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nt m i¥ City-Valley TELEPHONE SEVEN SOCIETY THURSDAY CALENDAR El Jardin bridge club with Mrs. Nelle T. Kee. • • • Methodist Society * | * Completes Book Members of the Methodist mis sionary society, meeting in circles on Monday afternoon, completed the last two chapters of "New Africa." their latest mission study text. Circle number one. meeting at the home of Mrs. McKenzie, in El Jar din, had eight members and 6ix visitors present. Mrs. H. L. Fitch and Mrs. W. Y. Worley led the les sen. Six members of circle number two met with Mrs. C. E. Walters. Mrs. Walters and Mrs. F. E. Morris leading the mission study. There was one visitor present. Circle number three, with ten members and one visitor, met with Mrs. Henrietta Signor. Mrs Wat kin. Mrs. C. W. Watson and Mrs Barton conducted the mission study Mrs. M W. Ward was hostess to nine members of the young matron's circle, and one visitor. Mrs. Geo M. Hillyer led the lesson, and was assisted in her presentation by Mrs M. L. Love, Mrs. Myers, and Mrs Harry’ Faulk. Mrs. Willie A. George, president of the Brownsville society. Mrs. C. N. mill, president of the Cameron Icounty zone, and Mrs. J. E Lovett, as well as 23 other members of the local society, attended the Browns ville district conference of mission ary societies held in Pharr Tuesday About 140 women were present at I the meet. • • • Comings, Goings, lOf Local People f _ Mrs. Howell McCampbell drove to Harlingen Wednesday afternoon to attend a bridge party given at the Woman's building by Mrs. T. W. Letzerich, and Miss Beulah Lctzerich. and Mrs. A. H. Weller. Mrs. George Pace and daughter. Lois Elizabeth, were here Tuesday to call on Mrs J. K. Bull. The Paces lived here for a number of years, [having moved away about twelve fyears ago. Thev now live in Fort Stockton, and have been visiting Mrs. Pace’s brother In San Benito. H. A. Smith and family, of Rio Grande City, spent the week end here visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith, and other rela tives and friends. Little Harold A. Smith. Jr., remained here to spend the summer with his grandparents. "ft*, and Mrs. Merton Shurley. and two fcjfldren. 'of Sonora, are here as *ue Jk of Mr and Mrs. C. C. Stew art. They were in business here several years ago. Mrs. Shurley came here with her parents in 1905, and attended the Brownsville schools along with Mrs. Stewart. Evelyn Hemza. of Weslaco is here spending the week with her cousin. Miss Marjorie Reil. ■ HARLINGEN , CXTB ENTERTAINED Mrs. V. R. Brady entertained he/ bridge club Saturday afternoon at her home on East Buchanan Vari-colored summer flowers in bright crystal bowls and hanging 1 baskets gave floral charm to the home. Mrs O* W. Springer received high club prize. Mrs W. R. Heard second high and Mrs. Jack Mc Farland high guest prize. Mary Ann cakes centered with -— - - - ■ ■ - - ... A Cozy Porch By Marie Marot I ND now has come the time when we move ourselves and our social activities to the front porch—that is. if we are one of those fortunates who are the proud posessor of such a luxury. For the afternoon bridge, or the formal tea. and even for luncheons and break fasts, the porch looms large when plannir.r the Summer activities. Really, the possibilities of the oozily furnished porch are lesion. The decorator who planned the porch illu strated, has taken into consideration all the things that make for comfort, from the furni ture to the color scheme. The wicker furniture is painted in a coo! green, cushioned :n yellow, orange and black. The rush rug embodies the same colors. The lamp has a black glaze base with orange parchment shade, and the plants are in orange pots. Every available space is filled with flowers, wild or cultivated, and a cool, in viting “room" is the result. The beauty of the color scheme utilized here is, that it blends with anything, and you need have no fear of a clashing of colors that will jar instead of soothe the jaded nerves. The hostess who can offer a porch for enter tainment will find her teas and bridges more than nopular and if will be a joy to hear the delighted exciamntions of guests as they enter such a cool, soothing spot on a hot Summer day. _____I orange ice were served cn decorated trays to 20 guests. ’ * * DINNER BRIDGE .Mrs. Liston. Mrs. Clyde Ray. and Mrs. Richards entertained Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Ray on Lincoln street with a dinner bridge honoring Miss Sybil Liston, who is leaving soon for the sum mer. A pink color theme was featured in the floral decorations of radi- j ance roses and fern and the two course luncheon. Plate favors were novelty dolls dressed as college seniors. Mrs. Harry Porter received a dainty vanity for high score, Mrs. Tom Nickols costume jewelry for second high and Miss Liston, the l honoree. was given a pair of hose. Twenty-four guests wero present. • • • PERSONALS Mrs M. V. Martin left Monday night for Dallas on business. Mrs A M. Letzerich and daugh ter, Elvie. are visating in York town. Mrs I N Campbell of Kingsville is spending the week with her daughter. Mrs. C. B Myers Rev. and Mrs. S L. Batchelor . ' ; ■ f '* * * '" * * * * TWO GIRL CAMPERS AND BIG BROTHER BOB He Was So Terribly Worried About Mary, But, You See, Sayc Winifred Black In Telling the Story, Helen Was Only His Sister— By WINIFRED BLACK Mary and Helen have gone camping. Bless their hearts. Mary has a brand new little car built for two and Helen has a brand new lunch kit, and that car and that lunch kit just had to be used, that's all. So Mary put on her . \ ing breeches and Helen put on her camping clothes, and they loaded up their car with bacon and a sack of potatoes and loaves of bakers’ bread, and they put money in the purse for gas and oil and what they insist on call ing ' eats.” Mary took her camera and Helen took records, also some extra sweaters—Helen tooted, her ukelele—and would you believe it they put a little ten-dollar phonograph in the car and some Mary waved her hand and they were off. They intend to make the foot hills by tonight and make camp by a certain bubbling spring brook —the one Bob is always talking about. Only, just before they started. Bob came and stood with his foot on the running board and he said, said he: Going to make Bubbling Spring tonight are WINIFRED BLACK goo<?, ,Its the ^ ca»«Ping place in the . , .. State, but say Helen, be sure and keep a bright eve out for old Beniamin Buttler and all the little Battlers. Thev won t bother you at night unless it’s cold and they want to get under (hr warm—fook^outV'^6 mornmg the sun should come out real bright and ~ • i and daughters returned Sunday from Austin and Georgetown where they have been visiting for the last two weeks. Dr. and Mrs. L. F. McClenathan left Saturday for Louisville. Ky.f on a vacation trip. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Roth left Saturday night for a two months vacation and business trip to Kan sas City. Miss Sarah Coston from M ami, Fla., is visiting her sister. Miss Mary Hale Coston. Miss Evelyn Miller of Houston is visiting at the home of Mrs F. T. Neary. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Richards left Monday on a vaction to be spent in Waco and Dallas. Merce Lackland, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Lackland, left Mon day for New Orleans, where he will sail for Europe. Mrs. A. Dodilet and daughter will spend the remainder of the summer in Centralia. Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Brier and family spent Sunday at Boca Chica. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Snoddy. and Mr and Mrs. M. A. Rose spent Sunday at Boca Chica. INDIGESTION RELIEVED . . . QUICKLY Tbit Purdy Vegetable Pil aids nature as a lax ative in its digestive duties. Often one of these little pills taken after meals or at bedtime will do wonders, es pecially when you have overeaten or are troubled with constipation. Remember they are Dr. Carter's for cnula. young and old can take them. All Druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs CARTER’S IEu PILLS [■ And Bob made a hideous creep ing motion with his hand and said "B-R-R-R" Helen turned as white as a sheet, but Mary just made a face and off they went. I don't think Bob is very much worried about Benjamin Buttler or the little Buttlers. because half an hour after the girls had tooted their last toot and waved their last wave I saw Bob out in the garage fussing with his roadster. And he packed it all up as if he were going camping somewhere, too. He grinned when I asked him about it. # "Well, you see." he said "there are a lot of toughs out this time of i the year and Mary is so darn pretty. Oh. well I’ll tag along behind and see that nothing happens to them.", And Bob packed a ukulele, too. and a lot more records and I sup pose by this time every tree in the mountains knows—"I’ll get by if only I have you.” But the queerest thing about it all is what Bob said about Marv. Oh. yes. Mary s well enough, she has nice skin and pretty dancing blue eyes, but Helen is reallv the beauty of the two anbyodv will tell you that. Helen is Bob's sister, though, so I suppose that makes the difference don’t you? WESLACO BRIDGE SURPRISE Mrs. Ray Hartness entertained on Friday evening with three tables of bridge surprising her husband on his birthday. Roses and pink crepe myrtle made pretty decora tions. High scores were.held by Mrs. C. P. Clark and Mr. Seth Duncan; low scores were held by Miss Noeha Ramsey and Mr. Hart ness. After an evening of pleas ant games Mrs Hartness served de licious refreshments of chicken *alad and punch Those enjoying the evening were: Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Ballard. Mr. and Mrs. 0 » Seth Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. BeaaKy. Miss Nocha Ramsey and Mr. Harry Crawford. • • • PERSONALS Jesse Avinger Is In New Braun fels. Mr. and Mrs. Monte Stone and daughters and Mrs. S. D. Stone and Mrs. Tim Tripplet will leave this week for a visit In Brown wood . Miss Nocha Ramsey and Phil Shock left Saturday for St. Paul. Minn. They will stop a week in New Orleans and in Chicago. Word has been received here from Mrs. Clarence Yoder, former Weslaco resident, from New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Yoder and fam ily. now of Mercedes, left several weeks ago to visit their former home in Indiana. Mrs. Lynn Wright attended a party Friday in Mission. She spent Thursday end Friday there as the guest of her sister-in-law. Mrs. I. J. Wright. Misses Ruth and Rosemary Rives left last wek for Carolton. Illinois, where they will spend the summer. M. L. Dew. Jr., has returned home from Cumberland University. Lebanon. Tenn.. where he has re ceived his Bachelor of Law de gree. He will be associated here, with his father in the law firm of Dew-Dew. • Mr. and Mrs. Homer Fleming arrived this week from Houston and are visiting Mrs. Fleming's I parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Green wav. They expect to leave soon for Dallas where they will make their ' home. Mrs. S. F. McMecse has returne * , from an extended visit in Cali- ; fornia. Mrs. C. P. Clark accompanied by 1 Mrs. J. D Garnett. Sr . will leave Wednesday for a two weeks' visit at May. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ballard spent the week-end at Point Isa bel. Phil Shock arrived the latter nart of the week from St. Paul. Mum., and spent several days here. Jimmy Betts left Mondav for sev eral weeks’ vacation in Oklahoma. He expects to remain until the first cf July. Mrs. C. P. Clark and Mrs Ches ter A. Ballard visited with the lat ter’s mother. Mrs. J. G. Ramsey of Edinburg. Monday aftemon. Mr. and Mrs., N. P Robertson and sons spent Sundav in San B-* nito with Mr. and Mr:-. J. Scott Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. C. A Rerl and daughters. Mai-tori? end Miriam of Browmvhle were Sunday guests at the A. Hemsa home. Miss Evelyn returned with them for a week in ■ Brownsville and a wrek in San Benito. * Earl Clark has returned to Jack sonville afte»- spending the week end here with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Fitzgerald and family will leave this week for a vaction at Coleman Texas Mrs. Chester A. Ballard and Mrs. C. P Clark spent Fridav in Browns- ! ville. SEBASTIAN PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. H M. Borland Re turned to their home here after mending several weeks In Woods boro. \ Mrs. Lee Clements returned home Wednesday from Corpus Chrlatl where she spent last week visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hark : ness. | Mrs. Brown of Donna is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Larsen at the hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Woods and son Jimmie Len and Mrs Madison Woods left Monday for Cuero where they will visit relatives. They wdl be accompanied home bv Mrs. Davis Woods and daughters who have been visiting there for the past, month. Arthur Sprouse of Ran Perlita was in town Sunday visiting with friends and relatives before leaving that evening for an extended trin through the east and north and into southern Canaria Mrs. Moneell Meyers and son Wade of Harlingen are spending the week with Mrs. Meyers’ par ents. Mr. afd Mrc L. M Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Harrv King and sons were callers at the home of friends in Primera Wednesday. Harold Shirar is snending the week in Harl-.ngrn with his mother. Mrs. Jessie Shira-. Miss Virginia Lee Wood?, has as her guest her cousins Bertie Nae. Lillian and Camilla Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Lampnler are visiting relatives in Taft and Cuero. Mrs. Marshal Bourne was a Santa Rosa visitor Monday. Mrs. Zack Williams and children are expected home Saturday from Oklahoma where they have been Healthy Blood helps to make sturdy, healthy bod ies, brighter minds and better ' complexions. For many years Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic has been used in thousands o! families to improve the health and strength of the adults as well as the children. i Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic increases the number of r«d corpus cles in the blood; you can feel the Strengthening. Invigorating Effect of enriched blood. It keeps the appetite good, acd help to clear the complexion. The flesh cannot be healthy without rich, red blood. Pleasant to take. 60c. — \ -—---- - Modes of the Moment j ■ 1| ( Q)A . f» <g>awV ; -» jiW & A1^ ^ GbamjvSmmuMoJk upJk AW jacket and ifai'id&\wdr oL -Timca fawn, frU&ij and, d fcOiil edm, d vuot hictJLj Wmid 4i €/■ fajfobjimd edfai ydpm t D /qpjfc,1 visiting relatives for the past month. M iss Nel'e Sprouse returned to j her home in San Perlita Sun:>t:. after a week’s visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. Marshal Bourne. Mrs S. J. Wilson and daughter Mrs. Gannon and children lfeit Monday for their home in Okla homa after a visit of several weeks with Mrs. Alice Wilson and family. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Caldwell arc expected home within the week from an extended trip throu^n Crlifcmia and Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Lumpkin of San Marcos were in town Wednesday when Mr. Lumpkins who will be principal cf the Sebastian schools, met with the school board. Mrs. R. Klemann and daughter Mrs. E. K Watson and Misses Eleo nore Watson and Newton Klemann left Thursday for Los Angeles. Calif., where they will visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Holder of Raymondville were In town Thurs day calling on Mrs. Holder s sister, Mrs. Maude Borland. Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Bourne and children were visitors in Browns ville Wednesday. QUAKES CONTINUE . IN NEW ZEALAND WELLINGTON. New Zealand. June 19.— •PfSevere earthquakes were felt today in Murchison and Takaka counties, both of which were hard hit in tremors earlier in the week. Considerable anxiety was felt as to the fate of the town of Lyell. containing 2.000 inhabitants, which was reported greatly damaged and from which no news was available. 'Airplanes tried in vain to sight th town, due to bad visibility. All roads leading to it were blocked. frfenus o/afe Day. CHERRY SHORTCAKE A DELICI OUS DESSERT Menu for Dinner Round Steak Cakes Buttered Potatoes Creamed Carrots Bread Peach Jam Cucumber Salad Cherry Shortcake Coffee Round Steak Cakes, Serving Six One pound round steak, ground, 1-2 cup cracker or bread crumbs. 1-2 cup tomatoes. 1-2 teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons chill sauce. 1-4 teaspoon pepper. 1-2 cup flour, 4 tablespoons bacon fat (other fat can be used* Mix ell ingredients except the flour and bacon fat. Shape the meat into cakes 2 inches in diam eter. Roll in the flour. Heat fat and add the meat cakes Brown on both sides Lower the fire and cock rlowlv for 15 minutes. Cucumber Salad One cup thinly sliced cucumbers. 3 slices onions. 1 cup iced water. 3 tablespoons chopped green pep pers. 1 teaspoon salt. 1-4 teaspoon pepper. 1-4 teaspoon celerv salt. 3 tablespoons vinegar, 5 tablespoons salad oil. Mix the cucumbers, onions and iced water. Store In a cold place for several hours Drain and add the rest of the Ingredients. Cherry Shortcake. Sen .nr Six Two cups flour, teaspoons baking powder. 1 tablespoon sugar. 1 eeg. 1-3 teaspoon salt. 4 tablespoons fat. 1-2 cup milk. Mix th™ flour, baking nnwder. sugar and salt. Cut in the fat with a knife and add the erg and milk Pour into a shallow pan which has been greased Bake in a moderate oven for 15 minutes. Cherry Mixture Two cups seeded cheries. 1 cur* sugar. 2 tablespoons flour. 1-2 cun water. 1 tablespoon butter. 1-4 tea spoon cinnamon. Mix the sugar and Pour. Add the cherries and waW and cook slowly, •■♦irring constantly until the mix ture thickens. Add the rest of the ingredients and when mixed, serve on the shortcake. WOMEN USUALLY KNOW WHEN THEY NEEO A TONIC • When your energy seema to be di minishing md extra demands on youe itrentfth leave you weak and exhausted, that is the time to start taking St. Joseph’s Dhe Voruc 7% First Mortgages On farms Business Buildings » * i Apartments ...through our Loan Department We have plenty of money for good first class loans on Real Estate. Also certificates and strictly first class in vestments for idle funds, paying good rates of interest and giving absolute safe ty for investors. Call — Write or Telephone — at Any Time CAPITAL' $200,000.00 -