Newspaper Page Text
— - .... _ M .. n. - - - - - - r-. I---I -1 - - - ! . ^1-- _ - ■ " 11 — ■ 1 - : . _ _ : " ' I .. f ■■ ■■■hi _ **■****-.„- Tr-^ £et Cash For Your Unused Possessions Through One Of These Classified Ads AUTOMOTIVE I AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE I FARMS FOB SALE STEVIN80N MOTOR CO, Inc. 10th & Adams Don’t Read This UNLESS YOU WANT A BAKOAIN Late 1926 Oldsmoblle coupe: upholster; and painf good: fair rubber. This car is a genuine bargain. Come and see for yourself. CASH TRADE TERMS BROWNSVILLE NASH CO. 1327 Levee. Phone 13«6. Q-332 Classified Business Directory ARCHITECTS mmm* • BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. Architects—Engineers 208 Merchants Bank Bldg. Phone 817 Brownsville, Texas - t E. G. HOLLIDAY Architect and Builder 409 State Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 R. NEWELL WATERS Architect 9-12 Security State Bank Building Weslaco. Texas E. B. GORE Civil and Consulting Engineer Room 406. State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville. Texas. Phone 1077. BUILDERS—CONTRACTORS PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractors 528 Washington St. Brownsville, Texas Phone 627 E. M. RIDLEY General Contract Roads Land Leveling plowing, I Excavations Embankment# 4 406 Merchants Natl. Bank. :« Brownsville._ " CASH~REC1STERS . HATTONAL CASH REGISTER CO Registers bought. 6old and exchanged tol. E. Banders. Representative P fie 29. Harlingen. Tex. Box 90S * ~ DRAY—TRANSFER Mason Transfer & Grain Co. bonded warehouse SEEDS OF ALL KINDS -r Light and Heavy Hauling WE MOVE ANYTHING fl05 Adams. Phone 139 AUSTIN TRANSFER COMPANY Crating. Shipping. Hauling h Phones 421 and 519_ } j*“ florists_ \ THE FLOWER SHOP Cut flowers, pot plants, funeral designs and bouquets . 1254 Elizabeth St. Phone 1388 ®CWYER THE FLORIST, flowers and funeral designs. St. Charles and Pita streets. Phone 771. g HOTELS—CAFES ' WHITE KITCHEN I runout for Mi JZooking-Immaculacy and Service The popular place for business lunches 12th between EUrabeth and i j Washington Hat Renovating >— First Class Hat Renovating & Shoe Repairing Delta Shoe & Hat Shop i l We Call for and Deliver Phone 535 [ Y INSURANCE . W. B. CLINT ^INSURANCE ( SURETY BONDS 208-9 Merchants National Bank f^ PHONE 6 PAINTING pAINTINO. Paperhanging. Deooratlni >nd Textonlng. P. W. Rieka. 1446 Un join St. Phone 1328-J. FINA%‘OIAL LOANS On Improved residence and buslneas property. Todd and Underwood \ 1037 Levee St. JBrorzunLo, Texas. — FINANCIAL LOANS To buy. to build, to re-finance or Im prove your home or business property. Any Town In the Valley. Gunn & Holdridge Over First National Bank Pharr. Texas. LOANS Business rroperty at 6. 6'j and 7%. RESIDENCE LOANS Semi-Annual Payments at 7 and 8%. Monthly payments $1213 per $1000.00. D. L. WELCH 19 Arcade aid*. Phone 1410. MATTRESS RENOVATING Let Us Renovate Your Mattress We make mattresses to order. All repair work guaranteed SOMMERS 12th and Adams Phone 674 OFFICE EQUIPMENT ART METAL FILING Equipment Maverick-Clarke Litho Co. 208 Merchants National Bank Phone 617—Brownsville Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVES STATIONERY 6s BOOK STORE Brownsville, Texas FUNERAL DIRECTORS ROOFING THE TURNER BROWNSVILLE ROOFING CO, Inc. We respectfully solicit your re-roofing as well as new. Eighth and Railroad Brownsville. Tex. Phone 1163 TYPEWRITERS DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange (Brownsville’s Typewriter House) Distributors, New L. C. Smith “Si lent’* 8 and Late Corona 4 type writers. Also sell Royal Portable* and “Factory- Rebuilt*—all makes. We repair all makes typewriter and adding machines. 1112 Elizabeth St Phone 1105. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER SALES CO. Typewriters—Adding Machines Supplies—Repairs Phone 506—Harlingen PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEYS RALPH A. DUNKELBERO Attorney at Law Commercial Collections a Specialty 106 Sea bury, George and Taylor Building Brownsville, Texaa Davenport West and Ran some Attorneys at Law 307-308 Merchants National Bank Brownsville, Texas H. B. GALBRAITH Attorney at Law Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville, Texaa J. T. Canales C. & Kidman. Jr. CANALES AND KIDMAN Attorneys at Law Real Estate a Specialty 303 Merchants National Bank Brownsville. Texas H. L. Yates Attorney at Law State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville CHIROPRACTOR M. Cook, D. C. CHIROPRACTOR Nerv-O-Meter Service 1715 Grant and Seventeenth Victoria Heights BreweaviUe, Texaa. Phone 1228-J EL VIBRA SYSTEM USED REAL ESTATE LOSEBANOS • Brownsville’s Supreme Residential District, carefully restricted, com pletely improved. Home sites from $1200.00, easy terms. Jaraes-Dickin son Co, Realtors, corner Travelers Hotel Bldg, Brownsville. fry a Herald Classified Adi 0®®dl Us®d Cars BUY THE BEST USED CAR THE MARKET AFFORDS AND YOU GET .THE GREATEST VALUE Because we carefully examine the used cars we take in trade—because we describe them honest ly and price them fairly—they represent the most unusual values on the used car market today! A number of exceptional values are listed below. You will find others just as attractive on our showroom floor. Every one is a bargain. Every one can be bought on a small down payment. USED BUICKS Buick Standard Coupe, 1928 ,.x....... $ 875.00 Buick Standard Coupe, 1926 ..S 575.00 Buick Standard Sedan, 1926 ....... $ 550.00 Buick Master Sedan, 1926 .. W..A.... $ 575.00 Buick Master Sedan, 116-inch wheelbase, 1929 U!* • » >;> > • $1325.00 MISCELLANEOUS MAKES Cadillac 314 Sedan, 1926 • MX*. • • • • • • $975.00 Chrysler Coupe, 1927 ... $575.00 Whippet Coach, 1927 ...$350.00 Hudson Brougham, 1927 ... $700.00 ABBOTT BUICK CO. 9th and Washington Phone 1133 AUTOMOTIVE A PICK-UP FOR SOMEONE As unusual buy. 'Studebaker Phaeton, good mechanical condition, good tires, looks good. This car is going at $2S0 for quick sale. See this one. PATTESON MOTOR CO. R-30 P. F. SOLIS. 449 Fronton, will receive two tickets to the Capitol Theater by calling for them at The Herald office before 6 p. m. June 7. 1929. AUTO REPAIRING FOR QENUINE NASH PARTS AND SERVICE You should see us. We are equipped with everything It takes to render A-l sendee. BROWNSVILLE NASH CO. 1327 Levee. Phone 1366. P-198 LOST AND FOUND BUYERS AND SELLERS are both sat isfied by classified ad service. SALESMANS SAMPLE CASE lost on Missouri Pacific bus Wednesday morn ing between Harlingen and Brownsville. Return to Joseph Levlerre. Miller hotel. Brownsville. Reward. R-47 LOST—Tire and rim of Chrysler car at first railroad crossing on Southmost road. Suitable reward If finder re turns to Saunders' Store. 9th and Eliz abeth. H-54 HELP WANTED WANTED—A thoroughly experienced mechanic. Must be able to do electrical and generator work. Beginners need not apply. Furnish references and ad dresa. Addrer.s R-41, care Herald. R-41 YOUNG LADIES, 18 to 24. to travel with crew of girls. 8pecial advertising campaign, covering entire U 8 Salary and expenses; permanent, fascinating position: experience unnecessary. Ap ply Mr. Corbett. Hotel Travelers. _ R-43 SITLATIC7S WANTED WANTED—Bookkeeping or office posi tion by Junior college student: good recommendations. Write Paulus Hof heinx. Brownsville, Texas. R-53 THOROUGHLY experienced bookkeeper and accountant wants employment any where in Valley. Can handle small amount dictation. Reasonable ealary to start. Not afraid of work Your con sideration will be ap reel a ted. Box P-51. Hfr*ld-_ R-51 _PERSONAL DR. COOK. Chiropractor, bath parlors, massages. El Vlbra reducing system used. Cook 6t Williams, 1715 Grant St., telephone 1228-J. R-5 BUSINESS CP PORT UNITY FOR BALE—Garage and service station. Good Valley town, fine location. Box 27, La Ferla. Q-207 FOR SALE—Hat and dress shop. If taken at once. Address P. O. Box 594 Raymondvuie. Texas. R-49 ONE FIRST-CLASS restaurant doing good business* la one of the best towns in the Valley . Will sell at bargain. Write F. W. Howard or call 1090 Brownsville. PO6T0PFICE Confectionery at La Fe rla for sale. Inquire at confectionary. _R-38 THE RIGHT PLACE for everybody and everything ta found by classified ads IF SPEED IS NECESSARY trust to a classified ad. FOR SALE—Cleaning and preeatng shop and hat blocking outfit In Valley town. Doing good business. Modem equipment Will sell for $1,750. Can furnish hatter at reasonable salary for hat work. Must leave on account of health. Address R-24. care Herald. _R-24 _Wanted to buy WANTED—One school bus body. I. M. Wilson, La Ferla. Texa». Q-248 WANTED—National cash register. Must “d ,n i04*1 ,h»p* p. o. Box 614. Phone 1091. Brownsville. _ R-40 LIVESTOCK—POULTRY THOROUOHBRED COLLIE PUPS from International Championship Breeding; males $10.00: females $7 50. J. H Stran ahan. Box 711. San Benito. Texas. _____ R-42 ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE • New stock of plumbing and plumbing supplies of all kinds; also soil pipe and fittings, whole sale and retail. Sampson Machinery & Supply Co. Houston, texas ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE Boat motor and trailer Square stern canoe with cork sponsons. Johnson Outboard Motor. Two-wheel er trailer for carrying canoe. E. W. Taylor. Taylor Lumber Co., Brownsville. Q-100 YOU WASTE NO TIME In finding what you want In the directory of wants and offers on the classified pages. "GOING, GOINO, GONE!" So many people are watching for bargains In the Classified Section that It pays to be quick In replying to sds before the op ort uni ties are gone. CHILD'S BED. springs and mattress, practically new. Phone 765. 1309 W. Elizabeth. Q-176 FOR SALE AT ONE-HALF PRICE-20 day beds. Will sell any amount. Apply Grande Court. McAllen. Texas. Q-67 GOOD USED piano; easy terms. Phone 868-M, or P. O. Box 562, Brownsville. F. D. Hambly, R-44 IF YOU want to buy something, phone Howard. Phone 1090. R-23 GREAT SACRIFICE SALE—Ford truck, 10x12 tent, gasoline stove, and many other articles; on parking lot on Eliza beth, between I3th and 14th. R-25 FOR SALE—Slightly used ABC washing machine at sacrifice price for quick sale. Frlgldalre Sales & Service. Phone 276, Mercedes. R-8 FOR SALE—Good assortment of house hold goods, including gas stove and room heater, straight chairs, shades. Ice box. library table and other articles. Can be seen at Valley bonded ware house, 8. P tracks. Saturday, June 8. What Is not sold this day will be ship ped out If the Valley. L. B. Shifflett. R-32 ONE VICTOR and one Edison phono graph. slightly used; terms, $5 00 month. Phone 868-M. or P. O. Box 562. Browns ville. F. D. Hambly. R-43 BUY OR EXCHANGE IF YOU have anything to sell, list It with Howard. Phone 1090. R-23 REAL ESTATE ' ————■ - OWNER MUST SELL at once beautiful "Los Ebanos" lot at sacrifice. Terms can be arranged. Call Phone 1398-W SPARE ROOMS can produce spare cash through a classified ad. For Sub-Division 160 Acres Located 4 blocks from the high school and closer to Brownsville than tbs exclusive Los Ebanos Subdivision. Winding resaca run ning through property offering natural lake rront sites for sub division. This property Is for sale by owners a?d can be bought at a very attractive price. Henson-Lo max <Sc Houston and Brownsville Development Co. INVESTIGATE SUMMIT PLACE THEN INVEST In Brownsville's new business and res idential sub-division, located on 13th and 14th streets, one mile from Gate way Bridge, on the main thoroughfare leading to the proposed ship channel, municipal airport, rich farming dis trict of El Jardln. and Boca Chic* Beach. Easy terms. Office 14th and Hays streets. J. J. Dallas, sales mana ger. phone 336, Brownsville. Texas. P-15 ANOTHER HERALD SUBSCRIBER Is a winner. Mrs C. 8. Reed. 1523 W. Eliz abeth St., will receive two free tickets to th Capitol Theater by calling for them at The Herald office before 6 p. m. June 7. FARMS FOR SALE BARGAIN—1 acre. 4-year-old grapefruit trees; loaded with fruit; sale or trade; part of Dr. Driver's orchard, near town W. E. Spivey. Phone 654. R-20 THE MARKETPLACE for everything for everybody—the classified pages. OWNER OFFERS FOR SALE—16-acre farm only firs miles from Brownsville, and Just 200 yards off concrete high way. Has 8-room house, and near graded schooL Can be bought at at tractive price and terms. Box Q-79. Herald. Q-79 TELLING MORE means selling more. It Is worth while to give all Important facts In your classified ad. FOR SALE 18-acre orchard on highway; all 7-year old trees In heavy bearing. Good resi dence. barn and garage Priced to selL terms. Updsgraff. La Faria, Texas. R-34 300 Acres Cleared Situated within six . blocks of the El J&rdin Hotel. This property offers a wonde r f u 1 opportunity for an in dustrial sub-division or for small acreage sub division for grapefruit. Considered the highest spot in Brownsville. For sale by OWNER at $600.00 per acre. Price and terms to suit. Re lease clauses on either lots or acreage. Henson Lomax-Hous ton and Brownsville Develop ment Co., Brownsville, Texas. LOTS FOB SALE ELIZABETH STREET LOT. Was'. Brownsville, for sale at sacrifice for cash. Call 1398-W. P-8J I ... .. ■ . "■ ■' ..... . YOUR TELEPHONE Is the representa tive of our classified add department In your own home. HOUSES FOB SALE FOR SALS—Modern new home, 6 rooms, bath, hot water, garage; cor ner Levee and 10th street. West Brownsville. Small down payment, balance like rent. T. Aziz, phone 302 or 694. P-138 SMALL PAYMENT down, balance like rent, will buy 5-room modem house. Beautiful light fixtures, two-tone tex tone finish walls. 8ee Mrs. Florence Stafford, owner. 17th and Hayes streets. Victoria Heights. Phone 1075-M. R-36 HOUSES ^OR SALE FOR SALE One seven-room house, one-half block from high school. House two years old. On Adams, between First and Palm Blvd. Lot fifty by one hundred twenty feet. Modem In every way. One thou sand cash will handle this place. Phone 1090 or write F. W. HOWARD. Q-235 BUY OR EXCHANGE TO TRADE for vacant lota or Improved residence property, small farm lees than six miles from Brownsville, near con crete road and good school. Address Owner. Box Q-78. Herald. Q-78 FOR SALE OR TRADE—Modern tourist camp on main highway. Small cash payment, balance terms. Owner has other business. M. B. Bourne. Sebas tian. Texas. Q-157 ONE NEW 5-room house In Victoria for sale or trade: terms to suit. W. E. Spivey. Phone 654. R-2C ______ FOR REN. —Store rooms in Stegman building. Bert Cromack. M-56 FURNISHED HOUSE for rent for four months: also furnished apartment. Ap ply 1704 W. Elizabeth or hone I049-J. Mrs. H. M Smith. R-37 APARTMENTS ALONSO APARTMENTS—Nicely fur nlshed. Comer Sixth and Levee. Phone 839. P-208 VERY COOL 2-room eouth apartment with gas. garage free. $23. Telephone 946-W. Q-21 MAY DAY APARTMENTS—Cool. new. modem, well located. Completely fur nished Including zerozone. gas, garage Summer rates. 121 Washington. Phone 714. Q-168 Junkin Apartments Two blocks east of High School on Palm Blvd; 4-room apartments, strict ly modem, beautifully furnished, electrical refrigeration. overstuffed living room suites, walnut bedroom suttee, walnut bedroom suites, fir# places and garages. Open for Inspec tion. PHONE 1254-W P-55 APARTMENT for rent on paved street. Lights, water and gas furnished. AU conveniences. Phone 429 0-279 FURNISHED APARTMENTS—W star, lights and gas furnished. Phone 55. P162 4-ROOM APARTMENT, private bath, hot water. Comer Adams and Boule vard. Phone 784. P-158 MORRIS APTS.—burnished and unfur nished. Modem, with garage. Summer rates. D. L. Welch. Phone 1410-848W. N-17 FOR THE. COOLEST, most desirable apartment In town, phone 558. Q-95 FOR RENT—Ideal apartment, every thing new. completely furnished. Rea sonable rental . Call 1173-W. Q-196 CONLEY APARTMENTS—Cool, and aU eonvealencee. 357 W. Levee or phone 847-R. Q-214 ITS A OOOD INVESTMENT to tell all the facts in a classified ad. The best results follow quickly. FOR RENT—4-room duplex, furnished or unfurnished. Call 1051-J. Q-254 FURNISHED APARTMENT with all conveniences, including garage; $35.00. 402 Adams street. Q-255 Five Apartments Five furnished apartments for rent. Everything furnished except gas and linens. Three five rooms. One three room. One four-room. Call Mr. How ard. Phone 1090. til-21 FURNISHED ROOMS * ROOMS, one oiocx from portofflce. one block from El Jsrdln hotel; large, southern exposure; reasonable. Phone 1228-W or 1S17. M-215 NEWLY FURNISHED front bedroom, bath adjolng. Very cool and pleasant for the warm weather. Phone 485. Q188 ROOMS AND APTS.—Reasonable rates. Olenwood Hotel. Phone 619. Pilg COOL FURNISHED ROOMS two blocks from postoffice. Also furnished apart ment. 1005 St. Charles. Phone 1340-W Q-216 LIKE MAOIC—the transformation of articles which you no longer need into useful cash through a classified ad. Where There’s a “Want” —that's where Herald Want Ads shine. There are 40 classifications in The Herald Want Ads covering the range of human needs from the finding of lost dogs to selling man* sions—from selling diamond rings to buying i farm. Yes—the Want Ads will find YOUR wants. For a Want Ad call Phone No. 8. a fubn::hed rooms COOLEST ROOMS In town; 2 blocks of poetofflce. 912 Levee. Q-243 FOR RENT—Delightfully cool bedroom la modern home, to one or two gentle men; garage If desired. Phone 413-W. _ R-48 ROUSES FOR RENT—3-room furnished house: 723 W. Levee; gas. lights and water. Call 1334-J. before 8 a. m. or after 3:30 p. m. R-27 FOR RENT—7-room bouse, modern conveniences, between Third and Fourth. Washington street. Q-137 MODERN 5-room home, sleeping porch, garage and gas. Telephone 841. Q-209 8-ROOM HOUSE, modern, all conveni ences. Close in. Phone 839. Q-237 FOR RENT to responsible party, the old 3-story Brulay home. 540 Elizabeth street, phone 414. or P. O. Box 82. R-19 IF YOU want to rent a house, phone Howard. If he hasn't It. he will help you find one. Phone 1090. R-22 HOUSE FOR RENT 5 rooms, gas in each room, and all modern conveniences. Located at 621 Washington St. Call at 525 Adams or phone 825-W. FOR RENT—Two-story, 7-room house on paved street. All modern conveni ence*. Phone 535. R-39 ROOMS AND BOARD Room and Board Good Home Cooking $10 a Week Single Meals, 50c Phone 1014-W. 924 Elizabeth BOARD AND ROOM by the meal or week. 1004 St. Charles. Phone 629-W Q-14S WANTED TO RENT IP YOU have property to rent, Hat It with Howard. Phone 1090. R-21 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT UNITED*STATES MARSHAL*?" SALE Southern District of Texas. By virtue of an Order of Sale Is sued out of the United States Dis trict Court for the Southern District of Texas, on the 20th day of May, 1929. notice is herebey given that I will sell by public auction, for cash. LEGAL AOVERTISLMI. on the 24th day of June. 1929. at 2 o’clock p. m. at the Umteed States District Court House in the city of Brownsville, Texas, one Ford Truck. Motor No. A.A.571.770, License No 2-787, in accordance with Section 939. Revised Statutes of the United States. R. A. HARVIN. United States Marslial. By H. R. JEFFERDS, Deputy. __6-6—3451 CITATION BY PUBLICATION Terrill T. Taylor vs. Guadalupe C. de Gutierrez et al. In the District Court of Cameron County, Texas. THE STATE OF TEXAS To the Sheriff or any Constable of Cameron county. Greeting: You are hereby commanded, that by making publication of this Citation in some newspaper pub lished in the county of Cameron once in each week for four con secutive weeks previous to the re turn day hereof, you summon the unknown heirs and legal represen tatives of Guadalupe C. de Gutier rez, a widow, of Cameron county, Texas, the unknown heirs of Aqui lino p. Barreda, whose names and residences are unknown. C. P Barreda, a resident of Cameron county. Texas. Dimas Pardo Bar- ! reda. a resident of Spain. Antonio I P. Barreda. a resident of Cuba. Adelaide Celaya Fox and husband 1 J. J. Fox. Mrs. Elmo Grider and husband, Elmo Grider. Joe Celaya. Augustine Celaya, Jr., Clarence Celaya. all over twenty-one years of age. and residents of Cameron' county. Texas. A. B. Walker, a resi- i dent of Harris county. Texas, Geo. F. Walker, a resident of Cameron County, Texas, and F. G. Jackson, whose residence is unknown, to be and appear at the next regular term of the District Court of Cam eron county. Texas, to be holden at the court house thereof, in the city of Brownsville, on the third Monday in July. A. D. 1929, the same being the 15th day of July. A. D. 1929. then and there to an swer a petition filed in said court on the 28th day of March, A. D. 1929. in a suit numbered on the docket of said court. No. 8433. wherein Terrill T. Taylor is plain tiff. and the unknown heirs and legal representatives of Guadalupe ! C. de Gutierrez, the unknown heirs of Aquilino P. Barreda. C. P. Bar reda. Dimes Pardo Barreda. An tonio P. Barreda. Adelaide Celaya Fcx and husband. J. J. Fox. Mrs. Elmo Grider and husband. Elmo Grider. Joe Celaya. Augustine Ce layt, Jr.. Clarence Celaya. Antonio Cavazos. A. B. Walker. George F Walker, and F. G. Jackson are de fendants; the nature of plaintiffs'1 demand being substantially, as fol- j lows, to-wit: Suit in trespass to try title to lots Nos. 9 and 10 in blk. No. 142 of the original subdivision of the City of Brownsville. Cameron LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT county, Texas, made by G«or|t Lyon about the year 1850 Plaintiff specially pleads three, five, ten and twenty-five years’ statutes of limitation, and alleges that the common source of title la as follows: Deed from the New York and Brownsville Improvement company to Aquilino P. Barreda. dated May 7. 1894. and recorded in volume J at pages 328-330 of the Deed Rec- • ords of Cameron county. Texaa. and claims under the following chain of title: Deed from Antonio P. Barreda. administrator of the estate of Aqui lino P. Barreda to Emilio A. Ara gon: deed. Emilio A. Aragon to An tonio P. Barreda; deed. Antonio P. Barreda to Guadalupe Cavazos de Gutierrez, to her sole and separate estate: decree of divorce, Guada lupe Cavazos de Gutierrez vs. San tiago Gutierrez: mortgage with power of sale. Guadalupe Cavazos de Gutierrez to Catarina Champton de Cantu: Mortgagee’s dead. Guad alupe Cavazos de Gutierrez by Catarina Champton de Cantu to Catarina Champion de Cantu: deed of partition r.mong heirs of Cata rina Champion de Cantu: and Catarina Cantu de Salazar and husband to plaintiff. Plaintiff prays for judgment for title and possession of said land, premises and hereditament*, for his writ of lestitution. and other re lief. special and gen. ral In law and In equity. Herein fall not. but have you be fore said court on the said first day of next term thereof this writ with your re’um thereon, showing how you have executed the same. Given under my hand and seel of said court, at office In the city of Brownsville, this the 23rd day of April. A D. 1929. Witness, Jno. p. Scanlan. Clerk of the District Court in and for Cameron County. Texaa. A true copy I certify, JNO P. SCANLAN. Clerk County Court, Cameron County, Texaa. (SEAL) _ 8-18-23-JO-8-1412 VALLEY SLOGAN GROUr WILL MEET TONIGHT (Special to The Herald* SAN BENITO. June 8 -Members of the Valley-wide slogan commit tee are scheduled to meet her* to night. to select slogans to offer at the next meeting of Valley Cham ber of Commerce secretaries THE OLD HOME TOWN Stanley /'wardenTheS HARMLESS, - * f * HE JUST FEELS A B)T SKITTISH y 1 * 7 SINCE HE <SOT OVEIR HlS D COOT /*/ T/ RECENT SPELL WITH A* ° A 0A*N - ^HIS KIMKYNWHISKERS " ^ y^Se *AlNT/*c * >o‘^ cv^starte^ *. >° ^ £«<•* — a . . ■ >- ^ Ob «. ,**»- at v -h. BLEW INTO TOWN THIS MoRNjNfc, KEPT HIS EYE ON STATION A4EIMT DAD KEYES MOST Gf= THE DAV, BUT MARSHAL OTEY WALKER EXPLAINED THINGS satisFAC-TOR)L.V ___ &}9W__ i