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DATE PLANTS ■ REACH VALLEY 27 Varieties Represented In Shipment Sent Here For f Experiment MERCEDES. June 12. — Date shoots from Iraq, after a journey across the ocean and a temporary residence in Washington, have reached their future home on the Texas A. & M. Experiment Station farm near here. There are 986 offshoots in the lot which has just been planted, and according to Ralph T. Robinson, plant breeder of the United States lepartment of agriculture, consti tute “the most important shipment dates ever received in this coun try.” "Only a limited area of the Untied States Is adapted to date production and a good percentage of this area lies in the Lower Rio Grande Valley end South Texas.” said Robinson, who came "here with the shipment rnd assisted W. H. Friend, superin tendent of the experiment station, in olanting the shoots. Before being brought to the Val ley the plants were subjected to a drastic "cooking” treatment at Washington to guard against the In troduction of harmful insect pests. The date offshoots were obtained from the native groves of Iraq bv Ralph W. Nixon, of (he United States department of agriculture, who made a special studv of date production along the Persian Gulf and selected many rain resistant 'arieties which it is believed will thrive under the climatic condi tions prevalent tr. the Rio Grande Valley. The expedition for gather ing the offshoots was made possible bv special appropriation by congress through the efforts of Congressman John Garner. The shipment, com prising 986 offshoots and represent ing twenty-seven distinct varieties, was assigned to the Texas Station by the United States Department of Agriculture for trial in the Valley countrv were climatic conditions are somewhat similar to that where the shoots were gathered. FELT SHAKY, JUST TOTTERING AROUND Alabama Lady Says She Did Not Get Relief Until She Took Cardui. Dothan. Ala.—‘7 read about Car tful, and it occurred to me that it was Just what I needed for my trou ble," says Mi-s. Ella Scarborough, of this city. *7 w as in a bad state of health. Several different things were recommended to me. First one and then another would suggest remedies, but I did not get any real relief until I began to take CarduL *7 was as weak as I could be. My legs were shaky, and often I would Just totter around the house. I fin ally got so bad that I was in bed 1 or several weeks. "It was then that I began to take flEhrdul. I kept it up for quite a Jrhile. and at last I regained my health. Cardui was certainly a friend to me in time of need I was much better after taking it. and I have recommended it to others who suffer as I did. “My health Is splendid now. and I seldom have to use medicine, but I gladly say a word about Cardui whenever I find a friend going through the same suffering which I endured ’ . K Cardoseptic, for hygienic reasons. I should be used by women as a I safe, effective detergent. 50 cts. || ‘Suaco’ Southern Iron & Machine Co. (Incorporated) ft San Benito, Texas Largest and Most Complete Shop in Southeast Texas Complete stock of steel and shapes— $ Electric and acetylene welding— General and specialized machine work, j Manufacturers cf J Simco Screw Lift Irrigation Gates 11 ISan Benito 5 ...rrffr,r.rr.rrrrrffr..r_rr.rffrr I When You Want the Best Norris v Almond Roca V Martha Washington Elmer s FINE CANDIES Harry’s Cigar Stores And Valiev Leading Dealers i l :_ ”■ .r ‘Ti t — TOWNS ARE THREATENED AS VESUVIUS CRACKS CONE Villiagers in the hamlets at the base of Vesuvius hive been preparing to evacuate their homes with the cracking of the southwestern cone under the force of the unusually strong eruption. Lava streams pouring down the mountainside have destroyed vineyards and have been nearing the villiages. Above, top. Vesuvius in action; below, left one of the conelets, and right a stream of lava. a | Flashes of Life j i.——J (By The Associated Pressl NEW YORK.—Amelia Earhart is wrought up over the idea of an easy $10,000 contest for women fly ers. After announcement of a pro posed race from Los Angeles to Cleveland came suggestions that the women carry men navigators or start this side of the Rockies. "Ridicu lous." said Miss Earhart. She add ed that she, Elinor Smith, Lady Heath and Louise McPhetridge would not enter unless it was a real sporting contest. WESTPORT. Conn —John Chap man Hilder. author and editor, lias ideas on the beauty of the average , male’s legs in comparison with the average female’s. He plays tennis in shorts with the breezes having access to his knees, and the style is | being followed b\ sunary other male I summer residents. If merchants' were up-to-date, he thinks, they’d have their shelves full right now of flannel and linen shorts for men NEW YORK—What a thrill for honest Lauretta Oistonerk for a pi ano company She found a dia mond ring in the lobby of the com pany's building, notified the eleva tor man that she had found it put it on and dazzled friends dis- ' playing it. Then she took it to a jeweler for appraisal. He valued it at $10000. The thrill was bigger than ever. But Lauretta was afraid j of such wealth. She left it in the ; jeweler's safe. Now she is to get a | reward from the owner. Early oil weils at Baku were scooped out by hand. j City Briefs Rrqfaurant, Harlingen, for sale Fully equipped, attractive proposi tion. Also grocery store and meat market. Weslaco: good opportunity See Walker Craig Co.—Adv. tf. Improving.—Miss Malvina Gari bi’y. who occupies the Information desk at the chamber of commerce, and wht has been ill for the past three weeks. Monday was reported in an improved condit.i:. t: t like ly will resume her place soon. New Off cer.—Lieut. W. G. Rear don. who has just completed a course in the cavalry school at Fort Riley, Kan., and now of the 12th cavalry, arrived here Monday. He has not yet been assigned to any Step Dandruff immediately and prevent its return by applying im perial Remedy; pleasant odor, not greasy. Your druggist.—Adv. # Stated meeting Rio Grande Chapter 317, R A. M.. 8 this evening. Tues day. at Masonic Temple Election of officers. Geo Mansur. H P ; W. W. Ball. Secy.—Adv. 11. Ice Cream Social—A program and ( ice cream social will be given at the Central church at 8:30 p. m. Friday, sponsored by the general circle. A small charge for the ice i cream and cake, money to go to-1 ward the building fund. Everyone , invited.. — Niagara Cotton Dusters, easy terms; also Calcium Arsenate. Paris Green, and sulphur. Tin cans for canning. Phillips Store. San Benito. —Adv. 14. New Steel Wheel wagons with guaranteed axles, cash or easy terms. Phillips Store. San Benito. —Adv. 14. Davenport Typewriter Exchange has moved temporarily to Cromack bldg. on 11th street. Phone 11.05. —Adv. Tin Cans for canning tomatoes; talers, and retorts; fifty feet guar-1 anteed garden hose. $4 45: also gal vanized nnd felt roofing shingles at low prices Sales Co.. 2nd and Fronton—Adv. 14 Will Trade sedan or roadster for truck. W. R. McElroy, Brownsville j Adv. 18 — Move—Mr. and Mrs. J F. Blan ton have moved from their resi dence at the corner of Levee and Sixth to a new’ location on Eliza beth between Third and Fourth. Meets—The Public Health Nurs ing association will have a regular meeting Thursday morning at the j city hall. Return*—A W. Reed has return ed to his desk as manger of the local Western Union office. Windows Repaired — Workmen were busv Wednesday morning re- j pairing the windows at the Mis souri Pacific freight depot. I'ndrr Construction—Work has been begun on a $3500 frame dwell- 1 ing cn Jefferson between 14th and 15th streets for Daniel Trevino. G. j Saenz is the contractor. Davenport Typewriter Exchange l as moved temporarily to Cromack bldg on 11th street. Phone 1105. —Adv. MOSCOW —Eight hundred dele- i gates from all parts of the soviet union, including Maxim Corky, are attending the congress of the So- j ciety of the Godless. Says the offi- j cial newspaper Pravda: ' We shall j unroot religion and destroy its in- ! fluence with ve masses.” Fifty million persons live in the Volga basin. I SLOGANS FROM * * * ALL OVER STATE * * * SENT TO VALLEY ‘Special to The Herald* SAN BENITO. June 12—A flood of slogans from all parts of Texas has greeted first announcement of a slogan contest for the Lower Rio Grande Valley, indications are the committee will have thousands of slogans on which to work. The slogans were sent In from points in west Texas, north Texas, east Texas, central Texas, and from Valiev sections. They came from school teachers, legis lators. farmers, business men. housewives, and others. While not revealing the con tents of any of the suggested slo gans. J. E. Bell, chairman of th® slogan committee, stated that many of them look very promis ing. They carry out the sugges tion of being d®scriptivp of the Valley, and at the ssme time brief and easy to handle. A prize of $250 is offered for the slogan which is accented, and a box of Valley grapefruit will be sent to every contestant who receives honorable mention as a Christmas present. The contest was started by Valley bankers, with the aid of chamber of com merce men. NEW YORK—The motion picture editor of the New York American predicts the remarriage of Edwin Carewe. film director, and Rav Aik en. who obtained a divorce in Mex ico two years ago with a $110 000 settlement. Woodpeckers :*aroly disfigure a healthy tree. Thursday, Friday Thursday, Friday and Saturday and Saturday ORIGI &%aXZ' Ow _J fi ■ • 50c Jontetl Cold Cream TOILET GOODS 85c Rexall Theatrical fi ■ — “ '' , WHAT IS A JtsaB Face Powder h.™.,7 r.ii« w.w Cold Cream A P?.9S.IT^T^' ONE-CENT SALE’ a soft tiend- 2v*-«x. * t- tu ARk,ei«*,*. METHOD Or untVrtm aALL. jbk vomin HannonyTo0etw,t,r. * - in(, ADVERTISING ITU* *aJc where you buy an appeal* •»-»«• 2 *•* rTcryday . , , n, item at the regular price, then to i*"*- Rilcrrt Ilawl . . . . * f«t *1* TPHIS aale baa been c- ' t , ^ . another item of the aeme <««■< for noting *ro- Trailing Arbutna Talcum 2 for 2Bc 1 the United Drug Co.*’ > * one cent. A. an illustration: The men. . Harmony Rolhng Massage • 2for86c vertiain, plan. t. . »r< atandard price of Klenxo Dental O f-.IJ! _ Cream . . . . 2 f©» tic YoeSa*o84c large auma of money mr Creme ia 50c, you buy one tube at ZtOTOlC Medic,ud skin Soap . . 2 for 2*. -— to convince you of to. this price and by paying 1 Cent Yo*S»w<fc KlenioTarShampooSoap II* Ifc 50c KlcnZO Dental the** goods, they ar* *P"P r ? mere, or Sic cents, yon get two V on. p n CL,_ ' Klenio liquid Antiseptic 2 for Blc I Creme «• Ai* Bale in permit us to •*»! | tubes, end save 49 cents. Every \ ReuU ShaTUtg Rexall ToJet Soap. . . 2 for. 16. ,v *,v you two full aixe * f ! ^ United Drug Co. article m this sale \ Cream JfL -A Egyptian Talm So.p . . 2 for 18c gg* whltaaad merchandise for lb* P I is a high quality guaranteed prod- \ (f|i ft nl'jjj Quinine Hair Tonic .1. 2 foe •!« beautiful without in- °°*» P,u* °°® C€f,2_.r. *1,! net, just the same as <a sold every „V°rafT K,J |C*7l Bouquet Ramee Toilet »^ jury to the enamel. money to get new cui >rr • '* day at the regular price. No limit few Water, S-oz. . . . 2 for 1.81 Pleasant taating. A the sacrifice in profit is jut ■■■'•■ j _buy all you want, hut on Tbirs- utfier p"] Bouquet Ramee Talcum . 2 for Blc common-aanae denti- because we know the good wi*i day, Friday and Saturday only! A, fte-4 [I?-/ Bouquet Ramee Compact please you 99 \ IlMI llMlI or Koa*.2 for Blc O for C 1 e ‘ \____ "■ -■* ^ liilll Mill Eenso Magnesia Dantal . —•_ c YOU SAVE 40. . L“’ ~ / yTsaX The articles listed above You will save with safety are only a few of the many at these Rexall Drug bargains to be found here CTY^DTiC Stores — Two stores to during this great sale. ,, ■-^^qs 3 1 V/IVElii serve you. 1 'PROP" #j.J and £ t TRAIN SEARCH PARLEYSLATED M. P. Will Attempt To Set tle Dispute At Valley Meet 1 1 ... (Special to The Herald) SAN BENITO, June 12.—Efforts to work out amicably the question of bringing trains in from Mexico through Laredo without examina tion at the border will be attempt ed in a conference there June 15. called by E. A. Farr, general pas senger agent of the Missouri Pa cific. The protest has arisen in connec tion with announcement by the Missouri Pacific of a new fast | train schedule between Mexico City and St. Louis, which would ra’l foe the train entering the United St|tes and traveling 780 m!!”s be fore being inspected for infested fruit. Danger of reinfestation of the Morelos fruit flv. or even of in festation of the Mediterranean fruit fly. was given as the prin cipal reason for the fight on th" proposed entry without examina tion. Notice of the conference at La redo has been received bv Valley chamber of commerce secretar e*. and revere 1 of them are expected to be on hand J. E. Bell, score- | tary of the local chamber of com merce. and who filed the first pro test in this section, will be on th* way to Washington at the time, but other secretaries will be there. TUITION AID PROPOSED 'Suecial to The Hprald> AUSTIN. June 12—The present shortage in money with which the state can pav tuition of transfer students in high schools will be overcome under a $450,000 anpro- 1 nriation sponsored bv Chairman John F. Wallace of the house ap ( propriations committee. This sum is proposed to pay transfer tuition and to supplement rural aid school needs for the year ending Aug ust 21. PLANE CRASHES INTO HOME OF GOVERNOR SEAGIRT. N. J„ June 12._i,pi— A gaping hole yawned in the ceiling of Governor Morgan F. Larson’s sleeping loom today where three callers in an airplane literallv dropped in. A biplane, piloted by William Taft and carrying as passengers Mr. MRS. FORD POSES Associated Press Photo This is a recent picture ot Mrs. Henry Ford, taken at the open ing of thf* ‘Green Door ' market of the Woman's fictional Farm and Garden association at Alma. Mich. Mrs. Ford is the associa tion's president Olive Jeannine and Roger J. Ryan, all of Red Bank. N J.. landed yes terday on the parade ground in front of the “Little Whits House." Governor Larson's sumer home at Camp Larson. 19-YEAR-OLD GIRL MAY BE DEPORTED Examining trial for Maria Cantu, charged with two violations of the immigration laws was held before ] U. S. Commissioner E. K. Goodrich Monday afternoon. The youna woman, was remanded to jail in default of bond. She test ified she had been deported once before, about two years ago. and that she had been married to a 1 soldier here, after she entered the United States the second time. .— — —— — — - . * I — mr*. r•'^^ - X*-1 1#**.F t ;i"^»tf3F B JRETEAGA CARNIVAL NIGHT At the Oasis Cafe in Matamoros Saturday June 15th from 6 P. M. till 12:00 Three beautiful objects for our guests— A BIG SURPRISE! Be sure to come and bring your friends with you ‘ New Heads of Professional WOman’s Club Take Office New officers of the Business and Professional Woman's club had charge for the first time since their election at the regular monthly meeting of the club held at the chamber of commerce Tuesday eve ning, with Mrs. Laura Houston in the chair. The session opened with club songs, followed by a discussion of routine business. A list of standing committee for the new year was read, and Mrs. Frances Chapin. Julian O'Brien. Mrs. May Lobdcll and Miss Sylvia Spivey, delegates to the state convention at Temple gave sidelights on the meet. Three new members. Miss Gladys Woodrum, Mrs. John Burns and Miss Margaret McClughan were ac cepted in the club. Standing committees and appoin tive officers announced were: Mem bership. Mrs. A. W. Cocke. Eula Terrell and Mrs. Dervln: publicity. Marie Jones. Dons Faulk. Isabel Sterling: finances. Julia O'Brien. Margaret Seaburv. Effie Ingram: program. Stella Dickason, Mrs J H Andreas. Mrs. Sara Sutherland; mu sic. Mrs Alberta Kirby; dinner. Ora Hipp, Frances Knope, and Claire Kev; scholarship. Mrs. W. R Jones. Effie Ingram. Dr Murray; emblem. NEW YORK.—For going too fad Charles A. Levine must exnlain to the judge. He was arrested for speeding—in an automobile, not an airplane. Hughes; health, Rachel Pierre Ar orette Bledsoe. Margaret Dennis; Mrs. J. K. Bull, pari lamer, art* n: Mrs. Belle Pierre, historian, Mrs. Kate Hamilton. Sylvia Spire? an/ Mrs. Stella Lewis from the clwa committee. MALARIA. The Treatment of Mvlftfta ©nth Quinine is Tin©h -nor. 4 and General. Grove's Tastele** Chill Tonic Is strong in Quinine. The Quinine has a more dr VI Strengthening. Invigorating k:: c w hen combined vm'i i , ,1 ri - I Iron. Try taking this fnmoos ©14 Quinine and Iron tonic for m*hn a »r the after effects of malaria. N©* lice how itfimproves the apt • t *. You can feel its Strength*; ling. Invigorating Effect. Pleasant to take. 60s, A Laxative it very beneficial in the tmet BMnt of MeUrie or ' ... ■g<* of Grove a Black h .«t F ,.»ta* • ..4 •nth every bottle f« x i htMe « ho ©ia to i©| e laxetiv# ia an. be j QNT Of .. THE 'WORLD’S FINEST TRa I.' •MUfail I * Awihcku V* _^«*t*»*«*l "Journey’s Snd’’ 5| *7%!7yfc • tirt-Amierican ALL ~ PULL MAW Distinguished men to whom the nation’s i entrusted, choose this aristocrat of trains not v the luxurious appointments and congenial atmo^p: 1 1 * h cause on it they can be sure of pleasant relaxation an ! rear ing sleep. They know they will reach the end of the jour: > without fatigue. Sleeping cars of latest design. Club, r>! c r tion and lounging cars and radio. Delicious meals. Shower Ha - < for men and women. Maid and valet service. No extra fire *The Pan-American leaves New Orleans at 8:30 P. M run t i to Cincinnati, with through parlor car from Memr his to < leaving Memphis 7:40 A. M. An illustrated bool let ny be < 4 Irom the undersigned who will plan your trip an 1 n r.e resers xt >r. and will be glaato cjuote fares to the various norther: cities and resorts. L. N. SIMMS, TrauP • * A • 20* ScanUo Building, Houston. Texas Louisville Nashville p,.k.