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HEAVY WEEVIL INFESTATION THREATENS VALLEY COTTON . "'"I — » -■ — — 1 — "" ' 1 ■him ——!■ ■ ■■■" *BOYD URGES POISONING Survey Reveals Good Crop; Small Cotton Blooming; Weevils Spread CSpecial to The Herald) 8AN BENITO, June 13—The In festation of boll weevils in Valley cotton at the present time is one of the heaviest in the history of cotton raising in this section, ac cording to H. P. Boyd, vice presi dent of the Valley Gin company. Mr. Boyd made this statement after completing a survey of the Valley cotton, making trips through the fields in practically all sections. He said that the cotton prospects appear to be fairly good, with the execution of the weevil. "The trouble is most of the farm ers do not realize the extent of in festation,” he said. "Ihe cotton looks fairly good, and few bolls are dropping, mainly because the Infes tation has just started spreading, and the bolls were large when in fested. “The infestation Is one of the heaviest I have seen in the Val ley, and farmers throughout the STOP THAT ITCHING Use Blue Star Soap, then apply Blue Star Remedy for Eczema, itch, tetter, ringworm, poison oak. dan druff. children’s sores, cracked hands, sore feet and most forms of Itching skin diseases. It kills germs, stops itching, usually restoring the skin to health. Soap 25c; Blue Star Remedy, $1.00. Ask your druggist —Adv. i IHHHIHBHHm for those DELICIOUS and DELECTABLE PARTY SANDWICHES $ THE ' POPULAR DUPLEX LOAF of BUTTER-NUT QUALITY BREAD HAS NO EQUAL always FRESH PURE WHOLESOME DUPLEX flnTTER-NlIT rOT-TAOE l L ■ 1 BREAD - ^ 1 Baked by VALLEY BAKING COMPANY W. L. TRAMMELL, Prw. HARLINGEN Forthis week “Uneeda Bakers” ir®<E<n>oiiDEnni©nodI GINGER WAFER SANDWICH A cream • . . Isn't that a piquant combination? Good "home* made** materials, only, go into them. Buy them by the pound. D NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY “Uneeda Bakers*' V THREATENED CITY FIGHTS MISSISSIPPI FLOOD , » _ ___ _, , , r. - _ _ ' Hundreds of citizens Joined engineers in battling a crumbling levee which threatened inundation of Greenville. Miss. At the right is a “well” of sand bigs sunk by engineers t ocombat danger of a sand boil which developed in the Mississippi river. Greenville was flooded in 1927 when a levee crumbled. section should begin poisoning at once. Only about 10 per cent of the farmers have poisoned so kit." Boyd demonstrated seven cotton bolls that he picked from the stalks in a field near Pharr. Of the seven five were so badly infested as to be worthless. Cotton throughout the Valley Is beginning now to put on a new crop of blooms and squares, and ■ ■' . ~ ~ 1 poisoning at this time will save this cotton, Boyd said. He said much i of the cotton appears to be recov ering from the effects of heavy rains, and that a large part of the small cotton is blooming now. The large weevil infestation will re I suit in this bloom being practically a total loss, unless farmers poison. PICKER SUPPLY ABUNDANT . < Special to The Herald) HARLINGEN, June 13.—There will be plenty of cotton pickers to handle the Valley’s crop this season, i in the opinion of farmers who as sembled at a meeting here to dis cuss cotton picking prices. Farmers at this meeting decided that they will set a definite price at another gathering here June 25. Meetings in the various ginning precincts have been called for June 22. so the committee chairmen may ! get the ideas of the farmers in each community. While not deciding on the price, farmers indicated they expected to pay a rather low price, and de cided they mdll furnish no sacks Last year was the first time the practice of asking the picker to fur nish the sacks was started in the Valley, and farmers are adopting it generally In the section. Pineapple Growing In Florida Can Be Revived Is Claim JACKSONVILLE, Fla., June 13.— The Florida State Chamber of Commerce believes that Florida’s pineapple industry should be and can be revived, according to a J news article released from the of fices of the chamber of commerce ; in this city. There were thousands of crates of ! pineapples produced along the low er East Coast at one time and thousands of acres that were once ; utilized in growing pineapples have been idle since the Industry was abandoned. It has been demon strated that Ptmta Gorda. on the lower West Coast, can produce some of the larp«st and best pineapples grown in the world. Growers say 1 that If satisfactory tariff protec tion were given to the Florida "rower, pineapple production could be resumed on a profitable basis. This would enable Florida to use j many acres of the ground that at nresent is lying useless and would help to diversify the crons in the state, so that, there would be a more steady flow’ of Income in the state and also would be a great benefit during the situation that has arisen bv the Mediterranean i fruit fly Infestation. FOURTH COURT OF APPEALS Proceedings of the Fourth Court of Civil Appeals: Causes submitted: R. L. Johnston et ux vs. I. Mor ales et al. from Nueces. Leslie T. Porter et vir vs. J. P. Sullivan, from Brooks. Dallas Coffins company vs. Claude Yeager, garnishee, from Maverick. E. P. Lipscomb vs. A. K. Japhet et ux. from Bexar. M. T. Cogley et al vs. John Walsh e tal. from Webb. Ora Ethel Smith et al vs. August Ecket. from Kimble. Frank Allen et al vs. State Mort gage Corporation, from Bexar. James Dickinson Farm Mortgage company vs. H. B. Galbraith, trus tee. from Cameron, j Caffarelli Bros, et a! vs. Prlce Davts Drug company, from Cam eron. Town of Refusio vs. George Strauch et al from Refugio. Cau-rs decided: Martin Besteiro et al vs. Maria Inez Besterio et al, from Cameron, reversed and remanded. Humble Pipe Line comnanv vs E B. Kincaid et al. from Uvalde; re versed and remanded. C Pf“pl!T et al '■* Albert C. smith from Bexar, reversed and re manded. B B. Simmonds et al vs. St. Louis. Brownsville and Mexico Rail way company, from Nueces, af firmed. Motions passed on: White Point Oil and Gas com- : nany vs. Katie L. Dunn et vir. from San Patricio, motion for additional rehearing overruled. White Point Oil and Gas com pany vs Katie L. L *nn et vir. from San Patricio, apnellant's motion for rehearing overruled. Martin Bestero et al vs. Maria Inez Besteiro et al. from Cameron county, motion for rehearing grant ed and Judgment reversed and re j manded. ' Humble Pipe Line company vs. E. B. Kincaid, from Uvalde, motion for rehearing granted. Judgment re versed and remanded. W. K. and Martha Whitley vs. F. E. Hovrci .n from Real, appellant's motion for rehearing overruled. W. F. Blesee et ux vs. O. D. Wes sels, from Bee. motion for rehearing overruled. D. D. Harrigan vs. Jacob Wolff, from Bexar, motion for appellant, D. D. Harrigan, for rehearing, over ruled. I Service Supremacy Price and quality prime essential* in buying groceries and meats. When the fairness of price and the degree of quality are known, service must be added to give complete sat isfaction. Phone i f>20 | I or _J 921 i One claim to service su . premacy that we have is our delivery system. Call us on either phone, 920 or 921, and let us de- * li’f.'r your groceries and meats — promptly. Ainsworth & C tlgin Grocery and Market BROWNSVILLE PLAN PROGRAM FOR FLAG DAY t Elks and Legion Post To Honor Birthday of Old Glory Friday official birthday of Old Glory, will be observed in Browns ville with a program at the Elks hall, sponsored by the Elks and the American Legion. The time is set for 7:30 p. m.. and the general public is invited to Join the two organiza tions in the celebration. The local camp of Spanish war veterans will hold a flag sale on that day. proceeds to pay for the camp flags. Any surplus is to go In to the emergency fund for veterans and their dependents. Headquar ters for the day will be located at the store building formerly occupied by Aziz brothers, in the Merchants’ National bank. All patriotic organizations, includ ing the American Legion and the legiqn auxiliary and the Daughters of the American Republic are urg ing the homes and business houses to display flags on this date. The program follows: Music, “Star Spangled Banner." Introductory exercises, exalted ruler and officers of the lodge. Prayer, chaplain. Song. History of the flag, Sam Hugh ston. Altar service, esquire and officers of the lodge. Song. “Auld Lang Syne.” Music, violin solo, Miss A. L. Putegnat acomnanied by her moth er. Mrs. A. S. Putegnat. Response, G. W. Dennett. Patriotic address. Harbert Daven port. Song. “America,” by assembly. . . --1 Three Men Sentenced For Slaying Cripple In Dallas Holdup ■ DALLAS. June 13.—(/Pi—The mur der of a crippled white man. who was unable to obey the command of robbers to “stick ’em up-’ because his hands were holding the weight of his body, today stood punished by the courts. The conviction yesterday of Ed ward Landers, negro, and the as sessing of a 25-year penalty by the Jury for the murder of Joe Piccola. groceryman. here last Feb ruary, was the third In the case. Ardell Landers. Edward s brother, was sentenced to death in the elec tric chair as the man who fired the fatal shots. M. L. Lacy, another negro, was given 25 years. CONVICT HOPES RADIO SONGS BRING PAROLE COLUMBUS, Ohio. June 13—VP) Harry Ainsworth Dawson, the "black sheep of the air.” who is No. 54763 in the Ohio penitentiary, hopes to sing his way out of prison. He is the Harry of “Harry and Roy” on WAIU and has sung his composition “I’m Just a Black Sheep" over the radio many times. Dawson, serving for robbery, in tends to become a professional song writer he says, when—and if—he is paroled. His freedom may not be so easily won, however, as four other sets of officials also want to see him when he is through here. ligggg— WINS $25,000 Willi. :n T. Scanlon of Fontana. Wls, won a 125.000 prize for his war book, “God Have Mercy on Us.” SHOES OF LIZARD GOOD FOR SNAKES CALCUTTA, June 13—The de mand for lizard skins for women’s shoes is causing alarm in India Lizards feed on young snakes and snakes’ eggs, and it is feared that their wholesale slaughter will lead to a heavy increase in the death roll from snakebite. A law is being drafted to stop the slaughter of liz ards for commercial purposes. i TARIFF ENVOYS LEAVE TONIGHT J. E. Bell and Brown Whito To Teatify At Wash ington (Special to The Herald* SAN BENITO. June 13— Brown White, produce shipper, and J. E. Bell, chamber of commerce man ager here, will leave tonight fer Washington to represent this sec tion before the senate tariff com mittee. They will give testimony mainly in connection with the effort to se cure a tariff on Mexlca., tomatoes, a three-cent tariff having been in cluded in the bill which passed the house. The two Valley men were selected at a recent tariff meeting In Austin, called by the Southern Tariff asso ciation. LOZANO RESIDENTS PLAN CELEBRATION SAN BENITO. June 13 —Prepara tions for a celebration at Lozano, on the Southern Pacific near here, are being made by residents of the Browne tract and nearby sections to observe opening of hte new rood tn*o that part of the county. The celebration will Include mu sic. refreshments, talks, dances. No definite date has been set. — CENTRAL CASH GROCERY 633 Eleventh Street Brownsville, Texas Specials (or Friday, Saturday and Monday SUGAR Pounds 52c I || DC ATtlEC Sliced’Gold Bar> 91 c iMUlCj No. 21 2, per can.Li 7' Tj A Upton’s, 10c size, Qe ILH Per can. 0 CHIT Morton’s, Round, 1 Ap Per package .1U Cl fit ID Angel 48 Lbs., per sack ... $180 rLl/UiV J £ ACDAIMPHC Del Monte or Prattlow, QO r >i\ji iiamiUtJ No. 1 Square can, per can..♦?>£ WX7QC0N fill Pints, per can.25c siiujuUn l?f L Quarts, per can. 46c «F.eLy0Couenlry i> PCr . JJC Gentlemen No. 2, per can.16c COFFEE ;:r ,1—d - 45c SAUCE p“ .28c j MUSTARD Kt;...11«J CHILE CON CARNE .11' MAYONNAISE ft El Food 11-oz., per jar. 29c I BACON NUGGETS ^ 22' BACON St-’!'.I RIITTFP Cloverbloom, (in quarter pounds), JQc B DU 1 ILU Per pound ...... • ** ■i