Newspaper Page Text
Selection And Buying Are Both Easy If You Read These Classified Ad Pages jk_______ Classified Busi: ARCHITECTS BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. Architect*—Engineers 208 Merchants Bank Bldg. Phone 617 Brownsville. Texas E. G. HOLLIDAY Architect and Builder 409 State Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 R. NEWELL W ATERS Architect * L >-12 Security State Ban*: Building Weslaco. Texas - E. B. GORE Civil and Consulting Engineer Room 406. 8t*te National Bank Bid*. Brownsville, Texaa. Phone iott. BUILDERS—CONTRACTORS PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractors 528 Washington St. Brownsville, Texas Phone 627 L ___ E. M. RIDLEY General Contractor Roads Land Leveling plowing, _ Excavations 408 Merchants Natl. Bank. , Brownsville. E. M. RIDLEY General Contractor Roads. Land Leveling, Plowing, Sub-soiling. sgpssr f ^ BROWNSVILLE —^ CASH REGISTERS_ NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO i ” Registers bought, sold and exchanged W. E. Banders. Representative I* Phone 29. Harlingen. Tex. Box 905 ~ dray-transfer Mason Transfer & r Grain Co. BONDED WAREHOUSE SEEDS OF ALL KINDS Light and Heavy Hauling WE MOVE ANYTHING fl05 Adams. phone 13 J _ — AUSTIN TRANSFER COMPANY Crating. Shipping. Hauling Phones 421 and 519 the flower shop Cut flowers, pot plants, funeral designs and bouquets 1254 Elizabeth St. Phone 1388 I 0 BCWYEK THE FLORIST, flowers Jnd funeral designs. St. Charles Hid pita streets. Phone 771. j I HOTELS—CAFES 11 WHITE KITCHEN Famous for its f'Cooking-Immaculacy and Service rThe popular place for business lunches I2th between Elizabeth and Washington Hat Renovating First Class Hat Renovating & Shoe Repairing Delta Shoe & Hat Shop f We Call for and Deliver Phone 535 " INSURANCT \ •, ORVILLE R. EBY District Manager psorls Life Insurance Company We specialise on monthly income service. 806 Baxter Bldg k\ vHarlingen Texas. yr* Phone 504 [ PAINTING SAINTINa Paperhangmg. Decorating Ind Tex toning P w Rieka. 1446 Un join «*t Phone 1S38-J *" ' FINA ^lAL ~ | LOANS On improved residence and business property. Todd and Unaerwood 1057 Levee St. Brownsville. Texas Tty a Herald Classified Ad J * I, ness Directory FINANCIAL LOANS To buy, to build, to re-finance or im prove your horns or business property. Any Town in the Valley. Gunn & Holdridge Over First National Bank Pharr. Texas. LOANS * Business property at 6. 6«i and 7%. RESIDENCE LOANS Semi-Annual Payments at 7 and 8%. Monthly payments $12.13 per $1000.00 D I,. WELCH 19 Arcade Jldg. Phone 1410 MATTRESS RENOVATING Let Us Renovate Your Mattress We make mattresses to order. All repair work guaranteed SOMMERS l&th and Adams Phone 674 OFFICE EQUIPMENT ART METAL FILING Equipment Maverick-Clarke Litho Co. 208 Merchants National Bank Phone 617—Brownsville Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVES STATIONERY <Se BOOK STORE Brownsville. Texas FUNERAL DIRECTORS ROOFING THE TURNER BROWNSVILLE ROOFING CO.. Inc. We respectfully solicit your re-roofing as well as new. Eighth and Railroad Brownsville. Tex. Phone 1168 TYPEWRITERS DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange (Brownsville's Typewriter House) Distributors. New L. C. Smith •Si lent" 8 and Late Corona 4 type writers. Also sell Royal Portables and “Factory" Rebuilts—all makes We repair all makes typewriter and adding machines. 1112 Elizabeth St. Phone 1105. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER 6ALES CO. Typewriters—Adding Machines Supplier—Repairs Phone 506— Harlingen PROFESSION AL ATTORNEYS RALPH A. DUNKELBERG Attorney at Law Commercial Collections a Specialty 106 Seabury, George and Taylor Building Brownsville. Texas Davenport. West and Ransome Attorneys at Law 307-308 Merchants National Bank Brownsville, Texas H. B. GALBRAITH Attorney at Law Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville, Texas J. T. Canales C. S. Eidman. Jr. CANALES AND EIDMAN Attorneys at Law Real Estate a Specialty 303 Merchants National Bank Brownsville. Texas H. L. Yates Attorney at Law State National Bank Bldg. Brownsvliie ”CHIR0PR ACTOR M. Cook, D. C. CHIROPRACTOR Nerv-O-Meter Service 1715 Grant and Seventeenth Victoria Heights IrawnsvUl*. Texas. Phone 1223-J • EL VIBRA SYSTEM USED REAL ESTATE LOS EBANOS Brownsville's Supreme Residential District, carefully restricted, com Jletely Improved. Home sites from 11300.00, easy terms. James-Dictdn ion Co.. Realtors, corner travelers lotel Bldg.. Brownsville. Where There’s a “Want” —that’s where The Herald Want Ads shine. Want ads cov ering the range of hu man needs from build ing a home to shoe re pairing — from paper hanging to professional services. Little adver tisers who do big jobs at small cost, daily car ry their announcements in this “Classified Busi ness Directory”, AUTOMOTIVE , PRICED RIGHT 1923 Dodge Sedan.*....$373 00 1927 Chevrolet coupe.—j 1923 Naaah light 6 Sedan.««vn no 1926 Oldsmoblle Coupe.$300 00 CASH TRADE TERMS BROWNSVILLE NASH CO. 1327 Levee. Phone 1366 Q-332 A PICK-UP FOR SOMEONE An unusual buy. Studebaker Phaeton, good mechanical condition, good tires, looks good. This car is going at $230 for quick sale. See this one. PATTESON MOTOR CO. R-33 g . ,.. hi...:.„.;. ..\ 1 10th & Adams STEVENSON MOTOR CO, Inc. Brownsville, Texas. WILL TRADE sedan or roadster for a truck. W. R. McElroy, Brownsville. R-101 DODGE BUSINESS COUPE. In first class condition. Tor sale by owner. Call 1305-M IP H E. HURST, No. 11 Pitch Apart ments, will call at The Herald office before 6 p. m. June 19, he will receive two tickets to the Capitol Theater. FOR SALE—Cadillac wrecker, cheap. Call 191. 14th and McKinley. R-109 IK. 19 Highest Cash Offer Takes These Bargains Ford Truck—as Is. Ford Touring—as Is. Nash Touring—as is. Give us your cash price—they must be sold this week. Highest offer gets any one or all. Act quick. TEX-MEX FISHERIES By Express Office Missouri Pacific Depot. R-114 1 FOR SALE—Four-wheel trailer, new; fine for cotton. Call at Delta Gard ners’ Association, corner Seventh and Ringgold. R-139 AUTO REPAIRING FOR GENUINE NASH PARTS AND SERVICE You ahould see us. We are equipped with everything It takes to render A-l ; service. Aho washing, polishing and greasing. BROWN8VILLE NASH CO. 1327 Levee. Phone 136S. P-198 LOST AND FOUND LOST—Small bunch of kevs Bring to Herald office or phone 1173-W. R-135 LOST—Three diamond Mexican gold ring; also white gold wedding ring. Re ward. Phone 1281. room 1, McCrory Bldg R-152 j HELP WANTED DIFFICULT PROBLEMS are often rnlly solved by a classified ad. RELIABLE PARTY WANTED to handle Watkins route In Brownsville. Good repeat order. Business with earnings over $40 00 a week. Write C H. Wor lev. 70 West Iowa. Memphis, Tenn. R-154 FACTORY BRANCH Just opening In Valley can use three aggressive young men to train for executive positions. Sales experience not neee*sary; car es sential. See Mr. Powers from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Wednesday at El Jardtn Hotel. R-153 SITLJATIC IS WANTED THOROUGHLY experienced bookkeeper and accountant wants employment any where In Valley Can handle small amount dictation. Reasonable salary to tart. Not afraid of work. Your con sideration will be apreciated. Box R-51. Herald._ R-51 YOUNG MEN don't have to "go west" now to find opportunity. Plenty of openings which can lead *o success In this city are to be found In the classi fied ads. PERSONAL DR. COOK. Chiropractor, bath parlor*. ! massage?. El VIbra reducing system used Cook 8c Williams. 1715 Orant St., i telephone 1228-J. r-5 DRIVING TO ILLINOIS July 2; can take one passenger. For Information phone 231 R-147] Bt’SlNESb :PFURTUN1TX FOR SALE—Oarage and service station Good Valley town, fine iocatton. Box j 27. La Ferla. Q-207 SUCCESS DEPENDS on you One of the first step* towards it u to watch for the many and varied opportunities listed in the Claaselfled Section. POSTOFFICE Confectionery at La Fe rla for sale. Inquire at confectionery. I R-38 FOR SALE—Grocery and market. Clean stock. Growing business. Small capital needed Reason for selling, other business claims attention. Ad dress R-97. care of Herald. R-97 * ONE FIRST-CLASS restaurant doing good business in on# of the best towns In the Valley. Will sell at bargain. Write F W. Howard or call 1090, Brownsville. r-46 FOR SALE OR LEASE—One of the finest businesses In a rapidly growing town In the Lower Rio Grande Val ley. Will bear Investigation. For par ticulars. write Willacy County News. Raymondvllle. Texas. R-124 EXCEPTIONAL business opportunity. Old established auto body and fender repair shop. Duco refinishing, top. trimming, etc, in Brownsville Extra complete labor saving equipment. Shop buildings, residence and all must be closed out and moved to new location Easy monthly payments and no cash down payment required. If at all in terested. send your name and address to R. E. Glllmorc, Eox 91, Point Isabel R-143 , BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WANTED—Brownsville man with $4,000 to take active part in a business Bright future: P. O. Box 1269. R-148 FOR SALE at a sacrifice, one of the best restaurants and short order houses on main highway In Mercedes. The cotton and tourist trade coming on: have other business: can't take care of this. If sold by July 1st it will be a pick-up. Address Box 891. Mercedes R-149 FOR SALE Cafe good business; good location: long lease; reason: have other interests to look after. Price reasonable; terms if desired. The Ideal Sandwich Shoppe Next to Postoffice Phone 26 i San Benito. Texas R-151 ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE New stock of plumbing and plumbing supplies of all kinds; also soil pipe and fittings, whole sale and retail. Sampson Machinery & Supply Co. Houston, Texas ONE VICTOR and one Edison phono graph. slightly used: terms. $5 00 month. Phone 863-M. or P. O. Bex 562. Browns ville. P. D. Hambiy. R-43 GOOD t’SEP piano; eajy terms Phone 868-M. or P. O. Box 562. Brownsville. F. D. Hambiy B-44 FOR SALE—7-ft. electric sign for gar age and filling ctat:on. Very reason able price. Phone 930. R-103 BRIGHT CANE HAY for sale; $17.00 per ton. delivered. J. B Kee. 1523 W Elizabeth street. Phone 1393-W. NEW SINGER electric sewing machine for sale at a bargain. Address R-117. care Herald. R-118 FOR SALE We have discontinued our shoe department. The remainder of men's, women's and children's shoe stock, about 300 pairs, must be sold at a sacrifice. Bostonians. Howard & Foster and Selby Arch Preserver Shoes for men. Martha Washington and Purus Shoes for women. BRAND’S Mercedes. Texas. Phone 135. R-H2 WE HAVE TWO PIANOS and two play - er pianos in storage at Brownsville taken from customers for non-pay ment. Will sell at sacrifice. Address O. H. Jackson. 90S Elm street. Dallas. Texas.R-1S0 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY—Good first ven dor's lien notes or good bargain in in come property. Ira T. Baize. 235 Ba ker Bldg.. Harlingen. Texas. R-126 REAL ESTATE CAUTIOUS SPENDERS find great sat isfaction in carefully looking over the classified columns. For Sub-Division 160 Acres Located 4 blocks from the high school and cioser to Brownsville than the exclusive Lcs Ebanos Subdivision Winding reeaca run ning through property offering natural take front sites tor sub division. This property Is for sale by owners a*>d can be bought at a very attractive price. Henson-Lo max & Houston and Brownsville Development Co. < e REAL ESTATE INVESTIGATE SUMMIT PLACE THEN INVEST In Brownsville's new business end residential sub-dlvlslon. located on 13th and 14th streets, one mile from Oateway Bridge, on the main thorough fare leading to the proposed ship channel, municipal air r, rich farming district of Jardin. and Boca Chlca Beach. Easy terms. Ten per cent down, balance 9 years to pay. Jesse Dennett. phone427. Brownsville. Texas. A SACRIFICE—40 acres of good cotton and vegetable land near San Benito. All in cultivation with a small Mexi can tenant house. Only $100 00 per acre with terms on part and purchaser to get crop rental If purchased before July 1. No trades considered. S. C Oraham, phone 179. Brownsville. Texas. R-137 Citrus Land Bargain Cash or Easy Terms This J7 acres of choice land, lo cated 7 miles north of Donna. 1 mile south of La Blanca, can be bought for less tban market value. Owner has moved from Texas and Is forced to sell. Will sell In smaller tracts. Write W. C. Weaver. 1580 St. Paul. Denver. Colo., for price, terms, and description. R-131 Furnished and Unfurnished Houses For Rent 14.7 acre farm ready for cultiva tion; 400 feet from concrete high way; will sell or trade for city property. Fully equipped grocery stere and meat market; best location In city; no competition. E. A. MONSEES REALTOF. Phone 841. Brownsville R-15C FARMS FOR SALE 300 Acres Cleared Situated within six blocks of the El Jardin Hotel. This property offers a wonde r f u 1 opportunity for an in dustrial sub-division or for small acreage sub division for grapefruit. Considered the highest spot in Brownsville. For sale by OWNER at $600.00 per acre. Price and terms to suit. Re lease clauses on either . lots or acreage. Henson l.omax-Hous ton and Brownsville Develop ment Co., Brownsville, Texas. IMPROVED FARM FOR SALE-160 acres. Hidalgo county. All clear. (3.500 improvements; 865 an acre, all cash. C. E Rediund. Lyford. Texas. R-115 A SACRIFICE—40 acres of good land 1 all In cultivation, fair small set of ira- . provements. small citrus orchard, lo- ; rated less than two miles from the city \ limits of Harlingen, half mile off pave ment and on road to be paved. Only $150 00 per acre with terms on part, if purchased before July 1. No trades considered. S C. Graham Phone 179 ! Brownsville. Texas R-137 ! IT MEANS a good deal when you buy through a classified ad. MRS VINCENT STEVENSON. Los Eba nce, will receive two tickets to the Capitol Theater by calling at The Her ald office before 6 p. m. June 19. IT WOULD SURPRISE you If you knew how many people got the Jobs they now have through classified ads. 1 19-ACRE FARM with 2-room house, good barn and water; will rent on shares. C. J. Goad. Route 1. Harlingen. __ R-146 SOME exceptional good buys In citrus land in Cameron and Hidalgo counties 1 Some with citrus groves, already bear-! ing. Can be bought at bargain or rea-j sonable terms. F. W. Howard, phone 1090. R-140 LOTS FOR SALE IT’3 A GOOD INVESTMENT to tell all the facts in a classified ad. The beat results follow quickly. HOUSES FOB SALE FOR SALE—Modern new home. 6 rooms, bath, hot water, garage; cor ner Leveo and 10th street. West j Brownsville. Small down payment, balance like rent. T. Aziz, phone 502 or 694. P-133 FOR BALE One seven-room house, one-half block from high school. House two years old. On Adams, between First and Palm Blvd. Lot fifty by one hundred twenty feet. Modern In every way One thou- ' sand cash will handle this pla©». ! Phone 1090 or write F. W. HOWARD _Q-335 FOR 8ALE—Two-story tile end stucco residence in Los Ebanos on Palm Blvd. j Apply F. W. Howard. Phone 1090. _R-81 . BUV OR EXCHANGE IMPROVED 40-ACRE FARM near Shawnee, Okie.. to exchange for Val ley land near Alamo; 7-room house, barn, well and mill Jots of fruit and berries. No debt. Updegraff. La Fe rla. Texas. r-123 RENTALS FOR RENT—Store rooms In Stegman bunding Bert Croraeek M-56 SPEND MORE time with the Classified Section and save more money and steps. APARTMENTS ALONSO APARTMENTS—Nicely fur nished Corner Sixth and Levee Phene 838. F-206 APARTMENTS FURNISHED APARTMENTS—W Itif. Ughts and gas furnished Pbona 35. P162 FOR RENT—Ideal apartment, every thin* new. completely furnished. Rea sonable rental . Call 1173-W. Q-196 CONLEY APARTMENTS—Cool, and all conveniences. 337 W. Levee or phone S47-R. Q-3H FURNISHED APARTMENT with aU conveniences, including garage; $33 00. 402 Adams street. Q-233 6-ROOM upstairs apartment. Fifth and St. Charles. Apply lower apartment. R-62 rOR RENT—Three-room apartment Also bedroom and living room. Con necting bath. Oarage. Phone 242. R-141 VERY COOL 2-room south apartment with gas. garags frse. *25. Telephone &13-W. Q-21 INTRODUCTIONS between buyers end sellers are efficiently made by classi fied ads. MAY DAY APARTMENTS—Cool. new. modem, well located. Completely fur nished including zerozone. gas. garage Summer rates. 121 Washington. Phone 714. Q-168 APARTMENT for rent on paved street. Lights, water and gas furnished. AU conveniences. Phone 429 0-279 IB YOUR JOB as good as thOiS otlcred In ths Clasaslfled Section? 4-ROOM APARTMENT, private bath hot water. Corner Adams and Boule vard. Phone 764. P-1S6 IP YOU WANT to" rent a house or apartment, call Howard. 1090. R-107 FOR THE COOLEST, most desirable apartment In town, phone 536. Q-93 SWEENY APARTMENTS-Extra cool. weU furnished apartments; electrical refrigeration, garage, modem, maid service. Everything for housekeeping. Summer rates. Phone 1030-W. First ana Adams. R-93 WANTED TO RENT NEW LIOHT CANE HAY for sale; $17 00 per ton. delivered. J. B. Kee. 1533 W. Elizabeth street. Phone 13S3-W. LEGAL ADVERT!SEMEN 1 * Sealed bids addressed to the Hon. A. B. Cole, mayor, will be received on or up until 10 a. m., June 21. 1929. for the leasing of the city ab attoir for a term of one to five years. The bids will give terms of the lease. Any further Information will be furnished by the city manager. The city reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. A. E. MUNDAY, City Secretary■. 6-11 to 20-3461. Sealed bids addressed to the Hon. A. B. Cole. Mayor, will be received up until 10 a. m.. June 21. 1929. for approximately 46 squares of metal roofing 24 guage galvanized corru gated Iron—Armco Iron or equal in* place on building covering boiler at City Light Plant. The City reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. A. E. Munday, City Secretary. Sealed bids addressed to the Hon. A. B Cole. Mayor, will be received i up until 10 a. m.. June 21, 1929. for I the construction of side walls to building covering boiler at city light 1 plant, the City to furnish all mate rial Plans and Specifications are on file at the City Manager’s office Any further information will be furnished by the City Manager. The City reserves the right to re | ject any and all bids. A. E. Munday. City Secretary. DON'T WASTE money by overlooking i the bargain* offered dally lo the Cl*ss ! If led Section. Officer Who Shot Youth Threatened By Arkansas Crowe LITTLE ROCK. Ark.. June 18. (JP) Deputy sheriff George Johnson charged with the murder In the slaying of Glenn Quay. 22. at New port. Ark., was held in the state penitentiary here after hi* remove from two Jails yesterday In fear ol violence. Quay was shot through the bad by Johnson as he broke away Iron the officer after being arrested or a charge of intoxication. Thi youth's dash for liberty was madi near the police station door. Johnson first was removed to th* county jail at BatesviUe after i crowd of men. incensed at wha they described as unwarranted usi of a pistol by an officer, gatharec about the local jail. Quay was shot Sunday night anc the officer charged with murda yesterday. Quay is said to haw • been a Texas boy. RICH. DIES IN POORHOf RE CUNDERLAND. Eng —Thom at Kinneil. who died In the poorhous# aged 74. had securities worth $180. 000. PASTOR S J5 ESTATE LEEDS, Eng —Rev. H. R Porter after preaching for 30 years, left an estate valued at $5. Air Mail Schedules _ _1 Th® schedule for the malt between Brownsville end Dallas 1® announced by the postoffice department as fol low*: Southbound— L<*ave Dallas . 1:45 a m Leave Ft Worth . 1:15 a. ra Leave Waco . 9:20 a. ra. Leave Austin ... 70-23 a. m. Leave San Antonio . 1120 a. ra. Arrive Brownsville . 2 05 p. ra Northbound— Leave Brownsville . 1:23 p. ra. Leave San Antonio . 4:15 p ra. Leave Austin ... 510 p. ra. Leave Waco ... 6 13 p. ra. Leave Ft. Worth . 7:15 p. ra. Arrive Dallas . 7.23 p. m. The schedule for the American air mall to Mexico City is as follows: Leave Brownsville . 8 30 a . m Arrive Tampico .1100 a.m. Leave Tampico .1130 a.m. Arrive Mexico City. 1 45 p. m. Following is the schedule for the Mexican air mall: Leave Mexico City . 7.45 a. m Arrive Tampico .10-00 a. m Leave Tampico ..10:23 a. m Arrive Brownsville .12.53 p.m. Following is the schedule on the Brownsvllie-Mazatlan Route: Leave Brownsville . 7 a. ra. Arrive Monterrey .. 9.30 a. ra. Leave Monterrey . 9*50 a. is. Arrive Torreon . 12:30 p. ra. Leave Torreon . 1:50 p. ra. Arrive Durango . 3:50 p. m. Leave Durango . 4 10 p. m. Arrive M&zatlan .. 0:10 p. m. Return trip: Leave Magadan . 7:00 a. ra Arrive Durango . 9 00 a. m Leave Durango . 9 20 a. m. Arrive Torreon -.. 11:50 p. ra. Leave Torreon . 12:10 p. ra. Arrive Monterrey . 3:10 p. ra. Leave Monterrey . 4:10 p. ra. Arrive Brownsville . 0:10 p. ra. POSTAL RATES The United States air mall posts** rate Is 5 cents tor the first ounce and 10 cents for each additional ounce or fraction thereof. Letters mailed In the United States for the points In Mexico take this rate. Train Schedule* MISSOURI PACIFIC LINES No. 12—To Houston. San Antonio. 6:10 a m. No 14—To Houston. 7:00 p. m. No. 16—'To Houston. San Antonia 9:00 p m. No 13—From St. Louis. San Antonio. Houston. 7:3u a m. No. 13—From Houston. 8:10 a. ra. No 11—From San Antonio and Hous ton. 9:53 p. m. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES No. 319—From Houston. San Anto nio. 8:13 a. m No. 320—To Houston. San Antonio. 8:15 D m NATIONAL LINES OF MEXICO I Matamoro® Station > No. 132—To Monterrey. Mexico City. 9:50 a. m. No. 131 —From Mexico City. Monter rey. 3:30 o. ra RIO (iRANDE RAILWAY ,,, , To Point Isabel. 9 30 a. m. From Point Isabel. 4 p. m. CITATION BY PUBLICATION | To the Sherlft or any Constable of Cameron County. Texas. Greeting: | You are hereby commanded to summon Fred Ohliger. by making ; publication of this cltotion In some : newspaper published in the County of Cameron. Texas, once in each ; week for four consecutive weeks nrevious to the return day hereof, to lie and appear at the next regular | term of the 103rd Judical District Court in and for Cameron County. Texas, to be holden at the Court j House thereof in the City o! Browns ville on the third Monday in July. 1929. the same being July 15th. 1929. then and there to answer a petition filed in said Court on the 1st day of June 1929. in a suit numbered on the Docket of said Court. No R533. wherein Evangeline Oligher is plaintiff and Fred Ohliger is de fendant: the nature of plaintiffs de mand being substantially as follows,; j to-wit: That plaintiff and defendant were married about October 2f»th. 1919— i that there were bern of said mar riage two children— Dorothy aged eight years and Gloria aged four years— that there is no cummunity . property between plaintiff and de j fendant to be adjudicated— that de • fendant has failed and refused to , support this plaintiff and her two minor children— that in August [ 1923 defendant abandoned this ! plaintiff and her two minor chil : dren. since which turn they have ! not lived together— that the out-1 i rages bv the defender; towards this , ! plaintiff are of such a nature as to j render their living together insup i portable: Piainiff prays defendant be cited ! i by publication in terms of law. as 1 I his residence is unknown to h^r. to | be and appear before said Court and | j answer herein— for judgmen* dis-: ' solving the bonds of matrimony— for the restoration of plaintiff’s , maiden name cf Evangeline Ali ce Id ua— for the care and custody of ■ her two minor children— and that ; she have her costs and relief gen ! orally. Herein fail not but have you be-1 j fere said Court on the said first day ! of next term thereof this writ with your return therecn shoving how I you have executed the same. Given under mv hand and Sea! o! I said Court at office in the City of ! Brownsville. Texas. th»s 1st day of I June 1929. (SEAL) JNO P. SCANLAN. Clerk of the District Courts j of Cameron County. Texas. By M. J. McTiernan. Deputy, j I A true copy I certify. ;Jno. P. Scanlan. Clerk. District Court. Cameron Co. Tex. ! Bv M. J. McTiernan, Deputy. 6-4-11-18-25—3449. FURNISHED ROOMS ROOMS, on 9 niocx - crons post off tee on# block from E! Jardtn hotel; large, southern exposure; reasonable. Phone 1228-W or 1317. M-215 ROOMS AND APTS -Reasonable rates Olenwood- Hotel. Phone 6!9. P113 COOL FURNISHED ROOMS two blocks from post office. Also furnished apart ment. 1005 St. Charles. Phone 1340-W. Q-216 ROOMS AND APARTMENTS—Reason able rates. Olenwood Hotel. Phone 813. P-118 BEDROOM FOR LENT AT~903 JEF FERSON. COOLEST ROOMS In town: 2 blocks of poatcfftce. 912 Levee. Q-243 FOR RENT—Delightfully cool bedroom la modern home, to one or two gentle men; garage if desired. Phone 41VW. _ R-48 FOR RENT—Nice cool bedroom ad join'ng bath. Reasonable and cloee In. Gentlemen preferred. 622 St Charles. Phone 658. r.#8 BEDROOM 1n private (amllv; $2 5-3 per week. 004 Adams street. R-120 HOUSES FOR RENT to responsible party, the old 3-stcry Brulay home. 540 Elizabeth street, phone 414, or P O. Box 82. _ R-19 HOUSE FOR RENT-On 5th street, b7 tween Levee and St. Charles. R-58 FOR RENT—5-room house; modern conveniences; extraordinarily furnish ed; double garage: ideal piace for cool ness and comfort; reasonable rent. 1635 Harrison street. Also 2-room apart ment iu my home; be the first to use this nice clean apartment; adjoining bath: garage furnished. One-room apartment adjoining garage in vnrd: wLl rent furnished or unfurnished. Phone 1285-M for appointment. Mrs Williams. 1C49 Grant, Victoria Heights. __ _ R-127 FURNISHED OARAGE HOUSE for rent; 4 rooms, garage and shower bath: on Elizabeth street. See R M. Warren owner, at hmise between Washington and Elizabeth streets, next door to Dcrfman Apts. R-117 HOUSE FOR RENT 5 rooms, gas In each room, and all modern conveniences Located at 621 Washington St. Call at 525 Adams or phone 825-W _ R-138 ROOMS AND BOARD BOARD AND ROOM by the meal or week. 1004 St. Charles. Phone 6?»-w Q-148 THE OLD HOME TOWN_Stanley ---j J BROUGHT HTTLeX ■* *ssSZT-**** -- ;/^==== ELWELL ALONG, / - - ---~-: \ MRS BROWSER, — ^ ^ MAW^S^X /I TXOU6HTHE COULD) /’**1 S° €L*P MAW* GEE^Y /Am. <LAD YOU WHIZ,) PONT \ 1 X?le Te / BROUGHT THE TH/NK. TMEIR. ( \ p, AYcrV’” / LITTLE DEAR ' \ furniture is ) _ Hyou-iblo wd _ ytrh l)) kr *“—5 w fe n ,<..k Hrv Hr LC^H# CLUB DAY- utyle elna/exl *Y r 03^ E<oGLEST©M ADDED CONSIDERABLE ^ -sr^ce/ life -to TODAYS club fr f YlEETJN<i V MMBB—i —11 —1 ( - cewT»*i. >w»t 6 - i8-a«aJ r * ' I*1;***