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**^~^~~Tir—i—— i .!■ mi othpim miw■———TUI-nram ^ttot—■—-————mr—l-I-n l—IHT^— 1!-< J j Brownsville Club jL^ij Phone Number Q * ’ T? **T Phone Number ILjJj Society NeiZ>S jfo | lj and Social Activities jj** i! Seven . . All A X Seven !: || and Events jj Merry Matrons Meet Tuesday The Merry Matrons bridge club will hold their next meeting at the home of Mrs. Henry Kemper in El Jardln July 2. Mrs. Joe Downs en tertained the club at the last meet ing. Three guests. Mrs. Frank Fischer of Point Isabel, Mrs. Beu lah Dt *„:'? of Terre Haute, Indiana, and Mrs. Neill? T. Kee of Browns ville. were present. • % • Club Showers Recent Bride Members of the Business and Pro fessional Woman's club surprised Mrs. Douglas Ireland, the latest bride among their numoer with a shower on Thursday evening. About twenty members met at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mis. G. W. Rogers, bringing her many Jjeautiful gifts. She was also presented with a hand-painted tea set as a gift from the club. The evening was spent socially, and a refreshment course enjoyed. Mrs. Ireland was before her re cent marriage. Miss Molly Rogers. 8he has been quite active in the Business and Professional Woman's club here, and served as secretary for the past year. • • • lYoung People Attend Conference A party of five representatives from the Young Peoples society of the local Presbyterian church are in Kerrville attending the annual young people's conference being held there. The group includes Barbara Bigelow, Mary Margaret Rowe, Olin Weller, Sam Lesser, and the chap erone. Miss Frances Shlvcs, super intendent of religious education here. They left on Tuesday, and expect to remain there about ten days. • • • Pink, Green, Color Scheme of Party The lavish use of pink flowers, zinnias, oleanders and rases, com bined with the green of fern, made Mrs. Nelle T. Kee's apartment on West Elizabeth a charming setting Thursday afternoon, when she en-j tertained El Jardln Bridge club. Three tables of bridge were made j up with the club members and five ' guests, Mesdames G. W. Moothart.1 8 W. Brewer. C. W. Dennis. Lar son. and R J. Bingham. Trophies j for high score were awarded to Mrs I Moothart among the guests, and j Mrs. A. E. Harper for the club ! Mrs H. Kemper received the con- ! eolation The feature of the floral decora tions was a huge floor basket filled with pink roses and fern, and tied with a fluffy maline bow. The pink and green color scheme ap peared in the refreshments rnd the confections placed on th*> ta bles. as well as the gifts. The club meets with Mrs. Kem per on July 11.* • • • Comings, Goings, Of Local People Mr and Mrs Carl McDavitt and eon. Tom. of Twin Falls. Idaho, are here visiting Mr. McDavitt s broth ers. J. K and E. M McDavitt They arrived Thursday, and expect to re main for several weeks Billie George la spending a w eek in San Antonio. Mrs. W. E. Heaner returned Thursday from Houston. Mrs S. E. King, of Kansas City, | is here as the guest of her grand- i daughter. Mrs Jimmy George Mrs H B. Parker and children, of San Antonio, are visiting Mrs Parker's parents, Mr. and Mrs Mar shal] White Mrs A T. McDonough Is here visiting Mrs. D. A. OBrien Her home is In Beaumont. Miss Elizabeth Rowe is spending if -- - *Tis Summer, \ the Undies are Gav •/ • ! We are featuring a new col lection of dainty underwear in colorful printed materials in cluding crepes, georgettes, voiles, and batistes. ; Robes Gowns Step-ins Teds Pajamas Priced j t° I Suit I -.--- ——1 EVERY BRIDE WISHES ORIGINAL WEDDING DRESS -« 1 - Sunday with Miss Eugenia Epp wright in Mission. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Gay, Jr. left early Sunday morning by motor for the Davis mountains, where they will spend a six-weeks vacation. Mrs. Robin Pate is expected home the first of the week from Austin, where she has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Yett, who will return with her. Mrs. Elodia Monroe, of Rio Grande City, spent the week here with her daughter, Mrs. Miguel Garcia. Mrs. J. J. Young visited Mrs Raymond Palmer in Rio Grande City the past week. Mrs. Falmer is her daughter. The Rev. and Mrs. F P Day and family spent the week on Padre Island. Mr. and Mrs. Harbert Davenport have left for Galveston, where they will take a Mallory line steamer for New York. They will visit Havana en route. They expect to be away for about three weeks. HARLINGEN Gt'EST HONORED Mrs. Will C. Jones entertained with a morning bridge party hon- j orine Miss Louise Davidson of Fort Worth, who is visiting her sister Mrs. David Wink. Friday morning; at her apartment on Monroe street Varl-colored blossoms throughout the rooms, where two tables of players gathered for the morning's| diversion. Miss Helen Hoskins rereived a, blue-bonnet picture for high score Miss Georgia Traxler was second high and was given a dainty hand kerchief. and the honoree was pre-j sented with a piece of dainty ltn-1 gerie. i At noon the hostess served a de-, lictous two-course luncheon to eight guests. • • • 1,0* XM1C.OS DANCE Members of the Los Amigos club entertained with a danee at the Stonewall Jarkson hotel in San Be nito Thursday in honor of the col- j lege students that have returned home to spend the summer. Eddie Weiners jazz orchestra "" .--JTI ^ furnished the music. Fifty couples | enjoyed this delightful hospitality. • * • THEATER PARTY Mrs. M. A. Rose entertained with a theater party Thursday evening honoring Dorothy Koepp and Miss Sarah Coston of Miami. Fla., who are visiting Miss Mary Hale Coston. After the show the party was serv j ed with a delicious salad course at i the home of the hostess on Van t Burcn street. • • • LARGE BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. Fred Flynn and Mrs. David Wink were Joint hostesses Thursday afternoon for a large bridge party given at the home of Mrs. Flynn. Shasta daisies mingled with fern arranged attractively in baskets and crystal bowls gave floral charm to the home. A yellow and green theme was also featured In the game table accessories. Beautiful Rook wood pottery was i presented to Mrs R M. Loving for I high, and Mrs. Charles F. Thornton for second high. Mrs. Sam B. Wil lis received a box of stationery for low. A delicious salad and sweet course was served to 36 guests. • • • SEW-SO CLLB Mrs. Herman Watson was hostess to the Sew-So club at her home on East Madison street Wednesday afternoon. A movie star contest furnished the divresion for the afternoon. Mrs. Edcar Lear ’■ecened first prize and Mrs Roy Kas**ndick low nrize. after which delicious refreshments were served to ten guests. • • * WOMEN'S C l » B SOCIAL The Business and Professional Women's club held their rpgular monthly social Thursday night at the Woman’s buildmg. A delicious chicken dinner war served by the hostess of th" build ing. Mrs Rex rot li Each member answered roll call by telhnc where she would like best to travel, and why. A novel entertainment of choos ing vacation lands was the chief entertainment for the evening • « • PIERSON-LITTLE The marriage of Miss Thelma (’.rare Pierson of Ravniondville and Welton O. Little of Harlingen was solemnized Monday morning at id o'clock at the home of the hride's sister. Mrs, Rrv B Kellogg with Rev. I eslie A Boone, pastor of the First Methodist church of Rav mondvtlle officiating Only tb* immediate members of the two nmilies and a few close friends were present a Mho ceremonv. The decorations were summer flowers used in profusion nbo”t th home with ferns and baskets of roses forming an attar where 'P. marriage ceremony was held The br’de was charming in an cnsrmble of taupe, with hat and accessories to match. She carried a bouquet of pink rases. Miss Ruth Brown was the sole attendant to the bride and was dressed in a blue georgette with picture hat. to har monize. She carried a bouquet of roses. Mr Bob Baker of Hatlin een attended the bridegroom hs best man. After the ceremony a wedding bieakfast was served A twro-tipred wedding cake topped by a minia ture bride and groom was cut by the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Little left imme diately for points in New Mexico After June 30 they will hr a* honi" their many friends at the Horn Apartments in Harlingen •Mr Little is assistant manager -'f the J. C. Penney store of Har ngen • • • • FRIDGE FOR VISITOR* Mesdamcs Joe R Roberts and W. M Hundley were Joint hostesses Vcnday for a morning bridge party at the home of Mrs. Joe Roberts on Buchann street, honoring a ' number of visitors in Harlingen. Roses and daisies were used artt«- j tically in the decorations of this beautiful home. Mrs. Wimberly McLoud received high score and Mrs. Aubry Elliott and Miss Verda Jarrell of Belton, guests of Mrs. M. A. Childers and Mrs. Jack Carey; Mrs. J. P. O'Leary j of New Orleans, and Mrs. L. R. I Camobel! of Birmingham Ala guests of Mrs. S R. Jennings and Mrs. Frank B’rmwgham of Bastrop, the guest of Mrs. A. L. Brooks, and Mrs. B. C. Roberts, guest of Mrs. V. M. Bars were given dainty gifts. , A delicious two-ccurse luncheon I was served at the noon hour to 23 guests, • it PLAYERS HONORED The cast of the senior class play, “Betty’s Last Bet" were entertained ( with a dance Monday evening at ■ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tait. Miss Louise Ransdall, Miss Marguerite Riddley and Miss Mar io™ Tait of Milwaukee. Wis.. house guests of Mrs. Tait were special guests • • • SOCIAL MEETING The Presbyterian Auxiliary held their circle meetings at the follow ing home* Tuesday: Mrs. David Win;:. Mrs. T. J. Sidener and Mrs. G O. Alexander. Those in charge were Mrs. E. T. Neary. Mrs. J W. Griffin. Mrs. Patton. Mrs. Fred Scroggins and Msr J. T. Traylor Each hostess served riaintv re freshments. • • • FRIDGE TARTY ; Mr and Mrs. K. I. Dague enter tained with a bridge party Tues day evening at their home on East Monroe street. Baskets of summer flowers adorn , r<1 the rooms where three tables of plavers were gathered. Mrs, H. H. Schanders received high score prize for the women and Mr. Ro’and Rader for the men. A swee* roiir.-e was served to 12 guests. • • • YACHTING PARTY Miss Cleo McLeod entertained ■ with a yachting party in honor of Miss Virginia Gaddis of Pleasant Hill, La, guest of Misses Vonme Mae and Virginia Perry. The party sailer! on the yacht Egret.” cruising in the gulf, later geing to Padre is’and where swim i-1 NO BUTTER. GUESTS DUE! T 3HE (suddenly finds that she has no butter dinner guests INEXPENSIVE expected any minute. If she had Ha telephone she could call her husband and have him bring it COM h MLNT home. 4 But she has no phone so she will have to depend on her nti »RY neighbor.*.To be without a tele || phone is unnecessary. The cost is small.) Let us install one for you today.' * EVERY HOME NEEDS A TELEPHONE 9 \KT)£ VALLEY TELEPHONE C& E. E. MOCKBEE. Manager ■ I mlng and dancing was enjoyed, fol lowed by a delicious picnic supper Those enjoying this outing were Misses Virginia Gaddis, Cleo Mc Leod, Vonnie Mae Perry. Essie Mc Leod. Virginia Perry and Pegg/ Ewing, Messrs Bruce Wailey. Dean Baer, Jim Murphy, Less McLeod. Maurice Protho and Warren Brown. Mesdames C. P. Perry and L. B. Ewin. m m m GUESTS HONORED Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ramsey hon ored Miss Henrietta Brackett and Miss Lousdith Mosley of Waco, v.ith a picnic supper and swimn:‘ng party at the Cascade pool at Mc Allen Tuesday evening. About 20 guests enjoyed this hos pitality. / • • • HONOR VISITORS Miss Dorothy Koepp and Miss Sarah Coston of Miami, Fla., who are visiting Miss Sarah Hale Cos ton. were honored by a number of friends with a weinie roast at Camp Perry Tuesday evening. After a delicious supper, which was cooked at the camp dancing and games were enjoyed by 15 guests. • • • LARGE BRIDGE TARTY Mrs. A. H. Weller. Mrs. C. W. Letzerich and daughter Miss Vera Letzerich were Joint hostesses for a 28 table bridge party and twn tables of tea guests at the Woman’s building Wednesday afternoon. The spacious club room was turned into a flower garden by tt>9 use of pink radiance roses and fern sprays. The mantle of the large fireplace was banked with roses and fern and with the use of hanging wall baskets of the chosen flower hung at vantage points about the room made an at tractive background for the occa sion. Mrs. F. T. Neary was presented a purse in the pastel shades for high score. Mrs. G. W. Springer re ceived a string of sun bum pearls for second high and Miss Paul Col bert of El Paso, sister of Mrs. Pope Blythe, received a dainty evening handkerchief for low. Mrs. F. G. Scott won high cut among the tea guests and was presented with a pair of hose. A delic'ous salad and sweet course was served to 120 guests. ass SWIMMING PARTY Miss Mary Hale Coston enter tained with a swimming party Wednesday evening at the Cascade pool in McAllen honoring Miss Sarah Coston and Miss Dorothy Koepp of Miami. 71a After a delightful swim the party motored to Mexico and had dinner, i Those enjoying this outing were ! Mrs. Earl Rambo and son. Earl. | Mr. and Mrs H. Hickox. Miss Sarah Coston. Miss Ecepp. Mr. Goddard j and the hostess. • • • PERSONALS Miss Louise Davidson of Fort Worth is the guest of her sister. Mrs. i David Wink, for the week Misses Mattie and Jennie Case are in Nashville. Tenn, attending Peabodv college. Mr. W H. Burk returned Wed nesday n4eht from a business and pleasure trip to Alabama, and Ten nessee Father Delfino Mon jo. who has been assistant pastor of the Cath olic church in Harlingen has been transferred to 8pain. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Van Pelt are entertaining Mr. and Mrs T. A Lamberson and Mrs. L. O. Richards Mrs. Houston Watkins of Royce City this week. Miss Margaret Owens of V/axa —— ■ ■ —— ——i mum ^b——— ....-..tI I j Calendar For The" Week Monday Methodist missionary society social meeting at the church. 3:30 p. m., Mesdames C. N. Hill, W. Y. Worley. W. R. Jones, J. J. Kemmy, and Hugh Willbanks as hostesses. Ladies’ Aid of the Central Christian church meets at the church parlors, 3:00 p. m. for business and social session. Called meeting of the Public Health Nursing as sociation. at the city hall. 9:30 a. m. to meet with Miss Campbell, of the state tubercular bureau. Tuesday Rebekahs meet at I. (). (). F. hall, g:00 p. m. Wednesday Just-Sew with Mrs. H. R. McKay. Wednesday bridge, Mrs. W. E. Heancr. Business and Professional Woman’s club luncheon. hachie is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barrett. Mrs. F. E. Fulgham has as her guest for the week Mr. and Mrs. F. Hertz of Yoakum. Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jenkins re turned to their home in Ohio after spending the winter in Harlingen. Miss Dorothy Koepp and Miss Sarah Coston of Miami. Fla., are guests of Miss Mary Hayee Coston for the week. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Duckett. Jr., I left Thursday night for Temple. Texas, where they will reside in the future. Miss Laura* Crow who has been visiting Mr and Mrs. T. H. Duckett. Jr., has returned to her home in Dallas. Miss Paul Colbert of El Paso is spending the summer with her sis ter. Mrs. Pope Blythe. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Sherwood and Mr. and Mrs. Meadows attended the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Phillips* 2-year-old son which was held in Browasville Wednesday aft ernoon. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Shafer of Johnsotwn. Pa., arrived in Harlin gen Monday where they will reside in the future. Mr. and Mrs. George BIcsenger and Mrs. Samuel Dolon of Johns town. Pa . arc visiting In Harlingen. Jack Pickens returned Thursday morning from Dallas Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Darbv of Penn sylvania are visiting in the Valley.' Mrs. H. R. Bass, who has been visiting her daughter. Mrs. Jack McFarland returned Saturday night to her home in Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Dennis left Saturday night for Chicago on a pleasure trip. Miss Marion Tait of Milwaukee who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs Roy Tait left Thursdav for her home. Mr. and Mrs B F. Johnson, who moved to Harlingen last week, are located on East Tyler. Mr and Mrs Tom Merrell left Friday for Houston for a short stay. Mrs. Dorothy Koepp and Miss Sarah Coston. who have been vis itin'* in Harlingen the past week returned to New Orleans Friday E M. Briggs left for the east on business Thursday night. Good boys get a break in Nevada Th-' site university is offering a scholarship to som" chap who neither smokes nor drinks and can make a passing grade. pio GRANDE CITY WEDNESDAY BRIDGE Mrs. W. W. Shuford wax hostess to the members of the Wednesday Bridge club at her home Wednes day afternoon. Three tables of players were present and Mrs. Harold Smith was winner of high score. Virgil N. Lott held second high. The guests were: Mesdames W. Venerable. Lawrence R. Brooks. Harry Hall. F. B. Mason. John A. Pope. Virgil N. Lott. George B Marsh. C. J. Martin. Haiold Smith. Harvey Stiles. Misses Shirlev Brooks and Alicia Solis. • • • • FAREWELL DANCE As a farewell compliment to Cap tain and Mrs. Mott Ramsey, and Lieutenant and Mrs. Carl A Raguse, Major and Mrs. H. E. Taylor enter tained with an informal at their quarters Saturday evening. The honorees were entertained at dinner and all officers and ladies of the post Joined the party later. Among those present were: Cap tain and Mrs. C. W Robertson. Cap tain and Mrs. F M. Fickett. Captain and Mrs Rossiter Garitv. Captain and Mrs. H E. Kid well. Lieutenant and Mrs Flavmond Palmer. Caotain Shumaker. Captain A Olson. Lieu tenant Finnegan. Colonel Stanley Koch. Mr and Mrs. L B. Caruth ers. Jr. • • • DANCE HOSTESS Miss Frances Ouerra was hostess to a large group of young folks Tuesday evening, the guests being entertained on the tennis court al the Guerra home. Dancing proved the diversion of the evening Among those present were: Mrs. F. L. Kain. Miss Mable Kain. Dr and Mrs. C. J. Martin. Noe Guerra. Misses Alicia Solis. Emma. Sylvia and Leah Solis. Es tella and Elsie Margo. Enoe. Ro sa ura and Isabelle Guerra. Celia and Estella Perez. Ernestina and Luisa Perez. Dora Hinojosa. Clover Jean Martin. Panchtta Gonzales. Delia Munoz. Consuelo Munoz. Lucy Larralde and Eva Hinojosa; Messrs Noe Hinoiasa. Manuel Alfonzo Ouerra of Roma. Dan Shuford. Fred Celaya of Brownsville. Joe Sanchez. Rodolfo and Raul Valle. Rodolfo Sa lmas. Raul Guerra of McAllen. Bob r.nd Rufino Margo. Leonel Guzman. Oscar Gonzales. Toraldo Perez, Adan Mendoza and Billy Martin. • • • BRIDGE LUNCHEONS Mrs. Lawrence R. Brooks ai d daughters. Misses Shirley and Robin Brooks entertained with a series of two bridge luncheons, on Thursday and Friday morning of this week On Thursday, they complimented Mrs. H. E. Tay’or of Fort Ringgold, and the guests were: Mesdames Walter Hamilton. Mott Ramsey. E. M Ftckett. Rossiter Garity. H. L. Kldwell, Carl A. Raguse, Raymond Palmer. E. Owen Scott. Sarah E Johnson. F B Mason. George B { Marsh. High score prize was wor by Mrs Carl A. Raguse. cut prize bj ' Mrs. H. L. Kldwell and consolation t by Mrs Mott Ramsey. The honore* was presented with a lovely gift On Friday the guests were: Me» j dames C. J. Martin. Harold SmitH ; W W Shuford. Harrv Hall. Oeora B Marsh. Fred D. Guerra. L. 1 I Caruthers. Jr.. Mary H. Edgerter B. C King. John A Pope. Jr.. Virg; N. Lott. Coder. W Venerable, Hac vey Stiles. • • • ON VAC AU ION Captain and Mrs. Walter F Hari* j ilton and little son. Walter, an Mite Mabel Nicholson will leal i July I. for Georgia, where they wf visit. Caotain Hamilton will have month's leave and they will vis. with Mrs Hamilton's parents duriil l that time. Miss Nicholson, wh spent the winter In Fort Ringgcl j and Mission will be with her fan ily for the remainder of the summ* i but plans to return to the Valiev i September and resume her ieachiri ! in Mission. J 1 • • • ON LEAVE Lieutenant and Mrs Carl A. Raguse and children will leave to. ; morrow on two month's leave anf in September Lieutenant Rmfus will report at Fort Rilev. Kama I for the cavalrv school. Lieutenar ! and Mrs Raguse have been popult ' in the army and civilian circles ai will be greatly missed when thi leave. • • • PERSONALS Mrs. Elodia Monroe Is visiting Y daughter. Mrs. Miguel Garcia Brownsville this week. Lieutenant Barilla of Fort Br< who has been on shooting de left Thursdav for Tacoma. Was! ton. where he will spend his 1 after which he will report to Rilev. Kansas Colonel Koch of Fort Brown a visitor in Fort Ringgold Sio 1 and Mondav. Mr. and Mrs Ben Brittain Mrs Brittain's sister. Mr* Wl of Philadelphia, were guest* of and Mrs L. B Caruthers. Wed dav. Mr and Mrs Ed Fultor Brownsville were guests Wednr of Mr. and Mrs. E Owen Scou .A> Mrs. J. J. Youne of Brown, and Mrs Corinna Keen were g\ this week of Lieutenant and Ravmord Palmer. Miss Rosita Hinojosa of New | leans. La., Is the guest of relat here and Is the house guest » week of Mrs. Zenaida Hinoiosa. Lieutenant and Mrs Rayir Palmer had as their guests for ner Mondav evening. Cantam Mr< Mott Ramsev and Lieuter pnd Mrs. Carl A Raguse. A fund of $100 00 will be use start a colony in Palestine for Ti ' Zionists. rl ake the Elevator to the Floor of Fashion Continuing Our ^25 MIDSUMMER CLEARANCE J \ We still have some beautiful models ft in dresses and ensembles—smartly styled summer wear at low prices —ideal for vacation and sports wear. Printed crepe, solid and printed Yo San Crepe, all silk rajahs A AC —values to $18.50.dlU.jJ Ensembles, woolen coats, printed . crepe sport frocks, afternoon dress * es in georgette and chif- <£1 J QC fon, values to $25, now .. jd Light colored printed chiffon and georgettes for afternoon . . . en sembles . . . sport frocks . . . val ues to $29.50 .... tic cn now .....<J10.DU # I Summer Millinery Clearance In our millinery department we are offcr EL ing our entire stock of chic summer hats EL. prices reduced one-half and less ... no sparing of models ... all are good .. . Ef your chance to buy just the one to go with gp" your sport outfit or afternoon frock. ©1 'dfalDepciuiai&^Wlft j SINCE 1878