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L The BROWNSVILLE HERALD SPORTS SECTION HSHB 1 ... - - r - r r r r ~ ^ffrfrr - f f f f rrrr — rf ts,sttsttrrrrrn.>*.*«»«««>•«««—■»■»«««««•«#«** WW»y *•*»»«*«*»***—»<**»##»*,*#***#*#*****J ^ Steers Take Lead, Goring Cats Twice; Spuds Beat Sports Shreveport's two-day tenure of first place ended yesterday and the tiallas Steers climbed into the van of the Texas league scramble. The Mavericks' veteran pitching staff proved it* worth in shoving the Stockmen into the lead. Joe Martina and Charlie Barnabe. a couple of oldsters, knocked the Panthers eff twice in Fort Worth. 6 to 5 and 2 to 1, ■---—-A RArIn* AGAIN *"”** r- ^ . > « * ** , c/| CHARLIE ROOT CHICAGO, June 3.—<JP>—Charlie Root, who had ft poor season in 1928 aftrt- winning 26 games in 1927. is showing oid time form for the Cubs this year. He won five of his first six games. He lost his first one because he had the bad luck of having to face Bur leigh Grimes on one of the latter's unbeatable days. Then Charlie stepped out and captured five vic tories in a row. Root's comeback gives the Cubs two of the best speed ball hurlers in the game. The other one is Pat I Malone, who won six straight be fore losing a game. CHIROPODIST DELIGHT NEARING MIAMI, ARIZ. BYLAS. Ariz . June 3.—At the end of the 60-mile lay to Miami today, the 19 surviving runners in the Pyle cross country race will have only 554 miles to cover in tw-o weeks to reach Los Angeles. To date the bunioncers have traveled 2,920.4 miles. Jobptnv Salo. Passaie. V. J. had • lfiyl of 16 minutes, 49 seconds over | Pei«%^avuzzi of England a; today's start. w hile both the Sports and Cubs were undergoing double lickings. Thus the expensive Dallas machine vault ed up a full game from the Louisi ana entry and a game and a half from Waco. If they can maintain their present pace, the Steers will be extremely hard to dislodge from the top of the heap. A survey of their plav for the last month reveals that Milt Stock's well balanced crew has been rolling along at about a .750 pace, which is winning baseball in any man's league. Today the Steers open a series; with the troublesome Spudders up at Wichita Falls, while the Sports are engaging the Cats in Fort Worth Waco is in Houston for a trio of contests and the Exporters are vis iting Pat Newnam's Redskins at> San Antonio, off hand, one would say the Cubs have slightly the more pleasant outlook. Houston is hav ing much difficulty beating anybody pending the arrival of expected re inforcements. Poor pitching cost the Shreve norters their double loss at Wichita Falls. 7 to 5 and 9 to 4. Browrn. Williamson and Thompson were na-. raded by Art Phelan in the first; contest, none doing any particular good, and Estrada and Thompson worked the nightcap with similar success. San Antonio made a clean sweep of Its series with Waco by copping a duo. 3 to 1 and 7 to 6. The tribe went up Into fifth place, just a game behind the lagging Panthers. Tom Estill. Beaumont's moist ball artist, gave another fine perform UN in blanking the Buffs. 12 to 0 in their own back yard. French Net Title Again Captured By Helen Wills Play PARIS. June 3.—<&—Helen Wil’s again has demonstrated her right to sit on the throne as queen of the world's tennis courts. She won the women's singles chamicnship of the French hard court tournament yesterday by de feating the No. 1 ranking player of France. Mmr. Rene Mathieu. 6 3. fi-4. in the final round. The American girl’s vletorv not only gave her the French title for the second year in succession but I showed clearlv at the same time th*>t she ranks in a class by her- ' self among women tennis players. Mme. Mathieu nut tin a plucky fight but whenever there was need to apolv pressure Miss Wills clearly demonstrated her superiority. 11 Open Air Stadium I ! Monday, J e 3 I 8:30 P. M. b Main Event 10 Rounds | Johnny Cruz | 122 Lbs. San Antonio [ vs. Kid Azavache Bantam Champ, Mex. Two 8-Round Semi-Finals TONY TORRES 130 lbs. San Antonio VS. I KID ZAV1LLE 130 lbs. Matamoros KID '4NEZ vs. BABE PARKER Mercec4 4 Fort Brown 6 ROUNDS KID OLIVAREZ vs. KID PRITCHARD East Donna Mission RAY KEECH AS HE APPEARED AT THE FINISH LINE Tired but happy and considerably the richer. Ray Kcech poses for a picture, a few minutes after he had crossed the finish line at the Indianapolis Speedway, winner of the Memoriai Day 500-mile racing classic. The cheers of the crowd were still ringing as this photograph was taken. CARD TONIGHT IN DDNNA RING Cruz and Azavache to Mix In Main Event. Three Other Bouts /Special to The Herald) DONNA. June 3.—Everything Is all set for the fight card here to night featuring Johnny Cruz. San Antonio, and Kid Azavache of Mex ico who claims the bantam title of that country. Promoter "Ccd" Con ner stated Tuesday morning that he had successfully herded all of the fighters into town and that everything would be pulled off es scheduled Cruz, well known as e clever fight er. disposed of Howard Carr, known as the bantam champion of the southwest. in a fast bout at Beau mon Saturday evening. Cruz is no stranger here, having beaten Kid Monterrey to a- decision in Browns vlll several weeks ago. Kid “Azavache,” or other wise “blacker than black.” should be in for tough slerVj'ng tonight unless he shows considerable cleverness with his dukes himself. Azavache is said to hold victories over Kid Rancho Kid Lenrhn. Eobbv Fernandez and others of thier caliber. The card also includes two eight round saml finals between Tonnev Torres and Kid 7avil!a. and Kid < Saenz and Hebe Parker. Ktd Oli varez and Kid Pritchard are billed for six rounds. The bouts will get under way al 8 30 p. m. scharp. Conner has an nounced. He has expressed no fear of interruption from rangers Cant 1 Tom Hickman has been halting; bouts with regularity over the state and fear has been exoressed the vet eran ranger might drop in here for a visit. Dem Get* Sun port Of G. O. P. Leader For San Ang&lo P. O. /Special to The Herald) SAN ANGELO. June 3 —A demo crat has received the recom mendation of a republican leader for the position of postmaster here and has been assured the support of R B. Creager. republican national, committeeman from Texas The appointment of Theodore Herring, who has been in the postil service for 27 years and who has been assistant postmaster for sev eral years, was expected to be an nounced Monday. He was recom mended by Judge C. O. Harris, re publican leader here. Herring will succeed Mrs. Sadie M Boulware who died a month ago. He was named acting-postmaster when she died. His appointment seemed to be certain following receipt here of a telegram from Congressman Claude Hudspeth that Creaeer had endorsed Herring for the position. Ma.ior League Leader* (Bv The Associated PressI Including games of June 2. National Batting—ODoul. Phillies. .417. • Runs—Douthlt. Cards. 41. Runs batted In—Hsfey. Cards. 44 Hits—ODoul, Phillies; Douthlt. Cards. 60. Doubles—Frisch. Cards. 17. Triplet—L. Waner, Pirates. 7. Homers—Klein. Phillies. 13. Stolen bases—Cuvier. Cubs. 11. Pitching—Grimes. Pirates, won 8,! lost 0. American Batting—Foxx. Athletics. .422. Runs—Gehringer. Tigers. 40 Runs batted in—Simmons. Athle tics. 53. Hits—Alexander. Tigers. 67. Doubles—Johnson. Tigers. 19. Triples—Blua. Browns. 5. Homers—Gehrig. Yanks. 12. Stolen base s—West. Senators; Metzler. White Sox. 6 Pitching—Uhle, Tigers, won 0. lost 0. REPLY TO QUERIES BERLIN. June 3.—iJP>—Several German authors replied to recent queries as to why they did not write for the movies, that the In dustry was sordid and lacked artis tic ideals. But Wolfgang Goetz, a popular playwright, said he re frained because he was not quali fied for the work. TEXAS LEAGUE Sunday's Games Eesumont 12, Houston 0 Dallas 6-2. Fort Worth 5-1. Ssn Antonio 3-7, Waco 1-6 Wichita Falls 7-9. Shreveport 5-1 Monday's Schedule Waco at Houston. Dallas at Wichita Falls. Fort Worth at Shreveport. Beaumont at San Antonio. Mundane ot the Clubs Team— P V/. L. Pet. Dallas . 51 29 22 .563 Shreveport . 49 27 22 .551 Waco . 45 26 22 542 Fort Worth . 59 21 26 .483 5an Antonio . 90 21 25 430 W;"h:ta Falls . 43 23 25 .476 Houiton . 46 21 25 437 Ec&umont . 43 21 27 .437 . ..a AMERICAN LEAGUE Sunday’; Game; Nrv Yorl: 6. Ch'cago 1. Bcetou 12. C'lvelaro 3. Wathlnpton 2. St Louis 1. Only eames scheduled. Monday's Scaedule Cleveland at Bos’on. Chicago ct New York. St Louis at Washington. Detroit at Philadelphia. Standing of the Clubs Teem— P. W. L Pet Philadelphia . 39 30 9 788 St. Louis . 42 25 16 .619 New York . 38 22 16 .579 Detroit . 46 21 22 122 Cleveland . 41 29 21 .458 Ch'caco . 44 16 28 .314 Werh'rgton . 33 14 24 .368 LOStoa . 40 12 28 .390 _ NATIONAL LEAGUE Sunrtsv’s Games New York 4. Chicago 1. Boston-Clr.clnnaM. postponed, rain. Brooklyn-Et. Louis, postponed, rain Only games scheduled. Monger’s Schcdu'e N»w York *t Chicago. « Fortcn et Cincinnati Philadelphia at Pittsburgh Brooklyn at 8t. Louis. Standing of the Clubs .jrv p w l p t St Lou:* . 41 28 13 .631 Pittaburgh . 33 23 15 C05 . 8 22 16 .579 Philadelphia . 37 20 17 Ml New York . 36 j9 j7 S28 22!2? *. 3<> 15 24 .385 ci^SaZ il g 2 Bible Is To Aid In Three Football Coaching Schools COLLEGE STATION. Tex.. Mav 3 —Coach Dana X. Bible, veteran Texas Apgie gridiron mentor who will assume duties as head coach of the Nebraska Comhuskers next fall, will participate In three coach ing schoc’s during the coming sum mer. he has announced. Bible will begin his summer's work at the coaching school of the University of Nebraska June 12-26. assisted by his entire coaching staff. He will devote particular at tention to football coaching, he said. At the coaching school of the Oklahoma Baptist Unlvendtv. Shawnee. Okla . July 29-August 10, Coach Bible will instruct in foot ball coaching during the first week. The second week of the course there will be devoted to bas ketball under the direction of Lam- I bert. Purdue University mentor. August 5-17 the second annual D. X. Bible-Francis A. Schmidt coaching school will be held at Cor pus Christl with courses in all col lege sport*. Coach Bible will again pav particular attention to football ( while Coach Schmidt, former Ar- i kansas Razorback mentor who wFl become head coach of the T. C. U Horned Frogs next fall, will take the lead In basketball. Y. W. C. A. SWIM IS OPENED AT GALVESTON . . GALVESTON, Texx.. June —The fourth annual Galveston News-Y. M. C. A. swimming eem ratgn for bovs will ooen at the Y M. C. A. June 3, continuing through June 8 "Learn to swim" U the slo gan during this drive, which has proved popular in the past. STATE TENNIS MEET OPENS IN ALAMO CITY 8AN ANTONIO. June fgb— Play began today in the state lawn tenn’s championship tournament at the San Antonio Country club. More than 100 entries in men's singles and double*, women's singles and doubles, lunlor and boys singles were ready to play. * TIGERS BEAT M’ALLEN 54 Both Team* Play Errorless Games Afield And Get 6 Hit* M'ALLEN. June 3.—Taking ad vantage of all breaks, the Browns ville Tigers bopped on the local Ac tec nine for a 5-4 win here Sunday afternoon before a large crowd. Both teams played e~rorle3s ball afield and each collected six bingles McAllen opened with a rush scor ing once in the first inning. They added one in the fourth and two in the fifth. The Tigers scored three times in th? third and twice in htc fourth to obtain the winning edge. T. Santiago for the Tigers, was relieved in the box by Salims in the sixth inning. S Aldaphe. catch er. was relieved at the same Ume by Ramos. Santiago whiffed two men and Salinas three. Garza In the box for the Aztecs, whiffed nine Tigers in eight in nings. He was relieved in the last frame by Garcia who whiffed the pellet past two Tigers. Calipha was behind the plate for the Actecs. The work of Garza and Garza stood out for the Actecs: King. Can tu and Rocha for th® Tierrs. The Tigers plan a game with Wes laco next Sunday. LITTLEFIELD WILL AID NOTED COACHES AUSTIN. Tex.. June 3 — T. - Clyde Littlefield, track and foothill r~ach at the University of Texas, will be a member of the staff oi tl.e Rockne-Warner coaching school in Dallas Aug. 17 to Sept. 1. The school will be directed bv Krute Rockne. of Notr® Dame, and Warner cf the Leland Stanford University. This will be one of the three sum mer coaching schools Littlehe'.i! will attend as instructor in track. From July 22 to Auc. 3. he will be at Fur man University. Greenville. S. C.. working with Alexander, cf Georgia Tech. Wade, of Alabama and Schmitt. A’-ktnsas and Texes Chris tlon University. From Aue. 5 :o Aug. 22 he will teach in the B®midii, Minn Other staff members will be Thlstlethwaif®. of Wisconsin. Wein man. of Michigan and Keogan, of Notre Dame. Pugilistic Tilts Of First Water to Open New Arenas NEW YORK. June 3—<7F—Open air boxing arenas come Into their own this week at New York and Philadelphia for the first time this season. To the Queensboro stadium gees the honor of onening the blg-tlme outdoor campaign in New York with a ten-round struggle hetween Tonv Canzonerl. ex-featherweight title-holder, and Ignacio Fernandez of the Philinpines tomorrow night. At the Fhiladelnhia Nationals' bell park tonight George Godfrey, the huge negro from Lelpervllle. Pa., has been matched with Jimmy Byrne of Louisville, in the main ten-round bout of the first outdoor shew of the season. Godfrey rated by some experts as the best of the current heavyweights, will be an overwhelming favorite. 1.004.311 JOIN LEAGUE VIENNA. June 3—(&■—'The Aus tro-German League reports that 1.004.311 of Austria's total popula tion of O^pO.OOO have joined the organization. It aims at the union of Austria and Germany. I AGGIES ENTER CHICAGO MEET Thompson, Floyd, Farmer, Slocomb to Participate In N. C. A. A. CHICAGO, June 3.—UP'—A host of stars will battle for honors at Stagg field Friday and Saturday in the national collegiate track and field championships. Eleven 1928 champions will defend their titles, and all are almost cer tain to encounter difficulty. Claude Bracey of Rice Institute. Texas, win ner of the 100 and 220-yard dash titles last year, will be forced to outfoot such exceptional sprinters as Oeorge Simpson. Ohio State; Eddie Tolan. Michigan negro; Cy Leiand Texas Christian; only college runner to win over Bracey; Jack Elder Notre Dame, conqueror of Percy Williams of Canada; and Foster ol Washington. Willlmas of 8outhem California Edmonds, of Stanford, and Packard of Pittsburgh, will vie with Warne of Northwestern, and McDermott ol Illinois, who tied for the western | conference title: Canbv of Iowa, and Otterness of Minnesota, and McA tee of Michigan State, in the pole vault. All have bettered 13 feet and Edmond's mark of 13 feet. 6 1-2 inches is almost ecrtatn to 30. AGGIE CREW WILL LEAVE WEDNESDAY (Spec al to The Herald) COLLEGE STATION. Texas. June 3 —Four members of Coach Frank Anderson's champion Texas Aggie track and field team will entrain Wednesday for Chicago, where they will represent the Aggies in the National Collegiate Athletic asscxva t'on track and field meet June 7-8 The Aggie representatives will be Ed Thompson. Jr., half miler from Cameron; J. G. Floyd. Javelin hurl I er from Rosewood; R. R. Farmer West Columbai. broad jumper; and Den Slocomb. Cameron hurdler. Thomp'on. captain-elect of the 1930 Aggie team, holds the cham o'onship of the southwest in the 880-yard event. He has run the half in slightly more than 1:57. In J G. Floyd, the Aggies have hopes of winning' recogni i (ion in the Javelin throw this year The toss of 204 feet. 4 1-2 inches made by the Aggie ace i nthe con ference meet ranks with the best throws in the conferenre this year. R. R. Farmer, who jumped 23 feet !0 inches to establish a new' record it the title meet this year, al'o rank«= among the topr.otchcrs in this event. Edipburjr Defeated 6-5 By Hat Maker Nine Here Sunday 1 Continuing their winning streak, the Hat Makers hopped on Leftv Swayze of the Edinburg Bob Cats here Sunday afternoon to ek? out a 6-5 victory before a gathering of fans estimated at 1.000. | Swavze. who recently pitched a ' no-hit game against the Kingsville Teachers Javellna nine, was the victim of a fifth inning rurh when the locals obtained three runs Swayze was rep’aced by Cavazos. Martinez of the Hat Makers held the Bob Cats' hits well scattered. An Edinburg rally in the final frame feH just one run short and had the fans In suspense. The Hat Makers will play La Fer'a here next Sunday. Yesterday’s came was one of casualties. Falip# Moreno, catcher solit his hand and will be unable to plav for a month. Five fans were hit by foul balls I also. ALLIGATOR PEARS MOVE RECIFE. Pernambuco. Brazil, | June 3.——Many tons cf alli | gator nears may soon be going to | the United States from this state There Is a movement on foot to increase the 4mnrove pack ing for exoort and cultivate only | the best bearing stock. RECREATION! Visit The “The Valley’s Finest Natatorium” Shimming — Music Dancing PICNIC PARTIES WELCOME CASCADE POOL McAllen, Texas ___I i Major Baseball is Curtailed by Rain; Yanks Beat Chisox By WILLIAM J. CHIPMAX Associated Press Sports Writer What with postponements and gaps in the schedule in the non-Sunday cities of Pennsylvania, the Sabbath program in the major leagues yester day was reduced to exactly one-half of a normal day's campaign. Both the Athletics and the Cardinal?: the two league leaders, helped theraselvei by doing nothing at all, and the cause of the Pirates certainly was not Injured by inactivity. *_ ! Although George Pipgrns, aided ; by Lou Gehrig s twelfth home run pitched the Yankees to their sec ond straight decision over the White Sox by 6 to 1 at the Yankee Stadium, the Browns were nosed out in Washington by 2 to 1. This defeat dropped the St. Louisans four and one-half games behind | the Athletics as the Yankees crept | up to withm seven and one-half contests of the leaders. In defeating the White So;;. Pip [ gras allowed but six hits. Kerr's ! single and Metzler's triple in the ! third saved Chicago from a shut out. Gehrig's homer with one on in the first helped to tear young Ed Walsh loose from the mound but both Hal McKain and George Connally, who followed encounter ed mistreatment. After trailing St. Louis by 1 to 0 for seven rounds. Washington tied the score aginst George Blaeholder In the eighth and then won out in the ninth cn Joe Judge's ricublg and two sacrifices. Irvin Hadley ga*e the Browns only five hits. Red Sox ba*r hammered a merry tunc aginst the barriers at Braver. Field yesterday at the expense of Messrs. Shaute and Ferrell, and Boston won bv 12 to 3 Milton Gaston pitched for the Sox and received battmg support amount inr to thirteen hits. , With rain in both St. Louis and Cincinnati. th« National league rrocram was confined to Wrigley Field where the Giants and the Cubs fcrai'ed wintry blasts from lake Michigan to amuse 37.030 Sabbath clients. Sheriff Fred i Bln he plunged into a desnerate duel with Larry Benton for six innings i but blew up in the seven’h under | the strain of a 0 to 0 score. The Giants put six Tvts together for four runs and won. 4 to 1. SPORTRAITS t!VAC SwAeJSoM Evar Swanson, fleet-looted outfielder of the Cincinnati Reds, is one of the most promis ing rookies of the 1929 season. Manager Jack Hendricks is full of praise for his new find, even going so far as to predict that Swanson will develop into cne of the great outfielders of all time. He came to the Reds from the Mission club of the Pacific coast league, where he batted 348 last year and piled up a total of 49 stolen bases. TO ERECT HOTELS JERUSALEM. June 3— uF>—'Tw* modern hotels arc to be erected here supplying a lack from which the Holy City has suffered, especially in comparison with Egyptian cities. One will built by the Palestine Economic Corporation of New York and the other by a Moslem religious organization. Luggage for that vacation— in step with Fashion— Luggage with “personality” by Belber and Wheary .... Trunks — bags — suitcases. A type of luggage that fits the needs of the most particular .... and a price rang" that’t bound to please you!