LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT CITATION BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS To the 8heriff or Any Constable V Cameron County. Greeting: You are hereby commanded that, ay making publication of this writ in some newspaper of general cir- 1 culation published in the County of Cameron. State of Texas, once in each week foi two consecutive weeks previous to the return day | nereof, you summon all parties in terested in Cameron County Water Improvement District No. 8. in Cameron County. Texas, to be and appear at the next regular term of he Distrie* Court of Cameron , County. Texas. 103rd Judicial Die-, trict of Texas, to be begun and hold •n at the Court House of said County, in the City of Brownsville, Texas, on the third Monday in Julv. 1929 same being the 15th day of July .1923. then and there to answer: a petition filed in said court on the, 17th day of June. 1929. by Cam eron County Water Improvement; District No. 8. in Cameron County. | Texas, and by C. P. Barreda. F. G Gilloek. Margaret Seabury. R. P Barreda and Agustin Celaya Jr. j Directors cf said District, constitut ing its Board of Directors and mi- j mg therein on behalf of and for the use and benefit of said District, in a certain action or proceeding in | the nature of a proceeding in rem i numbered 8585 on the docket of said! court, and entitled; In re: Cam-' eron County Water Improvement District No. 8. in Cameron County. Texas, and then and there to con test. if they deem proper, the alle gations of said petition and the re lief therein prayed, said petition al leging in substance as follows: THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CAMERON In the District Court of Cameron County. Texas. 102rd Judicial Dis trict. To the said Court: Your petitioners. Cameron Coun-j ty Water Improvement District No 8. in Cameron County. Texas, and C P. Barreda F. G. Gilloek. Mar garet Seabury. R. P. Barreda and Agustin Celaya. Jr. Directors ofj said District, consuming its Beard of Directors and suing herein on behalf cf and for th? use rnd bene fit of said District, allege and unto the Court respectfully show 1 That the said Cameron Countv Water Improvement District No. 8 Is a public corporation and defined; district, created and existing under and by virtue of the Constitution and laws of the State cf Texas, be ing of the class commonly known as Water Improvement Districts having heretofore been organised, created and established as pro vic ed bv Chapter 2 of T'tle 128 of th? Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, re vision of 1925 and acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto authorizing Commissioners' Courts to create and establish wat-r im provement districts, and having the following boundaiics. to-wit: 1C.44707 acres of land, more or, less situated wholly in Cameron County. Texas, and being a part of Share’No. I of the Espiritu San*o Grant in that county, which share mas allotted and set apart to the heirs and assigns cf Est'fana Go ceascochea by decree partitioning said grant rendered by the District. Court of Cameron County, Texas cn May 6 *839. in Cause No. 1316 entitled M Kenedy. R King, et nl ra. Thomas Carson, administrator, C? Maria Joscfa Cavazos et al. sairr b*irg all cf the land contained Ttthin th? exterior limits of said, district of the grots acreage of 11 - 425 21 acres, save and except the town site of Barreda containing! 778 17 acres, and the town'dtes of CantanOr. containing 200 34 acres, j which said two townsites are cv ciutied from and form no i>a: t o.; the territory of sa.d district. The said gross area within "r exterior limits of this district. t n * a in ing 11.425 21 acres. js described bv ihe metes and bounds thereof a* follows, to-wit: Desertion of Gross Area. Con taining 11.425 21 Acres. Beginning at the Sou*hca.t cor ner of the Canales Tract in Share! No 1 of the Espiritu Santo Grant. 1 r Cameron County. Texas: ther.ce with the North line of the Talma-, chalito Banco No. 7. North 51 fie-, frees 38 1-2 minutes East 141261 fret; thence North 42 degrees 53 minutes East 2094 3 feet to the North comer of the Cavazos Tract.; thence South 53 degrees 30 minutes Esit 696 6 feet to a point in the Military Road: thence with said Military Road Soi:*h 32 degrees 10 minutes Ea t 673.0 foot; thence South 18 degree* 52 minutes Eas. 0 feet • thence South 6 degrees 04* minutes West 1222.0 feet; thence South 37 degrees 26 m nutes East 1700 0 feet. Thence South 39 de? g-ees 38 minutes East 1171.0 feet, thence South 21 degrees 46 1-2 min utes East 902.0 feet: thence South 6 degree . 25 1-4 minutes East 600 0 feet: thence South o degrees 17 minutes West 563.0 feet: thence Fouth 47 degrees 15 1-2 minutes, v-f«« 234 2 f*c< thence along tr? Ceuth line of the Cavazos rroct Iculh 52 degrees 40 minutes West T713 4 feet" thence South 66 degrees. ?T minuter. West 3620 feet; thenc* South 81 degrees 22 minutes West 13*7 0 f-*«t to a point in the renter I me of an old River Channel: !hw» with MKl 0!2!Br;Vn!„?haF" . SSj"ftSs'TSw south 13 degree. 23 minute:. West 268 ! feet vritb the West line ot the B»rre the Southeast corner of said 2 61 po--k tract' thence North S3 degrees t-^nSSk Fast 1MJ<«to ,tte fodthwest corner of the Narcuse C de Ortlr 27.41 act tract: thence North 7 degres 57 Mminutesast 35112 feet: thence south 82 degree* 0. minutes East 362.0 feet to a point! on the West line of the Jose Cantu 5811 acre tract: thence North 7de e*oex 57 1-4 minutes East 2003 . fthence North 7 degrees 42 1-2 w minutes East 1469.4 feet; thence | » LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT South 82 degrees 17 1-2 minutes Erst 369.8 feet to e point on the west line of the Josefa C. de Rock 73.91 acre tract: thence North 7 degrees 42 1-2 minutes E. 2527 9 feet: thence South 82 degrees 17 1-2 minutes East 303 7 feet to a point in the West line of the Antonio Barreda 1659.12 acre tract; thence North 7 degrees 42 1-2 minutes E 32.966 9 feet to the northwest corner of the Anto nio Barreda tract: thence South 82 degrees no minutes Fas* 1857 4 f~c* to a point on the West line of the lowrr Fourth of Share No. 1 of the Ecpiritu Santo Grant: thence North 7 degrees 41 3-4 minutes East 9706.6 feet to a point in the center line of; th# Iowa Gardens Hoad: thence North 80 degrees 30 minutes min-, utes West 1!.658.9 feet to the North-] west corner of the Canales Tract:; tnence with the W'est line of said Cana'cr. Tract South 8 degrees 33 1-2 minutes West 30.405 feet to a point in the center lin" of the Rancho Vieio Resaca; thence South 44 de-| grees 00 minutes East 235.0 feet: | thence South 64 degrees 45 minutes i East 380 0 feet; thence South 8 de grees 05 1-2 minutes West 6634 1 feet: thence S. 8 degrees 18 1-2 min* i utes W. 8247.4 feet to the place of beginning. containing 11.425.21 , acres. The towrsit? of Barreda. con- j taining 778 17 acres, excluded from; '•aid district is described bv metes j and bounds thereof as follows: Beginning at a point on the North right-of-way !in«* of State Highway] No. 190. North 83 cf'-grees. 40 min-j utes West 3064 5 feet from the in-1 tersection of the East line of Dis-! frict No. 8 with the North richt-of way line of State Highway No. 100 ’ for the place of beginning; Thenc# North 6 degrees 20 min utes East. 2854.5 feet: Thence North 83 degrees 40 min utes West. 5985.1 feet: Thence South 35 degrees 00 min utes East. 12827 feet; Thence South 74 dc^^es 02 1-2 ‘ minutes West. 2344.0 feet: Thence Smith js ee South 84 degrees SI min utes West. 855 0 feet: Thence South 60 degrees 22 1-2 minutes West. 1496 feet: Thence North 48 degrees 59 1-2 minutes West. 940 fee*: Thenc? South 93 degrees 10 min utes West. 405.8 feet: Thence South 61 degrees 09 min-; utes West. 211 feet: Th'nco South 46 de?re?s 36 min-| utes West. 1790 4 feet: Thence South 53 degrees 11 min ute- West. 771.7 feet: to the place] of beginning, containing 200 34] acres. 2 That said district was created un-j der Section 59 of Article 16 of th**, Constitution of ihe Sta*e of Texas! and the statutes enacted in pur-: suancc thereto, and is now. both by original creation and by conver sion pursuant, to law. a Conserva tion and Reclamation District, or ganized and operating under Sec tion 59 of Article 16 of the Consti tution of Texas. 3. That th» -aid C P Barreda P., G Gillock Margaret Seabury. R P Barreda and Agustln Celaya. Jr. are thn duly elected qualified and acting directors of said District and; constitute its Board of Directors ; and were such directors and consti- j tuted such board ft ail the times! hereinafter mentioned. That th* said C P. Barr**da is the duly e’ected. qualifi*d and act ing President ol the Board of Di rectors of said District, and the sa*d Margaret Seabury is the duly appointed, qualified and acting Sec retary of said Board of Directors and that they, respectively, were such president end secretary at all of the times hereinafter mentioned 4 That heretofore, to-wit. on April 23. 1927. there was presented to the County Commissioners' Court of j "■ameron County. Texas, then in rrgular session, a petition in writ ing signed by F. G. Gillock and oth ers, being a majority in number of the holders of t’tle to the lands! istuated within the proposed dis trict and representing a majority in va’ue of the lands therein, as indi- j rated by the county tax rolls, of all the lands within the boundaries de scribed in said petition, pravmg for the establishment of a water im provement district, setting forth therein the necessity, public utility and feasibility of the project and the boundaries of said proposed district, and containing the other allegations and recitals requited by law. a copy of which petition is in cluded in the transcript of the pro ceedings had in the formation of said district, which transcript, duly certified as to each of said pro ceedings by the County Clerk of Cameron County. Texas, is filed herewith, is here referred to for all purposes and made a part hereof. That the said Commissioners Court on the same day and at same meeting at which said petition was presented, duly made and entered an order setting same down for a hearing before them at the Court House cf Cameron County. Texas, on the first day of the next regular term of said court, being May 9 1927 and ordered notice of such hearing to be given as required by law. which said order was duly en tered on the Minutes of said Court, as Is shown in the transcript of proceedings hereinbefore mention ed. which Is now her# referred to and made a part hereof. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT ~~6 That notice of said hearing was given in the manner and form and for the length of time required by law and in accordance with said or der setting the petition down for hearing, and due return was there of made, which said notice and re turn are shown in the aforesaid transcript and are now here refer red to and made a part hereof. 7. That thereafter, to-wit. on May 9. 1927. the day set for hearing, the said Commissioners' Court in reg ular session at the County Court House of Cameron County. Texas, heard and considered said petition and all objections and contests thereof and evidence in support of and against the same, as required by law. and at the conclusion of such hiring made and entered on the Minutes of said Court their findings to the effect that the crea tion and organization of such dis trict and the construction and pur chase of the proposed irrigation sys tem were feasible and practicable and that same are needed and would be a public benefit and a benefit to all the lands included in such district, and thereujjon. on the said 9th day of May. 1927. at said regular session the said court entered its order, judgment and de cree finding the facts aforesaid and creating and establishing a water improvement district in Cameron County, Texas, to be known as Cameron County Water Improve ment District No. 8". with the boundaries set out in said petition, and ordering an election to be held within and for said district on June 1. 1927. at which election there should be submitted the following propositions For th« Water Improvement Dis trict and "Against the Water Improvement District "For the issuance of notes of said district"' and "Against the issuance of notes of said district; •said notes being for the purpose of paying the cost of organization surveys, maps and plats and all other expenses incurred prior to the issuance of bonds*; and for the e. ectien of five directors for said district In said order directing such elec tion to be held a polling place for rurn election was desigiated and the judges and clerks of election were appointed. and notice of said ele~ 1*5” ordered to be given, posted and published, as required bv law f. ,n in ordpr 15 contained in tn tran3cnPt above referred to and the same is now he-e spe cially-referred to and made par* hereof. * 8. That notice of said election was snen in conformity with law and ;aid °.rder of the County Com mihiSCSr Cnii!rt' and b^ted and published in the maimer and for th** length of time required by law and that such election was duly and .Tully heki ar.d conducted cn the aforesaid day cf election and re turns of said election, properly m?de and certified, were returned in nc emdance with law. and were open ed and canvassed at th« meeting of said County Commissioners' Court ° uV’uhr m”’ntinned, a'l of which will more fully aopear from w/rll ,ransrr,pt r.hich is now he£of ‘° and mad° par 9. That thereafter, on the 13th dav or 12P7* at a resular session rn.,r!he f £ounty Commissioners’ court of Cameron Countv. Texas the returns of said election were opened and canvassed and the re sult thereof declared, and thereup on the said court made and enter ed in its Minutes an order finding and declaring that at said election the total number of vot's poPed was *;J aJl of said votes were for ta? water improvement district; and that a majority of the resident tax payers of said district, who were qualified voters thereof, at said e'eetton voted in favor cf the crea tion of said district, and that the .■ame number and the same ma jority had voted in favor of the fol lowing five persons for Directors of said district, to-writ: F o Gillock. C P Barreda. Agustin Cela\a Jr Margaret Eeahurv and Rodolfo P Rnrredr. end thereupon finding and n^rlcrinc and arJ’udejn^ that said district had been legally established under the npme of "Camercn Coun ty Water Improvement District No R with met*s and bounds **s there in sef out. beur: the same as in the neiitien flrr.t he*. menticn«d. and that the said five named persons had been duly elected as the direc tors cf said district. The afore said order is contained in full in the said transcript and is now here ref-rred to and made part hereof for all purposes. 10 That thereafter, to-wit. on June 22. 1927. at a session of the said court, the five persons so elected prerent'.d their oaths and bonds of office, each bond in the princi pal sum of $5000 00. with good and sufficient sureties and conditioned as required by law. all of which bonds were then and there in open court approved by the said court and the County Judge of Cameron County. Texas, and duly recorded Certified copies of these bonds and the orders approving same appear in the said transcrint and are now here referred to and made part hereof. 11. That in the original establish ment of said district the boundaries contained 10.182.68 acres, that is to say. a gross acreage within exterior limits of 10.902.68 acres, from which, however, was excepted the original townsite of Barreda containing 720 acres, more or less. That subsequently, by orders of the Board of Directors of said dls t.ict duly made and entered upon their minutes on July 16, 1928 and on August 6. 1928. an adjoining tract of 522 9 acres was included In nd made part of the district, a tract of 200.34 acres constituting the townsite of Santander was ex cluded from the district and the boundary lines of the original town site of Barreda were modified cl anging the acreage of said town site from 720 acres, more or less, to 778.17 acres, and thereby including portions of the original townsite in the district and excluding from the district portions of the present town site that were not parts of the ori ginal townsite. by all of which in clusions and exclusions the area embraced in said district became and has since remained, as set forth in paragraph 1 of this peti tion. A transcript cf the minutes and proceedings of the Board of Direc tors of said district had in connec tion with changes of boundaries by exclusion and inclusion, the ap pointment of its engineer, the en gineer's report, approval thereof 3nd other matters .eaciing up to and U - LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT l 11 ... .-. —.. ■■■..... .. ' including the adoption of the final project for the irrigation of lands within the district, and the issuance . of bonds to pay therefor, each sep 1 arately certified by the president and secretary of said Board of Di ; rectors, with the district s seal af fixed. is filed herewith and is here 1 referred to and made a part here of. 12. Tha*. each of the said directors and each of the persons elected as officers of said district was at the time of his election, and so remain ed at all times while serving as , such officer and director, a resi dent of the State of Texas and the owner of lands within, and subject i to taxation by. said district, and was at the time of such election over 121 years of age and a qualified voter; and they, and each of them, are and while acting as such officers and directors were, at all times duly qualified iri all respects to act I as such office;s end directors. That immediately after the elec j t.on and qualification of the ori i ginal Board of Directors, it pro j ceetied to the election of a presi ! dent and secretary and engineer, j and elected C. P Barreda president : of the Board of Directors. Margaret I Scabury secretary thereof, and V. ' L. Conrad engineer of the district, and that they, and each of them, the said named officers, have ever since been, by re-election or other wise. and they still are. the duly > elected, qualified and acting pres ident, secretary and engineer, re spectively. of said district. 13. 'rtiat the said district engineer ) thereunon proceeded to discharge I the duties required of hint by law j and by the orders of the Board of ■ Directors of said district, and on | January 17. 1929 made and filed I with said Board of Directors his re | port in writing, setting forth thcre i in the final project as planned by i him under the orders of said Board, and with the approval of the Board 1 of Water Engineers lor the State 1 of Texas, for the construction of an . irrigation system designed to wat er ail irrigable land.; in the dis trict. and in connection therewith : t' furnish incidental drainage, to gether with his estimates of the i probable cost of the proposed works. includine the expenses cf organiza i tion and other incidental expenses, amounting in the aggregate to $1. , OOC OCG.OO accompanying his said report with man and field notes of j the territorial limits of the district and all other maos, profiles spcci i fixations, etc., necessary to show th* character, extent and location of I the proposed pumping plants, re j servoirs. irrigation canals laterals. I drainage ditches and other works constituting the irrigation project as submitted by him—which said report was. at the meeting of said board held on the same day. duly j arproved and war then and there after adopted as the nroject cf said 1 district —all r.s more fullv shown by i the transcript last herein mention ed which is now here referred to and made part hereof. No. 14 That J W Allen is the duly ap pointed. qualified and cctmg tax . assessor and collector of said dis trict. and that Donald Oralson Feliciano Tapia and Gabriel Chapa are -the duly appointed, qualified and acting commissioners, consti tuting the Board cf Equalization o? ; said district, and thet they wer® ! such tax assessor and collector and Board cf Equalization, respective ly. at the times of their action hcrc tneft-r mentioned That the said tax assessor and coT lecto- duly prepared and present ed the assessment lists of ah tax able properti®? in the district for the year 1929 to th® said Board of ! Equalization, and that .said bon-d i has. from time to time, after its first meeting in the current year, i examined, eqi-a’.ir'd. appraised and [ passed upon said assessment lists end has annrovret the assessments lists aforesaid, returned them to th® Assessor, and finally aooro\ed the tax rolls of said district based thereon, which sa^d tax rolls have j also been approved bv the Board ; of Directors of said district, all as ! renuired by law. and that the tax I rolls of said riist-ict for the year 1 1929 show’ that the propewtv. real. | personal and mixed within said district and subject to taxation thereby for th® year 1929. amounted to the sum of $4,052,832.00. ail a; more full shown by the transcript 1 last herein mentioned whi®h is re • >rred to and made part hereof 15. That th® said Board of Director; has applied for and procured to be . issued by the Board of Wa'er En gineers of the Stat® of Texas, a permit for the appropriation by said district of sufficient water from the unappropriated waters of the State , of Texas from the Rio Grande Riv er in Cameron County. Texas, for ; the irrigation of 10.500 acres ol ! land within said district, said per mit being granted as the result ol a hearing had before said Board of Water Engineers of the State ol Texas, on February* 25. 1929; and that the Board of Directors of said district has also applied for and ! procured from said Board of Water Engineers of the State of Texas the I report of that board finally ap ! proving the project for said irriga tion works hereinbefore mentioned and the issuance of bonds therefot in the sum of $1,000,000.00. aftei having made a lull investigation upon the organization of said d*s trict and the feasibility, etc., of its : said project, and after all sugges 1 tiors for changes and Improvement; made by raid Board of Water En gineers had been duly complied with by the Board of Directors ol I said district and the engineer ol I said district. All of which more ful I lv appears in the transcript last mentioned, now here referred tc rnd made part hereof. J® That heretofore, to-wit. on March 12. 1929. the Beard of Directors ol said district, having approved th< engineer's report and the proieci therein outlined, and found that the Issuance of $1,000.000 00 of bond; of this district was necessary’ tc carry' said project into execution and to pay therefor, at its meetins rcgularlv called and held, ordered an election to be held within anc j for said district on April 3. 1929. at which there should be submitted t< the voters of said district qualified to vote at such election, the pro position for the issuance of bond! of the district in the sum of $1,000 - 00000 for the purposes aforesaid same being submitted in the font following: For the issuance of bonds anc levy of tax in pavment therefor.” ’ Against the issuance of bond: and levy’ of tax in payment there for” and in said order named t polling place for such election ii said district and appointed the law ful judges and clerks of election and ordered notice of such election t» be given as required by law.—whicl LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT ; order appears in the transcript last j herein mentioned and is referred to and made part hereof. 17. That notice of said election was • duly given, posted and published i as required by law and the order of said board, and in the manner and for the length of time neces sary. and that thereafter, on April 3. 1929. the aforesaid election was duly held and conducted within and for said district, and the returns thereof duly prepared, signed and ! certified and returned to said Board of Directors.—all as more fully appears from the transcript last herein mentioned, which is re ferred to and made part hereof 18. That cn April 9. 1929. a meeting of the Board of Directors cf said district was lawfully called and . held for the purpose of canvassing the returns of said election, ai which meeting the said Board opened and canvassed said returns j and declared the result thereof to • have been that all of the votes cast at said election, to-wit, 7 votes. j weer cast "For the issuance of bonds and levy of tax in payment j thereof." and no votes were cast ! "Against the issuance of bonds and i levy of tax in payment thereof.” ■ and said Board thereupon found that the votes of a majority of the ' resident property tax payers voting at said election were cast in favor of the issuance of bonds and levy ' of tax in payment therefor, and caused an order to be entered upon : its Minutes so finding and declar ing. and further declaring that the issuance of said bonds and the levy | of said tax had been duly author ized by said election,—all of which will more fully appear from the transcript last mentioned, now here referred to and made part hereof. 19. That at the meeting cf said Boaed of Directors held at the office of i the district on March 9. 1929 all of the directors being present, the said Board bv unanimous vote adopted an order and resolut 71 providing that bonds of said i4> trict. to be called "Cameron County Water Improvement District No. 8 Bonds.” in the aggregate principal amount of $1,000.000 00 be issued under and by virtue of the Con stitution and Laws cf the State of Texas and particularly Section 59 of Article 16 of said Constitution, and Chanter 2. Title 128 of the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, revision cf 1925 and the arts amendaterv thereof and sup plemental thereto, for the purpos* of constructing the indication works aforesaid and of pevine the in'd ; dertal expenses cf organization end othpr emenses autho-i-’ed bv hw said bonds to be da»»d June I. 1929. to he 1009 in number. in the denomination of $1 000 00 each. ; ircturino serirllv as follows: 8 7900009 1249 Nos. 299 to 239 22 000 0) 1859 Nov 231 to 255 25 000.09 195! Nos. 258 to 239 25.000 09 1957 No*. 28! to 397 27.000.00 19.*3 Nov 308 to 335 23.000 Of. >954 Nov 335 to 365 30 000.90 1955 Nos. 306 to 397 32 000 09 1956 Nos. 393 to 432 35 000.09 1957 Nos. 433 to 467 35 000.09 1958 Nos. 403 to 505 38.000.09 I 1959 No-. 506 to 545 40 000.09 1960 Nos. .546 to 588 43 000.09 ! ’961 Nos. 533 to 633 45.000 09 1962 Nos 634 to 630 47.000.09 1963 Nos. 681 to 732 52.000 09 I !f64 Nos 733 to 736 54 000.09 I 965 Nos. 787 to 813 57.000 00 1%6 No* 844 to 9€3 67 000 00 tM7 Nos 904 to 963 65 009 O') 1968 NOS. 969 to 1090 32 000 09 All of said bonds having attached thereto coupons for the interest, and the interest being at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on March 1st and September 1st of each year hereaf ter 'except that coupon No. 1. due March 1. 1930. is to be for nine months interest >. and all of said bonds being payable, principal and interest, at Hanover National Bank in the city and state of New York, on presentation and surrender of said bonds and proper coupons, at their respective maturities, without option of prior payments. All of said bonds to be signed Ly the President and attested by the Secretary of the Board ot Di rectors of said District, and the seal of the district to be affixed thereto, with provision that said signatures might be printed or lithographed on the coupons. All of said bonds to be registered with the Comptroller of Public Ac counts of the State of Texas, as reouired by law. and to be also registered with, and a record there of kept, by the County Clerk of Cameron Ccunty. Texas, as also reouired by law. The aforesaid order and resolu 1 tion further provided that to pay the interest and create a sinking fund for the redemption of said bonds at their maturities ther? should be annually levied, asses' V end collected an ad valorem tax on all taxable property within the dis trict. sufficient to produce amounts necessarv to pay the interest and principal on the bonds maturing each year, the said order showing in detail the amounts necessary to be raised each year for those nur , noses: and for the purposes men i* tioned the said Board, in and by j said order, levied for each of ’he years 1929 to 1967. both Inclusive > an ad valorem tax of $3 00 on each $100 00 valuation rf all taxable ■ I prepertv in said district, or so 1 much thereof as might be neces sarv to provide the amounts speci fied in said order, and directed that provision should be made an nually thereafter to meet the re quirements of said bonds and ol i said order. And in and by said order it was further provided that the proceed' i cf the taxes hvied as aforesaid i should be preserved in a separate LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT 1 lund known as the “Interest and 1 Sinking Fund." and that no part j of such proceeds should be used for any other purpose than th* payment of the principal and in i terest of the bonds so authorized to be issued, until all of same shail have been paid and canceled. At said meeting, and in and by j the order aforesaid, the said BoaM further levied and assessed for the eyar 1929 an additional ad valorem tax of five cents on each $100 valuation of ail taxable property within the district, for the purpose of paying the expenses of assessing I end collecting sa J bend taxes, said ■ levy and assessment being 19 addl 1 tion to the aforesaid bond tax of $3.00 on the $100 valuation. All of the aforesaid are set out in full in the Minutes of the said ; meeting of April 9. 1929. a certified copy of which appears in the transcript last herein mentioned, which is now here referred to and made part hereof. 20. Allegation is made that all of the acts, conditions and things requi 1 .site and necessary to be done in j the creation, establishment and or ganization of said district in con nection with the drafting, approval and adoption of its project for irri gation works and other improve ments. and in connection with th’ issuance of said bonds and levy of taxes in payment therefor, and the levy of an additional tax to da lrav the expenses of assessing and collecting the said bond tax have been done, occurred and were per formed in due and legal form and at the times and in the manner ■ required bv the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, and I that the total amount of said bonds, together with all other in debtedness of said district, and the taxes so levied do not exceed the constitutional and statutory limita tions thereon. 21. Allegation is made that the laws hereinbefore referred to provide That before such bonds are offered for splc such water improvement d^tri*t shall bring an ac*ion in the Butrict Court in anv count” of th* judicial district in which s*d W’ter Improvement District is 'itu^ed. or in the District Court of Travis County. Texas, to d»termii’ ! th’ validit” of such bonds which action *hell be in the nature of a i rrc-eedlng in rem. and Jurisdiction j of pi! parties fntereted mav be | had bv publication of a general no I tf"e th*reof once each week for at least two consecutive weeks tn 1 ’o*”e n’w«T*aner of *cnera! c*rcu’a t'on ntiHished in th" countv in wh("h t’’" *s situated; and I •’"tic* chal! p!cr> b» serv*d unor I the j»t*crr*v General of th" State of Texas cf th* penrienev of sa*d p®»’on In th* same mnnn*r as In civ 1 suits. This ac’ion is brought under and ir. ccro-dance w*th th’ rrov*slons of ss id laws for the purpose of de terr^i-ing the l*g*t evi’tenc* and vabdlty of said district and th® val'dity and obligation of said bond". Premises considered, nraver Is made that not'ce be isued aV "hen to th" Attorney General of the State of Tcx?^. a provid"d*h law rnd notice be also given "’’bli-atiop ps heremhefore men tioned. end that upon final hearing hereof- th* Court enter its decree, order and judgment, ordering and adjudging said district to be a valid water improvement district in Cam eron rountv. Texas, within the metes and bounds hereinbefore set forth, and to have been dulv and legally ’aid nut. created, defined and es tablished In accordance with the laws of th’s state and under and bv v.rtus of Section 59 of Article i<5 of the Constitution of this Stafe. and that each and all of said bonds are in all things legal and valid, constitute the just and binding debts and obligations of .said distric*. and have been lawfully authorised, and that sam® be now here authorized bv said decree to b® issued, regis tered and sold as provided oy law. Your petitioners further prav for Mirh other and further relief, at law or in equity, to which it. the aid district, or thev. as directors thereof, mav be entitled, H*retn fail not but hav* you then and there before sa:d court on the said first day of the next regular term thereof, this writ Jtrlth your re turn thereon showing how you have executed the same. Attest. John P Scanlan. District Clerk of Cameron County. Texa*. Given under mv hand and the sea! of said court at my office in Brownsville. Texas, this 17-h day of June. 1929 JOHN P SCANLAN. District Clerk of Cameron County. Texas Bv .1 JOHNSON Deputv. • SEAL* I A true ropv T certify. JNO P SCANLAN Dtst Clerk J. JOHNSON. Deputy SHERIFF'S SALE THE STATE OF TEXAS ' COUNTY OF CAMERON Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a certain Order of Sale issued out of the Honorable District Court , of Cameron County on the 4th day ;of June 1929. bv Jno P Scanlan Cle'-k of said Court, for the sum of E’ght thousand one hundred and 79-100 <$8,100 79> Dollars and costs of suit, under a Judgment, in favor of Union Nat'l Bank of Ames. Iowa, in a certain cause in said Court. No 7834 and styled: Union National Bank of Ames vs. P A. Mathre. niaced in my hands for service. I W. F. Brown, as Sheriff of Cameron County. Texas, did on the 51 h dav of June. 1929. levy on certain real estate situated in Cameron County. Texas, described as follows to-wit: The Northeast 1-4 of Block sixty <60») share 24. Conception df Carricitos Grant Situated in Cam eron Countv. Texas, containing 4f acres of land more or less, and levied upon as the property of P. A Mathre and that on the first Tues day in Aqeust. 1929. the same beinp the 6th day of said month at the Court House door of Cameror County, in the City of Brownsville Texas, between the hours of 10 a m and 4 p m. by virtue of said lcv\ and said Order of Sale. I will sell said above described Real Estate at public vendue, for cash to the high »st bidder, as the property of said P A. Mathre. And in compliance with law. 1 give this notice by publication, ir the English language, once a week for three consecutive weeks immedi ately preceding said dav of sale, ir the Brownsville Herald, a news LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT j paper published in Cameron County. I Witness by hand, this 17th dav of j June. 1929. W. F Brown. Sheriff. Cameron County. Texas. L. A. Jatrou. Deputy. I 6-19-26-3—3469. SHERIFF'S SALE THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CAMERON Notice is hereby given that bv vir tue of a certain Order of Sale issued out of the Honorable 103 District Court of Cameron County on | the 12th day of June. 1929. by John P Scanlan. Clerk of said Court, for the sum of <*3857 15* Three thousand eight hundred fifty seven dc 15-100 Dollars and costs of suit, under a Judgment, in favor of W O. Mathes in a certain cause in ■said Court. No 7647 and styled: W. G Mathis vs. Nolan Willis, et al. placed in my hande for service. I. | W. F. Brown, as Sheriff of Cameron | County. Texas, did on the 12th day ; of June. 1929. levy on certain Real Estate, situated in Cameron County. , Texas, described as follows, to-wit: Lot No. 4 in block No. 204 of the Intiiana-Texas Subdivision, as the same appears tn Vol. 1. pp 26-27 of the map records of Cameron county Texas, to which map and its record reference is hereby made for a fur ther description of said land being the same land described tn a deed ‘ from D. L. Dunning and Margaret Irene Dunning, his wife, to Nolan ; Willis, recorded in deed Records of Cameron Countv. Texas, in Vol 144. p. 148 and containing 46 13 acres, and levied upon as the property of [ Nolan Willis and J. D. Browder, and that on the first Tuesday in August, 1929 the same being the 6th dav of said month at the Court House door of Cameron County in the city of Brownsville. Texas, between the .hours of 10:00 A M and 4 00 P M. ! bv virtue of said levy and said order of sale I will sell said above des cribed real estate at public vendue for cash to the highest bidder as the property of said Nolan Willis and J. D Browder. And in compliance with law*. I (five this notice by publication, in |the English language, once a week for three consecutive w*ceks immedi ately preceding said dav cf sale, in the Brownsville Herald, a news paoer published in Cameron County. ) Witness my hand this 17th dav of June. 1929 W. F Brown Sheriff, Cameron County. Texas. Bv L. A Jasrou. Deputv. 8-19-26-3—3467 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Cameron county water improve ment No. eleven, will receive bids lor a depository, as provided by law, up ! to 2 o'clock p. m. July 13. 1929. at which time tne bids will oe opened Bids should be addressed to 'he district, caie of Rentfro and Cole, attorneys at law. State National bank building. Brownsville. Texas C. R. TYRRELL President of ihn board of directors t of Cameron couucy water improve ment district No. eleven, in Camer on county. Texas. 6-19-26-3-3471. MEAT ORDINANCE An ordinance amending an ordi nance of date the 9th of Auugst. 1921, prohibiting the vending or s riling of fresh meats, fish or cysters within the city limits of the City of Brownsville, except at places therein designated and prescribing a penalty for the vio lation thereof. Be it ordained by the City of j Brownsville. Texas: First: That it shall be unlawful for any person to sell or offer for i sale. vend, peddle, or hawk any I fresh meats whatsoever, especially ! including beef. veal. pork, mutton, goat, sheep, or kid. or any fish or oysters, or any other meats, whether mentioned specifically herein or not. at any place within the City limits of the City of Brownsville. Texas. | w ithout first securing a license so to do. which license may be secured ' upon the payment by the applicant of Sixty < $60 00 * Dollars per year, payable $5.00 per month in advance, said license to exist for a period of i one year from the issuance date thereof when paid for. subject, how ever. to be revoked and cancelled upon the violation of any and all of the sanitary ordinances of said City and the place of business of the applicant and holder of said license shall be subject to inspection at such time and in such maner as is most to the public interest and wel fare. and any applicant desiring to secure such license must first offer satisfactory proof to the Govern ment body of said City of his will ingness and ability to conduct his market place in a cleanly, sanitary, and safe manner and the failure to submit such proof shall give to the commission the right to refuse any ! and all application. Second: That all ordinances now in force in the City of Brownsville, providing for fees and charges for the inspection of ail meats and of lish and oysters, shall remain in full | force and effect, where they do not I conflict with this ordinance. | Third: That any person who shall sell or offer for sale. vend, lieddle, h%wk any fresh meat what soever. r sc penally including beef. : veal, pork, mutton, goat, sheep, or kid. or any fish or oysters, who shall fail and refuse to pay the in spection fee herein provided, shall lie deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, be fined any j any sum not to exceed One Hun dred (*100.00* Dollars. Fourth: That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in any manner in conflict with this Ordinance be, and the same are hereby especially repealed. Fifth: That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication, as by the City Charter provided. Passed at a regular meeting of the City Commission of the City of Brownsville. Texas, on the 7th day of June. 1929. A B Cole. Mayor. City of Brownsville, Texas Attest: A. E. Munday. Secretary. [ City of Brownsville. Texas. 6-19-26-3470. , - THE STATE OF TEXAS County of Cameron Notice is hereby given: That, whereas, or: February 23rd 1928. T. J Clay ano wife. B Clay, executed a deed of trust tc me as trustee for the benefit of Tex as Bank and Trust Company, ol Brownsville. Texas, on the herein after described real estate., which deed of trust ap; *irs of record ir Volume 62. page-; 45-'*7. Deed ol LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Trust Records of said Cameron County. Texas, to which record ref erence is here made m more fully show the wording and effect cf such instrument, and the property cov - ered by It; and. Whereas, the said T J. Cla;. »'• FrancLca B. Clay have made default I in the payment of the note described i in such instrument. leaving seven , thousand one hundred twenty-alx | and 18-100 <*7123.16> dollar! on this date remaining unpaid thermo 1 and Whereas, the said beneficiary. I Texas Bank and Trust Company, of Brownsville. Texas, has requested me 1 to enforce such trust; Now. therefore. I. Joe Celaya, Jr. trustee as aforesaid, hereby give no tice that I will accordingly, after due publication of this notice and due ! potting of written notices at three public places in the county cf Cam eron one of which is at the court house door of said county, aa re quired by such deed of trust, sell at j public vendue to the highest bidder. I or bidders, for cash, at the court house door of Cameron county. Tex as. in which such property la situ ated. between the hours of 10 o clock ! a m and 4 o'clock p m . on the first Tuesday in July. next, the following real estate so described in and cov ered by su h deed of trust, to-wit Lots Nos. six <6» and seven rj*. tn block No 27. - *he ori Inal townstte of the Citv of San Benito. Cameron County. Texas, as shown bv the of ficial map and plat of said City of ! San Benito, as recorded In the office of the countv clerk of Cameron County. Texas, together with all im 1 provements thereon situated JOE CELAYA JR Trustee 6-12-19-28—3484 Sealed bids addressed to the Hon A. B Cole. Mayor, will be received un until 10 a. m . June 21. 1929 for the construction of side wall* in building covering boiler at city light plant, the City to fumiah all mate rial. Plans and Specifications are on file at the City Manager's office. Any further information will be furnished by the City Manager The City reserves the right to re ject any and all bids A E Munday. City Secretary Sealed bids addressed to the Hon A B Cole. Mayor, will be received up until 10 a. m. June 21. 1929. for approximately 45 squares of metal roofing 24 guage galvanised corru gated iron—Armco Iron or equal— in place on building covering boiler at City Light Plant. The City reserves the right to re lect any and all bids A E Munday. City Secretar Air Mail Schedule! _i Th» schedule for the melt between Brownsville end Dalle* la announced ; bv the pontofftpe depertinent aa fel lows: Southbound— t-eave Dallas ... TO a. m. I-rave Ft Worth . • IS a. ra. Leave Waco .. IH a. ra. leave Austin ... TO 35 a. * Leave San Antonio . 11 3* a. m. Arrive Brownsville . 3 93 p m. j Northbound leave Brownsville .. t 31 p m. Leave San Antonio . 4*15 p m. \ Leave Austin .. 5 10 p. m. ' Leave Waco . 015 p m. Leava F* Worth . 715 p re Arrive Dallas . 7 35 p m. The schedule for the Americas air ' nail to Mexico City Is aa fellow* 1 leave Brown*vine . t 50a m . Arrive Tampico .1109a m ' [Leave Tampico .II 30a m » ' Arrive Mexico City........... 14Sp m Following 1a the schedule for the Mexican air malt: Lear# Mexico City .. 7 43 a m. Arrive Tampico .lO^Ws m. Leave Tampico .....10 35a.m. Arrive Brownsville ......13 33 pm. Following Is the schedule on the Brownsvilie-Uezetlea Rout#: Leave Brownsville . 7 a. m. Arrive Monterrey . 0 30 a. m. Leave Monterrey .......... #30 a. m. Arrive Torreon . 12 30 p. m. Leave Torreon ... 1:30 p. m. Arrive Durango . 3 SC p. m. Leave Durango ............ 4:10 p. m Arrive Macallan . 0 10 p. m Return trip: Leave Mazattaa .. 7 00 * m. Arrive Durango . #00 a. m. leave Durango .... *30 a. m Arrive Torreon ... 11.50 p. m. Leave Torreon . 13 10 p m. Arrive Monterrey . 3 10 p. m Leave Monterrey .. 4 10 p m. Arrive Brownsville . 0 10 P m. POSTAL RATS* The Doited States air mail pas tag* rate Is 5 cents rot the first ounce and 10 cents for each additional ounce or fraction thereof. Letters mailed J the United State* for the pots** “ Mexico take tbta rat*. Train Schedule* MISSOURI PACIFIC LDfRB No. 12—To Houston. Ban Aston.* 9:10 a- m No. 14—To Houston. TAD p. m No. 10—To Houston. Ran As tan: % 9 00 p. m. No. 13—Prom 8t. Loula. Ran Anton:*. Houston. 7 3u a. m. Ho. 13—Prom Houston. • 10 a. m No. 11—From Ban Antonio and Hous ton. 9:53 p. m. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LOfRS No. 319—Prom Houston. Baa Aaioe mo. 0:13 a. m No. 329—To Houston. Ban Anum'w 3:15 p m NATIONAL LINE! OP MEXICO (Matamoros 8tattoo. No. 132—To Monterrey. Meglco C *. 3:50 a. m No. 131—Prom Mexico CUy, Dionier rey. 3 30 p. m RIO GRANDE RAILWAY To Point Isabel. 0 30 a m Prom Point Isabel. 4pm r£Lr»~*r ■*! <.fy«Vh> UK*« - £2 «*it »* ~*«