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Know Your VALLEY INVEST, BUILD AND GROW _WITH THE VALLEY -—' , - -- BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN YOU CAN DEPEND ON FOR COOPERATION -- ' ... -^= — ■ ■ M ■ - . .... ----— —■ - ■■■— , »■ . _ -- — - - - . . __ 5001 Way* to Use Tile Asic Wm. Cameron & Company, Inc. Phone 490 , Harlingen I Jones Transfer & Storage Co., Inc. Distributing, Storing, Moving, Crating and Shipping Dally Motor Freight Service Between All Valley Points Harlingen Brownsville Edinburg DL Clean Pure Ice rnOne Brownsville Ice Company St. Charles and Belt Line R. R. Plants at McAllen and Harlingen Coffee Roasted Fresh Daily DELTA COFFEE CO. WHOLESALE ONLY Phone 234 Harlingen Brownsville Sheet Metal Works Metal Work and Roofing All Kinds Iron and Tin Work. Tanks. Cisterns, Roofing ALL WORK FI LLY GUARANTEED Phone 289 Brownsville Guarantee Electric Co., Inc. Phone 1050 — Brownsville Electrical Layouts, Fixtures and Wiring M. Garcia Gomez & Champion Wholesale Groceries Tel. 83 Brownsville 11th and Madison D> For jns^a11^ <-*lean*n? an<^ M4 pressing service. Have 1 IILrllv' /O your clothes “Gloverized” BROWNSVILLE TAILORING CO. Phone 93 __1230 Elizabeth PHOTOGRAPHS Live Forever THE SHELDON STUDIO Portrait. Commercial and Kodak Finishing Phone 805 Brownsville PRIVATE DINING ROOM 101 Seats In the Flace VALLEY WAFFLE SHOPPE “BEST PLACE TO EAT” Peter Govatos. Prop. — San Benito < Garcia-Gomez & Co. Southern Pacific Tracks — Brownsville Telephone 616 Wholesale Grocers We cover the entire Lower Rio Grande Valley like a blanket FREE DELIVERY To Any Part of the Valley DESEL-BOETTCHER CO. • Wholesale Fruits, Produce Grocers Sundries and Fountain Supplies Phone 797 Long Distance No. 1 Brownsville. Texas DENNETT MOTOR SALES CO. Fhone J*55 1022-1028 Levee Street Brownsville GUARANTEED REPAIR WORK DAY and NIGHT STOR AGE Accessaries. Tires and Tubes. Gasoline. Oils 1 Valley Box and Crate Factory Crate* — Backets — Hampers San Benito Donna ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK General Machine Work • Quick Service” International Iron Works Phone 1317 Brownsville Clyde A. Thorp*. Mgr. Southern Mutual Life Association iA Local Mutual Aid« Ground Floor Fanners State Bank Building San Benito. Texas ‘Service’ Guarantee Electric Motto - — "■ ' ■ — '■ ■■ - - ■ ■■ - ■ c. _ FARMERS USE NEW SYSTEM Marketing Association Em ployes Wolfe As Gen eral Sales Agent DALLAS. June 10. <a*i—The Farm ers Marketing association has adopt i ed a new plan for handling cotton. W B. Yeary. president, has an nounced. The program was agreed upon at a meeting of directors of the organisation here June 3 and 4. The directors contracted with M. H. Wolfe, cotton factor, to act. as general sales agent for all of the associations cotton and a director of organization work was employed. Under the new plan the organiza tion. which has a state charter, will contract with individual farmers for the sale of thrir cotton, each snr'i farmer automatically becoming a memljer of the organization. The contract which the farmer is to sign reeds, in part: • All parties who accept this pro posal of the association hereby agree to deliver all or a part of their cotton to the association for sale which cotton will be ware housed at interior towns where own ers reside, or shipped to the associ ation at Dallas. Houston. Galveston or other points designated by the association. This may be done bv local erganizationr or by individuals. “The owners of cotton accepting tlm proposal to agree to furnish the assoc'ation promptly with sam ples. which cotton will b~ sold or held in accordance with and under the instructions of the owners. ••Owners cf such cotton who wish to borrow money against their cot ton will agree to communicate with the association and arrange fin j ante ueon such terms as the assoc i ( at'on may set forth (••cm time to i time. ‘•Owners of cotton accepting thir pronosal agree to leave on deposit with the association the sum of 12 ner ba'e nip of the proceeds of -acb ■ ba'e sold by the associet on. with j the under?,atudine that the actual rest of handing and selling will bp peid rut of that $2. and the balance I placed to the credit of the owners of the cotton on the hooks of the association, to b«* used, at »li** dis cretion of the director.'., for the purpose of creating n permanent financing and mark-tine system for the handling of cotton." Slump Cuts Value Of Seata on N. Y. Stock Exchange NEW YORK. June 10 —.awrhat excellent financial barrni"ter. the I price of feats on th* New York j stock exchange, reflected th" recent | drop tn the volume of trading bv j decreasing In value Jtino.oon The last membership to he tram : ferred brought $525,000. oipnarrd ' with the peak price of *62 VOOO ob tained last February. In the early ; part of the year, when the average daily volume war, approximately 5. i 000.00 share*, the exchange mem bership was increased bv 150 The present volume of trading is around 2.500.000 shares daily. This decrease, together with the in crease in the number rf member ! ships, has made the business of floor trading less profitable The nrices naid for memberships since 1869. when one could he ob tained for $3,000. are an accurate picture of the uos and downs of American prosperity. The era of big prices began in 1919 when seat* first sold at six figures. In 1921. 1922 and 1973 th* * highest recorded prices wrr* $inn. 000 Beginning with 192?. the fig ures leaned uoward at an average o' lioo.noo yearly. CUTS EOINDRY rngTF CLEVELAND. June 10.—l/Ft—A statement fflpm th** Midland hank cn the foundry industry says that a new process is being perfected which cuts the time reoutred for • h»ating maMeahle castings from 103 down to 33 hours The effect of this will be to reduce costs of pro duction. says the statement. I Ventilators ^nd Skylight* a Specialty General Sheet Metal Contractor* Turner Sheet Met»! Worhs Phone 228 407 18th St Brownsville Special Notice to the Public New Ner*’-0-Meter and El Vlbra System l sed M. K. COOK. n. r. Chiropractor COOK and WILLIAMS 1715 Grant St - Tel. 1228-J Valley Storage & Transfer Company Moving, Storage, Crating, Distribution Warehouse Equipped With Automatic Sprinkler 8ystem Telephone 117 Mercedes, Texas RADIATORS 11 I > p* j; Repaired TlOim 8 otUQlO General Welding _ . . , _ O. P. HACKER Portrait and Commci • Phone 239 cial Photography Cor. 13th & Washington Phene 337 - Brownsville Brownsville New Border Printing Service is Started By Holm Studio Here Holms Studio. 1123 Elisabeth street, one of the oldest and best known photographeic firms in the Valley recently has installed a bor der printing machine for use on all i kodak films. "This new service materially en | chances the appearance of snap I shots." A. Holm, owner and pro prietor of the studio, states. “This I addition was in line with our policy of turning out the best work pos sible" The photographic shop -lias l*»en in continuous operation here since 190B Its quarters were recently renovated and new equipment tn | stalled. We have added to our shop to eu*»h an extent, that we feel that — our studio is now on a par with the best in South Texas." Holms says. I All types of iJortratt work is done by the concern ano in addition, , a commercial service is maintained. Eight-hour printing service is done , on kodak films. A slot for these films can be found outside of the j shop by those arriving before or after work hours. A staff of five, including a re toucher. finisher and framuig ex-! pert, is employed by the studio. “With our recent improvement* and present staff, v*e are now able to quality work in quantities. Holms states Samples of the portrait work done by the studio are on display in the show windows of the shop. -1 AIRWAYS GROW IN THE SOUTH Liner. Now Operating Will Be Extended Fn Near Future ATLANTA, Jun* 10, «T—Th south has become ptr minded, 'Hie hum of commercial airplane,, over mail or passenger lines is a routine occurs nee and airports are consid ered ii prerequisite of every com munity that aspires to the title of •:*city." Airport construction v;a > given impetus nearly a year ago when tlie first a.nnail lines from New Yo~k to Atlanta and from Atlanta to New Orletir. were inaugurated mid i todav tour line make Candler field. 1 le~al rirport. their terminal. From Miami. Fla., the Pun-Amer ican Airways. Inc., has linked 21 countries oi South and Central t America closer to the United St at *-•; Tli'’ first air mal routes tt» the South from New York to New Oi leans hr.\r from the Mart enjoyed poo l patronage Busin? * firms turned to them os a medium of speeding up deals in the m:<kir.g and others have found the air mail useful i*i iu>—ding persona! corre spondence. No* long ago airmail lines from Chicago to At lani'i hi id from Al lants to Miami wore inaugurated rod like the two first lines in tb" ! south, they found an eager public I awaiting them. I The Miami route connects v.ith the Pan-American service, wit lr the : New Orleans roll " connects with a ’ route having IL* terminus in Hour ! ton. Tex., another leg on the plan tied New York to Mexico City route. With the rapid growth of the air I tines has come increased demand ' for modern municipal airports, and fhere is scarcely a city in the south with 10.000 or more population that doc:, not have an airport and many are making large expenditures to modernise their fields. Growth of airline* has stimulated interest in New Orleans where for several years sea plan** have met incoming mall steamers at Po-t Fads the mouth of the Mtmtsaipnl i river, and brought first class mail in 24 hours in advance of steamers. : New Orleans with three airports ! now plans one of the mor-t modern fields in the south, situated on Lake Pont chart rain, with facilities for both land and seaplanes More than $500,000 for the tm ! provement of Candler Held here has been planned. ROEINC. IN CANADA SEATTLE. June 10 The Bov ine Airplane company plans to start production the latter part of July in a new plant at Vancouver. B C.. to supnly the growing Can 1 adian demand for airplane* HOMESTEADERS At ilVF MONTREAL. June 10.—(AL -The colonization department of the I Canadian National railways reports ! that 400.000 acres nf government land in northern Alberta have been I taken up by homesteaders in the first quarter of 1P20 This is an , tnc reasr of almost 100.000 acre! over the same period last year MEXICO BUILDS IRRIGATION DAM! Don Martin Project Soon to Take Rio Snlacto Water; R;o Grande Tributary LAREDO. June 10.—Water* of the ' Rio Salado. a tributary of the Rio Grande, will be turned Into the great reservoir of the Don Martin irrigation project by the end of this year, according to Enrique Silva, an engineer of the J. G White En gineering Construction company. J constructor of the works. Silva ioa^e this statement while a visitor here. •When rprins comes, the great S6JHJ0.0P0 project ml! provide irri gation for l"0.of)0 acres of land and make a veritable garden of Edan of thal section of Mexico,” !hc en gineer said. It was explained th: t while the present system will reach only no - POO acre by extending canals ai it laterals, it will be po*s-bie to Irrl : gate 509.000 a "re- Fruit and vege i fable:- will be the principal product* of the land i This pro *rt. .farted by Flutarco I | Tiltaa Caller, during his retgn a-, president. i’ pronounced one of the1 greatest. eng neerlng f-ats on the American rontineii* Preliminary survey*, of the pro iecl were made three year* ago. by j authority of an art of the Mexican 1 ; congress, passed on recommend a - ) tion of President Caller. One year later the contract va: 1 let and work ha:, been underway since shortly after that time Many acre? of land on all side: of the great irrigat on ptanf are; owned by the Mexican government and will b? :-cld to farmers. HIGHEST ROAD BRIDGE DEDICATED IN JUNE PHOENIX. Arlx, June IP. </T* Dedication of the Grand Canyon bridge. 467 feet above th? water \ ne?r lees ferry, where for 5P year* a ferry i>ost was the only means. of crossing the stream along a ■ course of 600 miles, has been set for June 14-15. The new structure. «.aid to be the highest tn the world, is an import ant link tn U 8. highway 89. tra versing the Rocky mountain states from Canada to Mexico. It opens up a north-south route between Utah and Ariaona and gives access to some of the most scenic regions of both states. Gov. John C Phillips of Arizona has visited the governors of Cali forrr' \ Colorado. Nevada. New Mex ico Mild Utah to attend and pre parations are being made to care for several thousand visitors SAUSAGE CASINGS PROP WASHINGTON. June 10.—on-- I New Zealand's exoorters of sausasre casings have felt ihe first effects of the development of an artificial covering for sausage in the United States. The volume of exports In creased by 250.000 pounds but price* • were somewhat lower. CONTRACTING I IS SPECIALTY Repair Work Done and Ap pliances Sold By Lo cal Concern A staff of four electricians is used by the Guarantee Electric company, 437 Tenth street, in maintaining their moito of Service.” This group is heeded by G A Pepple, who has had much experience in electrical contracting and general repair work. Pepple got his early experience as a radio operator and maintenance man From this be- ; ginning he branched out into other) electrical lines. Another former radio operator. Don Bartels, also is employed by the same concern. All electricians of the Guarantee | Electric are union men. The hulk of the company's work consists of wiring contracts. Bids are made on all jobs in the city offered in open competition. These 1 bids are figured by Pepple Two j contracts recently completed by the I company are the McCmry storp In ! Galveston and the Valley Properties j hi Harlingen While the Guarantee ! Electric does not sees outside work. I U obtains numerous job; of this kind. A specialty is made of j Brownsville and otlvr Valley cities In addition to contracting, a roe- j u'ar slock of electrical goods is re tailed by the company. Only na-j ♦ onally-known products, such »•> Madza lamtr are sold From their line of electrical appointments. { numerous harmonious lay-outs can! be obtained Repair work also Is done under i the supervision of Pepple. • Wr re pair almost anything electrical.” Pepple declares. T may be working on a flash light one minute and a 20 horse nower motor the next.” A specialty is made of household articles such as . ;*ercu'ators. fans, rowing machines, vacuum chanfC' ct** Heating elements arc rcdac-H. I d tie radio and automobile wer?: are do;v by the shop Tlv Guarantee Electric is an in corporation owivd and operated b legal business interest. VETERAN BALLOONIST NOT KEEN FOr* PLANES ST LOUIS. June !0 i.p. Uapf. H ^ K. Honeywell. dean of Amer.cen bel • Ironist***, who has ho*»i flying in ha I - ’ lr-vr. for more than « <pt*rt*r of > a cmtruv. has taken hr. first ridel in an c*irTrlaiit**. I ‘I was thrilled.” Cs*tf. Honey* *11 •aid. 'It was fin* to ; pp**d along under the big wing h:if t rHit he ll— p f !»«• balloon—the dir gib'e ; 1 i lb* practical and economi' ol form i of air transportation ’* Cant. Honeywell Who liar, made about fiOO balloon flight? vas lakeu aloft in a huge tri-motored plane • • They fell me It coats MSS an hour j to operate it” the veteran balloon- | iat commented Non a dirteibl* < rculd carry a great deal more mid 1 wouldn't ro-t so much lo operate ” He cxi'ccts to sc* • rans-Pacific j dirigibi* .*crvlce In o;>*rit'oji b«~ forc many year*. The Pacific h* said would be the logical body of J water over which to inaugural* i such service because there ere few er storms than over the Atlantc. j LEAGUE AGREEMENT AIDS FOREIGN TRADE GENEVA. June in -.vr»-A con vention for the execution of for eign arbitral awards in commer cial contracts, says a league of na tions announcement will co Into i fo*ce in July. This 1*. the remit of th* ralift- ! ration of thp conven*ton by New-; Zealand and Denmark. Americans took part in the fram- j lug of this document, which is or special int*rest lo burine-s men en gaged in foreign trade. By It? terms j the judgments of arbltrr.l tribunals in one count ry will be respected in i another. _i CHRISTOPHER A MAJOR WASHINGTON. June Id. ar> Luke Christopher, chairman of th*' contest committer of the National Aeronautic association, former army flier and former test pilot for the national advisory rommittee for aeronautics, has been commissioned a major in the air corps reserve, j Serving the Valley Phone 832 P. O Box 485 BRISCOE MOTOR PARTS, INC. .'36 W. Harrison WHOLESALE Harlingen. Texts Replacement Parts For All Cara L. A. RAGAN TRANSFER AND STORAGE Bonded Warehouse Crating — Shipping — House Moving • All Kinds of Heavy Hauling Dll ce Phone 178 Weslaco Res. Phoue 160 Biack When You Viait Brownaville Don t Forget to Eat at BLACKSTONE CAFE Across from the Travelers Hotel Gasoline and Motor Oila WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Velvorene Motor Oil Co. Phone S63 Brownsville 2nd A* Fronton Streets CLARK ELECTRIC SHOP SPEEDOMETER SERVICE STARTERS BATTERIES GENERATORS RADIOS MAGNETOS Phone 432 Brownsville. Texas 836 Elizabeth Dependable Prompt BROWNSVILLE TITLE COMPANY Phone 353 — Brownsville Complete abstracts of title to lands in Cameron County. Texas i wwmmwrmnw*mmm mwa ti j— ir •• wwa —mm"n jp * ->^H»waMa^mH|i^^BHHBWCnaRDBVvT3KWnsWWrWWWBWBBWPPVirT«rrVVawr«WW,VWWHVWIWBWe^aOTBBWPNWWl,|WPVFWMWr 9 Manufacturers nl All Kindi. Chicken, Stock and Dairy i'ee^t SAN BENITO FEED CO. 1 I jgg/i i i i TlriTmr*~~~'*' — — — ■ ■■■■■■ ■■■» — n— jm.mmmmi ip i ii".--t-w. « »• Cl Jardin Garage — Brownwille FIREPROOF STORAGE Wrrhlng — Greasing - Auto Service by Skilled Attendants Bat tr fact inn guarani reel with all transaction! m.*' ■«. J" awry <Wp ""awn»W7JUt>J r"J" — * m**m*rm4 Floyd E. Bullard I She*! Itfeial Wnr»n "No Job To Small— None Too Large" Thnnr .12.** — Edinburg !*— «wn . w mrnmmn+ ■■■ ■■■»■■ ■■. »t' m w 111 Il.tUHMNVM---. "- ' j Monuments Our work permanently e*- *J pre*« v our devotion. J 1 BrownsvMr Marble <fc Granite IVVorkJ 1 941 L?ve« Street e "1T1IIF1**.1,11 P1">’;JW atirpr^^BW■ 1 1 1 B,,Wr " ... '■ .. ..—~ t * Mercedes Concrete i Pipe Co. | PLANTS AT MERCEDES AND McALLEN General Offices — Mercedes Makers of Quality Concrete Pipe foi Irrigation and Drainage 1 t 81LVERB BOX CORPORATION Capital Stock IMJ0.000 00 (Mower* and Shipper* supplies HarllnitK le Main Office: Dallas. Texas N:rIU Phone ITJ-W Day Pboa* «1s P ' I Bo* 1323 Valley-wide distribution of Orovei and Hhlppet* 8upr ? Quality, eerrlee and fair dealing* our motto Your inquiries tor ».* load or truck load orders noimt'-d We Specialize in Staple Wholeaele Groosrrea E. DE LA GARZA Phone 984 Brownsville fy34 I ronfan St Ul—MU " i1—1111—1 1—r~~~MTT‘Tl American Maid Bread ALWAYS FRLSH Ask Your Grocer Made bv GATEWAY BAKERY Brownsville ■ .. .. . ..T~. ' 1 Canners “S. S." Brand i Vegetables and Grapefruit SCHMIDT CANNING CO. San Benito ————n—■—PRJT-W ■■ MUM ■' " ■ ■ wm'mwmmmmmmmmmmm ♦ AVERY FARM IMPLEMENTS Special!v adapted to Southern Farming Wholesale and Retail Investigate Our Liberal Credit Terms PHILLIPS HARDWARE San Benito