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Newspaper Page Text
The Brownsville Heralds Daily Comic Features MUGGS McGINNIS — The Dignity of Labor —Wally Bi»hop ■■■■■ ■ . —— ' ■. . -__ _ . _ r-S X WOULDN'T, want] ) LENA T'KMOVT/ 10 of CUofcEE,\ » i . I HIGH PRESSURE PETE — Now for the Bedding and Tent, Say» Pete ~ -Swan • » nW fb\.K$-T4ATi) uu&Pc VT GET*! i1>' rifsnc. . ” HAH^ntffCWtCP PoOL '-t?CoP A HfVOKeflCHlEF IH IT, n* Will disappear ano cone back ^ PAlNOfC^ LATe* , CLEAN A^ IF SOU 5€Nt it To *n-<e_ lpsunowW __ , J l WCU- faU<6 -WC_ Ht KitHT To TVte_ -5T?»flTOoT TonoRCOU HPUDKeffCWtP • eoa thc_ Hes -p^cm ail ^.r?^Kin ('AN'Vnu. hi^ hpinokwhicp* ojert. -rncpe. t& o>e.r <xt*N€.c?, 2>ecp>o^c. \r vvjonr covr Hirr «NV/rHiKCr L - - — -- THE GUMPS — Backward — Turn Backward Sidney Smith V4EU. MIN- IT'S ALL SETTLED V<E HAVE the cottage for the summer - Get out the oed suit oases — 'ms TRUNKS — AND PACK pack everything but tour Troubles-/^ ltAVP TWltM RFUIWJD —_ l i I ) BACK To NAXRE- ) / - I WELL Tilda* WHERE TOO get that DID VOU HEAR 0LD SCHOOL GIRL. I ^ c /'THE LATEST? COMPLEXION* I WE RE GOlMti TO ^ „ AGAIN ~ V. SPEND the SotAWitR i ^£1r Tour Sum bonnet I IN THC and Tmat HTTLE t-r77/. C0UHJSbathing suit d$\ oftoors—y I ^ 'XJ< /V\i' Going to \ ^ \ HAVE A Vf _ ^ CANOE AND V I BACK - »5 RiGhT- \ \ WAV BACK — ^^ JT*S TOO BaD HE CANT C7O l far enough to ] v\i7T/7\ ^ee sq*e of his WigL ANTE 0UOVIKN V p'&'Mj THfc DINOSAUR- J frjfr I THOSE lONfcr NECKED / l ANIfAA,LS- j \vJWAT A FAMILY \ ^ * \>v Reunion \ > * A \l WOULD BEy ! ~tm| *'v B/' I F,» r * r»’r■'» 1 -"■»■" mr »t Obfir> r >-«« ETTA KETT — Quick Relief! —Paul Robinson 1 BRCOtHr OAO ONE!?- Tvl^ ViAM^HTW HOW I Romped nou ■ SSwerr-r Vi iTH MS O-*u? An0 , DOMT VMOVJ THAT \T V/AS MW FASJLr- . HW- 10 SAW SO HE- ViAKTS TO ‘ FIX UP NOOR GPOfct.r4 4 - OT&'%cJ, WA'T A MOMEMT-— V- * .Sf* ' ; TlM£ I -TOOK MM MED«£<U^ -1 POM^lQ\_£T * M , K\.J KEfxVfe'i ^QC’ \NtLUMG>TO PAM \OU\nHAT3 ! IV. ^SJrsr _-J f/mq —»4Ave \oo Am »OPA | !v fVU‘ “ | HOV4 MoCiM MOO \MAHT- ? — -n —v>————i i— _ TVACQEJ FfELBETTEQ ?"] \ / %O.OCO /'/1 I VJaLL, NOVi _J i SCME KsR\E _) UT KE TMtUK- f I MtD\OJNf'' > ABOOT" *50,COO I ^^-* XCUtO CKtvA ' \ r u I M GOOFEY MOVIE —Neher ! - - GO-'-V. ITS TOO i-OT TO vJOOQ-c T05A/. T Y -CS, •—O5E C^'-E = COSSMT SEE A/& , J ^\J~S s TrE CO^iM 5M£A<.V3>lJL'AV J) jOES UP oue P MO -x OSCAQ 0JG3f. SX^Q CO MS 0 AM OP aCOFEy MONIES \ ) smea<;m3 our 9 o'-5 CP rM£ STLD.O— _ % **% * I/x'lL IN) Q.&rSr 0\IEC \ J[ TWECE OO^ESE TMAT LITTLE ^©iGDjSjA^NAa^ APOOSJD^^ j&r: _£Lj * Cofjrifht. 1929 by Centra! Praia Aaaoeiatioa. Inc. I WES'! (Aj»A i ^*4 ^02 TMc ANjfOOUMCE* /VIENJT ,, [ " ToMOCCOJO.’ OONiT /M«SS IT' - ---i Dependable Prompt BROWNSVILLE TITLE COMPANY Brownsville Complete abstracts of title to lands in Cameron County, Texas General Welding Radiator Specialist LAWN MOWER EXPERT T. J. Rommer Pilose 722 Rear Miller Hotel ! Advertising Fans For Summer C onlinjt BISHOP PRINT SHOP Call 43“ — i Today’s Radio Features - 'ST WEDNESDAY. JUNE 12 [By The Associated Press] ■ ■ Program* In Centra! Standard time. Al! lira* is r. M. unleis other*Um naicated. Wavelengths on left of call letters, kilocycles i n right. Clear chan* lit sations and chain programs with list of associated stations tn detail. 348 6—WABC New York—860 l:J0—Frnlleker* tn Informal Song and Fun—Also WADC WKRC •VC.HP "MaQ WO WO WSPD WHK WISH KOIL WHEC KMBC KMO.. 454.3—WEAF New York—660 Orchestra—Also WGY WWJ WHA3 WSM WSB WAP1 • .TErS1*411 Qrth —Also WWJ WSAI KSD WOC WOW WDAF WFJC KOA 8.3»—Happy Hakers—Also WGY WWJ WSAI KSD WOC WOW WDAF WFJO TI*I_TS iV1MJ "MC KVO° "'KY WFA A WOAI KPRC WLS rlSlL or.0uba?.0i’r*—A.lso WGY WWJ WON KSD WOC WOW WSAI '«* 5?LnIe.r',Rs,“! 9!iver- Revelers and Orchestra—Also WGY WTAM wwi« now « ,KSI* WOG WOW WDAF WSMll KSTP WTMJ • vt-tV1^8 W5M "MG "sb KVOO WFA A KPRC WOAI 2iiC“ihS T«0.Troupers-AI«o WWJ KSD WOO WOW *n,l His Dance Orchestra—WEA F 0.00—I alals d Or Dance Orchestra (one hour)—Also KSD 394.5—WJ2 New York—760 .^oIfe* Soprano—WJZ; j. r Kennedy; Pianist—WJJl !:X”Eol,Hc»l Ravww Horn Waatilngton—Also KDKA KWK WLS k-hc\ S-T/wvvv ijhlf.,‘.nr'yr «• Pjrscna. Tenor. Comedy Duo—Also JJHKA WJR KYW KWK WLW W REN WTMJ KSTP WF.BC r•^Zc°,rr,8t,‘rS Wua^rrt_.\,- . KDKA KW K WREN WLW KYW y.°0—|„s with Phil Cook—Also KDKA WJR KYW KWK WREN WLW _ „_yHAB h.M W Sic WfeB K \ OO WOAI WKY W8MR KPRC a-SZTsarvl!l« N Sslr‘, Quartet—Also KDKA KW K 5 ™ ,‘.b* Voyagers. Male Octet—Also KWK WJR KYW WREN KDKV 8:30—Wagner Orchestra—Ateo KDKA KYW' KWK WREN KSTP W ^iU e na_uEBC»'2iHAk "S,M "MC WSB KVOO WFA A KPRC WOAI WKY *•00— Hour of Slumber Music—Also KDKA WREN 422.3—WOR Newark—7t0 $ 2?~;S,,owb0at—" MAO KMBC KMOX KOIL W HK WCCO WTBN WFBM 7:00—1 u)ted Symphony Orchestra with Oo. Rvmer Soloist— AUrt uir2 _ WOHP WMAQ KMOX KMBC KOIL WSPD WHK WGL WYVO AU° 7-30—Smoker; Irifomial Enter:a.rimer.t and Mush- Vrn W KDO Wiiut _ WMAQ WO WO KMOX KMBC KOIL V.SPD WVCOWHK WIS.N 6:00—International Program from Toronto—Also WADC WKRC TV r. w » WMAQ WO WO KMOX KMBC KOIL WSPD WHK WCCO ' QH1 KWWG—\oice of the Border 1260 It. c.—500 Watts Brownsville 12:00-12:10 p. m.—Markets, weather and river r<.. 12:10- 1:00—Musical program 4:00- 4:20—Associated Press dispatches and Valley nr*s from The Brownsville Herald. 4 20- 5:55—Musical program 5:55- 6:00—World Bookman, radio fcaturr 6:00- 9:00—Musical numbers, studio specialty 9:00-11:00—Request program 10:00-12:00 noon—Request program - „ _ THI RSDAY A. M. b tjo- 7:00 a. m.—Musical program. j “Since 1891” j ! r»- *or thirty eight years .his bank has served the i Kio Grande Valley, and served the people well. (Ask any banker from Rio Grande City to Browns- ’ ville, as to the character of service we render, both 11 banks and the entire citizenship. . We are known throughout this entire section ji of the state as “THE FRIENDLY BANK/’ and wo | | Jive up to that reputation daily. If you arc not one of our fast growing list of customers, Start An Account Today j 4% Compounded semi-annually paid on Savings Accounts First National Bank j Brownsville, Texas I “THE FRIENDLY BANK” Oldest Bank in the Rio Grande Valley 1 Train Schedules MISSOIHI PACIFIC LINES No 12—To Houston. Ssn Antonio. 8:10 a. m. No. 14—To Houston. 7 00 p. m No. 16—To Houston. San Antonio 9 00 p. m. No. 1ft—From St. Louts. San Antonto | Houston. 7 30 a. m. No. 13—From Houston. R 10 a m No. 11—From San Antonio and Hous ton. 9 55 p. m. SOUTHERN PAC IFIC I INFS No. 31ft—From Houston. San Anto- , nio. 8:15 a m. No. 320—To Houston. San Antonto 3:15 p m NATIONAL LINES OF MEXICO i Mwtamoros station) No 132—To Monterrey, Mexico City 3 50 a. m. No. 131 —From Mexico City. Monter rey. 3:30 n m RIO I.R4NDE RAILWAY . . To Point Isabel, 9:30 a. m. From Point Isabel. 4 p. m. A. TAMM Blue Printing and Supplies Harlingen, Texas I La Joya Grave! Co. INCORPORATED MISSION. TEXAS ws—r— TITLE INSURANCE | When vnu bormw money on real estate, many loan <nrnpanies re quire the title to he insured. The best test nf whether a title is insurable, I* to have it insured. Require a title insurance polio when vnu buy. VALLEY ABSTRACT COMPANY f Prompt Title Service Brownsville Fdinburg ! Opposite Court House E. Harriman Btvd. Phone 11*4 Phone 93 Heaps of tun with a Csed Car Take the family nut for a week-end trip, go U» places in odd hours, go fishing and camping. You owe It to your family. All these are within i range of your pocket book, as you’ll discover if you look over the listings in the used car columns of 0jr Snmmsnfflf fltralO