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' >jg| 15ihf limunsville 1 !i* THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR—No. 351 BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1929 SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY • 5c A COP? IN OUK i VALLEY THE WRITER of this column the other day said: "Corpus Christi and Galveston, whether Intentionally or not. are •hogging’ a great deal of the pub licity incident to ginning of the first bale of cotton.” And now the writer of "The Crow’s Nest." front page column In the Corpus Christi Caller, apjwars to have the Idea that his paper, and more particularly himself, have been assailed or charged with some high crime. One error was made in the criti cism of the publicity stories by The Herald writer—that was failure to be explicit—and we offer an apol ogy to The Caller and others. • • • The Caller is not only always fair to the Valley—It often praises this section and gives it valuable pub licity. The Caller also is always friendly with The Herald—and The Herald with The Caller. And so there was no complaint of the stories printed In that paper about the first bale The Valley and Edcouch got all the credit to which they were Justly entitled. The Cor pus Christi Times, afternoon Cor pus Christi paper, likewise was emi nently fair to the Valley and Ed couch. • a • OUR COMPLAINT was with stories sent over the Associated and United Press wires, originating in Corpus Christi and along the route of the plane which transported the bale to New York City. And let it be understood here that we are not jealous of the publicity Corpus Christi received as a result of the first bale being taken there. The cotton exchange of that city was opened to the bale when others had been closed against it. Corpus Christi interests forwarded it by airplane to New York and thereby merited additional publicity — and | we hope they reap the reward to which they are entitled—an In creased interest in their fine port. • • • But we Insist that our first charge was true. It will be noted we expressed doubt that it was in tentional. And we suggest again—as wc did In the first instance—that a pub J'dte man should be sent along witfi the next first bale, to see that ♦h*pValley gets the publicity to which it is entitled. And the writer of The Crow’s Nest will agree that Is wily fair. • • • One more proof of our conten tion that the Valley was not "done right by” and then we are done: The Associated Press story tell ing of the sale of the first bale on !he New York Cotton Exchange said: 'The first bale of cotton of the 1929 crop, brought here by airplane from Texas, was auctioned off on the floor of the New York Cotton Exchange." Nowhere In the story was the fact mentioned that the bale was I grown in the Valley. Purely ignor ance on the part of the Associated 1 Press New York correspondent—but proof the Valley should have had a representative with the bale • • • ADVANTAGES of the Brownsville deep water channel were discussed In Washington yesterday—pro and con. Now there is nothing more to be done but to await filing of briers by the Point Isabel-San Benito dis trict and the decision of the United States engineers. After that decision Is handed down there will be other and more interesting things done which It Is hoped will result in construction of an adequate deep water port tn the near future. The Valley needs a port and tha •ooner it is built the greater the benefits are going to be. These benefits include reduced freight costs and these reduced rates are imperative to the pros perity of Valley agriculturists. • * * TODAY Is “Juneteenth." the day on which negroes celebrate their > emancipation. The first Valley-wide observance of the day is being held at Fair park in Harlingen. It might be timely for that assemblage to adopt a resolution addressed to President and Mrs. Hoover for their kind reception of a member of their race who is in Washington as a representative of a Chicago district. • • • SNOW FALLS in California—the East rwalters under a hot spell such as . WxAhat section enjoy.v-while the wBey. cooled bv a constant breeze from the Gulf of Mexico. [ aoes the even tenor of its wav and it* citizens enjoy "the finest climate in the world" summer and winter. Come to the Valley. j MONTERREY OFFICIAL POSTPONES TRIP HERE Col. Julio Ceiudo. inspector of police at Monterrey scheduled to arrive her* Tue*dpv afternoon over the Onruor»eicn A*ronautic» c«e Transport*'.'; air lino, was not • passenger cm the ship but ser* word by the pilot that he would be here the latter part of the week, and that probablv his fnmilv wi’l come with him Luis Colsa. Mexi can customs official, announced to day* ACCORD NEAR IN AMERICAN CO JYSALE 7 Engineers to Price Irrigation System After Comple ting Thorough Surveys (Special to The Herald* MERCEDES, June 19.—A peace able settlement of the cont-oversy between the American Rio Grange Land and Irrigation company and the farmers of the district over the price to be paid by the farmers for the irrigation system appeared nearer today than ever before as a result of a conference held here Monday. A board of seven engineers, after a thorough survey of the properties, is to place a valuation on the dis trict. It is reported the American company officials have agreed to abide by this price and the board of directors of Hidalgo county wa ter control and improvement district No. 9 have agreed to recommend to the farmers that the figure set be paid for the system. One member of the board of sev en, W. F. Shaw, will represent the American company, one member. C. A. Lowrey of the engineering firm of Henric-Lowrey. Kansas City, Mo.. will represent the directors of the district and the other five will be well known Valley engineers. They are A. Tamm. Harlingen: E. B. Gore. Brownsville: W. E. Anderson. San Bentio, Walter Amthor, La Feria. and E. M Card. McAllen. It has been agreed that all rec ords be available to this board of seven, including data on the survey of the district, which has bepn held secret by the directors since it was completed several months ago. Lowrey is In Kansas City, but has been notified of the appointment of the board and is expected to ar rive here in a few days. A meeting of the board with of ficers of the American company and directors of the district has been set for 10 a. m. Thursday. (Special to The Herald) EDINBURG. Texas. June 17 — Hearing on the application of the American Rio Grande Land end Irrigation' company of Mercedes to increase rates for water service on irrigated lands in Hidalgo and Cam eron counties will be held before the state board of water engineers at Austin on July 22. it was announced here by A Wr. McDonald, secretary to the board. Date for the hearing was original ly set for July 8 at Autsln but at the reauest of the American com pany who requested additional time to prepare data on the matter. It was reset for July 22. The company Is asking for a flat rate of $6 per acre on the entire system and $3 per acre per watering or $3 per acre-foot where water is metered. TELCO MEMBERS HERE FORM UKELELE CLUB A ukulele club with 17 members was organized by the Telco club Tuesday evening at a snecial called meeting held in the office of the telenhone company. Ukuleles have been ordered and the club expects to hold two prac tice sessions a week. The dub also voted to hold a tackey party Saturday evening. The affair will be staged at the home of , Mrs. R. W. Pitts in West Browns | ville. Prizes will be offered. Liquor Runners and Customs Men Battle ....&.• - — » WEDDING GUESTS * * * SEE DOUBLE AT y * * . TWIN CEREMONY ANDERSON. Ind., June 19 —Six set* of twins figured in a wedding here last night. Alverta and Lavera Morgan, Vincennes. Ind.. twins, married Paul Breitweiser of Chicago, and the Rev. Herman Smith of Flint, Mich., respectively, in a double ceremony. Mildred and Miriam Fossmev er. tains, of Indianapolis, sang before the ceremony. Ruth and Mildred Cooper and Bernice and Pauline Bond. iVn cennes. Ind.. twins, were brides maids. Mary and Clara Weiler. also twins from Vincennes, were^s of honor. Martha and Mary Lakey, four vear-old Anderson, Ind., twins, were flower girls. The Rev. Miss lavaughn Hall cf Broken Arrow. Okla.. perform ed the ceremony at tha Park Place Church of God. V - WINDSOR. Ont.. June 19.—— Alter a swift moving revolver battle In Detroit river just today rum run ners of the East Windsor sector retreated into Canadian waters aft er shooting a hole in the prow of a United States customs patrol cut ter. There were no casualties. The rum runners deliberately opened fire without notice on the American boat, Walter S. Petty, acting collector of customs at De troit, said. His men returned the volley and chased the intruders back to the Canadian shore. The battle started. Petty said, when the rum craft was about 100 feet off the foot of Joseph Cam pau avenue. Detroit. The border patrol was gliding down stream and was about 50 feet from the runner when Its crew of several men blazed away suddenly with revolvers The bullets drummed against the gov ernment boat and blasted a hole above its water line. “Our men returned the fire promptly.” Petty added. “The rum runners swung abcut and retreated toward Canada, maintaining a heavy fire at our boat.” Petty charged the firing from the rum boat continued long after it had reached Canadian waters. The customs boat abandoned the chase at the international line. i 4 PRESIDENT SIGNS FARM BILL _i President Hoover Is shown si gning the agricultural bill. Groupe d around him, left to right, Senator McNary, chairman agricultural mmittee; Vice President Curtis; Re prcsentative Haugen, chairman hcu~e agricultural committee. (By telephoto from New York). 3 SAN BENITO HOMES ROBBED — One Suspect Held and Three Wanted In Other Cases Are Rounded Up — (Special to The Herald) SAN BENITO. June 19 —As a re- | suit of a series of petty house rob- ! beries here last night one suspect j was being held in jail, another man was being sought and three men j wanted on other charges had been rounded up by Chief of Police Luke Waters and members of the local police force. The homes of V. E. Howell, in San Benito, and J. J. Mangham. on the outskirts of the city, were robbed of guns, a camera, a quantity of cloth ing and other articles early in the evening. A few hours later Amador Mal denado was arrested while riding horseback along the river road near La Paloma. south of here. His horse was loaded with a large bundle of various articles. The ’oot taken from him later was identified by Howell and Mangham as theii property, oficers said. The home of C. M. Wilds was en tered and the housebreaker on this iob was being sought. In the hunt for him. Chief Waters arrested Emilio Melendez. said to have cs caoed jail at Brownsville, and two others wanted on different charges. — Brownsville Man Addresses Valley Merchants’ Group (Special to The Herald) EDINBURG. June 19.—The chief address of the regular meeting of Valley Retail Merchants’ Secretaries held "here last, night, was delivered bv Ralph A. Dunkleberg of Browns ville. Ten secretaries heard his talk on collections, j Dunkleberg told of a new collec tion bureau that he is opening to be known as the Valley Retail Mer chants' Collection Service. The service will be Valley-wide under protected plans. The next meeting cf the secreta ries will be held in Mercedes July 16. WAS IT PRIDE # * * OR STARVATION * * * KILLED NELSON? CHICAGO, June 19 —UP‘—A physician gave the cause of John Nelson's death as starvation. Po lice believe it was pride. Nelson was 70 years old. Not , so long ago he lived at a home for old folks, but he ran away. He said he couldn't stand charity any longer. He had a little money, and he i engaged a small room at a ho tel. The room rent took all his money. There was none for food; but at least he was able to put ! forth the appearance of a man who did not have tp live on charity. Yesterday he stood at the win dow’ of a delicatessen. The odor of food came through the open door from the steam tables. His eyes feasted on the tempting window display. He fell in a faint, and died without regaining consciousness. Doctors said it was starvation. But police said it was pride. JOHNSTON’S SON HONORED Receive* Special Degree In Commencement At Har vard Today • Special to The Herald» CAMBRIDGE. Mass.. June 19 — With Its traditional impressive ceremonies Harvard University will celebrate its 293rd annual com mencement Thursday in Sever Quadrangle. Russel Johnston, of Brownsville, will be awarded the degree of mas ter of business administration with honors in recognition of his pro ficiency in academic work. The Brownsville honor man re ceived his A. B. at University of Texas in 1927. The Howard busi ness course requires two years graduate study. Friday is the date of the Har vard-Yale boat race at New’ Lon don. the last event of the com mencement program. Russell Johnston was in Browns ville just one day before the death of his father. Col. William T. John ston. who was commander at Fort Brown. He came home after the completion of his last final exami nation at the instance of his mother, although Colonel Johnston w’anted him to remain for graduation exer cises before coming to Brownsville. Although no Immediate fear for the Colonel's life was expressed as hi-; son was ene route to the post here. Col. Johnston was stricken oi the afternoon of his son's arriva and died the next day. TESTIMONY FOR ROBISON OPENS Motion to Acquit Land Commissioner !s Turn ed Down AUSTIN. June 19— Testi mony for J. T. Robison, commis sioner of the general land office, respondent in charges proposing im peachment. pending before the housu of representatives, was be gun today. % A motion to acquit Mr. Robison of “high C crome and misdemeanor” and find him guilty of “indiscretion inconsistent with the proper con duct of public office,” was rejected by the house yesterday. 70 to 40. after proponents of the charges had completed presentation of the testi mony. Rep. S. E. Barnett of Greenville, who proposed immediate disposi tion of the charges without hearing from th erespondent, said he felt the charges would be sustained in the end and that time already con sumed had been lost to the legisla ture. His move was opposed by Rep. Grady Woodruff of Decatur, who claimed that if Robison “cannot ex plain that $72,000 of misspent money” the people of his district would insist that he be removed from office.” He stated that to carry Barnett's motion would amount to merely "a slap on the wrist.” Representatives Ray Holder of Dallas and J. C. Albritton of York town contended it would be unfair even to reprimand the commissioner by finding him guilty of indiscre tion without first giving him a chance by the introduction of testi mony to prove that he had not act (Continued on page thirteen.) ...— .—1*1 .. San Benito Police Capture Two Bank Robbery Suspect* 'Special to The Herald' SAN BENITO, June 19.—Two men believed to be wanted in Okla homa in connection with a bank robbery, were on their way back to that state today following their capture here by Chief of Police Luke Waters. The men said their names were Bill Treadwell. 21. and Robert Mil ler. 23. and admitted, according to police here, that an automobile which they had in their possession, was stolen in Oklahoma. Deputy Sheriff Charles Allen of Enid. Okla.. took the men back. Police here believe a reward Is pending for the men s capture. They were arrested in an alley Harlingen School Bond Issue Voted In Close Election -- ■ — (Special to The Herald! HARLINGEN. June 19.—Contract I for construction of one of the fin est high school buildings in the south was expected to be let within a few days, following voting of a $100,000 bond issue in a close elec tion here Tuesday - The vote was 278 for the bonds to 217 against Seven mutiliated ballots were not counted, offiicals reported. Bids for the high school were opened by the board recently and it was found that about $250,000 or hand from a previous issue would not be sufficient to finance the structure. At first the advisibllitj of altering the plans was consid ered but later the board decided to c*ll an election to secure the needed fund* PORT HEARING IN W ASHINGTON IS COMPLETED Creager Repr esents Point Isabel Men; Decision Will Be Given Later Bv II. L. SEXTON WASHINGTON. June 19.—As serting that the Brownsville navi- j gation district is prepared to meet the government with a 25-foot channel at Brazos Santiago pass if the government will finance deep ening of the outer channel to that depth, attorneys and the engineer of the district today appealed to the federal board of rivers and har bors engineers for modification of a report recently submitted by Major Philo P. Fox, district engi neer at Galveston. The Point Isabel-San Benito navigation district, represented by R. B Creager. attorney, and Major Rufus Putnam, engineer, appeared in opposition to the proposed modi fication. The board of rivers and harbors engineers, at the conclusion of the hearing, announced that no deci sion would be handed down pend ing submission of briefs by the Point Isabel-San Benito interests. Representatives of the Browns ville navigation district included H. L. Yates and R. B. Rentfro. attor neys; Robt. J. Cummins, engineer: Z. A. Rosenthal and John Gregg, members of the navigation district commission; G. C. Richardson. W. E. McDavltt, and J. L. Blanton. The history of the Brownsville! port project was cited by H. L.1 Yates, who contended that the i channel was first proposed in 1852 and that a survey had been made in 1910. He stated that the Brownsville interests had later ac- i cepted the Point Isabel project, and had worked with that in view un t til It became evident that it would be necessary for Brownsville to pro vide the major part of a channel direct to Brazos Santiago pass, passing about a mile south of Point Isabel. He stated that the Brownsville district could not co operate in construction of a chan nel outside the boundaries of the district, and that Brownsville had voted bonds In the amount of $2. 000.000 to construct a direct chan nel. R. B. Creager. speaking on behalf of the Point Isabel-San Benito dis trict. said that district had voted bonds in the amount of $500,000, and that the requirements of the government in connection with the «Continued on page 13.> HOOVER DRY POLICY HIT Virginia Senator States President Has Gone Far Afield WASHINGTON. June 19.—— The Hoover administration was con demned in the senate today by Sen ator Glass, democrat. Virginia, for ‘‘submergin’’ the prohibition problem in its proposad law enforcement in quiry. The Virginia Senator was the author of the $250,000 fund appro priated last session b ycongress for the purpose of an inquiry under the direction of the president Into pro hibition. This is the fund now being used by the Hoover law enforcement commission, and Glass declared that "both the president and the com miission have gone as far afield as it is possible to go when they talk about reorganizing the Judicial pro cedure.” i CO-ED SLAIN . ___I Thcora Hix, above, 25-year old medical student at Ohio State University, whose body, badly mutilated, was found on a rifle range near Columbus. James H. Snook, below, Ohio State University professor of veterinary medicine, who ad mitted a clandestine affair with Miss Hix. RELATI0NSW1TH SLAIN GIRL TOLD Professor Held In Jail Ad vances Own Theory of Co-ed’s Murder COLUMBUS. Ohio. June 19.—W —Dr. James Snook, dismissed pro fessor who posed as the husband of Theorla Hix. 24. slain Ohio State University co-ed, freely discussed his relations with the girl and ad vanced his own theories of murder in the first interview granted by officials who today held him for investigation as they continued their hunt for evidence. Snook has been lodged in Jail with Marion T. Meyers, member of the university horticultural expert ental staff, since a few hours after the girl’s body was found last Fri day. Meyers is a former suitor. Snook told newspapermen he thought a chance acquaintance on an automobile ride might have killed her. "Our affair was not a fool, silly love affair,” he said. "Once she said she would not marry me oo a bet. even if I didn't have a wife and child. I was willing to quit whenever she said so. I was doing everything for her own good ” Snook then told of her friend ship for Meyers. He and the girl separted for a time but came back together, he said, when she broke with Meyers. “Afterward she said she missed automobile rides with him.” Snook asserted. It was during this time that she shared a room with him, w'hile maintaining a room at a boarding house and still another at the Y. W. C. A. First Day of July 4 Fund Drive Pleases Heads; to Continue “We wish to thank Brownsville citizens who responded to our call for financial aid with which to put over the celebration here July Fourth,” said John Fanning, chair man of the finance committee Mon day afternoon after the first day’s drive for funds, necessary to pro vide the entertainment features on a program designed to outshine any ever heretofore presented in the Valley. Fanning declared that the com mittee. while It did not reach the goal set by the chairman, was sat isfied with its first day’s work, and will continue to canvass the entire city a Matamoros until the fund of $7,000 has been raised. “We missed quite a number of the merchants of the city who were on vacations or out of town on bus iness.” Fanning said, “but the com mittee is out again today and we will continue to make the rounds until everybody has been reached. An appeal to the Rotary club Wednesday and to the Kiwanls club Thursday was scheduled to be made in order that those who cannot otherwise be reached may be able tc donate. Mrs. Volney W. Taylor, chairman of the pageant committee, an nounced Wednesday morning that she has secured 30 princesses from Valley towns who will attend the queen of the celebration, who will be a Brownsville girl, and whose name will not be announced prior be ready for announcement within to the pageant. The names of the princesses will a few days. Mrs. Taylor said. The celebration will be closed with a dance at Hotel El Jardin, honoring the queen and her attend ant*. " . ARREST FIVE AFTER CRASH NEARCOMBES City, County and U. S. Officer* Join Hunt For Men Who Flee Tequila Car Special to The Herald > HARLINGEN. June 19.-An auto mobile crash on the highway be tween this city and Combes late Tuesday, resulted In injury to two persons, upset one car and exposed a cargo of more than 200 quarts of tequila, caused a posse to assemble and beat the brush In surrounding country for two hours and broufht city, county and federal officers into the search. Two men finally were tracked down and arrested by the officers and the posse, one other man later surrendered and two others were held as owners of the car in which the liquor was being transported. They were to be charged with hav ing a financial interest in the liquor. The car carrying the load of • iiquer was crossing the highway at Combes at a high rate of speed, according to spectators, when the collision occurred. George Pletcher. driver of the car coming down the highway, was seriously injured and Mrs Pletcher. only other occupant of the car. was shaken up. Three men occupying the lu«or laden car Jumped to the ground and began a race for freedom to ward Wilson Tract. Farmers and others near the scene of the accident at once gath ered rifles, shot guns and other offensive weapons and took up the chase. Alarm Sounded An alarm was sounded at Har lingen. and almost the entire police force, members of the border pa trol, Sheriff Frank Brown and Deputy Sheriffs Longoria and Wheaton arrived on the scene 13 minutes later. Two farmer; whose names could not be learned captured two of the occupants of the car in a cornfle d but the third man. exhibiting great soeed. outran the whole force. Including automobiles en gaged in th*' hunt. He surrendered to Denuty Lnngorl? Mondav night. Officers who Joined in the search for the men following the r'<i included Sheriff Frank Brow n *' - mon Longoria, a deputy «h ^, three border patrol officer*. *4 vj Ferguson. W R. Bradv. K. 8. Len mn^ton. Harbneen Chief of Police R. H. Johnson and Special Ranger J. H. Ferguson Hilario Noyola, one of the oecu nanfs of the liounr car. was brought to the county Jail and charged with rnRsessin? and transporting liquor. Miguel Monta'vo and Jose R*"<*s Torres the other two. arc jp ritv ia'l at Harlingen and will *) l brought b“*e later To File Charges Deputy Longoria said charges of conspiracy to aid in transportinr liouor would be filed against two more men. one of whom loaned the car and the other owner of the car. Sheriff Brown said the car car ried 16 cases of liquor. The con tents of four of these were missing when officers reached the scene EXPECT SHOWERS IN VALLEY THIS WEEK Showery weather over the lower Valley for the next day or two is predicted by W. J. Schnurbusch. head of the weather bureau here. Rainfall is expected to be local, however, and no general disturb ance is expected Light showers fell in Brownsville early Wednesday morning, and Mis sion. Harlingen and San Bentto also report local precipitation. For Brownsville and the Valley: Mostly cloudy and unsettled tonight; and probably Thursday, with local showers this afternoon and tonight. Light to moderate variable winds on the west coast. For East Texas: Partly cloudy tonight and Thursday; probably showers on the west coast. Light to moderate easterly to southerly winds on the coast. RIVER FORECAST There will be no material change in the river during the next 24 to 48 hours. Flood Present 24-Hr. 24-Hr. Stags Stags Chng. Bair Eagle Pass .. 16 2.3 +0.1 .00 Laredo . 27 -0.5 0.0 .00 Rio Grande . 21 4.5 -0 3 .00 Mission . 22 4 4 0.0 .If San Benito . 23 8.3 -0.2 .Of Brownsville . 18 3.7 -0.3 .01 TIDE TABLE High and low tide at Point Isa be; tomorrow, under normal meteor ological conditions; High . 4:54 a. m Low.8:34 p. n» MISCELLANEOUS DATA Sunset today . 7:24 Sunrise tomorrow . 5:38 A