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Valley Society jj Phone I < Continued from page 5.) beautiful toys for which they had to fish. In the late afternoon the children were presented with bas kets of candy as souvenirs. Re freshments of ice cream cones and wafers were served at the close of the afternoon Mrs George Espey and Mrs. G. B. Dodds assisted the hostess. The guests included Minor Meriwether, Martha Jane Leslie, Caroline Crews. Dorothy Dodds. Maxine Yantes. Betty Ann Hig gins. Jennie Ciel James and Helen Gunn. • • • LANTANA CLUB Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. *J. R. Barnard with Mrs. R. C. Kenny as joint hostess mem bers of the Lantana club held their regular meeting. Historical stories pertaining to Texas and various holidays of the state with their significance supplied the program for the afternoon. The numbers were particularly interesting and enjoyable Before the close of the meeting. Mrs. C. F. Beydler, secre tary of the club, was pleasantly surprised with a handkerchief shower in honor of her birthday anniversary Guests for the meet ing were Mrs. J. W. Durrette. Mrs Coston, Sr.. Mrs. Washington Smith, and Mrs. T. L. Coston. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. O. P. Humphries on Monday. June 24. at 2:30 p. m. • • • PERSONALS Mrs. J. A. Webb is on her way to Little Rock. Ark. Mrs. W. C. Briggs has returned to Dallas following a visit here with Mrs. W. F. Heath and Mrs. N. 8. Monger. Mr and Mrs. Eddie Edrington left Monday night for Tyler Mrs. Ed rlngton was Miss Ivy Dodson before her marriage Friday. Charles Waacher has been taken to the home of his mother. Mrs Emma Wascher following an opera -■---—- ■ -— _ r— tion at the Valley Baptist howiifi! at Harlingen. Dr. G. W. Edgerton, who has Just returned from Hugo, Okla., where he went to visit his mother, who is ill, reports that she is doing well. Frost Bohner returned Tuesday morning from Galveston. Mrs. Kate Jordan has gone to Wheeler, Texas, where she will visit relatives. Mrs. W. E. Thomas has as her guests her sister, Mrs. Lulu Little and son, Gray, and niece. Mrs. Huttson Read and baby of Beau mont. Mr and Mrs. Lake A. Barber re turned Tuesday morning after j spending the week-end in Houston. Mrs. Arthur Brown of Driscoll. Texas, and daughter. Dorothy Nell, are visiting here in the home of Mrs. J. T. Hollen. Mr. and Mrs. E G. Dawson are on the way to Ola. Ark. They left Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Kent S. Manning and daughter. Eleanor and Helen, and Cecile Thompson are motoring to Houston where they will attend the state Christian Endeavor con vention. Ernest Hollon left Tuesday night for Detroit where he will make his home. Jim Goode left Wednesday night for Kerrville where he will spend several weeks in camp. Miss Josphlne Marchbanks re turned Wednesday morning from Houston where she has been at tending Rice Institute. Mrs. James D. Ward and Mrs. Pauline Goode left Wednesday night for an extensive western trip. The journey will take them to Denver. San Francisco. Seattle and other points. They will visit relatives during their trip. They will return about the middle of August. LYFORD iv - Lfrjk* l PERSONALS Chas. Karpin has accepted a posi tion in La Feria as station agent at the Missouri Pacific station. He took his position Friday morning. Miss Reme Leffland spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Craig. Miss Hazel Bundling who has beer, at the Valley Baptist Hospital at Harlingen is back home. Friends who called on her Sunday were Mr and Mrs. Elmer Anderson, Mrs. An drew Peterson, Miss Adelia Johnson. Miss Sarah Carlson, Carl Vassberg. Richard Demstrum. Edna Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Pete Johnson. Mr. and airs. Redlund and daughter Evelyn C. E. Redlund and daughter Evelyn motored to Harlingen Mon day. Evelyn called on her friend Adelia Johnson while Mr. Redlund went to Donna on business. Miss Perry Wyal and Mrs. Edna Barr of Brownsville spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Craig. MISSION V FIREMAN'S AUXILIARY Monday evening was the date for the regular meeting of the Fire men’s Auxiliary. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Albert McHenrv. as a sort of reminder of her birthday anniversary during the month of June. Mr?. J. Lehman officiated as chairman during the business ses sion. at which time reports were read and accepted, also plans wew* perfected for the treat to be given the firemen next Mondav. when the women will be on hand at their rlubrooms with the wherewithal! that is to provide the boys witti all the “good eats” any fireman could desire. A social time was hed at the close of the business session. • • • CLUB nOSTESS Mrs. Herbert Jeffries was hostess to the Tuesday Afternoon bridge club at her home lust north of the city this week, with a two-table personnel, many of the member? of this popular club beta? J**?* from the city. Mrs. Paul and Mrs H. E Moore were out of club guests: others present were Mesdarres E. P. Conedon Al Vplz. j w O. Brown. C. P. Wright. R. J Rome and the hostess. • • • O. E. S. MEETS The Eastern Star held its regular meeting on Tuesday evening, the, first of the new year, with Mrs Maud Hargrove, newly installed Worthy Matron, in charge. Gen eral routine of business was con ducted. the Worthy Matron ap pointing the committees for the '•ear’s work. • • • personals Mrs. Bender, of Dallas. ‘Happy’ Evins, and her sister. Miss Lottie j Evins. of Edinburg, were calling on i Mission friends Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Henry Hargrove left last, week for a visit with her parents in central Texas. Geo. Brooks has returned from a visit with Mrs. Brooks in San An- . tonlo. . . ■ Fred Peterson, a student in the ; law college at Texas University. Is taking the extra summer course of, study the first six weeks. | Mrs. Wm.'Fremme and child sen came Sunday for a visit with Dad and Mother Duensing. Mr. Fromm?, who brought them down in his car. returning to Goliad again Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Olin Rome ^nd son Mrs. Gus Rome and daughter Mamie left Saturday evening for Houston to visit. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith left early Tuesday morning for a trip to the west, planning to take in the Grand Canvon of the Colorado. Califor nia. Washington. Oregon, and pos sibly the Candian Northwest, re turning via Salt Lake and Denver Mr and Mrs. D. J. Scruggs and children of Alice spent the week end at the home of Mrs Scruggs' parents. Rev. and Mrs. W. N. Carl. Emorv Carl, who had been visiting in Alice, accompanied them home. Mr and Mrs. W. W Sammons are here from Alvin visiting at the home of their son. T. B and fam ily. , . . E. V. Sprowl came dowm from hi* camp near Junction Monday eve ■ ^ nmg for the purpose of transacting some business, returning again Wednesday. Louis Rogers, wife and family left last Sunday for their annual vaca- : tion which they plan to spend in | central Texas. • • • PAROCHIAL P.-T. A. TJie Saint Paul's Parent-Teacher association met on Thursday aft ernoon last at the parochial school, with Mrs. Sheldon Smith presiding in the absence of Mrs. Abe Boyd, the president. Routine buslnes* j matters were taken care of, with plans started for the summer'a work. These women have banded themselves together for the purpose of raising the money wherewith to erect a new school building, the present one being entirely inade quate for proper housing facllltiei for the increased number of pu pils. Mrs. J. F. Tanner Is the first of the women who will hold an af fair for the benefit of he school to be held this month. • • • BIBLE CLASS The "Fellowship Bible Class’* an organization composed of young married people of the Methodist Sunday school, held their annual meeting last Wednesday evening, at the home of the class presi dent. Ray Landry and wife. Election of officers was held, Ray Landry being re-elected as presi dent. Mrs. J. C. Carllngton vice president. Mrs. L. B. Miller secre tary-treasurer. After the business session the evening was spent in a social way. with forty-two as the chief amusement, and refresh ments. consisting of ice cream and cake were served Those present were Messrs and Mesdames C. W. Jewett. Alton Bent.sen. Heber Marcell. Roy Reed. John Osborne, Clark Norton. J. C. Darlington. Mrs. F. W. Dooley. Mrs L. B Miller. Rev W. N Carl. J. C. Dewald. eteacher of the class, and Mr and Mrs. Ray Landry, host and hostess. WEDNESDAY*CLl B The Wednesday Bridge club met at the home of Mrs. E. I. Stewart this week, with three tables of players enjoying the fascinating sport. Mrs. Legg and her daughter. Mrs. Hill Cocke, were the only out of club guests. The members par ticipating were Mesdames Agnew. Heat he May. T. B. Sammons. T. J. Caldwell. T. M Melden. R. P. Con way. Edward Opnenhelmer. Flor ence M. Hayes. B. M. Strong aad the hostess. LOS FRESNO S Mrs. F. L. Ivey and Mrs George Bug ley were hostesses to the Wom in's Service club on Thursday after noon at the home of Mrs. Bingley. A small crowd was present due to so manv away on their vacation. The topic for the afternoon was traffic safety. Mrs. H. J. Tandy read “Drivers of the Truck" by Edgar Guest. Mrs. Ivey a pap->r on “Model Traffic Code”. Refresh ments of sandwiches chicken salad. r-unch and wafers were served bv ♦he hostesses. The next meeting will he at the home of Mrs. W. B Palmer. • * * The Dorcas class of the Method - *et church met Friday evening for ♦he regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Billew. after a busi ness meting conducted by the class *>resident. Mrs. Chris Bingley. Games completed the program for the rest of the evening. Refresh ments were served bv the hostess. • • • Friends of Mrs Andrew Smith gave her a surprise picnic at Lake Olmito Sunday. Mrs. Smith is going away soon to Illinois. The young folks en ioyed a swim In the lake. Those nresent were Mrs. H. J. Tandy and daughter Helen and son H. J.. Mrs. C. C. Critchett and daughter Dallas. Mrs. Charles Gobar and children Emllv Jane and Bernard. Mrs. Smith and sons. Howard. Truman and Floyd • • t The Promotion society met Friday at the home of Miss Miry Smith, after a short business meeting at which time plans were made for a lawn social to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kretx on June 22. The afternoon was spent sociallv. refreshments of ice-cream and cake were served by the hostess to the following ladies. Mrs. Joseph Kretz and daughter Margaret,- Mrs. William Kretz. Mrs. Kuhn. Mrs. Francis Schmidt, and children. • • • Mrs. Charles Gobar was hostess to the Neighborhood Bridge club on Saturday evening. High score was won by Mrs. Clyde Chat telle and I H. H. Whipple, refreshments were served by the hostess to Mr. and Mrs H. H. Whipple, Mr. and Mrs. I M. F. Orr, Mr. and Mrs Smith Henderson. Mrs. Clyde Chattelle. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Smith Hen derson. • • • The Epworth high league of the Methodist church entertained the senior league with a wiener roast at Lake Olmito Friday evening. Games were played for the pastime of the evening. Those presnt were Emma Moses. Eula and Willie Brooks. Dorothy and Rachel Moses. Anncta. Clarence and Harold Schneider. Ruth DeBusk. Lucy Lipe. John D. Zumwalt George and Joe Edmond son. Bruce Dav. Mrs. Elvin Peder son and C. H DeBtlkk. • • • PERSONALS Mrs. Nolen Taylor and daughters and Leroy Taylor returned Tuesdav from Brucerille where they have been visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Greer an nounced the arrival of a son. bom Friday June 7. Mr. and Mrs Grover Page and daughter Verdell and Mrs. C. W. Patterson and son. Wayne returned Thursday from Dover. Ark., where they were visiting the past two weeks. Sidney Baer. Bill Dawson and Ray Gabbert were dinner guests at the S E. Barr hame Sunday. Wendle Sanpenfield arrived Wed nesday morning from College Sta tion where he has been attending the A. & M. College there. Mrs. Ray Moses of Hartman. Arkansas, arrived 8unday to visit at the Jess Moses home. Carl Kalbus left Sunday evening for Ellendale to visit with his par ents. Mr. and Mr« P. F Harris of High land were guests at the W. W. Moses home Sundav Mr. Crowder of Virouna. Wis.. Is visiting at the E. W. Chase home thus week. Mr. and Mrs. Smith Henderson were callers at the C. A. Fisher home In San Benito Sunday. G. Casey was a caller at Ray mondville Sunday. Wiley Patterson, Mrs. Charles Engler. Mrs. Raymond Engler and daughter. Dorris, and Mrs. and Mrs. 8. E. Barr motored to Raymondvillc Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ogden and children. Miss Mayme Corridon and Mrs. Stell Yoder were callers at the N. G. Chatelle home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chriss Bingley were dinner guests at the Russel Bingley home Sunday. Miss Edith Ryan and Robert Bingley were dinner guests of Mr. Simpaon of Brownsville Sunday. Rev. Ferrell of Harlingen filled ! the pulpit at the First Methodist 1 church Sunday in absence of Rev. H. B. Day who filled the pulpit at 1 Point Isabel. Mrs. Nancy Broyles !s visiting with her daughter in Brownsville this week. Charles Engler. C C. Fouts and son. J. B. Walker and Mr. Standford enjoyed a fishing trip at Point Isabel Tuesday morning. Mr and Mrs. Leon Hlnkley and children returned Wednesday from a trip in North Texas. Dr. J. E. Builer of Dallas is visit ing with his son and daughter J. E Butler, Jr., and rMs. 8. 8. Sappen field. Mrs. E W. Seott of Harlingen was a caller at the S. E. Barr home on Wednesday. She was accom panied by her son and mother. Miss Anna Shav of Chicago was a guest at the J. Downey home Tues dav night. Mrs. Grover Greer returned to her home Wednesday from the Mercy hosnital in Brownsville. Charles Washer has been taken to the home of his mother. Mrs Emma Washer of San Benito, fol lowing an operation at the Valiev Baptist hospital in Harlingen. Thi*» is the second operation Mr. Washer has had in the past two months. Mr. and Mrs. R T. Short was a dinner guest at the C. C. Fouts home Surday. Mrs R. T Shore left Sundav eve ning by train for a visit in North Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stvler and familv of Milwaukee. Wis., were guests at the Bowers home Sunday. j Flashes of Life j fBy The Associated Press) NEW YORK—Mrs. Mabel Walker Willebrandt is on her way home probably chuckling now and then over some wisecracks by Mayor Walker. At least she laughed heartily at farewell ceremonies un der the trans-Atlantic plane Bremen in the Grand Central station. Hand ing her a bottle of Atlantic ocean water to tr dumped into the Pacific the mayor shook it cocktail fashion wtih a look of bliss on his face. | Then he said he was about to cheer j when he heard she was leaving town, but he added with a sad look he had learned she could be back before the middle of next week be cause of the new air-mail system j she was inaugurating. NEWARK. N. J —American hoboes are sending an ambassador to Eu rope. Nicholaf Klein is sailing at his own expense duly empowered in convention assembled bv the Inter national Brotherhood Welfare As sociation. cf which he is the new president, to confer with a view to establishment of “Jungles," in Eu ropean seaports. STAMBOUL, Turkey. — Nearly J8.000 has been found in the tat tered coat of a beggar who died re cently. The city has 5.000 beggars whose cries of “Mav God grant vou a pretty husband." “May you live forever with the one you love." and the like appeal so much that the ev erage beegar makes much more than a laborer or servant. LONDON—There's quite a de mand for girls who are fair, fat and forty or so. They easily can get Jobs as mannequins. Some fashion able salons have found that clients are tempted more by gowns when they are displayed on mature fig ures. CONVICTED 102 TIMES LONDON.—James Mack, aged 65. was convicted of petty larcency for j the 102nd time. * JUST AMONG US GIRLS j ^ W\C-V 3® 'the cars vcrc fc’ pub end -to end -they would / reach across the continent:/ ' Ves— and I HhinVe dob into "that line last Sunday “ ! . . fifth | Today’s Fashion ,— /S Distinctive Tri-Cok»r Bench Costume THIS Is ths time of the year when everyone begins to lool forward to those long, sunny lazy days at ths beach. And never have bathing costumes been so at tractive as they are this season. Illustrated here is a tricolor *ut In white, orange and yellow. Th« bodice Is tucked under the snug fitting pan tie Arrd. of course, s chic j bow finishes the neckline. What ; isn’t finished with a bow this season? 1 And for those of you—who. in spite of the increased popularity of sunburn—still desire to keep you» milky white skin, a practical cape, ■ held with a tricky cuff collar, com pletes this distinctive beach cn ; amble. STYLE WHIMSIES Sports coats of soft woolens. In white and yellow, are worn at tennis Matches. • • • In two and three-tone scarfs, the most popular models are made of two or three pieces joined at odd angles In overlapping effects. • • • Small felts or wide brimmed straws are the popular California models in millinery. 1 "Menus7 c£tfte Day^ By MR*. ALEXANDER GEOflCE A Hoi Weather Dinner Ham Loaf Potato Salad Chilled Canned or Fresh Raspben lea Bread Currant Jelly Sour Cream Cookies Iced Tea Ham Leaf. Serving Si* 2 cups cooked chopped ham; 1 cup bread or cracker crumbs; 2 tablespoons chopped green peppers; 2 tablespoons chopped onions; 1-4 teaspoon celery salt; 1-4 teaspoon pepper; 1-4 teaspon salt: 2 eggs; 2-2 cup milk; 2 tablespoons butter, melted. Mix the Ingredients and pres* into a greased loaf pan. Bake in a moderate oven for SO minutes. Unmcld and serve warm or cold. Potato Salad. Semin* STx 2 cups diced cooked potatoes; 1 cup diced cucumbers; 2 hard cook ed eggs, diced; 1-4 cup chopped sweet pickles: 2 tablespoons finely chopped onions; 2 tablespoons chopped pimentos; 1-2 teaspoon salt: 1-4 teaspoon paprika; 1-2 cup salad dressing. Mix and chill the ingredient*. Serve in a bowl, lined with lettuce. f*onr Cream Sugar Cookies. 2 Dozen (Soft and Well Flavored> 1-2 cup fat; 1 1-2 cups light brown sugar; 2 eggs; l teaspoon lemon extract; 1 teaspoon mace: 1 teaspoon nutmeg: 1-4 teaspoon salt; 2-3 cup sour cream; 3 1-2 cup* flour: 1 teaspoon soda; 1-2 tea spoon baking powder. Cream the fat and sugar for 2 minutes. Add the eggs and vanlte and beat for 1 minute. Add the rest of the ingredients. Chill the dough for 2 hours or longer Break off smell bits of the dough with a spoon and place 3 Inches apart on greased baking sheet*. Bake In a moderate oven for 12 minutes. We Make Slip Covers We have just the assortment of material and colors adaptable to every room in your home. Have your windows draped .by experi enced decorators and be assured of at tractive rooms. We are always glad to have you in and remember we do not charge for furnish ing estimates or for making and hanging. Art Shade and Drapery Department HARLINGEN One Block West of Sears Roeouck on the La Feria Highway Phone 772 mb——— ——5B5BBB3■ i ■ ■ I —. .. ~ -= — Extra Special Offering 1251 Pairs Ladies 9 Slippeis $ -Zoo n the newest and much ^ wanted styles and patterns consisting of patent, satin, . and blonde shades in high • and low heels — pumps and , straps. In complete sizes, mostly in the smaller sizes —* —to close out at once, we offer at a meager price. , Berwald’s >< >< itery Located at Green’s Corner Elizabeth and Eleventh Streets [Brownsville Hot Springs and Turkish Baths j The greatest surprise i in the history of your city. We work on rheumatism and neu ritis. Guarantee cure. We work on you for any complaints with ) which you are both- , ered. Please come i and give us a chance, t We guarantee all of our work. The same treatment you can get anywhere else you can get here, or bet ter. All men trained. 414 Twelfth Street, J Brownsville Health Resort. Slee ping l quarters prepared. Phone 388 '.. ' “ ' ' ..“ The Matamoros Rotary Club Meets every Friday • One o’Clock at the Matamoros Cafe 1 Matamoros, Mexico . Mrs. Emma Leonard MRS. SAVER. Pl/TS OVER A EAST OWE *UOO< at THOS& AWWLTVoGoH GHAirP^ I'WHY. I NtV€^? **A*?D OP S>JGH A 'T^iNCrf MAr?iC.V/-AND G&DQjeS *3vMiLy CONIN6 AN €Wam^L THAT !>?/€? <N **>or? <WotX??. TON1C4-JT I SiMPLy CANTro Awyr-w/*#* ii |T DoCS^T TO£5rpLC/' Afitxrr TN0H rN THAT 9WO<?T T Me/ TTTll mSm M r/A/OS/7'/S"7*>e?/0&\ A/OtfTM 7W &*oer/ 'VC* M4'iM_TV^ m a ua*!*/ . ‘*1. *»J Nilce ^OOS>O-TWIN&S ISN'T1 t anntr win e*V11L ™l3 VoOCH TH£ PQem&T, most •eftSy to pi>t cw-PtfcStt wpn E«An Q0Mf<oi?TAOuf -PiAce y<*> eva?£*w ^ ^ l * PEE GEE Satin Enamel is different from anything you’ve ever used' Easy to put on—and actually dries in 4 hours instead of overnight! No odor. No brush marks. The loveliest selection of colors you ever saw. Once you’ve\ tried Pee Gee Satin Enamel you'll never use any other kind. Frontier Lumber Co. Browns vile, Texas Phone 872 • . i