Newspaper Page Text
r,Here’s A Simply Arranged Directory Of Wants And Offers. Look It Over Now! AUTOMOTIVE \ Highest Cash Offer I .Takes These Bargains Ford Truck—as Is. Nash Touring—as Is. Give us your cash pries—they must »e sold this week. Highest offer gets iny one or all. Act quick. TEX-MEX FISHERIES By Express Office Missouri Pacific Depot. R-114 tv ILL TRADE sedan or roadster for a truck. W. R. MeElroy. Brownsville. __ R-101 IFOR BALE—Cadillac wrecker, cheap Call 191. 14th and McKinley. R-109 | AUTOMOTIVE BHRSbR*! JF t • Y MKT IT 1 Vv il l) ■ • 10th & Adams 8TEVENSON MOTOR CO, In:. Brownsville. Texas. FOR GENUINE NASH PARTS AND SERVICE You should see us. We are equipped with everything It takes to render A-l service. Also washing, polishing and greasing. BROWNSVILLE NASH CO. 1327 Levee. Phone 1368 P-198 Classified Business Directory ARCHITECTS BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. Architects—Engineers 308 Merchants Bank Bldf. Phone 617 I Brownsville. Texas —■ i -- — E. G. HOLLIDAY Architect and Builder 409 State Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 _^ I IR. NEWELL WATERS Architect >-13 Security State Bank Building Weslaco, Texas -- ■ >* E. B. GORE • cf Civil and Coasulttng 14 Engineer Room 408. State National I grownsvtlle. Texas. Phone 1077. Ibuilders-contractorT I PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractors i 528 Washington St. I Brownsville, Texas n Phone 627 5} E. M. RID LEV k'*' General Contractor HL Roads. Land Leveling, m Plowing. Sub-soiling HHTeXC AV AT ION S EM BAN KM ENTS 408 MERCHANTS NATL RANK H « BROWNSVILLE _ ■ CASH KLC.IMI US R^lNA'nONAL CASH REGISTER CO Bi tl Registers bought, sold and ■ * exchanged B WE. Sanders. Representative Htt phone 29. Harlingen. Tex. Box 30o ■ ^ " DRAY—TRANSFER __ 1 w Mason Transfer & I If Grain Co. B I BONDED WAREHOUSE I if SEEDS OF ALL KINDS L i Light and Heavy Hauling ■ \ WE MOVE ANYTHING l| J1105 Adams._ Phone 139 AUSTIN TRANSFER I COMPANY [! Crating. Shipping. Hauling Phones 421 a;;J 519 florists _ THE FLOWER SHOP Cut flowers, pot plants, 11 funeral designs and bouquets /! 1254 Elizabeth St. | \ Phone 1388 t ' SAWYER THE FLORIST, flowers ll/J3l funeral designs. St. Charles 4 tnd Pita streets. Phone 771. I g HOTELS—CAFES I WHITE KITCHEN ! Famous tor Its Cooking-Immaculacy and Service The popular place tor business lunches 12th between Elisabeth and Washington Hat Renovating First Class Hat Renovating & Shoe Repairing Delta Shoe & Hat Shop \Ve Call for and Deliver Phone 535 I INSLRANCr 'ORVILLE R. EBV District Manager p-orla Life Insurance Company We specialize on monthly Income service. | 80S Baxter Bldg. Harlingen. Texas. Phone 501 “ PAINTING • ainTINQ. Paperhanging. Decorating lad Textontng. P. W. Ricks. 1448 Ltn “m St Phone 1338-J. — ~ FIN.V'TAL LOANS I fjm improved residence and business j w property. Todd and Underwood 1057 Levee et. Brownsville. Tessa FINANCIAL LOANS To buy. to bu'.ld. to re-finance or Im prove your home or business property Any Town in the Valley. Gunn & Holdridpre Over First National Ban* Pharr. Texas. LOANS Business Propersv at 6. 61* and 7%. RESIDENCE LOANS Semi-Annual Payments at 7 and 8%. Monthly payments $13 13 per $1000.00 D. L. WELCH 19 Arrade Jldg. Phone 1410 MATTRESS RENOVATING Let Ls Renovate Your Mattress We make mattresses to order. All repair work guarr.nteed SOMMERS 32th and Adams Phone 674 OFFICE EQUIPMENT ART METAL' FILING Equipment Maverick-Clarke Litho Co. 208 Merchants National Bank Phone 817—Brownsville ^meet Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVE S STATIONERY & BOOK STORE Brownsville. Texas FUNERAL DIRECTORS I ROOFING* TIIE TURNER BROWNSVILLE ROOFING CO.. Inc. We respectfully solicit vour re-roofing as well as new. Eighth and Railroad Brownsville. Tex. Phone 1163 i ___ ■ TYPEWRITERS DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange (Brownsville’s Typewriter House) Distributors. New L. C. Smith ‘Si lent” 8 and Late Corona 4 type writers. Also sell Royal Portables and “Factory” Rebuilt*—all makes We repair all makes typewTiter and adding machines. 1112 Elizabeth St. Phone 1105. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER SALES CO. Typewriters—Adding Machine* Supplies—Repairs Phone 506—Harlingen i PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEYS i RALPH A. DUNKELBERQ Attorney at Law Commercial Collections a Spcclzltj 106 Seabury. George and Taylor Building |Brownsville. Texas j Davenport. West and Ransom# Attorneys at Law 307-308 Merchants National Bank Brownsville. Texas H. B. GALBRAITH Attorney at Law Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville. Texas J. T. Canales C. S. Eidman, Jr. CANALES AND EIDMAN Attorneys at Law Real Estate a Specialty 303 Merchants National Bank Brownsville, Texas H. L. Yates Attorney at Law State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville CHIROPRACTOR M. Cook, D. C. CHIROPRACTOR Nerv-O-Meter Service 1715 Grant and Seventeenth Victoria Heights Brownsville. Texas. Phone 1228-J EL VIBRA SYSTEM USED REAL ESTATE LOS EBANOS Brownsville’s Supreme Residential District carefully restricted, com pletely Improved. Home sites from $1200.00. easy terms. James-Dickin son Co.. Realtors, comer ’’'-aveler* Hotel Bldg.. Browmsville fry a Herald Classified Ad j AUTOMOTIVE _“ AUTOMOTIVE G®®dl KJi®d Cars aS Gnu® Price JR*!. In coming to the Abbott Buick Company to pur chase a used car, your time and thought can be given wholly to the merit of the car. You need not waste your time “bargained” to find out what amount of money actually will buy the car— you will learn that fact the minute .you see the car. from the price tag. Buy any used car in our stock on a small down payment—your present car accepted as cash, Buick Standard Sedan, 1926__$550.00 Buick Standard Coupe, 1928 .$875.00 Buick Standard Coupe, 1927 .$ 650.00 Buick Master Sedan, 1926 .$575.00 Cadillac Sedan. 1926 .$975.00 Dodge Victory Coupe, 1928 .$775 00 Ford Touring, 1927 .$125.00 Ford Roadtser, 1926 .§ 75.00 Ford Light Delivery, 1925 .$ 75.00 Abhottt Biridk 9th and Washington Phone 1133 U§®d Csur§ FW AM Cheaper and Cheaper Every Day Small down payment and balance bv week or month Used Car Lot Across from Postoffice Ford touring . § 50.00 Pord touring, 1926 . $125.00 Chevrolet coupe, 1927 ....$350.00 Hudson coach, 1926 .$400.00 Buick sedan, 1926 . $650 00 Ford roadster . $ 45.00 Ford roadster, slip on body.$ 35.00 Packard, 5-passenger sedan.$1250 00 Dodge coupe, 1928 .$625i00 Dodge. 5 passenger sedan. 1928 .$650*00 Jewett coupe, 1926 .$435.00 Oldsmobile coupe, like new. $475 00 Dodire ‘ouring. 1925 .. *165.00 Ford light delivery.$ 85.00 Cadillac, 7 passenger custom built, late mode!, sedan. Cost $4750.00 now. ... $2285.00 Come in Early and Get Your Pick i LTi—JUpClJ Used Car Lot Across from Post Office Open Every Night til 9 P. M. FOR SALE New Chevrolet 6 Stan dard coupe; never been driven- immediate de livery. P. O. Box 824, San Benito, Texas. PRICED RIGHT 1925 Dodge Sedan . 9375 00 1927 Chevrolet Coupe .$350 00 1926 Naaeh light 6 Sedan.$400 00 1926 Oldsmobtle Coupe_ $300 00 CASH TRADE TERMS BROWNSVILLE NASH CO. 1327 Levee. Phone 1366 -Q-33? LOST AND FOUND LOST—Small bunch of keys Bring to Herald office or phone 1173-W. R-153 LOST—Three diamond Mexican gold ring; also white gold wedding ring. Re ward. Phone 1281, room 1. McCrorv Bld*_R-152 LOST—Brown suit case containing men s clothing. Call 1051-J. Reward. It-167 HELP WANTED WANTED—Chevrolet mechanic; must be an Amerlcari. and must have had previous experience In a Chevrolet service department. Permanent em ployment. Brannan Chevrolet Co Mission. Texas. R-165 WANTED—Clerk with some knowledge of bookkeeping. Must speak Spanish Prefer married man State experience, references, and salary expected. Ad dress R-190. care Herald. R-190 WANTED—Chevrolet mechanic; must be an American, and must have had previous experience In a Chevrolet service department. Permanent em ployment. Brannan Chevrolet Co Mission. Texas. R-153 WILL FINANCE married man 25-60 good appearance, fair education, la a paying business of his own. Profits to start will average only about $30 weekly but will Increase as vou learn the bus iness. Must furnish A1 references and have car for delivery. Make applica “opln handwriting to MeConnon At Co., 297 MeConnon Bldg . Memphis T*pn-R-6 ADDRESSING ENVELOPES It home during spare time. Earn substantial pay weekly; experience unnecessary. Dignified employment for honest, sin cere persons. Moral Advancement League. Naperville. HI. P-128 SALESMEN—AGENTS SALESMAN calling on the buyers of office supplies will be given the op portunity of handling a side-line of envelopes, plain, printed or lithograph ed. direct from manufacturer to user. If you can not see the possibilities of such a connection, do not answer this ad. but if you recognlge it as an ad vantage. you win answer at once Box R-164. care Herald- R-164 ) _ SALESMEN—AGENTS , YOUNG MAN with automobile salas j experience to sell Ford products ln ; Mercedes. Weslaco territory. Apply In ! person. Tolson Motor Co , Mercedes __ R-179 | 1 „ AGENTS—JUST OUT^ 58 88 for men's suits! Anyone can sellf ki‘t* ln a^vancc! f>ee sales W.U ln<l P*ny> Ptl,t- NC :ffle RrJ" daisNTN7w*Hfy made 1387 00 “,a*V . discovery. Snuffs out all 1 semna I,JJllne ^'ondv Choice fS““« plan- Demonstrating outfit clinches sales. Write r>-r-Fvt»r V-t. Fyr-Fytcr mSH'JjZg'S. C°’ ___ __ R-185 bl 1 lousTlndustrlous p^r and 8upply the de Rawie! *h Household Products la Mercedes. Rio Orande. Mission. San fr n!?t *n? ”arIln*8n *nd various oth " TeXn!i: 1,30 t0 8400 a month h^i'r. proflt- Hawielgh meth exL.?f-n~ everywhere. No selling experience required. We supply Prod. Sa!ea and ®*rvlc« Methods ^rvnonth ^ Proflta lnc‘8a88 h' LoWMt pr!c*8: best val complete service, w. T T>nn '• °*pt TX'fl022 Memphis. - Q-89 SITUATICJS WANTED HIGH SCHOOL graduate with knowl edge of trpswntie* e Intelligent. P. O. Box 721. R-160 PERSONAL DR. OOOK Chiropractor. mrtfc >«-**» massages. El Vlbra reducing system used Cook * Williams. 1713 Grant Bt telephone 1228-J. 0-3 DRIVINO TO ILLINOIS July 2; can take one passenger. For Information phone 231. R-147 LEAVINO FOR MISSISSIPPI next week by automobile. Want companion for company. Address R-186. care Herald R-186 WANTED—Every mother of children under 4 years of age who wants to en ter our contest. Grand prize. $20 ln gold and 9 other valuable prlies. Can get descriptive circular by dropping us a card. Miller Studio. Harlingen. Tex. _ R-184 LIVESTOCK—POULTRY REDUCED PRICES certified chicks. From 200-egg cockerels. Bloodtested Per 100: Leghorns, large assorted $8 00; Anconas. Rocks. Reds, Orpingtons. Wy andotte*. 39 00; Brahmas $13 00: as sorted $7.50; 100 per cent live delivery, prepaid Catalog free. Dixie Poultry Farms. Box 104. Brenham. Texas. _Q-219 BUSINESS rPPURTUNITY FOR SALE—Garage and service station Good Valley town, fine location. Box 27. La Ferla. Q-207 FOR SAL&—grocery and market. Clean stock. Growing business. Small capital needed. Reason for selling, other business claims attention. Ad dress R-97. care of Herald. R-97 IF IT'S WORTH advertising It’s worth telling about fully. That's the wav to get results. FOR SALE—Orocery and market with modern equipment, doing excellent business. This win bear strict Investi gation. For further Information ad dress. R-169. Brownsville Herald. R-109 DIFFICULT PROBLEMS are often easily solved by a classified a4 CLASSIFIED RATES and RULES • _ Advertisements will be accepted over tbs telephone from telephone subscribers, or from those having regular charge accounts. Other classified advertising must be ac companied oy cash. No advertising accepted on an "until .forbid" order. A specified number of Insertions must be given. The Herald reserves the right to place all advertisements under the proper classification, and reject J unclean or objectionable copy. Obituaries, resolutions, and cards! of tbanka will be taken at the reg ular classified rate. The publishers are not responsi ble for copy, omissions, typograph ical error or any unintentional er ror that may occur, farther than to correct in the next Issue after It is bro'ight to their attention. All ad vertising orders are accepted on this basis only. Telephone No. 8 and dictate your advertisement to an experienced classified writer. To insure publication same day copy should be presented not later than 10:30 a. m. Copy tor Sunday issues should be In not later than 1:30 p. m. Saturdays to insure proper classification. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 words cr less, one in sertlon 30c Over 20 words, one Insertion. per word .Hie Subsequent insertions run con secutively. per word. lc By month, per word.25c Minimum for monthly rate. 10 words. No classified advertisement ac cepted for less than.30c LOCAL READER RATES Readers, per count line. 20c— Per Inch ...8150 Second and third days. 17c imr line; fourth, fifth and sixth days. 15c per line; 7 consecutive days. 15c per line. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE Cafe doing good busi ness; good location; long lease; reason; have other interests to look ^fter. . Price rea sonable; terms if de sired. The Ideal Sandwich Shoppe Next to Postoffice Phone 264 San Benito, Texas WHY NOT OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS1 We will start tny responsible wide awake man or woman who has a small j CASH capital In one of our NATIONALLY ADVERTISED CHAIN TRIPLE XXX THIRST STATIONS We extend Ube&l credit and furnish evervthlng; a pleasaru fascinating bm inws with PROFITS that will astonish you Will also increase BUSINESS and PROFITS in any well located SAND WICH SHOP. Only a few good loca tions !«-ft In the Valley. Call or write i Mr Shaw, at Cameron Hotel. Browns ville, Texas, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. R-180 FfiTABLISHED BUSINESS needs man to help. More business than one per son can handle Small monev Invest ment win handle Big returns. P O. Box 282. Brownsville. -- ■ ■" - , ——.I ■ MISCELLANEOUS YOUR OFFICE will be complete with ' a New •Silent" 8 L. C. Smith tvpe writer. Davenport Typewriter Ex change. temporary location Cromack Bldg, on 11th. R-194 ) ARTICLES FOR SALE ONE VICTOR and one Edison phono- ' graph, slightly used; terms. *5 Qp month. ! Phone 8C8-M. or P O Box 5«2 Browns ville. F. D. Hambly. R-43 GOOD USED piano: easy tetris Phone 868-M. or P. O. Box 5C2. Brownsville. F. D. Hambly. R-44 FOR SALE—One Farmall and one 10-20 | McCormlck-Deerlng tractor, both thor oughly reconditioned, real bargain? ' See or call C. D. Fitzgerald. Interna- j tional Harvester Co. representative, ' Weslaco, phone 8004F31. Mercedes. R-174 , BIO RETURNS from small Invest- i ments. That # what you get from j classified advertising. MAHOOANY bedroom suite; vgnltv ! dresser with full length mirror. Call 1008-J, R-189 FOR SALE—7-ft. electric sign for gar age and filling station. Very reason able price. Phone 930. R-102 j CLASSIFIED ADS bring wants and of- | fers together. BRIGHT CANE HAY for sale; $17 00 per ton. delivered J. B Kee. 1523 W Elizabeth street. Phone 1393-W. WHEN MARKETING a new product rrjjf tisei ss «! R *5s • SqJ‘s»wr* Canvassers. Agents" column of tbe Classified Section is well worth .while. NEW SINGER electric tewing machine wa wa*. «.* w katls.’n. R-ilf. care Herald. R-118 WE HAVE TWO PIANOS and two play er pianos In storage at Brownsville , taken from customers for non-pay- i meat. Will sell at sacrifice. Address I O. H. Jackson. 905 Elm street. Dallas. R-150 WHEN YOU'RE quite sure what you want, but don't have an Idea where to get It—turn to the classified ads and find out! SOME WONDERFUL BARGAINS In used typewriters—*11 makes. Prices right. Davenport Typewriter Exchange, temporary location. Cromack Bldg . on 11th street._ R.194 FOR 6ALE—Gas coll hot water heater »nd storage tank with fittings 311 St. Charles St.. Brownsville. R-33 REAL ESTATE PLENTY OF HELP of the right kind Is listed in the "Situations Wanted" columns of the Classified Section. For Sub-Division 160 Acres ■ Located 4 blocks from the high school and closer to Brownsville than the exclusive Los Ebanos Subdivision. Winding resaca run ning through property offering natural lake front sites for sub division. This property is for sale by owners a-»d can be bought at a very attractive price Henson-Lo max A Houston and Brownsv.lle Development Co. AN AUTOMOBILE la not so hard to buy if you watch for the bargains of- j fered In the "Automotive" c«'"*nns of I the Classified Section, REAL ESTATE INVESTIGATE SUMMIT PLACE THEN INVEST In Brownsville’s new business and residential sub-division, located on 13th and 14th streets, one mile from Gateway Bridge, on the main thorough fare leading to the proposed ship channel, municipal air port. rich farming district of El Jardin. and Boca Chlca Beach. Easy terms. Ten per cent down, balance 5 years to pay. Jess* Dennett. phone427. Brownsville, Texas. Furnished and Unfurnished Houses For Rent 14 7 acre farm ready for cultiva tion; 400 feet from concrete high way; will sell or trade for city property. Fully equipped grocery store and meat market: best location tn city; no competition. E A MONSEES REALTOR Phone 841. Brownsville. R-155 _FARMS FOR SALE MANY AMBITIOUS and energetic workers will respond to an ad in the “Help Wanted" column. 300 Acres Cleared Situated within six blocks of the El Jardin Hotel. This property offers a wonde r f u 1 opportunity for an in dustrial sub-division or for small acreage sub division for grapefruit. Considered the highest spot in Brownsville. For sale by OWNER at $600.00 per acre. Price and terms to suit. Re lease clauses on either lots or acreage. Henson Lomax-Hous t o n and Brownsville Develop ment Co., Brownsville, Texas. SOME exceptional good buy6 tn citrus land in Cameron and Hidalgo counties. Some with citrus groves, already bear ing. Can be bought at bargain or rea sonable terms. F. W. Howard, phone 10g0 _ R-140 FOR SALE 1355 acres good farm land in Wilson county; 600 acres cleared in cultiva tion; 700 acres hog-proof fence; 1700 acres agricultural land, one 10-room house, five tenant houses, four rooms each; one tour-stand Munger gin; one 60x80 two-story barn, concrete floor; nine wells, one flowing This land is well worth fifty-five dollars per acre. What will you give? Will trade for hardware and lumber yard. Might sell for cash F W Howard. Brownsville. Texas Phone 1090. R-163 ATTENTION. BARGAIN HUNTERS—5 acres good land adjoining airport Must be sold to close estate Best offer gets It. For particulars address Box R-192 Herald. R-192 _HOl'SES FOR SALE FOR SALE—Modern new home. 6 rooms, bath. Lot water, garage; cor ner Levee and 10th street. West Brownsville. Small down payment balance like rent. T. Aziz, phone 502 « 694. P-133 OPPORTUNITIES flock together >n the classlflde pager. FOR SALE One seven-room house, one-half block from high school. I4ou:e two years old. On Adams, between First and Palm Blvd. Lot fifty by one hundred twenty feet. Modern in every way. One thou sand cash will handle thts place. Phone 1090 or write F. W. HOWARD Q-235 BUY OR EXCHANGE WILL TRADE Minnesota Income prop erty for Rio Grande Valley land from owners What have you? D. R. M Box 166. Bird Island. Minn. R-175 LAND FOR RENT IRRIGATED FARM FOR RENT—The best 800-acre irrigated farm In the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas on the river. Electrically driven private pumping plant. Concrete lined ditch. Sufficient living quarters. Everything modem now betng installed. Shipping station adjacent; 700 acres free grazing adjoining. New r:c£ soil which will growing anything. Ideal for anyone capable of handling such a large prop ofitton. Address owner. Harry Landa. Smith-Young Tower. San Antonio Tfxav’R-178 RENTALS F°R RENT—Stora rooms in 8tegman bui.dlng. Bert Cromack. M-56 _APARTMENTS ALONSO APARTMENTS—Nicely fur nished. Corner . Sixth and Levee Phene 839. P-203 FURNISHED APARTMENTS—W a t e r. llgbta and gaa furnished. Phone 55. __ Piea CONLEY APARTMENTS—Cool.And all conveniences. 357 W. Levee or phone B4,R-_ Q-214 A SPECIAL type of car can often be obtained through a “Wanted—Automo tlve” ad In the Classified Section. FOR RENT—Three-room apartment Also bedroom and living room. Con necting bath. Garage. Phone 242. _ R-141 DAILY READING of the Classified Section means dally savings. VERY COOL 2-room south apartment with gas. garage free. 825. Telephone 946-W. Q-21 MAY DAY APARTMENTS—Cool A new. modem, well located. Completely fur nished including zerozone. gas. garage Summer rates. 121 Washington. Phone Q-168 APARTMENT for rent on paved street. Lights, water end gas furnished. AU conveniences. Phone 429 0-275 FOR THE COOLEST, most desirable apartment In town, phone 558. Q-95 COOL furnished apartment, garage. t25. 1248 W. Washington. Phone 820-J. R-157 APARTMENTS FOR RENT—Neatly furnished modern 5-room house, double parage. Sum mer rates. Phone 1285-M. R-187 FURNISHED ROOMS ROOMS, one o:ock rrom postoffice one block from El Jardlu notel; large, southern exposure; reasonable. Phone 1226-W or 1317. M-215 ROOMS AND APTS.—Reasonable rates. Olenwood Hotel. Phone 619. P118 j COOL FURNISHED ROOMS two blocks from pcstofflee. Also furnished apart ment. 1005 St. Charles. Phone 1340-W. _ Q-216 ROOMS AND APARTMENTS—-Reason able rates. Olenwood Hotel. Phone 619 ____ P-118 BUYERS FOR what you have to sell are many. A classified ad will con nect the wlree. COOLEST ROOMS m town; 2 blocks of postofflce. 912 Levee. Q-243 FOR RENT—Nice cool bedroom ad jo.n ng bath. Reasonable and close in Gentlemen preferred. 622 St. Charles ‘ Ph0n* 658- R-68 BEDROOM in private famll>; $2.50 per week. 904 Adams street. R-120 FOR RENT—Well-furnished room in pood neighborhood, private home. 233 bt. Charles. Phone 1307-W,_R-170 I LOVELY furnished cool room la private i family. Close la. Phone 918-W. ___ R-177 NICE COOL south bedroom, board if desired; 3-:oom apartment, with pn “T7 a Collins, 132 VV. Levee, phone 181. R-182 h(mhi«5LL, nfw 5-room modern brick {?*«£, WS'A r?.i; wEr “™“- "“"Vm __ HOUSES DELIGHTFULLY cool 5-room house sleeping porch, shower bath, garage, fenced yard; gas range and Ice box WU1, rent e!»tlrely fuimsh unfurnished. Reasonable rent. Apply corner W. 9th and Fronton - R-176 1 i rrn^!S'ISHED GARAOE HOUSE for Oorfm.n Apt, gMcra. Good bGibborbooS Pb", __ R-188 , K. of C. Meet Will Draw Crowds From All Over America MILWAUKEE, June 22 _(&)_• 25 000 councils of he Knights of Columbus will attend -he supreme convention of that fra t?;jnal organization here in August 1 Vu s J>0^''• composed cf laymen of the Catholic church, was started less than so years ago by 10 men of New’ Haven. Conn., head»d bv a young parish priest, the Rev. Mi cnael J. McGivney. Now its coun cils are dotted from the Philippines to Alaska with a mcmb°rshin cf 650.000 in the United States and its possessions. Founded primarily as a fraternal benefit society, the Knitrht of Co i iumbus has outgrown such a re striction and has become known icr 4 '*"***" hu.d aid given disaster relief movements. Principally, its aims are the edu cation of Americans, developmc it i boyhood and care for its ‘mem hers. More than $250.000 00 is car- I ried in the mortuary reserve fund end a considerable fund is spent each year in providing correspm dence courses to adults and chil dren. INDIAN FORCEDFROM RACE BY INJURIES PECOS. Texas, June 22.—<JP\—A strained tendon today forced An drew’ Chimoni. Zuni Indian, to for feit his scheduled 100-mi!e race against a horse at the Pecos rodeo. After running 20 miles Chimoni' ! stopped. The horse. “General” had covered 35 miles Nikotinl. another Zuni Indian however, was to attempt to regain ; laurels for his tribe by racing an | other horse late today, the horse to run 27 miles against 20 for Nik 2-YEAR CELEBRATION PLANNED FOR VIRGIL NEW YORK. June 22—UP_Pub lius Virgilius Maro. whose Aeneid ' is considered by scholars to be one of the most beautiful poems ever written, will have the two-thou sandths anniversary of his bsth celebrated in elaborate fashion. Members of the American Class ical league, composed of leading scholars of the country, are back ing a two-year celebration of Vir gili3n prose and verse, in 1930-31. Among the prominent men and women interested in this movement are Dr. Edwin A. Alderman, presi dent. the University of Virginia; Mrs. Calvin Coolidge. Prof. William Lyon Phelps of Yale university, and Kenneth M. Sills, president, Bow doin college. The ‘ Billenium Virgilianum” will be chiefly educational in character, with magazines and newspapers giv ing space to extracts from the poet's writings. 1 Intentions Filed j Two notices of intention to wed were filed Friday afternoon as fol lows: Guadalupe Guerrero. Mercedes, and Vicente Silva. Harlingen. Gaspara Hernandez of El Carmen, ard David Naranja of Los Anaquaa, None had been filed at noon Sat urday. MARRIAGE LICENSES No marriage licenses had been is sued at noon Saturday and only one issued Friday afternoon. It went to Uvence Maldonado and Anita Ro driguez. REPORT HUGE BANK MERGER IS PLANNED NEW YORK. June 22—♦J*'—The latest bit of Wall Street gossip con cerning reported bank mergers to day had the Bank of America and the Chatham Phenix National bank considering plans for a consolida tion of those institutions, with tc al resources of about $800,000,000. Officials of neither bank would discuss the reports ACCIDENT VICTIMS RETURN TO HOME • Soectal to The Herald* HARLINGEN. June 22—The three Bishop people who were In the hospital h°re for a short time as a result of an accident have re turned horn?. They are Misses Martha Kv!e. Edith Cartwright, and their uncle. J. E Barnett. HARLINGEN LEGION PLANS SMOKER SOON (Special to The Herald* HARLINGEN. June 22.—Plans for a smoker on the night of June 23 are be'ng worked ouf by the lo cal American legion post. The smrker will be held In the legion ha!!. LOANS On Residence and Busi ness Property Easy Terms Reasonable Rates Frompt Service Todd& Underwood 1057 Levee Street Brownsville, Texas Unquestioned Re liability! Cars! Greatest Values ever of f e r e d to quick buyers. 7|. 27 Willys Knight 20 Ranger Truck 28 Whippet Roadster 23 Chrysler Roadster 27 Dodge Sedan 28 Dodge Sedan oa n j -r 27 Chrysler 80 Sedan 26 Dodge Touring _ . _ , , _ ‘ 27 Dodge Touring j 24 Dodge 4-Pas.. Coup. 27 Chevrolet Landau 27 Chevrolet Coupe Sedan 26 Chevrolet Sedan 26 Dcdge Coupe 26 Dodge Coup** 25 Ford Coupe 20 Cadillac Roadstc 24 Dodge Touring 26 Dodge Sedan 28 Dodge Coupe _I l m