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City-Valley TELEPHONE SEVEN SOCIETY WEDNESDAY CALENDAR Wednesday bridge club with Mrs. J. L. Boggus. Business and Professional \V£ - men's chd» luncheon. • • • District Women ' \ ! Meet In Pharr Members of Methodist missionary societies of Hidalgo, Willacy and Cameron counties are meeting to day at Pharr in the fifth annual ■ session. The meeting is being laid F in the new building recently erect ed at the Valley institute. Metho dist school for girls, which Is largely supported by the mission ary societies. The program for the day in- j eludes reports from the various so cieties, and reports from standing committees. During the momlng Mrs. Gerald R. Mann, district sec retary. gave a message, and Mrs. T A. Brown, conference president, spoke on leadership. The appoint ment of committees for the com ing year also was to be announced by the president. Special discussion of the problems of the young people in the church were to be discussed in the after noon. with reports from the differ ent societies on what they have k done In this line. Mrs. H. T. Pitt y man was to talk on “Holding On to Your Young People." Luncheon was to be served at noon by the Pharr society, with the visiting pastors as guests. A number of Brownsville women attended. * * * Monday Baptist Industrial Day Members of the Baptist mission ary society held an industrial meet ing at the church on Monday, be ginning at 10 a. m. The day was spent in piecing quilt blocks for Buckner's orphan's home. Lunch eon was served at the church at noon. Comings, Goings, Of Local People Mrs. W. A Velten has as her I guests her two nieces. Miss Lillian Gilleland of Houston and Miss Elizabeth Mohle. of Lockhart. She also has visiting her. Miss Beat rice Mchle. of Austin, her sister. Mrs. T. E. Kennerly and son of Houston arrived Tuesday morning " to visit Mrs. Kennerly's parents. Jtagpe and Mrs. Oscar Dancy. Airs C. W Dennis and children. oiJTerre Haute. Ind. are spending the summer with her parents. Mr. and Mrs J H Downs. Mr. and Mrs C. Galbert are away on a trip to Kerrville and El Paso. Captam and Mrs. Edward Ald ridge of College Station are here visiting their parents. Mrs. F. E Morris, and Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Aldridge R. C. Smith arrived Tuesday i from Houston to visit his mother. \ Mrs D. P Gay. Jr. Miss Marc’a Clint is in Asheville. 8. C., visiting her sister. Mrs. F. H. Rathjen. Miss Beulah Miracle is here from Dallas, the guest of Mrs. Marshall White. She arrived Sunday morn ing. and expects to be here sev •ral days. COME TO CHI RCH TO WOO! STAMFORD. Eng—Rev. J. A Quail told the young folks of his {ongregation he wished they wouia ; se his church as a courting place. ■ i McALLEN MRS. RENFRO HOSTESS Mrs. E. E. Renfro entertained Monday afternoon with a delgihtful informal bridge party at the Casa de Palmas tea room, honoring Mrs. T. H. Markley of Houston, who was her week-end guest. Mrs. W. V. Sidener received high score prize and Mrs. W. H. Duncan the consolation. Mrs. Markley was presented with a dainty remem brance. The guest list included Mcsdames John Gatling. Rev Ely of Hearne. Dich Bailey. N. V. Sidener. Fred Gantner. A L. Hart. W H. Duncan, Niles Esrey, George Palmer and Dick Hays. • • • DELTA CLUB On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. J E. Blvthe entertained the members of the Delta Bridge Klub at her home. Prizes W’ere awarded Mrs. H Brahme and Mrs. C C. Eckhoff. • • • TUESDAY LUNCHEON Mrs Jim Glasscock was hostess this week to the members of the Tuesday Bridge Luncheon club at her home Mrs John Cardwell received the club prize. • • • CLUB HOSTESS Mrs. Frank Elliott of Harlingen entertained the members of the Mc Allen Tuesday Two Table Bridge club in a delightful manner at the Margaret Louise tea room. Mrs. E E Renfro received the club prize and Mrs Niles Esrey the guest prize. • • • BRIDE-TO-BE HONORED As a prenuptial courtesy to Miss Gwendolyn Thomas of Pharr. Mrs. R. W. Gregory and Mrs. Norman K. Campbell of Pharr entertained Sat lrday afternoon at the Casa de I ! --—--, (pOjd&/ <i£Urtt£> W CL jf&i'wctte tbfj cl jeUAct and/ %iq Akirt 4Udt up 4 'MtoMl umvAv Am* ot (jvU UU*l jolaoul fm c\^op tm> Mvu Palmas tea room with an attractive bridge party. Prizes were awarded Mrs. J. A. Frisby. Mrs. William Payne and Mrs. C. E. White. The bride-to-be w'as presented with a beautiful luncheon set. Miss Thelma Slocum of Pharr rendered several musical numbers which were greatly enjoyed. The hostesses were assisted during the afternoon by Mesdames R. L. Gregory, R. C. Stevenson of Pharr. L. Paul Matthews. B Blair. J. A. Prisby. John Cardwell and Miss Ruby De Long. The personnel included 13 tables of players from McAllen and Pharr, who were friends of the honoree. • • • CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Dr. and Mrs. Brooks I. Dickey were pleasantly surprised Wednes day evening at their home after prayer meeting by about 30 friends who had planned an interrsting pro gram. after which light refresh ments were served, the occasion be ing their twenty-eighth wedding an niversary. • • • LAS PALMAS CLI B Mr. and Mrs. Milton Erdman were hosts Tuesday evening at their home to the members of the Las Palmas Bridge club. Mrs. C. J. Fitz received high score prize for the women; F. O. Ermin ger the men's prize and Mrs. Elam the consolation. • • • DISTRICT MEET Brownsville district of the Meth odist Women's Missionary society will meet at Pharr Institute Tues day. June 18. for an all-day meet ing. Mrs. G. R Mann of San Juan is the district secretary and will be In charge. Mrs. T. A. Brown of Aus tin is the conference president and will deliver an address. The Pharr women will serve luncheon for 50 cents a plate • • • • METHODIST MISSIONARY The regular business meeting of the Women's Missionary society of the Methodist church was held in the new church building Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Gordon Griffin, president, presided. Mrs. Rader had charge of the devotional. About 15 women signified their in tention of attending the district meeting at Pharr Institute. Mrs. George Alley was appointed dele gate. The business meeting was follow ed bv the Bible study, with Mrs C. K. Leslie, Sr,, in charge. • • • PERSONALS D. W. Weber arrived late Thurs day evening from a month's vaca tion trip, which included visits to his former home in Illinois and sev eral points of interests in Colorado Mr. Weber was accompanied on th return trip by his parents, who wi1 make their home on an orchard tract which he recently purchase on Taylor Boulevard. Mrs. R. W. Henry had as her guests last week Charles Wortham of Fort Worth and Miss Austine Smith of San Benito. C. W Richmond and Bess and Ernest Richmond and Miss Edith Calender left Friday for San Anto nio and returned Monday accom panied by Miss Ada Lee Richmond who has been a student at the Pres byterian college at Milford. Texas and her friend. Miss Sarah Hamil ton of Bryan, who will be her guest Mr. and Mrs. B$n S. Hudson and three children are visiting at the home of Mrs. Hudson’s parents. Mr and Mrs. E H. Russell of Pharr. Mr and Mrs. Hudson live in Fredonia Kas. where Mr. Hudson Is owner and publisher of the Fredonia Dailv Herald. Frank Dearborn of Orange. Texas, grand patriarch of the Grand En campment of Texas Odd Fellows accompanied by Mrs. Dearborn and them daughter, was in the Valley late last week on an annual visit to the Valley lodges. He visited the* McAlien lodge on Friday evening and made an interesting talk on Odd Fellows' ideals. Mr and Mrs O. T Yates and son Oscar, and twin daughters. Bessie and Essie, have arrived from Mem-, GUEST PROBLEM THE 1 BIG CONSIDERATION "To Let" Ad. Stimulates Imagination of Famous Writer And She Visualizes the Coming and "Stay • ing” of Aunt Sue If House Is Large ft By WINIFRED BLACK “To let or lease—one five-room furnished house, bath, patio, swim ming pool, sleeping porch, large garden—valley view.” How interesting they are the “to-lets and to leases ’—now there’s the one in the next column: ■ uenueman s country resiaence. live rooms, four baths, living room, breakfast room, dining room, three servant's rooms, garage for four cars—ocean! view, full furnished—references required.” Which do you choose? Four baths, five master rooms! How nice and roomy but what shape are the rooms? Are they big and spacious and leisurely looking? How about the porches?—what's a Summer House without a porch or a patio or something? And just exactly what does the ocean view mean? —is it a peek and a promise or a good broad sweeping expanse of vivid blue and laughing white? Five master bedrooms—no. I don't want it—too much room for guests and not enough room to get away from them If Aunt Sue ever heard about that house and me in it, she'd be there with her twin poodles and her astrology books before I had the fresh curtains HK-.W . • M WINIFRED BLACK —leave if fn , “f „ *fe 1,4111 room- and shed stay all summer, too tn eJLfn.„ 1° * o And a11 the sweethearts who came to visit would have he talk when sh^o^hTl"^00,0 and night—always prowling through thl f ought,l°j!B asleep or “taking a breath" in the seat by the fountain m the moonlight, where no one but sweethearts should ever -— a phis, Tenn., to make their home! here. Mesdames Percy Herman. Pride. W. H. Kreidler. M. L. Kreidler and Miss Louise Herman attended open house Thursday evening at the Girl Reserve camp at Rio Hondo. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Moore and family and Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Os born and Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Nelson and son. Jack, enjoyed a swim and picnic supper Tuesday evening at the Cascade pool, when Billy Moore celebrated his twelfth birthday an niversary. and Mr. and Mrs. Osborn celebrated their wedding anniver sary. Among the McAllen girls who are attending the Girl Reserve camp at Rio Hondo are: Ruth Griffin. Alice Mae Seawell. Jean Samson. Adeline Herman. Dorothy and Maynett Kreidler and Virginia Pride. Mrs. Rose Bullock, who has been ill for some time, was taken to the municipal hospital the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Fraser moved Monday to Edinburg to make their home. I Amocng those who attended the Hidalgo county demonstration en campment which was held in McAl len at the County club on the 11th and 12th were: Mesdames L. Mc Guire. Albert Miller. Albert Reis. William Reis. W. W. Withers, Harry Berset. Minnie Parks. W. E. Craw ford. J. H. Beatty, Dave Garner. E. E. Bagby. J. M. Lawrence. W. M. Barnum, Floyd Lash. Glenn Rey nolds Fred Mishler and Harley Garl. Mrs. J. W. Bryant of San Antonio, who has been visiting with Mr. Bry ant of the Thomas W Blake Lumber company for the past two weeks, will leave Saturday night for San Antonio. She will return soon to make her home here. Mr and Mrs: George Kunz and Miss Marion Hasness left Tuesday ! fort Taft. Mr. Kunz returned home Thursday, but Mrs Kunz and Miss i Hasness remained for a longer visit in Taft and Edna. H. K. Hasness left Tuesday on a trip to Grand Rapids and Detroit. Mich., where he has business. Mr and Mrs. John Gatling re i turned Wednesday from Browns \ille. where Mr. Gatling underwent an operation for removal of his ton sils. Mr and Mrs. E. E Renfro and ; son. Jack, returned Friday from a j vacation trip to Corpus Christl.' They were accomnar.ied home by i Mr. and Mrs. T. H Markley of Hous- 1 ton. who were their week-end house I guests. Mrs. Richard Henderson and Mrs.: Thomas Me hone were guests of Mrs. ; Temple Wall of Weslaco, who enter tained Tuesday afternoon at the Casa de Palmas tea room. Miss Ada Lee and Bess Richmond. ! Sarah Hamilton and Helen Duck worth of Alamo went to Harlingen Tuesday to attend the shower given for Misses Martha and Aletta Lam berth. Mrs. L. F Sanford and daughters. Vervelv Jean and Bettie Louise, have •gone to Fort Worth for a visit and will later leave for Hobart. Okla . where thev will visit with Mrs. San fo-rt's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Les O'Neal have re sit at all—in the moonlight anyhow. Poor Aunt Sue, she Is so hungry to be "in things." I’m afraid that's the reason she's always out of them. No, I don't care for Aunt Susan this summer, thank you. And there are the two Gigglv Girls! Let them have a hint of that house and all the room in It and we'd be in for a visitation. The Giggly-Girls and their friends, with the radio on all day and most; of the night and they tearing in and out of the house in bathing suits and in golf clothes and riding togs and giggling every minute about nothing. And quarreling in r kind of cattish wav. half hidden, over some young fool who’s in love with the Spanish dances at the casino and wouldn’t know one of the Giggly Girls by sight if he met her unex pectedly. And wasn’t that English woman we met in Italy coming to “The States” this summer? Oh horrors! No. I don’t want the gentleman’s country residence, it would be jamiped to the doors before we had our first breakfast in the all too commodious dining room. The five-roomer with the patio for me. thanks—valley view and all. and I can read all the silly novels I can find and hear the robins whisper ing together at twilight and listen to the blue Jays yelling the gossip of the country from tree to tree. It's a terrible test of friendship to live in the house all summer with the very nicest person you ever knew. Oh yes. I always read the “to let and to lease" ads. they are so stimu lating to the imagination. turned from a trip to San Antonio and Corpus Christi. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Smith left Monday for a vacation in Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Carey Smith and Rev. Granger Smith were Donna visitors on Tuesday. Bob Martin left Wednesday for a visit with his son. James, who is vis iting in San Antonio. Mr. and Mrs. John Cardwell have as their guests Mr. Cardwell’s mother. Mrs. T. F. Cardwell of Dal las. Miss Letha Frame of San Antonio is enjoying a visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Frame. V. J. Eckelkamp left Saturday for Galveston, where he went to attend the firemen's convention. He ex pects to return home Sunday. Robert Bourdette of Winfield. Kas.. is visiting his brother. Harry Bourdette. and his sister. Mrs. Flor ence Fox. Chic is the one word that describes the new sum mer .... Even 5n hard water, dirty dishes are easy to wash But before washing them, you must soften the water with Melo. Soap and soft water never make scum. In soft water no dirty ring forms around the dishpan. Dishes sparkle in soft water and grease is cut. Water softened with Melo is a wonderful cleaner, with or without soap. Melo makes soap more effec tive, saving from % to % the amount ordinarily used. Use Melo wherever you want soft water. Get it at your grocer's. They c..e shown in white, black, navy, and all pastel shades— made with the smart ness that Libby’s al- ^ ways emphasize. *5== & $7== I Exclusive Ladies' Apparel 124? Elizabeth ) ■ 1 i".; v.i. .■■■' r=a m ~\ MA A0 WAT IA PIUS M(fO MAXIS SOfT WAT| A % R*«. L S ftt Off . \*6U0 WATER SOFTENED WITH MELO IS A REMARKABLE CLEANER 10 cents THE HYGIENIC PRODUCTS CO. Canton. Ohio Atanujot. tartrj at Sani-Fhuk r JUST AMONG US GIRLS L -J v I'll kxfc you canb name one oPlhe wonders . oPthe Vorld,Tess.2/ , . , %EASY— I WONDER how Ndlic dresses tike thab on RPteen c a week2 MERCEDES PERSONALS Mr. and Mr?. J. H. Freeman and daughter, Mrs. Henry Freeman, left Saturday for San Antonio. From San Antonio Mr. Freeman and daughter will go to St. Louis. Mrs. J. H. Freeman will go to Phoenix. Ariz. .and to points in California for the remainder of the summer. Mrs. L. M Findley and Mrs Mar garet King have Just returned from Boerne. Texas. En route home they visited in the home ol Mr. and Mrs. E. W Ruckel in San Antonio, for mer residents of Mercedes. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Crosswhite have recently moved to La Feria. where they will be at home in the Chapel apartments. Miss Maurine Perkins has return ed to her home in San Antonio, aft er a visit here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Barry. Miss Lela Edwards of Morris. Minn., is a guest here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards. Mrs Mae Hitt. Mr. and Mrs Mar cin Hitt and children of Duke. Okla., have returned home, after a visit here in the home of Mr. and Mrs J. O. Ward. Mr and Mrs. Claude Thigpen have returned to Mercedes from Ca nadian, where they disposed of their property. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Thigpen of Dallas, who will visit friends and relatives in the Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ater of Rio Grande City, were guests here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Elllff during the past week. Eric Green left this week for San Antonio to Join his wife and son. who have been visiting at that place and other points in Texas for the past three weeks. All will return to Mercedes the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Martin have returned to Brownsville, after a two weeks’ stay in Mercedes. Miss Minnie Elma Gause has re turned to her home in Memphis. Tenn.. after a visit here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Kirkpatrick. Capt. Ralph Stone has returned to his 4iome in Mexico City, after a visit with his brother. Owen Stone. Mrs. James Shaw' and daughter. Delight, have returned from Hous ton. where they have been visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs Clarence Chandies have moved to their new home near Rio Rica. Mrs. Jeff Vining left at the week end for California and other points where she will visit her daughters. Joyc V. Fountain left for Cali fornia Thursday, where he will be stationed at the navy training camp there. Menus Day ; By MRS. ALEXANDER GEORGE Raspberry Roil for Dessert Dinner Menu Buttered New Potatoes Lam Vermont Tomato Asparagus Salad Bread Currant Jelly Raspberry Roll Cream Coffee or Iced Tea Lamb Vermont, serving six (L'sing leftover cooked Iambi Six pieces hot buttered toast. 4 tablespoons butter or bacon fat. I | tablespoon chopped onion. 2 table spoons chopped green pappers. 11-2 cubs diced cooked meat. 1-3 cup ' broth, gravy or milk. 2 eggs, well i beaten. Place the butter in a frying pan When hot add the onion and green pepper. Cook slowly for 3 minutes, add the meat and broth. Cook for ' 4 minutes Add the eggs and cook | for 1 minute. Tomato Asparagus Salad, serving six Six whole tomatoes, peeled. 12 1 stalks canned or cooked asparagus 1-4 cup diced celery. 1-4 cup sliced radishes. 1-4 teasooon salt. 1-4 tea spoon paprika. 2 tablespoons chill sauce. 1-2 cup mayonnaise. Chill the ingredients. Remove the blossom ends and parts of the In sides of the tomatoes. Stuff with the asparagus, celery and rad ishes. Sprinkle with the salt, paprika and chill sauce. Serve in lettuce leaves and top with the may onnaise. Raspberry Roll, serving six One and one-half cups flour. 3 teaspoon sale. 3 tablespoons fat 1-2 cup milk. 2 cups raspberries. 2-3 cup sugar. 1 tablespoon flour. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Mix the 11-2 cup of flour, baking j powder and sale. Cut In the fat with a knife. Add the milk slowly, until a soft dough forms. Pat out until the dough is 1-2 inch thick. Spread with the rest of the ingredients. Roll up like a jelly roll and place In a greased pan. Bake In a moderate oven for 20 minutes. Serve cut in l inch slices. Dear Annie Laurie: I am a young girl of 17 and have i several boys friends but I do not care for them except for the good times they show me. However. I have a boy friend whom I care for more than I do for the others. I have lost his attention and wish to regain it. Will you please advise me how to do so? BABE Babe: It Is very evident, my dear. ; that you are treating the boy you really like in much the same man ner as the others, whom you do not care for at all. Probably he real ized this and acted accordingly. Why go out at all with boys who do not interest you except insofar as they invite you to “go places and do things.” As you grow older you will realize The thing that counts is not the place, but the person. Give up these boys who do not mat ter. devote yourself to the young man whose real friendship you seek and you will be much happier. This does not mean, how-ever. that you must not go out with others— you are far too young to take love se riously. For Men, Women and Children t JANTZEIS Swimming Suits “The Suit that changed Bathing to Swimming” iJANTZEN. “the Suit that chang ed Bathing to Swimming”, is made of the best, long-fibred C wool—it will not stretch nor pull • out of shape. It is modeled to fit the body and give absolute freedom of move ment—stylish and smart looking. All Sizes Three Price Ranges $5 $^50