem linen handkerchiefs .... 35c 75c Box colored embroidery handkerchiefs.... 44c 98c Box 3 embroidered handkerchiefs. 54c 50c Box 3 children's linen handkerchiefs .. 29c 75c Misses' embroidered handkerchiefs .. 42c 98c Ladies* embroidered linen handkerchiefs . . 53c 10c Men's soft cotton handkerchiefs. 7c 20c Men's white all linen handkerchiefs. 14c 75c Box Men's 3 linen handkerchiefs. 55c * 75c Men's sheer linen handkerchiefs. 50c $1.50 Men's novelty print silk handkerchiefs ... $1.01 50c Men's rolled edge sheer linen handkerchiefs 40c 98c Men's skser linen handkerchiefs. 73c $1.50 Men’s sheer linen handkerchiefs... $1.07 25c Men's linen initial handkerchiefs. 20c 50c Men's linen initial handkerchiefs. 39c 50c Men's drawn thread linen handkerchiefs .. 38c $1.25 Fine cotton batts, size 72x90 . 95c 25c Fine cotton batts.•. 18c 5c Dozen 4-Hole bone buttons, dozen. lc 5c Papers Crewel sewing needles. . 2c 10c Papers sharps sewing needles ...... . 5c 5c Dozen snap fasteners, black and white. 2c 7 Spools Coats black and white thread for.• 25c 50c Children’* Phoenix »ocks. 31c $1.00 Ladies’ silk hose... We $1.50 Odds chiffon and light service hose .... $1-19 $1.50 Pointex light service silk hose.$1.21 $1.50 Pointex all silk chiffon hose.$1.29 $1.95 Pointex light service silk hose.$1.43 $1.95 Pointex all silk chiffon hose.. $1*63 $1.95 Van Raalte all silk chiffon hose.$1.61 $1.98 Gordon lace clock chiffons.$1.65 $1.98 Dexdale 3-point heel chiffons.. $1.71 $2.00 Claussner beautiful chiffon hose.$1.66 $2.25 Gordon V-Line chiffon hose.. $1.93 $2.25 Van Raalte chiffon clocks.$1.92 $2.50 Caussner kleer sheer chiffons.$1.79 $2.50 Black points V-Line chiffons.$2.16 $3.00 Logan fine chiffon hose... $2.17 $3.50 Claussner and Van Raalte lace clocks ... $2.69 $3.95 and $4.50 Van Raalte fine chiffons.$3.03 $1.00 Ladies’ rayon bloomers. $1.00 Heavy rough pongee. 79c $1.10 Good quality radium. $1.25 39-inch fine sport satin. 91c $1.50 Glitterglo satin, all shades.$1.05 85c Rayon satin. $1.35 Fine quality washable crepe chine.$1.21 $1.50 Heavy washable crepe chine.$1.33 $1.65 Heavy quality georgette.$1.29 I $1.75 Fine solid colors crepe chiffon.$1.64 $1.85 Fine sheer o.uality georgette.61.44 $1.98 Heavy quality flat crepe.$1.6S $2.25 Print crepe chines .. 61-90 $2.25 Mallinson's indestructible vciie.$1.69 $2.25 Satin crepe or flat crepe. $1.66 $2.50 Quality black flat crepe.$1.84 $2.50 New print flat crepes.63.14 9 $2.50 Black satin crepe.61.97 $2.75 Print crepe chine.62.22 $2.98 Fine crepe romaine.61.91 $4.50 Mallinson’s new print pussywillow.63.66 $2.50 New print crepe chiffon.61-98 I $2.75 New print crepe chiffon.63-23 $2.98 New print crepe chiffon.$2.58 9 $3.50 New print crepe chiffon.$2.97 79c Everfast print gabardine, oniy. 58c 98c Everfast print pique .. 77c 50c Fast colors Beach Point print pique. 39e |1 45c White beach point pique. 3fc 69c White everfast gabardine .. 49c 75c Rose color everfast gabardine. 64« 90c White everfast pique. 6Sc 95c Everfast Copenhagen pique. 74c 25c Washan-Ready crepe. 14c 85c Silk and cotton prints. 5l« 75c Print light o’day. 4!c 95c Printed everglades chiffon voile. 58c 59c Solid colors rayon cloths. 36c 45c Soisette fast color prints .. 31c 40c New dimity prints. 31c 50c to 59c Fast colors print linons... 39c