Newspaper Page Text
And Buying Are Both Easy If You Read These Classified Ad Pages Classified Business Directory ARCHITECTS BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. I Architect*—Engineers 308 Merchants Bank Bldg. ■ Phone 817 Brownsville. Texas E. G. HOLLIDAY Architect and Builder 409 State Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 • R. NEWELL WATERS Architect ■12 Security State Bank Building Weslaco. Texas E. B. GORE Civil and Consumes Engineer Room 408, State National Bank B’.dr townsvllle. Texas. Phone 1077. BUILDERS—CONTRACTORS" PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractors 628 Washington St. Brownsville, Texas Phone 627 E. M. RIDLEY General Contractor Roads Land Leveling plowing. excavations Embankment* 403 Merchants Nat'l. Bank. Brownsville. _________ CASH REGISTERS 1ATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO Registers bought, sold i- ■ exchanged ' w. E. Banders. Representative fhone 29. Harlingen. Tex. Box 905 I DRAY—TRANSFER __ » """ Mason Transfer & Grain Co. BONDED WAREHOUSE SEEDS OF ALL RINDS Light and Heat? Hauling WE MOVE ANYTHING iafl 105 Adams. Phone 133 AUSTIN TRANSFER COMPANY C^tine. Shipping. Hauling hones 421 and 519_ FLORISTS THE FLOWER SHOP Cut flowers, pot plants, funeral designs and bouquets 1254 Elizabeth St. Phone 1388 3CWYER THE FLORIST, flower* md funeral designs. St. Charles idd Pita streets. Phone T71. f HOTELS—CAFES WHITE KITCHEN Famous for its Cooking-Immaculacy and Service The popular place for business lunches 12th between Elizabeth and Washington Hat Renovating First Class Hat Renovating & Shoe Repairing Delta Shoe & Hat Shop We Call for and Deliver Phone 535 m INSURANCE \V. B. CLINT INSURANCE SURETY BONDS 208-9 Merchants National Bank PHONE 6 ORVILLE R. EBY District Manager Peoria Life Insur Company w*gpaciaUze on monthly * income service. 808 Baxter Bldg Harlingen. Texas Phone 504 ’ PAINTING AWTING. Paperbangmg. Deco-atmg nd Tax toning P W Rieka. 1M8 Llo r>ln St. Phone 1338-J FINA^IAI. LOANS tm improved residence and buslneae property. Todd and Unaerwood 1037 Leva# St. BnrmavlUe, Tcxajk 4 \ FINANCIAL LOANS i To buy. to build, to re-finance or Im prove your home or business property. Any Town In the Valley. Gunn & Holdridge Over First National Bank Pharr. Texas. LOANS Business properrv it 6. 6‘ j and 7%. RESIDENCE LOANS Semi-Annual Payments at 7 and 8%. Monthly payments $1213 per $1000.00. D. L. WELCH 19 Arcade Jldg. Phone 1410. MATTRESS RENOVATING Let Us Renovate Your Mattress We make mattresses to order. All repair work guaranteed SOMMERS 12th and Adams Phone 674 OFFICE EQUIPMENT ART METAL FILING Equipment Maverick-Clarke Litho Co. 208 Merchants National Bank Phone 617—Brownsville Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVES STATIONERY & BOOK STORE Brownsville. Texas FUNERAL DIRECTORS ROOFING THE TURNER BROWNSVILLE ROOFING CO.. Inc. We respectfully solicit your re-roofing as well as new. Eighth and Railroad Brownsville. Tex. Phone 1163 ________________________ TYPEWRITERS | DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange (Brownsville’s Type writer House* j Distributors, New L. C. Smith “Si- j lent" 8 and Late Corona 4 type writers. Also sell Royal Portables and “Factory" Rebuilt*—all makes We repair all makes typewriter and adding machines. 1112 Elizabeth St. Phone 1105. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER SALES CO. Typewriters—Adding Machines Supplies—Repairs Phone 50S—Harlingen PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEYS RALPH A. DUNKELBERG Attorney at Law . Commercial Collections a Specialty 106 Seabury, George and Taylor I Building Brownsville. Texas ; Davenport, West and Ransome Attorneys at Law 307-308 Merchants National Bank j Brownsville. Texas H. B. GALBRAITH Attorney at Law Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville, Texas J. T. Canales C. S. Eidman. Jr. CANALES AND EIDMAN Attorneys at Law Real Estate a Specialty 303 Merchants National Bank Brownsville. Texas H. L. Yates Attorney at Law State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville CHIROPRACTOR M. Cook, D. C. CHIROPRACTOR Nerv-O-Meter Service 1715 Grant and Seventeenth Victoria Heights 1 Brownsville, Texas. Phone 122S-J EL V1BRA SYSTEM USED REAL ESTATE LOS EBANOS Brownsville's Supreme Residential District, carefully restricted, cotn , pletely Improved. Home sites from $1200.00. easy terms. James-Dtckln son Co., Realtors, corner traveler.'' Hotel Bldg.. Brownsville. j Where There’s a “Want” —that's where The Herald Want Ads shine. Want ads cov ering the range of hu man needs from build ing a home to shoe re pairing — from paper hanging to professional services. Little adver tisers who do big jobs at small cost, daily car ry their announcements in this “Classified Busi- j i ness Directory”. I AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE G®®d U§®d Cars Xo group of used cars in this city offer values * equal to these. Every car in good condition— every car a bargain. Come in and look over the full selection. Small down payment. i USED BUICKS Buick Standard Coupe, 1928 ..$ 875.00 Buick Standard Coupe, 1926 ..:.$ 575.00 Buick Standard Sedan, 1926 .$ 550.00 Buick Master Sedan, 1926 ..S 575.00 Buick Master Sedan, 116-inch wheelbase, 1929 „ $1325.00 MISCELLANEOUS MAKES Cadillac 314 Sedan. 1926. . t._........... $975.00 Chrysler Coupe, 1927 .... $575.00 Whippet Coach, 1927 ...$350.00 Hudson Brougham, 1927 ..... $700.00 Whippet Coupe, 1926 ........ $225.00 Alblb®ilft C®. 9th and Washington Phone 1133 AUTOMOTIVE c PRICED RIGHT j t 1927 Chevrolet Coupe.$375 00 1926 Naash light 6 Sedan $400 00 F 1926 Oidsmoblle Coupe.$325.00 C 2 CASH TRADE TERMS < BROWNSVILLE NASH CO. 1 1327 Levee. Phone 1366 Q-332 1 -1 I A PICK-UP FOR SOMEONE An unusual buy. Studebaker Phaeton. ] good mechanical condition, good tires, * looks good. This car Is going at $250 > for quick sale. See this one. t PATTESON MOTOR CO. < R-50 10th & Adams ; : STEVENSON MOTOR CO.. lac. « Brownsville. Texas. ' FOR SALE—Chrysler sedan in good < running order; paint good: will sell f cheap. F O Box 170, Brownsville R-eo i ---l WILL TRADE redan or roadster for a • truck. W R MeBroy, Brownsville R-101 . --- » DODOE BUSINESS COUPE. In first- a class condition. For sale by owner, t Call 1305-M o --— -■ -- e FOR SALE—Cadillac wrecker, cheap y j Call 191. 14th and McKinlev. R-103 AUTO REPAIRING ---- —-- F F FOR GENUINE NASH PARTS j AND SERVICE ; You should see us We are equipped ' with everything It take* to render A-l * service Alro washing, polishing and - greasing BROWNSVILLE NASH CO F 1327 Levee. Phone 1366. J P-196 LOST AND FOUND FERSON FINDING sample case con taining enlarged pictures, please bring to Herald office. Reward. R-108 ‘IEI.P WANTED DIFFICULT PROBLEMS are often easily solved by a classified ad. Help Wanted Olmito Packing Co. Peeling Tomatoes ^ Report at Walker Craig Co., 7:30 each morn ing. Will furnish trans- ^ portation to and from * plant. - \ WANTED — Experiences stenographer ^ Preference given to applicant with law office training. Address Box 665, Mis- 5 ston. Texas. SITUATIONS WANTED * THOROUGHLY experienced bookkeeper * and accountant wants employment any- j where In Valley. Can handle small r amount dictation Reasonable salary to ■ start. Not afraid of work Your con- _ sideratlon will be apredated. Box R-51. Herald. R-51 . YOUNG MEN don’t have to go west" ? now to find opportunity. Plenty of , openings which can lead »o success in ' this city are to be found In the classi- f, fled ads , ____ 1 * EXPERIENCED stenographer. book- * keeper desires position either Browns - ! title. San Benito or Harlingen. Phone * 1373-W. P. O Box 1161. Brownsville R-70 j WANTED—Position as representative for wholesale company In Valley, or traveling salesman. Have had 17 years experience in wholesale dry goods busl- ; ness and at present traveling salesman, j but want position In Valley. Furnish | A-l reference. Address R-72. care Her ald. R-92 . YOUNG LADY desires housework and i place to stay. Address R-103. care Her ald R-103 ! PERSONAL DR COOK Chiropractor, bath parlors. { massages, El Vibra reducing system used. Cook & William*. 1715 Grant St.. I telephone 1226-J. tt-S > « 6 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY >NE OF THE WINNERS of two free ickets to the Capitol Theater la Mrs 4a M Combe. 842 Washington street fu*t be called for at The Herald of Ice before 6 p. m. June 14. OR SALE—Oarage and service station, food Valley town, fine location. Box 7. La Ferla. Q-207 SUCCESS DEPENDS on you. One of the irst steps towards it is to watch for he many and varied opportunities lsted In the Classified Section. *OSTOFFICE Confectionery at La Pe ls for sale. Inquire at confectionery. _ R-38 rOR SALE—The only wholesale meat nd sausage factory In the Valley. The >est opportunity In Texas for a man hat knows the business and has soma apltal. Address B & H. P. O. Bo* 67. San Benito. Texas. R-63 MODERN TOURIST CAMP with stuc •o cottages, private baths, gas. lights, or rent to party with several thou sand dollars capital to properly oper ate. Box R-105. Herald. R-105 FOR SALE—Grocery and market 31ean stock. Growing business Small capital needed. Reason for selling. >ther business claims attention. Ad iress R-97. care of Herald. R-97 SATH HOUSE with swimming pool, vater toboggan picnic grounds, on larlingen highway, for rent reason ible. A live wire can make big money nth this. Phillips Store. San Benito _ R-104 3NE FIRST-CLASS restaurant doing ood business in one of the best towns n the Valley. Will sell at bargain. I’rtte F W Howard or call 1090 ircwnsville. R.4g _ FINANCIAL IONEY TO LOAN—Eight per cent, on cceptable security by individual will uy vendor's lien notes. State your reds as to amount, nature of coilat ral. etc Confidential. Address Box >87. care The Herald R-87 LIVESTOCK—POULTRY RESH COWS for salt Good ones, oscoc Fraler, Pharr. Texas. R-69 ■OR SALE—Two dozen Taccred strain Fhtte Leghorns; laying now. Must be old immediately. Phone 139 R-106 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—Plain or fancy sewing. Phone 46-W. 600 W. St Francis. R-72 ARTICLES FOR SALE OR SALE—2-wheeled trailer. $20 L. I Young. 1417 Lincoln. Phone 943-J. R-83 FOR SALE New stock of plumbing and plumbing supplies of all kinds; also soil pipe and fittings, whole sale and retail. Sampson Machinery & Supply Co. Houston, Texts NE VICTOR and one Edison phono raph. slightly used; terms. $3.00 month, hone 868-M. or P O Box 362. Browns tUe. F D. Hambly. R-43 OOD USED piano: easy terms. Phone J8-M. or P. O. Box 562. Brownsville. . D. Hambly. R-44 A UNDER ED flour sacks. $110 dozen, alley Sack Exchange. 103 St. Charles. PANTED—Electric range or will trade as range for one. Mrs. R. E. Gilmore, oint Isabel. R-59 'OR SALE—7-ft. electric fan for gar ge and filling station. Very reason ble price. Phone 930. R-102 IRIGHT CANE HAY for sale; $17.00 er ton delivered J. B Kee. 1523 W. llzabeth street. Phone 1393-W. BUY OR EXCHANGE ORDSON TRACTOR. International 6 orsepower gas engine, practically new. >r exchange for used corrugated Iron, itrus trees, guaney sacks or lumber, rill pay or take difference Box R-5S. srald R-55 REAL ESTATE For Sub-Division 160 Acres Located 4 blocks from the high school and closer to Brownsville than the exclusive Los E ban os Subdivision Winding reeaca run ning through property offering natural lake front sites for sub division. This property Is for sale by owners and can be bought at a very attractive price. Henson-Lo max * Houston and Brownsville Development Co. REAL ESTATE CAUTIOUS SPENDERS find great sat isfaction in. carefully looking over the classified columns. INVESTIGATE SUMMIT PLACE THEN INVEST In Bro'trosvine's new business and residential aub-di vision, located on 13th and Nth streets, one mile from Gateway Bridge, on the main thorough fare leading to the proposed ship channel, municipal air port. rich farming district of El Jardln. and Boca Chlra Beach. Easy terms. Ten per cent down, balance 3 years to pay. Jasse Dennett. phone427. Brownsville, Texas. FARMS FOR SALE 300 Acres Cleared Situated within six blocks of the El Jardin Hofei. This property offers a wonde r f u 1 opportunity for an in dustrial sub-division or for small acreage sub division for grapefruit. Considered the highest spot in Brownsville. For sale by OWNER at $600.00 per acre. Price and terms to suit. Re lease clauses on either lots or acreage. Henson Lomax-Hous t o n and Brownsville Develop ment Co., Brownsville, Texas. IT MEANS a good deal when you buy i through a Classified ad. ■ IT WOULD SURFRJSE you If you knew I how many people got the Job* they now have through classified ads FINE CITRUS LAND desirably located. $75 per acre Easy terms Also small acreage, city lots, and brick and frame j buildings. Direct from owner; no agents' commissions. Phillips. San Be ' nlto. R-104 10 ACRES’citTRUS LAND, one-half mile from Highway. 4-room house, good crop on land. Ten acres, one half in orchard, one-half In aspara gus; well located, both priced to sell: terms. Updegraff, La Ferla. Texas. R-S6 LOTS FOR SALE ’its a GOOD INVESTMENT to tell all | the fact* In a classified ad. The best j results follow quickly. HOUSES FOR~~SALE FOR SALE—Modern new home. 6 rooms, bath, hot water, garage; cor ner Levee and 10th street. West Brownsville. Small down payment, balance Uke rent. T. Aziz, phone 502 or 694. P-133 FOR SALE One seven-room house, one-half block ; from high school. House two years old. On Adams, between First and Palm Blvd. Lot fifty by one hundred twenty feet. Modem in every way. One thou sand cash will handle this place. Phone 1090 or write F. W. HOWARD. * Q-235 5- ROOM RESIDENCE on corner lot In West Brownsville for sale, or trade for 1 a good business. Address P O Box 467. San Benito. Texas. R-74 I ---- FOR SALE—Two-story tile and stucco residence in Los Ebanos on Palm Blvd Apply F. W. Howard Fhone 1090. _ R-81 BUV OB EXCHANGE HAVE NEW 7-room 2-story brick res idence In Memphis. Tenn. also double brick store building in Crawfordsvilie Ark.. 21 miles of Memphis, to trade for small business In Valley. Address R-93. care Herald. WILL EXCHANGE Harlingen city prop erty. vacant lots and residence proper ty for acreage, improved or unimproved Call or write Harlingen Land and In vestment Co., Moore Hotel. Harlingen Texas. R-89 WILL EXCHANGE Harlingen city prop , erty. vacant lots and residence proper ty for acreage. Improved or unim proved Call or write Harlingen Land and Investment Co. Moore Hotel. Har 1 ingen. Texas. R-89 RENTALS FOR RENT—Store rooms In Stegman building. Bart Cromack. M-56 SPEND MORE time with the Classified Section and save more money and steps. -1PABTMEXT9~~ ALONSO APARTMENTS—Nicely fur nished. Corner Sixth and Levee. Phone 839. P-208 VERY COOL 2-room south apartment with gas. garage free. $25. Telephone 946-W. Q.2i INTRODUCTIONS between buyers and sellers are efficiently made by classi fied ads MAY DAY APARTMENTS—Cool, new. modem, well located. Completely fur nished Including zerozone. gas, garage Summer rates. 121 Washington. Phone Q-163 APARTMENT for rent on paved street. Light*, water and gas furnished. All convenience*. Phone 429 j __ 0-279 IS YOUR JOB as good as those ottered In the Clasaslfied Section? FURNISHED APARTMFNT8—W a t e r agbta and gas furnished. Phoca 55. _ P162 4-ROOM APARTMENT, private bath hot water. Comer Adams and Boule vard. Phone 764. P-156 IF YOU HAVE something to ueil .eg ularly, ask lor a district salesman also will explain the low business rates for daily ads in the Classified Section. FOR RENT—Small, beautifully fur nished cottage in cool West Brownsville. Reasonable to responsible partv. Phone 975-J_ R-67 FOR RENT—Ideal apartment, every thing new. completed furnished Rea sonable rental . Call 1173-W Q-196 CONLEY APARTMENTS—Cool, and alt convenience*. 357 W. Levee or phone »*7-R. ,_ Q-214 FURNISHED APARTMENT with aU ■ conveniences, including garage: $35 00. 1402 Adams street. Q-255 6- ROOM upstairs apartment. Fifth and St. Charles. Apply lower apartment. R-82 APARTMENTS SWEENY APARTMENTS—Extra cool, well furnished apartment#; electrical refrigeration, garage, modern, maid service. Everything for housekeeping. Summer rates. Phone 1038-W. First and Adams. R-98 IF YOU WANT to rent a bouse or apartment, call Howard. 1090 R-107 FOR THE COOLEST, moat desirable apartment In town, phone 558. Q-95 FURNISHED ROOMS~ ROOMS, one oio'-k rrom postofflce one block from El Jardln hotel; large, southern exposure; reasonable. Phone 1226-W or 1317. M-215 ROOMS AND APTS—Reasonable rates Glenwood Hotel. Phone 619. P118 COOL FURNISHED ROOMS two blocks from postofflce. Also furnished apart i ment. 1005 St. Charles. Phone 1340-W Q-216 COOLEST ROOMS In town: 2 blocks of postofflce. 912 Levee. Q-243 I ...- -. rt'RNISHED ROOM for rent. Front bed room on cool side In modem home, gas water heater. Apply 403 St. Fran cis street. R-lll FOR RENT—Delightfully cool bedroom In modern home, to one or two gentle men; garage tf desired. Phone 415-W. . R-48 FOR RENT—Nice cool bedroom ad Join'ng bath. Reasonable and close In. Gentlemen preferred. 622 St. Charles. Phone 858. R-68 _ nOITSES FOR RENT—7-room house, modem conveniences. between Third and Fourth. Washington street. Q-137 ANOTHER WINNER Is Mrs Joe~In gram. 223 St. Charles She will receive two free tickets to the Capitol Theater br calling for them at The Herald office before 6 p m June 14 ——--— | FOR RENT to responsible partv. the i old 3-story Brulay home. 540 Elizabeth street, phone 414. or P. O. Box 82. R-19 HOUSE FOR RENT—On 5th street, be tween Levee and St. Charles. R-58 HOUSE FOR RENT 5 rooms, gas in each room, and all modern conveniences. Located at 621 Washington St. Call at 525 Adams or phone 825-W. ROOMS AND BOARD BOARD AND ROOM by tbe meal or week. 1004 St. Charles. Phone 629-W _Q-ua DON’T WASTE money by overlook!ns tbe bargains offered dally in the Class ified Section. WANTED TO "RENT WANTED—Board and room for young couple. Monette. phone 1170. R-110 ---■- -— LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Sealed bids addressed to the Hon. A. B Cole, mayor, will be received on or up until 10 a. m.. June 21. 1929. for the leasing of the city ab attoir for a term of one to five years. The b»ds will give terms of the lease. Any further information will be furnished by the city manager. The city reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. A. E. MUNDAY. City Secretary. 6-11 to 20-3461. Sealed bids addressed to the Hon. A B. Cole. Mayor, will be received up until 10 a. m. June 21. 1929. for approximately 45 squares of metal rcofing 24 guage galvanized corru gated iron—Armco Iron or equal in place on building covering boiler at City Light Plant. The City reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. A. E Munday. City Secretary. Sealed bids addressed to the Hon. A B. Cole. Mayor, will be received up until 10 a. m.. jflne 21. 1929. for the construction of side walls to building covering boiler at city light plant, the City to furnish all mate rial. Plans and Specifications are on file at the City Manager's office. Any further information will be furnished by the City Manager. The City reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. A. E Munday. City Secretary. | CLASSIFIED READERS never say “I want'* tot ions. —I »»—<»■«»»«—.. Today’s Crossword Puzzle I I 2. | 31 4] 51 61 7 T] 9 IO If I IStl >5 0 . — — — ^ . _ — — — ” “ ^ “22 ~ 25 ^ 2fc 33 *4 5552 TST 37 2222 “5T -_—m__ r_Jr_I*1 r_ir_^_irllttl 45 4€» 47 4a ^_; SS- se> S7 5A 539 "So " ' T! e-2 ST <w 6»5 .““““ e>6 " e»7 —— — — — 63 "' 1 I 1 I ... ,, .,1 ial ACROSS 1—Catholic church head 5— Wan 9—Harbors 14— The indigo plant 15— One 16— City in Nebraska 17— Plunge Into water 18— Reckless 19— Pertaining to penalty 20— One who occupies a room 24— Came Into 26— Disturb (colloq i 22— Irritable 27— The lowest point 29— Collect 33—Aids 36—Not so common 38— Native metal 39— Meadows 40— Instigator 41— Whirl 42— Half ems 43— Slumber 44— Rapidity 45— Boiled slowly 47— Preclude 49—Assert 51—Ponds 55—Subdued 59— Clip again 60— Pigment 61— Prophet 63— Astringent 64— Shop 65— Weed 66— Always 67— Sylvian deny 68— Sledge 69— Trial DOWN 1— Army chaplain 2— Pungent vegetable 3— Turning point 4— Constituent parts 5— Murmured, as a cat 6— Collection of facts 7— Speech defect 8— Anesthetic 9— Well liked 10— Egg dish 11— The genus of frogs 12— Comparative parade 13— Condiment 21— Ages 23— Wild animal 25— Funeral song 28— Stormed 30— Expectation 31— One of the Great Lakes 32— Tear 33— Malt beverages 34— Crooked 35— FacUity 37—Resist 40— Senior 41— Projection on a wheel 43— Stricter 44— Wise man 48- Wet 48—Shut out 50—Reposes 52— Edible fruit 53— Baseball teams 54— Frolic 55— Morass 56— Transactions 57— Hit with a bullet 58— Portion 62—Before First pianos were built 300 yeari ago. Mail Schedulea -■■■ ——J Ths schedule for the mall between Brownsville and Deltas ts announced by the postoffice department as fol lows: Southbound Leave Dallas .. 7 43 a. m. Leave Ft. Worth . 8:13 a. m. Leave Waco . 9-20 a m Leave Austin . 10-23 a. m. Leave San Antonio . mo a. m. Arrive Brownsville .. 2:06 p. ®. Northbound Leave Brownsville ........ 1:23 p. m r eave San Antonio . 4:13 p. ax leave Austin . 3:10 p. m. Leave Waco . 6:13 p. m. Leave Ft. Worth .7:13 p. in. Arrive Dallas ... 7:23 p. m. The schedule for the American all mall to Mexico City la as followa: Leave Brownsville . 8 30 am Arrive Tampico .11-00 a m Leave Tampico .11 30 a m Arrive Mexico City. 1:45 p m Following la the schedule for Um Mexican Mr mall: Leave Mexico City . 7:43 a. m. Arrive Tampico .10-00 a. m. Leave Tampico .10 23 a.m. Arrive Brownsville .12:33 p.m. Following Is the schedule on the Brownsville-Mazat’.an Route: Leave Brownsville . 7 a. m. Arrive Monterrey . 9 30 a. m. Leave Monterrey . 9 30 a. m. Arrive Torreon . 12:30 p. m. Leave Torreon .. 1.30 p. m. Arrive Durango . 3:30 p. m. Leave Durango . 4:10 p. m. Arrive Mazarlan . 6:10 p. m. Rettirn trip: Leave Mxzatlan . 7:00 a m. Arrive Durango . 9 00 a. m. Leave Durango ... 9 20 a. m. Arrive Torreon .. 11:30 p. on. Leave Torreon . 12:10 p m. Arrive Monterrey . 3:10 p. m. Leave Monterrey .. 4:10 p. m. Arrive Brownsville . 6:10 p. m. POSTAL RATKS The United State* air mall postage rate is 3 cents tor tba first ounce and 10 cents for each additional ounce or fraction thereof Letters mailed tn the United State* for tin points In Mexico take this rate. hen Otu YOUR VACATION Vacation time is here. Many are on their i way now, others of us arc planning our an nual surcease from daily labor. There will be little peace of mir.d on the trip, however, if you arc "loaded" with cpecula tive securities. On the othe*‘ hand, those who have their surplus funds invested in First Mort gage Real Estate Bonds can enjoy every mo ment of their vacation secure in the knowledge that their increment is safe and its earning power guaranteed. There is no speculative feature to bonds which we sell. Secured by first mortgages on properties worth approximately twice the face value of the bonds, they are in addition, un conditionally guaranteed as to payment of principal and interest by us. They are sold in denominations of $100, $100 and $1000. Any desired sum may be invested. The rate of interest is 6% and t>yi%, a yield which is from 114% to 2% higher than the average of bonds of corresponding security. A post card will bring interesting information regarding tbese securities Bankers Mortgage Co 8 B-WKg/W MORTGAGE CLOG ===lj lots to any p—1—jssssaaaaa——s impost or ^Houston Texas % *!£: < IK ' ft '