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*-===^===; ■ ==^====.l— MMB——— " —Bj -- ■ -- 1 .==a |I , I ___ . »—tv.- - — - . .- ----- ' - - -- .-..- .. City-Valley TELEPHONE SEVEN [society Houston Guest Entertained Mrs. S. A. Stansbury of Houston, *ho has been here the past three weeks visiting her sister. Mrs Hay den Hays, was complimented Tues day by Mrs. Hays with a spend the-day party. Friends enjoying the all-day visit were Mesdames O. E. Taylor. Harry Hollowell. F E. Vauter, C. A. Neltert, M W. Ward, and L. Kirkendall. Games and conversation occupied the day, with a delicious luncheon at noon. Red Radiance roses were used for dec orations. Mrs. Stansbury has been honored with a number of social affairs during her stay here, in cluding a beach party at Boca Chica, and several dinner parties. She plans to return to her home on Saturday. She is accompanied by her two sons. Jesse and Frank Mrs Hays also plans to leave early in the next week for Junction. where she will visit. • • • Woman’s Auxiliary Meets in Circles Members of the Woman's Auxil iary of the Presbyterian church met in circles on Monday afternoon for mission and Bible study. Circle No. 1, with 13 members present, met at the home of Mrs. E. W. Tay lor, with Mrs. T. P Harris leading the devotional, and Mrs E. W. Grosenbacher the Bible study. Mrs. L. K. Morris was hostess to circle No. 2. Mrs. Nelle T. Kee led the Bible lesson, and Miss Hartman the devotional. Thirteen women attended. Mrs. S. W. Brewer enter tianed circle No. 3. with 12 mem bers present. Mrs Hook led the devotional and Mrs. Frank Smith and Mrs. Bascom Cox the Bible study. The evening circle was entertain ed by Mrs. Joe Lindaberry. Mrs. J. A. Russell conducted the devotional and Miss Frances Shives the Bible study. After the lesson, each circle en joyed a social hour, during which the hostesses served refreshments WWW General Circle Plans Social fifteen members attended the meeting of the general circle of the Central Christian church at the | hhap nut «mt> muii sorr watia j Sjffu. a. i M. oc " ' Washes woolens and blankets! TV’iien you wash with hard water there’s a dirty ring around the edge of the basin, but that’s not suds. It’s scum. The hard water is doing that. It's mixing with the soap to form a dirty curdle. Can't wash woolens and blankets in that water. Soften the water with Mclo. 1 hen add soap. The water is now a very fine cleansing agent and the soap is much more effective. Melo did that. Get a can todav at vour grocer’s. tr ater son fnfd vith mfi o IS A REMARKABLE CLEANER 10 cents THE HYGIENIC PRODUCTS CO. Canton. Ohio Manufacturers of San i-Hush i Women appreciate § | this, riding comfort | Long trips are [ easy when you || drive a Ford j Ford. Somehow, it seems to just glide along, as if every I [ road were a good road. Even rough stretches m*y be taken at a fast pace without hard jolts or bumps or the exaggerated bouncing rebound which is the cause of ||, moat motoring fatigue. I Come in and arrange for a demonstration. You’ll know then that the transverse springs and Houdaille shock absorbers make a big difference in riding comfort. Roadtter, >450 Phaeton, >460 Tudor Sedan, >525 Batmen Coupe, >525 Coupe, >550 Sport Coupe, s ith rumble teat, >550 Forder Sedan, >625 (All pruts f. o. b. DittosI, pirns ckargr for freight and delis try. Bumpers etsd sport lire extra.) jp|:: FAITESOM MOTOR: CO I * Sfe&SSSSSFfSSS <• ■ i_JUST AMONG US GIRLS_ --- -—1—————— >t\&rybme,I sec Bess ; she's sitting on thab * nch boys knoeS/ i ^ Looks, lile& Shes f alien \ into the , LAP OP . LUXURY/ » -- m* home of Mrs. J. M. George Mon j day. A short business session was held. In which final arrangements for the ice cream social at the church Friday evening were made. A program, opening at 8:30 p. m will be given, after which ice cream and cake will be served. There Is to be a small charge for the re freshments, the proceeds going to the building fund. Following the business session Mrs. Paul Dye conducted a lesson j study, and the hostess served re 1 freshments. • • • I Comings, Goings, |Of Local People Miss Sarita Conrad arrived home Tuesday to spend the vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Conrad. She has been a student at the Ohio State university. Co lumbus. Ohio. She will be a junior next year, and is a member of Al pha Sigma Alpha. Mr. and Mrs. Russell McChesney have gone to Maine to spend the summer. They have a cottage at Showhegan Mrs. Thomas Miller, their daughter, who has been vis iting them for some time, left Mon day for her home in Mexico City. Mrs. May Lobdell is leaving Thursday evening for Chicago. She plans to spend the summer there and at other northern points, re turning here in the fall Miss Stella Dickason is away on a three months' vacation, which she plans to spend visiting in San An tonio, Fort W*rth, Ardmore. Okla, and other places. She is to return about Oct. 15. Mr. and Mrs D P Gav. Jr., are planning to leave the latter part of the week on an extensive vaca tion trip. SAN BENITO DODSON-EDRI.NGTOK Mr and Mrs. Claude D. Dodson announce the marriage of their daughter. Ivy. to Eddie Edringfon. which took place Friday. June 7. at Harlingen, at the home of the Rev. M O. Ewing, pastor of the Chris tian church, with the Rev. Mr. Ewing officiating. Only a small group of friends and relaiiv-3 were present. The bride has been active as a student in organizations in the local high school, including sports, and has a host of friends. Mr. Ed I rington has been employed in San Benito during the past few months. Mr. and Mrs. Edrington will maxe their home in Brownsville. • • • ERICKSON-WARMKER Miss Margaret Erickson of La Feria became the bride o' Arthur Warmker of San Benito at nocn Sat urday. the marriage takin" place at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. Erickson, near La Feria. During the marriage service which I was witnessed only by the im mediate relatives of the bride the Rev. T. H. Pollard, pastor of the First Presbyterian church officiated. I Mr. and Mrs. W'armker left shortly I afterwards on a lengthy honeymoon journey. They will motor to Dallas, going from there for a visit with the bridegroom’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Warmker, near Lawrence, i Kansas Later they will go to points I in Illinois, returning to make their home in San Benito about July 1. 0 0 9 JONES-CHERRY Miss Mildred Jones, daughter of W. W’. Jones, was wedded to Harley Cherry. Sunday evening at the horn" of L. M. Valdetero. justice of the peace. The marriage ceremony was nerformed by Mr. Valdetero. The bride is well known in San Benito, having resided here since childhood. She had been engaged In office work during the past few years Mr. Cherry is employed at the Palace Pharmacy. Mr. and Mrs. Cherry will reside in San Benito. • • • THURSDAY FRIENRSHIP At the home of Mrs. J. L. Palmer last week the Thursday Friendship club met. Mrs. D. E. Knowlton and Mrs W. J. Wagner were substitute players during the afternoon. When the score was counted Mrs. Frank Dodson received first prize and the award for second high was present ed to Mrs. R. P Jackson. The con solation gift went to Mrs. J. If. Wagner. Mrs. Knowlton received the guest prize Hot douehnuts and coffee were served by the hostess after the games. The next meeting will he held at the home of Mrs. E A. Byrd. June 21 • • • LATERAL T CLUB Thursday afternoon Mrs. C. M Wilds entertained members of the Lateral T club. A good attendance was present. At the close of two interesting contests Mrs Henry Parks and Mrs. W. W. Cotton re ceived high score. Mrs. George Espey and Mrs. R. O. Hornburg were presented consolation awards. At the close of the afternoon an appe tizing ice course of sherbert and confections was served Guests of the club Included Mrs. George Wilds. Mrs. Flora P. Cahill and Mrs O. B Dodds of Corpus Christi. At the home of Mrs. George Espey on June 13 members will be entertained. W. O. W. INITIATES At the meetma of the Woodmen’s Circle held Wednesday night three new members were initiated The three new members introducd Into th order were Miss Ivy Dodson. Mrs. Lou Emma Thomas and Mrs. O. S. Wallace. Four other persons also were elected to membership and will be initiated at a later meeting. Re freshments were served and a social hour held following the busine.:>s ses sion. • • • B. T. P. V. ENTERTAINED Friday evening several members of the senior B. V. P. U. of the First Baptist church were delightfully en tertained * at the home of Mrs. M. Brizendlne. The affair was arranged in honor of two members who are ; departing. John Eliff and C. L. i Burry. The evening was spent in 1 Dlaying forty-iwo and other games. During the evening music was en joyed. Refreshments were served to nineteen members. The event closed with the quartette of the Senior Union singing two selections that were particularly enjoyed. Those present were Misses Anna Snow. Mary Thacker. Marian Smith. Myrl Parspns. Mrs. Brizendine and Jack Shelander. Lamon Wilson. I Wilbur Dawson. W. R. Jones, L. R. i Simms. R. E. Wilber. Floyd Schroeder. Chester Voele. Cecil Lyre, John Eliff. C. L. Burry. James Er hardt. Wyatt Smith and Sterling Stratton. • • • PERSONALS Travis Wallace arrived Fridav morning from Texas A. & M. Col lege after finishing his freshman j year there. Mr. and Mrs. Davis Wade have gene to Trenton. Tenn.. where they will visit with Mr. Wade's parents and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs James J. Fitzgerald returned to San Benito Monday from Houston where they recently moved. Miss Dorothy Duncan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Frank L. Duncan, has returned from Sullins College t>t Bristol. Virginia where she received a Bachelor cf Science degree She majored in domestic economy and ! has plans for taking courses at John Sealy hospital in Galveston begin ning next October and oecrming a i dietitian. E. N. Booth and three sons left Friday evening for Kerrville where the voutljs will attend camp dur ing the summer months. Mrs. P Adleson left for Salem. I Mass., where she will visit with rela I fives. L. B Mayer is in San ^tonio E J and J. M Waitman are hack from Toledo. Ohio, where thev veer? (called bv the illness and death of ; their father. Harry Adleson has returned from San Antonio. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crockett and son left Saturday for Houston where the latter will be enrolled in school during the summer. Mr Crockett will return homp while Mrs. Croc kett remains with her son in Hous ton. L. M Valdetero returned to Son Benito from San Antonio where his neice. Miss Elizabeth Gatti. •aas op erated on for tonsilitis. Mr. and Mrs. Valdetero. Ms. Alice Gatti and Miss Elizabeth Gatti went to San Antonio last Saturday for the op eration Mrs. Valdetero and Mrs. Gatti are still in San Antonio. Jesse Welch is in San Antonio. Mrs. R. H. Dunson left Ftiday night for Jacksonville. Texas. Mrs. W. F. Pitts and her twosor.s. Bill and Gilbert, have gone to Hous ton for a visit. They will also go to Galveston and Central Texas Mr. and Mrs. P. M Sherer have departed o na vacation trip to Birmingham and other points in Alabama. Enroute they will visit In New Orleans. Mrs. W. D. James and Mrs. Paul Boone spent the week-end in Hous ton and Galveston. F. H. Wilson, brother of Mrs. D. Grant Wagner of San Benito, left Tuesday for Chicago after having visited here. Mrs. George Jewell is returning to her home at Waco after visiting nere with her mother. Mrs. M. M. Kar.e Mrs. John T. Lomax is on her way to St. Louis. She will be Joined later by her daughter. Sarita, who b attending school in the East, and they will return here together. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Goolsby and family motored to Kerrville Satur day. Miss Virginia Goolsby will at tend summer school at Schreiner's Institute during the next six weeks. Mr. Goolsby will return to San Be ! nito during the next few days. Mr. ami Mrs. C O. Cowden and [children expect to move to Brovrs • vtlle about June 15th where they YOU ARE TO BLAME FOR A PIMPLEY FACE! If your skin is marred by blemishes or discolorations yon have only your self to blame. Pimples, rashes and blotches may be quickly cleared up with case and safety. Simply go to your druggist, ask for Black and White Ointment, and use it according to directions. It is pleasant to use. highly beneficial and scientific ally safe. For best results use Black and White Skin Soap with Black and White Oint ment^AU^ultr^elUbemj^mal^ost Menus of the Day By MRS. ALEXANDER GEORGE Salmon Salad for Dinner Salmon Salad Creamed Peas and Potatoes Bread Cherry Conserve * Sliced Pineapple Spiced Cake. Frosted Iced Tea or Coffee Salmon Salad, Serving Six ‘For picnic or home) 2 cups salmon, flaked: 1 cup diced cucumbers; 2 hard cooked eggs, diced; 1-4 cup cooked sweet pickles; 1-2 cup salad dressing; 1-2 teaspoon salt. Mix and chill the ingredients and serve in cups of crisp ltftuce leaves. Cherry Conserve 4 cups seeded cherries; 1 cup diced, peeled rhubarb; 1 cup diced pineapple; 3 tablespoons lemon juice; 1 teaspoon cinnamon; 1 tea si>oon cloves; 4 cups sugar. Mix the Ingredients and let stand for an hour. Cook slowly and stir frequently for 30 minutes. Pour into sterilized glasses and when cool, seal with melted paraffin. Spire Cake (Tasty and Tender) 1-2 cup fat; 1-2 cup light brown sugar; 2 eggs; 1 cup sour milk; 2 teas pons cinnamon: 1 teaspoon cloves; 1 teaspoon nutmeg; 1-8 tea rpoon salt; 1 teaspoon vanilla; 3 cups flour: 1 teaspoon soda; 1 tea spon baking powder. Cream the fat and sugar. Add the rest of the ingredients and beat for 2 minutes. Pour into 2 layer cake pans which have been fitted with waxed papers. Bake in a mod erate oven for 25 minutes. Cool j and frost. Frosting 3 tablespoons hot cream: 1 tea j spoon vanilla; 1-8 teaspoon salt; 1 ! egg; 1 i-2 cups sifted confectioner’s j sugar. Mix the ingredients and beat un i til creamy. Carefully frost the j cake. TOO BUSY ENJOYING LIFE TO FEEL YEARS Young at Three-Score-Ten Are These Joyous Pilgrims Who Refuse to Let Brooding, Envious Time Encroach on Their Days By WINIFRED BLACK Mrs Oscar Straus has Just come home from a big game hunt in Africa. She narrowly escaped death by being trampled by a herd of elephants. And one nice hot day in the jungle a rhinoceros, he was oh? ever so ugly, tried to see how it would feel to kill an Amer ican woman. All this is not particularly interesitng until you realize that Mrs. Straus is 68 years old, and in the very best of health and spirits, thank you. Nice woman. Mrs. Straus. She doesn't bother much with beauty parlors to look young—she is young—and that's that. I’ve heard a lot about her and I've never seen her in m.v life, but I'm willing to wager she likes children and dogs, butterflies, birds and trees and water falls*-and tree toads, calling in the twilight, and the sound of bells ringing across the distant valley—and bacon and eggs, and a good strong pot of coffee clear and brown, waffles and honey in the comb and little cozy poems about home and fire light. and old songs. Oh. I'll warrant the woman who went to Africa at 68 to hunt wild game—loves WINIFRED BLACK and enjoys everything there is in the world to love and enjoy. She lived in Turkey for years and she loved that; she loves Broad way and the bright lights, and she loves the deep quiet of the country, too. Life is. to a woman like that. Just a great crystal bowl full of living and she drinks it from the brim to the bottom, every drop, good and bad. beautuui and ugly, joyous and sad—that's what keeps her young. It takes time to grow old. brood ing time, envious time, scheming time and Mrs. Straus has no place in her life for any of these things. I know a man out In California. He’s 76 years old and he's buying a new airplane and he's running it himself. And you ought to see him hop into his car and make 480 miles in a day. traffic cops or no traffic cops. He leads a band and he com poses music and he writes arith metic and books of law—he can make the best baking powder bis cuits in the world, and half the boys in the county call him Uncle and half the girls too. for that mat ter. He looks a lusty fifty and not a day over. How can he grow old— he hasn’t time. Here’s to you brave hearts and light. Here's to you, you Joyous pil grims, the world will be a sad old place indeed when you and those like you are out of the fashion probably will reside most of the summer. Mrs. J. E. Glenn and children will spend most of the summer at Kerr ville where they were accompanied Saturday by Mf. Glenn. Lou Jane Glenn will attend summer school at Schreiner’s. W. B. Ammcrman. who has been visiting his old neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Williams, left Saturday night for his home at Fort Worth. | Mr. Ammerman has been looking j after property interests in San Be 1 nito and Harlingen. J. O. Frizzel of Weslaco a guest in the M. L. Walker home Monday. ; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Puckett and ! children s^ent one day of last week at Boca Chica. Mr, and Mrs. W R. Loeton and children left Sunday for Charco. Tex., where they will visit relatives, i Mrs. J. S. Robertson spent Thursday in Weslaco with Mrs. Hugh Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hale and daughter. Pauline, and Mr and Mrs. Carl West of Weslaco were week end guests of the J. A. Puckett ■ family. EDCOUCH PERSONALS Miss Juanita Triffin spent Friday with Miss Sibyl Dixon. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. . Caskey. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bowles and daugh ter. Yhona from Weslaco, and Mr. and Mrs. Newt Etter soent Sundav at the home of Mr. and Mrs W. E. Bowls. Mr. and Mrs. R A. Dixon of La Feria spent Saturday night and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Dixon. Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Pickens were shoppers in Weslaco Tuesday. Miss Stella Ballinger is attending summer school in Edinburg. Miss Geneva Riech has entered nurses' training in Mercedes. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Chandeler spent Sunday afternoon at the Dixon home. Mr. and Mrs W. O. McNees vis ; ited his mother in Weslaco Sun day who has just returned from her vacation in California. Morton Tankersley of San Benito spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Tankersley. You Can Now Buy Pure Aspirin for Only Ten Cents Nearly everyone know* the value of aspirin as a safe and dependable antidote fot pain. But when you buy as pirin be very sure you get pure aspirin. St. Joseph's Pure Aspirin is as pure as money can buy. You can now get the handy, metal box, containing twelve five-grain tablets, with certi fied directions, at all dealers everywhere. And the price it only 10c! St.Joseph*s ASPIRIN id pute ad money can buy Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Rhinehart were in Mercedes Sunday. Mrs. M. Bledsoe called on Mr. and Mrs. J. Pettit Sunday. Miss Viola Runnels of La Blanca spent the week with Mae Wise. Misses Lucille Ballenger and Eve lyn Bledsoe visited Misses Charlotte and Geraldine Stephens Wednes day afternoon. Mrs. Newt Etter. Misses Mae Wise and Sibyl Dixon were in Wes laco Tuesday. Miss Lorene Bowls is spending the week with her sister. Mrs. G. L. Caskey of Harlingen Mr. and Mrs. Albert Davis of Harlingen. Mr. and Mrs. Keys and I children. Mr. and Mrs. Etter and daughter Opal and Mae Wise were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rus sell Shear in Elsa Sunday. I. O. Vickens, Mr. and Mrs. John Lester. Misses Doris and Edith Hester. Mr. and Mrs. Lucy Vickens i went picnicking and swimming at | the Cascade Pool near McAllen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Olin Pierson. Mr. and Mrs. Arden Pierson motored to R.aymondville last Sunday. Misses Blanche and Margie Byrnes visited in the D. S Suyres home Saturday afternoon. BILIOUSNESS REUEVED . . . QUICKLY Hit Partly Yef.ukle Pill quickly (tarts the bile flowing, gently moves the bowels.— the poisons pass sway, the sour and acid stomach sweetens, and bilious ness vanishes. Sick Heanache. Indi gestion. Bari Breath and Complexion improve by the gentle action of these tiny vegetable laxative pills. Ail Druggists 25c and 75c ned pkgs. CARTER’S Eli PILLS New! j Persian and I Chinese■— I Direct from Our Foreign | Buyers I Rich Persian and Chinese Rugs selected with the utmost care. So complete a collection that you will experience ^ no difficulty in finding one to match your wallpaper and furnishings. Our direct connections save us the expense of going to the Eastern markets to buy—therefor these astonishing low prices. Then too, these delightful rugs are especially reduced for summer. Sizes I from Priced from $25 to $650 t0Fe 1 I 9x12 Feet Orie tal Rug and Gift Shop I Opposite Travelers Hotel Brownsville Phone 1046 SOLONS GET SERVICE FLAGS FROM A. AND M. AUSTIN, June 12.—(.TV—In the presence of Governor Moody and members of the legislature, replt cas of service flags of A. and M college, bearing 55 gold and 2,200 blue stars, were presented the sen ate and house by F. M. Law, Hous ton. president of the board of di rectors of the institution. Senator Tom DflBerry, Bogota, former service man whose left sleeve hung empty, accepted the standard on behalf of the senate.1 and Representative Phil Sanders. • Nacogdoches, former student at A. and M. received the service flag which will be unfurled in the house chamber. Dr. T. O. Walton, president of A and M . and Law- spoke in behalf of the state institution. Federal Inspector Tells Rural Women Of Quaranti ne Need _ 'Special to The H»ra!d> McALLEN. June 12 —M H. Ford in charge of the enforcement in the Valley of federal quarantine reg ulations to prevent reinfestation of the fruit fly. was the principal speaker at the rural women's en campment here Tuesday. Ford explained the regulations, and told why it is necessary to carry them out. in order to prevent the infestation. He appealed to all women of the county to aid in en forcing the regulations, and said the results will be of great benefit to the Valley. Robertson Surveys Land Involved In Irrigation Battle (Special to The Herald) SAN BENITO. June 12.—Franl Robertson, manger of the local Irrigation committee, and chairman of the committee leading the fight on the J. T. Franklin appllcnJm In Hidalgo county, spent th* day Tuesday looking over the land cov ered In the Franklin application The opponents of the applica tion will claim in the hearing at Edinburg starting June 17 that th* character of soil in this tract make* irrigation impracticable. Much of It Is sandy, and there are points where the entire river would no* flow 200 yards, according to E. M. Card, engineer who has been re tained In the fight Mr. Robertson went, over th* tract in order to get first hand in formation on the character of th* soil. ion HOMESEEKERS IN VALLEY DURING WEEK tSnecial to The Herald) HARLINGEN. June 12—Resident* of northern and middle-western states must have heard from some source that the Valley's summer* are even more pleasing than th* winters, as the homeseekers con tinue to pour in. , This week there are 300 home seekers in the Valley, 100 having come on the Southern Pacific, and 200 on the Missouri Pacific. In cluded In the total Is one party of nearly 10C. Featuring the Josephine Dunn model this week • • * Free Autographed Photograph -----■■ —. - - - ■