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tr \r /7//// Know Your VALLEY INVEST, BUILD AND GROW WITH THE VALLEY -——• - BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN YOU CAN DEPEND ON FOR COOPERATION _ __— \ Jones Transfer & Storage Co., Inc. Distributing, Storing. Moving, Crating and Shipping Dally Motor Freight Service Between All Valley Points Harlingen Brownsville Edinburg | I^llDDA Clean Pure Ice Brownsville Ice Company St. Charles and Belt Line R. R. Plants at McAllen and Harlingen . Coffee Roasted Fresh Daily DELTA COFFEE CO. WHOLESALE ONLY Phone 234 Harlingen I Brownsville Sheet Metal Works Metal Work and Roofing All Kinds Iron and Tin Work. Tanks. Cisterns. Roofing ALL WORK FCLLY GIARANTEED ?hone 289 Brownsville Guarantee Electric Co., Inc. Phone 1050 — Brownsville Electrical Layouts, Fixtures and Wiring M. Garcia Gomez & Champion Wholesale Groceries Tel. 83 Brownsville 11th and Madison For instant cleaning and K h A1HD %# pressing service. Have Jl HUliv 7v your clothes “Gloverized” BROWNSVILLE TAILORING CO. Phone 03 1220 Elizabeth I PHOTOGRAPHS w Live Forever THE SHELDON STUDIO Portrait. Commercial and Kodak Finishing Phone 805 Brownsville PRIVATE DINING ROOM 101 Seats in the Place VALLEY WAFFLE SHOPPE • BEST PLACE TO E AT” Peter Govatos. Prop. — San Benito Garcia-Gomez & Co. Southern Pacific Tracks — Brownsville Telephone 616 Wholesale Grocers We cover the entire Lower Rio Grande Valley ! like a blanket FREE DELIVERY To Any Part of the Valley -1 11 1 1 1 -—— DESEL-BOETTCHER CO. Wholesale Fruits, Produce Grocer* Sundries and Fountain Supplies Phone 797 Long Distance No. 1 Brownsville. Texas DENNETT MOTOR SALES CO. Phone 555 1023-1928 Levee Street Brownsville GUARANTEED REPAIR WORK DAY anil NIGHT STORAGE Accessories, Tires and Tube*. Gasoline. Oils Valley Box and Crate Factory Crates — Baskets — Hampers San Benito Donna ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK General Machine Work •Quick Service” International Iron Works Phone 1317 Brownsville Clyde A. Thorpe. Mgr. Southern Mutual Life Association (A Local Mutual Aid) Ground Floor Farmers State Bank Building San Benilo. Texas t 5001 Ways to Use Tile Ask Wm. Cameron & Company, Inc. Phone 490 Harlingen ■ 1 ——,———————■—— * ■ —— i ■mil ■ ■ —— ■ — i .i i ——■—————»»———»—— Durable Clothes Are Made Here AERIAL LINE CARRIES COOK Meals Now Available On T ranscontinental Flights 6T. LOUIS, June 3.—^—Passen gers on the* Transcontinental Air Transport. Inc. plane-rail route will take their luncheons in the air as they fly across the country between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Between St. Louis and Kansas City and between Albuquerque, N M, and Winslow, Ariz. on the west-bound tr p. passengers will be served by the Fred Harvey company. I which Ion? has operated the res j taurant and dining car service on I the Santa Fe railroad. In the after noon there will be refreshments of tea. bouillon or ice cream. Luncheon, prepared in advance, will be placed aboard the planes in containers which will keep the food hot until served. Portable tables with special tableware will be set in I front of each seat by the plane s I courier when the hot meal is served. 4 These tables also may be used for cards nr writing. The taolus and containers were developed to naee. the specific needs of the air liner riintn? service ,, . A study of the most suitable diet for air passengers is being made in preparation for the opening of the line July 1. On thn trip east bound, passen gers will be served luncheon between Kingman and Winslow. Ariz. and between Kansas Cityand St. Louis Other meals will be served aboard the Tcnnsvlvania railroad trains and at the Harvey restaurants along the route. Westbound, there will be breakfasts aboard the Pennsylvania before reaching Columbus, whei e , the first transfer to the air is mod \ and the second morning in the rr I taurant at Clovic. N M Dinners will ! be in the restaurants at Waynoka. Okla.. and in Los Angeles. On the east hound trip, there will be dinner in the restaurant at Albu querque. breakfast in Wavne,kn. ; Okla . and in T-os* Angeles. On the east bound trip. there will be dinner in the restaurant at Albu ! querque breakfast in Wavnoka. luncheon in th" air and dimer aboard the train after leaving Co lumbus. CHICAGO POSTOFFICE TESTS AIR SHUTTLE CHICAGO. June 3.—(Ah—Postof flce officials here have been experi menting with an airplane shuttle service to speed transfer of air mail from the landing field. A truck and an amphibian plane were matched against each other— the truck making Its way through nine miles of traffic while the plane sailed above, landing in the harbor at the foot of Jackson street, not far from the postoffice. In tests the plane has averaged a saving in time of 25 minutes each trip. Whether the system will be adopted depends on further tests and Washington's approval. Sav ing In time, it is expected, will be balanced against added expense DETROIT-CLEVELAND AIR SERVICE STARTS _. . DETROIT. June 3 — f/p)—Forty five minute air service between Cleveland and Detroit across Lake Erie has been started by the ' Thompson Aeronautical eorpora I tlon. I-eonlng amphibian planes car rying six passengers are in use and there are four scheduled trips each day. The tvater terminal at each end of the line is within 10 min utes of the business district. The safety of the amphibian plane was demonstrated on the first Cleveland-Dctroit trip. Fog forced the pilot. Ralph R. Devore, to I alight. He taxied on the water for about 30 minutes to a point where the fog had lifted. He took off ; *cain for Detroit, arriving four hours late, but with the passen gers none the worse for their ex perience. -— Tile Put to Many Uses by Builders In This Section i • The people of the Lower Rio i Grande Valley are fast learning many of the 5001 uses for building tile, T. B. Alexander, manger of the William Cameron & Co., Inc., of Harlingen, declares. Tile not only Is one of the most decorative building materials but is at the .same time highly durable, clean and entirely sanitary, he states. It has a multiplicity of uses. Alexander says if anyone doubts that there are 5001 uses for his product he will enumerate them for him. The company, which has estab lishments in nearly all the large in dustrial renters of Texas, came to Wall Street Pools Are Encountering Very Dull Season DETROIT, Jure 3 —Pools in mo tor stacks recently have encountered hard sledding, except in the ease of Packard and a lew others where aviation or other special develop ments gave the glamor of specula tive appeal. While automobile output and sales have been maintained at a high rate, authorities point out, rompeti ! tion in th* industry is unusually keen and s^me of the first quarter reports have bec-n rather disappoint ing. I Several successful pools have been 1 organized in the motor accessory shares, several of which have been marked to a new high lpvrl at the same time that the automobile t stocks were slipping to low levels. Profitable operations have been conducted in a selected assorimenl of aviation, business appliance, chemical. fr>od, merchandising and publir utility isesues. But in the parlance of Wall street the “'tcneral market has not been getting anywhere." High money rat’s are blamed because I it is difficult to get people to buy ! stocks yielding, in most cases, less . than five per cent and force th*>m to pay from eight to 15 per cent, for ! th° privilege o! earning them on margin. Pools, most of whom operate on borrowed money, find the most pro hibitive. particularly, when they are unable to attract a public following TEXAS TOWN CLAIMS LOWEST FIRE LOSS NFW BRAUNFELS. Texas. June j 3.——This town of 4,500 claims the maximum insurance premium credit of any place its size. An ordinance requires roofs of all I buildinzs. cvpn to barns and chicken coops, to he covered with sheet me tal or other non-inflammable ma terial. The law was passed one night 35 years ago when a blaze swept through the town. In the last 10 ypars New Braun l fpls has had less than $100.nno in j fire losses. Some years no losses | whatever have been reported. THRILLS OF NIGHT RECALLED BY PILOT ATLANTA. June 3.—(/Pi—-Night flvine Is far more interesting than day flying, says Sidney *Pat> Mal loy. airmail pilot on the New York Atlanta run. “Lights reveal any number of towns and villages that completely escape the pilot In daylight flying." i said Malloy. “It’s a constant i source of education for the pilot.” Thrills also are offered the night pilot. Malloy exnlained how sev eral of the night fliers have noticed farm houses ablaze and zoomed around them until the noise of the . motors Rwnkcn occupants. He also recalled how Pilot Johnny Kytle barged into Stone Mountain one ; night, escaping from his demolish ed plane unscathed. _ . .. Harlingen two years ago and estab lished the Valley Tile Ar Marble Contract division of the Wm. Cam eron Ac Co.. Inc. Since that time it has enjoyed good business, Alex ander states. In the Harlingen offices manv samples and designs are on display. The company has a staff of experts who are glad to make suggestions to the public. This advice is free. ,-We are well pleased with our Valley business and hope to con tinue to grow with this section." Alexander says. “However, we would like to teach the people more of the 5001 uses for tile. It would be for their own benefit as w'ell as ours." Diesels’ Weight Greatly Reduced For Aerial Work DETROIT. June 3.—</P)—A plant | Tor the production of the Diesel type ' of airplane motor perfected by Capt. i L M. Woolson. aeronautical engi neer of the Packard Motor Car com pany. is nearing completion here. Announced originally as a three rtory building, it has been decided to acid another floor The change in plans probably will delay initial deliveries of the new motor The plant will have a capacity of 500 engines a month. One of the real handicaps in adapting a Diesel type motor to aviation had to be overcome by Captain Woolson in perfecting the motor. This was to reduce the weight of the engine. The great weight of the original Diesel motor confined Its use almost entirely to marine work or stationary plants. Captain Woolson is understood to hadeveloped his type with a weight of about two pounds per horsepower. Using what Captain Woolson calls furnace oil" instead of gasoline, it ir, claimod the Diesel type motor ran ho operated at from one-third to one-fifth as m?ich as a gasoline engine. In a recent, flight from Detroit to Langley field. Va . Captain Wool son reported the 700 miles covered la six hours and 50 minutes and the consumption of "14 68 worth of fur nace oil." Reduction of the tremendous weight of the motor as brought out by Dr. Rudolf Diesel, a.German en gineer. in 1897. has been made pos sible through the development of an alumninum alloy that could with stand the great pressure brought against the cylinder walls. DEMAND FOR LABOR PAMPHLETS GAINING GENEVA. June 1 —The interna tional labor office's publications on technical subjects are increasing steadily und*r pressure of a world wide demand In 1925 the sum obtained from the sale of such publications amounted to slightly more than $20,000. Sales during the past year reached a value of almost $50,000 International publications are sold now’ in 61 countries. Increases in sales have been notable in Ger many. Great Britain and Spain. The next countries on the list are France and Italy. Approximately *2.000 worth of the publications w’ere sold in the United States during 1928. AUTO PRODUCTION APPROACHES PEAK WASHINGTON. June 3.—— Department of commerce records covering 151 motor vehicle makers in the United States show that 570. 986 more passenger automobiles were produced during the first four months this year than last. If the same rate of increase is maintained the total production of . this type of car In 1929 will be ap ■ proximately 5.500.000 compared with 3.827 849 in 1928. There is a cor responding increase in the current I production of motor trucks. GARMENTS ARE OF HIGH CLASS # * Plant at Eighth and Fron ton Produces 40 Dozen Pieces Per Day Located in a territory that is agricultural for the mast part, the McNair Clothing Manufacturing Co.. Eighth and Fronton streets, is doubly interesting and renders a much felt need in this section. The concern, capable of produc ing 40 Horen garments a day. manufactures work pants, coats, shirts and other similar articles. Their line is known as the Dur able Brand Work Clothing and is sold entirely through the Valley Wholesale Dry Goods company. More than 80 people are employ ed by the manufacturv and 48 ma chines are kept in operation. Their products, especially duck coats for hunters. are well known over this trade territory. These coats are sold as far north as Racine. Wis. The plant is of the most modern type and every machine is electri cally operated To the layman, most of these intricate machines J remain a mystery but they are, ever fascinating. It is interesting to watch the smallest one tn the establishment, approximately she inches high and about ten inches long, equipped with three hundred crooked nedles and a trimming knife making 8500 stitches per minute and trimming the cloth at the same time. About 60 layers of material are | laid on a table 69 feet long and electric cutter goes through them as if they were butter. The button hole machine Is so set that it will make a certain number cf stitch°s per button hole. | All of the minute details arc fig ured out in manufacturing what the conrem believes to he among the best products to be found on the market am w here A waLsting machine. In one operation, sews tn , the pockets, the waist lining and the belt loop*. Only two of the employes are capable of making a romplete gar | ment. These are overseers. The others are taught to do one nartlr tilar Item and the more effluent they become, the greater their re muneration. POLAND WOULD IMPORT U. S. COTTON DIRECT - ! LODZ. Poland, .tune 3.— .4’—The Polish governmen1 is encouraging , the direct import vf \mericnn cot I ton to the cotton mills of Lodx. ’ which use millions of dollars worth .^f the white stap'e Heretofore all cotton shipments ( destined for Point d have come through the German jyjn of Brem-1 en and American ci tiers have srl- i dom realized that they were really seeing to Poland From the shipping liiv-s, "•'Mi'-h ! nuihortties learo°'l that freight ; fetes for cotton would be the same ia Danzig and Gytinii. tiic Polish ports, as it is to Bremen. PARIS FAIR DRAWS EXHIBITS FROM FAR PARIS, June 3.—The Paris j fair, an annual trade exhibition, i this vear counts 7.392 exhibitors Of i these 754 are foreigners, represent ing 33 nations. Japan is second among the for eigners with 138 exhibitors, Italy is ' first with 141 and Russia sent 48. Machinery is toe biggest exhibit, f. l I lowed by foodstuffs and on tiding i indutsry. TO HONOR CHANNEL FLIGHT ANNIVERSARY CALAIS. France. June 3.-4/P1— ! July 25 will mark the twentieth anniversary of the first flight ; across the English channel by Louis Bleriot. The occasion will be celebrated bv a fete here and by the Issuance of a stamp designed by the presi dent of the Aeronautical Society of the Pas de Calais. The channel crossing was made In 41 minutes froti Ca'his to Dover. I England. July 25. 1909. —'mmmmmmmmm— ...| COUNTRY HOME WORK A SPECIALTY QUINN AND DERRICK PLUMBERS Heating. Septic Tanks, Sewering, Estimates. Jobbing 847 Elizabeth Street Phone 913 Brownsville, Texas Ventilators and Skylights a Specialty General Sheet Metal Contractors Turner Sheet Metal Works Phone 228 407 13th St. Brownsville Valley Made For Valley Trade PqAjile Clo°hes Valley wholesale Dry Goods Co. Brownsville Valley Storage & Transfer Company Moving, Storage, Crating, Distribution Warehouse Equipped With Automatic Sprinkler System Telephone 117 Mercedes, Texas RADIATORS Repaired General Welding O. P. HACKER Phone 239 Cor. 13th & Washington Brownsville Furniture Remodeling And Refinishing J. R. FROST Brownsville 900 Adams Street Holm’s Studio Portrait and Commer* cial Photography Phone 337 — Brownsville Special Notice to the Public New Nerv-O-Meter and El Vibra System Used M. K. Cook, D. C. Chiropractor Phone 703 405 State Natl Bank • Serv ing the Valley Phone 892 P. O. Box 485 BRISCOE MOTOR PARTS, INC. r26 W. Harrison WHOLESALE Harlingen. Texas Replacement Parts For All Cars L. A. P AGAN TRANSFER AND STORAGE Bonded Warehouse Crating — Shipping — House Moving All Kinds of Heavy Hading Office Phone 178 Weslaco Res. Phone 180 Black When You Visit Brownsville Don’t Forget to Eat at BLACKSTONE CAFE Across from the Travelers Hotel Gasoline and Motor Oils WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Velvorene Motor Oil Co. Phone 583 Brownsville 2nd A* Fronton Streets CLARK ELECTRIC SHOP SPEEDOMETER SERVICE STARTERS BATTERIES GENERATORS RADIOS MAGNETOS Phone 432 Brownsville. Texas 830 Elizabeth — mm mtm'wmmmmmrmmmmmmmmmmmmw Dependable Prompt BROWNSVILLE TITLE COMPANY Phone 353 — Brownsville Complete abstracts of title to lands in Cameron County, Texas : Manufacturers of All Kinds t Chicken, Stock and Dairy Feed* SAN BENITO FEED CO. I ---—-----. fill Jardin Garage — Brownsville FIREPROOF STORAGE Washing — Greasing — Auto Service by Skilled Attendants g Satisfaction guaranteed with all transactions ( '■ . T^' | " .. , Floyd E. Bullard J Monuments Sheet Metal Works i Our work permanently ex “No Job To Small— { „ Pre^,' EJLffyjS" . „ 4 Brov nsvllle Marble & Granite None Too Large j Work* Phone 325 — Edinburg 1 941 Levee Street — ■■ ■ ... .. - wmr ■ m i »n——i— ■—n Til Mercedes Concrete , Pipe Co. I PLANTS AT MERCEDES AND McALLEN General Offices — Merceries Makers of Quality Concrete Pipe for Irrigation and Drainage ’ SILVERS BOX CORPORATION Capital Stock 1500.000 00 Growers and Shipper* Supplies. Harlingen. Tex |J Main Offica: Dalian. Texas. Night Phone 172-W Day Phone 616 P. O g Box 1323. Valiey-wlde distribution of Growers end Shippers' Supplies. Quality, sendee and fair dealings our motto Your inquiries for car- 1 load or truck load orders solicited. tj L__ i -----1 We Specialize in Staple Wholewile Groceries E. DE LA GARZA | Phone 984 Brownsville 634 Fronton St. jj American Maid Bread ALWAYS FRESH Ask Your Grocer Made bv GATEWAY BAKERY Brownsville Canners “S. S.” Brand 3 Vegetables and Grapefruit SCHMIDT CANNING CO. j San Benito AVERY FARM IMPLEMENTS Specially adapted to Southern Farming Wholesale and Retail ; Investigate Our Liberal Credit Terms i PHILLIPS HARDWARE San Benito i* RIO GRANDE NATIONAL’ I LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Old Line STOCK COMPANY Legal Reserve I Harlingen. Texas I