Newspaper Page Text
Don’t Expect To Spend A Quiet Day After Inserting An Ad In This Section! AUTOMOTIVE A PICK-UP POR SOMEONE As unusual buy. Studsbaker Phaeton, good mechanical condition, good tires, looks good. This car is going at I2SC far quick sale. See this one. PATTESON MOTOR CO. R-tt FOR SALE—Chrysler sedsn In good running order; paint good; will sell cheap. P. O. Box 170. Brownsville R-m I Classified Busi ARCHITECTS BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. Architects—Engineers 308 Merchants Bank Bldg. Phone 817 Brownsville, Texas f * E. G. HOLLIDAY * Architect and Builder 409 State Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 ¥ R. NEWELL WATERS Architect if .12 Security State Bank Building Weslaco. Texas E. B. GORE CItU and Consulting Engineer Room 408. Btate National Bank Bid*. | Brownsville. Texas. Phone ion. BUILDERS—CONTRACTORS PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractors 528 Washington St. Brownsville, Texas Phone 627 E. M. RIDLEY General Contractor I Roads Land Leveling plowing, / Excavations Embankments I { *08 Merchants Nat 1. Bank. JI * Brownsville._ CAS REREGISTERS_ NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. » Registers bought, sold and exchanged ^ W E. Sanders. Representative Phone 29 Harlingen. Tex. Box 905 S i DRAY-TRANSFER —t Mason Transfer & Grain Co. bonded warehouse SEEDS OF ALL KINDS Light and Heavy Hauling , WE MOVE ANYTHING J105 Adams. Phone 139 AUSTIN TRANSFER COMPANY Crating. Shipping. Hauling l Phones 421 and 519 ““ FLORISTS__ the flower shop Cut flowers, pot plants, funeral designs and bouquets 1254 Elizabeth St. Phone 1388 BCWYER THE FLORIST, flowers •wd funeral designs. St. Charles ' and Pita streets. Phone 77 L_ g~ HOTELS—CAFES_ WHITE KITCHEN Famous for lu i Cooking—Immaculacy and Service The popular place for business lunches 12th between Elisabeth and I , Washington I!__ Hat Renovating First Class Hat Renovating & Shoe Repairing Delta Shoe & Hat Shop We Call for and Deliver . „ Phone 535 INSURANCE W. B. CLINT INSURANCE 7 SURETY BONDS 208-9 Merchants National Bank PHONE 6 * “ PAINTING FMimWO. Paperhanging. Decora tlag •ad Tfktoning. P W Rieka. 1448 Lin ton fit. Phone 1328-J. flNA’riAL LOANS do Improved reeidenre and business property. . Todd and Underwood 1. 1057 Levee 8t. Brovn«vU|a, Tut% I jAUTOMOTIVE Don’t Read This UNLESS YOU WANT A BARGAIN Lata 1926 Oldamoblle coupe: upholatery and paint good: fair rubbar. Thla car la a genuine bargain. Come and eee for jour self. CASH TRADE TERMS BROWNSVILLE NASH CO. 1327 Levee. Phone 1369. Q-332 iness Directory FINANCIAL LOANS To buy. to build, to re-finance or im prove your home or bualneaa property. Any Town in the Valley. Gunn & Holdridge Over nrst National Bank Pharr. Texaa. LOANS Bualneaa property at 6, 6‘,i and 7%. RESIDENCE LOANS Semi-Annual Payment* at 7 and 8%. Monthly paymenta 61213 per 61000.00. D. L. WELCH 19 Arcade -Jldg. Phone 1410 MATTRESS RENOVATING Let Us Renovate Your Mattress We make mattresses to order. All repair work guaranteed SOMMERS l£th and Adams Phone 674 OFFICE EQUIPMENT ' _,_ ART METAL’ FILING Equipment Maverlck-Clarke Litho Co. 206 Merchants National Bank Phone 617—Brownsville Edited Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVE'S STATIONERY & BOOK STORE Brownsville. Texas FUNERAL DIRECTORS ROOFING THE TURNER BROWNSVILLE ROOFING CO.. Inc. We respectfully solicit your re-roofmg as well as new. Eighth and Railroad Brownsville. Tex. Phone 1168 TYPEWRITERS DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange (Brownsville's Typewriter House) Distributors. New L C. Smith “Si lent” 8 and Late Corona 4 type writers. Also sell Royal Portables and “Factory" Rebuilt®—all makes We repair all makes typewriter and adding machines. 1112 Elizabeth St. Phone 1105. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER SALES CO. Typewriters—Adding Machines Supplies—Repairs Phone 506—Harlingen PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEYS RALPH A DUNKELBERO Attorney at Law Commercial Collections a Specialty 106 Seabury. George and Taylor Building Brownsville. Texas Davenport. West and Ransome Attorneys at Law 307-308 Merchant® National Bank Brownsville. Texas H. B. GALBRAITH Attorney at Law Merchant® National Bank Bldg. Brownsville, Texas J. T. Canales C. S. Eidman. Jr. CANALES AND EIDMAN Attorneys at Law Real Estate a Specialty 303 Merchants National Bank Brownsville. Texas H. L. Yates Attorney at Law State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville CHIROPRACTOR M. Cook, D. C. CHIROPRACTOR Nerv-O-Meter Service 1715 Grant end Seventeenth Victoria Heights Brownsville, Texas. Phone 11H-J EL VIBRA SYSTEM USED REAL ESTATE LOS EBANOS Brownsville's 8upreme Residential District, carefully restricted, com pletely improved. Home sites from $1200 00. easy terms. James-Dlckln son Co., Realtors, corner 'rrave'.ers Hotel Bldg . Brownsville. Try a Herald Classified Ad AUTOMOTIVE I — TENTH AND ADAMS THREE DAYS TREE TRIAL BUY WITH CONFIDENCE. 1928 Chevrolet Cabriolet.WOO 1938 Chevrolet Landau .£65 1928 Chevrolet Landau. 975 1928 Chevrolet Touring. 450 1927 Chevrolet Landau. 450 1927 Chevrolet Sedan.. 490 1927 Ford Ton Truck.. 225 1928 Ford Touring. 290 1936 Ford Roadster. 250 1923 Ford Roadster. 125 STEVENSON MOTOR CO„ Inc. Brownsville. Texas. AUTO REPAIRING FOR DENTINE NASH PARTS AND SERVICE You should see us We are equipped with everything It takes to render A-l service. BROWNSVILLE NASH CO 1327 Levee. Phone 136S. P-198 LOST AND FOUND YOTNQ LADIES. 18 to 24.. to travel with crew of girls. Special advertising campaign, covering entire U. S. Salary and expenses; permsnent. fascinating position; experience unnecessary. Ap ply Mr. Corbett. Hotel Travelers. R-45 HELP WANTED THE BROWNSVILLE HERALD has an opening for one or two reliable boys from 14 to 16 year* of age who would like to take over one of our good pay ing routes in our Circulation Depart ment. If Interested, call at The Her ald office. R-63 SITUATIC'iS WANTED THOROUOHLY experienced bookkeeper and accountant wants employmsnt any where tn Valley Can handle small amount dictation Reasonable salary to start Not afraid of work Tour con sideration will be epreciated. Box R-Si. Herald. R-31 EXPERIENCED stenographer. book keeper desires position either Browns ville. San Benito or Harlingen. Phone 1373-W. P. O. Box 1161. Brownsville. *-« iPERSONAL I DR. COOK. Chiropractor, bath parlors, massages. El Vibra reducing system used. Cook Sc Williams, 1715 Orant St., telephone 1228-J. It-5 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE—Oarage and service station Oeod Valley town, fine location. Box 27. La Faria. <3-29? FOR SALE—Hat and dress shop. If taken at once. Address P. O Box 594 Paymondville. Texas. R-49 ONE FIRST-CLASS restaurant doing good bustneses in one of the best towns In the Valley . Will sell at bargain ; Write F W. Howard or call 1090 ■ Brownsville. R-46 POBTOFFICE Confecttonerv s? La Fe rla for sale. at confeetlonerv R-38 | FOR 8ALE—Cleaning and pressing shop and hat blocking outfit In Valley I town Doing good business Modern equipment. Will tell for $1,750 Can furnish hatter at reasonable salary for hat work Must leave on account of health Address R-24 care Herald R-24 FOR SALE—The only wholesale meat and sausage factory in the Valley. The best opportunity in Texas for a man that knows the business and has some capital Address B & H. P O Box 467 San Benito. Texas R-6S . _ WANTED TO BIT WANTED—National cash register Must he a bargain and In good shape P. O. Box 614 Phone 1991. Brownsville R-40 LIVESTOCK—POULTRY FRESH COWS for esle Good ones Roseoe Frsler. Pharr. Texas P.-69 ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE * f New stock of plumbing and plumbing supplies of all kinds; also soil pipe and fittings, whole sale and retail. Sampson Machinery & Supply Co. Houston, Texas LACNDERED flour sacks. $M0 doten Valley Seirk Exchange. 105 St. Charles | WANTED—Electric rsnge or will trade gas range for one Mrs h E. Otlmore, Point Isabel. R-S9 FOR SALE Eoat motor and trailer Square stem canoe with cork sponsons Johneon Outboard Motor. Two-wheel er trailer for carrying canoe. E. w. Taylor. Taylor Lumber Co. Brownsville <3-100 ONE VICTOR snd one Edison phono grsph. slightly used, term* *5 00 mon'h. Phone 168-M or P O. Box 562. Brown*, vllle. P. D Hsmbly, R-43 FOR SALB Bedroom eulte Living room eulte Axmlnster rug. 9x1? Columbia phonograph Dresser 6-burner Red Star gasoline stove Chrystal all-steel refrigerator May-tag waashlng machine Cooking utensils Other articles. 495 8T. FRANCIS R-11 CHILDS BED. springs and mattress, practically new. Phone 765. 1303 w. XUaabeth. _ Q-176 ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR HALE AT ONE-HALF PRICE—3C dmy bids. Will ull soy amount. Appts Qrsade Court. McAllen. Texas. Q-ci GOOD USED piano: easy terms. Phon< 608-M. or P. O. Box 3*2, Brownsville P. D. Haably. R-u IF YOU want to buy something, photu Howard. Phone 1000. R-2' - --. - BUY OR EXCHANGE IF YOU have anythin* to Mil. Ust n ; with Howard. Phone 10*0. R-23 FORD SON TRACTOR. International *• horsepower gas engine, practically new for exchange for used corrugated Iron, citrus tries, gunney sacks or lumber will pay or take difference. Box R-5S. Herald. R-55 Ripe Tomatoes WANTED— RIP* TOMATOES Dunn's Canning Factory Donna. _ R-«4 ALCTION SALE Sal® At Pharr, Texas June 12, 1:30 P. M. We will sell 35 head real producing milch cows - 28 head of sheep; 10 head of good hogs; 6 head of real good mules; 1 good saddle horse; one black and white Shetland pony; lots of household goods, the best of furniture; 2 good wagons, and lots of farm implements of all kinds. Tell your neighbors and bring your friends for there will be a real bar gain for everyone. Everything must sell re gardless of price. Do not forget the date. Wednesday, June 12r at 1:30 Rain or Shine Col. Fay Snowden Auctioneer REAL ESTATE OWNER MUST SELL at once beautiful "Los Ebanos" lot at aacrlftca. Terms can be arranged. Call Phone 1398-W For Sub-Division 160 Acres Located 4 blocks from the high school end closer to Brownsville than the exclusive Los Ebsnos Subdivision. Winding resaca run ning through property offering natural lake front sttee for sub division. Thu property u for sale by owners a~d can be bought at a very attractive price. Henson-Lo max <k Houston and Brownsville Development Co. R A. DUNICLKBERO. 208 PW« Boule vard, win receive two free rickets to the Cspitol Theater by calling for them at The Herald office before 6 p. m June 10 INVESTIGATE SUMMIT PLACE THEN INVEST In Brownsville's new business and res idential sub-division, located on 13th and 14th streets, one mile from Gate way Bridge, on the mam thoroughfare leading to the proposed ship channel municipal airport, rich farming dis trict of El Jardin. and Boca Chics Beach. Easy terms. Office 14th and Hsya streets J. J. Dalles, sales mana ger. phone 334. Brownsville. Texas P-33 FARMS FOR SALE BARGAIN—1 sere, 4-year-old grapefruit trees; loaded with fruit; sale or trade; part of Dr Driver s orchard, near town, w E Spivey. Phone 654. R-20 OWNER OFFERS FOR SALE— 16-aere farm only five miles from Brownsville, and Just 300 yards off concrete high way. Has 8-room house, and near graded school. Caa be bought at at tractive price and terms. Box Q-79. Herald. Q-79 " TOR SALE 18-aere orchard on highway; all 7-year old trees In heavy bearing Good resi dence. barn and garage Priced to sell, terms. Updegraff, La Ferla. Texas. R-34 ITS A OOOD INVESTMENT to tell all the facts in a cUsslfied ad. The best results follow quickly. 300 Acres Cleared Situated within six blocks of the El Jardin Hotel. This property offers a wonde r f u 1 opportunity for an in dustrial sub-division or for small acreage sub division for grapefruit. Considered the nighest spot in Brownsville. For sale by OWNER at $600.00 per acre. Price and terms to suit. Re lease clauses on either lots or acreage. Henson Lomax-Hous ton and Brownsville Develop ment Co., Brownsville, Texas. • LOTS FOR SALE ELIZABETH STREET LOT. We*t Browaaviiit. for sale at sacrifice for cash. C4U 13M-W. P-43 CLASSIFIED ELATES and RULES Advertisements will ba accepted ever tbe telephone from telephone subscribers, or from those bavin* regular charge accounts. Other classified advertising must be so com pained by cash. No advertising accepted on an “until forbid" order. A specified number of insertions must be given. _ Tbe Herald reserves the right to; placa all advertisements under the proper classification, and reject unclean or objectionable copy. Obituaries, resolutions, and cards of thanks will be taken at the reg ular classified rate The publishers are not responsi ble lor copy, omissions, typograph ical error or any unintentional ar ror that may occur, farther than to correct in tne next issue after It u brought to their attention All ad vertising orders are accepted oo this basis only. Telephone No. 8 and dictate your advertisement to an experienced classified writer. To Insure publication same day copy should be presented not later than 10:30 a. m. Copy for Sunday | issues should be in not later than I 1:30 p. m. Saturdays to insure proper classification. * CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 words or less, one In sertlon 30v. Over 20 words, one insertion. per word .lilt Subsequent insertions run con secutively. per word. Ic By month, per word.25c Minimum for monthly rate. 10 words. No classified advertisement ac cepted for less than.30c LOCAL READER RATES Readers, per count Una. 20 c— Per Inch .1120 Second and third days. 17c tier Une; fourth, fifth and sixth days.! 15c per Une: 7 consecutive days. I3cj per Une. HOUSES rOfT SALE FOR SALE—Modern new home. 0 rooms, bath, hot water, garage: cor ner Levee and 10th street. West Brownsville. Small down payment, balance like rent. T. Aziz, phone 502 or 004. P-13S SMALL PAYMENT down, balance Uke rent, win buy 5-room modern hous«. Beautiful light fixtures, two-tone tex tene finish walls. See Mrs. Florence Stafford, owner. 17th and Hayes streets. Victoria Heights. Phone 1075-M ’ R-30 FOR SALE One seven-room house, one-half block from high school. House two years old. On Adams, between First and Palm Blvd. Lot fifty by one hundred twenty feet. Modern in every way. One thou sand cash will handle this place. Phone 1090 or write f. w. HOWARD I Q-23S I BARGAIN for quick sale; owner leav ing; completely furnished cottage West Brownsville; a real home very cheap Box 167. Brownsville. R-67 BUY Oil EXCHANGE TO TRADE for vacant lota or improved residence property, small farm lesa than six miles from Brownsville, near con crete road and good school. Address Owner. Box Q-78. Herald. Q-78 ONE NEW 5-room house In Victoria for sale or trade: terms to suit. W E Spivey. Phone 654 R-2C WANTED—Hear from owner good farm for sale Cash price, particulars. C. O Lundqtlist. Minneapolis. Minn. P.-l RENTALS POR RENT—Store rooms In S teg mar. Building. Bart Cromack. M-.56 FURNISHED HOUSE for rent for four months; also furnished apartment Ap ply 1704 VV Elizabeth or hone 1049-J. Mrs H M Smith. R-37 APARTMENTS ALONSO APARTMENTS—Nicely fur { milled. Comer Sixth and Levee. Phone 839. P-303 VERY COOL 2-room south apartment with gas. garage free. *25. Telephone 946-W. Q.21 MAY DAY APARTMENTS—Cool. new. modem well located. Completely fur nished Including rerozone, gas. garage Summer rates. 121 Washington. Phone 714. Q-163 APARTMENT for rent on paved street. Lights, water and gas furnished. All conveniences. Phone 429 _ 0-27* FURNISHED APARTMENTS—W a t • r. lights and gas furnished. Phone 3S. __ Pl62 4-ROOM APARTMENT, private bath, hot water. Corner Adams and Boule vard. Phone 764. P-156 MORRIS APTS.—Furnished and unfur nished. Modem, with garage. Summer rates. D. L. Welch. Phone 1410-848W _ N-11 POR THE COOLEST, meet desirable apartment in town, phone 558. Q-95 FOR RENT—Ideal apartment, every thing new. completely furnished. Rea eonable rental . Call 1173-W Q-196 CONLEY APARTMENTS—Cool, and all conveniences. 357 W. Levee or phone MT-R. Q-214 POR RENT—4-room duplex, furnished or unfurnished. Call 1051-J. Q-2M FURNISHED APARTMENT with all conveniences, including garage; *39 oo 402 Adams street Q-255 Five Apartments Five furnished apartments for rent. Everythin* furnished except gas and linens. Three five rooms. One three room. One four-room. Call Mr How ard. Phone 1090. St-2l FOR RENT reasonable; neatly furnish ad 5-room bousa with double garage; 2-room apartment In my home with garage and connecting bath, ground floor Also 1-room apartment adjoin ing garage Will rent furnished or fur nished Everything furnished if de sired Mrs J. P Williams, 1649 Grant street. Victoria Heights R-62 FURNISHED ROOMS ROOMS, one oioex rrom poetoffice. one block from El Jardin hotel; large, southern exposure; reasonable. Phone 1229-W or 1317. M-215 ROOMS AND APTS —Reasonable rates. Glen wood Hotel. Phone 619. PI 18 COOL FURNISHED ROOMS two'blocks from postoffice. Also furnished apart ment. 1005 St. Charles. Phone 1340-W. Q-216 COOIE8T ROOMS In town; 2 blocks of postoffice. 912 Levee. Q-24J FOR RENT—Delightfully cool bedroom In modern home, to one or two gentle men; garage If desired Phone 415-W. R-48 LOVELY FURNISHED coot room in pri vate family. Close la. Phone 91*-W i R-37 j I They’re Just Here for —the summer school session, and they want light housekeeping rooms .... so they are watching the “Housekeeping Rooms ' Want Ads for the place to live where they'll live. Will they see YOUR rooms listed there? Call 8 right now and I order your ad Yes. you can charge I FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT—Nice cool bedroom ad joining bath. Reasonable and cloae In. Gentlemen preferred 622 St. Charlea. Phone 658. R-68 TWO CLEAN modern light housekeep ing rooms, close la; rcasontbie rent. PTivate entrance. Phone 999-J, or ap 1 ply at Black Diamond Cafe. R-66 l ■■ -. .. - -.— ■ -.- - -- - - ■ - ■ HOUSES FOR RENT—7-room touae. modern convenience*, between Third and Fourth. Washington street. <2-137 FOR RENT to responsible party, the old 3-etory Brulay home 540 Elizabeth street, phone 414, or P. O. Box 82. R-19 IF YOU tvant to rent a house, phone Howard If he haen't it. he will nelp you find one. Phone 1090. R-22 FOR RENT—Two-etory. T-rocm house on peved street. All modern conveni ences Phone 535. R-39 HOUSE FOR RENT—On 5th street be tween Levee and St. Char lets. R-58 BELIEVE IT OR NOT. my 3-room house with garage, lights, water and gas. at 726 W. Levee, is for rent at only $25 per month See J. E. Snyder at postoffice. R-61 MATAMOROS suoscrlber la a winner. Catarina Cross will receive two tickets to the Capitol Theater by calling for them at The Herald office before 6 p. m. June 10. FOR RENT—Small, beautifully fur nished cottage in cool West Brownsville. Reasonable to responsible party. Phone 975-J. _ R-67 ROOMS AND BOARD BOARD AND ROOM by the meal or week. 1004 St. Charles. Phone 629-W _ <2-148 WANTED TO RENT IF YOU have property to rent, list It with Howard. Phone 1090. R-2I LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SHERIFF S SALE THE STATE OF TEXAS. COUN TY OF CAMERON: Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a certain order of rale is sued out of the honorable 103rd judical district court of Cameron county on the 18th day of May, 1929 by John P. Scanlan. clerk of said court, for the sum of three thou sand eight hundred thiry-thrce and 30-100 dollars and costs of suit, under a judgment in favor of G. C. Wagner et ux in a certain cause In said court. No. 8295 and styled: G. C. W’agner et ux vs. W. S. James et al, placed in my hands for serv ice. I W. F. Brown, as sheriff of Cameron county. Texas, did on the 24th day of May, 1929. levy on cer tain real estate, situated In Cam eron county. Texas, described as follows, to-wit: Two tracts of land, containing in the aggregate, thirty one and 62-100 (31.62) acres: tract 1. containing ten acres (10) of land, more or less, in the Concepcion de Carricttos grant in the Hicks re serve. being the same land and all of the land fully described in deed dated January 21, 1919. from the LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT First National bank of Brownsville. Texas, to W. S. James, as same ap pears of record In volume 75 on pp. 255-7 of the deed records of Cam eron county. Texas; tract 2 con taining twenty-one and sixty-two hundredths acres of land in Con cepcion de Carricitos grant, being block number 11 of Subdivision No. 1 of the Hicks reserve, as shown and described upon the map of plate theerof, and its record »n volume 4 at page 27 of the map records of Cameron county. Texas, and levied upon as the property of W. S. James et al and that on the first Tuesday in July. 1929. the same being the 2nd day of said month, at the court house door of Cameron county, in the city of Brownsville, Texas, be tween the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m by virtue of said levy and said order of sale. I will sell said above described real estate at public vendue, for cash to the highest bid der. as the property of said W. S James et •!. And in compliance with law. I give this notice by publication, in the English language, once a week for three consecutive weeks immediate preceding said day of sale, in the Brownsville Herald, a newspaper published in Cameron county. witness my hand, this 24th day of May, 1929. W. F. Brown, Sheriff, Cam eron county. Texas By H A. JARGOU. Deputy. 5-25-1-8—3439. RIO GRANDE CITY SUPPER-BRIDGE Captain and Mrs Herbert S Kid well entertained with a supper bridge Saturday evening, having as j their guests the personnel of Fort Ringgold and visiting army folks 1 from Fort Brown The guests were seated at small tables and following a two-course supper, bridge occupied the remaln j der of the evening Mrs Voohries was successful holder of high score for the ladies and Lieutenant Ra guse for the gentlemen Consolation prices went to Mrs Keen and Lieu tenant Willie The guests were Major and Mrs H. E. Taylor. Captain and Mrs. 8 W. Robertson. Captain and Mrs. Walter Hamilton, Captain and Mrs. Mott Ramsey. Captain and Mr6 Ed ward M. Fiekett. Captain and Mrs Rossiter Garlty. Lieutenant and Mrs Carl A Raguse. Lieutenant and Mrs. Raymond Palmer. Captain and Mrs. Marian Voohries. Mrs. Corinna Keen. Miss Mabel Nichol son. Captain Shoemaker. Captain A. Olsen. Lieutenant Finnegan. Wil lie, Garner t • • CU B HOSTESS Mrs. W. Venerable was hostess to the Wednesday bridge at the Woman s club. Wednesday after noon. Three tables of players were present and Mrs. L. R. Brooks was winner of high score and Mrs. Geo. B. Marsh, second high. Among the players w ere Mesdames George B. Marsh, C. J. Martin, Vir gil N. Lott, F. B. Mason, Harry Hall, John A. Pope, Jr., L. R. Brooks, L. B. Caruthers, Jr., J. Wadis, Har vey Styles and Miss Camlle Block. • • • GOVERNMENT EXERCISES Among the parents and friends who motored to Austin last week to attend the commencement exer cises at St. Mary's academy and St. Edward’s college, who have returned are; Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Ouerra, whose daughter, Frances, has been a student at St. Marys academy; Mr. and Mrs. C. Sous and little daughter, Leah, with Miss Emma Solis, a student in the University of Texas, and Miss Silvia, who was the second honor graduate at St. Mary s academy; Mrs. Soua Margo, who had in her party, Miss Elsie Margo. Alfonso Margo, Miss Felecta Gutierre and Juan Hinojosa, Jr., accompanying them home were Bob Margo, a student at St. Edwards academy Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Guerra of Roma, who with their two young ions, spent the week in San An tonio and Austin, and who were ac companied home by their children. Leonei. a student in St. Mary's. San Antonio; Virginia, a student at St. Mary's academy. Austin, and Ai fonao. a graduate of St. Edward's academy. • • TRANSFERRED After several years of sendee at Fort Ringgold. Captain Mott Ram sey has received orders which trans fers him to veterinary corp, Fort Sam Houston. He will be replaced by Captain Griffin, who comes from Fort Sam Houston to the border. Captain Ramsey and family will leave within the next few weeks for their new station. • • • TO ENTERTAIN Entertainment in honor of Mrs. Harry Hall. Mrs. W. W. Shuford had several tables of bridge guests on Friday afternoon at her home. BRIDEGROOM OF 86 DIES COLCHESTER. Eng. — H C. Maves. who married at the age of 86. died two weeks after his wed ding MURDERS SILENT WIFE DRESDEN. — Friedrich Oorbats, who shot his wife to death, declare* she had not spoken to him for three years. | Air Mail Schedule! * Tha schedule for the mall between Brownsville and Dallas Is announced by the poetofllce department as fol lows: Southbound Leave Dallas . 7:43 a. m. Leave rt Worth . 8 13 a. m. Leave Waco . 9:20 a. m. Leave Austin .. 10 25 a. m. Leave San Antonio . 11 20 a. m. Arrive Brownsville .. 2 03 p. m. Northbound Leave Brownsville . 1:23 p. tn. Leave San Antonio ...... 4:13 p. m. Leave Austin . 5 10 p. m. Leave Waco . 8:13 p. m. Leave Ft. Worth . 7:13 p. tn. Arrive . 7:33 p. cn. The schedule for the American air mall to Mexico City la as follows: Leave Brownsville . 8 30 a.m. Arrive Tampico .11:00 a.m. Leave Tampico .1130 a.m. Arrive Mexico City. l 43p m. Following Is the schedule for the Mexican air mall: Leave Mexico City . 7:43 a. tn. Arrive Tampico .1040 a.m. Leave Tampico .10:25 a.m. Arrive Brownsville .12 33 p m. Following Is the schedule on the Brownsville-Maratlan Route: Leave Brownsville . 7 a. m. Arrive Monterrey . 9:30 a. tn. Leave Monterrey .......... 9 50 a. m. Arrive Torreon . 12 30 p. m. Leave Torreon . 1 50 p. m. Arrive Durango . 3:30 p. m. Leave Duran rq . 4 TO p. m. Arrive Mazatlan .. 810 p. n>. Return trip: Leave Mazatlan .. 7 00 a. m. Arrive Durango . 9:00 a. m. Leave Durango .. 9 20 a. m. Arrive Torreon .. 11:30 p. m. Leave Torreon . 12:10 p. m. Arrive Monterrey . 3 TO p. tn. Leave Monterrey . 4TO p. tn. Arrive Brownsville . 6 TO p. m. PORTAL RATES The United States air mall postage rate is 3 cents ror the first ounce and 10 cents for each additional ounce or fraction thereof. Letters mailed tn the United States for the points in Mexico take this rate. THE OLD HOME TOWN Stanley □ ¥ 'll ‘ : " n --- fl Jfc