Newspaper Page Text
■ ■ 1 ■ 1 ■ ■ - ~ - . Brownsville Club | Valley Society News j| and Social Activities \ | and Events M 1 r f ff f r rf*jrfr^^—■—^_|M^^——■——^^————— Methodist Societies Meet In Pharr Women of the Methodist mission ary societies of the Brownsville dis trict will hold their fifth annual meeting at Pharr on Tuesday. The session, which opens at 9:30 a. m. will be held in the new building at the Valley Institute, the Method ist school for girls. The orogram for the day is as follows: naming 9:30—Hymn: Jesus Calls Us;" devotional. Rev. C. M. Epps. Pharr: welcome. Mrs Z. R. Fee. La Feria; response. Miss Georgia Swanson. Valley institute: appointment of committees; message of district sec retary. Mrs. Gerald R Mann; ad dress. ‘Leadership,” Mrs. T. A Brown, conference president; vocal aolo. Miss Bernice Spears, Pharr; Mrs. Slocum, accompanist; our dis trict history. Mrs. A. W. Cunning ham. district historian: roll call of auxiliaries, courtesies, announce ments prayer and meditation, led bv Mrs. J. J. Richards. Donna; solo ist. Miss Lois Fleuriet; pianist, Mrs. P. C. Fleurist; musical reading. Mrs. A. C. McKinney; 12:30, lunch to be served by the Pharr auxiliary. Pastors will be guests Afternoon Hymn. Lead On. Oh King Eter nal;" devotional. Mrs 8. L. Batche lor. Harlingen; vocal solo, Mrs. Lay. Brownsville: reports of auxiliaries (2 minutes!: young people's and children's report: “Holding On to Your Young People,” Mrs. H. T. Pittman; vocal duet. Miss Virginia Red path Miss Thelma Slocum. Mrs Slocum, accompanist: “How to Do Your Full Part for the Children," Mrs. J. S. Huckabee. Santa Rosa; •How to Co-operate in the Stew ardship Year." Mrs. J. E. Lovett, Brownsville: closing message, Mrs. T. A. Brown: report of resolution committee, invitation for 1930 dis trict conference: "Blest Be the Tie That Binds:” prayer of consecra tion. Rev. O. L Crow, presiding el der. 4:30—Adjourn. 4 9 9 Federation Roard Holds First Meet The executive board of the Valley Federation of Women's Clubs met in Rio Grande City on Friday for the purpose of drafting plans for the work of the new club year. The various committees were clas sified. and their work outlined. Mrs. Willie A. George, of Browns ville, who served as parliamentar ian pro tern, made a strong plea that the finances of the federation be put on a more business-like basis, and cited different methods used in handling funds. Punch was served during the session. Preceding the board meeting. which was held at the home of Mrs. E. Owen 8cott. newly elected president of the federation, the hos tess entertained the board and sev eral guests with a luncheon at the Woman s club rooms. The tables were decorated in white and green, and in recognition of flag day, a patriotic note was introduced in en graved flags on the place cards. Miss Jenny Red field of Donna gave a short talk on the origin of the flag, and the party then sane “The Star 8pangled Banner.” ’ Many of the party enjoyed a buf fet supper at the home of Mrs. r "" Walter W'eaver in Donna on the re turn trip. • • • Christian Endeavor Business Meeting The Christian Endeavor of the Central Christian church held the , regular monthly business meeting at the home of Miss Martha Jane Butts, secretary of the society. Be fore opening the business session the members went in a group to the station, as Miss Nannie Bourne, their delegate to the state Christ ian Endeavor convention, left by train that evening. Jack Mohle. president, appointed several new committees during the session. Following the business ses sion the members enjoyed a social hour and refreshments served by I Mrs. Butts and Martha Jane to Misses Mattie Gentry. Alantha Driver, and Doris Williams, and Rev. A. K. Scott. Fred Rose, Jack Mohle. W. A. Velton. and Tom Newton. The society recently pledged $100 to the fund for a new church build ing. about half of which has al ready been raised. The Christian Endeavor meets at 6:45 p. m. every Sunday at the Central Christian church, on Levee and Fourth streets. • # • Brownsville Girls At Rio Hondo Camp i Girls at Campo Del Arroyo. Rio Hondo .entertained with stunt t night on Thursday evening, a num ber of the parent* attending. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Goodrich and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brulav were guests at dinner at the camp. Amona those from Brownsville at the camp j the past week were Harriet Boyd, i Jane Scanlan. Gene Whitehead. | Inez Brulay. Mildred Goodrich. Ev- ; elyn Ann Hamilton. Dorothy and Ro^e Marie Fox. Frances Wagner. Josephine Taylor. Maryzelle Tay j lor. Virginia Blum. Rose Srhmell | ing. Evelyn Yates and Dorothy Pat-' I tee. I Mrs. Hillyer Has Just-Sew Club Mrs. George Hillyer entertained members of the Just-Sew club at her home Wednesday afternoon. The time was spent in sewing and conversation, and the hostess serv ed an ice course. The club meets next with Mrs. S. M. Harvey. One guest, Mrs. R. E. Green, was pres ent. • • • Wesleyan Class Enjoys Outing The Wesleyan Bible class of the Methodist Sunday school enjoyed an outing at Boca Chica Thursday evening. Corn and weiners were roasted on the beach, watermelons finishing off the feast. About 35 participated In * the outing and swim. • • • Last Meeting of El Jardin P.-T .A. El Jardin Parent-Teacher associa tion held the final meeting of the year on Friday afternoon. Following a short business session discussions were given by various members, as outlined In the corre spondence course studied by the or ganization. It w'as decided to hold no more meetings until the second Friday in September. • * * Friday Bridge Club Meets Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Graham was hostess to the Friday Bridge club this week. Club prizes were award ed to Mrs. Henrietta Signor, first, and Mrs. Marshall White, second Mrs. J. S. Spikes received the guest 1 prize. • • • Mrs. F A Stansbury and her two sons left Saturday evening for their , home in Houston. They have been here for the past week, visiting Mrs j Stansbury’s sl6ter. Mrs. Hayden Havs. Mr and Mrs. B V. Proctor are ■■■ — ' - ■ -« - ....— -1 home after a short visit to 8an An tonio. Mrs. W. E. Heaner has gone to Houston to be matron of honor to Mias Marjorie Pyle, who is to be married there in the next few days. Miss Pyle was maid of honor for Mrs. Heaner at her wedding. • • • Misses Lamberth Given Shower Mrs. Cleve Tandy and Mrs. Mark French complimented Misses Mar tha and Aleeta Lamberth, June brides-elect, with a pretty crystal shower on Friday afternoon. Six tabels of guests spent the afternoon playing hearts, Mrs. Wilson win ning high, and Mrs. H. M. Skelton low. Baskets filled with lavender flow ers and tied with pink maline dec orated the rooms. A salad course was served. After the games the two honorees were instructed to follow a maze of thread, which led them at last to a rainbow. At ope end was a basket of flowers, and at the other a huge basket filled with gifts of glassware, rose for Martha and green for Alee ta. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. Paul Quick. Delphi. Ind.. Mrs. Clyde King and Mrs. C. C. Lamberth. Jr., of Harlingen. m m m Comings, Goings, Of Local People Miss Naomi O'Neal and Miss Elea nor O'Neal are here from Port Ar thur visitinc Miss Rachael Pierce. They are the daughters of J. T. O' Neal. mayor of that city. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Walker and little granddaughter. Marion Smith, are leaving Tuesday evening for their home at Port Stanley. Ont. They will be accompanied by Miss Joan Rogers, who will visit rela tives In Winnipeg. They expect to be away about four months. J. Z. Garza. Jr., who has been a student at Rice Institute the past year, has taken a position in Hous ton. and will remain there till some time in August, returning then to spend a few weeks with his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Z. Garza, here Mr. and Mrs. Howell McCampbell spent the early part of the week | in Hebbronville and Corous Christ! Miss Lucie Brulay. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brulay, is spending several weeks visitinc in Waco, the guest of her aunt, Mrs. E. W. Marshall, and cousin. Mrs. R. J. Tolson. She has been comoli mented with a number of parties during her stay. Jeannine Wort man left Saturdav evening for St. Paul, where she will make a long visit with her aunt. Mrs. C. C. De Coster. Mr. and Mrs. H. B Griffin, of McAllen, spent Friday here with Mr. and Mrs. John Closner. Mrs. E. T. Conde has returned from San Antonio, where she has been for about three weeks, and is much improved in health Miss Billie Earline Nuckols. who has been attending school in Colo rado, returned home Saturday eve ning to spend the summer with her mother. Mrs Pearl Nuckols. Mrs Nuckols' sister. Mrs. H W. Houf accompanied her. and will make an extended visit here. Mr. and Mrs. Edirar Pierson and two children. Lou Juanna and Eu gene. have been here for the past week, guests of Mrs. Pierson's aunt, Mrs. H. M Shelton. They left for their home in Dallas Friday. While here they were entertained with a sailing party at Point Isabel, a swimming party at Boca Chica. and several dinner parties. HARGILL' PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. O W. Bucy spent Sundav afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Perkins near Edinburg. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Peacock and baby. Alice, of Harlingen, visited with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peacock in Hargill. Mesdames Betty Holt and Mary Lancaster call ed on Mrs. G. W. Bucy and sister. Miss Angie Bucy Thursday after noon. Svdney C Lackland was a dinner cups* of Mr and Mrs. G. C. Beck in Edinburg Tuesday. Dr. R. M. Winn was In Hargill Thursday the guest of 8vdney C. Lackland. '■ cr. PRscall of Dallas war. in Har m'll on business Thursday morning. I?** is an old friend of the Sharps G. W. Bucy and brother. Rodney Bi'cy. and sister. Miss Angle Bucy. erlied at the home of their nephew, Warren Bucy. east of Ravmondville. Thursday. Mrs. John McGinnis and mother. Mrs. Caroline Schlitkus have gone to California to spend the summer visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Faster Stewart, wife of Past master Stewart, has gone to Roches ter. Minn . for the summer . Messrs. Hubert and Harry Sharp were in Hargill on business Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Lancaster I spent Sunday at the Bucy home 1 north of Hargill. Mrs. St. Claire Thompson was a Sunday visitor with Mrs. Jack Holt north of Hargill. The protracted meeting at the 1 First Methodist church in Hargill ‘ begun Thursday night and will con tinue for the next weeks. The local pastor. Rev. Crowder. will do j the preaching. Irl. Lancaster, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Lancaster, who has been attending school at the A. A: M. col lege at Magnolia. Ark., graduated from high school at the Just closed and will enter college next fall there. Miss Corine Bonham was the din ner guest of Miss Alice Lancaster I Sunday. S. L. Gill of Raymondvllle was In Hargill Monday. T. J Brownfield of Fillogonlo. i who has been moved to his son's home in RaymondviCe. Maior Cleveland Sammons was a I ser ial visitor in Harlingen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lobe of Lasara were social visitors with friends in Hargill Thursday afternoon NORTH MISSION Harvey Rhoades of Wichita Fails arrived Wednesday to spend a few days at the home of his parents. J Mr end Mrs. Robert Rhoades. Mrs. J H. LawTence and daughter Lnrene. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Pace and Miss Elizabeth Miller attended the Chris tian Endeavor Convention at Rio Hondo Friday. ! Mrs. Ethel Brook left Tuesday for a two weeks vacation at Galveston. She w'll m*et a number of friendr frem her former home of Crescent. Okia Mrs. Coleman Cartwright and two j daughters left for Center. Monday. Mrs Cartwright will take medical treatment at Shreveport. La., and 1 will spend the rummer at Center, j Mr and Mrs L M. Gallion and ! daughter. Lea Ruth of Brownsville soent Sunday with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Parks. Mrs. Roy Baker and children were Sunday dinner guests at thn heme of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Neal of : McAllen. Mr. and Mrs. Schlensig and fam ily of South Sharyland were evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lawrence Sunday. Miss Grace Rigler left for Austin on a two weeks vacation Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hauson and children of South Sh&ryland left for Austin. Sunday. They will spend two weeks at the capital city then motor to Minneapolis. Minn., where they will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur York of Mc Allen spent Sunday evening a» the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Cham berlain. Mrsdames George Hanson Frank Seffel and L. L. Tryon motored to McAllen Tuesday to attend the home economics encampment meet ing. Mr. and Mrs. W J. Bridges and Frederick Ford of Bowie. Tex., and Mrs. George Curry of Dallas spent a few days, last w»ek with their friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gar llngton. Mr. and Mrs. BridRes have purchased property in the Valley and expect to return in the fall. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Du Boise of Jackson. Tenn.. arrived at the home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Shel don Smith Monday. Mr. and Mrs L. H Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Homer E Smith left for California Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker and family who have been guests at the home of their daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner, left for their home in Dayton Wednesday. W H. Ferguson, father of Willard Ferguson left for his home in Des Moines. Iowa. Wednesday week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Garlington and their guests motored to Pomt Isabel and Brownsville Thursday on a sightseeing trip. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Poihemus ex pect to bring their parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Polhetnus. from the Hotel Mission to their home in the coun try Wednesday. Mrs. E. Pilcher has moved from her home in North Mission to a residence near McAllen. Mr. and Mrs. Tryon called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Barnes of “Mission Acres’’ Friday. Mr. Barnes has been confined to his bed for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Haugh and daughter. Louise, spent Sunday at the home cf Mr and Mrs. Geo. Cul ver. Mrs. Haugh and her mother. Mrs. Culver, returned to Mercedes Tuesday. BABY IN FLOI'R BARREL ST PAUL. Minn —Mrs. J. C Gas ton found in her flour barrel a de serted baby three weeks old. pro GRANDE cm WEDNESDAY BRIDGE Mrs. F. B. Muon »u hostess I the Wednesday Bridge elub mem bers at her home Wednesday aft emoon, arranging for three table of players. Mrs, L. R. Brooks received higl score and Mrs. Fred D. Guerra second high. • • • DINNER-BRIDGE Captain and Mr?. Mott Rams*: were hosts Wednesday evening a a bridge dinner which was In th nature of a nicely planned com pliment for Lieut, and Mrs. Cat A. Raguse who leave soon for Fur Riley. Kans.. and a farewell part to the personnel of Fort Ringgol from Capt. and Mrs. Ramsey wh will also leave in the near futur for Fort 8am Houston. Entertaining their guests wtt dinner at the Post Exchange Cafi followed by bridge In their quar ters. Capt. and Mrs. Ramsey wer responsible for one of the pleas antest hospitalities of the season Winners of high score for tli evening were Mrs. Walter Haml ton. high and Mrs. E. M Ficke* second high for women; Lieu Oarver high, and Lieut. Carl . / Raguse. second high for men. Mr H 8. Kidwell received consolmtloi The guests were: Major and V? H. E. Taylor. Capt. and Mrs. 8. V Robertson. Capt. and Mrs. Walt* Hamilton. Miu Mabel Nicholsoi Cant, end Mrs. E M Fickett. Cap and Mrs. H. L. Kidwell. Capt. an Mrs. Rosslter Oarity. Lieut, an Mrs. Carll A. Raguse. Lieut, an Msr. Ravmond Palmer. Lieut, an : Mrs. Ralph Garver. Mr. and Mr ! L. B Caruthers Jr., Lieut. Finn" gin. Capt. A. Olsen and Captal Shoemaker. • • • EXECUTIVE MEET A meeting of the executive bevr of the Rto Grande Valley Federi tion of Womens Clubs was he Friday at the home of the pres dent. Mrs F. Owen Scott. Prior to the business sasuloi luncheon was served the guests * the Women's club. » • • • PERSONALS Mrs. Kayser of Houston is tt guest of her daughter. Mrs. Vlrg N. Lott of Roma. Miss Camile Block left Frida for Houston where she will vis with friends for a few weeks. Mrs. Virginia Guerra of Rom spent Sunday with her sons in th citv Miss Cristina Htnoiosa who is a! tending college in Edinburg spci the week-end with her parents, M and Mrs. Adolfo Hinojosa. Mr. and Mrs. W W Shuford an children spent the week-end i Hebron vllle. Colonel Stanlev Koch of Fo Brown was a visitor In Fort Run gold on Wednesday. Mi and Mrs. Miguel Q* m% < Brownsville were the guestr * Mr Elodia Monroe during the psi week, returning to their home o Tuesday. Mrs. Ralph Garner of Fort Brow loined her husband In Fort Rln| i Continued on page S i J Calendar For The Week _j Monday Methodist missionary society meets in circles, S :30 p. m., as follows; circle number one with Mrs. Me Kenzie, El Jardin;’circle number two with Mrs. C. E. Walters, 340 Washington; circle number three with Mrs. H. Signor; young matrons’ circle with Mrs. M. Wr. Ward. Altar society will have the final meeting of the year at the home of Mrs. Wm. Richter, 745 St. Charles, 3:30 p. m. Hope chapter. 124, Order of the Eastern Star, w ill have a regular business meeting at the Masonic Temple, 8:00 p. m. Tuesday Rebekahs meet at I.. O. O. F. hall, 8:00 p. m. Wednesday Wednesday bridge club w-ith Mrs. J. L. Boggus. Business and Professional Woman’s club luncheon. • Thursday El .Tardin bridge club with Mrs. Nelle T. Kee. ‘Fun’ Clothes Are One of Summer’s Problems I- ! --. Ill I i j—,1 ,ii . ,y>. > MME. LISBETH In planning the vacation ward robe. the smart woman invariably finds sports clothes her most diffi cult problem—perhaps because she demands more of them. Sports togs must be sturdy, washable, sunfast and smart in a casual, unstudied manner. These are exacting re quirements and they are met in va rious ways. Washable silks, as well as cottons, flannels, etc., are used for sports wear. and spun silk, which includes the shantung weaves, silk plcquets. striped and plain broadcloth, crepes, i etc., are much liked. The typical sport wardrobe has gained new complexity. Frocks range in formality from the sleeve less tennis frock to the three-piece spectator costume suitable for the sidelines or for town wear. The three-piece suit at the ex treme left of the picture is a semi tailored suit of the useful type which every smart wardrobe should contain. The crepe blouse may be worn as a tuckin or an overblouse, j and the trim Jacket and skirt are * In check .silk. The two costumes in the center are of shantung. The first frock is capucine colored, and combines two important style points —the sleeveless mode and the vogue for tiny flat bows. The second con verts itself into a spectator costume by the addition of a seven-eighth length coat in blue to match the in teresting lacing. The silk picque cos tume at the right is particularly smart for tennis, and Introduces a note of novelty In the two wale weave accented by a black hairline stripe. Ask for it by nama Your Druggi*' has it The Ice Cream That Satisfies— SNOW QUEEN I_ ■ i ■ fr Dessert is never more welcome than when it consists of Snow Queen Ice Cream—smooth, pure, cold, deli cious! Every spoonful is a fresh revelation in sup erlative flavor and refreshing coolness Snow Queen Creamery E. M. LOVETT, Manager On West Elizabeth Phone 1383 —-— • * t H. M. WOOD | REALTOR REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS \ Specializing In * Large Improved and Unimproved i Tract* Member Brownsville Real Evtate Board Etclusive Hating solicited \ First National Rank Bldg. * Phone 287 Brownsville 4 >»#»»»»##»#»»»»##»»»####»#»»»## ». - # g Those Important ^1 7T Accessories Proper accessories play al- ^11 *» most as important a part in «n*jI **'■ the proper ensemble this ^ year as your frock or hat. Z3I Clever new ideas in acces- «J| I*"* sories for the smart woman ' are opportunely displayed * -j PURSES COMPACTS -Zfl SCARFS * FLOWERS I COSTUME JEWELRY ' 3 Brads, necklaces, earrings, wrist- -wl lets and anklets are a few of the hrilliantlv modish hits of costume jewelry to be found in this array. ^ « , nm m