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The Brownsville Herald’s Daily Comic Features MUGGS McGINNIS — Express — No Stops _Wally Bishop Copyright, 1929, hr Contra! Pre» AitocUtion. lac. HIGH PRESSURE PETE — The Wrong Kind —Swan Poft. MlNHtAPoUS. _ 6M ' U1AV "▼5 'teU£>ws7oKC park., -rf<e_ OA vti^y ^^nr; n <y AUOKC> owe att, Zh. Aft6l>-l£t*TS BaoC ■5t«sC TXJ'Oi MCf, Amd ' MAOC. MAO GoaD PoaOS AmO Wt ATntTt., AU- ' - T**e_ VOIAV w-t o <_ VT5 A B>LOO-Our PETb- VOO LL To OACK To Wir "TOiOM U)E_ ■JUST passed . ftw> get ft shoe. TbR. \T— IT S Too BU> ft HOLE. To PuT <=»*_ oaPmwgy perm OM onus' 1-1 i m imm rtf !<iooOMC-«-H€'S gone ooea J- w»»e *»e <ror-*e^» voj diomt i%ll ne. von*T srce -shogl &tr—*50 t ‘&f?QO<jH P\ VOt-tOL^. ~&ONCH^ Op en tCopyntH. n.r V.- Prut l.v._ . ,■.■ iTHE GUMPS — The Widow in Distress —Sidney Smith 5 OP ALL TH IN6jS- ( fVJELL- I LL OUST WAVeY % / OP all PEOPLE - ( AFLATTIRP-] J To SiY HEME And wait-* 1 TOM CAR!?- \ A kJisvAl UIUAY / ^,>r,Lt* KINP (ANO ME * IN THIS SWODPY ) % 4\ "OW WHAT j if^A PER.SOM COMES ALONG] * * \ 0L0QUYF»Y*—- f ^ A SHALL I OOP J -ANO OEEEMS ( ! V amn u* iam/ci.O OtsJ 1 ■ /SA^Y |» *_' ETTA KETT — He’s Not Driving a Car Now! —Paul Robinson • % . .... .... _ CM. JUST SEE HOV» ( ^ Small'the houses I ACS'—vrs vonoerful 70 FLN —JUST lock ,_AT THE PERFECTLY r ^ DNiHE SCEMEQ.N - J . ..1 \f \— •- ' 1 _ I / / / 1 I 0-OO-M-H !if ‘ VOURE 1WE OiLN SCENlERM 1 VIUAT THE' UtCkfs VJQOJG w ^ ^ m crested w-^oo Lf'^LVrJ;^5 r LOOK L\KE A Biros EVE P^5v-I SP^^o^Sf* I OUST LOST VlEVi Of PARADISE' _ l COUTV3CL OF THe pLAMtJ COl^rf^U OP Ar > ^Goodbye lOOU-CGE -. ETTA PCRDiTA, and •• *< hal :l *areon *th<ar \Nay home \n*DukeV Diane/ GOOFEY MOVIEi -NeKer TUE. ROST TWIkJG TO DO is DEC 1 OB (JL) WAT K1KJD OP= A STOCV WOU COAMT TO OJPitE.TM£M OiC< TWE CHACACteCT WOO UJ'OH TO USB IW WDOQ S*TOCV TZ UAv/E E.IGWT STAC ACTCCS AMO ACTPcS’S lM THE GOOPtV AAOOlBS* fiToOlO THAT At?E AVAILABLE.THEUMA <ITTV, HcM^A HAPE, 0ULU CE SNAKE. BBOECuEV etPu»M, OCCA^ , TJ = fH-«,W.<ESA CASJOV NAV.P, /OF COUPSE THE S~©RV MUST BE OtVCEO ' W... An? DO,\jT PC83ET, A PfilZE IS I A A °-sA-"' ° _' 1= ■*v^<= "- * I IAJWUE TH£,-A kr TW is AAOC£ THE ( INTO PACTS, CN£ PAQt FOR EACH CAv— \ R CFFEPED FOP EACH SCEVJAP 0 GcTWtPANO , FE CTr:C S X ' p PEUA0LE U^VE TVPE.POC A N’.LLA'N > TCW AND N A<e THE END ©F EACH CAP T \W ACCEPTED.AFTfcpVOU TOGETUtP.OF"- ^ CTNGEPEO I MCU UAME 90Uu CANINE.A^ FOG. ' AS THBlU-’NG AS POSS 0FE SO TF~ CSAPcC. | FANE NOOQ STORV COV0UBT6& ANO ee\JEC-EV /7>^02N.N USAA^V I f/wSEUP, IN&’-U. S GUESS VOUCAU tOlUU gE ANivcOUS TO SEE THE NEXT CANS /I A* A A IT TO GOOSEY MONIES, 9 S PuAV the ffc*. ^>^3= a FEPC ^ USE A'= AS AN =<tPa V^FTUM... . . O VA GET ~ T-E i p =A^^/ I PAP=Q._FC J STOW >pyri#ht» 1929. by Central Pres* AuocUtloa, Ine. {(General Welding Radiator Specialist * JjAWy MOWER EXPERT | 0T, J. Rommer I I ... r==aBI* Today’s Radio Features THURSDAY, JUNK • [By The Allocated PrteeJ Programs In Central Standard time. All time la P. M untea* •**»' * # indicated Wavelengths In left of call letter*, kilocycle* on right.. Chart t* net stations and chain programs with Hat of associated stations la f ^opi—WABC N«w York-—0 S'SO—Bennv Krueger s Orchestra-Also WHK WOHP WaDC KMOX WAPJ e-M—Arabesque, 3on*a—Also KMOX KOlIe WISH WBBM KMBC WfW 5 sSZu s Marine Band-Also KMOX KOIL WBBM KMBC WWM_ 7 ;0O—Detective Mvsterles-Also KMOX KOIL WSPD WHK WADC WflBF 7 WBBM WOWO KMBC WFBM WOOD 7-30— Famous Recording Artists: Balanced Program—Mae WADC WOtir 7 WBBM WOWO KMOX KMBC KOIL W8PD T HK W. CO 8 00 Oenrre Olsen and His Dane* Orchestra—Also WAD’ WKflC * ' WGHP WOWO KMBC KOIL KMOX W»PD W«N WCCO 454.3—WEAF New York—M4 5:00—Hymn Sing. "The Tempest”—Also WFJC KOA 8:30—Comfort Music, "Outdoors —WLAF 6:00—Buck and Winn. Cook and Fleming—At*oK 5 P 6:30—Sentinels Orchestra. Jessica pragonet t e— A ' W . ,T«Ta M W W J £ * * KSD WHO WOW KSTP WHAS WBM ft SB * * t W,M W| Al WB AP 7 00—Singers. Male Quartet and Violins—Also HOI "TAM WWJ WiAl KYW KSD WHO WOW WDAF WBAP 7:3©-Broadway Lights, Novelty Vocalists * ptch*ntm-Mm WWJ 8:00—Old Counselor* Reception. Andy ‘r/J1 «tUjTttjaK ^VVSAI KYW KSD WHO WOW WSMB WAPI K ,** ’! WTMJ WJA* WHAS WSM WMC WSB WPAA KPRC WO* 1 W1Kli WRAP 8 30— public Poticv Committee Session—Also Wt,V "*iAI w no WIOP n Mv WKY KPRC WFJC . , 10:00—Dave Berme a Hotel Orchestra (on# hour)—Also KSD kDAP WSM 394.^—WJZ New York—7fr0 5:30—Retold Tales. "Sign of the Four”-A!so WREN KOA ML RWK WKY g oo— Beautv Serenade with Lewis Jame*. (Jwt ‘ ■ *■** T'. •—At** KDKA WJR WLW KYW KWK ' WRAP 6 30-Ben B^rnie^s Onhestra-Also KDKA WJR WLW K KWK WPEN 7 OolHaenwhen Orchestra-Also KDKA WJR WI.W W, R KWK WREN 7i»^Bou""on Orchestra-AIro KDKA WJR ’•i.v. KYW k • F WRAf KSTP WTW WF.BC WHAS WSM WMC KPRC K'*A W HO WOW Vt i:00—Godfrey Ludlow. Violinist with Concert Ore’ -»tr*-VIJf 8:30—Around the World—Also With.* KDKA WJR KYW KWK 9:30—Half Hour of Slumber Music, String Ensemble Program—AH* KMC* Chicago Studio* NBC 5:00—Uncle Bob’* Cake Club Children: J* minulegcf M- •*; and § KYW KSTP KWK WLW WREN TV MC KDKA TV PA A KVOO KPRC VALLEY RADIO KWWG—Valley Radio Station Brnwnavlllr 12:00-12:10 p. m — Markets, weather and river reports. 12:10- 1:00—Musical program. 4:00- 4:20—Associated Press dispatches and Valley neat t;-m Tht Brownsville Herald. Also markets and weather reoona. 4:20- 5:55—Musical program. 5:55- 6:00—World Bookman, popular radio feature THURSDAY A. VI. 10:00-1:00 p. m—Musical request program. > T*"- ■ .Illllll - ~~ — MM ■ ! “Since 1891” I ior thirty eight years Ihis bank has served the Rio Grande Valley, and served the people well. I Ask any banker from Rio Grande City to Browns ville, as to the character of service we render, both banks and the entire citizenship. We are known throughout this entire sn-tion II of the state as “THE FRIENDLY BANK.'* and we | live up to that reputation daily. If you are not one of our fast growing list of customers, I Start An Account Today 4% Compounded semi-annually paid on Savings Accounts First National Bank ! Brownsville, Texas “THE FRIENDLY BANK” Oldest Bank in the Rio Grande Valley A CORDIAL INVITATION th* PUbH* 10 *ii,t 0Br plBnt BB<* «■■**•» care'ai and thorough testing method, in use which unn oVlr B,„ !e highest quality being delieered to the purch..., Por complete information address Owen M Co«,'>e District Sales Manager * I GULF CONCRETE PIPE CO. P. O. Box 1051—Brownivilla. Texas. Plant located at Ulalaek Switch oa Highway. The Pioneer Concrete Pipe Manufacturers of Teta* Concreta Pipe 'or Irrigation, Drainage and Sewer System#. 1 Train Schedules MISSOURI PACIFIC LIVES No. 12—To Houston, San Antonio 6:10 a. m. No. 14—To Houston. 7:00 p. m. No. 16—To Houston, San Antonio 9:00 p. m. No. 15—From St. Louis. San Antonio Houston. 7:3u a. m. No. 13— From Houston. 6:10 a. m. No. 11—From 8an Antonio and Hous ton. 9:55 p. m. SOUTHERN FACiriC LIVES No. 319—From Houston, San Anto nio. 8:15 a. m. No. 320—To Houston. San Antonio 3:15 o- m NATIONAL LIVES OF MEXICO __<MataoMran Mmmmii 9 SoVm“T° U°0t#TT*7' c’*7. rey °3 Jo*©" m*1"8 M#,lco CTt?' ' «'«» BAHW%T , , , To Point Untwi. t jo • m Prom Point I*n&«t. 4pm _ E»ya Gravel Co. il INCORPORATED II ^AS BOX 554 || __I TITLE INSURANCE | I When you borrow mnnrv on real estate, man* loan < ompante* re. S quire the title to be insured. The best test of whether a title Is I Insurable, is to have it insured. Require a title insurance pollrv V when you buy. I VALLEY ABSTRACT COMPANY 11 Prompt Title Service % Brownsville Edinburg !i Opposite Court House E. Harrlmsn flfsd H Phone 1184 Phono »3 Heaps of Pun with a ( w4 Caff Take the family nut for u week-end | trip, go to place* In odd hoar*, go fishing and camping. Yon owe Mu L. i your family. All theae aru wtthtn range of your poekrtkoah. aa yunTI discover If you look over the lutings II in the used car columns of | ®ir BnmnrarfBr flrralj I