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CENSUS WILL TOLD EARLY ' Statistics To Be Given Out In Each District Be* fore Tabulation Washington, June 12.—— Population statistics of the 1930 de cennial census will be announced publicly In each of 500 districts im mediately after they are gathered instead of being tabulated first In Washington. William M. Steuart. director of the census, explains this procedure will be followed in order that in accuracies may be detected before the figures are tabulated for the permanent record. At least 100.000 enumerators will be needed to canvas the nation's homes for the census, he says, and between 6.000 and 8.000 more will be employed here later. Selection of women for the jobs of enumerators is favored by the directors because they usually have1 a plentiful endowment of tact and ; are faithful in attending to details. On the basis of estimates of the average periodic increase in popu lation of the country, it is believed that about 123.000 000 individuals must be listed for the new census. PROCEEDINGS IN APPEALS COI'RT AUSTIN. June 12.(/P»—The follow ing proceedings weer had in the court of criminal appeals today. Affirmed: Oscar Porter. Kauf man: Lee Roy Merriman. Dallas: W R. Armstrong. Dallas; L. L. Black man, Raldall; Mrs. Oscar Porter. Kaufman: J. L. Shannon. Swisher; H. E. Green. Mitchell; Grady Bas sett. Kaufman: Oscar Nunn. Ellis; W. H. Myatt. Jones; Arthur Upton. Refugio; Exparte John Yawman; Joe Akers. Hunt; Ex parte Minnie Lassiter. Johnson; R. C. Hawpc. Stephens. Reversed and remanded: Harry Williams, Hill; Secondino Ridriguez, Bee; Reagan Petitte. Anderson; Willis Hamrick. San Saba; L. C. j Preether. Tarrant. Appellant’s motion for rehearing overruled: Dillie Grady. Hunt; Farrence Jones. Hopkins; Sadie Coleman. Montgomery; Frank Ep ple. Young; A. L. Flowers. Liberty; Homer Motes. Jones; J. B. Braseiton. Stephens: Clarence Miller. Floyd: C. J. tSansell. San Patricio; Tom Hodge. Floyd. Appeal dismissed: H. J. Wright. Anderson: O. G. Allen. Eastland; J. L. Ward, tSonewall; John Singleton. Jackson. Judgment reversed and prosecu- j tion ordered dismissed: Wilkin Shaw, Kaulman. Appeal reinstated, judgment re-1 versed and dismissed; J. F. Mathis., Ector. Appeal reinstead. reversed and remanded: Ersie Baker. Mitchell. Appeal reinstated, reversed and dismissed: T. H. Armstrong. Ector. Motion for rehearing overruled without written opinion; ex parte D. C. McEntyre, Dallas; Bud Lout.1 Collin 439 NEW GAS WELLS AUSTIN. June 12.—i.p.—There were 439 producing oil and gas wells brought in in Texas during May. according to records of the oil and gas division of the railroad com mission. Three hundred and four dry holes were encountered. Fifty I two of the producers weer gassers There were 864 permits to drill is- j sued. iWoman Musician, Ousted By Talkies, Leaps to Her Death NEW YORK. June 12— f.\P)_ Miss Helen Moyer. 24. who for months had watched with anxiety, the progress of synchronized sound pictures that eliminate theater orchestras and organists, and who had finally lost her job last Sun day wh**n I.oew's New York the ater released its musicians In fa for of the new device, committed unicide In leaping from the win dow of her room on thr twelfth floor cf a hotel just west of the gay While Way, Day In Congress j Wednesday Senate meet sat noon to resume debate on national origins immi gration quota basis Senate meets at noon to res’'mc hearings on tariff bill with valua tion methods given first considera tion. DEMANDS QUALIFICATIONS AUSTIN. June 12 —Universal dis- ' regard of the property oualification for voters in bond elections would be endea it a bill Introduced in the legislature by Rep. Victor Oilbert of Cisco becomes a law. This bill would permit a person to vote in an election where property qualifi-! cation is specified, onlv when he showed a receint indicating that taxes had been paid on the nroo ertv bv which bn “’aimed to be qualified as a voter. COURT ADJOURNS fRoecln! to The Herald'. EDINBURG. June 12.—The spe cial session of the 79th district rriminal court under Jurijie J. F Carl was adjourned here today un til next Monday morning. - % INDICTED IN CITY SEWER SCANDAL yiC^tyor HERBERT WALES HEKRY T HaRDJH Mayor Herbert Males of Evansville. Ind., with 17 members of his official family, including August Plafflin. city engineer, and Henry T. Hardin, city attorney, must defend himself against criminal charges growing out of indictments by the grand jury alleging con spiracy to defraud and wilful malfeasance in office. Many of the indictments are the outgrowth of a •■quicksand” deal in a milliqn dollar sewer contract. Evansville paid $217,000 above the contract price for extra work done when the contractor averred he encount ered quicksand in his operations. Many New State Acts Become Law Tonight • Special to The Herald* AUSTIN. June 12.—</P)—Laws ranging from ••gin-mating" mar riages to motor truck regulation will go into effect Wednesday mid night. These are the 90-day bills of the regular session of the legis lature early this year. Among the principal general laws effective at this time are: Requiring 3-day notice of inten tion to marry, and physician's cer tificate for man. Authorize city of Austin to ac quire river banks for parks. Authorize self-paying dormitories at University of Texas. Create rural credit unions. Place motor truck lines under railroad commission. Theft of cotton or cottonseed a felony. Unlawful to drink in airplane or common carrier. Real estate sold for taxes only on foreclosure suit. School teachers must be Ameri can citizens. Deer season Nov. 16-30 west of the Pecos. Minimum school age 6 years, be ginning Sept. 1. Legal notices may be posted or published. Regulating pharmacists. Felony to steal fowls. Unlawful to contribute to delin quency of minor. Poll tax receipts may be mailed. Cities may annex territor yby ma jority vote. Create state game commission, effective Sept. 1. Create board of nurse examiners. Close coastal waters to commer cial fishermen. No closed season on squirrels in Travis. Williamson. Hays. San Saba. Llano. Lampasas. Burnet. Go liad and Blanco counties. Extend tick eradication work to all parts of state. Authorize state pellagra and can cer hospital. Unlawful to entice laborers from plantations. Jail terms for wife or child deser tion. Highways shall be 40 to 100 feet wide. Bond required for state on public contracts. Prohibit, justices and constables from collecting debts. Prohibit blacklisting of workmen Old San Antonio road shall be state highway. Survey Pecos river reservoir sites. Regulate mutual aid societies. Regulate making of returns in primary elections. School funds may be invested in university pledges. Create exneriment station in 50 miles of Abilene. Create citrus belt experiment sta tion. and exneriment station in northeast Texas. Convert Kingsville normal into college of arts anti industries. "True measure" ’aw to prohibit fraud in gasoline sales. Pure seed law’. Pensions shall be paid monthly and increase j>ensions of Confed erate soldiers (amended in special session, restoring quarterly pay ment and raising widows to same pension as veterans*. Remit state taxes to Port Arthur for seawall construction. Physical education compulsory In public schools. Protect furbearing animals. VALUE OF LIFE IS LUNCH CLUB TOPIC • Special to The Herald* FDINIBURG, June 12—Rev. J. C. Holt was the principal speaker at the Kivanis luncheon here Tues day. taking as his subject “llie Value of Life.” J. C. Hall, presi dent of the club, urged regular at tendance at all meetings, especially in the summer, and Miss Martha Holt, daughter of R®v. Holt, and a recent graduate from Baylor Con servatory of Music, gave several piano numbers. About 30 Kiwanians attended the meeting Pilot \ Isits—Pilot Lieut. Crawe of Kelly Field. San Antonio, landed his plane at Fort Brown field Tuesday afternoon, and spent several hours at the post. He was here on per sonal business and returned to San Antonio late yesterday afternoon. Troop B. Returning—Troop B of the 12tli cavalry, which has been at Fort Ringgold in target practice, un der the command of Capt. Marion J. Voorhes. left there June 11 for Fort Brown and will arrive here Friday. En route, the troop, which is traveling the main highway, is to ;amp at Sullivan's ranch. Donna, and Harlingen. San Benito — Last Day — New York City Talks! The voice of the great city is heard .... thundering sub way* .... roaring traffic . . . singing, laughing Broadway . . . racing at Belmont Park . . . screaming fight fans at Madison Square Garden . . . thud of gloves on flesh .... glamorous . . . thrilling .... real. TAKE A SIGHT SOIND TOI R OF NEW YORK SEE AND HEAR SPEAKEASY Also Movietone News All-Talking Comedy “Cold Shiver*” GAUSE BURIAL ON THURSDAY Funeral Arrangements Com plete For Prominent Mercedes Lawyer (Special to The Herald) MERCEDES. June 12.—Funeral services for Judge John P. Gause. local attorney, are to be held at the Methodist church here at 4 p. m. Thursday. Rev. M. H. Keen, pas tor. preaching the sermon. Burial will be in the local ceme tery. Pallbearers are to be W. F. Shaw. H. T. Tidmore. C. A. Carlson, G .K. Wattson. H. J. Menton and Dr. E. H. Kasey. Judge Gause died at 7 a. m. Tues day after a short illness. Heart disease was given by the doctors as the cause of his death. He had been prominent in civic affairs for manay years here, being one of the pioneer residents of the town. He was a steward of the church from which he is to be buried, a member of the Elks. Knights of Pythias and Odd Fel lows lodges and of the Kiwanis club. A short time before his death he was elected president of the Ten nessee club of the Valley, having been a former resident * of tha* state. Miss Minnie Gause. a daughter, was to arrive here Thursday morn ing from Memphis. Tenn.,' for the funer: ’. Frank Goodrich Will Be Here Two Weeks, Then Go to Mexico Frank Hale Goodrich, son of U. S Commissioner and Mrs. F. K Good rich of Brownsville, who Tuesday received his dinloma from the Uni versity of Virginia Law school, will arrive in Brownsville next week to soend t\.o weeks with his parents ■)efore going to Mexico City, where he has accented a position with a leading law firm. Goodrich was on the honor roil at school for the nast two vears was | elected to Phi Delta Phi law frater ! nitV. was elected to the editorial board of the Virginia Law Review and was secretary of hi law class Goodrich was graduated from ; Brownsville High school in 1923. at I tended Rice Institute. Houston, for two years, and entered Virginia in 1926. Amsterdam is cut by canals into 30 islands. I -: 1 —when you are at work in a comfortable office. —when your chair comforts you. —when your desk has the proper accessories. —when you know that you can lay your hands on any paper in your files instantly. . if rrs mn the office-\ve have it* ' CLARA BOW IN QUEEN PICTURE ‘ Keeper of the Bees,” starring Clara Bow, is the featured attraction at the Queen Wednesday and Thursday. tlMwre. I SIDELIGHTS AT TEXAS “Redskin,” filmed in natural color brings to the screen all the wonders of the majestic Canyon de Chelly, near the Navajo reservation in Arizona. Here nature has gone riot, giving the lands all the colors of the rainbow and the sunset, vast distance, tremendous cliffs, long, broad sweeps of tumultous rocks, sands and verdures. The Enchanted Mesa The pic- ! turesque homes of the Indians who live in their adobe houses, high up on their fortified mesa, living now. as they did centuries ego. Imagine the color of a Navajo chiefs regal blanket. • Redskin” has sweep of move ment beyond description: a tragic and dramtic theme of thought-pro voking. soul-stirring, heart-render ing power. Richard Dix in a dramatic role which Dix. himself considers the greatest one of his career. There are 85 known varieties of goldenrod. A spool of thread was unknown 125 years ago. 1 ■ 111 DALLAS DEATH TERM AFFIRMED BY COURT . AUSTIN. June 12. — f/P; — The death sentence given Lee Roy Mer riman by a Dallas county jury for criminal assault was affirmed by U'e court of criminal appeals today. The crime for which Mer riman was convicted was committed on Dec. 9. Another men and Mer riman attacked two girls after they had taken three girls from their es corts. Willie Grady. Hunt county, under death sentence for criminal assault.: lost his aplication for a rehearing. I .. I fiUtmaim BROWNSVILLE “The Gun Runner” . With RICARDO CORTEZ Artclass Comedy - - -- ■ , - ■ -- — Last Day — RICHARD DIX in “REDSKIN” — Also — COMEDY — WESTERN Admission 10c — 25c Coming Tomorrow— The Great Mvsterv Drama “THE CANARY MURDER CASE” Paramount’s Unparalleled ALL-DIALOGUE Dramatic Hit!! I----r -Now! Through the medium of the talking screen comes the Greatest Legitimate Production of a W. Somerset Maugham Play eve- staged * JEANNE EAGELS Star of Maugham'* Great Stage Success "RAIN** “THE LETTER” Hold Me!... Kiss Me!... Love Me!.. • “What if my husband is away? ! I love you! ... I need you! . . • 1 I can t live without you!** A veritable hurricane of the emo tions sweeps to fury the bitter mem ories of lost love, to assault with tropical vengeance the conventions of married life in British India. - Also Three Vaudeville Acts “EDDIE PEABODY AND CO.” “THE GIERSDORF SISTERS” “HUMOROUS FLIGHTS” “MOVIETONE NEWS” See this play from the beginning McAllen Entertainment in Cool Comfort I f San Antonio Man In Murder Trial Say* Victim Insulted Wife SAN ANTONIO. Tex.. June 12 — 'That he had shot to save his life after his wife had been insulted was the plea today of John Sterling Frazar In his trial here for the kill ing last October of Dr. Daniel A. Tyler, a chiropractdr. Frazar testified yesterday that Tyler came to his home and at tempted to force his way into the house. Frazar said he accused Tyler of Insulting his wife on a previous visit and ordered him to leave. He testified that Tyler jerked the screen door open and was in the act of drawing a pistol when he drew his gun and killed Tyler. rs. Frazar testified Dr. Tvler had given her treatments and they had danced in the Frazar parlor. CHINESE AND SOVIET MAY BREAK RELATIONS NANKING. China. June 12.—'IP— Severance of diplomatic relations with the soviet government was dis cussed at an important conference todav between General Chiang Kai Chek. Foreign Minister C. T. Wan?, and others. The sittuation arising out of Chi nese raids on soviets consulates in Manchia. particularly that nt Hr r bin on May 27th was considered irf detail. HOUSTON YOUTH IS KILLED IN AUTO CRASH NEW ORLEANS, June 12.—</P>— Clyde Kelley. 22-year-old t>on of A. D. Kelley, contractor of Houston. Tex., was killed today in an automo bile collision here. He was a fresh man at Tulane University. Today and Tomorrow A powerful, gripping drama taken from GENE STRATTON PORTER'S most popular novel. « NOTICE This picture was shown in Brownsville before. If you have seen it—then don't miss it! seeing again. If you haven't seen it—then dono't miss it! .—I—.I Ml PRICES 10c—20c—30c START DRIVE AGAINST REBELS IN COLIMA MEXICO CITY, June 12.-4.vjk Dispatches from the cit yof CollJRJi today said *GeneraI Lazaro Cardenas with 2,000 infantry and cavalry *nd one regiment of mountain artillery had started a drive against the rebel stronghold of Coal coman. Colima. Five aeroplanes will assist in the movement. The rebels havj been in possession of Coalcomau for sev 1 eral months. REGISTRATION 2.889 AUSTIN. June 12.—IV)—Registra tion for the University of Texas summer school totalled 2.889 today, according to announcement of Dr. Frederick Eby. director. This is an ; increase of 201 over last year's regis trations. Dr. Ebv Raid hp oxocctwl | this year's registrations to rShthe 3.0C0 mark. Last Time Today Corinne Griffith in The DIVINE LADY % -Also ——— . Movietone News — Vaud. Opening Tomorrow Wm. Boyd in High Voltage A Talking Picture Coming— “The Desert Song” HARLINGEN