Newspaper Page Text
LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Sealed bids addressed to the Hon. K. B. Cole, Mayor, will be received up until 10 a. m„ June 21, 1929, for JBM construction of side walls to JFiiding covering boiler at city light pltnt, the City to furnish all mate rial. Plans and Specifications are on file at the City Manager’s office. Any further information will be furnished by the City Manager. The City reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. A. E. Munday, City Secretary. CONSTABLE SALE THE STATE OP TEXAS COUNTY OF CAMERON Notice is hereby given that ty vir tue of certain Order cf Sale issued out of the Honorable District Court of Cameron County, of the 29tli day of May 1929, by Jno. P. Scanian, Dis trict Clerk of said County ior the sum of Two Hundred Sixty-two and 35-100 Dollars and costs of suit un der a Judgment, in favor cf Realty Trust Company in a certain cause in said Court, No. 7861 and styled Realty Trust Company vs. Francisco Garcia and Margarita Gama placed in my hands for service, I John Mar tin, Constable, Precinst No. 2. of Cameron County, Texas, did on the 31st day of May 1929 levy on ceitatn Real Estate, situated in Harlingen. Cameron County. Texas, described as follows, to wit: Lots 23 and 24 in Block 67 in the City cf Harlingen. Cameron County, Texas, fronting 50 feet on the South side • f West Har rison street, and levied upon as the property of Francisco Oarcia and Margarita Garcia and that on the first Tuesday in July. 1929, the same being the 2nd day of siad month, at the Court House door, o! Cameron County, in the City of Brownsvill*. Texas, between the hours of 10 A. M.. and 4 P. M.. by virtue of raid levy and said judgment I will sell said above described Real Estete at public vendue, for cash, to the highest bidder, as the property of said Francisco Garcia and Mar garita Garcia. And in compliance with law. I gave this notice by publication, in the English language, once a week for three consecutive weeks immedi ately preceding said doy of sale In The Brownsville Daily Herald, a newspaper published in Cameron County. Witness mv hand, this 31st day of May. 1929. JOHN MARTIN. Precinct No. 2. Constable. Cameron County, Texas. 6-2-9-16—3443. CONSTABLE SALE THE STATE OF TEXAS. COUN TY OF CAMERON: Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of certain order of sale issued out of the honorable district court of Cameron county, of the 29th day of May. 1929. by Jno U. Seaman, I district clerk of said county, for tb° sum of three hundred fourteen and 66-100 dollars at'4 costs of suit un der a judgment in favor of Realty Trust company, in a certain cause In said court. No. 7997. ana styled Realty Trust company vs. Luciano et al. placed in my hands for serv Jre. I. John Martin, constable, pre ftnet No. 2 of Cameron county. Tex as. did on the 31st day nf May. 1929. levy on certain real estate, situated in Harlingen. Cameron county. Tex as. described as follows, to-wit; Lot 9 and 10 in block 83 in the city of Harlingen. Cameron county. Texas, fronting 50 feet on the South of West Harrison avenue, and Kev.ed upon as the proix-rty of Lu •Vteno G. Leal end Aclela L. de Leal, and that on the first Tuesday in July. 1929. the same being the seel * ond day of said month, at the court house door, of Cameron county, in the city of Brownsville. Texas, be tween the hours of 10 a. m., and 4 p. m . by virtue of said lew and said judgment. I will sell said above described real estate at public ven due. for cash, to the highest bidder, as the property of said Luciano G. Leal and Adela L. de Leal. And in compliance with law. I gave notice by publication, in the English language, once a week for three consecutive weeks immediate ly preceding said dav of sale in the Brownsville Daily Hprald, a newspa per published in Cameron county. Witness mv hand, this 31st day of Mav. 1329. JOHN MARTIN, precinct 2. con stable. Cameron coun*v. Texas. 6-2-9-16—3445 CONSTABLE SALE THE STATE OF TEXAS > COUNTY OF CAMERON ) Notice is hereby given that by LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT virtue of certain Order of Sale Is sued but of the Honorable District Court of Cameron County, of the 29th day of May 1929, by Jno. P. Scanlan. district clerk, for the sum of one hundred ninety four and 83 100 dollars and costs of suit under a judgment. In favor of Realty Trust company, in a certain cause In said Sourt. No. 7860 and styled Realty Trust Company vs. Clemente Gloria and Santos Gloria, placed in my hands for service. I. John Mar tin, Constable, Precinct No. 2, ol Cameron county. Texas, did on the 31st day of May. 1929. levy on cer tain Real Estate, situated in Har lingen. Cameron county. Texas, de scribed as follows, to-wit: Lot 10 in block 84, City of Harlingen. Cam eron county, Texas, fronting 35 feet on the south side of West Har rison avenue, and levied upon as the property of Clemente Gloria and Santos Gloria and that on the first Tuesday in July. 1929. the same being the 2nd day of said month, at the court house door, of Cameron county in the city of Brownsville. Texas, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m.. by virtue of said levy and said Judg ment. I will sell above described real estate at public vendue, for cash, to the highest bidder, as the prooerty of said Clemente Gloria and Santos Gloria. And In compliance with law. I gave this notice by publication, in | the English language, once a week for three consecutive weeks Imme diately precding said day of sale in The Brownsville Daily *Ierald. a newspaper published In Cameron county. Witness my hand, this 31st day of May, 1929. JOHN MARTIN. Precinct No. 2, Constable. Cameron County. Texas. 6-2-9-16-3447 HAVE A ROOM to rent? Call a class! • fled ad-taker on the phone. CLASSIFIED ADS can get you what ! you need. CONSTABLE SALE THE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF CAMERON ) Notice is hereby given that by I virtue of certain Order of Sale Is sued out of the Honorable District Court of Cameron Countv. of the 31st day ot May, 1929. by Jno. P Scanlan. district clerk, for the sum of one thousand seventy nine and 16-100 <$1079.16) dollars and costs of suit under a judgment in a cer tain cause in said court. No. 8419 and styled Port Isabel company vs. Point Isabel Insurance Agency, et al. placed in my hands for service. I. Jno. Martin, Constable. Precinct No. 2. of Cameron county. Texm. did on the 31st day of May, 1920. levy on certain Real Estate, situ ated in the City of Port Isabel. Cameron County, Texas, described as follows, to-wit: Lot 10-A in block 46 of the City of Port Isabel. Cam eron County, Texas, as same ap pears o? record upon a map entitled "Man of Point Isabel.*' of record In plat book, volume 7. page 23 of Cameron County. Texas, and levied upon as the property of Point Isa bel Insurance Agency. S I. Jack ! son. J. L. McDonald. Mrs. Jane McDonald. John Von Allmon M. C. Morris. O. G. Kilcher. State Na tional Bank of Brownsville. Texas: D R Vance. Sam Huehston and Colonial Building and Loan Asso ciation of Ogden. Utah, and that on the first Tuesday In July. 1929. the same being the 2nd day or said month, at the Court House door, of Cameron County, in the City of Brownsville. Texas, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. nr. bv virtue of said levy and said Judg ment. I will sell ebove described real estate at public vendue, for cash to the highest bidder, as the property of said above named de fendants. And in compliance with law. I give this notice by publication. 1n i the English language, once a week for three consecutive weeks imme diately preceding said day of sale in The Brownsville Dally Herald, a newspaper published In Cameron county. Witness my hand, this 31st day of May. 1929. JOHN MARTIN, Precinct No. 2. Constable. Cameron County, Texas. 6-2-9-16—3448 I That’* why we 1 make the grade I with the public. I We sell nothing I but dependable, standard car* at | bargain price*. I 27 Willys Knight 20 Ranger Truck I I 28 Whippet Roadster 26 Chrysler Roadster 27 Dodge Sedan • 28 Dodge Sedan I 128 Dodge Touring jj! Chryaler 80 Sedan i* ^ n _ 27 Dodge Tour nc « 24 Dodge 4-Paaa. Coupe „ Chevrolet Landau I 27 Chevrolet Coupe Sedan 26 Chevrolet Sedan 26 Dodge Coupe I 26 Dodge Coupe 25 Ford Coupe I 20 Cadillac Roadster 24 Dodge Touring 26 Dodge Sedan 28 Dodge Coupe ^B ‘ H # LATE MARKET REPORT1 TRUCK MOVEMENT—STOCKS—COTTON—GRAIN—LIVESTOCK — POULTRY—EGGS | .. .. ..—- -* LIVESTOCK I KANSAS CITY, June 15.—<**>— (U. S. D. A.)—Livestock trade this week was featured by a broad de mand for most all killing classes of cattle. Curtailed receipts and furth er improvements In the dressed beef trade were stimulating influ ences. Packers were forced to abandon their attempt to widen the price range on beef steers. Grass fat she stock in Chicago closed sharply lower, but at most other points this contingent was stronger than last week. Fed steers and year lings closed the week enevenly high er. Replacement stock was on a firm basis but supplies were meaner j and country demend light. Angre ! gate receipts were around 151,330. Fat lambs and yearlings opened ; the week steady, but liberal receipts 1 prompted an uneven decline of 25# 51.00. Aged stock was mostly steady. A few weak spots developing The supply aproxlmated 242,500. Prices on hogs fluctuated consid erably this week. The week’s high point was reached Thursday when a too of $11.55 was realized both at St. Louis and Chicago. Packers be I came very bearish when prices at most markets exceeded the $1100 mark, and the advance of 25# 40c was practically erased. Total offer ings were around 514.300. FORT WORTH. Tex, June 15 — L4*i—Hogs: 800; steady to weak; top 510.75 for good to choice 206-pound butchers; packing sows up to 9.25; pigs 8.50# 9.25. Cattle: 450; nominal: week's tops: fed steers 14.40; yearlings 14.00; j cows 9.25; bulls 9.25: vealers 14.00; stock yparlines 13 00; bulk prices: ; erass steers 10.25# 10 86; fed 13.00# 14.25: yearlings 12.50<S 14.00: rows 8.00#9.00; butcher grades 6.75#7.50: hul’s 7.00#8.50; heavy calves 10.00# 11.25. Sheep: 50; nominal: for week: bulk lambs 12 0## 13.50: fed year ! lines no to 11.00; grass yearlings 10.00# 10.25; two-year-old wethers 8.00#'82o; aged wethers 7.90'»|7.49. WEEKLY COTTON TABLE NEW ORLEANS. June 13.— i Cotton table: Port movement: Mdle. Rcpts Sales I New Orleans .18 79 799 - i Galveston ... 18.40 1.630 573 l Mobile . 18 45 277 186 I Favannah ... 18.57 117 - i Charleston .. - 21 -— Wilmington .. - 13 - Norfolk . 1869 84 197 1 Baltimore ... - - - New York ... - - - Boston . . . . i Houston .... 18 40 231 353 | Minor ports ..- - - Totel today ..- 3 192 1.314 Week total .. - 3.197 - Season total ..- 9,292,194 - Interior movement: Mdle. Rcpts. Sa’es Memphis .... 17 90 507 906 , Augusta. 19.06 138 119 ■ St. Louis .... - 510 - Fort Worth .. 17.92 9 - ! Atlanta . 18.75 - 300 , Dallas . 17 95 - 949 Montgomery 18.45 - - Total today . - 1.164 2.274 CHICAGO WHEAT CLOSE CHICAGO. June 15.—>/P — High er prlees on wheat but lower prices on corn was the record established today when President Hoover sign ed the $500,000,000 farm relief bill. Washington news about farm relief and crop damage reports from Can ada were chiefly responsible for up turns in wheat values. Unexpected liberal receipts of com here and at Ft. Louis and Kansas City did much to pull corn prices down. Closing quotations on wheat were firm. 1-8 to 2-2c above yesterday's finish. Corn closed 1-4 to 1 l-8c down, oats varying from 1-4 to 3-8c decline to l-2e advance and provisions unchanged to a setback of 7 and 10c. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT CONSTABLE SALE THE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF CAMERON ) Notice is hereby given that by virtue of certain Order of Sale is sued out of the Honorable District Court of Cameron County, of the 28th day of May. 1929. by Jno. P. Scanlan, District Clerk, for the sum of One Thousand Seven Hun dred Ninety-one and 88-100 dollars and costs of suit under a Judgment in favor of James-Dickinson Farm Mortgage company in a certain cause in said Court. No. 8391 and styled James-Dickinson Farm Mortgage Co. vs. J. E. Hibbits, et al, placed in my hands for service. I. John Martin, Constable, Precinct No. 3, of Cameron County, Texas, did on the 31st day of May, 1929. levy on certain Real Estate, situ ated in El Jardin, Cameron County, Texas, described as follows, to-wit: Being the south twenty and 87-109 acres (2087) of Farm Block num ber 188 in Share 28 of the Espirltu Santo grant as said property ap pears upon the map recorded in olat book number 4, page 48. map and plat records of said county, en titled "Map of El Jardin Re-Subdi vislon of parts of shares 23 . 28 . 29. 30. 31. and 25. Espiritu Santo grant. Cameron county. Texas, and levied upon as the property of J. E. Htb bits and Edna Hibbits. and that on the first Tuesday in July. 1929. the same being the 2nd day of said month, at the court house door, of Cameron County. In the City of Brownsville. Texas, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m., by virtue of said levy and said judg ment, I will sell said above de scribed real estate at public ven due, for cash, to the highest bidder, as the property of said J. E. Hib bits and Edna Hibbits. And in compliance with law. I give this notice by publicaMon. in the English language, once a week for three consecutive weeks Imme diately preceding said day of sale in The Brownsville Daily Herald, a newspaper published in Cameron county. Witness ir.y hand, this 31st day of May. 1929. JOHN MARTIN. Precinct No. 2. Constable, Cameron County. Texas. 6-2-9-16—3444. ACTIVITY AT WEEK-END UP _ Readjustments of Accounts Brings Irregularity. Coppers In Front NEW YORK. June 15.—(Ps—Ex tenenslve week-end readjustment of speculative accounts brought about some Irregularity in today's market, but major activity was again on the up-side with the rails and coppers in the forefront of the advance. Ex treme gains in the active issues from 1 to 6 points, with Adams Ex press. making its first appearance on the tape this w-eek.. soaring 24 points. Rails were tinder fairly steady ac cumulation. Pere Marquette ran up 6 point*. New Haven common. St. Paul preferred and New York Cen tral about 2 each, and at least a dozen others advanced a point or more. Commonwealth Power extended its gain to 8 points by touching a new high at 248. Bohn Aluminum, Air ReduetVn. Motion Pictures, Inc.. National Distillers common. United Aircraft and Simmons sold 3 to nearly 5 point* above yesterday's inal quotations. Coppers continued to respond to the favorable May statistics of pro duction and consumption. Greene Cananea moving up 3 points and Anaconda 2. Montgomery-Ward again dropped below 110, or about 8 points below the high established yesterday Just prior to the announcement or the issuance of new stock subscription rights. General Electric and Amer ican Water Works yielded at least 3 points each on profit-taking. The closing was firm Total sales ap proximated 1.000 000 shares. Stock Market Averages 50 20 20 Industrials Railroads Utilities Tcday .... 214.5 137.1 245.0 ! Prev. Day 213.4 136 2 243.9 Week Ago 210.0 ' 134 9 234 7 I High 1929 225 4 141.2 2461 I Low 1929 201.7 128.6 193.1 Total Sales 1.264.420 shares. MARKETS AT A GLANCE j New York: Stocks higher; New Haven and Norfolk and Western at new highs, i Bonds dull; U. 8. government is sues iregularly lower. Curbe irregular; Comonwealth and Southern open with stock of 100.000 shares. Foreign exchanges irregular; ster ling demand at new 1320 low. Cotton lower; prospects favorable weather. Sugar holiday. Coffee holiday. Chicago: Wheat steady; dry weather Canada. Com lower; larger country offer ings. j Cattle iregular. Hogs steady. FORT WORTH C ASH GRAIN FORT WORTH. June 15.—— Wheat and sorghums showed good demand on the Fort Worth cash grain market today with other grains slow. Larger receipts were disposed of. but the market on oats, com and sorghum heads was fully supplied. Little change was noted in prices. Export grain: exporters bid as follows: basis delivered Texas Gulf ports: No. 1 ordinary export wheat 1.07# 1.07 1-2; No. 1 soft red mixed 1.07 1-2# 1.08 1-2; No. 2 barley 65# 66. | Domestic market; Millers and dealers bid about as follows, basis delivered Texas common points: j wheat: No. 1 ordinary hard milling 1.07 1-2# 1.08 1-2; 13 per cent prc Itein 1.03 1-2#1.09 1-2; 14 per centI 11.18 to 1.17 1-2. Corn: No. 2 mixed 1.01# 1.02; No. 2 white or yellow 108# 1.09. Oats: No. 2 red 48#49; No. 3 white also quoted delivered group one points at 54# 55c. Barley: No. 2. 66 1-2#67 !-2e. Sorghums: No. 2 milo 1.52# 1.53: No. 2 kaffir 1.35# 1.38. Sorghum heads; per ton. milo 20.50 # 21.50; kaffir 19.00# 20 00. X. O. COTTON REVIEW | NEW ORLEANS. June 15—— Cotton was decidedly quiet today and although nrices worked slightly j lower there did not aprcar to be much selling pressure, most of the transactions being in the way of , evening-up for over th° week-end. ! October, efter tradine un to 18.61. ea'ed off to 1R 52 and closed one point above the latter figure for i a net loss of 5 points. The geneTi? market closed steady at net de clines of 5 to 6 nolnts. July traded off to 1R.54. October 18 52 and December 18 65. or 7 to ! 9 points down. Final figures wore at or rear the bottom. Receipts 3 !P2: for y«*ar. 9.292.194: Ta*t rear. 8 373 324. Exports Ti. 110: for veer. 7.563 714; last rear, 7 102.838. Stocks. 947 795: last year. PP9 333. Stock cn shipboard. 62. 516: last year. 101 RR0. Spot sales. 3.583; last year. 4.501. USE COTTON Absorbent cotton can be used as a filter for almost any liquid. For filtering, place a wad of cotton in the neck of a funnel and pour the liquid upon it. The cotton should not be packed too tightly. 0 Three days a week two names are taken from our list of subscribers, and printed in the classified section of The Herald. The owners of these names receive two free tickets to the Capitol Theatre by calling for them at The Herald office. Read the classified section every day — Your name may be there today. .Want Ad Headquarters % She gnroinsuitle New York Stocks I .. __ . mi.mi mu i - - -■■■* NEW YORK. June 15—(AP)—Sales (in numbers), high, low and closing quotations on the New York Stock Ex change today: Ahum a da Lead .,,1 2 2 2 AlC t Dye . 1 200 4 2304 2904 Am Can .10 1414 1W, 1414 Apn Sm & R. 18 1024 1004 1024 Am Sug .......... 4 77*2 ... 77 Am Tel . 4 213 2114 212 Anac Cop .145 1*4 1074 1124 Andes Cop . 17 53», 5l*i 534 A T S P . 10 2184 216 2174 B As O . 10 1314 1204 1214 Bamsda'.l A . 4 414 41 414 Beth Stl . 60 1074 1054 1064 Briggs Mfg . 30 354 33s, 354 Calu Ac Arlz . 7 1314 1284 131*4 Calu : Hecla. 2 434 42 434 Can Paac . 8 230 227 4 230 Cerro Pasco . 2 10171 87 101s, C Ar O . 3 2174 2184 216s, C M 8: P pr . 12 52 50 51s* C Nw .. 4 847, 83 344 CRIP . 3 124s, 124 1.4s, Chrysler . 20 75 74 4 74 4 C Cola . 1 131 131 131 Colo Fuel . 2 624 *14 62 Colu Ophone . 48 6‘"'sl 58s, 59s, Cons Gas . 10 11(4 1174 1184 Crucible Steel .... 2 974 97 974. Cu Sug pfd . 1 64 64 «4 Curtiss Aero . 20 1634 161 164s, Dupcnt . 2 169 1674 168 El P & L . 2 634 68 68*, Eng Pu Svc . 3 57s, 554 564 Erie . 6 79s, 78 s, 79s, Fox Flm A. 2 84s, 84 4 844 Freeport Tex . 4 45s, 454 454 Oen Elec . 5 293 4 294 295 Gen Motors . 45 71s', 714 71% Gold Dust .10 62 «0*i 62 Goodyear Tire .... 6 1194 117s, 1194 Grant W T . 1 117 117 117 Green Cana . 1 1*64 150 156 Houston OH . 1 764 764 764 Howe Sound . 2 68 67s, 68 Hudson Motors ... 2 85 834 85 Hup Motors . 2 434 43 434 Inspiration Cop .. 4 46s, 44s, 464 Int Harv . 2 105s, 104*, 1044 Int Nickel . 10 *<>4 43*, 491, to* T*1 . 11 83s, 524 83*, J Mansvllle . 2 1764 174 176 4 K C S . 1 87 86 4 87 Kennecott . 10 86 84 4 86 Roister Radio .... 3 23*« 27s, 28 1 Kroger Oro . 7 86*, 84sj 86s, Loft Inc ..20 10 10 10 Mack Truck . 1 974 954 97*, Magma Cop . 5 70*, 684 704 i M*r on . 2 35 344 344 McKeesport Tin .. 2 71), ... 70 Mex Scab Oil . 1 39 27*; 384 ! Miami Cop . 2 43 47 43 1 Mid Sta Oil . 4 3", ' 4 74 MKT . 3 49 474 434 ! Mo Par . 6 914 90-4 90*, 1 Mont Warad .16 112*, 103», 112*4 I Nash Motors . 2 83 82*, 83 , Nat Cash Reg A... 2 1124 ... m Nev Cons Cop. 2 47s, 434 471, j N Y C . .5 197s, 196s, 197s, j NY NH At H. 10 111s', 110>, 1104 i North Amn . 4 128s; 1274 1274 • «0r^P*C . 2 1954 1044 105 Packard . 4 129*, 127s; 12» Pan Amn B. 10 69s, 59*, 60 Paramount . 2 64 4 64*, 64»; P*nn RR . 8 79s, 73*; 79s, Ph'l Pet . 3 334 384 38** £°!turi . 4 74s, 74 74s, Pub Eve NJ. 22 9*6 051; 06*; Oil . 5 28*, ... 27,* I Radio Corp . 33 834 83 83it . 2 110 1984 Uft Rem Rand . 1 29s, 244 29s, Rep Ir A: Stl . 2 92s, 92*, 9:4 I cryr B . 1 M7« S3*, 53*; Scab Alrllns . 5 12 l"* a 12 ” . 19 1114 1334 161 Seneca Cep . 1 54 .. si; 1 Shell Union . 3 28*, 27*; 23 S mms Pet . 2 334 . 32*; ®:n«,alr . 18 33 374 37s, . 2 4°7i 40,s 40-4 4 S',rP*c . •> 1324 r.fts, 132 I S £V . 12 n*• 7?!* 74,« I -gS*"-;:: ? g* 5* -g WpT'*-I t- S: Z,_ r°*' 5 17s, 177, 17s,} ?mn,annnTO . 29 ,8T» !6's 1*4' T-7 »-ou . 4 11 1° 10-, ; U S Rubber . 2 49*, "47*; 2?9*‘ ) US Steel . 32 178 1754 1734 1 Pie . 4 118 H6>* ns ■ V Maryland . 10 41s, 4*4 414 ~ Y-.. <157 185 185*. w,m . 4 1624 161 1614 Willy* Ovid . 1 21 •>! 21 * Wool worth . 1 219*2 219*2 2194 Wright Aero . 12 123 120s, 121 Yellow Truck . 1 38s; 334 284 - ■■ ■ .-. - ■ ■ m—^I,mmm^——^MlMM■.miwimmu^mmmrnMMMaaiaMM Today’s Radio Features t SUNDAY. JUNE IS {By The Associated Frees1 - v ;, Programs In Central Standard time. All time 1* P M «n!*ag ndicated. Wavelengths on left of call letters, kilocycles on right. *• •el stations and chain programs with list of associated stations in 34*9—WABC Ntw York—*90 t:50—Sermon by the Rev. Donald Grey Barnhmise, from PWladriphl*—AlPC 3 WADC W KRC WCHP WOWO KMBC KOIL W /BM W MX 6:00— Mrs. Murphy—Also WFBM KMOX KM BO Loti. WGHP WMAQ $:30—Famous Broadway Stars and Ben 8eiv:n * orchestra—Amu WADC WKRC WOWO KMOX KMBC KOIL WHK WBBM WGHP W»PI> .:C0—Theater of the Air with Wendell Hall— Also WADC WKRC WGHP WBBM WOWO KMOX KMBC KOIL WSPP WHK WLAC Wl*OB WBRC WEBC KRLA KKJF KRLD KTSA W’PSU WCCO WUW KFH 1:00—Arthur Pryor’s Band—Also WADC WKRC WCCO WGHP WBBM WOWO KMOX KMBC KOIL WbPD W HK J:30—Around the Ssnunsr, Music in Russian Music a: *—Also WADC W KRC WGHP WOWO KMOX KMBC KOIL W3PD WMN WCCO WMAQ 454.3—WEAF New York—9*0 5:30—Major Bowes Family. Yasha Bunehuna—Also V. GY W TAM WWJ W KAl KSD WOW WPJC WIOD WHA8 WMC WSB W KY WLB W«M WHO 7:00— Our Government.” by David luiwrence—A’so W GY KSD WOW W HAf KVOO W KY WOAI WSAI WFJC WMC WHO W SB 7:15— A. K. Program—Also WGY WTAM WWJ WS.vl WGX KSD WOW KSTP WTMJ WEBC WSM WMC WSB KPRC WOAI W KY WDAF WHO 7:45—Rapid Transit—Also W .Y WWJ WKY K >W w *AK 1:15—Champions Orchestra with Clay Boland and B :ryl Retting— A!»o WGt WTAM WWJ WGX KSTP WTMJ WEBC WoW WHO 8:45—Sunday at Seth Parker's—Also WOW W HAS WKY WWJ KOA WHO 9:15—Sam Herman; Russian Choir—Also WOW’ WKY KOA W WJ WHO WMAf 394.5—WJ2 New York—760 4:30—Persians—Also WLW WJR KYW KWK WTMJ KSTP W'Efir wnrx 5:00—Baseball Scores—WJZ; The American Sing* r»— Also KDKA K K 5:33—Lyric Male t'horus—Also KDKA WHEN WK 6:00—Melodies—Also WKY WJR KWK WLW Wltl.X ki ' ■ iVOAI V it • 4 WSM WSB WTMJ KSTP WMC K«*A KYW KTiiS . KYC“" 8:18—l.iebestraum—Also KDKA WJR KWK KOA 7:15—Tone Pictures with Lew White—Also KDKA W HEN’ V »R KWK 7:45—At the Piano— KDKA WLW KYW KWK WREN WJR V. HA* WSM W EBC KPRC WOAI WKY KOA " . *:15—Light Opera (1 1-5 hrs): Vibrant Melcdlea 03 min )—Alan KDKA KW»C KWWG—Voice of the Sorter 1260 k. c —500 Watts Brvtviur.'!3* 12:00-12:10 p. m.—Markets, weather and river reporta 12:10- 1:00—Musical program. 4:00- 4:20—Associated Press dispatches and Valley new* fnm The Brownsville Herald. 4:20- 5:55—Musical program. 5:55- 6:00—World Bookman, radio feature. • 6:00- 9:00—Musical numbers, studio specialties. TOMORROW A. 31. 10:00-12:00 noon—Request program. “Since 1891” ] For thirty eight years :his bank has served the Kio Grande \ alley, and served the people well. Ask any banker from Rio Grande City to Browns 3 ville, as to the character of service we render, both banks and the entire citizenship. ft We are known throughout this entire section of the state as "THE FRIENDLY BANK," and we live up to that reputation daily. If you are not one of our fast growing list of customers, Start An Account Today 4% Compounded semi-annually paid S on Savings Accounts .First National Bank I Brownsville, Texas “THE FRIENDLY BANK” Oldest Bank in the Rio Grande Valley | I ~~ ^ r1f--:=ra==r . ' . ..... _ _ u..L. r. — A^gaaru^u.1 \ ""V1 ■, - - 7 .. A CORDIAL INVITATION is extended to the public to visit our plant and inspcit the careful and thorough testing methods in use which assure only pice of the highest quality being delivered to the purchaser. For complete information address 0»en M. Combe. District Sales Manager GULF CONCRETE PIPE CO. P. O. Box 1051—Brownsville. Texae. riant located at Ulalack Switch on Highway. The Pioneer Ccncrete Pipe Manufacturers of Texas Concrete Pipe 'or Irrigetion, Drainage and Sewer Systems. Train Schedules MISSOURI PACIFIC LINES No. 12—To Houston. San Antonio. 6:10 a. m. No. 14—To Houston. 7:00 p. m. No. 16—To Houston. Ban Antonio. 9:00 p. m. No. 15—From St. Louis. Ban Antonio. Houston. 7:3u a. m. No. 13— From Houston. 8:10 a. m. No. 11—From San Antonio and Hous ton. 9:55 p. m. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES No. 319—From Houston. San Anto nio. 8:15 a. m. No. 320—To Houston. San Antonio. 8:15 n m NATIONAL LINES OP MEXICO _ (Matamoraa •tattoo> No. 132—To Monterrey. Mexico City. 8 50 a. m. No. 131—From Mexico City. Monter rey. 3:30 o. m RIO ORA.NUE RAILWAY , . . To Point Isabel, ft.39 a. m. From Point Isabel. 4pm A. TAMM Blue Printing and Supplies Harlingen, Texas I La Joya Gravel Co. I INCORPORATED i MISSION, TEXAS BOX 554 I oft I . , .. . s %