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mm rites "’JR TODAY * '1* A ;i cf Mcr* 9 In lerrtd .:i’ To The Herald# "! 3. June 13—Funeral Jut • John P. Gauae . ey attorney, will e cthbilst church •i *o!a7. The Rev .o conduct the cer > .'■] Tuesday a.'.iji He was prom • v' "l:i cf the Valley and the t. '3t popular attorney. - . of the state. l>e~rers are to be Dr. , W. F. Shaw, H. J. . T. Tldmore. C. A. Carl G. K. Wattson. * are to be i, *. V/. Cameron, Hood .. A. „ J. F Carl. W •j y, J. C. Eppenxm. E t ,. li. A. F. Buchanan. Jr., and »’ . feeler of Edinburg. "m: A. A. McDaniel. R ! v.r.c.3, Cordon Griffin, B. D. 1 Vouch. Cecil Fulton, and Judge J. ii. Leslie. Of Mission: G. F Dohm. D. F £' -lekland. Vernon Hill. H. F Bish op. Roy Buckley, and J. Q. Henry. Pharr: L. J. Polk. San Juan: Oliver C. Aldrich ar.d W. H. Gossage. Donna: Harry M. Carroll and W'lter Weaver. Weslaco: R. E. Erwin. M. L. Dew. M. F. Armstrong. Charles Thomp son. and Luther HugheE. . Mercedes: D. W Olasscock. Fred Bennett. James H. Anderson. H. B Lauderdale, and W. F. tSedman. HarlT.gen: Duval West. Jr., A J. Rabel. A. W. Cunningham, and Mr Mayfield. Brownsvi’le: James A. Graham F. W Beabury, Volney W. Taylor. Judge Oscar Dancy. A. M. Kent. J C. Oeor^c, John Kleiber. Albert Davemv«t. W 8 West. H B. Oal Joe Wells, F. W Kibbe. and J. P. Canales. L^ae Signed For Home States Site At Harlingen Fair rBoecial to The Heraldi HARLINGEN June 18 —Lease for « site in the Valley fair grounds for the home states building has b**en signed, and construction work on it is expected to be started in a short time. John T. Floore, fair irr na"er. announced today. The budding is to be built alone tin** of a oatent secured by J. H M'tchell of this citv. and he wiP direct the construction. It will be d’-eiJar. and will resemble a tent aPhou«»h be'nv bntlt: of frame. The st-ucture will be 200 feet In ri'am et«r. and will cost about $30 000. Funds for Its construction will be furnl«hed bv subsorlotions from members of former states clubs, and ee*h of these clubs will have an ex hibit in tb« budding Remodeled Harlingen Gala Open - 9 (Special to The Herald) HARLINGEN, June 13.—Com pletely remodeled, redecorated, with nstaliatlon of the newest type of theater chairs and presenting an en tirely new front, the Rialto theater, a link In the Dent circuit In Texas, will reopen as scheduled, today, ac cording to an announcement made by Jack Pickens, city manager. The newest addition to Har lingen's entertainment facilities, ■^presents in its new attire, one of the finest theaters of its size in the -nrire state, the new Rialto will h*«e slightly more than 850 seats which Is considered of the correct -,'ze for a cltv having Harlingen’s -rn'lly increasing population. The task of remodeling the h^ter has been under way for sev eral we^ks and when it is completed, but little of the fonr.«r apoearance '▼ill be notice?hie. Artists have ♦mnsformed the interior into a h'ng of b^autv. Soft tints have -hanged the walls In strict accord ance with the latest trrnd in Interior decorating and beautiful draoeries -*n *M sides lend an air of refine ment and (T’^t beauty. Soft Carpets At all imnortant parts of the new Rialto, soft thick carpets give an '•tmosnb'‘”e of richness and afford ♦hat euletness now considered so es sential to a modern theater. The -olors chosen for the carnet* are the ’atest and were selected with care ♦o harmonize with the new Interior decorations of the theater. Heavv *nddmg has been laid under all -•-oettne. The new seats which will be the oride of the R'alto are considered one of the latest imorovements in ♦heater seating and rank in com fort and beauty with anv In the best theaters throughout Texas. They are designed with a slight tilt back, declared bv seating engineers to af ford the greatest relaxation and the utmost comfort. New Front The new front of the Rialto con *r«h,it*s Its share to the civic beauty of Harlingen and was designed by •»rch1t*-ts a’ong the newest in the ater fashioning. The R1aRo now stands »s one of the newer show olaces of this rapidly growing Valley metronolis. Additional lighting facilities have been installed throughout the the ater pod in front and esoecial light ing effects will be installed for the summer season. A cooling p’ant that will be ca oable of Insuring delightful comfort during the heated soell has been In stalled and patrons mav exoect to f‘nd the new R’alto a theater to "•hlch thev may point with par donable oride. A soerlal program for th» onening has been booked by Mr. Pickens. H. MERCHANT RFTIJRNS TO VALLEY MORTUARY (Special to The Herald) HARLINGEN. June 13.—Harry Merchant, who lived here uo until p vear ago. has returned and taken D-i >llar Day On Costume Jewelry i . stones of every hue and shade. Attra c t i v e metal wristlets and anklets. Cos t u m e jewelry plays an im portant part in every smart ensemble th i s season. Take advant age of this Dollar Day opportunity Friday. NECKLACES I BEADS BROOCHES CRACELE FALT'NSf IUNC5 Ari.ILETS fll. DOLLAR EACH! ! * Rialto at to Stage ing Today VISITS FROM PEN five-year term in the Oeorgla state prison, is snapped upon re turn to Atlanta under heavy guard to aid Baptist Home Mis sion board and his wife. They are trying to force Insurance companies to pay in excess of $350 under total disability clauses in policies he assigned to wife and board, from which he embeuled nearly $1,000,000 while serving as treasurer. Phy sicians say he is suffering from tuberculosis. Insurance claim is made on this basis. a position with the Thompson mor tuary. it was announced by John T. Thompson, head of the concern. Merchant is a licensed embalmer. and has been with the L. A. Morse company of Houston for a year. Knight P. Douglas To Head Insurance Department of Firm Officials of the Rio Orande Val ley Trust company this morning an nounced the appointment of Knight P. Douglas as head of the insurance department of that institution. Mr. Douglas for many years was engaged in the insurance and bond business as general agent in Tulsa. Okla.. representing some of the larg est companies in the country for the state of Oklahoma, and brings to the Rio Grande Valley Trust company an experience gained in that field which equips him to han dle all of the various lines of Insur ance engaged in by the institution with which he is now connected. FAIR TO HAVE BEE EXHIBIT Weslaco Man Is Appointed Chairman of New Department (Special to The Herald) HARLINGEN, June 13.—Addition of an apiary department to the Valley Mid-Winter fair was an nounced here today by John T. Floore. manager. E. E. 8aige. head of the Valley Bee and Honey company at Wes laco. was appointed chairman of the department. Decision to add this department was reached In view of the large number of commercial bee men in the Valley. There are at least 65 persons In the business, most of them giving their entire time to it, an investigation revealed. The Weslaco concern, of which Mr. Salge is head, has 650 colonies of bees in 13 different location.* lr the Valley. Most of the products of this company are shipped into the Dakotas. Kansas. Illinois, and other middle west states. The apiary exhibit will probably ' be in the main exhibit building at the fair, and special arrangements i for the display will be made. Floore announced also that J. A Shunk of Harlingen is chairman of the homestates department, and Dr. J. T. Traylor, Harlingen veterinar ian for the fair. SKEET CLUB WILL HOLD SHOOT FRIDAY * The 3atsell-Wells 8keet club will 1 hold a shoot Friday at 4 p. m. on their grounds north of the city. 1 To get to the grounds, tum to | the left at the last road just before; ! crossing the resaca at the Buena j Vista cemetery. ! SURE STARTER FOR LAZY UO Free Proof! Ordinary laxatives, oils, salts, etc.,! may clean you out. But when that's done, you're bad off as before. What you need; what every bilious, half sick. headachy, person needs is something to start the liver and bowels; regulate them; make them act normally. That's what Dod son's Levertone does. That's why people rho try it for constipation.! biliousness, etc., will never use any- J thing else. Make us prove it. Send > for FREE.bottle. Address: Sterling Products, Wheeling. W. Va.—Adv. , I j TASTTsGOOy^ACTSQuTcK i _ ■ * • Ua’umet contains ' two leavening units; one begins to work when the dough is mixed; the other waits for the heat of the oven— then both units work together. Gives you double value and a double safeguard against failure because it is DOUBLE ACTING ms tssan MR BAKIN# ____! ___ \ I A Firesafe House I can be built of concrete tile masonry, at a cost you can 11 I I afford. It can be made durable, attractive, and firesafe, and will maintain its value through years of occupancy. 11 II Concrete tile are easily handled and rapidly placed. I f 11 They are strong, rugged units, uniform in shape and j1 ■ I . size, yet sufficiently irregular to afford a pleasing sur- I I 11 face texture if no wall covering is desired. 11 A concrete tile home is easy to heat in winter. The j I 11 tight, hollow walls have high insulating value, protect ing the interior against cold winds and hot sun. 1f Practically all of the maintenance cost common to other 11 materials can be avoided when you build of concrete tile. I | Information will be sent at your request—without cost. Just fill out the coupon below and mail it to us. II PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION If A Sational Organization to Improve at.d Extend the Uses oj Concrete I I I 1 Offices in 32 Cities if _I * I Dainty Vests and I Bloomers ) of an improved rayon that looks like silk Smart women aiul misses are buying these lovely tailored rayon vests and bloomers by the million . . . that is one reason why we can sell them for so little! A finer, dclustrcd rayon is used to fashion the«* ... in com fortable, well-cut sizes. Vests .... 79c Bodice Top Style Bloomers . 98c Elastic Or Yoke Top . • . Elastic Knee A fresh stock is ready to supply your summer needs . . . and rayon is an ideal choice for summer . . . it is so cocl and comfortable. Immensely flattering is 9 this fine gauge hose. Clear 9 chiffon to the top, with a 9 picoted edge. Silk-plaited 9 sole and ext'a strength toe, .$J $1.49 I Economy I —and Smartness! Slip It On Over Your Head! j I A popular model! The front •ection of elastic has a boned satin section over the diaphragm and a back section of rayon satin. Reinforced on sides Sixes 24 to 36. $2.98 Corset For Heavier Figures Lace hack; elastic top; rein* forced abdominal section. SI.98 Combination Corset-Brassiere Side-hook model with under belt for abdominal support. $1.98 .. - Nainsook Union Suits Expertly made with bar-tick ing it ill points of strain, and re inforced knitted Insert across the back for added wear. Full Cut Roomy in cut issuring perfect comfort. An ex ceptional value, It— 89c Men’s 2-Piecej Underwear Athletic shirts of fine ravot. V) white and plain colors. Broadcloth or madras "shorts" in stripes, figures or plain colors. Side ties for convenient l adjustment. A suk to ' meet every taste. Each garment— 49c l Slip-on Girdle For Trim Figures Very popular! Elastic frontj ra>on satin back. Both demands of the thrifty #2.98 modern woman are met in this 1 fl semi-sheer, pure silk hose Full Combination fas,hio~d- with merccrizcd \ an ' sole. Suit of Rayon A particularly popular on* piece garment t:i sizes 2 to 16. I i Aj 4 98c O C f Apron Dresses ALL silk pongee In Colors to 12 Mom me Jap Pongee Match the Kitchen 33-inch width Every modem housewife se- ( lects her house dresses to match - her home—this assortment of NaiTOW T\7riP> ' new ones includes pat- 1 ’ dHOW X yp€? terns and styles—of splendid Rayon Bandeau materials. A good-looking, smartly fit £ jyC ling bandeau of —-— rayon jersey — Rayon Undies Si^ With Lace Trimming to 40 Chemise, gowns. bloomers and Step-in*—dainty and feminine. 98c and #1.98 7 9C Boys' 2-Piece I Bathing Suita For the boy who prefers the two piece model here is a suit that will meet his every demand for both smart appearance and durable wear. Pure Worsted Rib Knit Suit The trunks In solid colors and the shirt with dab stripes of alterrutiflf colors. Excellent vsloe, it— _$2.98 Here Are VALUES in MEN’S HOSIERY Plain Colors Fancies *No. 1005.” Foil fashioned 49c . . • A silk and rasoo i hose with pare .ilk kg, .ilk- g? ^ .■”»»* , top. •» . f -.-J . J . , 1,1(1 heel. *“ newest fancy ek plaited top and mercerized sole fects. m and heeL 98e. . . 25C ... A rayon and nw*> cerized plaited hose in a gen "4-for-l.” Full mercerized eTOU4 »*wrtaaii of fancy pat medium weight sock, with "To- tems Toe” feature. 4 pair. $1.M. **701 Brand” Pare thread .ilk hose with jfiflpk , mercerized top and toe. Tu-Toe- feature for 4 added strength. 49c. jf/ i 'L-jsadfSSmm^'