Newspaper Page Text
TTRUSGROWER CITRUS GROUP Average Net Return of $1.40 Per Case Is In dicated 'Sneclal to The Herald) MERCEDES, June 22—A return of $1 4021 ppr sere net. or $01845 ppr pound for the average of all grader and sibes of grapefruit for the sea son of 1928-29 is shown by the de tailed report of the Rio Grande Valley Citrus Growers association recently mailed to members. Marsh Seedless shows the highest average for clashes, with $1 8338 for Bunglo. $1.5377 for Texas Beauty and $1.5377 for Discovery. Du near averaged $1.2710 for Sunglo. $1.3813 for Texas Beauty and $11852 for Discovery, with an average of $1 231 per box for all grades and sires aft~r the deduction of all costs of packing and selling. Foster pink, the fancy type brought $3.0003 per box. aft'-r de ducting parking and selling costs Washington navel nrangel brought $1 8632 per box: pineapple orancr $1 8029; temple. $17715; Valenr a $1,551. Parson Brov.n $1 4984. Jaffa S0.8018, blood oranges $1 0572, and eatsumas $1.8785. In the letter aceompnnving the detailed report, the association calls attention to the fart that a large percentage of ’ brights’* or "golden" fruit brings a return as high as 35 cents por box over the russet fruit The letter a’.so stresses the need for mere thorough spraying and pest control, and criticizes this year’s fruit as being below the Val leys usual standard. A refund of .1385 rents ner box. representing lowered o’w.vm - cos's this year was returned to the grow ers. Pool statements issued enrlir deducted ar. estimated parking cost of $.85 per box. which, on t'-*® clos ing ol the books, was found to be reduced to $7115 per box. City Briefs! >«— ■■ — ■ .11 ■■ M i Mil I ■■ — — Fans—Keen your clients cool or the fourth cf July—give them a fan with your advertisement reno Bros. Printing Shcp. phone P27. 12th street —Adv. 24 Publi'- Notice—Starting Monday. .Tune 24. cur store will c’.o^e at «! p m for the summer months Har grove's Stationers’ and Deck fore —adv. 24. Gulfsidr Casino and Hotel. Point Isabel. Come to (he seashore whee the cool breeds blow Sncnd a week end with pleasure.—Adv. Gocd Caching and ri‘’’iug, cmd dining, good dancing, good room* poed fresh water showers, good boat service Eve-vthiog for your ron ’whnet pt Gulf side Port Irabal.—Adv. Gufrdde C" '•‘no. Po nt Tsabe! h” tel accommodations. fcra'’h cottar’s scheduled boat service: cnee’ >1 r >r to parties. Phone 24 Point Labe! tor reservations.—Adv. Ftehing Between the To'*“ Is re lieved quickly by applying imuen&i Eczema Eemedv. st bedtime. Drug gists are authorized to reiund money if it fails.—Adv. Pavenpcrt Tvprwrihr Exchange. tcmpoiTiv location. Cromal; Eh’ ’ , on ilth St. Sell New -Silent’’ 8 L. C. Srnitn and Corona tvpewritc - Briton Addmg Machine and Calcu lators. We repair ail makes.— Adv 23. We Have a great a art men t o> heautiiul colors in the Standard * Corona Four. Ere our window dis play in our temporary location. Cromrek b ilcilng. cn 11th. St. Bevennort Typewriter FxchP.n c — Adv. 23 1*0 B OYm 5COU )! [Activities TROOP 4 Troon four held its regular meet ing Friday mght at 7:30 o'clock The meeting was ope>'d w-ith the Scout oath Arrangements for the Scouts : on the 4th of July were planned There were four new members. Nor l man Clark. Donald Abbot. David i PohJ and Sam Merrel. The grouts present were Edwin Clark. Box Dixon. Justin McCarty. Gordon McGinnis. Clarence John son. Joe Kowalski, assistant scout master. was pre.rf*nt and taught the Scouts some new games, initiation for the new Scou’s was held. Thomas Clegg, scoutmaster, was prdfcen?. Ke had a surprise for tnc Scouts, with watermelon. Justin r?. "arty. scribe. AUSTIN ELECTRICIAN KILLED BY LIVE WIRE AUSTIN’. June 22 —< P -J A r rtectrick. 25. an electrician. c:~d t JS- four hours aft-r comirc m EStact with a 2500 volt wire near which he was working PUZZLES POT ICE csiivrT A ana. Cal June 22.—[4 — John L McClure. 57-year-old I-one li«h real estate man accused of aESne Mrs. Myrtle Wood. Long Bewh widow, last night pu^ Sheriff Sam Jemipan with a be SSKring mixture of admission and denial' McClure admuted to Jcr his subseouent kidnaj me ~> mcji. was fa’se.__ OPTIMISTS ADJOURN TULSA. okla _.Jurpa niar ^he £&££& "55: * :tu ts International closed here t dS' and some 500 delegates began departing for their home* j — rz 1 ■ .—... ... .--.... -• —... .— ; newType plane to attempt long hop _r|_|-|_n_-|_n_n_r_—1_— ^|J-_-_r_r J-I^m J| - -||| Associated Press Photo The "Miami Maid." first amphibian monoplane to be built by the Miami Aircraft corporation and em bodying new theories of design, is being prepared for a non-stop flight from Miami to New York. Eddie Miramier will pilot the ship which has caoin space for five passengers. LATE MARKET REPORT TRUCK M 0 V EM ENT—STOCKS—CO TTON—G RALN—IJ VESTOCK — POU LTRY—EGGS L___— .. ..mar-* Railroad Shares Mount To New Hi«jh Levels; In dustrials Up NEW YORK June 22.—‘R—A brisk demand for railroad shares, half a dorm rf which mounted to j record high levels, featured th** ' rrsumnt-nn of th* upward price movements in today’s session of the market. Industrials end pub'i** ut'litiis a’®n presented several ncints of strength, but there v: ■ . o preater tendency to tak® prof.ts in thore prouns Excent f°- the generally favorable cb-rcter rf ♦h* wcek-**nd mercan tile end trade reviews. th*re wv r.o news to influence the pric® movement. Traders wer? pleas’d that the cell n?an®v ra’e was mnin trined 7 n®r c®r»t this weak an'1 vhi’e they look for a h'gh®r rat? next week, ro such flurry as char acterised th® M*rch month-end mn'krt is cxoectod. Auburn Auto. c’oce’v h®!d tod?" scared 27 i-7 p®ints to n n®*v h gh *,ecr,rd p* 3n7. which contrasts with the year's low rf 221. The peak pri®e~> fer the vear. nr !cncrr. v er? est?blish®d in the rail road r.rcn bv Atchison. N®w York C®ntTl. Norfolk aod Wr tcm New Haven end Union Par fi®. Stce'' wg'ket rv°refes: .r7 Iorhr- 27 R«‘l- 27 T7t 1 - trials , road? t ®s Today ... 218 7 1*7 R 263.0 n-rv ri?v .. 717 0 130 3 253 3 Week ago . 214.5 137.1 2 6 8 Year mo.. 173« l’9T VS1 K:®h <i*v?c> 225 4 h*l ® ;r?o L<v • 271.”T 127 6 133.1 Total r.r’es 1 *" '37 shores T’ORT WORTH. June 22 — — Th® week's c.bfl? trade here closed w th severe! t s ts of catt.e and ®a!ves shewing mederet? dec! n®s. T.ow-cv.tte- cc® -. hulls, fat "®?r lircs and b® tie®’; • ®arling® he'd about steady. but bo*f and but “hr® cow® bard to m?"® et low er levels, r-if trade nrcvxJ ro he uneven. * losing at levels around r*>®rtr- to h®’f dollar lower. Ov up to h'®h t “tuners turfs. wa ter-fids cn r-o®t dors ho'e been e\*n®P'f've. Comnarcd with th? hirh *im® cf two cr thrre w*elts ago. beef and but?her cows show pri®e Iosco® $1 27 to 61.53 Pci er f**t scarce, al ‘heu'h * few sol®s no to 3:403 nod -hove. Th® week’s ton on bulls was Price® held R»n®rpilv ®»eadv in hoes and supply clear'd early. Smooth butch®®? in carlot® topped at 10.30. No shorn or iambs cf ccn®®qurnce shown her® ♦*/,®y erd trade nom inal. KANSAS ,—TV. June 22—T — Livestock tr*',« er-und the 11-mar ket ci'cuit this week was featured by modern:® upturns on high ly fini®h®d steers and vearlinps and ®easonnble b'eak 'n values of grass fat she stock Strictly choic® fed steers and ycarlines wre strong to 75c high®' but ethers !®s«; de sfrab’® ruled weak t®> ucevenlv low er. Price declines of 50® to SI or grass fat cows and h?if®'s were general. Factors inflencing the slump on th? in between grades of st®rrs and Y?arli:r®® were a ns 'row ing in th® d®mard for d'e®sed beef and uo«RMs'8"torw dr®®s:r>® ',crc®nt c~es due to the fact that rranv of the short feds r.r® beginning to shew gmr® Hoc nrices continued to fluctu a*« with packers be®omir*r b?a~i®h when loo nrices at the’rlver mar kets c\-®rericd the 611 mark. Cur rent values are unevenly sieadv to 3P® hiphe® than a week aeo. The «h®en supnlv numbered around 131.600 as comnared with 738 860 'n®t- we®k and 157 leg n vear am. wpf i^mb' «-e~® t«nd®'«d en other deelin® of 53c to 81. hut year lings were no* es nleoMful end at F«veral market® material mins wer® resri®t«red cn this clas® rs®ne"allv steadv n-!ce® were maintained on aeed stock. FORMER LEGISLATIVE r» FpK now fN VAf LF.Y 'Sneesal to The Herald' MISSION. June 22 —Carl Phin ney. for a number of years chief rlerk of the bou®e of representative?, and formerly secretary to Ocvern®> M®odv has recently moved tn Ed inburg to rroke his home II® wdr b® associated with a land develop ment company as sales manager. I i New York Stocks^ j NEW YORK. June 22—fAPI—Sale* (In hundreds!, high, low and closing quotations on the Now York Stock Ex change today: Ahumada Lead ... 3 2 2 AI C A- Dve. 3 303% . 306% Am Con . R 1<«% 145% l«‘'« Am Km A- R . 10 106% 1M% 1"S% Am Sug . 1 78 77 73 Am Tel . 45 2*6% 215 217 Am Woo’en . 2 17’, 17’, 17’, , Anoc Con . 50 117% 115% 117%. Andes Cop . 55 55’, 51% 55*, I A T S F . 15 227% . 226 Baldwin Loco . 4 253 243*, 233 RAO . 2 125% 124% 121% Rarnscla’l A . 4 11 40% 41 Beth Stl . 40 103 105*4 107% Briggs Mfg . 2 35*i 2*7* ' Calu A; Artr . 2 133 130 130 Calu Ac Hecla . 12 4-»% 43% *1 ran r.-~ 10 271% 232% 233’, | Ccrro Pasco . 2 101% ... 100% c if. O . 2 224 % 223% 224% C M St P pt . 14 52% 51% 5?% c nv . 4 85 ... 84 GRIP . 5 127*, ... 127 1 Chrysler . 70 77% 76 78% | C cola . 1 129% 127% 123% 1 Cc’o Fuel . 9 61 62% 64 Colu Ob* ...20 81 79% 8! Coin O-bon- . 5 57% 55% 57 •CBS Ga- . 35 rs 127 % 12* % Crucible S 'Cl .... 1 97 97% S7 Curti s .A-ro . 2 166*, 1**’, 16'% Huron’ . 0 170% 177% 173% El P A- I . . 5 73% 72% 72% Eng Pu Svg . 7 57% 561 - Erie . 5 81% 80% 30* •tor F*!m A ... 1 S'% P’% FYeenwt Texas ... 3 '16 •’A’, 16 Gen Elec .. li 303 303%. 391% On Mot.10 74% 73% 73*. Gold Du t . « «'% 61% 6’a, Goodvc- - re .... 5 *76% 177 126% Grant Vr T . 1 H0«. 1*9 t’9% Orr„n Cans . 1’ 1*1% 1«’% 167%. 11c-.IT Sound . 3 67’, 67’.I 67’-, Oud Motors . 8 R5% 85’. 35’, Hun,-, ... R 49’, 47*, 4n% Tnsp’’ at* on Cop .. 4 16 '*5% *5* , Hit Farr . 4 100% 131 101% I'll Vr\ . 77 50% 40% 59’, Tnr ’rcl 13 891, 73 “9 1 vr - v lie . 10 187% 130% jri% K r s . o-% M n,‘ ’’.inn“t»t* ’7 ri% pi** t.‘, TdlrtW E d!o .... n ‘1 32 37% K'-r G.o . •’ 13’ 18’ 18* left Inc . 10 9% O', 9* I Mac!; Trti. * 16*% 5’ r‘"» Mar O l . . .. R 36% 3e' • 76 Scab O!. 5 4’■% 4" . *•' *T-K: Tn .. 1 70’. 7”. 70% c.- 7 *13’' 42% 4”% ” " 8*3 O.l ....... 3 3 h 3 3* , ” K T . 11 57% 53 3 56'j ”0 Pa- . * 01% o, »T0iu Wr -d .. 7 107 105% 100 Motor ... 3 85’, .. 85% Nat C~ h Pin A . 3 1*5%, !!•*% 116', »*-'• Cnnr cop 7 4R% 17 ’3 *T A* C* 70 177 034% 71”, •try rjn f- h _ Jft 1 , 1!2*, ’’l*. ’■'octb /—U ...... 4 1773, .. i*>o% s%r >:r[,c . 7 106% 105”' |06 Pac*;rrd . 3 in, ir>% rn o n Amn B . 1* 5*1% 57’, 57% "arair.-u- • 7 c*% 67’, 6 ■*■% °-r>n R R . 30 r.7 8’% R2 nh*l T't . 1 7' 37 37', Bo* urn 6 75’, ... 7’. i»ub S - NJ . e in-i. 1771, 1077, *nir» O l . 6 37% 77 °7’, -7d'o Ocr . 5 pis, r.% -O': EP-.dine . 21 1”% Vn 1*'*% r'-'Ti 731 >1 3» Ren T- .» -t! . 7 "6 P5 95% Eer -r^v, jj. ? ,, 53 „ S“% Pt !, BP 6 ItTtS, 117 C-»t, Vr:*-" ** 131 •, 17 ’*er- n-' 1 16”, 159', 16” Sen*e» Con . 1 r% 5% Sb.'t Ue"1 . 16 ’6% **61 . 76', .'-’mm- P t . 27 7’ % 33*, 31 ’•nr’vr . I* 36% 3'% SkeM- 17 40% 77% »0% cn«j Per*ft- . 9 ’7.7’, 177’ . 1.77-. ’«t! rv . 1 !<” 143% 1% SO r-1 7 73% 73% SO »’.» 6 57 V*, 56*, V» »’ ’’ 7 20’. 39i; 39% Studcb**'cr . R 70% 77 77% Texes ro-n _ 1 61*,, 61 61% T "•»* Gulf Sul ... 10 77% 7*>% 73% TP Pv .. 1 185 160 165 TP Coal . 1 17% ... 17% TP Land TR . 1 17% . 17% Trims OH . 3 10% 10% 10’, »’P rv .30 234'- 27~% 237'-, T7 r Rubber . 2 53% 50% 51% IT S St--' . 54 181% 130% 180*, Ws-rrr P;c . 4 116*. 116 *,16% ’.V M|-Viand . 5 41% 43 43% tv t7 . . 2 197 196 197 ’Ve«”n»h<rise . 1 173% 177% 178’, Vrills Ovid . 67 731, 22’, 73% 1 ’Roo'worth . 1 719’, 219 Wr’?ht Aero . 45 134 127% 131% Yellow Truck . 14 4.7% 42 42% COTTON «By The Associated Press) Port movement: Mdlg. Rcpts. Sa!«s New Orleans .. 18 32 448 457 Galveston _ 13 30 502 480 Mobile . 18 00 202 _ Savannah .... 1311 108 .... Charleston. 1.220 .... Wilmington. C»0 .... Norfolk. 1C 28 27 114 Baltimore. .• ■ New York .... 13.30 .... 700 Boston . 50 .... Houston. 18.30 190 197 Minor ports.t. . Total today. 2.817 1.934 Total for week .... 2.817 .... Total season.9„»12.035 .... Interior movement: Mdlg. Rcpts Sales Memphis. 17.45 440 4.050 Augusta . 18 56 19 191 St. Louis. 394 .... Fort Worth ... 17.55 ... 50 | Little Rock ... 17 45 6 29 Atlanta . 18.30 .... 390 Dallas. 17 55 - 1.828 Montgomery .. 1810 . Total today. 879 6 448 SUICIDE VERDICT — BEAUMONT. Texas. June 22.— .-P>—A coroner's verdict of suicide was returned today in the death of M P Ri"e- operator here, who died of shotgun wounds. I Riggs had been nJg United States Using 1,000,000 Barrels of Gasoline Each Day WASHINGTON. June 22.—(.4*)— 1 hough extraordinary efforts in the petroleum industry set up this year have failed to check expansion of crude oil output, it is now growing apparent that current huge con sumption of petroleum products, chiefly gasoline, is closely matching the demand to the supply. The crude oil coming to the sur face at the record-shattering rate cf 2.700.000 barrels a day. it would tie normal expectation to have stor age facilities swamped, but G. R Hopkins, petroleum economist for the bureau of mines, after some study cf the available records ex pressed the opinion that even this tremendous flow is not operating at the moment to increase oil stocks. Gasoline consumption is running at the rate of more than 1,000,000 i barre's a day in the United States. Mr. Hopkins estimates, while ex ports ol gasoline closely balance supply obtainable from imports of crude. Fuel oil consumption is fig ured at close to 1 000 000 barrels ad ditional. With 29.000,000 automo biles operating in the country, the rough approximation of figures in dicates that possibly two gallcis of gas is daily needed by each ma chine. and with 600.000 new ma chines being turned out monthlv by factories, it is confidently anttci J paled that summer month pas con rumption will rea^h new high lev els. The tendency of gas consump tion fleures to increase is now well established. Crrpus Chr.sti Enters Ranks Cf Cities Over $1,0CC,0C0 DALLAS. June 22.—< T* — Houston <*on: tn-ed the rapid building pace i she has set this year bv issuing I >571.806 in permits last week, more than the three other large Texas i cities put together. Corpus Christ! was brought into the circle of cities whHi hove issued more than $1 000 TOO in permits Permits Issued !°st week, with the total for the year: City Week Year Houston .>574 806 $18.055.7t5 Fort Worth .298.065 5.872.634 Dallas.. 112.342 5.655.235 Port Arthur .... 105.165 1.516,165 Sen Antonio ... 103.250 10.150.752 San’o .... 70 932 1.163.915 or.reve.jort . 62362 2.089.041 Lubbock . 53.576 2.446.316 Austin .. 51.459 1.674.923 Beaumont . 48.621 1.470.92! Corpus Chr'sii .. 46.170 1.015,526 Amarillo . ? 797.2nfl Wichita Falls ... 25.500 583.740 Waco . 30.550 1.099.078 Abilene . lO^S 822.638 Plainview . 12.050 727.250 Galveston . 12.000 1.040.000 Sherman . 8.350 158.227 Pampa . 6.750 642.540 _ Bovine Kicks On Gov. Dan Moody’s Style of Milking TYLER. Tex.. June 22.—(An— Governor Dan Moody participated in a milking contest here today, but was disqualified when the cow kicked over the bucket and Col. C C. Walsh, governor of the eleventh federal reserve bank district, cap tured first honors. The contest was a part of the celebration incident to the open ing of a new milk products plant here. Governor Moody told the guests that he had been reared in the dairy business and that he was fifteen years old before he knew what it was to sleep after 4 o’clock in the morning. DR. HOFFER NAMED DENTAL BOARD HEAD DALLAS. June 22.—r/P—Dr H W. Hoffer. Kaufman, was named president of the State Board of Dental Examiners here today at the close of a week's session in which 144 examinations for certifi cates to practice dentistry were taken Dr B. F Thielen. Paris, war named vice president. JOCKEY KILLED BY FALL AT CLEVELAND CLEVELAND. June 22—(/Pi Jockey C. Churchman died here tonight after a fall !n the fourth race at Bainbrid e tra^k here to day. He suffered a fractured skull when thrown from his mount Roll ’Em Down. WILBUR HINTS NEW POLICIES Secretary Says U. S. May Sell Waters In Units Rather Than Power LAS .VEGAS. Nev., June 22—fjpt —Secretary Wilbur today inspected . Black Canyon on the Colorado river, where Boulder Canyon dam will be built, and afterward declared that if possible the government intended to sell "falling waters in terms of : actual power units rather than to sell power." , The secretary's statement was the ' ^rst outline of what he said should be "a new policy of the federal gov ernment in dealing with great build ing projects." He said, however, that if power companies were not inter ested in leasing power rights at the dam the government would make the power and sell it, either at the site, or at the end of power lines. The interior department head, ac companied by Commissioner Mead. ; of the bureau of reclamation. Sen ators Codie and Pittman of Nevada, and Governor Balzar of Nevada braved the waters of the Colorado in a small boat in order to view the I site where shortly the government I will begin construction of the great 1 dam. Mysterious Gas Attack Source Is Reported Found EL P ASO. June 22..—f/PV—Gas j which caused the death of two chil- j drcn and illness of sixteen other' persons \yedncsdav night emanated from pools containing waste water from the refinery of the Pasotex Petroleum company, an investigat- ! ing board apnointed by city and countv officials reported today. Hydrogen sulphide gas was de clared to have been the atrent re sponsible for the deaths and pros j trations. AGED WOMAN DIES OF CRASH INJURIES ABILFNE. June 22 —a*—Mrs Elizabeth Sanders. 76. of Brown wood. died here today from injuries received in an automobile accident earlier in the day. Her daughter, Mn. Ida McGarehev. who was driv ing. was not tniured The accident occurred when the car went into a ditch near Clyde. — Rome Silent On Agreement Between Mexico And Church VATICAN CITY. June 22—< P>— Announcement cf the conclusion of agreement on the religious contro versy between church and state in Mexico passed unnoticed tonight ir. the Observatore Romano, a news paper which often refl°cts the au thoritative Vatican viewpoint on world affairs. i The settlement went equally un remarked in Rome Itself, where the 1 Corriere D'Itnlia. Catholic organ, i also was silent. The office of Cardinal Gasparri. papal secretary of state, did not re lax its previous attitude of reserve, beyond saving *hat Archbishop Ruiz ‘ was the authorized spokesman. The Roman press in general con , t^ntpd itse'f with dispatches from ; Mexico, not prominently displayed. which aroused no editorial com | ment. KANSAS CITY AIRPORT IS WEATHERPROOF ! KANSAS CITY. June 22— ; Kansas Ci*v's municipal airport, for ! the first time in many months, is j ready for all-weather flying. A coat of asphalt is to be spread over several carloads of cinders that have transformed the field from a pasture of small lakes to hard, packed runways. During excessive rains in the past it has been np^es sary for pilots to use Fairfax field insted of the municipal port. A sewer system has been installed to drain off water frem the take-off and lending areas. Celebration Planned By Hargill Day Water System Work Begins HARGILL. June 22—Three huge drag line machines are being un loaded at Hargill to be assembled for woifc on the $7,500,000 irrigation system of the Willacy county water control and improvement Co. of Raymondville. About 20 machinists will arrive in Hargill next week to begin the work of assembling the i machines. Actual work of digging the mam canals south of Hargill about four miles will begin just as quickly as the machines can be assembled, pushed by a day and night crew. This will be the beginning of one of the largest irrigation projects in the United States. cmbracing 129.000 acres of land lying . the eastern portion of Hidalgo e jty and the western part of Willacy county. The Trinity Farms company have the contract for the dirt work on the system. The throwing of the first steam shovel of dirt will be a gala occasion. Prominent, men and women from all parts of the Valley will be In at tendance. Hargill will reap great benefit from the operation of this Irrigation system. Legislative Group To Meet Monday on Rural School Aid AUSTIN. June 22.—m— A final hearing of the senate-house com mittee appointed to smooth out dif-. ferences on rural school aid bills' passed by the two branches will be held Monday to adjust provisions which the committee did not agree cn today because cf the absence of members. There are indications that the measure will carry an appropria tion of $5,500,000 for 1930-31. Rep resentative W. T. Graves. Stephen ville. co-author of the house bill appropriating $5,000,000 to aid fi nancially weak schools, said The senate bill called for an expenditure of $6,000,000. The committee today agreed on a term of six and one-half months provided for in the original house bill. The senate's bill called for a seven th-mon*’1 term. HIGHER TARIFFS ARE ASKED BY FARM BODY I WASHINGTON. June 22.—</P>— The American Farm Bureau Fed eration today added its pica to that previously made to the senate fi | nance sub-committee by the Na tional Grange for higher duties than proposed in the house tariff bill on approximately 75 farm prod | ucts. | Chester Gray. Washington repre sentative of the federation, ccn j tended the house measure left a disparity wider than existing law in j the arerage rat? between agricul tural and non-agricultural prod ucts. and insisted an analysis of the bill show'd that party prom ises regarding tariff readjustment for the farmer had not been ful filled. -■. - FORD URGIS NECESSITY OF FRUIT FLY CAUTION <Snecial to The Herald > HARLINGEN. June 22—M. H Ford, who is in charee of the fruit fly cleanup work in the Valley, ad dressed the Rotary club on the im portance of keening the section tree of alternate host fruit trees, and ; otherwise complying with the fruit i fly regulations. POSTPONE FLIGHT LOS ANGELES. June 22—//P — Leo Nomis and Maurice Morrison who had planned to take the air late tedav in an attempt to break the refueling endurance record of 172 hours. 32 minutes and one sec ond. established recently at Fort Worth. Texas, by R L Robbins and James Kelly, announced to night they had postponed their take off until 6 a. m. tomorrow. Four thousand of Michigan's T 063 prison inmates »re single and only 232 are divorced IN SLAYING George Britton, below, his be"n held fry the murder of lies Carolina Britton, above, his wife, in her home at Methuen. Mass. Police say she was ham mered to death and her bed then set on fire after kerosene had been poured ever her body and bed. 10.000 PIGEONS IN NATIONAL RACE CHATTANOOGA. Tenn . June 22 j —' T —Under a clear sky. more than 10.00 racing homing pigeons were released this afternoon from Look out mountain in the Chattanooga national pigeon race. The field was cut almost in half before the state . by selection of birds only in the best j of condition. SEEK TO FREE CAPONE PHILADELPHIA. June 22—P — Attorney Benjamin M. Golder said today that he has renewed efforts to free ::Scarface Ai" Capone. Chi cago gangster, from the Holmes ; burg county prison, where he is ! serving a one-year sentence for carrying a loaded pistol. Reports from Chicato that ar i rangements already had been made for Capone's release Wednesday were denied by Golder. HISPANIC CHURCHES MEET HAVANA. June 22 —«Pt— The fourth Hispanic American congress for evangelical churches today d?« | voted itself to Introducing 10 ... '.le gates from the United States, rep- j ! resenting social and educational m i stitutions. who will act n an ad visory capacity. The session's air J 1 to secure greater fraternity, good will and reciprocity between the Laitn-Ameriean nations. ROBBINS O'! TOUR SAN DIEGO. Cal . June 22 — ^ - R L. Robbins, who with Jame Ho - ley. recently established a world's record for sustained flight, landed here today in his plane, the Fort Worth. Hn left Fort Worth. Texas Friday and stopped at Yuma, Art/.,1 Friday night. He Is touring Cali frnnm airports. A 3.700 car crop cf peaches Is rredirted for Illinois this year, an increase of 1200 over 1023 BATH HOUSE !S TAKING SHAPE ' Increasing Crowds Show Popularity of Boca Chica As Resort With the completion of th* new bath house at. Boca Chica but a week off, large crowds are assem bling there each week-end. accord ing to Ewing D Clark, general man ager of Boca Chica Beach. Inc. de velopers. •Hundreds of Valley If e* are driv ing down Saturday afternoon to spend the night and the following Sunday, while Sunday crowds will number into the thousands.** Clark said. * We have already finished dress ing rooms and fresh wafer showers in the new hath house so that tney may he used and everything will be f.mshed by next week-end. on which we expect to see a crowd in attend ance to bieak all previous records. •Boca Chica is the most ideal place between here and Corpus Christ! for a swim and beach party. Easily accessible. It has plenty of shade for parties: the swimming ti proving very popular breause of the even temperature of the water in the bay and its camparatlve safety.* Angered By Girl * Reply, Swain Drive* Icepick In His Heart GALVESTON. June 22.—<Jh—Mo tivated by jealousy, A. D. Webb. 2T, boiler maker helper, kill'd himself by a blow over the heart with an ice pick today at the hotel room door of a 16-year-old divorcee. Ev elyn Diamond, with whom he had been associating. Mi'5 Diamond went swimming with another man. When she re turned. Webb questioned her from the hallway while she was dressing to meet him. He drove the pick into his heart when her answers angered him. residents of the hotel said. . — —■■■.- -. « Huge Combine Is Seen In Machinery For Farm Relief -— . * WASHINGTON. June 22—4 Fear that machinery provided in the new farm relief act may result in the formation of "additional organ izations of giant proportions to con- | trol agricultural products'* was ex pressed today by Senator democrat, Utah, in a statement in % which he also called on the attor ney general to ‘ take prompt action * to enforce the federal anti-tru * ' laws.” It would be a strange irony if the r farm relief bill should lead to In crease of monopolies In food pro- jr ducts to the disadvantage of the farmers and the serious injury of the public.” the farm relief Ml: -n my opinion, will prove a sad disap pointment to the farm'r and of no benefit to the country” th' sene for said. SOLON EMBARRASSED BY H»S OWN SPEECH OMAHA June 22.— J»—, A de cision not to go to Bordeaux. Frar e, in Auugst as a member cf the Amer ican group at the interparliament ary union conference, because of a speech h? mode in the house Mon day. was announced tonight by Con gressman Edgar Howard, democrat, Nebraska. After his speech in opposition to a resolution to postpone payment by France of a $407.000000 war obliga tion due the United States August 1 Mr. Howard said that Senator Bur ten cf Ohio, president of the Amer ican group, telephoned and ' po litely invited” him to remain on this side of the Atlantic LETS GO! UY her a roadster ... not necessarily a new one ... a used one will do. She needs it . . . its economical it's easily parked . . . it's easily | handled . . . it’s the shopping car. Turn now to the classified i page of today's Herald for j your second car. Tn the Used 1 Car Columns you will find ■ mam* “Good Roadster Bin s.’’ s •» w