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FIRM WAITS ON i M. P. TRACKS 1 _ Ludden Says Cold Storage Plant to Start When Switch Is Begun _ tSpecial to The Herald) HARLINGEN. June 15.—The Cen tral Power and Light company Is ready to start work on a 100-car I cold storage plant here the day the j Missouri Pa^fic star's work on a • switch track to the plant, accord- j Ing to n communication from Prank j C. Ludden San Benito, Valley man- j The rn lroad is preparing to build the new spur track, moving in ^uipment now. Construction was held up due to | unfavorable action of the district j highway engineer on application of ] the railroad to cross tlie highway j between Harlingen and Combes with a spur track. The cold storage plant will be completed and in operation before the next produce reason, if work is j carried out as scheduled. SANTA MARIA j PERSONALS Mrr R. H. Hargrave and Miss1 Balfa Greer returned Friday Lorn! their trip to North Texas where they visited Miss Greer's parents. E. G. Vtilers of McAllen school, superintendent for the coming year, was a visitor here Friday Mrs 8 H McLain and Mrs T D. Bhipley and son spent Friday with Mrs. P M Shipley Miss Vivian Matthews wes a week-end visitor of Miss Mary Hop kins near Mercedes. J. E Morgan of Mission visited Pit daughter. Mrs E T. Weatherford and her family Saturday nhrttt and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs H B Gilmore from rear Mercedes spent Saturday night and Sunday at the Armstrong home. Mrs W B Benge left this week to attend the commencement exercises at A At M College where h*»r nephew graduates. She will also visit relatives at Dallas The Missionary society met at the school house Monday afternoon with Mrs P M Shipley hostess Charles Edmund and Fredie Brandt started on a motor trip to Illinois Tuesdar to visit relatives. Mrs E T. Armstrong, P M. Shi pie v and J F Mock attended the Hidalgo county encampment of demonstration clubs at McAPen Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr and Mrs Jay King of San Antonio were week-end visitors of Mr and Mrs W’ Stocking Mrs C G Persontous was a vis itor at Brownsville Wednesday Mrs McGee and daughter Emma visited with Mrs W Stocking Fri- j day Mrs. T J. Seamen and Mary Will of Weslaco spent Wednesday with Mrs R. H Hargrave. Little Tommie Lou Hargrave went to Weslaco with I Mrs. Seaman. Mr and Mrs R H Hargrave, Miss Balfa Greer and Mac. Kerr enjoyed a picnic and swimming partv at the Cascade pool at McAllen Tuesday night. Others in the party were Mr and Mrs T J Seamen and sons Vance and Fred and daughter Man Will. and Miss Juanita Martin of Weslaco Miss Thelma Rowe went to Har lingen Wednesday to attend busi ness college Announcement has been received '.hat Earl Reed, formerly of this »lace was married to Miss Elsa Bond If Oakland. Calif RADIO PARADISE * * * * * * Million Dollars Worth of Equipment and 30,000 Dealers Make Show Colorful | 1M FCOM 77~~' * A NEW CONDENSER ^HE BAM - MMKP «’!£“££ ftgj.-Ria-^. sajars&ft «S£J2f» w,Pf . ARE. BEJNG ANEW MANUFACTURED . * wRiNKl E.. Co!;n K.'ir, rondenser speaker inv entor. and .Arthur Hill, retirinj president of the radio manufacturers. CHICAGO. June 15—A million dollars worth or radios and equip ment and 30,000 dealers to see it ... music everywhere you turned . . . snatches of technical lingo . . Mad am** Sehuman-Heink In person . . . embryo radio engineers from a Mil waukee school trying to seem unim pressed . . . snappily-suited engi neering experts. That was the radio show or. more properly, the fifth annual conven tion of the Radio Manufacturers as sociation at Chicago. And if you were radio-minded it was w orth the price of a trip from almost any where you want to name. Progress Evident The radio industry most certainly has made magnificent strides for ward since the last convention show a year ago. In fact, the now inven tions. improvements and refine ments presneted for the first time to the public presage beyond al! doubt a new era in home reception. As. for example, take the now 245 type power tubes in push-pull com bination. bringing tonal qualities of the new radio receivers to a higher plane than ever before Or the new loud speakers to match the im proved audio systems. Examination of the speakers ex hibited and demonstrated indicates that dvnamics will be the predomi nating speaker of the year. But the dynamics are vastly different | and vastly superior to those Intro duced a year ago. when the dynam ic first caught the fancy of the pub lic after the discovery that this type i of reproducer brought out low tones I totally lost in the magnetic—then ; in vogue. The dynamic of last year fre quently sent the listener in the or dinary small home to bed with ring ing ears as a result of the barrel effect" introduced by the over-ac centuation of booming low notes. Speakers Pitched Higher All that has been changed in this year’s dynamic. The speakers have been pitched higher and they are faithful in the reproduction of low. medium and high notes, but without the boom-boom of the drum and or gan bass being any more accentuat ed than Is the treble of the violin and flute. Another notable advanace in loud speaking design comes from the in troduction of a new condenser apeaker This speaker, built flat. In stead of drum-like, operates without a cone, without a magnetic coll and without a floating needle. It, ia one eighth of an inch thick over all and from all appearances, seems to be as faithful as the dynamic in cover ing the entire musical range, with no particular pitch being overly emphasized. It. further appears to be even more faithful than the av erage dynamic in the reproduction of voice in its natural tone. Colin Kyle, of San Jose. Cal. the inventor of the condenser speaker, is only 34 y«rs old. and has been crippled since childhood. That makes his invention all the more Interesting Bizarre Cabinets Cabinet design is playing an im portant part in radio set lines this year. All sorts of bisarre cabinets are being manufactured. Cabinet manufacturers have incorporated the finest work of their furniture craftsmen in making possible fin ished sets which blend harmonious ly with the furnishing of the aver age home. Then, there's a new quirk, as far as convenience is concerned, shown at the convention. It's a remote control idea. The missus can control the radio from the kitchen sink, turning it on or off at will. Or a handy button at the telephone make.' it possible to gossip with Mrs Jones without competing with "She's My Babv” done on the saxophone by Station WHOZIT. Butts filed in the district courts: Southwest Bitulithlc Co. vs Mrs , Juana P. Garcia dr Morales. Southwest Bitulithlc Co. vs. Jose j Martinez, et ai. j Bouthwest Bitulithlc Co. vs. Mrs. Fitfcla G. dr Garza, et al. H. O. Williams vs Jennie Lee j Williams, suit for divorce. Southwest Bitulithlc Co. vs. Pedro P. Sanchez, et al. Southwest Bitulithlc Co vs Mrs Crixell, rt vlr; three cases. Jacinto Chavez vs. Centrol Power land Light company, suit for dam ‘ ages. I | —— - 2KTH DISTRICT COURT Hon. A. W. Cunningham. Judzc I No orders. KURD DISTRICT COURT Hon. A. M. Kent. Jodgc No orders. COUNTY C OURT Hen. Os-ar Dancy, Judgr Suits filed: none. COUNTY COURT AT LAW Hon. John Kleiber, Jndre __ RRAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Furnished hv Valiev Abstract Co. Cameron County W L Browning et ux. to Foe Wat j ters. farm block 94-A. F,1 Jardin subdivision, sharr 32 F,spiditu Santo ! grant. $10. etc Harlingen Orchards Co to Valley ! Properties Inc., west 5 acres of east 15 acres, block 64. Briggs At Coleman subdivision, survey 271; north 400 acres, survey 272. Plat 5-22. *10, etc J. G Fernandez to A H Prrnan drz, 5116 9 acres, 11 ft# 7 a''res a part of partition share 17, Esplritif Santo Grant. *10 .etc The Al Parker Sec Co to /Im manuel Iodvlna. lots 14. 15. 16. 17, ; block 2. Naranja Vis‘a addition. Ol imfto. *10. efc. R. B Rer.tfro to Eleanor R Rcnt I fro Boulevard, lots 2#. 30. 32. also j farm lots 1 and 2. block BB West Brownsville, plat 1-18 Love and Af 1 feetlon. Louis A. Howard to Valiev Dev , Inc., all block 12. Howard's Dixie-1 1 land Heights addition 2. Survey 44. *10. etc. Harlingen Orchards Co. to Val i ley Properties Inc. east 1 91 acres of block 1. and wes* 3 09 acres of block 2. Briggs Ac Coleman subdivision, i survey 49, *10. etc Harlingen O-chard Co to Valiev Properties. Inc. west. 191 acres of block 1 and east 3 09 acres. Briggs At ; Coleman subdivision, survey 49. *10. etc Valley Properties Tnr to George I, Shutt et ux. east 1 91 acres of block 1. and West. 3 09 acres, block 2.1 Briggs Ae Coleman subdivision sur vey 49. 15615 C. W MrNear et ux to Fred B McNear. block 12. Mmn-Tex Land and Irrigation Co. *10. etc 3 Finley Ewing to J A Pickens. Jr. lot 10. block 154. O T. Har lingen. *1.000 Ja-’k A. Pickens. .Tr, et ux to T R Roberts, trustee, lot 10. block 154 o T Har’ingen; lots 5 and 6. block 4. La Quinta addition, Harlingen; an undivided 1-2 interest, block 43 Harrtsnn Menor 2, addition, Har lingen. *10. etc. J B Roberts, trustee, to Tack A Pickens. .Tr , lot 10. block 154 Far lincen; lots 5. a. block 4, I j* Quinta addition. Harlingen; an undivided 1-2 Interest, block 43. Harrison Manor 2. addition. Harlingen. *10. etc. Virginia L. Tumllnson et vlr to ff L. Faulk lota #. 9 10 11. block 3-A. Stillman addition, Brownsville 110. etc. Wilson A. Hadlev et ux to C. R Sullivan all of lots 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. and part of lot 7, of R. A Pittman sub division. survey 36. 810 etc C 8 Thomson to Joseph F Ma lara et ux. all of farm tracts 165 166. 167, Coast Land Farms sub division 3, Buena Vista Grant. Sin etc. F M Flliott to L. L. Zennr. sub division “A'\ lot 1. blork 6. Landrum subdivision. *10, etc James O Kennedy et al to Cen *ral Power As Light Co , tract of 54 91 acres out of block 125 and 195. San Benito Land and Water Co.. $19. etc. MTs Clnda Williams to F W Moran, north 10 acres, block #1. Minn-Tex. Land and Irrigation Co *■ subdivision. $10. etc. The Al Porker Securities Co. to Guadalupe Garza, town lot 12. block T’ Potter As Wetson addition La Feria. $139. Guadalupe Garza et ux to .Tesn* Garcia Lozano town lot 23. block “T”. Potter A: Waison addition. La Feria. $10. etc. Hidalgo Cenotv F M Everltt to A. Y. Baker, tht* 19-11-12-13. block 296. Edinburg. 810. etc. O. C Carter to A. Y Baker, lot 7. and west 1-2 of lot «. block 144. Ed inburg. $1500 J. C. Sngelman. Jr to Clarence J. Folz. 14.54 acres of lot 14. sec. ##. Mo Tex *2 000 B. M Goodwin to C F Olander, lot 31, block 3. Goodwin tract sub division No 1. $10,090 E. M Goodwin to J. J. Houser lot 60, block 4, Goodwin tract No. 1, $10. etc. C. L. Jennincs to G F While. Ninth 50 feet of lot 12. block 214. Ed inburg. $1185. George Roe to W. H. Gcssage. lot 8-9, block 53, San Juan. $10. etc. E. W. Murphree to Lee M Duggan, south 10 acres of lot 207. Llano Grande subdivision, 810. etc. , J. B. Chalk to W. H. Gouage. lota V6. L. F. Moore'g rr-subdivision. Ren Juan. *10. rtc. C W T»wntng to RusstH T* Rurhton. lot 7. blork 19. Faring ad dition. McAllen. *3900 .Terr/ and Fdnn Stueard to Rob ert Palm, west one-hnlf of northe-»*t one-ha'f of lot 9. bMrk 97. Alamo mrt.. *10. etc. W I'.nri H Cimeron to Agnes Woodt. north 1-2 of southwest 1-4 of southeast 1-4 of s«c. 15, wee? ad dition. *140') Joseph Lot her to J. H Sharv. north 10 acres of east 22 2B5 acres of tot I’i*. Sharv land. *U2t. J l. Frwin to Wm MeFell. west nnr-half of west one-half of lot 86. Por. 69-70. * 0. rt-. - Pioneer Real Estate Firm In New Home James-DIcklnson Realty company, pioneer subdivide™ of the Valley and Sou the west Texas are doing business in their new location in the Hotel El Jardin building, after a thorough renovation of the office i in the north end of that building. The new.' office fixtures have been painted and varnished to match the color of the walls and celling, a deep tan. private oflfees haw been con structed for Lee B. James and A. D. Dickinson, and H. A Black, attorney for the firm: C F Thomas, cashier; nnd Mrs. Zona Taggart, sten.og ranher. Flower boxes will be planted along the windows on the north and west sides of the budding. Nineteen Years Jamcr-Dickmson have been in the real rotate business in the Vadey for the past 19 years The firm first WH located at Mission and McAllrn. »hen at Mercedes, later at San Be ntto and moved to Brownsville eight vrnrs ago. where Jt has de veloped surrounding territory from what was once practically a wilder ness. One of the most notable subdi visions of the concern is FI Jardin This tract of 22,000 acres was bought when there was no road in that part of the county. Now, there are four concrete roads, a $250,000 airport -and a schoolbuilding erected at a coat of $85,000, not to mention numerous citrus orchards, j Next to be developed by the firm ' were 900 acres near Brownsville, which Included Los Ebanos. James-Dickinson now are develop J ing the Ban Carlos estates, between I Brownsville and San Benito. Oas and lights are being installed, roads graveled. underground concrete canal system for Irrigation being constructed with electrical pumps, i The whole tract Is being sold In 10 acre divisions. Is being cleared.' leveled, and planted In trees Mr Dickinson announced that the firm would offer a new deal this winder n«*ar Brownsville. Firemen’* Frolic July Third Is Plan Of Harlingen Boy* . (Special to The Herald ' ! If 5RLINOEN. June 15 —A fire- j 1 man s frolic, with competition be- [ J tween volunteer fire departments of 'he entire eertlon in a spectacular , night drill, is planned for July third [li^re as a pre-Independence Day celebration. Th*' celebration Is to he held at th" Valley Mid-Winter Fair j grounds arrangements with officials I of the city end the Fair essocia i Mon having br*»n completed this week A spectacular fireworks demon-j jstrat'or. with the fire drill as an j j added feature, will be on the pro- ( gram. The firemen are to build a house at the Fair grounds, set fire to it. and then attempt to put out fh« flames Probably a lady will be " .. Ml "l—H WWW——" .1 PJtW | placed In the house, and • rescue ef fected. A nominal charge for admission 1 will be made. This celebration ts to be held the night before July fourth in order not to conflict with Fourth of July r«le- j bratlons in Brownsville and other Valley cities. It was explained TRAIN IMVTI1T ! IHMMFR GUILFORD. Eng — A bandit robbed Mrs Rose James on a train near here after knocking her tin- | consrlous with a hammer. BIFA IV AFROPT ANF LEAP BARNFT. Enc.—Walter Royden was killed when he leaped from an aeroplane 70 feet above the ground. * TO WED Associated Press Photo A w*>ddlng expected to attract much attention will unite Mrs Mabel Oilman Corev, Brondwsv star of 20 years ago. and Prince Luis of Orleans. Infante of Spain NEW SHIPMENT ; RECORD LOOMIS Fruit And Vegetable* Mov ed In Year May Hit 25,000 Car* 'Special to The Herald' SAN BENITO. June 15 —Specu lation in the shipping line now fe | centered mainly on whether th* Valley will reach the 25.OOO-cr.float mareV tn total of frrr.s and vegeta bles moved out this year. Reports of the Southern Pacific and Missouri Pacific show * total of 23.755 carloads mo ed up to Fri day of this week. In addition to this 500 carload? or more of Valley produce hav* moved out by express, and several hundrcJs carloads by truck, bring ing the total to 24.300 or more. With shipments still holding up to 40 or 50 carloads a day. pros pects of reaching the n«w goal Ir i the history of produce in this sec tion seem bright SIAM ROYALTY WORKS TO COMBAT IDLENESS BANGKOK. Siam. June 15,—fff*s —The Prince of Wales' moi'o. “Ich Dlen ' '“I serve”). Is feeing followed hr t^e Plamese roval family, whoa* members are striving by example to combat the national falling of Idle ness Prince Mahldol of Songkla. the king's brother, an American train ed phvsician. Has Hung nut Ms i -hlng’e at Chlengmai. the capita! j of northern Siam. In nddhion to private practice, he is on the staff of the local hospital. RIGHT OF A DIVORCEE LONDON —It has been finally de cided that a divorced woman mav sue for alimony, no matter what financial arrangement har previous ly b*»en made. am =*=* Two-Sided We know that this bank can grow and pros per only through the growth and prosperity * of its customers. Let’s go Forward together! I Hi 'I A high degree of customer-co-operation is evi-* |N » denced by the large number of new accounts I that come to us on the recommendation of old I j patrons. Contrariiy, State customers will tes- * tify we go “out of our way" whenever sound 1 banking justifies. | I State Nation 1 Bank I UNDER US. GOVERNMENT 1 SUPERVISION I " . ,* **»(#' There’s a Home for You In L< IS EBANOS (The Ebonies) .... and it’s the kind of a home you've dreamed of—In a cool, beau tiful residential section of desirable people—Within easy walking dis tance of the Brownsville school sys tem and various churches. Only a four-minute drive to downtown Brownsville. Drive out Palm Boulevard today— it leads direct to the beautiful Los Ehanos entrance. Judpre for yourself the desirability of owning a home of your own in this smart, sensibly re ftricted residential adidtlon. SANITARY SEWERS PAVED STREETS TELEPHONES CITY WATER NATURAL GAS | ELECTRICITY STREET LIGHTS I STORM SEWERS j ■ ,i i *WWi'W H i I'r'.JMPJ.. mm * James-Dickinson Co. I OWNERS & DEVELOPERS j ; Realtors Brownsville I 18 Years in the Lower Rio Grande Valley | i I v I # —i— —j