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1—- ii - 1 .. ■-.. -...— --■ ..... .-.- -. ■■ .. ........ . ■ ■ - ,-rn ------ * ' I »- - City-Valley TELEPHONE SEVEN SOCIETY FRIDAY CALENDAR Ico cream nipper and program at the Central Christian church, 8:M p. m. Mrs. I. H. Downs la entertain ing the Merry Matrons bridge club. Mm. Graham la entertaining the Friday bridge clab. • • • Misses Lamberth Complimented Misses Martha and Aletta Lam berth. June brides-to-be. were hon crees at a miscellaneous shower Tuesday at the homo of Mrs. C. C. Lamberth. Jr.. In Harlingen, with Mrs. C. F. Lamberth of Browns ville as assistant hostess. Decorations in rainbow shades, combined with the green of fern and baskets of pink rose buds made a charming setting. The color scheme also appeared in the refreshments. Those receiving prizes In the games and contests which were the diversion for the evening were Mrs. H. P. Me Nil of La Perla. and Mrs. J. R. Acton of Harlingen. Miss Rnrah Hamilton of (Bryan, and Mrs. T. O. Harris of Brownsville were awarded the consolation. After the games, the honorees were told to follow the rainbow, at the end of which they found large rainbow baskets filled wttn , gifts. Each of the guests gave her favorite recipe for the bride's book. Out-of-town guests were Mea riames C. C. Lamberth. Sr., T. O. Harris. Lee Prosser. Lee Mullins. Cleve Tandy, and Mark Freeh, of Brownsville; Miss Helen Duck worth, of Alamo; Mrs. H. P. Mo Neil and Mrs. D. M. McLeod, of La Feria: Mrs. Ada Sigrist and Misses Bess and Ada Lee Richmond of i McAlVn; Mrs. Ru*sell Edwards, of San Benito, and Miss Sarah Ham 'J ilton of Bryan. • • • Mrs. Brown Is Club Hostess Mrs Frank Brown entertained the Mardi bridge club at their reg ular meeting this week on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. W. 8. Moothart took high prize. Preceding the games a luncheon waz served. • • • Shower Given For Miss Marques On Sunday afternoon Miss Es ther Marques, whose marriage to Mr. Andres Hernandez. Jr.. w\M take place June 20. was compli merited with a shower by Mias O O. Anguera and Mrs. M. Atilele at j Wash clothes in water softened with iMelo—j save lA to Vi the usual amount of soap Clothes washed in hard water are hard to get dean. The hardness in the * water combine* with the soap and make* scum. The scum collect* dirt. It gets into the fabric of the clothes. No amount of rinsing can get it all out. But soften hard water with Melo and there isn’t sny scum The water makes wonderful sud*. Melo saves from Vi to Vi the amount of soap ordinarily used. With or without soap, water softened with Melo is a wonder ful cleaner. Get it at your grocer’s AAA , ^ AAA '0 isS: ; mu wsrta nut mhw **«u torr watir WATER SOFTENED WITH MELO IS A REMARKABLE CLEANER 10 cents THE HYGIENIC PRODUCTS CO. Canton, Ohio Meniifarturfr ef Sani-Flush -- _ - * «* *■ if* ■ ft. .f. >P At «*• •t P !i « ¥> * A * f * 0 S| I i ►i, v A Fashion Model’s Diary gP By GRACE THORNCLIFFE « She Talkt About an Afternoon Frock. \ Dear mother: I waa thrilled to bear that Dad la thinking of treating you to a vialt to tha big town. X don't know when I’U be able to get away, and I certainly do get lone some tor the home folks. If you come, plan to stay a long time. Helene and I have plenty of room, u yoa know, and we'd love to have you with us. Do let me know a few days in advance Just when you expect to arrive. Tou know the apartment usually looks as though a hurricane had at ruck It—and we’ve been ter ribly embarrassed sometimes when people have arrived without due warning. After the careful upbring ing you gave me, darling, I knew this shouldn't be the case. But. after all. Helene and I are busy girls with very little time for ourselves, and we can't devote much time to housekeeping. , . , Mother dear, I'm really glad for more than one reason that I'm going to see you soon. Tou know last year when you were here I Intro duced you to the boy friend who has since become my constant admirer. At that time I had Juet met him and while I thought he was aweet and all that, he was Just one of the boys to me. Now. I’m really quite gone about him, and it looks almost as if you might loss your darling daugh ter soon. And. of course. I want your O. K. on him first, although I'm sure you’ll adore him too. He’s really a nice person. And of course he'll love you. Who could help ft? By the way. I'm sending you a little gift for the trip—now. you'll have to come. It's one of Madame's frocks, and you won't think I've been extravagant a bit when you see it. It’s Juat your type frock and I couldn't resist sending it to you. I know you'll look lovelier than ever In it Madame hasn't had for a long time an afternoon dress as stunning as this one of vlolat flat crepe with the Sauscs ranch. Refreshments I were served, and the honoree pre sentd with a profusion of gilts, after which the party motored to Boca Chlca for a swim and picnic supper. Guests were Messrs, and Mes dames Antonio Marques. Andres Hernandez. Sr.. J. M. Cardenas, Ramon Marques, Mike AtilJe, Geo. G. Anguera. Misses Rita Trevino. Esperanza and Elodia Pacheco, Maria Louisa Hernandez. Eva | Garcia Trevino. Zoila and Eloisa Marques. Esperanza Oarcia. Irece Besterio. Beatrice Oarcia. Joseflna and Otila G. Anguera, and Pan chita Hernandez. The wedding is to be solemnized with high mass at the Immaculate Conception church at 7 p. m. June 20. • • • Coinings, Goings, * Of Local People Mrs V. W. Taylor and Mrs. Jesse Dennett are home from Dallas. Mrs. Milton West and son. Mickey are In Austin with Mr. West. Mickey Is serving as a page in the house of representatives. Mrs. Herbert Parker is here from San Antonio, visiting her mother. Mrs. Marshall White. Mrs. Wm. Phillips left recently to spend the summer visiting relatives in Kentucky. McALLEN MERRY MATRONS The regular monthly bunco party of the Merry Matrons club and their husbands was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Bowen on Tuesday evening. At the close of several exciting games, prizes were awarded Mrs. A. Bonneau and C. H. Britton. Low score prize was received by R. E. Whitsett Refreshments of punch and cake were served to the members and guests as follows: Messrs, and Mes dames C. L. Anderson, A. A. Bon neau. C. H. Britton, A. O. Clark, C. E. DuBolse, P. R Hudson. P. H. Lee. R. E. Whitsett and W. P. Yoakum. • • • SUNDAY SCHOOL PARTY Mrs. Fred Knudson entertained her Sunday school class, the Junior boys and girls of the Presbyterian church with a delightful swimming party on Wednesday evening at the Cascade Pool. Mrs. Knudson was assisted in en- ! tertainlng by her daughter, Vir ginia. Those present were Jean and Phillis Samson. Dorothy Horn, -I Violet Flat Crepe Fashions This Charming Gown. a Bertha collar which has adorabU Insvted circular flares. Tha belt t» placed on the fitted hipline and the skirt repeats the inserted flares of tha collar. Flnlahing the neckline Is a darling bouquet of violets. The boy friend will probably throw ma over for you when he sees you In ttl Much love. ->■< GRAC1E. Virginia Pride, Armlntha Ewing, Alice Mae Seawell. Deris Lowery, Jack Nelson, and Donald Knudsun. • * • BAPTISTS MEET The W. M. U. of the Baptist church met Thursday afternoon with thirty-two members present at the home of Mrs. W. L. Holland on South Broadway, with Mrs. Holland and Mrs. G. T. Colbath as hostess After a short business session a social hour was enjoyed. Mrs. N L. Moore led the devotional. P. E. O. PARTY Members of the P. E. O. chapter entertained Thursday evening af the Caacade pool with a swimming party and picnic supper, honoring Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dykes, who left Friday to make.their home at Col lege Station where Mr. Dykes will be an Instructor at the A. and M college. * * * LEAGUE ENTERTAINED Mrs. V. T. Johnson was hostess to the members of the Epworth League Friday evening at her home. Those present were Wave Trout man, Winifred Hasnpss, Margaret Miller. Helen Glassgow, Gladvg Trapp. Man- Cronk. Ethel Mf» gan, Eva Chalk. Prances Coleman, and James Utley and Mabel Marts of Pharr. Dick Norton of Mission. Geo. Morgan. Vernon Miller Chas Phares. Erwin Hendricks. William Butler. Franklin Price and Joe Johnson MRS. PRIDE HONORED Mrs. W. H. Kreidler entertained with a bridge party Friday after noon at the Margaret I^ouise tea room, honoring her daughter. Mrs. ir~ ." ~~~ EXCLUSIV^LADllEy^PPARKtr^ll44^IBI^^LM[TH^^^^^^J^ W. P. Pride of Port Clark, Texas, who is her guest. Prizes were awarded Mrs. 8tephen Jones and Mrs. John Ewing. Mrs. Pride was remembered with a beautiful silver compact. The personnel Included Mesdames P. E. Montgomery, Stephen Jones, Percy Herman, Henry Griffin, T. W. Mahone. Whit Rogers. William Payne, E. E. Phelps, Allen Kearby. H. B. Kelly. T. W. Doster. V. E. Cook. Jack Howell, John Cardwell. W. G. Stewart. J. A. Prisby, W. N. McGee. John Ewing. George Pal mer. Gail Hart. J. R. Davis, R. L. Lewis. P. J. Folsom. C. C. McDon ald. W. D. Allen of Coleman and Miss Ruby De Long. • • • THIRD BIRTHDAY Mrs. J. E. Blythe entertained Friday afternoon at her home in the Nix addition to a children's party honoring her little daughter. Dorothy Ann who celebrated her third birthday anniversary. Different games and contests were enjoyed during the afternoon. The personnel included Delvert Haralson. Louise Fristoe, Rowena Pulton. Toddles Allen, Jo Ann Bon neau. Marion Davis. Betty Jean McMinn. Jack Brown, Jane Whit sett. Oeorgia Nell Hale. June Kim brough. Doris and Phillis Sansom. and Jacquelln Ray of Mercedes. • • * HOSTESS TO CLUB Mrs. Thomas Mahone entertain ed the members of the Fortnightly bridge club and a number of guests in a delightful manner at her home on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Geo. Gaddy received the club prize. CLASS MEETING Members of the Grace B. Taylor Sunday school class met Tuesday evening for a business and social meeting at the home of Mrs. John Ewing, with Mrs. C. P. Sansom and Mrs. Ewing as hostess. After a short business meeting different games were enjoyed. Miss Maude Jones received the prize that was awarded in a guessing con test. There were fifteen members pres ent. The next meeting will be ’ held the last Tuesday of this month at the home of Mrs. V. E. Cook. • • • BETA BRIDGE Mrs. V. E. Cook was hostess on Wednesday afternoon at her home in the Altamira addition to the members of the Beta Bridge club and a number of guests. Mrs. W. G. Stewart received the club prize and Mrs. Allen of Cole man, Texas, the guest prize. • • • PERSONALS Mrs. G. C. Seawell will leave this week for Houston where she will spend about two weeks as the guest of friends. Jim Bob Martin, son of Robert Martin, is in San Antonio where he is visiting his grandpareuts. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Young, formerly of McAllen. Jim Bob went from here to Houston where he visited his sister. Martha Brooks Dickey, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Brooks I. Dickey of McAllen, was one of eight girls In the University of Texas to be presented with "T's” at the annual ■**T" night banquet of the Women’s Athletic association held recently on the university campus. The "T" is a token of excellence as an all round sports girl. Mrs. Clay Zachry and daughter. Virginia; Mrs. Anna Wakefield and children left recently for Junction for a vacation trip. They were ac companied by Clay Zachry and Percy Downs of Alamo, who will go to Beaumont for a visit with rela In Summers Own Costume by Dainty, cool fTocks, of sheer summer materials for home and afternoon wear. PONGEE VOILE BATISTE LINEN PIQUE One piece—also ensem bles. A new collection of Mid-Summer Dresses. STUDY GOOD POINTS TO DEVELOP CHARM Secret of Loveliness Lies In Analyzing Your Type to Find the Most Becoming Make-Up, Mode of Dress and Coiffure, Says Miss Huddleston By JOSEPHINE HUDDLESTON Are you making the most of your appearance? Have you studien yourself carefully to determine what type you are. then made every pos sible effort to bring the hidden beauty and charm to the surface? If not, you had better do so before the habit of negligence becomes too established. As no two persons are exactly alike in this world, it stands to reason that no one rule can be applied to the feminine world at large in the matter of clothes, make-up and coiffure. I do know however, that in one way or another , every woman can be fascinating, charming or beau- I tiful. Onee you have determined what type you are. every effort toward enhancing and bringing out your hidden beauty must be used. The most logical way to begin such procedure L» to study yourself as an individual. Are you thi exotic, dreamy, or vivacious brunette? Are you oi the petite, winsome or vivacious blonde type? Once this Is determined, the next step is to find your loveliest feature or point of beauty. Perhaps it is your eyes, mouth and teeth or figure. _ Then, remembering your type, bend every possi JOSEPHINE °le e,fort torord enhancing and developing your HUDDLESTON best and ,oveltc«t features. For instance, if you are "petltte blue-eyed blonde, it naturally follows that blaek mascaro would be very much taboo. Use instead a medium brown shade mascaro and blue eye shading. The exotic brunette would indeed be a spectacle if she came out into the world in clothes and cosmetics that were designed for the beauty and -„ tlves, and later make an ocean trip. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Fowwr of Weatherford. Texas, are the guest?, of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Rockwell and W. H. Meredith. Mrs. James I. LaVelle has as her guest her mother, Mrs. H. R. Derby of Houston. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Clark left Saturday for a visit in Houston. RIO HONDO LADIES AID The Ladles Aid of the Commun ity church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Jeffery. The president. Mrs. G. B War ren. had charge of the devotional half hour. Roll call was answered by naming our favorite flower and telling why it Is our favorite. After the business meeting, Mrs. Jefferey assisted by Mrs. Nash and Mrs. L. V. Oilmore. served refresh ments and a delightful social hour was enjoyed. Hostesses for our next meeting will be Mrs. Chambers, Hoover and Hineg. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Evans and son, Er sall. Mrs. Oeorge Hudson and daughters, Rosa Mae and Viola, mo tored to San Juan Sunday evening. Miss Nancy Rice returned from i Austin Saturday accompanied by ! her sister. Elizabeth, who expects to spend most of the summer here. Mr. Boyd. Mr. Grantham, Mrs. Estos and children left Tuesday morning for points In West Texas. Miss Lucille Rushing spent Satur day night with Ruth Grantham. Miss Murle Noe and Miss Ruth Grantham visited In La Feria Fri day. Miss Evelyn Rosendall and Miss Rosa Mae Hudson are attending the state Christian Endeavor conven tion at Houston this week. Richard Alexander accompanied David Wills to Dallas where the latter has gone for an operation Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Smith of San Benito and Mr and Mrs. Herman Jeffery and children of Browns ville visited Mrs. L. V. Gilmore Sun day. Mrs. C. A. Mallemee was hostess to the Home Demonstration club Monday evening. «race oi me peute Dionde. It isn’t so much a matter oi not being able to wear certain colors as it is not being able to wear certain shades. Red heads appear extremely off color and out of key in emerald or grass green, depending entirely upon the coloring of the skin, while a frock of olive green may bring out the loveliest features of the red headed Individual. Women, with a flare for colors should give the selection of bright colors careful study lest they select a shade gr color which may reflect too much yellow. Some shades of green have a good bit of yellow in their composition and only to nn observing and trained eve is this noticeable. To touch lightly on the many im portant points requiring study . . . fl) angles and the best shade of hose and height of heels to give the ankles a slender, graceful appear ance . . . (2) color of skin and the selection of cosmetics to blend and harmonize ... (3* contour of face to determine the coiffure arrange ment. . . (4) color of mascaro and eye shading must be determined by the color of the eyes ... (5) *110 length of the fingers and the con tour of the hands must be careiully studied to determine the correct manicure . . . (6* study the profile, if the nose is of large proportion, wear only soft and turned-down brim hats . . . (7> the lines of one’s frock can only bo determined by the general outline and height of the figure. It is impossible to delve into all of the branches of this narticular subject, so following these sugges tions give the same careful study to other important features rr points of beauty not mentioned. Too much time and study cannot bo given to knowing pneself if the underlying beauty and charm is to be brought to its full loveliness. Fishes have no eyelids. | 50% Discount On French Perfumes For Summer Soir de Noel, regular $15 value, now .... $7.50 Fumee Bleue, regular $15 value, now .... $7.50 Un Jour Divin, regular $8 value, now.$4.00 Avant L’Opera, regular $9 value, now.$4.50 Premier Bal, regular $7.50 value, now .. $3.75 Le Parfums Leon, regular $3.60 value, now . . $1.80 Tango, regular $13 value, now . $6.50 Chvpre de Forest, regular $9.50 value.$4.75 And many other unusual values ft Specials for Friday 1 and Saturday Only Two $1.98 Wash i Dresses FREE With each dress you pur chase that is priced regu larly from $11 95 to $16.95. One $1.98 Wash Dress FREE . . . with each dress that is priced regularly at $ 955. These smart frocks are the newest crea tions—of geor gette. wash silk and crepe de chine. Bathing Suits $2 Off ?r«Ur . Jfeijcjj Jihoppe YKo Elizabeth St. Phone i33i • Brownsville-. Texas § Paris Dressmakers Stressing Sunburn Tints For Summer By DIANA MERWIN (Associated Press Fashion Editor) PARIS. June 8.——It no longer is a question whether women will allow their skins to take on a mid summer bronze from sun ana wind. The pace-setting style makers take it for granted that women who wear the summer models they are turning out not only will have sun burned faces, but sunburned arms and shoulders as well. They show colors which make the best of sunburn, stressing sun colorings. especially nasturtium shades, which only well tanned or | ————« 1 — naturally dark skinned women can wear successfully. Beach and pajama costumes par* tlcularly limit themselves to the colorings that accentuate sunburn. Com1 nations widely used are white and dark blue with touches of cherry or flag red. black and white, rose-beige, egg-yolk and egg shell tints, and brilliant cell and larkspur blues. Evening, dresses make the same allowance for sunburn. There Is almost no pink in current evening styles shown at big dressmaking houses. Amber, black. cream, green, yellow, dark blues and rad are the favorites. A shade of satin called biscuit fei generally chosen in place of white. It is a deep cream with an amber tint and under electric lights comes close to matching a well tanned skin - —Mig Elizabeth GIMBLE’S tsr A SPECIAL PURCHASE FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY _. I i ft i With each dress you purchase priced at $28.75 you may select another one in the same price class for— $1 95 And with each dress you purchase priced at $18.75 you may select an other in the same price class for only— i $175 * 1 = f Charming, new dresses, ideal for every summer occasion .... | -- -..J